August 2017 – 31 Day Challenge

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August 2017 – 31 Day Challenge

This topic contains 2,027 replies, has 142 voices, and was last updated by  Yondi 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,
    A new month, a new challenge – I have volunteered to host this month’s challenge which was started in May 2016 by @coda. This is a truly international forum full of people, some of whom have lost amazing amounts of weight, and others who are just starting their journey. Here, you will find support, friendship, advice, laughs, a shoulder to cry on, a space to air your frustrations and above all, no judgment. We are all in it for the health benefits and weight loss. Feel free to post your questions, rants, successes, moans in a truly supportive environment. I’m no expert, but will answer your questions as best I can, or some of our experienced fasters will provide the benefit of their knowledge.

    The usual format is to start your post with the day of the month, where you are and whether you are fasting (FD)or having a non fast day (NGD). For example, my first post will be:
    Day 1, Belfast, NFD

    In your first post, it would be good (but no obligation) if you could give a few details about yourself to help us all get to know each other. Post as often or as little as you wish, but daily accountability has proved to have great success for many of those who post on this forum.

    A previous host prepared a brilliant spreadsheet to help track progress. I will post the link to this when I’ve got to grips with it (I hope!). It is, of course, optional.

    To quote @coda,
    ‘A word of warning here and apologies for shouting but just wanted to get the message out there.
    You do not fail if you don’t give up, things may not go to plan but what is important you dust yourself down and get back up to try again.’ I’m going to add the word ‘ashamed’ to that statement too.

    Good luck to you all.
    Every journey starts with one small step.

    Day 1, Sheffield, FD

    Hello I’m Emma on my second month of doing 5:2 πŸ™‚

    @debster251: Thanks for hosting the August Challenge! 🌺🌻🌼
    Please count me in! 😊

    @debster251 thanks you so much for hosting the challenge in August, I’d love to join, it keeps me accountable if I have to sign in every day!

    I plan on joining on the 8th of August. I’ll be travelling the first 7 days so I’m just taking a break as I’ve learned for myself traveling and fasting don’t work so well. However later in the month I’m thinking of doing maybe a 100+ hour fast.

    @debster251 thanks for doing all the hosting work!

    Day 28, Mountaintop PA USA, NFD

    August will my 8th monthly challenge. I started Fast 5:2 IF in November 2016 at 158lbs with DH, who wanted to lose 35 + pounds. I have lost an additional 14 pounds on top of the original 32 pounds I lost walking with my Fitbit for nearly 3 years. My weight loss is slow and steady, about 1.7 lbs per month and this WOL plus my daily 4 mile walk are a recipe for success. I post regularly on the spreadsheet and use the information to see how I am progressing through the month.

    I am a 70 year old wife, mother, and grandmother of 6 and enjoy gardening, golf and running my weekly community newspaper.

    Thankyou @debster251 for taking the leadership in August.

    @debster251, thanks so much for hosting the August challenge. Please count me in! I haven’t come up with final statistics yet for July, but I will post as soon as July is officially over. I love this way of eating, this way of living, and the accountability and comraderie of this group is wonderful.

    Day 28, Idaho USA, NFD

    Please add me in @debster251.
    I’m a new participant on this site and on my fourth day of the intermittent fasting WOL. I am a 37 year old wife and mother to 3 ranging from 11-15 years old. I am 5 foot 5 inches and started at 151 lbs. My goal weight is somewhere around 135 pounds.
    I love to run, but that hasn’t been enough over the years to help me attain my weight goal. It has helped prevent me from gaining and I have been very close to this same weight for 9 years.

    Hey Ya’ll! Tina from Texas Here. NFD
    Just started this diet yesterday was my first FD. And I felt pretty good over all, could just be from the excitement of starting something new. Had a couple of headaches throughout the day but seem to pass as soon as I ate a small snack. Dont know if this is normal or not or if anyone reading this might have any advice for me about getting rid of the headaches?

    I am new to the group but not to the 5.2 diet πŸ™‚ count on me

    1 day, FD, The Hague

    Thank you debster251 for hosting August. I’d love to join you.

    All my best to all of you.

    Count my in @debster251

    I am in too please @molij

    Hope to see many from the previous challenges joining and also a BIG WELCOME to anyone new – the support and advice readily and freely given on this forum is amazing – the daily accountability of signing in and sharing as much or as little as you want to is a brilliant method of support. This WOL works and I’m only one of many who can confirm this. Will share a bit more on Day 1 (August 1st)

    @debster251 – Thank you for taking up the reins for the August Challenge πŸ’ Looking forward to joining you for the month x

    I’m in please!

    40 year old mum of 5 months nth old twin boys wanting to lose a couple of stone. First month last month and I’m on my way to losing half a stone already.

    Thanks all.

    @debster251 – thanks for volunteering to host August, I will be signing in here when the July challenge ends.

    @debster251 – Please count me in for August

    @debster251 – Please add me to your August Challenge. And thank you for hosting it!

