Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,651 through 5,700 (of 16,657 total)

  • Purple, that sounds really good. I make pizza dough and freeze it in 200 calorie portions. Friday night used to be pizza night and when I decided I was going to lose weight I didn’t want to miss out but the pizzas I bought had 1200 calories, so I decided to make my own. They are pretty good if I say so myself. I have home made tomato sauce in the freezer too. I prefer my pizza covered in veggies with some olives and cheese, so I put whatever I have on them. They are probably 500 calories maximum and tastier than those I used to buy in the supermarket.
    I don’t eat pizza every week any more but when I do I always enjoy it!

    Amazon, I prefer veg too, but had to use the ham 🙁
    I made masses of tomato relish for Christmas and just a minute ago divided it into little pots and put in the freezer.
    We also tried using our lidded bbq at home as a pizza oven (cooler in summer). Put a ceramic tile (special industrial ones OH used to sell) and heated it to 200C. Sat the pizza on a metal tray, raised above the stone by 3 egg rings and when it was melting, transferred it to the stone to crispen. Worked like a gem, but only 1 at a time. P

    Hi there fellow Apricot lovers

    2nd Battle of the Cockatoo in Apricot Tree happened at 8 am this morning. The cockatoo was very sneaky, no screeching to its mates this time. 🙄 I was hanging out second load of washing (visitors all gone yesterday) and looked sideways to see flutter of huge white wings. So picked another 5 kg of apricots. The cocky waited until I finished hanging out the washing, then waited while I spent at least 10 minutes picking fruit before flying off. Now I expect that he may drop a load on the washing in his fly by 😆

    Should I pick the rest of the fruit even though they don’t look as ripe on the outside? The tree is still netted.

    Cheers, all. Bay 🙂

    Thanks Purple, I’m looking forward to trying them – I’ve been wanting to try a fast day Chicken Korma recipe but I like lots of rice, so this sounds as though it will fit the bill. Thanks also for the pizza idea. That’s definitely another one to try!

    Morning all!

    Bay sounds like you need a scarecrow, just for a few days! If the weather is warm it shouldn’t take too long for the rest to ripen. Set your husband the challenge of making one, maybe motorised with speakers to really frighten the bugger off!

    I am thinking of delaying breakfast this morning as going shopping for bathers and am sure to need some food compensation afterwards BUT reading about all these yummy pizzas is making me want pizza for breakfast!

    Sorry Nama 🙁

    Haha! Nama
    He would take up the challenge except he doesn’t like apricots. 🙄 can you imagine 😮 will let the fruit ripen on the tree. And drive the cockies mad. 😉

    Bay, that is a tricky one, but IMO apricots are best picked when they are ripe. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve bought them and they don’t ripen and/or don’t taste good. I don’t think they travel very well and we don’t grow them here 🙁

    I have a great memory of picking plums off the tree at my friends farm in the Clare valley, and eating them standing under the tree – delicious!

    That’s fine Purple, worth it for all the good pizza ideas. Thanks Amazon, that is clever to freeze dough in 200 cal batches. Will get my son onto that as he makes the dough!

    Bay how can your man not like apricots! At least that means there are more for you…

    Have just had a nice coffee and two Brazils only for breakfast, now to face my demon and try on some togs! Seriously considering water aerobics, just need something decent to wear! Don’t fall off your chair Jojo, it’s all your fault! And it would beat ironong in this heat!

    Third and final load of washing on line. Halo officially burnished 😉 Now to the floors. 🙄 after that apricot pudding which OH will eat.

    Nama, I love my garden too. This year the lavender, iceberg roses and hydrangeas have been especially beautiful. Must be the extra rain and warmth. We’ve also eaten rocket and tomatoes and herbs from the garden.

    Off to wash and cook apricots. A houseworkers job is never done. Hehe! Keeps me away from the fridge which is jam packed with naughties. Bay 🙂

    Good grief! If you didn’t know this was a fasting forum you’d never work it out from the conversations here. I’m now salivating at the thought of homemade pizza… Now going to bed hungry… Thanks!

