Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 6,951 through 7,000 (of 7,283 total)

  • Yes, varying the earrings is our treat! Sad, eh. Purple, you’re so right about your great grandmother’s experience. When we were sad about son moving to America, my friend pointed out that it was little different to her mother moving from Scotland to South Wales during the war. Communication was by weekly letter, with an annual short visit by train. Thank god for technology.

    Online jigsaws helped me during that first, scary lockdown, but they will not load now for some reason. I did find that they helped stress enormously. I can’t knit anymore since my hands have become very achy.

    I don’t knit, Polly, but my hands can’t cope with hand sewing, so I find patterns with only machine sewing.
    We had a 25 deg day today, and it’s still winter! We have just walked locally for an hour starting at sunset. Still warm and balmy now. Goodness only knows what summer will be like. At least it’s easier to fast and just eat salads! P

    Hi everyone,

    It’s August Bank Holiday weekend here which means it’s the end of school holidays and the autumn term (and weather) is just round the corner.

    I’ve had an OK week with 2 successful FDs, one 800 calorie day and one FD that never got off the ground. I braved the scales this morning having not been on them since before my surgery and I know I gained weight in the 6 weeks post op as my clothes were getting very tight. They are now more comfortable and the scales verify things are moving in the right direction.
    I’m also working on eating more sensibly on non FDs as I had been snacking though the day and it’s a habit I want to get rid of asap.

    I’ve upped the exercise this week and my body has been sore which is no surprise as I’d not been able to do my regular workout for months so it’ll take maybe another week for my body to get used to it.
    I’ve also done a couple of good walks this week which have been so enjoyable now I can walk as far as I wish.

    I had a nice stroll along the Southbank on Tuesday on my way to Borough Market.
    I came home with lots of goodies but managed to avoid the pastries and other sugar laden options although I now have a lot of cheese πŸ˜†

    I treated myself to lunch in an Italian fish restaurant, I had 2 starters rather than a main course, prawns with chili and garlic and crab croquettes. Both dishes were very good and I sat on the train feeling very content although that might have in part been due to the Aperol spritz 🀣

    I’m hoping to see my niece and her family this weekend and I’ve got a couple of walks planned as the weather is going to be dry and warm.

    Have a good one everybody πŸ€ͺ

    It’s so good to get such a positive report from you, Amazon! Enjoy your outings. It’s lovely to be able to visit markets.

    We are stuck in Level 4 lockdown at the moment, with our Delta outbreak, and are going to be lumped with Auckland next Tuesday when the rest of the country is expected to go down a level or two. The natives here in the north are getting restless. πŸ™ Our farmers’ market will be closed for the foreseeable.

    It’s a wet weekend to end winter, but the spring flowers continue to appear. Eighteen degrees predicted, so not chilly.

    Good on you, Amazon! You are setting yourself up for a very healthy future!

    I feel your pain Barrata. We are entering Week 10 of our Delta lockdown. It surprises me how quickly the weeks click by when every day is exactly the same! A regular pattern, a plan to achieve something every day, incorporating something we enjoy, video calls with friends and family and carefully planning eating are my techniques. It could be worse…we live in a beautiful part of the city, with lots of bush and, though changeable, the Spring weather is pretty good.

    Aus and NZ inevitably had to face this, eventually, with our very vulnerable populations, after 18 months of avoiding the worst excesses of this pandemic experienced by most other countries. With the current rapid vaccination rates, we will be able to face this crisis more safely.
    Keep smiling. P

    Short and sharp here, P. We should be dropping levels within a week or so. There’s no flour on the supermarket shelf, but as I don’t eat wheat that’s no hardship for me. Still hoping to stamp Covid out again in the short term, and meanwhile vaccinations are progressing at a great rate. Hope you have had yours, Wi. πŸ™‚

    Good luck, B! Delta is a whole new ballgame…highly infectious and spreads before people know they have it. πŸ˜’
    Fortress NZ forever, will be hard to maintain. Even fully vaccinated, it gets transmitted to others, with devastating results for the unvaccinated or even partially vaccinated. 90% full vaccination for the total population, including kids, is a big call.

