Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,101 through 5,150 (of 16,657 total)

  • Woohoo! Purple. Well done, you big loser ๐Ÿ˜†
    Have a great day with family. I’m fasting today in preparation for the week ahead.
    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi RT

    Forgot to say I meet both categories of fitness. My BMI is 23 and my height to waist ratio is 50%. Most pleasure in this WOL has been gained from new shape and new clothes. ๐Ÿ˜†

    I am a very happy intermittent faster. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Aah Bay You’ve done it again ๐Ÿ˜‰ now that’s a daily double right there i will be doing my best to follow in your foot steps (and lovin it) ๐Ÿ˜ฏ
    Peace RT

    Hi all, got the fitbit working and syncing nicely both on PC and android phone … now to get it linked to my android tablet ๐Ÿ˜€

    It was a bit confusing at first as realistically there are NO instructions which come with it, the only thing it says is: To set up, go to: http://www.fitbit.com/setup and from there you create your account (I linked this with my gmail account rather than FB). Made sure the little dongle was in place, put the unit in the charger and plugged that into the computer and worked my way through from there.

    Great losses recorded this week by several, so glad to see that and others are maintaining during this festive period ๐Ÿ˜€ (ie ME!!).

    Hope everyone is having a great day (38oC here at the mo, hoping it cools down soon). Puppies are on cool blankets (soak in water and keeps them cool for hours and hours).

    Catch up more later everyone ๐Ÿ˜€ and yes RT small, manageable goals are the way to go … I’ve got my ultimate goal in mind (and in fitbit and on this site) and am working towards this (after the next 700g it will be in 5kg increments). It’s good in that it tells me (via my phone app) that I’m under the amount allowed for today to get to goal around the end of next year, but I’m sure that will change once I’ve had my main meal for the day ๐Ÿ˜€ … it’s also tracking steps, distance, calories expended so a great tool for me ๐Ÿ˜€ mwah to my OH for getting me this ๐Ÿ˜€

    Have fun everyone Smiley

    Good work AO, you are really a techie wiz. And a belly dancer too! I can’t wait to see RTs comment on your lovely emoticon. It should inspire him to new heights! You have inspired me to be a bit more aware with my food tracking, am a bit slack there. Though I will be using a feather dipped in ink, very much a cave person with technology!

    Survived the Xmas celebrations well last night, too busy hosting to eat. Bit of a struggle with all the yum leftovers today though, trying to stick to berries as it’s pretty hot here today too. Ah well, always the Monday fast to put things straight again… Meanwhile I think it’s time for a nap, 3am to bed last night. Enjoy your Sundays all!

    Good morning my positive and cheerful pals,
    Busy time of year but managing to get in some quick posts done I didn’t expect to do. Scales were not kind, sadly, so I need to put more effort in over the next few days, up 3 lbs, so much for maintaining or reaching next stone. Really will need to record up to and over Christmas, no choice.

    Glad others are having success, keep up the good work.

    Aussie Oma, I did as you did with my fitbit but now believe there is something wrong with my one. It just doesn’t appear to hold charge.

    Love and best wishes
    Jojo xx


    Just read you are in Wellington, same as tangawiwi, so good company. I am coming there next year for a holiday and to help my daughter settle there. She is emigrating there, working as a teacher. She has lived there before for two years, absolutely loves it. I am really looking forward to exploring both New Zealand and Australia, next Christmas will hopefully be a warm one.

    However this trip will only happen if I reach goal so no more excuses. The next 3 stone are going no matter what I have to do.