    A big welcome to @emshodge, RedRockGirl302, Snowflake56, Dykask, Steffieagle, metatauta, foodfreedom girl, Tina Bird, Ines.adm, Sirisan, AnneMarilyn, MoliJ, AT, Twinmam, MissyBear and awilson.
    Enjoy your travelling @dykask and we’ll see you on the 8th.
    @tina Bird, headaches can be a problem, but keep hydrated and as your body gets used to fasting, I found that the headaches pass. Good luck on this journey.
    Goodness me, I went for a walk, came back and discovered our numbers are already up to 16. It’s good to see a mix of old and new faces. This is going to be a good month, I can feel it.

    @debster251 thank you for hosting and please count me in. Started with 5:2 on 23/5/17. New job led to 10lb weight gain, went from being on my feet all shift with a 3 mile walk home 5 days a week to having to use my car for work everyday. Have lost 14lbs, zilch thro july so would like to see at least 4lbs go in august. Slowly increasing exercise again. Nice to see familiar names on here, a truly supportive forum. Thanks again and good luck all

    Hi @debster251
    Thanks for taking up the reins.
    Count me in for August please where I will try to read my April/May/June/July target!!😊

    @debster251 – Thanks so much for tackling this month’s challenge. I would love to be a part but you don’t need to put me on a spreadsheet or anything. My goals shall just be to continue maintenance, exercise daily, keep up the water/green tea and stay involved with life and this forum.

    Thanks again !

    I’m in for August. 54 year old female from Hervey Bay, Queensland Australia. Hoping to drop some kilos and stop that middle age spread! Thanks for hosting @debster251

    Hi thanks for hosting @debster251 please count me in 🌈.

    Hi all, Daffodil from Meath, Ireland here…..not even a week into the 5:2 so would love to join you all for the August challenge.

    I have lost a few pounds already and was surprised how easy the fast is. I am a veteran of the Dukan diet where I successfully lost 50 pounds but over the past 3 years I have let weight creep up. I aim to lose at least 20 pounds using 5:2 and keeping some Dukan principles. I needed to do something different to get my ass in gear and the fast diet seems to be it!

    Looking forward to getting to know you ☺️

    Thanks for hosting @debster251, I am sure you will do a brilliant job πŸ™‚ I am definitely joining again. These challenges are so valuable.

    Welcome back to @califdreamer, Matron65, Lilymartin, LindaSue, LynzM and Fatrabbit
    @lindasue, I’ve left you off the spreadsheet, but if you change your mind, just shout!
    I’ll be posting the link when the month starts.

    A big Hello to @belmc and @daffodil2010!

    Hi @debster251 – please count me in. Thanks.

    Hi Debster251
    please count me in. I started 5.2 way back in May 2016 with coda. my weight was then 169lbs. I got down to 143lbs and maintained for a few months. But then life got in tbe way and I increased to 156.5lbs, tried again to get started in July but my OH is a feeder so not easy!!

    So a new month and new start! I’ll weigh on Tuesday 1st. I have a goal, my daughter’s wedding in October.

    The only way is down!!

    45 year old man who love to join the group. From Ireland weighing in at 213lbs hoping to get down to a fighting 184lbs. A few years ago I shedded about 20lbs using the 5:2, water/green tea & cycling regime. Hoping my return to 5:2 will shift it again πŸ™‚

    Started back a few days ago and have 2 FDs under my (hopefully shrinking!) belt.

    Hi I’m Sal, been doing 5:2 since January.

    UK: Oxford

    Jan weight 213, current weight 204

    My goal in Jan was to be 203 by my friend wedding in August and then review the situation moving forward, but its been up and down this last couple of months so the fact that i appear to be a pound away means very little. I’ve been gaining and losing this blasted pound since April.

    Please count me in for August tho will be disappearing to Slovenia for a bit for a wedding part way through xxx

    I will be happy to join this month’s crew as I stay on maintenance, @debster251. Thanks for doing the hosting job!

    Count me in @debster251. There’ll still be the best part of a stone too much of me at the beginning of August.

    Hi to
    @ Rocy65, nothing like those wedding photos to focus the mind!
    @leftfooter, the Irish contingent is growing! I think you’ll find a couple of cyclists on this forum
    @songbirdme and
    @big Viking

    Hi all, I’d like to join you! I’m a Swedish 23-year-old who’s dabbled in 5:2 several times before, but I’ve never stuck to it because I end up binge eating on non-fast days.

    I’ve now counted calories for a couple of months and finally managed to lose a little bit weight! However, I’m getting quite tired of restricting every day and would like to transition into a 5:2 approach so that I can relax a bit on off days. My plan is to start off by doing 800-calorie days instead of 500 to ease into it, so they’re definitely rather low-cal days than fast days. I’ll also continue counting calories on other days for a while longer, but I’m hoping to be able to slowly up the daily limit.

    Count me in please and thanks for hosting. This challenge has been the main reason for my success so far I also use the tracker which is great to look back on. Good luck all taking part.

