July 2017 31 Day Challenge

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July 2017 31 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,994 replies, has 126 voices, and was last updated by  Chitown Gal 7 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,901 through 1,950 (of 1,996 total)

  • Day 31 – Tokyo, Japan – FD 83.9kg

    This month I pretty much just tread water. My body fat is pegged in the 19% to 21% range right now. A few months ago it was running a couple percent lower. I had a several month period where work was totally out of control and I haven’t completely recovered from that yet.

    I don’t have fasting planned for a week after this, but it will be a different diet and a lot of walking and activities so probably that will work out. Main concern is I’m still having a lot of pain with my left heel, so I’m packing the tape and pain killer. After than I’ll probably fast more to make up the missed 2 days. I might even do a 5 day fast. I would like to recover the lost ground and I have a week where my family will be gone so it wouldn’t stress them out so much.

    Adding myself to the day 31 pocketeers! WE CAN DO THIS!

    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Day 30 – USA – NFD

    Second post: @coda, glad to hear you are reconsidering chicken parenting again! May I suggest something we did? As retirees, we did not want to have to fuss with the rotting wood or termites, so we ordered a fiberglass coop…a little more of an investment, but attractive and well worth it. We also bought galvanized steel raised beds to avoid the same problem with wood. Don’t know if you have the same breeds of chickens in NI, but the Brahmas (white) lay the big eggs and are big girls. Rhode Island reds and Production reds are good layers but mean to each other and other breeds.

    Day 31 country westAustralia ???day
    Can’t decide what sort of day it will be. Expecting gale force winds and rain and I have to negotiate country roads to go to work.
    Hoping to finish the month mindful at the very least.
    Looking forward to August!

    Day 28, 29, 30 NFD Brisbane
    Day 31 FD

    Well like some of the others here, I’m feeling quite blue today and disappointed. I really tried hard this month with 3 x 4:3 weeks and still no loss this morning to record. It must be the NFD, I didn’t want to calorie count on those days but maybe that what it takes.

    2nd post

    Forgot to add myself to the list

    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Day 31, India, FD. I have made it to the goal weight for the month πŸ™‚

    Day 31, UK, FD

    Need my FD to rescue the month. Up 4lb since Friday morning 😳

    Day 31 UK NFD

    Hard to believe another month’s challenge has gone by! Thanks for hosting this month and starting the whole thing off Coda. Such a helpful resource! Together we are stronger πŸ™‚

    I have met my goal this month and then some. I lost 5kg, just over ten pounds and lost an inch from hips/bust and waist and, most importantly, have moved into healthy territory with my BMI, it is 24.5 this morning. The only thing I failed at was trying to restrict myself to just two fast days and to content myself with maintenance. I was getting fed up with restriction and splurged a bit but increased pain in my hands helped me realise that I was overdoing the dairy and that I feel better when I fast more often. Success feels better than the short lived pleasure of eating. Thin feels better than anything tastes.

    Day 31 FD – last one of the month so at least I can end on a high ,adding myself to the list see you in August

    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Day 30 North Wales NFD

    DAY 31 North Wales FD

    Wow I made it to the end of the challenge, my first. Gutted I can’t weigh myself. Still at my daughter’s for another week. Overall it has been a good month. I am looking forward to the August challenge. Thank you @coda for hosting the challenge. Thanks to everyone who posted on this thread to help motivate me.

    Can someone let me know if it will be ok to update the spread sheet in a weeks time please.

    Good luck to all who are fasting today. Adding myself to the pocket list

    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Day 31 Newcastle UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ FD.

    Day 31, Northumberland UK, NFD

    Sticking with the controlled days. I am missing getting in a good fast day, but still fighting off a virus, so will leave that a few more days. Finishing the month at 73.8kg, and my 10 day average weight is converging now. Think 37-75kg is my maintenance range for now, but I also think it’s going to take a few more months to settle into a rythym, as I lost more weight than expectec, faster than expected and I’m still struggling for balance.