    Evening to you across the ditch Nicky, Purple, Bay, RT, Emel Nama AO. I see your summer is better than our NZ one – cold and wet here and coming from the NW.
    Morning to the Europeans JoJo Hermaj Wee, Granny Lizzy,HappyNow,Smiffy, Amazon,
    Not sure what time it is where you are in the USA, Samm
    Hello Peely-Welly, Lori_PA, AmyB, FastFastSlow,Big Marie, Supermam and Maintenance threaders. (not sure where in the world you are)
    I have been off the thread for a few days and there is so much to catch up on.
    Purple, in NZ they say that eating marmite stops mozzies from biting. Not sure if it’s true that Vitamin B is a repellant.
    Good to have you back, Hermaj. Enjoy Nancy.
    Granny Lizzy- congratulations on being a grandmother. How is the little lad?
    Samm, your entries are often both sad and funny.
    RT- I need to do 1800 steps to do a kilometre with my fitbit. Your stride is very long!!
    Emel- sorry to hear you are going to be in hospital- all my very best wishes and I send you cyberhugs!
    Amazon- is your cordyline enjoying winter? It’s probably the NZ one. We call it cabbage tree. They are flowering here in NZ at present.
    Sorry, JoJo, I only have the Fitbit zip, though I want to upgrade to the fitbit one which counts steps up. I have never seen the flex except in ads.
    By the end of December, I will have done 1 OOO OOO OOO steps with the fitbit since September. I find it just so motivating.
    I am not losing much at present, but my shape is changing again.
    I have just decided to join a friend on a bike trip from the source of the Danube to Budapest in June, so getting bike fit will be necessary. As from the end of April when I reach BMI 26 (my target), I will be biking!
    Have any of you Fast Trackers biked the Danube?
    If I am not back on- Happy Happy Christmas to all of you, whereever you are.
    We start Christmas here 13 hours before the UK.Our Christmas will be a lunch with all the extended family in Wellington. The forecast is for fine and warm.
    I have a new smaller dress to wear.
    Merry Christmas from Wiwi

    Hi Barata

    Just seen from JoJo that we are both in Wgtn!
    I am in Ngaio. Where are you?

    Morning all.

    Barata Smiley

    I had a lovely day yesterday, a really long walk, I did 18000 steps in total, which is more than I’ve done in one go, something I’m trying to increase so I was really pleased, especially as the problem I have been having with my back had previously hindered how far I could walk. Then we went to the pub. It was very cold and we were tired so good reasons to have a whisky Mac ๐Ÿ˜‰ which was followed by a bottle of wine and some food which was very good. I hadn’t eaten all day so the alcohol went straight to my head!

    I’ve been busy this morning preparing tonight’s dinner, salmon in pastry with home made coleslaw in mustard and yoghurt dressing with just a tiny bit of mayo. There will be green salad and steamed baby spuds to go with it. I’ve made a coffee Pavlova, which will be covered with cream and sprinkled with cocoa powder later if it doesn’t fall apart by the time I get it to my friends house. It is much more fragile than plain meringue ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    All leftovers will be left for my friends to eat for lunch/dinner tomorrow so I won’t be tempted!

    I am not getting on the scales any time soon, as I’ve decided that I don’t want to fret over every morsel. I’ll have a little of what I fancy, keep up the exercise and then have a really strict January. I don’t have 40lbs to lose but I’ll be joining those on the 40lbs in 20 weeks challenge and trying to continue with the 2lb per week loss I was enjoying before my holiday. It won’t take us long to get back on track with all the support that we give and receive on this thread. Once again, the reason I found it so easy to lose 28lbs in 14 weeks was the support from all of you, so a big thank you to everyone, especially jojo Smiley

    Wiwi, I didn’t look to see where the cordyline is from. They grow very well here, and are fine through the winter if they are in a sheltered position. I’ve grown them in window boxes and in tubs in my small sheltered garden for years. I love them as they always look good and provide colour all year.

    Good Morning!

    Just past 7AM here on the east coast of the US. I’ve been up since 4:30AM, as usual. I have a furry alarm clock(cat) that doesn’t know that I could sleep in on the weekend. Sigh…..

    DH has just gotten up and we are going out for some early morning shopping. Trying to beat the crowds. Just a few items to pick up. We wrapped most of the gifts yesterday(a good job done), so now I have an idea what more I need. We have 3 grandsons(11, 10 & 6). Trying to decide what to get them is always the trick!

