Journalling my 5:2 success

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Journalling my 5:2 success

This topic contains 63 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  VibeRadiant 9 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 64 total)

  • Day zero

    This is the journal of my 5:2 lifestyle.

    After listening to the audible version of the book this afternoon, I was left feeling very optimistic about this being a real weight loss program, which is doable and attainable and not just another hyped up load of bologna diet plan. I felt inspired listening to the folks who contacted the authors to tell them about their successes, ordinary folk like me. Wonderful!

    I officially start tomorrow, March 30 2015. I did only have my first meal today at 4 pm having drank water, tea and coffee today in order to counter act the previous day’s cake and ice cream binge. Dinner was not calorie reduced, but I did manage to go without eating all day and I didn’t suffer. So I am not hesitant about repeating this tomorrow but with a calorie reduced dinner of 500 calories.

    I look forward to posting my progress, good or bad, and to getting to know my fellow 5:2’ers!


    Day 1

    Mood: Hopeful. Excited. Strong.

    Today is my first day of fasting. The plan is to consume liquids only until supper. I had 2 black coffee, 2 teas and 2-3 glasses of water. The one time I had a hunger pang I drank 8 ounces of water and that took care of that.

    I didn’t have a headache. I didn’t feel weak. I wasn’t irritable. I worked right through lunch and felt energetic. My overall mood was positive.

    I had dinner around 6 pm. It tasted so good. total calorie count was 390 calories. I am full. If I get a bit peckish later, I will have a few macadamia nuts.

    But first fast is done and I feel great!

    Day 2

    Mood: upon waking – groggy
    upon leaving for work – peppy, bouncy and optimistic

    So, I did not have a snack later last night as I thought I might have to based on the 390 calorie supper I had. Plus, I wasn’t hungry this morning either.
    I did have a breakfast sandwich once I got to work which I haven’t had in so long as it is taboo on every previous diet I’ve been on. So enjoyed that with a side of guilt-free.
    I didn’t have lunch. I had coffees and tea and plenty of water.
    Now dinner will be a non fast dinner and no calorie counting, including dessert, again not something I would have had previously.

    Felt great all day and positive.

    I even ran up the stairs at work!

    Thanks for keeping this journal. I’ve spent the afternoon reading up on the 5:2 with the intention of starting tomorrow.

    I had read a few comments that people have felt bad on the fast days/the day after. I’m hoping it doesn’t affect me in that way!

    Glad to hear you’re feeling positive and bouncy!

    Hi there,

    I’m re-reading The FastDiet and Michael Mosley says at some point that your experience will be as you expect it to be. If you anticipate the worse, that’s what you’ll get. If you go in hopeful and determined, it will be a better experience. It is after all just one day and then you can eat as you wish the next day.

    Good luck and I hope I can read about your experience. 🙂

    Day 3, Fast # 2

    Mood: good.

    I bought San Pellegrino mineral water as my fast day “treat” but found that I was thirstier after drinking it. It never quenched my thirst like regular filtered water does. Mineral water is salty, whereas regular water is slightly sweet and refreshing.

    I didn’t find that I had a surplus of energy today, but I wasn’t run down either. The feeling of well-being came on later in the afternoon and I felt bouncy somewhat. My mental focus was steady and I was pleasantly surprised that I didn’t experience any afternoon lulls like I used to. That is nice indeed, when everyone around me is yawning and visiting the vending machines for candy and chocolate, I sip my tea and water and just smile.

    I had dinner around 5:30 pm. Although I was hungry and anticipating my dinner, I didn’t feel as thought I would faint if I didn’t eat something right now. It was an excited anticipation of making my dish and waiting for the fish to cook. The tastes were very nice and exciting. Isn’t that strange… 🙂

    Day 4

    Mood: Fantastic. Playful. Positive.

    I can’t believe how great I feel! It’s pretty surprising actually.

    There was a point last night a few hours after my fast dinner that I thought I might want to eat, what Michael calls limbic hunger – not real hunger but habit hunger, and I had a large (2.5 cups) water with the juice of half a lemon and that settled that.

    Today is shaping up to be a great positive, humming away, kind of day.

    I’m new here, but I’ve been on different weight loss forums before so you may have seen me somewhere out there in weight loss land lol!

    Fast #3

    Mood: calm, balanced.

    Today’s fast was a little harder than the first two as I am off today for the long weekend and found that not eating was not quite so easy since I didn’t have work to keep me busy.
    But I made it until 5 pm to eat and it seemed like a long time at times. Dinner was delicious, very simple and quick but delicious.