    Day 31 – Woking, UK – FD?
    May not manage a fast day as I’m travelling to Germany today. So, this will be my final weigh in for July. Starting stats were:
    Starting July at 250.6lbs/17st 12lb/113.6kg
    Other stats:
    Height 5’6β€³/167cm
    Bust 47.5β€³/120.6cm
    Waist 41.5β€³/105.4cm
    Hips 49β€³/124.6cm
    Age 42

    I finished up like this:
    246.5lbs = -4.1lbs
    Other stats:
    Bust = 46″ -1.5″
    Waist = 40.5″ -1″
    Hips = 47.5″ -1.5″

    Mostly happy with that. Slightly frustrating that my weight bounced up on the last day so I didn’t manage to hang on to my 17st 7lbs but it was a busy and social last weekend. Leaving for the airport in about 2 hours so I’ll check in tomorrow for the August challenge.

    Thanks @coda for hosting and thanks to everyone here for the fantastic support.

    Day 31, Wales, FD

    Oh dear, Pocket Winos, my red wine dragon was unleashed and out of control on Saturday….used up a whole weeks worth of alcohol units in one night! Felt proper poorly yesterday with a bad dose of wine flu. Need to review my drinking – perhaps it would be better to follow @onahealthyhigh and enjoy some measured drinking when the occasion arises rather than feeling deprived throughout the week and going on a mad binge at the weekend. Well today is a FD so maybe I can undo a little of the damage.

    Good luck to all who are fasting today. Adding myself to the pocket list

    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Lets make our final July day count x

    Day31 FD UK

    Yesterday was my 40th and I was quite restrained on the food front and still had an amazing time – taught myself that you dont have to go crazy to enjoy yourself – a very good lesson!

    Heres to all on FD today and all others that stuck with it for a whole month. We rule!

    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Day 31 – πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§- FD
    Day 30 – NFD
    Day 29 – NFD
    Day 28 – FD (although may have been slightly over)

    Very busy at the mo!!!! Not going to fast whilst on holidays so will push reset button when I return. Will post final weight on spreadsheet tomorrow.

    Thanks @coda for hosting this month 😊 Good luck everyone for August!!!!!

    Thanks @coda and @ Debster for hosting the August challenge

    Day 31, Newcastle UK, CNFD

    Oh dear – yesterday was a disaster. The planned yogurt and fruit turned into beer, nuts, pizza, coleslaw & salad followed by too much chocolate. Weight has flown up to 137.7lbs this morning – no surprise there then! I’m out with a friend tonight to see Ed Byrne, so a sort of controlled day is probably the best I’ll achieve. I’m just going to take it on the chin and set out with renewed 100% commitment in August. Thanks for sharing that helpful strategy @sirisan. I like to think that is how I work, but the strategy gives permission not to feel too bad about falling off the wagon now and again (and more importantly – letting down my fellow pocketeers).
    @at – your meal sounded delicious!
    Congratulations @steve toon taxi driver, @rahul1905, @fatrabbit & @liathanail on your success this month. Also @molij for a successful week. The July spreadsheet is sitting in my shared google drive. I’ll just leave it there until the middle of the month before deleting. @debster251 – have you been able to adapt it for use in August – are you sharing it from your google drive?
    @hannahwatto, @bigviking, @ducks_d & @missybear – August is a new start for us all – we can do this with the help of our amazing global family. @missybear – I shared your pain yesterday so much so that Hair of the Dog was required – with the inevitable fallout that I described above! Ho Hum…..
    Thank you again @coda for leading us through the month – where did it go so fast?!! Look forward to seeing you in August and beyond.

    Onwards and downwards – together we are stronger.

    2nd post

    @msraven – belated happy birthday greetings for yesterday – I hope you had a lovely day xx

    Day 31 Belfast FD
    It’s hard to believe that this month is over. I’m not going to post my weight today – looking for that last pound from today’s fast!