    I should do a fast today as yesterday was a train wreck. I cannot seem to get the sugar monkey off my back. So far so good, but it’s early! I may go a bit over 500 calories today, but I’ll do my best to keep it very low cal.

    Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday season!

    Hello everyone from a very wet and windy Scotland .

    I just love reading all of your posts . I have a wee mental (we are all mental lol) picture of you all in my head .

    I have been out shopping AGAIN for some wee bits and bobs .

    WELL!!! This morning I reached 40 pounds off. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    I usually feel a wee bit down at Christmas ( my Mams birthday would have been Christmas day)BUT this year I am so looking forward to getting all dressed up . I can’t wait . I am usually the one who takes all the videos and photos but this year I am desperate to see what I really look like lol .

    I love this thread and all of you lovely people here . I love how we can all hep each other along with diet and all the other wee things in life .

    We are going to Ross again this Christmas and taking Dad with us . I am so looking forward to it .I am going to do another 2 no carb fast before then and it would be great if I hit the 3 stone mark bUT I am not going to stress over it .I haven’t cheated since I started in July so I rekon one daY OFF (NOT GOING TOO MAD) IS ALLOWED .


    I love this way of life and all of you lovely people who have helped me along the way . It is a long time since I said this out loud “Life is good”

    sorry about the caps . tired and silly fingers hit the wrong button


    Wee xx

    Hi Wee, and well done X

    Thanks Amazon . Merry Christmas pal xx

    Happy Fast Monday people Amazon 18000 steps in walk show me to the Swedish masseur if you will ๐Ÿ˜ฏ and a whisky drink and coleslaw with yoghurt mustard and a smidge of Mayo salmon in pastry now thatโ€™s mind kinda woman right there ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Wiwi a million steps Far out Brussel Sprout thatโ€™s impressive and I donโ€™t impress easily as for the stride well I rely on the argus app for that its wicked
    Weemam Hi fives to you a back slap and a cheeky little little bum pat ๐Ÿ˜ฏ great results takes great dedication 18.1 kg loss is a fantastic achievement
    Lori_PA a new day a new adventure no-body cares how much you know until they know how much you care.
    AO straight off the bat that is wicked and I do hear the I dream of Jeanie jingle playing in the background click here
    and as Mae West once said
    When Iโ€™m good Iโ€™m very very good but when Iโ€™m bad Iโ€™m better ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    Peace RT

    LOL RT love the Mae West quote ๐Ÿ˜€

    Morning everyone. Well I’m up before the alarm (fitbit one) which is due to buzz me in half an hour.

    Wee glad to hear you’re looking forward to being on the other side of the camera, that will be fantastic ๐Ÿ˜€

    Lori hang in there the changes will come, just do your best by minimising how much sugary stuff you have … that is the beauty of this WOL you can change things around to suit – at this time of the year it is almost unavoidable to have a little sugary or sweet things just try to minimise. For example our neighbour sent over a plate of gingerbread biscuits (cookies for the US component) with M&Ms as part of the decoration. I had two of those and let my OH have the rest (there were a dozen on the plate). I also, when our friend was over for tea/dinner, had a can of coke (I don’t like the diet or zero variety so had the full sugar one) but I had prepared for it before by having 2 FDs and 2 semi-FDs before and one semi-FD since with at least 2 full on FDs before Christmas Day.

    A special HI to Barata for joining in with us here ๐Ÿ˜€

    Looks like stormy weather is coming for today. I have to be early at work today and maybe work later, we’ll see, if I do then I will have to work out when to leave early this week … gee let me think … Christmas Eve perhaps Smiley

    Catch up later everyone … and as RT says PEACE Smiley

    Hello All,

    House guest gone, buffet over, damage limitation now in hand.

    Fasting up to Christmas Day. I can do it and I will do it. Three days of 500 cals coming up. 4 hours exercise each day, go, go, go!