    I also read another book on intermittent fasting yesterday and watched another YouTube video on the subject, it’s quite interesting concept that’s for sure.

    Also, I actually woke up at 4 am this morning! Not sure if that is the fast or not, but I did not have hunger until about 11 am, then it was a lot of water and tea and coffee to settle the rumble.

    Fast #4.

    I found the first weekend a bit tough, to be honest. It’s also a 4 day weekend, so no work to keep me busy.
    Friday was a fast day and today is a fast day.
    Saturday seemed like a normal non-fast day but yesterday, Sunday, was a bit of a free for all. I really noticed that once I started eating, I seemed to have a bottomless pit of an appetite. It wasn’t even junk food, although I did have a sweet tooth.
    Most of it wasn’t even real hunger. It felt compulsive and frantic at times. I did observe that I felt powerless and that no matter how much I ate I wasn’t going to feel filled up. That was an interesting revelation.
    I opened the cupboards several times looking to see if there was something I might have missed the last time I looked. There wasn’t. I checked several more times, just to make sure…
    Interesting this relationship with food isn’t it? I’m damned if I do, and damned if I don’t. It seems that way anyway.
    But, on the days that I fasted last week, I did feel in control of my self, my hunger and my food. Yesterday I felt uncomfortable and bloated and helpless. But am I really helpless?
    It certainly feels freeing to fast, I seem to have more control and free thoughts that don’t revolve around food, any food. I eat once a day when fasting and I feel both the excited anticipation of the food I will eat and I feel satiated by it once it is consumed.
    Yesterday, there was no feeling of being satisfied no matter what I ate, or how much I ate.
    Interesting how that paradox works isn’t it?
    Today, fasting is not quite the challenge it was on Friday. I’m aware of my stomach doing it’s thing to get me to eat, but water and tea is distracting it from getting too annoying.
    Here’s to a new week and more practice fasting and getting better at it!

    Fast #5

    Mood: steady. energetic. calm.

    Today was rather easy to get through with very little hunger and cravings. I find that black coffee is like an appetite suppressant.
    I did notice that since starting the 5:2 diet I seem to think quite highly of myself. I wonder if anyone else feels like that?
    It’s not a “look down on others” kind of feeling, but rather a “I’m doing something really good for myself” feeling and it carries through the rest of my day, my posture and the energy I emit. Isn’t that strange? lol!

    Doing more research on line about IF, I’ve come across other similar diets such as the Warrior Diet and although I did attempt to try it about a year ago, I just couldn’t manage it past the first two weeks (and they were rough), I was food obsessed the entire time. Not sure why this seems easier now? I think it might have something to do with having dessert and such if I want rather than crossing an entire food group or two off my “I can’t EVER eat this again – EVER!” list. I had pancakes last Saturday for the first time in about 2 years or so. I ended up leaving about 1/4 of them behind, I just didn’t want more then I ate. That alone is amazing! I was a carb junkie and the fact that I could leave some on my plate was pretty awesome.

    I’m not telling anyone just yet as I don’t want all these well intentioned people giving me (bad) advice on something they know nothing about, you all know of what I speak.

    I’ll just wait for the evidence to present itself and then I might tell people about 5:2 if they ask me what I’m doing.

    Here’s to a successful fasting day and can’t wait until tomorrow when I can have cream in my coffee! haha! oh, and dessert too!

    Fast #6
    end of week 2.

    Mood: tired. positive. enthusiastic.

    Today was a very stressful day at work. I thought a lot about ending my fast today and eating to comfort myself. But I did not. I figured if I did this one time, then next time would be easier to give in again. Besides, life is stressful and eating to comfort doesn’t help build any new habits and it does me no good to stress eat.
    When I got home, I immediately had dinner and topped it off with a calorie reduced hot cocoa for dessert.
    That was about 3 1/2 hours ago and now I am tucking into a cup of herbal tea.
    Tomorrow will be a non fast day and I plan to go for breakfast and I am looking forward to that.

    An interesting observation about yesterday. I find that on non fast days, I seem to have less self control over food than I do on fast days. It seems that I could eat and eat, but fast days I seem to have more control. Isn’t that odd?

    Glad the two weeks are up and looking forward to week three on Monday.