    @debster251 please count me in again. July challenge was my first one after starting 5:2 on 22nd May. I think I’ll finish July 5lbs down for the month.
    I’m a 42 year old woman based in Woking in the U.K. Started 5:2 at 257.7lbs and am now at 245.4lbs. Ultimate goal is 156lbs so I’ve a way to go.
    I’ll be on a business trip from 31st July until 4th August so I’ll try and check in during the week but may not manage it every day.

    day 1 tomorrow. Birmingham UK. tomorrow will be FD

    New to all this, but determined to live the 5.2 way my joints will approve so will the rest of me.
    I am a little unsure of what to do but I will follow
    Can I be included please

    Please add me to the August spreadsheet. Thank you for hosting, @debra251

    July was a mixed bag for me. Lost weight and then put most back on (was ill and then got better and drank a lot of beer on holiday in Laos …). The graph is still going in the right direction; it is just a bit rocky.

    August will be tricky as first 3 weeks still on holiday in Thailand and then back to work (school) in Shanghai. Looking forward to getting into a healthy routine now that I am no longer sick and can get back to exercise.

    I bought a rubbish picker on-line (saves me bending down) and have been going down to the beach early in the morning to fill a bin-liner with plastic waste (the waves are big at this time of year). I was joined by all the local stray dogs this morning. I am going to miss this so much when I am back in the city.

    A big welcome to
    @ Moa – NFDs are a problem for many of us
    @steve Toon Taxi Driver
    @wolfiemo – I have posted a linkk at the bottom. As far as this forum is concerned, you can post as little or as often as you wish. It really officially starts on 1st
    August so everyone will start their post ‘Day 1…Their location… then whether they are doing a fast or not. So my post on Tuesday will read:
    Day 1 Belfast NFD. Hope this helps.
    This is a truly international forum.

    @debster251 count me in please.I started my 5:2 journey last May joining @codas challenge, I had a sloooow but steady loss of around 20lbs in a year but the last 2 months have been difficult and I’ve gained around 5lbs ,so my first goal is to reverse this troubling trend and then my long term goal is to get under 10st by the end of the year .

    Pocketwinos I’ll be depending on your support as I know I need to reduce my drinking in order to kick start some weight loss.

    Looking forward to the August challenge ,see you all on Tuesday x

    Sorry I thought tomorrow was the 1st of August ( I am eager) I will be with you on the first

    Hello. New here and would live to join.
    Am in kent, England.
    Weight 90kgs.
    Started at 101 in June when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and hypertension and type 2 diabetes.
    Started on blood sugar diet and now am trying 5:2.
    Would love some company on this journey.

    Good to see you BrightonBelle
    Welcome Kentoldlady
    Look forward to seeing you fighting fit on the first @ Wolfiemo!

    Holy Moly it’s August already. Man, time flies when your having fun and you surround yourself with some amazing people!

    Debster…. Thanks for hosting, I’m glad we have banned the word ashamed as well!

    A great big…. glad your all here for my exsisting friends and my new ones!

    Okay…. now about me!

    I’m a wife over 20 years to a wonderful, caring man. I could not ask for a more supportive partner in life. He takes my craziness and embarrasses it and loves me through it all.
    We have to beautiful kids, 21 and 18, one is a college greaduate working in a field he loves, and our baby starts college in the next two weeks. They still live at home.
    We live our life based on love and faith. We may not have it all together but together we have it all!
    I’ve been living this WOL for 10 months joining the group in Nov., 2016 with a starting weight of 165. Today, I weigh 138 losing a total of 27lbs.
    I lived on plateau mountain for 4 long months and thanks to @debster and one good yank, she pulled me down.
    I fast daily from 7:30pm until 12:30pm daily.
    My 500 calorie FD are Mon, Wed and Fri
    I work in a very physical job, where I move constantly but my youngest and I still try and walk in the evening a couple times a week.
    My goal for this month is to reduce my soda/pop/fizzy drink depending on your area consumption, as it’s back up to unfavorable levels.
    And lose 3lbs.

    For my new friends advice and tips
    Log on everyday regardless of what has happened, sometimes just reading is helpful when life happens.
    Tomorrow is a new day…. as long as you wake up, you have the ability!
    Together we are stronger
    Gum helps!
    If you can be kind to your neighbor and you can be kind to a stranger than why would you be anything but kind to your self!

    Well, I’m off to find an ending….. let’s see what I can come up with this month!

    Please count me in to the August challenge. It’s been a while since I’ve done intermittent fasting. The plan is to fast on Mondays and Thursdays. This week, I’ll probably do Tuesday and Thursday.

    I look forward to fasting and being part of the forum.

    Day one, Banchory, NFD

    It starts here. Way too fat and seem to be wedged on the bus to the land of fatness. It’s time to get off the bus, and catch the train in the opposite direction. Hope I get a seat πŸ™‚

    Please count me in the August challenge. Since Sept. last year my weight has spiralled up – 2 big holidays later, I feel unhealthy and bloated all the time. So just thought, it’s about time I did something about it! Have my first year wedding anniversary coming up soon and also a landmark birthday and want to feel and look fabulous for both! I am new to this, so any support will be much appreciated! πŸ™‚

    Hi to:

    Pleased to see you all!

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