    My dog is in the dog house for stealing two huge blocks of cheese from the kitchen table.

    Next year is going to be a great year.

    So glad to have so many cyber pals

    Jojo xx

    Jojo have a great Christmas pal . Christmas only comes once a year . We are all getting really good at 5.2 and we will cope with a couple of extra pounds . I KNOW if I don’t let go ( not too much ) on Christmas day that there is more chance I could just think sod it on Boxing day and go daft . ๐Ÿ™ . Does that make sense , I hope so pal . .

    Wee xx

    Makes lots of sense pal, Hogmanay is your special night though is it not wee hen

    Nope not in this house pal . I am horrible and put out the lights at Midnight . we wish each other “A happy New Year” watch a wee bit TV then go to bed . Just another night to us . ๐Ÿ™‚ I would choose christmas day with family any time xx

    Wee xx

    Wow, what a bunch of winning losers! Everyone seems to have their own plans to thwart the Xmas sugar!

    WIwi, that is so impressive, what motivation to walk that many steps. And Amazon, I calculate that if WIwi takes 1800 steps per kilometre, you walked 10 km in one day!! Don’t think you need to worry about eating some coffee pavlova, though if you can’t manage to finish it, could you just pop it in a padded post bag and get Santa to drop it off here as he passes, it sounds like my kind of heaven. Coffee and meringue together!

    Weemam congratulations! What an achievement, you must be so happy and rightly so. Your Mam will be proudly smiling at you on Christmas Day. RT you didn’t let us down, I knew you would have just the right song for AO’s belly dancing! Just danced around the kitchen to Dream of Jeannie music, thankyou!

    Jojo I hope your naughty dog doesn’t get the squirts after all that cheese! I feed a couple of magpies morning and night (just slivers of apples or pears), and they rewarded me yesterday by pooing on the back door mat. One of them is so cheeky he eats out of my hand and I think he would come inside if I let him, but I don’t want to be cleaning up after him!

    Welcome and well done Barata, there is lots of good cheer on this thread! Plus lots of great support and wisdom!

    I keep saying my sweet tooth has vanished, but boy it sure reappears when one indulges! We had our early Xmas on Sat night and I allowed myself some Xmas pud and some trifle, very enjoyable….but, really wanted more the next day! Feeling “safe” today as Monday fast day and know I won’t be tempted! I feel great that I now have confidence I won’t cheat on a FD! It’s just non negotiable. Non FD not conquered yet, but feeling confident they will be. Yes Jojo, next year is going to be wonderful as we all travel the 5:2 highway together. Cheers all X

    Hi Weeman,
    I will be doing the dancing for you then pet.

    Ok so I would really appreciate some information from you well travelled posters. I am planning a long trip around New Zealand(8 weeks) and Australia(8 weeks) what should I put on my ‘not to be missed list’. I need to visit Melbourne(essential visit) and will start and end my trip in Wellington.

    I will of course do some research myself too. I am not into ‘bungee jumping’ just so you know.

    Love Jojo xxx

    Hi Jojo, how exciting! If you are coming to Melbourne I would love to meet up and would be happy to be your tour guide/driver around the city! You would be best to stay in the city if you want to see the usual cultural stuff. I live 28 Kms out but would be happy to come in. Also would love to show you some Victorian countryside. If you have time we could drive up to our cottage in the Victorian high country for a few days, going via a lovely animal sanctuary where you could see all the usual suspects with paws and pouches. Then you could confirm that Jamieson really is like Ireland! If you want to talk about this without boring the rest of the thread, Hermaj has my email address…sorry not on Facebook!

    Evening all.

    Dinner was fab, my friends loved the salmon in pastry which was stuffed with butter, currants, stem ginger and mace. Sounds weird but is delicious. The cappuccino Pavlova was fabulous.
    There were lots of leftovers but they’re not in my fridge!

    B2B fasts tomorrow and Tuesday.

    Nama, great I will certainly look you up, I will get your email address from Hermaj if possible.