    For the last two Saturdays (non fast days), I have been going to Tim Horton’s and having the breakfast sandwich combo #1 with a donut instead of the hash brown. It’s been a couple of years since I have eaten this as it has always been a non compliant food on whatever diet I had been on. But, after reading The Fast Diet book and watching videos on The Fast Diet and 5:2 diet, I allowed myself to eat this food, which is really an egg mixture (I doubt it’s real egg), processed cheese with processed sausage patty on a biscuit, a donut and coffee (cream no sugar). And for the last two Saturdays, I’ll eat again in a few hours, then a few hours after than and graze all day it seems and be looking in the cupboard for something else as I feel peckish. But during the week, even on non fast days, I can go all day on water, coffee and tea – eat my big meal around 5:30 and not eat again until the next day’s fast is over around 5:30.
    So, it seems that eating highly processed foods triggers cravings and hunger that can’t be quieted easily.
    Isn’t that interesting?!
    Glad tomorrow is a fast day.

    Fast #7

    Mood: bored

    It’s 11 am here and people are starting to eat. It smells enticing… as I drink water I notice how boring its taste is.
    I am feeling hungry too.
    Time for a coffee me thinks.

    Hi VibeR, I believe you are on EST as I am. Lunchtime coming up, at least for my kids. Your post makes me wonder how much of our eating (by “our” I mean people in general) is from boredom and habit. I was just sitting here thinking I would like to eat something, but I don’t think it was because I was that hungry. It’s just “that time.”

    Happy fast day.

    Yes, I am in the EST zone.
    This is the first of my fasting days where water isn’t settling the rumbling tummy. But I can persevere and get past it.

    update on the rest of my #7 fast.

    I found that the hunger pangs and cravings eventually did leave me and I didn’t suffer or die from not eating when my stomach was having what I’ll call a temper tantrum. Like a 3 year old throwing a fit, if you don’t give in, it tends to settle down and moves on to something else.
    I distracted myself with a change of scenery and watched some youtube videos during the lunch hour.
    When, I got home, I had some low cal broccoli soup, then the main course was heaps of leafy greens, salmon and butternut squash from yesterday.
    It was so delicious! I’ve just finished my low cal hot cocoa and that will be it for calorie consumption until tomorrow’s dinner, which will be a higher calorie version (steak) veggies, leafy greens and a dessert.
    Another fast under my belt!

    Fast #8

    Yesterday was a fast day. Sort of. I went through my day as though it was just another fast. Last night was also my son’s going away dinner. He leaves for the military on Saturday. I also knew that I was going to have a nice dinner, dessert and a drink if I wanted to.
    My break-fast meal was NOT 500 calories, although I think dessert was ;).
    I ate what I wanted, and left a bit on my plate. Same with dessert.
    Then we went mini-putting. It was a great evening spent with my son and I didn’t have one bit of guilt doing it.
    That’s what I love about doing 5:2!
    Today is a non fast day, but I will fast until dinner and carry on!

    I made it to dinner! It wasn’t all that hard. I do find that if I am not busy at work, the day tends to drag and I think about not eating which I find tedious.
    Trying not to think about thinking about food…

    I found a new tea today, blueberry white tea. It’s pretty good. Less bitter than green tea and it has more of the good stuff that green tea has. And it has a blueberry taste and aroma, which is nice. It’s slightly sweet tasting without sugar. Must be because it’s less bitter than green tea.

    I have a pair of jeans that I had to squeeze into before, they made me feel like a stuffed sausage. Well, I don’t know if it’s my imagination but they seemed looser today. I haven’t measured my waist yet. I will wait until April 30th to do that. It will be 30 days since starting the 5:2 WOE, so I’ll be patient.

    Some benefits that I hadn’t expected: I like people more. I am nicer to people. I whistle a lot more. I hum or sing a lot more.
    I’m still getting night sweats though, I’d like for this WOE to take care of that, so here’s hoping!

    Until next time

    Carry On!

    Fast #9

    Yesterday was the ninth fast. It does help to be busy when fasting. Time goes by faster and distractions help with the grumbling tummy and hunger.
    Yesterday was not a busy day. The day dragged on and it felt super long. Finally dinner hour came and I feasted on low cal soup, leafy greens, steamed cauliflower, salmon and a 50 calorie hot cocoa. What a decadent meal!