    Hi All,
    I feel I should admit that I am allergic to housework that exceeds 2 hours per week, I certainly iron very little, definitely not bedding. Seriously I have neither the time nor the inclination.

    I do like flowers and gardening though when weather permits.

    I am seriously fed up that my pedometer says 6081 steps only considering it includes dog walking, ballroom fitness and 3 hours badminton – really ? It’s just not cricket!

    Smithy – I can do this because I have no responsibilities or obligations to anyone, first time since my childhood, I can recommend it. Don’t suppose it will last that long, before I know it grandchildren will be arriving. I didn’t like the zero rice but then I am not a big fan of normal rice. I love the noodles though, just bought 20 packs for £36.00. Anyone found them cheaper anywhere? I was getting them for £1.00 per pack last year.

    Amazon – planning to come up soon, let’s chat on Facebook. I am definitely up for the Japanese restaurant. I am cooking Japanese tomorrow night, first meal home made, wish me luck.

    PVE – what courses are you doing?
    I start running next week plus a new Rock choir. I am also doing Ballroom Dancing and Nordic Walking. Have you tried these?

    Zen means peaceful RT, thought you would approve of that word. I felt the same today after loads of exercise, a swim, Turkish bath then jacuzzi. Lounging on my sofa eating homemade chilli squash soup- just chilling with a good book- bliss.

    Keep fasting! Keep posting!

    Some of you are making me reconsider my goal now, that’s depressing, I was hoping that 10 stone would be quite low enough.

    Had to sweep outside for the cleaners coming 😉
    Jojo, I go to art and history lectures at the gallery, music recitals and have just enrolled in a watercolour course after trying landscapes while away. I’d love to do tap dancing! As I use public transport, I get lots of walking and running for trains as exercise.
    OH discovered an easy way to do more steps, Jojo…he was using a ratchet spanner to build the wine shelves and in no time had done 13000 “steps”!
    It’s a bit like my son mastering Wii bowling from an armchair as exercise! Cheers P

    Jojo the high goddess of wisdom and fast knowledge thanks heaps i do indeed approve much Zen to all 😉


    My ironing does not extend to bedding. 🙄 Lucky if I iron more than 40 minutes a week. The vacuuming and floor washing takes about 90 minutes, plus the bathrooms take another 30 minutes. I’ve never worked it out. But probably I total about 3 hours a week, plus sweeping up dog hair on a daily basis. 😉

    OH does all the window washing and outside sweeping, and pruning and weeding. I also prune, weed and mow lawns. I now do all of these tasks on my fast days, as the day goes faster. Hehe!

    Cheers, all, Bay

    PS. The Cocky came back at 11 am to see if I was guarding the patch. As soon as I opened the door, he was off. 😆

    They’re very smart birds and they have all day to plan their attack Bay 😉

    Good morning fast trackers.

    Wee, I second Purple’s instruction to take off your glasses and ignore the dust. On the other hand, I don’t usually wear mine and was appalled at the state of the loos when I did have them on. At least for that job and washing up have resolved to wear them.

    Purple, Neil Oliver? Now there’s a piece of thinking woman’s crumpet!

    Have to confess also hate ironing. What I don’t mind is pressing (sorry for misleading terminology yesterday) – flat stuff like pillowcases, table napkins and tea towels which IMO require sterilising. I set the press up on the kitchen bench and watch TV. Shirts, which are my favourite clothing item, live on hangers in the sewing room until I want to wear one. Sometimes OH does a few along with his (bless him) but otherwise no ironing for me.

    Fasting window just opened for me but will delay until lunch time as don’t feel too bad. As usual you’re right Purple, it does get easier.