    Amazon – that meals sound delicious

    Well done Weemam, hitting another milestone. Fantastic.
    Amazon and Wiwi seem hellbent on becoming marathon walkers. I hope you have good shoes;)
    Jojo, I would love to catch up and do some Sydney things while you are here. I could walk you through the inner city history of European colonisation of Aust and finish with a walk across the Bridge and a ferry ride back.
    As to ‘must see’, Australia is SO big most people only see tiny pockets even with living here for a lifetime.
    Sydney Harbour’s beauty is unsurpassed and as the oldest built environment in Aust she has ghosts everywhere. Melbourne has an interesting multicultural feel as well. Victoria dates most of its development from after the 1850 goldrushes. Anywhere along the enormous coast of this great island has fabulous, beautiful beaches, sandy or rugged. They are stunning. Distances in Australia are immense and airfares aren’t cheap. A bus trip from Melbourne to Sydney through Canberra would give you an overview of both rural and city scapes.
    The red centre is amazing and not to be experienced elsewhere, but has to be reached by plane.
    Broome and Esperence WA, Alice Springs NT, the Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Green Island, off Cairns, Qld, the Blue Mountains just west of Sydney, Cradle Mountain, Tasmania, Clare or Barossa vineyards in SA or Hunter Valley NSW vineyards are all on my list.
    I watched some silly boys in Queenstown, NZ, bungee jumping. Their girlfriends thought they were idiots. South Island NZ is absolutely stunning.
    How long do you have? ๐Ÿ˜‰
    My Christmas was yesterday. Funerals today and last week. Trying times.
    Enjoy yourselves gang, but keep the main goal in sight. ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    Jojo I second all of Purples suggestions, esp Sydney harbour/inner city history, Blue Mountains in NSW and the Great Ocean Road in Vic. Going Sydney Melb via bus is a great idea and Canberra well worth seeing too. The west coast is so far from the east it’s like another country. You could meet up with people from this thread all over the place!

    Purple so sorry you have a funeral to go to, esp at this time of year. X

    Thanks for the welcome, all you lovely losers! There is so much warmth and support here, it’s amazing.

    Wiwi, I am in Tawa, so not far away. Well done on your steps. This will be our eighth year back in Wellington, and this time we made sure our house is protected from the northerlies. We are slowing down on our wandering – itinerant, I thought, but a friend advises ‘shifty’!

    Love your sign, Amazon. Jojo, look forward to your trip Downunder next year. I was guilty of taking NZ scenery for granted until I travelled overseas. Nothing quite like what we have here, in a handy small package.

    Last day of work tomorrow for three weeks, yay.

    Morning/evening all.

    I’ve been to Australia 4 times and love the place but I’ve only seen a very small part of it. My Adelaide friend says I’ve seen more of it than she has, but she has seen more of the UK than I have!
    I love Sydney, I think it is a beautiful city. When I was there my friend took me on one of the ferries and it was a cheap but interesting way to travel round the harbour and I loved it. She comes from the Blue mountains and we went there for a weekend. It is a very beautiful area and I would recommend anyone who is going to be in NSW to go there. Adelaide is beautiful too, and it is my favourite city of those I’ve seen so far (not been to Melbourne yet) Mrs Adelaide friend was born in the city, but Mr AF was brought up on a farm in the Clare valley which my friends now own, and I’ve spent a bit of time there. I’ve also spent time in the Barossa valley, and would recommend going to one or the other and “doing” the wineries. They are both beautiful parts of the country too. I spent a week in Cairns doing the tourist trail. I went to Green Island which is very beautiful, snorkelled on the Great Barrier Reef, and the other thing that I think is a must if in Cairns is to travel on the Kuranda railway. The journey on the train is fabulous, and there are numerous day trips where you jump on a bus at Kuranda station and they show you the local area, then drive back down into Cairns.

    Broom, Darwin, Alice Springs, Uluru and the Great Ocean Road are on my list. Next time I go I’m going to find a way to fit them all in.

