Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 2 months ago.

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  • Charles Washington runs this site
    A cracking detailed written interview with pictures of Charles Washington of the HOW WHAT WHEN WHERE AND WHY ZC.
    All good information here that is challenging long held beliefs I think outstanding.
    Down 800g this week taking the fat loss to 2kg now into the 3rd week clearly the 10000 steps a day and the current 23/1 is playing a key role here also the community that dine exclusively from the animal kingdom seem to no longer worry about counting carbs or calories a very freeing mindset. I have bought a box of lamb forequarter shanks from my DIL $4-50 a kg a 20kg box so some lamb (racks chops shanks) beef (ground beef rib eye porterhouse steak) chicken Mary lands drum stick and thigh skin on and on the bone with plenty of compound butter on my menu this week. Yum Yum

    Hi RT,

    I think you are enjoying your carb free experiment and I admire your determination and ability to stick to a plan πŸ™‚
    I love meat but I wouldn’t be able to tolerate a carb free diet.

    23/1 didn’t work out very well for me which is crazy as it is what I always do on FDs. Having said that nothing else has worked too well lately either and methinks it is more about state of mind. I intend to try it again and see if I can do better.

    Hi all,
    Thanks for the link RT, I will read it when I get time. Fascinating stuff challenging long held beliefs. Your menu sounds delish, I wonder if you will get tired of all that protein? We enjoyed a roast leg of lamb on Sunday night at Jamieson, it was scrumptious. Husband had the usual roast veg and I had sliced lamb on top of coleslaw!! Didn’t make gravy and didn’t miss it. Tastes definitely change with this WOL.

    Second last trip to Jamieson, this time took all the pictures off the walls, what a bare little cottage it seems now! Fasting groove seems to be finally back after Xmas excesses – finally shifted that pesky couple of kilos. This years challenge is to shift a few more and maybe even get to and stay at that elusive 70!

    All the talk of kefir interesting. I initially bought the powdered stuff you have Jo as I was too impatient to order on line. It worked, but I doubt it was as beneficial as the ‘real’ stuff. I have been using the grains that Purple posted me ever since, we have a small glass each every night, fast day or not. We really enjoy it.

    My fur grandy will be here soon for the day, hopefully some gardening will get done. He is another ball chaser Jo! Seems to think thats all I want to do. Then tomorrow the day with my grandaughter, I do enjoy Wednesdays as I have her all to myself for the morning.

    Lovely to hear from you again Wiwi, enjoy those hills!!
    My contribution for links – RT make sure you have a belt on!!

    Fantastic Nama!
    What better way to get the message out than in a catchy tune? That one goes straight to the poolroom 😁😁😁P

    Thank you for welcoming me back.

    I will be actively participating again, after the movements around the world.

    So the grim truth is that I am 6 kg up on October, but back to 4:3.

    I am going to follow the kefir thread through. I know nothing at present It sounds like my kind of food.

    Happy fasting.
    xx Wiwi

    Nama thank you very much that is sensational loved it loved it loved it !!!
    Ah gee more research coming up for me i reckon πŸ˜‰

    He’s made some great videos on US subsidies of sugar too.


    Loved it so much I posted it on the SH thread. Thank you. I will send it on to family.πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺

    So pleased you all enjoyed it so much!!
    I saw it on a Facebook Page I follow called “Fung Shweigh inspired by Dr Jason Fung” which I notice Barata also follows. There are some extreme fasters on there and lots of talk about ketosis, but its worth following for the little gems like this that pop up!

    Fung Shweigh…clever..Fung’s Way or Fung’s Weigh. Love it 😊😊

    I also read it as a slight play on ‘feng shui’ Purple, ie harmony not just in surroundings, but in life/wellness.

    That was clear, Nama, but the others are there too! Hehe.
    Happy Valentine’s Day, Fast Trackers ❀

    you are way too quick for me Miss Purple!
    We dont celebrate Valentine’s Day here – apologies to our US members, I find it just another Americanising/commercialisation of our culture! Must be getting old. Or maybe because its my birthday on 21st Feb, Wedding Anniversary on 2nd March, no way I would ever get a THIRD card!