    Keep up the good work everyone. n x

    Adding edit as I failed to read the last page of posts: Bay I adore apricots but OH can take them or leave them. At our daughter and SIL’s beach house there’s an old Moorpark, which IMO is the best cultivar, at least for SA conditions. (When I was a kid every garden had one.) They have to defend them from a new neighbour, not cockies so netting useless. Caught him in the act just before Christmas. He thought they were also poaching and tried to scare them off. He backed down when my daughter unlocked the front door!

    A very belated Happy New Year to all. I have been quite busy and haven’t been able to log on. There is so many pages of posts that I have no hope of reading it all lol. I am happy that I only put on 200gms over New Year considering what I ate. I went camping up in the Victorian High Country (Australia) and had a wonderful time. Very hot, but found a wonderful little waterfall to cool off in. Such a beautiful place, but could have done without the three snakes that decided to wander through our camp site.

    Nothing like a cool stream when camping in the Aussie bush. Well done on the weight control Keirra. Did you fast while away?
    Nicky, you’ll be pleased to know I’ve avoided eating all morning by ironing, sweeping outside and 4 loads of washing (rained on it, but who cares?). Oh, and booking a NY Apartment! Busyness is the road to skinniness. Purple

    Just checking in JoJo.

    Not able to fast this week due to my sugars.
    Disappointed , but safe. Still aiming at 2,000 exercise calories and 1,500 in calorie restriction.
    Just on fish and very low GI foods.

    I see youve moved to daily scale for monitoring , but have no longer getting emotional mood swings caused by scale up and downs. That’s a good place to be.

    Was going to post the links that explain the difference between health foods and weightloss foods.
    Basically knowing which health foods contain a lot natural sugars.

    Cucumber was thought to be warrior food in roman times. As it provide a gush of sugars, but is low in weight gain.
    I’m adding pickles to my menus on Fridays as they are only 10 calories ,but the vinegar is supposed to delay digestion for 10-20 minutes. Just a trial run on my first meal on Friday planned.
    Was in the loading trucks this week due to a quitter. Leaving me pressed into the loading duties on my rotation. I don’t hate it, but I feel lime I might reinjure my rotator cuff. After 23 years of minor chronic pain. I’ve regained some mobility and therapy movements to strengthen the compound movements involved with loading trucks. But sometimes it’s more about being bruttish with the thousands of boxes. I may just give it up, be ause the gains aren’t worth another chronic injury.

    My apologies for not reading all posts. Im very interested in hearing about your trial with 19/5 . As I’ve not come across anyone else who can tolerate it for long periods. Strange though how many multitudes can be just fine on 23/1 but struggle on 19/5 . I always lose clothing size on 19/5 no matter what the scales indicate.

    Finally gave in and went into a grocery.
    I needed the oat bran. Which is a style of oat meal. Only can get from One vender that doesn’t deliver it.
    Sorta been at the mercy of my sugars by my morning meals. The oat bran keeps me without spiking, elevated, but then as walk for four hours I don’t need more carb I take. As I’m trying to limit it to 1 meal a day prior to walking on the job.

    So I’m kind of wishy washy about it. I mean if I stay on the job I might get hurt, but if I leave I may not find anorther job with as much neat. The younger guys say I whine too much. I just think too myself when their beards turn as grey as mine they may whine too and be as lucky to be as active as I have become recently. However when I go to gym, the younger guys do take care of me helping me and spotting me correctly. The guys I’ve been buddying up with , we all focus on correctness of movements, rather than pride. I’m glad to have found some people that are more about being healthy than frivolous bragging about our feats of strengths. I got some some respect when . We staged a mock heart attack. And challenged the staff to be on their toes at all times with aed training. At first they were bait frustrated with it , but we bought them gift cards. For our appreciation we didn’t have to, I won’t strength train where there isn’t a trained staff on how to deal with sudden events of afib. It happens!

    Rambling again as I keep nodding off.
    Keep on JoJo. Keep on improving you’re situation no matter how small. Sometimes it’s the little things that add up to the difference between success or everything else!