    Hi Amazon, I think it’s amazing that you came half way across the world and went on the Kuranda Railway! Isn’t the station sweet? We spent a week at Port Douglas and explored that area, beautiful but way too tropical/hot for me. I agree about the Sydney ferries too, they are such a great way to explore Sydney Harbour. You are really a traveller aren’t you!

    Thank you one and all for your suggestions, sound like I need six months in Australia. Amazon I think you had better join me there, we can do Alice Springs area together. Yes I will definately do Sydney and Harbour bridge, probably start there actually. It’s going to be such fun planning this trip. I will meet up with 5:2’ers along the way, why not? I have a cousin to visit (can’t find his address at the moment) and my best friends daughter is in Melbourne.

    Now some good news, 2 of the 3 lbs gained is gone already, yeah! and I plan on fasting three days now. Last event for me, before Xmas day is a disco, Christmas Eve, so just drinking water and dancing( 70’s), what could be better?

    2015 is going to be a wonderful year, full of healthy food, healthy attitude and new places.

    Now I must print up all your suggestions and then do the families food shopping. I thought I might get out of that this year but my ex said he couldn’t do it because he is working right up to the last minute. What’s new?

    Well done on losing those pounds Jojo. Enjoy your Christmas week and planning your Australasian trip.
    I’m finished Christmas and pretending today is Boxing Day, including eating leftover Christmas food at the end of a long fast. I’m 4 days ahead of everyone else. SO liberating. ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    PVE – good attitude.

    I think I could be a bit of a Ba – Humbug about Christmas food in future, may need to Tavel every year to a place where it is not so full on.

    Just working on my Christmas quiz – honing it Down to 10 questions that all nationalities will be familiar with is interesting.

    I feel I must throw in at least three extra questions on 5:2.

    Hi Jojo

    I second Purples list of places to see. I’ll be your tour guide in Canberra. I love Broome, the Red Centre and all the other places listed. What fun to plan such a trip. NZ is so beautiful, particularly the South Island.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wow, Amazon, your food sounds wonderful. Coffee meringue. Yumm. Bay

    Back from the supermarket. I thought it might be really busy, but it was fine. Everything is done now. The flat is spotless, the fridge is groaning (with healthy foods of course :wink )the presents have all been distributed.

    All th1s talk of Australia makes me want to go back. I was in Perth this time last year, in 40C of heat (lovely), swimming for an hour every morning in my friends pool, and thoroughly enjoying the prospect of Christmas in Oz. The reality didn’t quite live up to expectations due to too much champagne being consumed by all much too early in the day, but it is the first time I’ve been swimming on Christmas Day or had a summer style buffet meal for Christmas dinner. I am going to ensure that I spend at least one more Christmas in the southern hemisphere!
    My best friend has a brother who married a NZer and he has lived there for almost 50 years. She visits them every so often and has promised that one day we would go together and she would show me round. She lived there for a couple of years and has travelled both islands previously. I’m hoping that it is going to happen late 2015/early 2016 but nothing is planned as yet, so I’ll just keep topping up the holiday fund.

    Good afternoon all you lovely loosers ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
    Just a quick visit .

    Got all money envelopes done . hand delivered 11 neighbours cards . stripped bed and all washed . wrapped pressies except for 3 as back was getting sore ;

    I will cook meat tomorrow . PHEW!!! so glad that is all done .

    I have found a new favourite veg . I LOVE!!! raw parsnip . A question …. Do I not use the stick like bit in the middle? . This is another fasting day so I had to try it:) :).

    Have a lovely Christmas all of you . Take care but have fun

    Love Wee xx

    So we will be there at the same time Amazon, that would be good.

    I will be travelling alone quite a bit of the trip so meeting up with others will be great. I am very easy going, good travel companion. Eat anything, try anything that doesn’t involve me breaking my neck. My daughter will probably just come to Melbourne with me then return to New Zealand.

    Which is the best airline to travel with?