    @matron. I have a spin bike in my spare room. I don’t use it in the summer, but find it useful on those dank winter days. I use a YouTube video to motivate me – it takes a lot to even get me on the saddle!
    @msraven – Many Happy Returns for yesterday and well done you for your self control!
    @missybear – pressing the reset button with you!
    @liathanail – great achievement.
    @fatrabbit – your epic journey continues! I love your quote ‘Thin feels better than anything tastes’
    @rahul1905 congratulations on reaching your goal
    Doing a bit of rescuing myself @bigviking!

    I’m adding myself to today’s pocket list. Let’s have one last big push together!
    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    I’m hoping that hosting next month will kick me right off that plateau!

    Onwards and downwards!!

    Day 31 Akron OH. I’m so happy to report after 3 B2B I’m at the top range of my happy weight 155.2lb. I still want to lose 4lbs to stay well within that range.
    See you at the August Challenge.

    Day 31, Wales, FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list for one last fast today. Guess we weigh in tomorrow and add final to the spreadsheet? Good luck one and all!

    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Day 31 UK FD

    Can’t believe July has gone so fast(sic) . Will post final weight tomorrow. Roll on August and a new challenge! Thanks to @coda for leading us this month.

    Day 31 London, NFD

    So at the end of the month I’ve achieved what i set out to do, which was simply to do two fast days a week. This was the first time I’d tried 5:2 and I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how easy(fish) a fast day is as long as I keep busy, and the fact that it allows my husband and I to enjoy “normal” days, including going to the pub with the kids after a hard week.

    Weighed in today and while I’d lost 6.5lb a week or so ago, I’ve put a bit back on and will finish the month 3lb ish down, which on the positive side is better than 3lb on!

    On to August and the next challenge I think I’ll spend time trying to track calories (loosely) on NFDs and make sure I stick to my Fitbit-calulated expenditure, which averages 2400. And the more I exercise the more I will have to play with, which is good motivation for me.

    Thanks for July everyone, and well done to you all!

    Day 31, London, UK, NFD

    Just a final check-in to thank everyone for their kind wishes. I felt each and every hug, and the touching wishes you all sent. Special thanks to @sirisan, @annemarilyn, @califdreamer, @steve toon taxi driver, @basyjames, @dykask, @lilymartin, @debster251, @brightonbelle, @saffy420, @mia139, @strawberriesandcream, @songbirdme, @metatauta, @okeydokey, @redrockgirl302, @at, @awilson, @matron65, @coda, @onahealthyhigh.

    @coda, I’m not sure I’ll post a final weight for July, as once I received the news about my dad, the remainder of the holiday passed in a red wine blur, and maintenance flew out the window. I’ll try to get back on the wagon for August, so maybe I’ll see you all there.

    Day 31 – Cumbria UK – FD

    Looks like the weekend weather is set to continue – intermittent showers and sunny episodes – could be worse I suppose – at least it’s not cold!

    Pocket Winos – I must thank @Strawberriesandcream for suggesting an alcohol free Monday to Friday on Day 24 as despite some 😈temptation I was well behaved and eventually I opened a bottle on Saturday night and drank half with dinner and the 2nd half on Sunday and that was my alcohol intake for the week πŸ˜‡ (For those who don’t know OH is a teetotaler – he introduced me to wine when we first met and over the years we enjoyed some truly great bottles of wine together but he gave up drinking alcohol some 20+ years ago!!!)

    @onahealthyhigh – I may join you in trying to not drink 🍷 Mon-Fri for August (unless I’m out or socialising!!!) and limit my 🍷to the weekend….
    @mia139 – will be holding on tight to you today on your second day of your B2B – you have got this!
    @rainbowsmile – πŸ€— Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think – Winnie the Pooh πŸ€—
    @lumat – Remember that β€œI cannot change yesterday, but I can change today!” and we have got you……can you feel the support!
    @rahul1905 – Well done on reaching your July goal
    @fatrabbit – you need to change your name to “slim bunny” Great job!
    Congratulations to @steve-toon-taxi-driver @rahul1905 @liathanail @basyjames @twinmam on your successful August Challenge
    @molij – well done on completing your first Challenge Month and you can update the spreadsheet when you can no problem
    @msraven – good to hear that you had an amazing time celebrating your 40th πŸ₯‚

    One last FD for this July 2017 31 Day Challenge – I have added all those I saw who said they were fasting to the list as TOGETHER WE ARE DEFINITELY STRONGER!!
    @mia139 – 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan – 1st day of b2b
    @liathanail ??