    Smallest thing I ever did was buy a smally stability ball of 16 inches and keep it in bed . I do the hip and lower back stretches every time I lay down. It’s what got the ball rolling fir me when I was sedentary after the car accident. I keep it here still.

    Hi Samm
    I’m curious. Do you get high or low bloodsugar levels? Type 2 or tyoe 1 diabetes?
    My OH has to fast all day if his bs goes up. That is how he controls his diabetes without drugs. Cheers Purple

    I despise water aerobics but love swimming. Goggles on, staying under water much of the time, totally in my own world, bliss. as for Aquafit, nothing but screeching harpies telling me what to do in the water plus ghastly music is my idea of hell. Not Zen at all honey. But I wish you well, maybe your class will be better than those on offer here. Water ballet might interest me. I swim 100 lengths in an hour, the time goes super quick. Usually I am planning in my head or zoning out completely. Doesn’t work out quite as well if another swimmer joins my lane, especially a big man who doesn’t miss a stroke on passing. Don’t they know swimming etiquette.

    Today there was a sweet young couple on a Spa retreat, they could not leave each other alone, young love, cute? I am as you see a romantic. Weirdly I don’t like silence in the jacuzzi, seems very odd sharing a bath with strangers in silence. I usually strike up a conversation. In the Turkish bath, I lay down with eyes shut, hoping not to fall asleep. Seriously – some men and women need to think through their swimwear. Too tight, too loose, see through ! I have even come across naked men in their, they were German sailors, big guys – I had to leave, I couldn’t relax with all those dang lies about.

    Now you may be wondering why I am posting at 2 am, simples, hungry – so I am breaking fast by having two eggs and a cuppa. My own fault my meals today did not include any protein. First rule – include protein!

    I agree with Happy, we definitely talk about food too much on here, starving now.

    Welcome back Keirra, fantastic weight control over the festive period.
    We could all learn from you.

    It’s great to have this thread to vent feelings and read international bites of life. I really can’t wait to visit Australia. I will be starting in Adelaide in November then flying to each city in an anti- clockwise direction around the perimeter. I will of course visit Ayres Rock and Alice Springs, not sure from where yet, still working on that.

    My dog sitter will be living in my flat so that is one problem solved. My daughter will join me for the first three cities we visit in Australia and then return to New Zealand. Then we will meet up for Xmas.
    Sound good?

    Back to my book and then some sleep, hopefully.

    Purple Vegie Eater,
    No I didn’t really fast. I either went without Breakfast or Lunch depending on how I felt on the day, but I had a few drinks at night and some naughty foods (so love chocolate) lol. As I drove up there alone (OH had to work) I had to put up the tent, pack and unpack by myself. So maybe all the extra work helped me not put on too much.
    Enjoy your visit to Australia. I would love to visit Ayres Rock and Alice Springs, it is on my bucket list. I’ve seen some of the East Coast but haven’t made it to Central Australia or the West. Hopefully one day I will be able too. I tend to have most of my holidays up in the Victorian High country as my OH has a 4WD and we get to go to some of the most beautiful and remote places. Have trouble getting him to go anywhere where there is people. If we see more than two cars in a day then he thinks it is too populated lol. But he is a massive Bathurst fan and for Xmas I got him a chance to meet and be driven around Bathurst by John Bowes (Bathurst winner), he also gets to drive 4 laps himself. We need to stay overnight so we had to book a motel. He will put up with it only because its the only way he can get to Bathurst lol.

    Hi everyone
    Wow, this thread moves at a mesmerizing pace.After a few days you lose the gist.

    Sorry about the difficult moments, in South Australia. It sounds as if people are leaving their homes when requested- difficult but good sense.
    We watched a sunset the other day and I wondered if your fires were colouring the sunsets here in Wellington.

    There was an earthquake here today, shallow and 6 on the scale. 100km west of Christchurch in the mountains. They are not talking about it much on the radio, so probably not a big problem, but frightening for people who have already had too many.

