
This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bronx 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Why are we constantly looking for magic bullets when we all know the answer is to eat less than our bodies need in order to lose weight, and change our eating habits so that we don’t regain it.

    The study was on rats made artificially obese in order to be experimented on. As a stand alone result it means very little and as is said at the end of the article, more research is needed. IMHO it would be rash to act on such a finding.

    I was just curious.

    As a compulsive overeater, the magic bullet for me would be a pill I could take that would make me lose my desire to mindlessly shovel food in my mouth or take away those darned cravings for things I know I shouldn’t eat. I’ve tried them all and haven’t found one yet with long lasting results. I use plain old willpower to keep things under control but still occasionally fall short.


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