help with my IBS

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  • Hi, i’m new to forum but have been doing the fast diet for a few weeks and lost 1 1/2 stone. I have a number of health problems IBS being one of them, and when I read through the forum yesterday, I noticed some members saying how much better their IBS was. I’ve found when I fast i’m fine, but the day after when I’ve eaten usually into the evening, the guts start to role and i’m doubled over in agony, the wind starts and then I’ll be running backwards and forwards to the loo with really bad diarrhoea. My kids complain about going to the bathroom afterwards.
    In between time the IBS is as I expect it to be, it’s just the day after the fast thats the worst. Does anyone else have this problem or any advice on how to deal with it, I’m on medication for it. Thanks

    I often get the same problem when I miss lunch and then get a bad reaction when I eat later. I have been thinking about doing 5:2 but after a painful session yesterday I’m not sure I can do it. Anyone any idea how to deal with this?

    Hi midwaysue thanks for the reply, It is such a pain (no pun intended) when this happens, but i’m hoping this week I may have cracked it fingers crossed as Tuesday (the day after starvy day) no ibs problem. The day after the fast day, i’m having light meals and nothing heavy/stogy or too bigger portion and i’m trying not to reach that point of fullness, and no fizzy drinks, wine with the meals. I know thats 4 days of being carefull but the other 3 I eat normally. I’ve also made the starve days Monday and friday now and this spacing seems to have helped, and I don’t do much Tuesday & Saturday.
    Its deffinatly worth giving it a go


    IBS is often helped by following a low FODMAP diet. On diet days, FODMAPs are reduced or eliminated and you feel better. When you start eating them the next day, you are back where you started. If you have not already, it might be worth it to try the diet and see if it helps –

    Good Luck!

    I have IBS but I manage it by not eating nuts, seeds, skins anything that might get stuck! I also have not eaten gluten for years now. My Doctor said IBS mimics diverticulitis hence avoiding nuts etc.

    That is a great quick resource for a low-FODMAP diet! I had my eyes opened to it by reading IBS Free at Last. A low-FODMAP diet changed my life. Now I’m hoping to drop some of the weight I gained from overeating. Before being diagnosed with IBS, I just thought I was hungry all the time, when it was really gas/bloating. I would eat a little without even realizing it.

    The one nice thing about the IBS Free At Last book is it includes an elimination diet, so you can figure out which of the groups of FODMAPs effect you. I have trouble with fructose and fructans, so it surprises me when I see people with IBS saying they eat apples (apples and my body do NOT get along); however, when I think about it, fructose won’t be a trigger food for everyone with IBS. It’s just bad for me.

    It can’t hurt to try sticking to low-FODMAP foods in tandem with the 5:2 diet, which is what I plan to do. I’m going to start this week.

    I have IBS and got it after I started trying 5:2 as few years ago.
    What has really helped me is the Monash University Low FODMAP app on the mobile. It contains a truckload of helpful information plus, lists, so you can use it as you are shopping.
    The FODMAP diet was initially developed at Monash University and this app is $10, which goes to finance further research. It is about the best thing I have ever bought and I wwould not be without it when I shop.

    I am at a no pain stage now and it is due entirely to the phone app…doctors were pretty much useless for me aside from the diagnosis, which helped in that I could then go find information (including the magic app.) 🙂

    Sorry about typos…I can’t edit for some reason.

    I wish I’d seen that app or this other one called mySymptoms Food & Symptom Tracker back when I started figuring stuff out. I feel pretty fortunate that now I know exactly what things get me and which don’t.

    I know a friend of mine who has got help with IBS – drinking Aloe Vera Gel helps massively .
    I don’t if I am allowed to share it here – but if you need more info you can message me please xxx

    I recommend the book Fast Tract Digestion by Dr. Norm Robillard and his awesome website at low FODMAP diet is helpful, but it is also very much about PORTIONS of fermentable foods, so the fast tract diet has an awesome and simple point system where you can keep simple track of how many symptom-producing foods you are eating (Hint: gluten, non-gluten grains, nuts, seeds, and most fibers and legumes feed already overgrown bacteria in the gut, producing GI symptoms). Most people with “IBS” really have small intestine bacteria overgrowth. Lots of free info at the Digestive Health Institute. Remember low FODMAP can be effective, but if you want more diversity in your diet and to be able to add back some FODMAPS then check out the Fast Tract approach. he is a proponent of fasting as well, tho he usually recommends fasting 7pm to 11am the next day a few times per week. Consuming too many fermentable carbs will bring symtpoms crashing back, especially until the digestive system has had months to sweep the bad bacteria further down the small intestine into the large intestine, naturally reducing bacterial overgrowth.

    ”IBS is often helped by following a low FODMAP diet. On diet days, FODMAPs are reduced or eliminated and you feel better. When you start eating them the next day, you are back where you started. If you have not already, it might be worth it to try the diet and see if it helps –

    i was just about to write this exact post. after all, its common sense whats going on!

    I looked into IBS when my brother got it. I wouldn’t trust most low-fat nonsense nutritionists to feed a goldfish, but I asked Caryn Zinn’s opinion in New Zealand. She has an excellent Facebook page. Zoe Harcombe in the UK is another who knows her stuff and is fiercely critical of the NHS position that feeds glucose to diabetics, resulting in 7,000 amputations a year.

    Anyway, back to IBS. The advice is that a low-carb, higher natural fat diet helps, as it seems to do with so many conditions. So much of our sugar and carb-laden junk diet is inflamatory. Wheat should be particularly avoided. My brother said he quickly saw a benefit, but he slips back into eating bread and the problems return. Two slices of bread raises your blood sugar (and insulin) quicker than a Snicker bar. Shocking but true.

    Hi All,
    Interesting post. I have had IBS for years in the past, but have cured myself from it by cutting out wheat and following the low FODMAP diet.
    Interesting though since following the 5:2 I continued to stay well and have also been able to introduce some of the veg I have been avoiding, even managing small amounts of sauerkraut, which I’ve been making for the beneficial bacteria it contains.
    The fast diet has been really helpful in allowing my stomach a rest, which helps sort the good bacteria from the bad and allows a spring clean down there, according to Guilia Enders in her book called “Gut”. If you can afford it its an excellent look at the digestive system and what goes on there. If you cant have a look at her on utube.

    Hi Stephen T

    Yes Id agree with the low carb higher natural fat. Ive found that too many carbs even so called gluten free good ones are problematic for me. In fact the gluten free baked goods are often full of refined flour, of various kinds, contain less fibre and more sugar too. I suspect they encourage the growth of bad bacteria which then produce a craving for more to keep them fed. By fasting, you break that cycle.

    Hi, I’m new here, just did my first FD yesterday. My decision to try this was based on the hope that it would help with my IBS. Yesterday I had no problems and today my appetite has been subdued so I’ve eaten less than I normally would. So far no symptoms. Fingers crossed!

    Hi Miesque

    I too have suffered from IBS, but happily can say now it is mostly in the past. Giving up wheat was a real help for me and also following the low FODMAP diet worked wonders. I do think mine was mostly diet related though.

    I then did the 5:2 to help lose a little weight and I think Ive been able to extend the range of foods I am able to eat now which is a real plus. I still have to make sure I don’t over do the problem food though.

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