    What is it about fasting that makes me feel elevated from others? I find that such a strange feeling. It’s not a feeling of being superior or better than others, but it is a feeling that feels like abundant self esteem. I see people being slaves to their diets, their out of control eating, their broken resolve to eat better, and I think – look at them in denial that there is nothing one can do to better their lives. I was there once. I felt powerless over food. Powerless over cravings. Angry that food had such a power hold over me. I thought that if only I could find that “thing” that would allow me to eat and not be consumed by food, then all would be ok. Who knew that fasting for nearly 20 hours a day, 5 days a week, would be that “thing”.
    When I eat my meal now, I feel nourished by it rather than beaten by it. When my body is flooded with feel-good chemicals that my brain produces when fasting, I realize that “this” is how I am supposed to feel about living and not depressed that food is the enemy out to bury me.
    I am so grateful that I found this WOE. It feels like the answer.

    Until next time,


    Just want to hop on and say thank you!! I love reading your journal! Some things I can relate to, others.. not so much but its always interesting!. Forcing me to look critically at my own plan which is always a good thing. Keen to look at your results so I hope you are comfortable to share with us on the 30/4. Keep on journalling please. Take care,

    @aquabliss – I was beginning to wonder if anyone else read my postings lol!
    Thank you for your encouragement and kind words.

    For the first time, this WOE feels right and it’s easy in the sense that it isn’t complicated with so many rules like other ways that I’ve tried which left me confused and overwhelmed and failing.

    I am constantly reading other intermittent fasting books and articles and fine tuning how I do it. It is an experiment of one for me.


    Until next time,


    Fast #10!

    Wow, it’s been 10 fasts already! That’s pretty amazing if I do say so myself. My energy was very good today. My mood was calm and balanced. My hunger was minimal and was quieted easily with water.
    I ate later than other fast days as I had a late appointment and got in around 6 pm, prepared my meal and feasted!
    It’s interesting that I enjoy my low calorie break-fast meal more than I do my non-fast meal… very odd indeed.
    Here’s another observation. In the common area where I work, there is a vending machine with sweets and chips. I pass by it every single time I go to the washroom or get off the elevator. I see these candy bars and other snack foods and they aren’t calling my name on fast days. It helps that I don’t carry cash but the fact that I could just as easily go down to the lobby and buy them at the store just doesn’t entice me. I have so much resolve on fast days that even the smell of food doesn’t do much. I know that if I want it, it will be there tomorrow. And so far, I have included snacks on non-fast days just because I can, and I feel guilt free doing it.

    This is the best WOE ever!


    Hi VibeRadiant,

    I know what you mean, I used to be a huge binger but now I’m ambivalent to food. I’m doing ADF… don’t know if that makes a difference but I don’t seem to have that obsessive compulsion to eat….. Which I find miraculous!!!!
    I’ve found that I have had to force myself to eat treats because that is the main deal for me with this WOE, to still be able to eat regular food.
    I am amazed and overwhelmed and finally feel as if I’ve got this food thing all sussed.
    I’m continuing with ADF until I get to my goal weight (58kg). Then I’ll experiment with how many non fast days I’ll have in a week. My understanding is that it is harder when only having 1 fast day per week as you seem to have more of an appetite. I’m still learning about all of this.. Onwards and (weight) downwards!!! Take care, until next time.

    @aquabliss – It’s interesting that by limiting food, we lose our obsessiveness over it, or it over us lol 🙂

    I guess ADF is similar to M-W-F fasting then?

    Hi VibeRadiant, yes ADF and 4:3 is quite similar. I just don’t have two eating days together. That might change down the track if my fast days clash with a social occasion but so far everything has fitted in beautifully. Mind you, I’ve only been doing this WOE for 12 days…..
    Looking forward to your next inspiring post.
    Take care

    Fast #11

    I was looking forward to the fast ending today! I found it a little tedious and I was hungry today. But I managed to hold out until dinner and had my break-feast!

    I’ve been buying these ready made soups, no fillers or preservatives, just good stuff. Low cal and quite tasty too. I’ve never really been a soup person, but I am enjoying these. Creamy broccoli and butternut squash so far are my favourites. Tonight I had soup, a slice of quiche with loads of curry cauliflower and steamed brussel sprouts and a 50 calorie hot cocoa for dessert (with a dash of cinnamon for decadence). Very tasty and filling.

    My jeans are looser too! I actually caught myself pulling them up as I was walking. That hasn’t happened in years! woohoo! 🙂

    This thing works! Amazing!

    Until next time,

    Carry On!