    Wow, JoJo, 100 lengths of the pool in an hour. I swam 80 lengths today (2.5 km) and that took nearly 2 hours. You will enjoy the swimming pools in Wellington next antipodean summer.
    You will here at the same time as we are.

    I am changing shape at present. The swimming I do is making me less bulky and more muscular. I have managed a 600 cal fast day today. Too many calories still but with the swimming and hill walking I won’t get too worried. On Thursday I will do better, though it is another swimming day.
    Good fasting

    Morning/evening all.

    This thread gets busier and busier!

    FD today.

    I have to ensure that I wear my glasses when I’m cleaning or I may as well not bother. I loathe any type of housework and do it as rarely as I can get away with it. I did some yesterday as I took the decorations off of the tree and put it back outside, so there were pine needles everywhere. I’m hoping that the tree survives for another Christmas as I like to have a real one but the ones with no root shed needles all the time and make such a mess everywhere.
    Now that the tree is down, Christmas is officially over 🙂

    I’m still trying to decide what I want to do this year. Pilates is a definite, and I’m in the process of finding a walking/outdoor activity group. I would like to have a go at some kind of dance class, but I don’t know what, so need to investigate what is on offer. I’ve also discovered that there is a new gym with pool very near to where I live. They do one day passes and I’m thinking about going along for a day to see what it is like. I may wait until February when all the NY athletes have given up 😉

    Don’t put it off, go today and join, you won’t look back, I use the gym most days so it is good value. You can try out lots of different classes and there may also be a social element. Some run their own walking and running groups, even holidays. My gym has about six social evens annually. We even have a theatre and book group there. I have swum daily since a surgical operation on my ankle, I did it as physio, it really worked. I swim alternate breast stroke and crawl hence reasonable pace yet not too arduous. It took me six months to get to a competent level. My crawl still needs some work really. I think swimming is good for general toning but not calorie burning, at least not for me since I don’t get out of breath, bit like walking really. You definitely need to duck your head with each breath or get backache, neck ache etc.
    I guess I cope because I am used to fasting now. I really like this pattern, it may well become a way of life. In fact I may even try 23/1 eventually. But I must include protein before sleep as I couldn’t sleep last night. Got about 4 hours so having a lay in and skipping my walk this morning. I will go to the gym later. I am in a very different place in life to you Samm, you are my hero. In your shoes fasting would be the last thing on my mind. I agree with you about food, for me it is about the health benefits and the quality of tha nutrition of each food plus the ‘cleaness’ ( lack of toxins and additives). These are making our bodies and brains sluggish and poor self healers. Still struggling with skipping Samm, let’s hope I cope with the running. Now incorporating it at the gym to prepare. I wish I had someone to help me with weight training, I know ?I need to take it on, muscle ratio still poor and without a good muscle ratio my body will not effectively burn fat.

    Time for another nap……snore !

    Part of the fun of trips is the planning and expectation. We were up very late (for us) as it was a sleepless fast night last night. Booked flights and accommodation. I’m now trying to coordinate it all now.
    Jojo, I also signed up for a French f**d course (dirty word 😉 ). Not cooking, more cleansing and aphrodisiacs. Should be interesting! Sleep well. P

    Ps Just found this unsent from hours and hours ago! 🙁

    Wow jojo, very impressed with your swimming. I’ve never mastered breathing for the crawl so stick with breast stroke. When swimming regularly I used to do 64 lengths (1 mile) in about 50 minutes, and had been (past tense!) pleased with that…

    I have some bad news on the swimming front though! Weight loss seriously affects buoyancy and balance in the water. Yep, it’s much harder to float without fat 🙂 A disadvantage of weight loss, no less!

    I’m fasting today (got an Xmas kg to shed). Just hope there are no cakes when I get to the office. Two weeks off and I’m weak-willed…

    Ah wee cherie, and it is so sexy to speak French. Go girl. I am working on my Spanish by audio whilst using gym equipment. Hilarious to see people look when I talk to myself out loud in Spanish. Who cares, most them are watching soaps and TV reality shows.