    Any excuse for romance, I figure…French restaurant tonight 😚

    Hi Nama,
    Great Link, felt like dong line dancing to it. Butter Bob is brilliant.
    Good work on the Christmas weight.
    RT- sounds like it’s going well, how about the fibre aspects? Is eating out OK? Are you dreaming of a fat juicy carrot?
    As a pescatarian I would not be happy about giving up all carbs, I love my potatoes. But sugar and processed foods including bread are not in my future.

    Amazon- as you know I struggled all last year but 23/1 has worked for me. The key as in every fast day is drinking every hour, hot drinks are best in winter but green tea especially good as it has antioxidants. I think the Kefir is a good addition to my diet but it will probably be a long term result on that one. I would love to be tested for insulin resistance and gut flora though, measure changes would be interesting.

    Nama- yes Barata told me she followed Jason Fung thread, probably a good idea.

    As you will see I am awake early again, determined to stay up this evening even if I have to prop my eyes open with matchsticks. Although to be honest I am quite enjoying this peaceful time to organise my life, answer emails, make lists and plan menus- how sad am I?

    Restart honey, you know what’s, what!
    At least you are in the sunny half of the world (well that’s the theory in Welly)

    French Food – yummy
    I will be having soup- boohoo

    Yes, Purple, any excuse for reminding ourselves how lucky we are to have each other. We have celebrated it for the last 18 years. πŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉBay

    Yes, noted you were on Fung Shweigh FB page, Nama. There are lots of inspiring stories, and as here, wonderful support. It’s a very happy group, well moderated. They have recently banned comments from anyone who was fasting for more than seven days without medical supervision, but a lot of the members do undertake multiple-day fasts – many of them need the losses, of course.

    I am on my second day of eggs-and-fat, trying to budge these two pesky kgs. No breakfast, boiled egg and avocado for lunch, and three-egg omelette with bacon and cheese – think I will add mushrooms tonight. Hope it’s worth it. I have just put my kefir (water) down with lemon juice for its last 24-hour ferment, after removing the lemon skins. This makes it a five-day process.

    There are more whales are grounding on Farewell Spit. It’s been a horrible few days with so many stranded and dying on the beach. And then they start to rot, and burst! Many volunteers are lining the water’s edge to try and save them, but they can only be refloated at high tide so it is a matter of keeping them moist. Heartbreaking for those working so hard. πŸ™

    Yes Barata. The whale situation on Farewell Spit is so tragic. Poor darling creatures.
    Have a good one Bay and Mr Bay. πŸ’•

    Hi Jojo not an issue for me dreaming of carrots at all bowel movements fine and as for eating out I am thinking this is a retirement thing or a UK thing as I can’t remember the last time we ate out even so if I did that would be a snap a mixed grill here in Australia would have an egg, a rasher of bacon, a sausage a lamb chop a hamburger patty a small steak and depends where you eat a pork spare rib hold the chips please. Or a steak with a cream sauce ie pepper or dianne maybe a flavoured butter or that luxurious butter and egg yolk bΓ©arnaise or hollandaise sauce nothing could be simpler.8.2 teaspoons of sugar in 150grams of potato WOW….


    Great that all is well and very pleased for you.
    I only have potato once per week, it’s limited like my alcohol allowance. Guess it may be dropped some day when fasting hits a plateau again. But I wouldn’t choose meat only, my digestive system is not as strong as yours. Pork actually makes me physically sick, not keen on beef at all. I like chicken and occasional lamb. But I love vegetables. Maybe it’s where I have gone wrong in the past? Anyway I will keep plodding on until I reach goal by whatever works. Interesting article though, compelling and I can see why you like it.
    Eating out is popular locally but I noticed very full restaurants in NZ and Australia, not all tourists.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another sunny blue sky morning πŸ™‚

    I drink a bit more on FDs but I’m not evangelical about when or how much, I try to listen to my body and I have no desire to wear a nocturnal trail between bedroom and bathroom.