    My boss asked me if I had lost weight! HAHA! So it’s not just me that is noticing it then. She asked me what I was doing and without telling her I was fasting, because that would take too much time to explain and as soon as people hear fasting, they immediately say “I couldn’t do that!”, I basically told her that I diet 3 days a week, M-W-F and the rest of the week I eat normally. That’s about all I could tell her between meetings.

    Hopefully we get the chance to talk about it next week.

    Thanks for keeping this journal… I can empathise with you over the ambivalence to food even on non-fast days.

    I imagined this would be very hard to keep up but 5 weeks in for me and I have lost 9 pounds. I was hoping for a greater loss and I have deinitely plateaued BUT it is the way I feel healthier that has surprised me.

    Also, I tend to now REALLY watch what I eat on non-fast days so as not to undo the hard gains gotten on fasting days.

    Keep up the good work and make sure you have a belt handy for those jeans!

    @paulssl – thanks. Glad to know that what I am experiencing is the norm. Food is great and all but who knew I could function and thrive with less of it!
    With the extra money I’ll have from not eating so much I’ll be able to buy new jeans with my new belt, lol.


    Wow, 12 fasts already – how time flies. Nearly a month since starting this WOE.

    Since I wasn’t busy at work today, time really dragged and the hunger pangs were noticeable and distracting.
    I got the kindle version of The Every Other Day Diet book by Krista Varady, and it is also a good book to read for intermittent fasting as it was the study that launched The Fast Diet book and WOE.
    I guess one could say that I am doing the every other day diet as well seeing how I fast M-W-F.

    Weekends are hard for me. I’ve mentioned it here before in posts that once I start eating, it seems that I can’t stop. Weekends are when I eat, a lot, or it seems like it.
    I know others struggle with this too. Since it’s only been a month since starting this WOE, and the fact that I’ve been dieting (aka depriving myself) for so many years, it seems that my weekend struggles might be my deprived self making up for all the times I denied myself something. Heck, entire food groups based on what new diet promises I swallowed, hook, line and sinker.
    Here is a history of my dieting.
    The first diet I was on was weight watchers, at 11 years old. I was tall and lanky and my step mother who was not, had joined weight watchers and decided to put me on it to prevent me from getting fat. I remember that stupid scale on the dinning table and she would add or take away a pea at a time until it measured exactly whatever magic number was allowed. And that disgusting skimmed milk, back then it had a blue tinge to it.
    Fast forward to years of starving and binging. The six months before my wedding, I survived on donuts, coffee and cigarettes. I managed to get to 124 lbs in time for my big day. I am 5’11” tall. Oh, and by the way. I was an unsuccessful model because I was too fat!
    It was when my baby was born when I was 20 that my need to be skinny really kicked in and the dieting roller coaster began. Binging, drinking and starving became the norm.
    I did lose 40 lbs with weight watchers in my early 30’s. I gained it back.
    I’ve done Fit For Life, I’ve been vegetarian, and vegan. I did Atkins, but never lost weight. I did paleo, didn’t lose weight. I did the raw vegan diet, didn’t lose weight. I did the raw food diet, and even became a fruitarian and tried the 30 bananas a diet diet, I did 80-10-10 diet, back to Atkins, and I did an all egg diet, all without losing weight. I did the gluten free diet, the no sugar diet, and the I give up diet and gained weight.
    And this is where I find myself now. The Fast Diet, doing 4:3 and struggling on the weekends.
    I am hoping that my brain realizes that the denial of foods is over and that it can calm down as there will be no more dieting. No more starving. No need for binging.

    Hey viberadiant

    Oh my, you’ve certainly tried them all!

    I had some success with weight watchers before, tried slimming world but it’s too restrictive for me. General calorie cutting using my fitness pal works when I stick to it but if you want a life free from food obsessions and periods of control or total lack of it then those diets aren’t sustainable.

    I suppose that’s the good thing with fasting- you don’t have to obsess everyday. That being said, best not to ask me- I’m on week two and gained the 1 1/2lbs back that I lost in the first week!!

    I have seen some forums saying 4:3 seems to get the same results as 5:2 over the course of six months. Could you maybe just do 5:2 and have your weekends free? I suppose we all need to play about with the rules a bit to find out what works for us as individuals.

    Dear Vibe,

    I can sense the pain and frustration in your post. It seems, though, that you HAVE been having success since you started 5:2. Just think about that and consider 5:2 a new beginning.

    You are succeeding!