    That sounds like a wonderful day, Amazon. The Italian entrΓ©es sound especially good. It’s great to know life is relatively back to normal where you are.
    We are incredibly lucky in Wellington (to now) that the Auckland Covid cluster did not really get into our city. Purple, you are right when you say the Delta Covid is so infectious. We have been living in the Never Never up to now. Sadly the virus has hit the poor. Our highest alert level will move down next week though unless you can’t wait for fast food, it won’t change much for us.
    We have had two Pfizer jabs now, but have decided not to venture outside NZ until early February. Our house here will be tenant free in 10 days so we will have 170 sq metres and sun for a few months till we leave.
    I am doing my resistance exercises everyday to get my knee commissioned. This takes an hour. I can feel it now as I did my 3 minutes of standing up from a low stool instead of from a regular chair. I feel really good though.
    Of course there are no physio sessions at present, but the last phone session with the physio was funny. She said I did not need to do these exercises everyday. I assured her I would anyway. I still plan to walk the legendary Milford Track in February 2023 and will need to be fit. I hope my companions will be.
    It’s Scrabble time,
    xx Wiwi

    Thank goodness you’ll be able to get back into the house soon, Wi. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
    What a great goal…the Milford Track! That will be wonderful and you WILL make it!!! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ P

    Hi, everyone. Oooh, I’d love a walk along the South Bank and a visit to Borough Market, Amazon. You’re doing very well, as is Wi all those mikes away. We won’t be venturing anywhere near in London, though, as I think you have the lowest levels of vaccine take-up, there.

    Australia and New Zealand have very strict restrictions, but you’ve been lower with vaccines I believe. Hopefully things will improve soon, variants not withstanding.

    School go back next week, so I imagine figures will go up again. I really do think teenagers should be vaccinated, otherwise we’ll have yet another year of disruption to education as well as family life.

    After a week of good discipline, I’ve been dreadful. Brother-in-law visiting last weekend. We ate out at a small pub run by two ex-pupils. She only cooks at the weekend but food is fabulous. Along with my cauliflower and oregano pie I had the most delicious chips ever. And I ate the lot! We had our first take-away Chinese in three years yesterday and I solved that, too. It gets worse – Cadbury’s chocolate ice lollies on offer, so one a day. Some serious growing up needed and stopping treating myself with food! 😳.

    I’m sad to say we’ve succumbed to an Amazon Prime subscription so that we can watch the Autmn internationals. I’m ashamed to give that Jeff Bezos our money. There’s a strong argument that international sport should be on free to air.

    πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ So much guilt, Polly. Remember, life is too short to avoid all guilty pleasures.
    Aust and NZ, as I’ve been saying for most of the year, handled the pandemic well by isolating, but that meant we have very few who have resistance due to catching it, and a lot of reticence about the need to vaccinate. That left us with highly vulnerable populations when Delta hit. As every country now realises, like most diseases, eradication and long term isolation are not possible. Vaccination is the answer. We both started vaccinating late, due to lack of supplies (for various reasons), but the race is now on! In NSW we are doing everyone over 16, with 12 to 15s to be included in mid Sept.
    The temp has dropped here, so Mr P is brewing up some mulled wine, one of my winter delights. With Spring just around the corner, I can’t miss the opportunity! P

    Purple, I heard today that 90% of the whole population needs to be vaccinated for effective control of the virus in NZ.
    Is there any room for choice?
    That idea of the individual not having a choice even if the good of the whole population is put in jeopardy, is not really part of our culture.
    I could do with a large mug of mulled wine to contemplate this conundrum.
    Xx Wiwi

    Unfortunately life is far from normal here in the UK.

    The government are doing nothing to mitigate the spread of Covid. Schools and universities are about to open for the autumn term and schools have been informed pupils do not need to wear masks inside and they will not be closing classes/sending anyone home to isolate until 10% of pupils have Covid.
    One mother said if her child sits next to a child who is diagnosed with nits she’ll be informed, but if the child next to hers tests positive for Covid she won’t be informed.
    It’s absolute madness and with numbers already going up goodness knows how bad it’s going to be in a couple of weeks time.

