I'm a chef!!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  PreciousBooBoo 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Yep,you think you have problems staying away from food-I’m surrounded by the stuff. The smell of food on fast days seems even greater and I’m sure I have seen chocolate puddings beckoning me over to eat them.
    I’m one of those people that has tried all diets going on this planet, as I’m sure many of you are too, but I always come up with a reason why I can’t stick to them.
    Without sounding like some (with respect) religious preacher the answer (for me anyway)is to focus and remember I can eat what I want. I am doing the 4:3 diet and ensure I don’t go to the gym on these days of fasting.
    Don’t come up with excuses why it doesn’t work for you and that you are hungry. I get smacking headaches on fast days, but who cares, tomorrow I will be eating!!!
    …or is this to be another diet you say doesn’t work for you…..

    Well said
    No excuses – just drink water and exercise and feel great (I cook my husbands meals on fast days and sit while he has dinner and wine and I have water)
    It works, 33lbs in 6 months

    Hi Tubbschef,
    Wow, now that is a challenge!! How are you doing? I hope you have stuck with it successfully!!

    Hi Tubbschef

    Wow mate that’s a tough call
    but I’m sure you can do it and just think how you will feel when you start losing weight and feeling healthier and better about yourself.

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