    But learning another language is very hard work, both memory and rules of grammar. Not to be under estimated. Good Luck!

    I have just weighed in to find that another pound has gone, hooray. If you need daily( almost) losses then 19/5 is for you. I am now 5 lb down since New Years Day, hope it isn’t just water loss. I have 400 on three fast days and 1100 on non fast days. If I eat protein at the second meal I do not get that hungry. I drink lots of water and tea during fasting window and eat two meals during five hour eating period. I planned it for 12 to 5 pm but realistically I just go 5 from first meal which can be anytime fro 12 to 3 pm, this helps for dining out.

    If you would like to lose daily just try it? Report back please. I know we are all different but anyone that has been on this thread awhile knows I don’t have the most efficient calorie burning body and can gain if I exceed 1200 cals. It’s really easy for me to gain one pound per day if I relax, irrespective of my exercise routines. I am a ‘steady Eddie’ in my exercise, I don’t go in for ‘sweating’ or ‘making my heartbeat race’, actually I lie, my dance class and rowing do make me sweat( a little), no dripping though which I find gross and uncomfortable( allowed only in a Steam Room). Sorry I can be a real girl about sweat.

    Have a good day cyber buddies.

    I really need to book some outings, today is the day!

    I’m not going to join a gym without trying it out and seeing if I like it. This one is in the Hilton hotel in Syon Park which is a 15 minute walk away, so I’m not sure if they offer long term membership, but it’ll give me the opportunity to try the equipment out and see if I still enjoy it. I went on a Spa holiday once and spent hours in th gym using all the equipment and really enjoyed it and I love to swim. I’m not an expert and just do breaststroke with my nose just out of the water, but I can swim for an hour no problem. When I was in Oz last year I swam at least 1.8km every day for a month.
    I think I would like to go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week if I could find one I like. This one doesn’t have classes but that isn’t a problem as living where I do there are so many exercise studios I’m spoilt for choice. There are also numerous gyms in the area, but I’m not going to rush into anything as I’m sure that January is the busiest month…….

    Ps, swimming gets much faster if you stay under the water longer, I do three breaths per length. Try it?
    I get taken over frequently so I don’t think it is that fast, doesn’t feel fast.

    Morning all, and there’s many of you!

    I’m just poking my head in and reading all your posts. Sounds like lots of people from all over the world on here! Some of the lingo I don’t understand (23/1?) but then again if I posted regularly I’d know. LOL!

    I’ll quickly introduce myself. I’m originally from California but have lived in the UK for 10 years now. I’ll be looking at 50 in a couple of years and have been carrying 2+ stone on me since I moved here! My OH is from England so I guess wedded bliss makes you gain weight!??? noooooo! 😉

    I’m a stay-at-home mum and run our own small business from here, we have a teenage daughter but I’m guessing she’ll be out in the next 2-3 years. She’s got the WANDERLUST like her mum! I like to walk and also Nordic Walk. I need to get back into my jogging and toning with weights/abs again.

    I would like to engage in some of these conversations more and I know that to do that is to LOG in and do it. Hope everyone is well wherever you are. x

    Might be very expensive if it belongs to a hotel chain. I may look it up though for a Spa a Break, combine it with Kew visit. Good idea?

    Sounds like you are lucky to have so much choice, they are all similar quality around here, not the best, just adequate. Still get weekly problems with water heating and cleanliness. Profit not service driven.

    Sorry not being bossy just enthusiastic for you, of course you must check them out.