    I fear the NHS will not be able to cope with another wave.

    And then we have the effects of Brexit, crops rotting in fields as there are no migrant workers to harvest them, a hospitality industry struggling to function as they can’t recruit sufficient numbers of staff, yes you’ve guessed the majority were from Europe.
    We also have a shortage of HGV (truck)drivers which is causing huge supply issues with food shortages and a shortage of tubes used for blood taken for testing which had led to doctors being informed only to take blood in an emergency…..

    As for the low numbers of vaccinated people in London, we have a large number of people here who arrived as economic migrants, working in low paid jobs, living in overcrowded situations, many not speaking much English who are not coming forward to be vaccinated. Health and community services are trying to reach out with information and reassurance in order to improve the rate but it’s tough work.

    Meanwhile the government are sitting on their backsides doing nothing apart from trying to cover up what a mess they’re in over the fall of Afghanistan

    Normal is not a word I would use but there’s not much I can do about the situation so I’m trying to enjoy myself and make the most of being able to go out again as I’m unsure how long it’s going to last.

    I was procrastinating about making an appointment with my hairdresser when the Delta lockdown struck. So the shaggy look is back in πŸ™‚ . At least it’s only just spring – first day here in the SH, and rain will keep us indoors today.

    With any luck we will be going down a level tomorrow to join the rest of the country, apart from poor Auckland, which as the gateway to NZ bears the brunt of any Covid cases getting into the country. And in today’s paper there is mention of a new, worse, mutation found in South Africa! It’s certainly a long way from any semblance of normal. Stay safe, folks.

    Hi Barata
    You shaggy. I can’t believe that.
    I am so shaggy even on my terms,
    Fine cloudless day for spring in Wellington.
    Been out to socially distanced coffee with friends.
    Such a lovely change.
    We mustn’t get too complacent,
    I hope you join us in level 3 on Friday.
    xx Wiwi

    3 months since my last haircut. I’m just letting it grow. πŸ™‚
    Barata, with your short “do” you could go years between cuts. P

    Wi is definitely sporting the shaggy look πŸ™‚
    It’s 2 months since I had mine cut really short in order to get rid of the dyed ends and it’s almost the length I prefer.

    The weekend was very quiet everywhere, I think a lot of people were out of London.
    I had a fairly quiet time apart from Sunday when I visited my niece and as you all know there’s never a dull moment when small children are present πŸ˜†

    Yesterday was distinctly autumnal but it’s warmer today despite being very overcast and dull.
    The forecast says we’re in for a week or so of fine weather and I’ve got my fingers crossed as I’m keen to get out and do some more walking and it will be much more pleasant if it’s warm and sunny.

    Yes, I’m not ready to put ribbons in my hair yet. πŸ™‚ I did post a selfie in response to yours yesterday, Wi, and I see what you mean…

    We will be listening closely to the 1pm briefing, but to be honest a drop from Level 4 to Level 3 won’t mean a great deal to us oldies. We don’t play golf, and certainly won’t be lining up outside Maccers’ drivethrough window.

    Wi, I thought you were writing a poem. Ode to IF! I’ve had a bit more discipline this week as I’ve kept busy, which helps. Difficult day today as it’s the second meeting of Grumpy Old Women, with lunch, then one of our dining group has invited us out to eat. When I agreed, very readily, I’d forgotten about Grumpies. U3A is gradually waking up.

    Re hair, I’d say short styles need more maintenance. My hairdresser is, or was, the only one I’ve ever known who doesn’t take enough off. But since Covid she’s been erring on the side of caution and almost done a twofer.

    Just heard Professor Callum Semple say that schools are likely to cause the problem this autumn, as adults can work from home, but teenagers are packed into buildings, usually with overcrowded corridors. This is the first year I’ve not missed that September buzz.