    I’m off to the gym this morning and if the sun is still shining I might go for another walk this afternoon.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    The sun is shining here and I am stuck at home waiting for the Gas engineer. So frustrating but I really need a leaky radiator mended.

    Playing bowls everyday this week to get my form back, good fun but very time consuming.

    Ah well washing and cleaning to do, must get on- some Valentines Day I am having!

    Where is the love?


    Good Morning from cloudy FL,
    Instead of going out today for VD we did yesterday per my stepdaughter’s suggestion.To me it doesn’t make any difference but she and husband insisted was a great restaurant. I didn’t eat much however the scale is screaming this morning. Must be a combo of alcohol, salt, food in transit and body tellibgvto get back in track asap. Fasting here for sure.
    I saw the story on TV about the stranded whales. It breaks my heart and for sure I would be there helping if I could.
    Nama when I was into kefir making and I had to much of each I added to my coke skaw as well and was great.
    I better behave this week and focus on my goal.
    See you later πŸ’‹πŸŒΊ

    Hi HCB,

    It’s hard work getting back on the wagon isn’t it. I’m having the same problem but we just have to keep on trying and we’ll get there πŸ™‚

    I had a good workout at the gym this morning. I’ve started doing resistance work again to build up my muscle strength and I’m really enjoying it. My abs are protesting big time so something is happening πŸ˜†

    I bought some beautiful yellow tulips on the way home πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    I’m not going out again as it has clouded over and the wind makes it feel much colder than 10Β°C. If I get bored there is always the ironing………. (I don’t think so πŸ˜– )

    Yellow tulips are fabulous. I have just disposed of the my daffodils which had gone droopy. I love fresh flowers in the house especially Astromerias.

    I had a lovely walk on a new beach this afternoon, I was visiting a friend and her cat called Luna. It was very mild, a little sun and no wind- perfect for dog walking.

    Feeling very tired again, trying to hold out until 10 pm before sleep. Not sure I will make it yawn, yawn!

    Fast went well today, I suspect I have dropped another pound.

    I like to buy seasonal flowers so it is daffodils and tulips at this time of year. Everywhere I looked had lots of very unseasonal red roses, can’t think why……
    My Mum had yellow tulips in her wedding bouquet so I often bought them for her and now I buy them for me and think of her πŸ™‚

    Oh, what a summer it’s been! Now look what’s happening in poor Christchurch.

    Second batch of kefir now bottled and refrigerated. I will make a new one each week. Would love to know what good it is doing internally.

    Keep those drops dropping, Jo. My fat-and-eggs is on its third day, lost a few hundred grams but tomorrow is a normal FD so should show some results by Friday.

    Spring flowers – my chrysanthemums are flourishing!

    Shocking situation, very sad, to think I was there 4 weeks ago. Such a beautiful place and so much work going on to restore it from earthquakes. What a terrible thing to happen. New Zealand is having a rough time what with the whales being beached too.
    Glad you are making progress with you diet change. I am sending you a little gift can you put your address on messenger. It may cheer you up a bit.

    Lost another 1/2 lb from Day 2/3 FD’s of 300 calories limit. Breaking it early today though as having lunch out with friends. Might have to be soup only at that limit.
    We will probably have a nice walk too in Sandwich, beautiful town, lots of lovely little shops.

    Amazon, My mum used to have plastic tulips and daffodils (free with soap powder) which I used to wash for her. How funny, she loved them. They sat in the kitchen window. She never really got real flowers, except when we picked bluebells in the woods. She did grow her own roses though as I do. Mums- missed – everyday!

    Will do, Jo. πŸ™‚

    Morning/evening all,

    Another bright morning but we might be dodging raindrops this afternoon β˜”

    It’s so nice to wake up to daylight πŸ™‚

    I’m going out for dinner this evening so it’s 23/1 for me today. We our going to a North African restaurant that makes the most wonderful tagines. Yum!

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    That sounds delicious, have fun.

    I had some terrific compliments at bowls today, lots of people noticed my weight loss. Really made me smile.

    Have a great day everyone. I am enjoying the winter sunshine. Warmer then Wellington, sorry Barata.