    Fast #13

    I found today was a tad hard at first. I felt nauseous for some reason in the morning. I drank black coffee and tea and lots of water and the nausea passed eventually. My break-fast meal around 5 pm was delicious and satisfying. I made a roast pork yesterday and today it was leftovers with mushrooms and cauliflower with a soup starter and a 45 calorie hot cocoa for dessert.
    Felt good overall, despite the slow start this morning.

    @ilovecake – I fast only M-W-F and have my weekends free for eating and that is the difficulty.
    But then I was thinking about that today and I realised that I’ve had unhealthy dieting and food issues for nearly 30 years or so, so they aren’t going to resolve themselves in 4 weeks of intermittent fasting. It’s going to be an experiment with trials and errors and some set backs but every day that I don’t give up, I am creating new habits and new ways of thinking about food and eventually it’ll click and weekends won’t be so hard anymore.

    @VirginiaEdie – thank you, yes I do see it as a two steps forward and one step back kind of dance at the moment and I am ok with that. Yes, I succeed everyday that I complete a fast which gets me closer to healthy relationships with food and making better choices and farther away from disordered binging.

    So, when all else fails;



    Hi VibeRadiant, don’t beat yourself up about the weekend binging. You’re fasting 3 days a week and eating mindfully 2 days. Even with the w’end blow out, you are still creating a calorie deficit. Just look at your jeans, see it’s working for you!! In fact I think it is really important to have blow outs. I believe we will be able to stick to this long term by pigging out now and then. Keep up the amazing work! Thanks for sharing your story with us, I really appreciate your honesty and know that we are all on the same path. Take care.

    @aquabliss – Thank you for the encouragement. I appreciate the support.

    Hi VibeRadiant

    I agree with you- 4 weeks to change the habit of nearly a life time is probably not long enough BUT stick at it as you are obviously going in the right direction. You are doing so well and we’re all behind you. If you’re having a bad day get on the forums and ‘let it all out’ rather than hitting the fridge if you can. Keep up your good work.

    @ilovecake – I agree, and that is my new mantra “4 weeks isn’t going to fix 30 plus years of bad habits”…
    Everyday that I stay the course will!

    Fast #14!!

    Oh yeah!!

    Today was an easy fast day. It went by fairly quickly. I am cooking my break-fast meal as I type this. Can’t wait as I am getting hungry.

    All the junk that would normally call to me – didn’t. The high sugar treats that I would usually cave to, weren’t worth caving in to.

    I found a tea that took away my desire to eat any food whatsoever. It was so vile that it made me feel nauseated. I thought when I bought it that it would be delicious as I like licorice, but this tea by Stash was horrid and the disgustingness of it was traumatizing! lol! Good thing it was a sampler only, but now I wonder about the other flavours in the box…

    Anyhoo, tomorrow is the official 30 days since starting fasting WOE. I will take my measurement first thing in the morning and will post it at some point tomorrow.

    Excited to see what the results are!

    Ok, it’s official – I have lost 1 1/2 inches around my belly!

    According to a couple of sites, that is anywhere between 6 – 10 pounds or so.

    Oh My! 🙂

    Correction: I started at 40 3/4 inches, now I am 38 1/2 inches, so that is 2 1/2 inches lost.
    Don’t ask me to do math at 6 am!

    OMG!! VibeRadiant that is a fantastic result. Great job! You are so inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

    Thank you. I am quite surprised to tell the truth. I knew something had shifted, but….
    Let’s hope it keeps all downhill from here 🙂

    A great result- well done!

    Are you measuring rather than weighing in? I wonder if I should do that too as whenever I get on the scales it doesn’t seem to tally with how I feel!

    Yes, I am measuring only at the moment. I can find the scale affects my self esteem. Weight is so subjective based on height, bone density, water retention and so on. All things that shouldn’t affect self worth, yet that stupid number can derail me faster than anything.

    Well done on the inches lost – big achievement and worth the effort so far, eh?

    That should give you some encouragement to carry on 🙂 Very well done.

    @paulssl – yes, this is encouraging for sure. I am very pleased.

    Fast #15

    Today was another slow day at work, but overall the fast went well.

    I added HIT Cardio today. I will do this twice a week to start, Tuesdays and Fridays.
    I started with 16 minutes on the treadmill – 1 minute walking and 30 seconds sprinting.

    Currently I walked/sprinted at an incline of 4%, walking speed of 3 mph, and sprinting at 6 mph.

    My goal is to sprint at 10 mph on a higher incline but keeping it at 30 seconds of sprinting.

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