    What’s the feeling about the government in NZ now? Our Welsh government still has considerable support, but the UK government not so much. Too many contracts given to family or cronies.

    I’m with you Polly. So glad I’m no longer in the classroom. Kids here are meant to be going back in November, with 16+ getting vaccinated currently and they are moving to 12-15s this month. No vaccines approved for the littlies. P

    We have opened up to 12+ from yesterday. And the numbers with at least one jab, or having made their first booking, is 70% of the over-12s, so we are well on track. There are one or two infants in hospital with the current outbreak, from family transmissions in the Polynesian church group. πŸ™

    Polly, we don’t give contracts based on family connections. We are one of the cleanest countries in the world in that regard. The government support was dropping in the latest poll, will be interesting to see if they have regained confidence with the increased profile with the latest outbreak.

    That’s the impression most people have of NZ, Barata. This lot in charge now are quite blatant about contracts for cronies, making using Covid as an excuse.

    I guess that’s what you get with a ‘ruling class’ πŸ™

    Hi everyone,

    We are in the midst of a mini heatwave and I’ve been making the most of the fine weather.

    I was out with a friend yesterday walking along the Embankment enjoying the weather and I walked 14kms which is the furthest I’ve walked in a single day for 2 years. We stopped a couple of times for cold liquid refreshment πŸ˜‰ and those of you who’ve seen my FB posts will know we had a fab dinner in a Mexican restaurant.

    No after effects today either from the walking or the 🍻🍷 which is very pleasing.
    I stayed up late watching tennis and thought I could have a lie-in this morning but I was woken up early by the sound of someone climbing a ladder followed by hammering. Next door were having a window replaced πŸ˜† so I was forced from my bed.

    Fasting is going OK but not as well as I would like as I only managed 2 FDs last week and today is my first FD of this week.
    I continue to work hard to get back into my previously successful fasting routine and I know I’ll get there eventually and am being patient with myself.
    I have a fridge full of lovely seasonal English produce and I’m about to look through my vegetarian cookery books for the tastiest way to utilise everything.

    The exercise regime is going very well and I’m enjoying being able to work out properly and walking long distances without having to plan a route where there are lots of places to sit.

    Have a good one everybody πŸ€ͺ🌞

    14km, Amazon? I’m impressed! You certainly are true to your name! Interesting that you did it in a “heatwave” too. I see you had 29 deg. That’s pretty hot for walking that distance! We have been getting between 21 and 24 Max and I don’t walk in the middle of the day. 27 due today, 29 on Saturday, so we will hit the water for a paddle.
    I find it a great way to keep busy on a fast day like this.
    Be kind to yourself re fasts, A. 2 days is doable and effective.
    Cheers. P

    Hi Purple,

    There was plenty of shade along our route and we took our time.
    I’ve been gradually increasing how far I walk and the only issue I had was a blister!

    It’s going to be cooler from tomorrow, around 23C. Heavy rain was forecast for this evening but it appears to have missed us which is a shame as it would have cooled things down and the one thing I have trouble with in the heat is sleeping.

    And I’ll have to water the garden πŸ˜†

    I’m being kind to myself regarding FDs as if I’m not all I do is set myself up to fail.

    I miss swimming. I used to go when I was at the gym but they increased the number of aqua classes which made it impossible for me to do so at the times I attended and it’s why I cancelled my membership.
    And of course not having been on holiday means I’ve not had any opportunities to try out hotel pools.

    I had my first swim for Spring last week in my pool. Still pretty cold and I found breaststroke hurt my injured back. I’ll put it off until it’s a bit warmer and stick to freestyle and backstroke. πŸ˜„

    Amazing Amazon! Well done, although I hate heat in cities. This last few days have been fabulous. We’ve stuck to the garden as cases are up in all the coastal areas, well those were the beaches are accessible.