    So cool to see all the action on the thread – if this thread was a woman she’d be in sensational shape… 🙂 Welcome bergen – I’m new to the thread too so I’ll leave it to the more experienced fasters to explain the intricacies/variations. It’s all I can do to maintain 2 FD’s at 500cals and not overdo it in between.
    I’m curious about the swimming though jojo/tangatawiwi/happynow – what length pool are you all swimming in? 80 laps in our local pool would be 4km, and would likely kill me.
    Also, fun fact for today – did you know that the calorie value of parsnips is almost that of potatoes!!!??? :-0 I was keen to try the spicy soup from the bbc food site that someone mentioned (?jojo) so I bought turnips and thought why not throw in some parsnip as well… well, no, according to fatsecret.com it’s 75 calories for 100gm!!! Given I tend to stick with the vegetables that are <30 calories per 100gms on fast days, I’ll have to make it with the turnips only. I thought I knew the calorie value of just about everything so I guess it always pays to check. Happy fasting all.

    Hi everyone and welcome bergenblater,

    You are right, this is a very busy and fun thread!

    Jojo I got swimming gear today so tomorrow’s homework is to investigate possible pools round here then jump in on Thurs. I haven’t decided whether to do Aqua aerobics or just swim laps, I agree with you about someone screaming instructions and loud music, one of the reasons I have always loathed gym classes. I will go for a casual swim and lurk around to observe some classes first.

    I have decided to try 4:3 again this week to try to shift the 1kg Xmas bonus I was given. Also decided to try Nickys plan of late breakfast/two meals only, so just had coffee before shopping thinking I would enjoy my usual Meusli about 1pm. But shopping took longer and I ended up eating it at 4pm! Funny thing was, even after fasting all yesterday and then not eating til 4pm on a non fast day, I felt absolutely fine. Yes, maybe I have become an efficient fat burner!

    Kierra well done over your break! Where were you in the Vic High Country? We spend a lot of time at Jamieson (past Mansfield) and love the area. Not into camping any more though, we enjoy our comfort these days. And prefer to sleep without snakes actually underfoot!

    SAMM I got the impression you are considering changing jobs, weighing up benefits of lots of exercise at work against the risk of long term injury, esp your rotator cuff. I am sure you will figure it out, but don’t forget to also consider the health DISadvantages of shift work. I am sure you are aware of the toll shift work and esp night shift takes on health. Personally, I did two nights a week when winding down my nursing career and even though they were the same consecutive nights every week and I was able to sleep well for 6-8 hrs the next day, it still took me the rest of the week to recover. I didn’t realize how tired I was til I stopped and started to feel 10yrs younger! Just another factor in your equation.

    Welcome burgenblarter( BB if that,s OK ?)

    Good to have another America albiet UK residence version. Samm and Ply also hail from the states, lots of Australians, one Kiwi( or is it 2), 2 Scots. Actually I think us UK ers might be the minority group.

    Apologies for terminology. 23/1 is fast for 23 hours daily then eat only 1, of course you drink loads during 23. Haven’t tried it yet but enjoying 19/5 at the moment.

    Just about to start running, not sure I am ready but what the hell! Nothing ventured.

    Nama – enjoy swimming, don’t bother about counting laps. I only know because my son bought me a lap timer / recorder. I even have underwater ear phones which I use if the dreaded Aqua class is on, teehee. I have the tolerance of a knat for screeching and rap music. See, I am very human! Which is why I frequently put my foot in it.

    Dog walk beckons, they have been very patient today. Cinema later – Stephen Hawkins life story, should be good. Inspirational guy!

    Jojo please take care of your hip! Running could really stress it, are you sure it’s a good idea? It would be terrible if you did permanent damage. Sorry if you think I am speaking out if turn, but it would really stuff up all your other activities.

    Welcome BB (as abbreviated by JJ) you can call me AO (or adults only if you prefer 😆 ) yes we’re a busy bunch in here, it’s a great thread and everyone has experiences to share and all of us are willing to share these experiences if asked … even sometimes if not asked but always we post with respect to each other.

    CS (comespring) glad to hear you’re starting to reduce on FD’s. Today I’ve consumed 357 calories all up. Had a couple of thin slices of turkey breast (home cooked) one medium egg (hard boiled), lettuce and a little tomato for dinner tonight and one cup of Bonox for lunch (it’s similar to Bovril but much easier to get here in semi-country SA).

