Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

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  • Hi Nicky good from you that is bloody fantastic congratulations it does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop πŸ˜‰

    Jojo, please don’t think I was criticising you for using the word elderly. I was commenting on what Happy said about her father and what the word has come to mean to me as the NHS has to label everyone.
    I like Purple’s idea of being permanently 16, except I would like to be a little older than that, maybe 25 πŸ˜‰
    I asked my friends not to give me any edible presents, not that I receive many, because I am perfectly capable of sabotaging this WOE all by myself. It is interesting that people have bought food for you, but it might be because this is the time of year to do that, and they have assumed that you are taking a break from 5:2

    SAMM, in your own words, keep on keeping on. Sorry to hear that you are struggling a bit at the moment. Don’t give up, we are all here for you.

    I am wearing clothes that I last wore a year ago when I weighed about 10-12lbs more than I do now. When I was wearing them last year they were shall we say, a snug fit. They are now miles too big, proof if we needed it that our bodies continue to shrink after the weight has gone!

    FD today. I have lots to do to keep me from thinking about eating.
    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Hi guys, have not had time to post as my life has been a whirlwind this week. I did not know that a visit to a specialist on Tuesday would result in surgery in less than a fortnight, so on the 29th I will be hospitalized for a week or so and then it is 6-8 weeks recovery. It is a bit surreal and I am now even more determined to make 2015 the year that I release all the excess weight I have been carrying for the past 20 years….. I am trusting all will be well- wish the medical fraternity did not have to be so frank re dangers of surgery, complications but as my son said , live in the real world mum!!!Fasting a bit haphazard this week not losing but staying the same.
    well best go and work out what to organise next!!! emel

    Good morning All,
    I am not easily upset, especially about use of terminology, printing words always leaves interpretation up to the reader especially when the writer is a cyber stranger. Just thinking it is probably a good idea to find a good name for over 60’s that everyone is happy with. Didn’t get any feed back so I will go with 3rd ager as I will be one myself next year.
    I am now dreading christmas as it’s all about food, this week has really set me back already, out every night for a meal and 4 more now planned between now and Monday, it’s just too hard at the moment. Down to one meal per day and sensible choices but still more than 500 cals. I will just choose soup for lunch today, God weigh in tomorrow. At this rate I will be ecstatic to maintain this week, forget 2 lb off.
    I cannot get this Fitbit to work so it may have to wait until my son is home for Xmas. I have charged it up and downloaded the application to sync but no joy. So annoying, a real let down so far. Apparently you should be able to press the bracelet and the lights will come on to show you it is functioning, that is not happening.

    Sun is shining so I am off to walk my dogs, vent some frustration.

    Nicky, fantastic work
    My review went well at the gym too but body fat % is still way too high at 41% from 51%. Keep moving honey, great news about the muscle increase.

    Gosh Emel, good luck with the surgery. I have had several operations and they have all turned out well, positive thoughts coming your way.
    Jojo xx

    P.s. My sister came out of hospital yesterday and is now on bed rest at home. Good news.

    How to describe those (like Yours Truly) who have passed certain significant milestones? How about borrowing from the world of sport and using ‘veteran’? It is used to describe people who have been practising the sport for some time but are still a force to be reckoned with.

    Hi Jojo,

    You give so much encouragement and support to all of us, maybe we don’t return it enough! I can’t speak for everybody of course, but have been around long enough to suss that everyone on this thread has the utmost respect for your determination with 5:2. Be a bit more gentle on yourself and try to enjoy Christmas! It makes me so sad to hear you say you are dreading Xmas cos of all the food. Didn’t you say the other day that you loved silly games etc and that they would be a big part of your celebrations. Try to remember how far you have come already and that this silly season will soon be over! Hope your walk has relaxed you. Put the wretched fit bit away til your son gets there….he will figure it out in a nano second, plus he will enjoy being smarter than his mum. Also, re the old fart terminology, I didn’t respond because I really don’t care what people refer to me as. Like Purple, I still feel 16, just have the numerals in reverse now!

    Emel try not to stress, the Docs always say all that stuff to cover themselves, ever since lawyers got involved and everyone got greedy with litigation. Surgery is routine these days and Aus is not the third world!