    Purple, I mentioned on another forum that backstroke hurts my back. I had a private message from one of my ‘friends’who said she’d been a chiropractor before retirement and always advised against breaststroke most strongly. I’ve not had a bathing costume on for two years now! 😲

    Not much food discipline here, I admit, sticking to 16:8, but it’s the 8 that seems to have slid into too many carbs. New potatoes from the garden with lovely salty Welsh butter! We’re off o Ireland soon, where I expect food will be in abundance. Losing a bit in anticipation would be good.

    This site is still logging me out.

    Just back from a fabulous fast day paddle. The weather is absolutely perfect. A great way to keep occupied with just water. πŸ™‚
    Polly, the trouble is breaststroke has always been “my” stroke. I even won races as a kids, so it us always my default. It also has the advantage of not wetting my hair if I’m having just a quick swim in my pool. At this time of year… I might have to stick to floating. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
    Nearly 24 hours…

    Thanks Polly,

    I know what you mean about heat in cities. Walking along the Embankment where the Thames is wide and there is always a bit of a breeze was a good decision.

    I took it easy yesterday and my muscles are stiff today which means working out is in order which in turn will keep my nose out of the fridge as I always feel great and very motivated afterwards.
    It’s taking a while to get this body back into good physical shape but I’m enjoying the task.

    When I swim I do breaststroke and backstroke.
    I swim for pleasure and relaxation and I’m not fond of having my face in the water all the time so freestyle is out.

    IMHO breaststroke is good for chest and arm muscles and it stretches out the upper back so I’m unsure how Polly’s chiropractor friend came to the conclusion she should advise against it.
    I often used to swim after working out at the gym and was never stiff or sore the following day if I had done so.

    Time to get moving,
    have a good one everybody πŸ€ͺ

    Amazon, I’m currently having significant issues with my SI joint and my knee, both are really effected by breaststroke, but nit straight kicking.


    Apologies I missed your post mentioning your injured back so my response was directed at what Polly had posted.
    I can understand why breaststroke would be an issue.

    I hope it improves soon.

    Thanks A. It’s a long term situation now I just try to handle it you are never sure what normal behaviour cause a flat up. 😏

    I am also a breast stroke by choice swimmer. When I was swimming regularly,
    if my back was feeling weak, then doing only breast stroke tended to upset it. I always thought it was due to my poor technique, from holding the lower back in an arched position with head too raised. I guess it will depend on where your particular back weakness is. But I found focusing on trying to swim like elite swimmers, rather than the ladies at the pool who kept their faces permanently dry out of the water, definitely helped!

    It’s been hot and dry here this week. No rain worth speaking of, which is frustrating as its desperately dry. Our private water supplies are running perilously low, and some neighbours have already run dry. We may have to buy water in in the next couple of weeks at this rate.

    No fasting here, I’m maintaining comfortably without still, although I expect that to change as we head into into and I get less active ☹

    Sorry to hear you are so dry, Happy. None of us can live without water…even on a fast day!
    I normally always swimm properly. I’m not a girl to keep her hair dry and I adore diving deep into water, but with the season only just beginning, it doesn’t seem worth getting hair wet. 😏 There will be plenty of hot weather ahead for that!

    Morning, folks. Today is the fifth anniversary of me reaching target, which was losing 21lbs then. I continued to lose another half a stone. With the support of you lot I had maintained fairly easily.

    What’s gone wrong now? I think boredom has played a part, but the pandemic hasn’t helped either. I don’t want to be one who confirms to the adage that dieters put the weight they lost, and more, in five years. I need a real reboot. We’re off to Ireland next week, so we will find it hard to avoid their Mrs Doyle approach to food!

    Did you have ‘Father Ted’ in Australia and New Zealand?