    Hi all can i ask you all for your weight loss success stories really need some motivation this week. My first week im struggling a bit always thinking of food esp in the night. Im going to fast again tommorow.

    Hello everyone,
    Just return from a lovely lunch out where I resisted starter, pudding and wine but had main course mushroom and cheesy potato pie with mixed veg, yummy.

    I did indulge in a latte but gave away the chocolate truffle which came with it.

    When I got home I had a parcel waiting, my Kefir grains plus my friend had delivered some raw milk which she got from a farm shop in Canterbury so I know what I will be doing tonight. How exciting?

    Clairebear12, it’s a long story from me but I have been fasting for 3 years during which time I have had incredible losses and gains, currently going down for the last six months. I have radically changed my relationship with food both in types eaten and quantity consumed. I have tried every combination of fasting from standard 5:2 to five day liquid fasts. But I now fast daily 23/1 having 500 calories 2 or 3 times per week and about 1500 on other days.

    It’s the first time since I started that I have had consistent loses or maintenance. Small gains have been rapidly disposed of. I only eat healthy food these days e.g. Fish and veg, ( some potato), cheese, eggs, a little fruit with yogurt. I don’t eat bread, sweet foods, any white carbs. I have very limited amounts of alcohol usually gin and tonic( Ave 2 per week). I have just started using Kefir to improve my gut bacteria. I had 8 stone to lose so it has been a long rough ride. I did lose a stone with weight watchers before I started fasting Jan 2014. I was very grumpy and suffered headaches for the first three months which was probably sugar withdrawal.

    I have always been very active, swimmer and daily walker so exercise was not my problem. I even played badminton weekly and bowls at least three times per week. I am not sure where my target will be (possibly 10 stones) but it is within sight now, possibly by December this year based on my yoyoing past. I am not phased by the time it has taken because it took me 30 years to gain weight and I have learnt to control my eating now. I am confident that I will get there and maintain my weight in the future.

    The support of the successful fasters on this thread has been incredible. I find it better to focus on a weekly goal, baby steps. Embrace change it’s the only way to change your shape and health.

    Good Luck

    Hi everyone,

    What a fab day πŸ™‚

    The Orchid festival at Kew Gardens had an Indian theme which included a couple of tuk-tuks complete with moss drivers and passenger seats stuffed with orchids, a moss elephant with the longest trunk in the world and conkers for eyes carrying a huge basket of orchids and a monkey up a tree made of bromeliads, baby pineapples and orchids.
    Oh and a six foot tall peacock with a tail made of orchids which was stunning 😎

    There was also a moss tiger with stripes made from dried strips of raffia/ leaves which was rather interesting as it reminded me of a horror film mummy that was losing its bandages.

    They have a different theme based on a country/continent every year and it is always fabulous. The work involved in designing and putting together such a display and ensuring that they have several hundred plants in bloom at the right time never ceases to amaze me.

    We came back to my flat and got on-line and booked a hotel for our trip to Hull in May. We found somewhere right in the city centre and just across the road from the station which means most places are within walking distance and we don’t have to lug our bags very far.

    We then went off to the North African restaurant. Their tagines are to die for and we weren’t disappointed πŸ™‚

    I am so full that I am looking forward to fasting tomorrow πŸ˜†

    Sounds like a real treat. Did you take photos for Feacebook?

    3 days of bowls has impacted on my back, very sore this morning, woke me up early. Luckily I had another early night last night. I may need to cancel Yoga in favour of rest. Unfortunately I have a match this afternoon, mixed pairs, no option to cancel. Get out the freezer patch before I start.

    Yet another 1/2 lb down which is great because I had quite a generous meal out yesterday. Just drinks the rest of the day though. 6 lbs down this month, going strong.

    I need to buy lemons, ginger and mineral water to make my ‘water Kefir’ so that is first thing on the shopping list today. I am going to do lunch instead of dinner again today. I am really pleased that I was not tempted to eat yesterday evening and I think it would be great to permanently bring forward my one meal to lunchtime(except for special occasions). I can always have a soup later if I am peckish. Is it best to drink Kefir on an empty stomach? Once per day or split to 3 times, any advice?