    I think this quote is so suitable for our 5:2 WOL – β€œYesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose”

    Day 31, Emden Germany, FD

    @flourbaby I’m so sorry for the loss of your dad. My condolences.

    @at thank you for asking. Apart from the fact I did a wrong bend this morning and I’m unable to move around much, I’m doing well,left arm and speech still the same, but I got used to it. I have to go to work otherwise we have to close the practice. I’m fine when just sitting, just can’t get up and down all the time.

    One last FD for this July 2017 31 Day Challenge, so let’s give it a last try

    @mia139 – 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan – 1st day of b2b
    @liathanail ??
    @snowflake56 1st day of b2b (this is going to be easy as I can’t move around much)

    Day 31 – Mornington Peninsula, Australia CD
    Started out as a FD ended as a CD not too shabby all things considered. Thank you @coda for hosting the July challenge. Already looking forward to August , hope to see you all there!

    Day 31……Florida…..FD

    A big thank you to our wonderful host this month…..

    Congrats to those who have seen and made changes whether that be in weight, self esteem, and more.

    To those with a little more struggle left….. Congrats on still fighting the good fight. There are still so many things to be celebrated, just because our main goal wasn’t reached does not mean, were not successful. Make a list of all those things you did do, this will help you as you continue on to the new month.

    Here is my list….
    I stayed connected
    I climb down from plateau mountain
    I started walking a couple times a week
    I bought a pair of yoga pants in a size small rather than large and they fit.

    This week ended up being rather difficult, well more than usual. I made it though but it did really affect my FD days a majority of them started of correctly just ended up on the wrong side of the valley.
    Today, is going to be a bit harder than I want it to be, I’m off work and fasting at home.
    Should be quite interesting on how I’m going to attempt this. I’m thinking I need to find a project to keep me out of the kitchen.
    I really need to get into the garden, in just a few short weeks, we will be planting our fall/winter garden. There is a lot of prep needed as we extended the garden about 15 feet. We actually desperately needed the extension as it was not growing as fast as we were eating it, so, I’ve got no reserves. Yesterday, it rained for most of the day, it suppose to be the same today as well.
    So, I’m thinking a cleaning out the dresser. That will be a good hit to my confidence as I have not done it since I’ve lost the weight….
    decisions, decisions.
    Well I’m off!
    And for the last time…..
    at any given time, the urge to sing the lion sleeps tonight is just a whim away, a whim away, a whim away.

    Day 31 USA FD
    @flourbaby may this week go well for you as you grieve and remember. Be gentle with yourself.

    Hoping in August to find my way off my July plateau!

    Day 31 – USA (Illinois) – NFD

    @coda – we’ve made it through another month! Thank you for all your guidance and support!

    I’m still under goal and staying on maintenance at 158.4 this morning. Yeah!

    Congratulations to everyone who found the scale or clothing better today than you did 31 days ago. If that wasn’t you, then know we understand there are difficult times, but with the support and encouragement from the peeps here, you can do it. Stay with us next month, no matter what point along our path you find yourself.

    Onward and downward!

    2nd post
    On the plane and we are delayed 45 minutes because of thunderstorms at Frankfurt. At least I have no access to food so can’t be tempted to boredom snack.
    Fast day is going okay so far. 250 calorie lunch at the airport and planning on buying some yoghurt and fruit for the train journey this evening. I also have 1.5L of water with me to keep me full up.
    Hopefully this time I can stick to a fast day whilst travelling!