    Of course, Polly! Father Ted holidaying with Dougal in that caravan..”This cow is small, that cow is far away.”
    Or Mrs Doyle trying to convince people to eat her cake…”Oh, go on. It’s got cocaine in it. Oh, no. Raisins…I always get those two mixed up!”
    Absolute classics!! 😁😁😁
    Congratulations on your anniversary. I have slowly gained weight too, but still a LONG way short of where I started in 2013. I have no suggestions, sorry, except to point out we all lose a lot of weight as we get a lot older…if that helps. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ P

    Happy anniversary, Polly. You remind me that it’s eight years on Friday since I started using 5:2. It worked wonders for a while, until it didn’t any more, and I was in despair that I would continue to increase forever! πŸ™ However, I have since found Optimising Nutrition (no monetary involvement, not selling anything, check out Marty from Brisbane’s wonderful work πŸ™‚ ) and using the eating habits (mostly higher protein, two meals a day, testing blood sugars, doing the Data Driven Fasting 30-day challenges – another one starting 9/10, can’t recommend enough!) incorporated there, I know I can maintain at this, at just about down to my lowest level with 5:2 again. Wine, chocolate and treats allowed!

    As far as losing weight as we get older, P, how long do we have to wait for this? I’m thinking of OH here, for whom 5:2 stopped working several years ago!

    It’s another lovely spring day here, grass is growing apace, there will be rain tomorrow night to keep things green. Wish I could send you some, Happy. I find the avocado is loaded with new buds, and the noise of the bees among the citrus is deafening πŸ™‚ .

    We seem to be successfully seeing off the Delta incursion, not quite ready with our vaccination numbers to safely open up to other countries yet. And still so many Kiwis want to get home – yesterday’s allocation of 3,000 isolation positions was sought by over 30,000 desperate returnees, including lots of sports people who have been contesting in the Olympics and other competitions.

    Barata, my mum and grandmother lived into their 90s. They were both carrying more weight than me at my age, but another 20 years on, they became desperately thin. So I know I won’t have to fast forever. 😁😁 I’ll continue with 5:2 as I know it controls my eating, and Mr P’s bloodsuckers, even if it is not as effective with maintaining my lowest weight. Life is too short to fret the small things. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
    The spring flowers are blooming everywhere here. Lovely time of year. P

    We had a good, no carbs day yesterday. However, I did come across a final Cadbury’s chocolate ice lolly in the freezer which was irresistible. After weighing this morning I think I will have to go back to calorie counting. And we will have to weigh ingredients again before preparation of meals.

    You are probably right, Polly. That is definitely what I did in the first year, when I lost about 30kg. An unsustainable lifestyle over the very long term I’m just not willing to do that again. 😏 P

    Hi everyone,

    I’m also finding it difficult at the moment. I’ve lost a couple of pounds but progress is much slower than I would like.

    I’ve been guesstimating calories and decided yesterday I need to restart weighing everything and the scales are now in a prominent place on the kitchen counter.
    I’m also going to keep a food diary for a few weeks.
    Hopefully the other scales will notice a difference……..

    The September weather has been good with most days full of sunshine and temps in the low 20s which is perfect for me, warm enough to sit out and cool enough to walk.

    I’m doing my best to make the most of it although I don’t mind walking when it’s cold but it needs to be dry which is not something one can guarantee in this part of the world.

    Ribbons have been averted – the locks have been trimmed. And I have made an appointment for six weeks hence, to prevent them escaping again!

    The overnight rain storm has passed, and another mild spring day emerges.

    Did you feel Melbourne’s earthquake, P? My niece in Newcastle did. Just what the city needs, with lockdown and protests, to be reminded of our unstable planet.

    Good luck with the measuring and recording, Amazon. You have come a long way πŸ™‚

    No, B, I completely missed the earthquake. Too busy getting ready for a picnic with the grandies. πŸ™‚
    I certainly remember the Newcastle earthquake in 1989. A very weird sensation, so I would have recognised it. Maybe the solid clay underneath us here absorbs the waves?
    I’m pleased you are happy with your appearance again. I’m really enjoying watching the variety of regrowth on the TV now, in our 13th week of lockdown. Some of the men are disappearing under wild mops (Boris like πŸ˜„πŸ˜„) and the regrowth colour, in all the women who dye, is interesting.
    Thursday, fast day, here and lovely weather, so a long walk is calling. P

    Well, our months of fine and dry weather are finally over. The rain has arrived, hoorah! So no more water supply worries until next year. The sudden marked drop in temperature and grey days not so welcome… As a result I have found myself craving autumn comfort food – casseroles and pies anyone?! As the poor weather has (temporarily) interrupted my exercise regime, I shall have to be much more mindful of what I eat…

    No progress with selling the house yet. Plenty of interest but mostly from people who think they want to live in the countryside, but actually they want rural surroundings with urban-level provision of services and shops! It’s not unusual though for properties like this to be on the market for a couple of years, even during covid panic-buying of properties! So I’m not disheartened… yet!