    I am presently setting the Xmas table for our early one tomorrow night, looks very festive with 20 places and 20 Bon bons! Food almost organised, tomorrow will be a busy day. I have been grazing all day with some pretty bad choices, but now the trifle is at the back of the fridge so no more custard to eat, the cake is iced so no more icing to eat and the honeyed cashews are still tightly sealed! I hope everyone is well and not too stressed with the silliness of the season! Cheers x


    A veteran tree is defined as one which because of it’s great age, size or condition is of exceptional cultural, landscape or nature conservation value…

    Happy (45) πŸ™‚

    Hi hermaj. I hope you are well.

    Emel, I hope all goes well with your surgery and that you make a swift and uneventful recovery. Like Jojo, I’ve had a few surgeries myself, including earlier this year, and they’ve all gone well and been successful.
    Enjoy Christmas and try not to worry.

    I’m having a rather quiet run up to Christmas as far as the social side of things is concerned. In some ways I’m disappointed but at least I’m not out for dinner every night which I know would be a recipe for disaster, pardon the pun. However, I’m having to work really hard, especially on non fast days, to stop myself eating too much. Having said that, I would rather be like Jojo, and have lots of social events to attend. Christmas is definitely a time to be with others, despite my wishing to emulate Great Garbo!

    Every time I turn the TV on there are adverts for food with groaning tables and hoards of people stuffing themselves. It never bothered me before as I was always doing the same!

    Hi Nicky, Well done. πŸ˜†

    Jojo, be kind to yourself. πŸ˜‰

    We’re in this for the long haul.

    Samm, look after yourself. Good people are scarce. πŸ™‚ Bay

    Get down here and join me girl, plenty of room, we could share meals, teehee.

    If you feel lonely, as I do on occasion, just go on line or Facebook, I am always nearby. Start revising for my Christmas Day Quiz.

    Lunch did not go as planned, didn’t like the soup of the day, cream of tomato. So I had portobello mushrooms on 1 slice of toast with a poached duck egg on top. Lots of butter involved but delicious. Two cups of tea and a packet of cheddar crips later still hungry. What am I like.

    I would love to relax for Christmas but for me that means yet another gain, I can’t go back anymore, my holidays in September – November saw me losing an extra stone and quarter – price too high for me.

    Just off to collect my weekend guest, may be offline for two days, don’t worry, just busy.

    Hermaj, so glad you are back, hold the fort honey please. I suspect you might be quite good at my Christmas Day Quiz.

    Be good everyone, enjoy your festivities.

    Jojo xxx

    Afternoon all.

    It is very cold out there, but I was wearing my new purple coat and was toasty warm πŸ™‚

    I couldn’t face another pot of veggie curry for my FD dinner, so I’ve bought a piece of steak from the butcher and I’ll have it with a nice big leafy salad.

    Hi all you fast tracking Losers

    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Wiwi Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Weemam Tartan lass Smiffy and Hello World (You know Who You) πŸ˜† A good week with 4 fast days and a satisfying result Week 13 – 1.1kg
    I would like to put it to the fast forum today who among you are in the BMI camp and who are in the waist measurement team to find your ideal healthy weight? Michael suggests your waist to be under half your height which in my case is 90cm so a little way off just yet πŸ˜‰ OR none at all rather the look good feel good mirror option πŸ’‘
    Some food for thought and information to ponder people
    Two methods are commonly used to estimate whether you are a healthy weight or not are body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference.
    Waist circumference is considered a good estimate of your body fat, especially your internal fat deposits and your likelihood of developing weight-related disease.
    Health professionals often use BMI and waist circumference together to assess overweight and obesity and assessing risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes
    More than 60% of Australian adults are overweight or obese and the figure is rising. Being overweight or obese can cause many serious health problems Two methods are commonly used to estimate whether you are a healthy weight or not are body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference.
    Waist circumference is considered a good estimate of your body fat, especially your internal fat deposits and your likelihood of developing weight-related disease.
    Health professionals often use BMI and waist circumference together to assess overweight and obesity and assessing risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
    BMI uses weight and height to determine if an adult is within the healthy weight range, underweight, overweight or obese.
    It provides an estimate of total body fat and your risk of developing weight-related diseases.
    BMI ranges for weight classification in adults are below:

    < 18.5 Underweight
    18.5–24.9 Healthy weight range
    25.0–29.9 Overweight
    30.0–34.9 Obesity I
    35.0–39.9 Obesity II
    β‰₯ 40.0 Obesity III
    Why measure waist circumference?
    Waist circumference is a better estimate of visceral fat, the dangerous internal fat which coats the organs. It is therefore a more accurate predictor of cardiovascular risk, type 2 diabetes in women and metabolic syndrome.
    Waist circumference and disease risk
    Waist circumference thresholds which indicate increased risk of disease are below:

    For women:
    β€’ risk is increased at β‰₯ 80 cm
    β€’ risk is high at β‰₯ 88 cm
    For men:
    β€’ risk is increased at β‰₯ 94 cm
    β€’ risk is high at β‰₯ 102 cm for men
    What are the health risks of being overweight or obese?
    Being overweight or obese can directly contribute to developing many serious health problems, including:
    β€’ type 2 diabetes
    β€’ high blood pressure
    β€’ cardiovascular disease
    β€’ sleep apnoea
    β€’ and osteoarthritis.

    Hi RT,
    Well done on the continued weight loss.

    I’m in both camps as far as BMI and waist size are concerned. My waist is much smaller than when I started but still over 50% of my height, and it is the only measurement I took when I first started this WOE. I’ll get there soon πŸ™‚
    BMI is a good estimate of body fat so it can be a useful tool when trying to lose weight. I’ve gone from Obese II to overweight so I’m very pleased.

    I think the most important thing is to bear in mind that they are both estimates and not set in stone, although IMO the waist circumference to height ratio is a more accurate indicator of visceral fat than any other non invasive method.

    Thanks Amazon Obese 11 to overweight is a massive achievement life changing slash life saving just Fab!!!
    yes i agree both are useful guides aren’t they? As a bloke the kpi for me is a lean midriff so i will take the extra 4 cm tolerance the aussie bloke gets πŸ˜† and settle on 94cm and under i dont want to be that bald rich fat guy just rich and bald will do me just nicely πŸ˜‰

    Hi emel. Sorry to hear you have to have an op at this time of year. All the best with it. Will be thinking of you.

    Amazon? A PURPLE coat? I thought that was MY signature colour! πŸ˜‰

    Veteran Hermaj. Glad to hear from you. I think Happy’s description is very apt.

    RT, I was very worried about waist ratio and thrilled when it finally reached 50% of height. That’s when I truly believed I’d cracked it.

    No harm done with the Christmas party binge day. Still at my lowest. Fasted yesterday until evening and then a normal sized dinner. I’m with Happy on the benefits of a long (at least 18 hour) fast. Combined with a long walk, seems to be the thing that brings me back.

    Housefull of visitors tomorrow. Things to do. Catch you later. P

    About to take a well earned winters nap.
    Plans for just a rare but ordinary day when everyone gets home. Very liberating to be free to chosr whayever iwant. But also pointing out that i typically eat whatwver I want 4 or 5 days a week anyway.

    I get so engrossed in the wol . Its nice to to be free .
    im eating akor more healthy foods than when I started. I suppose thats what I was hoping for. To change the foods however. The when and in what amounts seem to be the final variables. Not exactly 5:2 but if nonthe less.

    I tried adf
    I ts just not in my for life list!
    Calorie restirion lifestyle but weekends off. Now thats doable for me.

    Associate Prof Felice Jacka of Deakin Uni is doing research into the effects of food on mood. This is part of an article published on the Active Memory site. Relevant to this festive season.

    “What foods should I choose?

    The β€˜bad-mood food’ culprits are what you might expect. As Jacka explains, β€œhighly-processed snack and takeaway food products, rich in tasty fat and sugar, have now displaced much of the fruit, vegetables and other nutritious, unprocessed foods in our diets.”

    Healthy, nutrient-dense dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet, seem to protect against developing depression, and also dementia. β€œThe strongest evidence-base we have is for the Mediterranean diet,” explains Jacka, β€œand it is what we should be advocating for everyone.”

    The Mediterranean diet is characterised by high consumption of plants (vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and wholegrains), is rich in healthy fats from generous consumption of fish and olive oil, is low in red meat and dairy, and allows for moderate consumption of red wine with meals.

    Tips for healthy eating over the festive season.

    To keep you feeling joyful (and guilt-free) at your next BBQ or end of year party, here are some easy Mediterranean diet based healthy choices you can make:

    Instead of snacking on chips, opt for raw nuts (just not the salted and roasted kind!).