    Just off now for a nice game of bowls, I think I have got my fitbit working at last. Hooray.

    Hi Amazon,

    Well the supermarkets here are mad!

    I went for an earlyish swim, first for 3 years (swam for an hour and now I can barely raise my arms). I know the indoor pool here isn’t quite Australia, but still…!

    And then the horror of Asda for broccoli and leaf gelatine (lucky I didn’t want much, I wouldn’t have been able to pick it up!). Queuing to park, then shuffling round in single file…

    Anyway, that is me done. No more shopping, yeay! Just a bit of baking today, and finally getting round to altering some clothes. Who knows, maybe I won’t look like a tramp after Xmas ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wee, most people don’t use the core of the parsnip as it can get very woody. I usually quarter them lengthways and cut it out. I’m glad to hear you like it. Seems to be a little known veggie in many parts of the world. Parsnip soup is wonderful ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy, that sounds terrible, I only needed fresh stuff, fruit, veg, chees, milk etc and of course my turkey joint. I did all the other stuff a couple of weeks ago, did a huge shop online and had it delivered.

    When I was swimming every day last Dec/Jan all the little twinges and aches disappeared completely. I am keen to get back to regular swimming and it is at the top of my exercise list for 2015, along with using the kettle bells I bought a few months ago.

    Jojo, I’m not sure if the trip will happen yet, but if it does and we are there at the same time I’m sure that something can be arranged ๐Ÿ˜›

    After my last post, I looked at the clock, worked out it was 7.30pm in Perth and phoned my friend. We had a really good gossip, caught up on everyone’s news, health etc. When I got off the phone I wanted to pack a bag and jump on a plane!

    Good morning fellow fasters/losers (in the nicest possible way ๐Ÿ˜€ )

    Jojo so glad to hear you might finally have got your fitbit working (yay). Yesterday I made 11,000 steps (not sure if it was actually more or not but hey I’ll figure that bit out too if needed). Checked my sleep pattern for last night … not a good one but I knew that, what I didn’t know was that I was awake so often. I knew about 3 wakings due to headache (was sitting in a draft for a lot of the time at work yesterday so will fix that today) what I didn’t know was the other 5 times I woke up. So for being in bed 7 & 1/2 hours (approx) I only got 5 hrs 49 mins actual sleep. I’m sure I’ll do better tonight ๐Ÿ˜€

    I’m sure if/when you and Amazon come to Aust/NZ that we’ll all arrange to meet up somehow. When coming to SA you’ve got a number of us to help show you around (I’m only 15 mins from the Barossa and 1 & 1/4 hours from Clare – both well known wine regions here in SA along with McLaren Vale – worst of all I don’t drink wine!! so I’m always the designated driver ๐Ÿ˜† ), we’re also not far from the Cuddly Creek animal sanctuary where visitors are able to hold and get photographed with Koala’s (under full supervision and the animals are not allowed to get stressed).

    I’m going to have to race out tonight after work and get the remainder of the Chrissy pressies for the grandies, just little bits and pieces so hopefully won’t take too long (will take OH so if needed he can drive the car off while I shop if the carparks are too full).

    All food shopping was completed last weekend other than some fresh veggies which I’ll get tomorrow after work (unless OH goes out during the day to get them … he’s been doing lots around the house so I don’t want to overload him on his hols). We’ll have Roast Lamb, Turkey and Pork along with potatoes and steamed veggies, some salad (boys are bringing this) and a lovely home made (by a friend) Christmas Pudding so I’ll also make custard to go with that on the day. I’ll prep all the veggies tomorrow night so all I have to do on the day is stick things in the oven & steamer and cook it all.