    Day 31 Massachusetts USA FD Had my best FD breakfast/ egg whites and toast. For dinner I’ll have spiralized zucchini “pasta” topped with shrimp and spinach. May have enough allowance left for a white wine cooler! I’m quite used to eating nothing between breakfast and dinner on a FD. I know some people skip breakfast but that doesn’t work for me. Have to skip yoga today because I pulled my intercostal muscle in Thursday’s class. 😣

    Day 31: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Weight fairly stable. 14 pounds higher than my best weight last autumn, but since I fell off the wagon in March, to be expected.
    Good news is I am also still 14 pounds DOWN from my start weight last May (2016).
    I’m giving the challenges a break for now, as my heart isn’t in it.
    @coda: Thanks for hosting again. You started all this back in May last year. You are a star. xx

    Chicago, Illinois USA

    Day 29 – NFD Weighed in at 140.5
    Day 30 – NFD
    Day 31 – FD

    One last FD for this July 2017 31 Day Challenge, so let’s give it a last try

    @mia139 – 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan – 1st day of b2b
    @liathanail ??
    @snowflake56 1st day of b2b (this is going to be easy as I can’t move around much)
    @chitown gal

    Day 31 – UK – FD

    Haven’t been around for a couple of weeks and scheduled FDs have been non-existent; exercise classes also stalled due to visitors and, well, I just didn’t want to go for a run in the wet windy weather we’ve had recently. Always an excuse. Jumping back in with a FD today so July challenge isn’t mentally a complete disaster. Have taken onboard earlier advice though and despite poor food choices have been doing 14:10 or 16:8 most days. At least my clothes still fit.

    Adding myself to today’s list

    @mia139 – 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan – 1st day of b2b
    @liathanail ??
    @snowflake56 1st day of b2b (this is going to be easy as I can’t move around much)
    @chitown gal

    Hi all, feeling better now and ready to get back on the horse. I’m not sure how much weight I’ve gained in the last two weeks but I’m eating too much and not exercising at all, so there’s bound to have been a backslide. I just joined the August challenge. See you all tomorrow!

    July 31 – McMinnville Oregon USA – FD
    Well here we are, our last day and it’s a FD for me.

    @mia139 – 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan – 1st day of b2b
    @liathanail ??
    @snowflake56 1st day of b2b (this is going to be easy as I can’t move around much)
    @chitown gal

    Day 31 FD (1st of b2b) St. Louis USA

    All my best to all of you.

    @mia139 – 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan – 1st day of b2b
    @liathanail ??
    @snowflake56 1st day of b2b (this is going to be easy as I can’t move around much)
    @chitown gal

    Day 31 California USA FD

    Well, my last FD for the month and I’m a little bit below my goal for the month of 63 and at 62.7 this morning. At first I put my weights as the finals for the month on our spreadsheet but then realized we still have this last day, so tomorrow morning’s weight should really be the final. My final goal to get to maintenance is either 58 or 59, depending on how I look when I get to 59 and how my clothes are fitting. So the end is at least in sight now.

    Thank you again to @coda for hosting the July challenge. Many of our members have had personal challenges this month that they’ve had to deal with, so it’s been a tough month for some. But we’ve managed to stick together and tomorrow will begin a new month. Thank you to everyone for being here and staying in touch. All of you keep me on track and in the process have opened up some new interests and ideas with your sharing of recipes, books and ideas.

    Pocket List for Monday, July 31:

    @mia139 – 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan – 1st day of b2b
    @liathanail ??
    @snowflake56 1st day of b2b (this is going to be easy as I can’t move around much)
    @chitown gal

    Day 31 – USA – NFD

    Congrats to all who dispatched weight this month! Chin up to all who are on a plateau (me included!)…we WILL get there, even though for some of us, it may take more time. See you all, God willing, in August!

    Day 31 – SW WA USA – FD

    Along with all the other pocketeers, working on a great last FD of the month! Together we are stronger! πŸ™‚

    @rahul1905 – good for reaching your July goal!
    @fatrabbit – you reached your healthy weight range this month & you’re learning what your body like and doesn’t; important lessons. Wouldn’t you think your body would stop losing when it’s a good weight? Just wondering about that.
    @imrenfrey – amazing that you lost faster than expected
    @msraven – belated Happy B-day!
    @basyjames – congrats on getting to your happy weight range!