    I had a bizarre dream last night that it was Christmas Day and I realised I hadn’t sent any cards or bought any presents… Hmm, I guess I do at least need to be thinking about making Christmas cake soon 😊 I finally got last year’s cake to my Dad this summer, only 6 months late! It ate well and no one died 🀣 But I hope I can get this year’s to him before 2022!!

    Poor you, winter coming, but at least the tank is full, Happy.
    Our weather is up and down like a yoyo, so one day I’m craving winter goodies, the next I’m happily eating salad. πŸ™‚
    We’ve just had a collosal thunder/hail storm and now the calm, but it is still rumbling in the distance with black skies!
    Selling property is always frustrating H. Even when it sells quickly! You will find someone who loves it, hopefully soon. 😏
    Michael Moseley has a new show, here, starting next week, when he eats “a typical Aussie diet” for 2 weeks. I’ll be most interested in what he thinks “typical ” is. I presume it’s lots of quick processed junk. Will be worth watching, even though I already know what’s good for me! Thanks Michael. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
    Our vax rates are such that we will ease some restrictions on 11th and more on 25th for fully vaxxed people as NSW will be at 80% vaxxed by then. We started late, but have caught up incredibly quickly. Amazing what active COVID cases will do to focus the general public’s minds!!
    I look forward to cuddling my NSW family. The others will have to wait.
    Keep healthy all. P

    On Wednesday I went out for a walk wearing a short sleeved top and summer skirt with sandals, on Thursday I needed a vest, a jacket, long trousers, socks and shoes.

    This morning I woke up to much needed heavy rain.

    I too am wanting more comforting foods which so far this week has been in the form of a vegetable lasagne style dish with cauliflower cheese planned for the weekend.
    I’ve only completed one FD so far this week due to social activities but the cauli cheese will be the basis of a B2B weekend fast.
    It’s all a bit of a struggle at present for various reasons but my heels are well and truly dug in and I shall eventually succeed.

    Due to the perilous nature of the UK supply chain I’ve already purchased dried fruit, candied peel, nuts etc for the making of mincemeat, puddings and cakes and stocked up on store cupboard items so as not to disappoint family and friends who usually receive edible gifts from my kitchen.

    The UK is short of all manner of medical and allied health professional staff, chefs, front of house and other hospitality industry staff, HGV drivers all of which are affecting levels of service/availability and we have no petrol and empty shelves in the supermarkets but apparently it’s nothing to do with Brexit despite no other country in the EU being affected other than pre existing driver shortages which have not caused any supply chain issues in Europe.

    Help 😟

    I really doubt Europe would take Boris (or the UK) back. A calamity that could have been seen coming? Shame the voters didn’t see it.
    Good luck, Amazon.


    I’m sort of pleased it’s not just me succumbing to the change of seasons! I’m now 2kg heavier than I was 2 weeks ago!! Less exercise, more snout in the trough… definitely time for me to get back into good fasting habits!

    I had been thinking I ought to think about making Christmas cake and mincemeat. It hadn’t occurred to me I might not be able to source the ingredients! That’s this weekends to do list started then.

    Please don’t get me started on Johnson and the current problems that are NOTHING to do with Brexit. Or if they are, it’s OK, because it’s just teething pains as we transition to a high wage economy where everyone has a well paid job and we are once again kings of the universe…

    With our alternating wintery/summery weather, I find it interesting how much the weather effects my hunger. On the warm days, I have little desire to overeat. On the cold days the “hunger dragon” arises! I have to remember the trick of dressing warmly and moving on the cooler days.

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