    Answered my own question, researched on Google. Best taken on an empty stomach so either early morning 30 mins before food of before bed if you ate before 6 pm. Most bacteria die if taken just after a meal, can’t survive the digestive acids.

    Start with 4 oz and work up to 8 oz over time and compatibility with your own digestive system.

    My garden group are arranging a trip to Kew mid March, will you be around? Sent you a message on Messenger but not sure you use it still.

    Morning/evening all,

    Jo, I’ve replied πŸ™‚

    It’s a bright morning and the milder weather continues which is good news.

    4th batch of kefir today and it is now thick and creamy and tastes very nice so all systems go 😎

    FD today, bring it on.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Evening all,
    Today has gone really slowly probably because I cancelled this mornings activities. I walked the dogs in the beautiful sunshine which was lovely.

    My back pain has not been too bad. I was able to compete and win a very tough league bowls match today. I was really pleased because it was a game where myself and my partner were not expected to win. We have both been playing less than 3 years whereas our competitors had been at the top of their game for 10 years.

    Both of my dogs have had collapses since I have been home this evening but they seem ok now. I guess it’s back to the vet tomorrow. It’s such a worry, can’t really focus on anything. Haven’t planned tomorrow’s food so may do a fast day.

    Love to everyone

    Friday greetings, fellow fasters. It’s a damp day here, and across much of the country, watering parched parts of the country that desperately need it. Only a little rain until tomorrow for Christchurch, unfortunately, to help quell the fires there, but they now have it under control.

    I am trying not to feel guilty about having Friday off when it’s so busy at work, but know I will be working Fridays for all of March πŸ™

    My third water kefir is bubbling nicely – apricot flavour this time. It will be interesting to experiment with all the possible flavours. I will add ginger and cinnamon when the grains are removed.

    The three day egg-and-fat fast, followed by a FD, has resulted in about 1.5 kg lost, so I am happy to be able to use this as an intermittent tool when the weight starts to creep up with 5:2.

    Barata a 3 day egg and fat fast is very interesting would you care to give me a mental word picture of what the plate looks like please? Minus 1.5kg is fantastic congratulation’s keep on keeping on !!

    Happy to, RT. Skip a morning meal. Lunch is one boiled egg and an avocado – and even by the third day I was looking forward to this. And the evening meal was a three-egg omelette with a rasher of bacon, a couple of mushrooms, and lots of cheese! Very filling.

    Some of that 1.5 is likely to creep back, but I have the tools!

    Looks like everyone is on a “kefir” theme lately. I am very curious about the water kefir one. I’ve done all sorts of experiments with the milk grains so next lever here. I wonder if water kefir tastes like kombucha.
    Barata your egg, avocado and little bacon sounds like a good way of burning some extra pounds.
    Jo if you lost 6 pounds in a month that means in 10 months = 60 lbs 😱😱😱😱
    Said newsfepm this end here. There was one Fast this week. Today I cold hold until 12noon.
    Going out with 2 of my neighbors for lynx tomorrow.
    Otherwise the weather is just gorgeous here 🌞
    Be good Folks πŸ₯‘

    Lynx! That auto-correct throws up some doozies πŸ™‚ HCB, water kefir without flavours / spices / fruit added tastes of very little, just a pleasant mild drink with a little sparkle to it.

    Auto-correct! Was it me again? 😁
    Barata I always prefer to trying before embarking into new experiments. When I did my kombucha wasn’t tasty and fizzy like store bought whereas my milk kefir was better than the bottled bought ones.
    Jo why didn’t you stick with Weight Watchers and preceded your Sliming group?
    Be back tomorrow πŸ₯’

    Here we go again!
    Meant “preferred”.

    πŸ™‚ Haven’t got the sparkle yet in my water kefir (much), but it’s great to experiment, doesn’t take much time, and OH enjoys it too.

    Barata that is luxury on a plate right there as from the farm we are getting 3 dozen eggs a day certainly interesting combinations Thanks.

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