    Load up your plate with salad or veggies first. You’ll leave less room for meat, bread or potatoes.Β 

    1.Β Swap the BBQ lamb chop or steak for a salmon steak. Omega-3 fats in fish reduce inflammation, which may contribute to an increased risk of depression or anxiety. Β 

    2. Add some legumes (beans, chickpeas or lentils) to your plate. Your gut will love the extra fibre, and evidence is building that a healthy gut microbiome is linked to better mental health.

    3.Β High-quality extra-virgin olive oil seasoned with balsamic vinegar is delicious for dipping wholegrain bread, and is a healthy alternative to butter or margarine.

    4.Β Enjoy prawns and turkey. Both are rich in tryptophan an essential amino acid that is the precursor for the neurotransmitter (brain chemical) serotonin.

    5. Swap the pavlova for fresh fruit. Or, if you must indulge, save the sweet treats for a special occasion like Christmas day.

    6. Cheers! Enjoy a glass of red wine with friends and family. Social connection is one of the best protective factors against mental health problems and cognitive decline”
    Enjoy. P


    I saw the coat and had to have it. I took a risk that it might not fit next winter, but there won’t be a purple coat in sight by then. It is a bit tight over a thin top and skirt, so I’m hoping it’ll be OK next winter.

    My front door has just been painted purple too Smiley

    I thought we were on a wavelength Amazon πŸ˜‰
    You know that coat will swim on you next winter!
    I had a double breasted jacket I bought for keeping warm on playground duty years ago. I bought double breasted so that at least when it was undone it covered my front. It barely met in the middle. Now I can wear a thick jumper underneath AND do the buttons up easily. I never believed that could ever have been possible. Your time WILL come mate. P x

    Good morning fellow fasters … another glorious day here … heading for around 30oC.

    Yesterday was a bit hard … two functions to attend but kept drinkies and, to a lesser degree, food to a minimum … at least the food through the lunch function was kept to a minimum and had my regular evening meal amount perhaps a touch less but not by much.

    My aim for this next week is to maintain but if by some miracle (or hard work) I do lose a little bit I’ll be happiest but I won’t beat myself up over the head if I do put on a little just if I put on a LOT as I’ll fast tomorrow (Sunday) through to Christmas Eve (as only other function is today) to counteract yesterday & today (even though did an extra FD last week) and then fast for at least 3 days the following week (as New Year’s Eve will be a MAJOR contributor to weight gain if I’m not careful), then it’s on with the 40 lb in 20 weeks challenge … I will need to really work at this as the losses are slowing for me.

    Regarding the age thingy I know it’s just a label, I like what Hermaj suggests as Veteran is also something we call those who’ve fought in wars for us and returned (just like us really) and can be of ANY age and in a way is that not what we’re all doing – fighting a war with our obesity/weight and our health/longevity. I liked Jojo’s 3rd Age too but for some reason Veteran resonates more with me πŸ˜€

    Well I’d best get on with things and start to get ready for the day as have lots to do πŸ˜€ will try to catch up later πŸ˜€

    If it swims on me next winter I’ll have to buy a new one!
    I cannot believe how many items of clothing have been disposed of since I started this journey. I used to have a few things that fitted and wardrobes and drawers stuffed with clothes that were too small. Every day is a new adventure, pulling something out and trying it on. Unfortunately a couple of items have gone from too small to too big without being worn Smiley

    Hi SAMM sorry to hear you’re not quite at the top of your game at the minute mate a minor glitch on the adventure I’m sure SAMM you are inspiring and carrying all of us here along with you on your shoulders as well as loading trucks πŸ˜‰ 100lbs of fat is a massive 45.3kg goal success is getting what you want happiness is wanting what you get.rock star all day out all night boom. Love it
    IF and 4-3 you are spot on it is the bankable confidence by rate over time.
    Peace RT

    Hi Amazon and P,

    I have to join you as a fan of purple, although my wardrobe is more balanced than it was 20 years ago! I still have, although they haven’t been worn for perhaps 15 years (and probably shouldn’t be again!), a pair of over the knee purple suede boots… My knees were always too chubby, but God I loved those boots!

    And yep, a winter coat can always take a bit of layering beneath.

    RT. On the subject of BMI vs waist. I was always a pear, so I was in the overweight category but waist measurement was healthy and less than half my height. I could have been top end overweight but still not even in the increased risk category.