    JJ we do have two NZ’ers, several from Oz, 3 now from US remainder from UK. One day I’ll write all of us down and where we come from (now that would be organised lol!).

    Went out for a crafting evening this evening and had a good time, now home and about to head off to snoozeland … can barely keep my eyes open.

    For benefit of newbies, FD = Fast Day, TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure (we consume no more than 400 calories or when starting up to 500 calories for a FD – it took me around 1 month to get down to the 400 calories but now it’s no real effort at all), 19/5 is fasting for 19 hours and only eating within a 5 hour window, for example, today I broke my fast at 1:45pm and ate the last item at 6:15pm and I won’t eat again until tomorrow lunch time (this can vary between 1pm and 3pm and sometimes I forget to have it at all).

    We tend to abbreviate some names as we chat so much it’s quicker and/or easier 🙂 we always hope to not offend by this and if someone was not happy with that we’d always respect their preferences and put their names in full.

    I’ll catch up with you all tomorrow when I get up. Sleep well those of us down under and have a great day those who aren’t 😀 😆

    Hi Nicky

    We apricot lovers have got to defend our tree. 😉 the cocky came back again tonight. 🙄 Persistent big b**ger. We had another lovely 30C day today and more fruit will have ripened by morning. Will pick the next big lot and try to make jam to give away.

    The gluten free apricot pudding was lovely. 😮 From tomorrow I will empty the fridge of all temptations except OH will have the rest of the apricot pudding. 😥

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    I’ve got a book called the calorie carb and fat bible which I use for calorie counting etc as it gives fat, carb,protein and fibre content of everything.

    Parsnip unprepared raw per 100g 66 cals, 12.5g carbs
    Potato unprepared raw per 100g 80 cals, 18g carbs

    It’s not just about the calories, but about the carb content for many of us on this thread as we aim for low sugar and low carb eating.
    The other thing is that a certain amount of the starchier veggies can be helpful as they are more filling.
    Having said that, I’ve looked at the recipe and I would not use 2 tablespoons of olive oil to make the soup as that is 280 calories worth.I would use 2 teaspoons and lose 200 calories from the toal.

    I use parsnips a lot as I love them. I make batches of veggie curry and veggie chilli and freeze in fast day portions, as their sweetness goes well with spice and heat.
    Curried parsnip soup is heavenly!

    I’m really looking forward to the next round of the fight between Bay and the cockie Smiley

    My money is on Bay, she is smarter!

    I agree 😆

    I’ve just had a really nice FD dinner of veggies in tomato sauce with zero noodles and a sprinkling of parmesan.
    I wasn’t going to buy any more of the noodles, but it was so filling I’ve changed my mind.

    Hi comespring, I’m doing lengths, not laps, in a 25m pool. Just trying to work out how long your pool would be if 80 laps = 4km, but that’s making my head hurt after a day at work!

    For 80 laps or lengths to equal 4km the pool would have to be Olympic size ie 50 metres in length.

    But she has to sleep, Bay I mean, so Cockie will have a snack.

    Could you not put a tray of overripe fruit and some seeds out for him? He has after all been made homeless because of fires hasn’t he?

    I am doing lots of cooking for my freezer this afternoon. The Smells here are driving me nuts. I can’t eat until my guest turns up. More bloody tea I guess.

    Speak tomorrow

    My gym pool is only 20 meters

    Amazon, I find zero noodles are great on a stir fry, very filling.

    My Adelaide friends put seed etc out every day for the birds. The lorikeets love it but the cockies prefer to dismember the sunflowers. They are very naughty 😆

    Hello everyone.I would like to join in on this thread if that is Ok. I used to post on a different one but dropped out after an incident which I found a bit off putting, I hadn’t posted on any site before. My OH and I have been Fasting for a while now, with very good results,but fell by the wayside during the recent Christmas celebration!!

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