    Catch up with you all later ๐Ÿ˜€

    Amazon we spent last Christmas in Perth too! Scarborough Beach. I wonder if I saw you? The problem with the heat is the alcohol hits more effectively. ..especially champagne. You need to consume large quantities of water with your alcohol. I do at least a glass of water for every glass of wine. Twice as much in dry hot Perth.
    We were a bit disappointed in the flat waves and the Fremantle Doctor (gusty afternoon wind) driving us off the sand after lunch every day. Our Sydney beaches have sheltered coves and good catchable waves. Such a fan of the East Coast ๐Ÿ˜‰ But the family were there, so it was wonderful. P

    Hi Purple.
    I didn’t go near a beach when I was in W.A apart from a couple of beachside restaurant lunches or strolls along the seafront ๐Ÿ˜†
    My friends live about 30 minutes from the centre of Perth and their nearest beach is Rockingham. We spent a lot of time there 10 years ago when TheIr children were small, and did decide to go on a couple of occasions this year, but plans got changed at the last minute. I wasn’t fussed as I knew that the beaches in Adelaide are really nice and that we would be spending time there ๐Ÿ˜›

    Oh Amazon “the beaches in Adelaide are really nice”???? That’s like saying the Thames is a great place to swim! (Sorry SA mates. You do vineyards and culture) Did you go to the beach in NSW or Queensland? Real beaches with real waves. Golden sand. Rock pools to investigate, headlands to walk over. Exhilarating!
    You will have to come back, with a lovely new, smaller swimming costume, and I’ll take you surfing. As a fellow swimmer, you’ll love it.
    No swim for me this morning. It’s drizzling, but at least it’s not hot and humid. Cheers P

    Purple, I was just commenting on why I wasn’t fussed at not getting to the beach when I was in W.A. I wasn’t saying that Adelaide has the best beaches in the world ๐Ÿ˜†

    I’ve been snorkelling on the Great Barrier reef and out to some of the islands, I’ve been to Surfers Paradise too. I have been to the beach in Sydney but I’m struggling to remember which one as it was such a long time ago……………….

    I’m sorry to have to tell you that I hate big waves, and I’m not a fan of surfing ๐Ÿ™

    Oh P, I agree that the beaches in SA cannot compare to the East Coast- was in shock when I moved to SA and lived on the York Peninsula but they are not that bad!! I better get moving- have been trying to work out how to get my preparation for next year ready to hand over. Looks like I will be typing in the recovery room!!! JoJo there are so many beautiful places to visit in Aus. I have lived in the NT ( top and desert), SA (desert, coast and the Hills) and the ACT so if you want any information about those places let me know!! Fasted yesterday so a careful day today.enjoy the days before Xmas.

    You need me to show you what to do. If the wave coming looks too big, simply dive to the bottom. It is flat still water down there. If you look up you can watch the wave crashing down above you. Fabulous.
    Even just posing on a good beach is tops.
    I love snorkeling too Shelley Beach near Manly is magic. P

    I am so jelous of all this sunshine talk .
    It has rained here non stop for days and it is biddy cold too lol .
    Well managed my FD today and it was a zero carb day too so I am going to do the same tomorrow (fingers crossed ). I have wee errands to do tomorrow (for Ross) that I didn’t expect to do but will keep me busy .
    Will try and catch up tomorrow have a good night/day everyone .

    Wee xx

    PVE, it sounds lovely on that beach.

    Cold and windy here.

    I shall close my eyes and dream I am somewhere warm.

    I won my bowls game today which was a good start to the week.

    I am planning cooking for Boxing Day as my son is cooking Christmas Day. Imagine I will be commi chef.

    Hello Fast trackers
    It’s sunny and warm in Wellington today, but the water around the south of the North Island is ok for only a few hardy souls.
    The only part of Australia I have lived in is Weipa 800 km north of Cairns.
    To go swimming was interesting. If you swam in the ponds made by the mining company, then you could be almost sure there was a big saltie ( the day I moved there, someone got eaten)
    In the sea there were salties, sharks, sea snakes stonefish and in the summer box jelly fish. We did go swimming sometimes. The Gulf of Carpenteria doesn’t move as much as I liked but on the other coast facing the Great Barrier, it was lovely.
    xx Wiwi

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