    P, loving your food mood info. Because that’s pretty much what I like πŸ™‚

    I am not sure what I think about waist measurement. I am 170 cm so half is above the recommended measurement and to have an acceptable BMI (tipping the highest) also seems out of my reach a whopping 42 kilos ….. but I daresay it is those self-limiting beliefs that have ensured I do not lose weight in the first place… so now I am thinking do I set ten percent goals for waist and BMi and go from there.
    JO jo I can identify about concerns re festivities and food. Interestingly I am now partially fasting on the days I go out for dinner and I have noticed my rising panic about what I can eat has reduced… I would worry so much and then once faced with the variety of food and drink that ALL intentions would go out the window. I am not so worried now and I am eating / or being tempted far less, it is strange the way our minds work!!

    Good point emel,

    They now say aim for a waist measurement that is half your height, so that gives you a little more room.

    Interesting also about self-limiting beliefs and goal setting. My goal weight was a bit unambitious, in the healthy BMI range, but based on a weight that I hadn’t been too unhappy with in the past! I’m now, inadvertently, about 12lbs (5ish kg) below that goal. I would never have aimed for this weight, because I never thought I could be ‘9 stone something’. So yes, I agree, break it down into manageable chunks and see how you go. Also if you do plateau it won’t be so disheartening if you have at least reached mini-goals?

    Was reading just a little after a phone call.
    Looks like some very Intrestesting reading things going on with y’all since the start of page 100.
    Will read more closely. When I wake up.

    Emil some of the best advice I ever got I’ll share with you.
    The good times don’t last long, but neither do the bad times.
    Wishing you well!

    Thankyou SAMM, re good times /bad times, that is gold and I will steal it to use! X

    Thanks Fast Losers πŸ˜†
    The healthy weight range BMI of 18.5 – 24.9 is really very interesting to me for my height 180cm and age a 51yo male and with a Sedentary Activity Level is a weight of 80.5kg that is a BMI of 24.8 just in the healthy weight range. My original goal was 79kg with a BMI of 24.4 on 31/10 I reviewed this to a new goal of 75kg a BMI of 23.1 and now that I had found my way and I have seen the light and got my fast and mojo on πŸ˜‰ I reviewed that goal again on the 1/12 to 70kg a BMI of 21.6 which is what I was when I got married so I have been there πŸ˜‰ long time ago but and I will be very interested what the waist line number will read out at just quietly 😯 do what’s doable is the Mosely Mantra, Championed by SAMM and I now humbly add my name to that honour board do what’s doable I’m in for the long haul with this way of life.
    Peace RT

    Happy Holidays to all. I won’t be posting, and will read when I can. πŸ˜†

    By doing 4:3 this week, I’m maintaining low weight today even after two days of champagne indulgence. πŸ˜‰

    Lovely hot days and cold food ahead.

    Cheers to all Fast Trackers. Thank you for your great company, cheerful support, and sympathetic hearts. May you enjoy a splendid festive season. I look forward to a new year of losses. 😳

    Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi everyone and thank you for your support.

    Jojo, please don’t feel down. You know that even if you relax and enjoy this coming week of socializing, the extra weight will be gone soon, like it did after holidays.

    Emel, sorry to hear you have to have an op. If you need any help please let me know.

    SAMM, take care of yourself. Your family needs you, and so do we.

    Hi Lizzie, Bay, Hermaj, OA, Bigmarie, Happy, Nama, Lori_PA, Wee and Supermam (in no special order) – hope I haven’t forgotten anyone.

    Amazon, sorry you feel a bit low too. Maybe you’re a little let down after all your hard work at the front of your flat. It certainly sounded lovely but maybe not enough recognition from your neighbours? Your purple coat sounds wonderful – such a lovely winter colour!

    Must confess also feel a bit low today. Have been over-indulging with nibbles like chocolate, shortbread and salted cashews – must be because of the processed white carbs like Purple mentioned. OH stressed and a bit grumpy too with various demands on his time, which hasn’t helped. Like SAMM, will just keep on keeping on. Have come in from outside for a drink and to check on the cricket after blowing the paths and washing the outside of the windows. Visitors ARE good for the house πŸ˜‰

    I like ‘veteran’ but ‘vintage’ appeals too. At this stage (maybe because I can say ‘no, I’m still at work’ when asked if I have a Seniors Card) I don’t seem to be aware of any negative inferences. In fact, during our EOY review at work, when listening to my boss’s plans for 2015 I confessed that I felt I ought to retire when I turned 70 to let someone else have a go and he said he would be happy if I kept on until I’m 80 – am considering it! Now I’m on leave expect to be able to keep up with the thread.