    Day 31, Mountaintop PA USA, FD

    I leave the beautiful month of July behind with one last FD. Except for the July 4 week DH, DD and I have all done our Monday and Thursday FD’s. My original goal was 150 lbs but I just continued on and am now 144.2 down from 158 eight months ago. It is a total of 14 pounds and I am happily enjoying size 10 clothing for the first time in 13 years.

    The R&R that the FD’s give me is cleansing and invigorating. Eating light for the two days is what we do and our health is the better for it. If you are new to the Fast 5:2 IF world, take it slow and don’t dwell on the negative. Every day is a new opportunity to reach your goal.

    I continue to hike/walk four miles every day, garden and golf. My Fitbit is 24/7 and I am approaching the 5500 mile mark since I started tracking 3 1/2 years ago. This WOL is not a sprint. See you all in August!

    Day 29 UK NFD 🌈
    Day 30 UK NFD 🌈
    Day 31 UK NFD 🌈

    Not sure what happened to my days or notifications but here’s the final three days. Weigh in tomorrow and renewed plans x hope all get good results. Catching up on posts.

    3rd post
    Successful fast day whilst travelling achieved! Despite the delay to the flight and the train getting in to Nuremberg 45 minutes late. I managed to resist the temptation to buy the M&S Food on board the flight and ignored the buffet trolley on the train.
    Finished the day on 599 calories and am heading off to bed shortly so really happy with that. Wasn’t sure I’d manage it as the temptation of lots of places to eat in the airport plus the fact I can get myself something nice on expenses is tough to resist.
    A good way to finish the month I think.

    Day 31, Rocky Mountains, US, FD

    No time for reading the posts yet. Just checking in.
    A big thank you for hosting the July Challenge @coda.πŸ’πŸŒΊπŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸŒΉ
    I am at my goal weight and maintaining thanks to this Forum with all of my global friends!
    Have a good last day of July! See you at the August Challenge! 😊😊😊

    TDay 31 Lancaster, PA FD
    So far only 15 frozen blueberries, that I had @ 10:00 am this morning, since last night @8:00 pm. I’ll prob have a bowl of bone broth with plenty of veggies @ 300 cals this evening. 🀞Hopefully nothing after that.

    Thank-you to @coda @at for all your support and Thank-you also to the men and women in our group! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰Congrats for making it through the month of JulyπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰βœ¨βœ¨πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    @onahealthyhigh Thank-you for the Paddingtonfoodie.com info. I am looking forward to trying the Pumpkin soup😊

    See you at the August Challenge. ✨✨Thanks for Hosting @debster251
    The link for any that still need to join is;

    August for me! – Tokyo, Japan – 81.7kg <=== really dropped a lot this time.

    My fast is only 35 hours, I have to catch a train. I won’t fast for a week now, but I’m going to be on my feet a lot. We’ll see how it goes.


    @mia139 – 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan – 1st day of b2b
    @liathanail ??
    @snowflake56 1st day of b2b (this is going to be easy as I can’t move around much)
    @chitown gal

    Hello all from Co Down NI day 31 and final day of July challenge.
    I’ll give those in the West time to check in and then present the roll of honour for those who successfully completed the challenge. Glad to see a few who have not posted in a while pop up and finish the challenge with us. At an initial glance we seem to have lost about 38 who signed up and for one reason or another left us. I believe about 56 have completed the challenge with a few not too sures and who may still appear. So be very proud – for some this may be the first thing they have seen through, for others, well this is becoming a way of life – just the way it should but that doesn’t mean it is easy. Life has a way of throwing obstacles in our path and it is how we deal with them that makes succeeding all the sweeter. I’ll post on the August challenge when I put the roll of honour up here and please forgive if there are any omissions, let me know and i will amend. Thank you one and all and I’ll see you in August xx

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