    RT I use both BMI and waist:height. I’m at the lower end of obesity I and my w:h ratio is 0.57. The disadvantage of BMI is it can’t distinguish between fat and muscle so a well-muscled person (oh to be that) may have a calculated BMI in the obese range without being fat.

    Do keep up the good work everyone but remember that this WOL is not like other diets and has room for real life events like Christmas. Relax if you can, enjoy the season and get back on the wagon afterwards. cyber hugs to you all, my fast(ing) friends!

    Morning/evening all.

    Nicky I’m not exactly feeling low, just a bit disappointed that the social diary is a bit quiet. I gave up work at the end of September 2012 and was still in the loop for Christmas invitations, plus catching up with people I hadn’t had time to see all year. This time last year I was in Australia, so there was a very busy period at the beginning of December when I was catching up and having early Christmas with family and friends. This year I was very slack and decided not to organise anything before I went to Cuba, but of course by the time I got back, everyone else is too busy to meet up before Christmas! So it is really my own fault for not being more organised, something that no-one could ever have accused me of before Smiley
    The good thing is that there are fewer temptations to eat too much, but I’m a bit restless which is bad news. Fortunately the fridge is still bare, and there is no bread, chocolates, cheese or anything else tempting to nibble on at home. I’ve still not weighed myself since I got home from Cuba, and I’m tempted not to bother until after Christmas.
    I’m off to Richmond Park for a walk today. It is a huge place with lots of deer, and it will be bracing!
    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Just a quick message.
    I am in London at the end of Jan, hope to visit Kew if you are game to meet.
    Merry Christmas all.
    Quiz nearly ready for Christmas Day posting
    Jojo xx

    Hi jojo and all on this thread too. Happy Christmas and good luck with fasting! Will check out the Quiz..Njoy!!!

    Hi Jojo,

    Sounds good to me, and as a Friend of Kew I can take guests along for free!

    Looking forward to it, maybe we can convince some others to join us?

    Hi jojo,

    I’m just popping in when something of interest turns up in rather that actually returning full-time.

    I would love to join in your Christmas Day quiz but I’ll be on the other side of the Channel on the day. We’re off to Nancy in Eastern France to wallow in Art Nouveau, both architecture and interior design artefacts. The city was a major production centre for these wnderful craft goods at the turn of the 20th century and there are shed-loads of them in the wonderful museum they have there.

    Do enjoy Christmas rather than stressing over it. The odd wee bit of naughtiness is allowed at this time of year. Maybe choose just one or two little treats – the real favourites, you know, the ones you would kill for – and avoid the rest. And even if you do go overboard, you know from experience that you are very, very good at repairing dietary damage. Have fun xx πŸ™‚


    Amazon, you are the emoticon queen!

    This evening I am the inebriated emoticon queen Smiley

    Happy days gang. Can’t wait for your quiz, Jojo. We’ll be doing socialising today (why aren’t I up and working?) So entertainment on the 25th will be perfect.
    Hermaj Nancy sounds terrific. Never been there. Must add it to my ‘must see list’.
    Kew is a lovely choice for a walk A. I know what you mean about retiring and dropping off the party list. I experienced that 3 years ago. Appreciate the quiet year, as it all picks up again in your next phase of life.
    Wish me luck with my big day today. Cheers all fts. P πŸ˜†

    Have a fab day Purple πŸ˜›

    Amazon, have you drunk yourself under the table yet…? πŸ™‚

    Hi to all you wonderful “losers”

    I have just surfaced on the Maintenance Chatbox as a first-time poster, feeling that’s probably my natural home (having passed “happy” and achieved “rapt” with the results of 5:2 and this WOL), but I love the warmth and support on this thread, and of course don’t want to miss Jojo’s quiz.

    I’m 63, 1.67m, 60kg, fasting on Mondays and Thursdays for the rest of my days!

    Morning/evening fellow fasters … lovely day yesterday, didn’t over eat but ate what I wanted (felt full a LOT sooner than previously), had two soft drinks (was going to have an alcoholic drink but just didn’t get around to it), had a friend over for dinner/tea and after that we spent several hours crafting together … got another 9 Chrissy cards stamped, cut and put together myself and helped my friend to get similar numbers done. She left to go home around 1:00 am so waited until I’d heard she got home before going to bed (she’s a single lady who lives by herself with a golden retriever), so it was a little after 1:30 am before I got to bed, then my stupid internal alarm clock had me awake at 6:15 am so said to myself NO, another two hours please. Well I’ve been up for the past 15 to 20 minutes and it’s just hit 8 am.

    Hopefully not too much damage with the soft drink yesterday … oh, yes, and a little bit of gingerbread (home made by a neighbour and her children) the rest was consumed by OH and my friend, mainly my OH πŸ˜†

    Good luck PVE with your big day πŸ˜€

    RT so good to hear you’re re-adjusting goals … I’ve set myself a realistic one to start with but am using mini goals to keep me on track as otherwise it becomes overwhelming. I’m needing to discard another 700g to achieve my 2nd mini goal, then it’s 5kg increments from then on in πŸ™‚

    OH bought me a Fitbit yesterday for Christmas … but I think I might just get it going today so I can start to see just how sedentary (or not) that I am. Wish me luck as if I can’t get it going I’ll have to get my grandson over as my boys are not technologically minded … I was always the one with sorting out the new technology as it arrived in the house even when they were teens πŸ˜€

    SAMM thinking of you and hoping all is going well for you.

    Hermaj great to hear from you in here again πŸ˜€

    Nicky life gets hectic this time of year … Amazon mental pictures of you as the enebriated queen of emoticons, rolling around the floor πŸ˜†

    Hi to Bigmarie, Wee, Wiwi, Emel, Nama, Jojo, Bay, Happy and everyone else hoping you’re all having a great (losing) week πŸ˜€ catch up more later πŸ˜†

    Welcome to Barata … we must have posted around the same time πŸ˜€

    Good evening All,
    Welcome Barata, you are very welcome here.

    I have had a very busy day, walking, pub, lunch in a Thai restaurant, shopping and cinema(Annie). Finally had to watch ‘Strictly’. So glad Pasha won because I have just bought tickets to his concert in April.

    Food has been ok today but hit the nuts for snack again this evening. Elvis night was brilliant, performer had a great voice, he also mimicked other artists very well and told brilliant jokes. Fortunately the food was ghastly so many calories saved.

    Tomorrow lunch will be difficult as it is a buffet(always the worst sort of temptation).
    I will do a long walk in the morning. Have a great Sunday everyone.

    Jojo xx


    Experimented with chicken legs today.
    using a pressure cooker. Cooked the legs until tender enough to mash with hands.

    Made several types of chicken sausages . Two favorites emerged . One with fennel and grape skins and the other was Italian chicken meatballs.
    Took from frozen to plate in 22 minutes.

    What I learned was chicken needs to be defatted. Basically boiling the meat. Skimming off the fat…
    then spice to pair well. Made enough for 10 weeks on the feed day menus.
    probably not all that intresting huh?

    But whst ive learned in that if I dont eat on schedule or routine. I start to graze . Out neglect the measuring to be accurate.
    Today I purged my freezer and am starting over with newer frozen foods. I plan to to follow a weight loss plan for ten weeks then take a planned break for two weeks. Except from thanksgivings will go on break till new years every year…
    me thinks that having 120 fasting or calorie restriction days next year will do it.

    feeling very optimistic.
    Bench press upto 195
    skipping 8 minutes easily now too.

    its a relief. I dont have to make the woe the center of my life. I just have to follow the menu. πŸ™‚

    Sipping my tea, nodding off in my big chair.
    After exercise I plan to have health bath.

    Hi to all you fast tracking Losers πŸ˜†

    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Wiwi Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Weemam Tartan lass Smiffy and Hello World (You know Who You) 😯
    Welcome Barata you had me at a (happy now rapt) bring your happy pants and skills and knowledge.
    AO I see we are as one now in sync with 5kg increments on this WOL and personally I feel it’s only a matter of time to achieve what was three months ago fanciful or at the very least hopeful total body weight loss make over and transformation like the share market it will fluctuate dip and rise ie Christmas and New Year is not the ideal time however πŸ™„ but our confidence & self-belief in the IF formula surrounded by as many winning losers as we have here πŸ˜‰
    Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones you’ll start having positive results
    Peace RT

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