Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,925 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 1 day, 12 hours ago.

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  • I’m rapt, CM, never thought I would lose those few kilos that I have carried around forever. Few? Well, it was 10% of body weight – and 25% of body fat, according to my scales!! πŸ™‚

    It’s not the waking up that is such a bother, it’s not being able to go back to sleep again. I have watched whole series of TV programmes at 3am, and the problem has seemed to have moved to Friday and Saturday nights, which is weird. That’s why I am trying this treat-restricted week, before resorting to hypnosis.

    I hope it was a nice NZ sauv blanc. πŸ™‚

    What else!!

    Barata, you might also want to check out acupuncture. I’ve heard it can also be pretty successful.

    Hmmm, not something I had considered. Thanks, CM. One item of stress to deal with in the home/business life, then it will be more practical to deal with this issue.

    And I prefer an Aussie shiraz!

    CM, let us know how that soup goes down! Thats a great calorie count and will be so nice and warm now that the weather is cooking down (it’s especially ‘cool’ here in Melbourne today)

    Thin, I don’t really drink much coffee and I stay really well hydrated so I don’t know why I’m getting these headaches! I’ve been on this WOL for 5 weeks now and thought they’d calm down by now. I haven’t been taking pain killers for them but I may do tomorrow if it comes on again as i was a real grump last night!

    MK88 xx

    Barata, I have been having acupuncture for depression and a few Chinese herbal remedies, I would recommend you at least try it. The practioner will ask you all sorts of questions and can treat you for more than one issue.

    Coming to the end of my FD, those soups sound very inviting. I struggle late afternoon but have a cup of green tea and that seems to help. I must have a good look next time I am in Coles for those noodles and the Alpine bread. Maybe they call it Mountain bread here in NSW.

    There is an article in the Good Health magazine about the 14:10 fasting. Fast for 14 hours at night and eat 3 meals over the next 10. I think I will stick to the 5:2.

    Hi Guys
    I hope you don’t mind me jumping in on the conversation. I have been lurking for the past few weeks. Been 5:2 since late January with slow success. But happy with that. Area I need to finetune is the 5 days in between. I know what I need to do – it’s just the motivation to surpass this maintainance phase I’m in. One great thing is I am definitely liking how I feel.

    Barata – have you tried tart cherry?? I tried it awhile ago back with some success. I also live in Wellington and you can find it at simply organics – stored in the fridge.

    That sounds like one easy FD meal CM, did you try it tonight? (I’m talking about the Tom Yum not the double sauv blanc). Aren’t you good, having another go at a FD after blowing it yesterday! You are very determined my friend.

    Welcome MAM, no we don’t mind you jumping in. We hoped you would. Lots of kiwis on here sharing their success.

    Well done Intesha, at this time of day on a FD, I start dreaming about my coffee in the morning and what I’ll be having tomorrow. You’re almost there.

    MK88, have a read of those other threads, I think if you just type ‘headache’ in the box above, a lot of discussion will pop up. I hope you can find some help for that.

    Thin – Not tonight. Will try tomorrow….stay tuned. Had a yummy canellini, kale & vege soup (thick) tonight with a chicken drumstick hidden underneath. Perfect for this wet & windy night here in Perth….& no Thin, I didn’t have a SSB!! Proud of me??
    MAM – Hi & welcome. Glad you dropped by. Yes, I think its common to feel much better on 5:2 – I certainly do. I’m now 2 months in. I normally stick to the same bfst everyday (fruit, yog, toast) & eat more interesting evening meals on Non-FDs. But I still strictly adhere (most of the time) to being well below my TDEE. I think that once you’ve got a handle on the number of calories that different things contain, its pretty easy. Bfst for me is fuel only & don’t care much for lunch. More interested in dinner!! What do you eat now??
    Intesha – take a look at the Alpine Breads website they have a list of stockist in NSW. Might help. I found the Slendier noodles in the Health Food aisle of Woolies. They’re in a box with an angled top, with a big circle saying “ONLY 8 CALORIES”. Again take a look at their website so you know what packaging you’re looking for. Both Coles & Woolies have them available for online shopping, so you should find them in both stores.
    Barata – We have the same taste! I love Aussie Shiraz too….we’ll have to crack a bottle one day!!!
    Have a great evening everyone!
    CM xx

    Thanks for the sleeping suggestions, everyone. Welcome, MaryAnne. I bought some tart cherry for OH last year, but he didn’t use it and the date expired. Might give it a go.

    CM, love to crack a bottle with you. Perth and WA is on the to-do list. I would like to see the spring flowers, and visit the Margaret River area, among other things.

    I’m still on my reduced TDEE regime, – but it didn’t help when I woke up at 4.30 this morning and didn’t get back to sleep. Maybe these things aren’t fixable, just have to live with it at that time of the morning, when the body has already rested.

    Welcome MAM! This forum is a great place to get advice and support, I hope you stick around. Barata, how frustrating for you. I hope you find what it is thats causing your sleep problems. Thanks Thin for the advice, I will have a look through some forums and see what others say about these headaches. 11am and so far so good today! I hope I can avoid a headache today and get through this fast day a little better than I did on Monday!

    Let us know how your soup goes CM! I’ve got my 5:2 pumpkin soup today, trying to hold out until 1:30pm before I eat anything. Lots of peppermint tea for me!

    MK88 xx

    Morning MK88, I’m on lemon and ginger tea this morning. I woke up hungry but I’m ignoring it. I’ll make some cauliflower soup for lunch which I find filling and it’s only 103 cals. Pumpkin is also a great low cal filler so enjoy that.

    Hi Everyone…Chief Guinea Pig checking in. Eureka!! I’m extremely happy to report that the Tom Yum soup is absolutely delicious. I’ve had it “au natural” for lunch and without adding other stuff I’m impressed – not easy to do I might add. It was more of a concentrate than a paste, so it comes out of the foil packaging easily – although I did rinse out the pouch just in case there was anything tasty lurking at the bottom! It makes a pretty large mug too, with onions and other diced veg included. As mentioned, if we tweak it with slendier noodles & some protein, it will absolutely be a great & very-lo-cal FD dinner. As it is, it’s a yummy & very easy (& transportable) 28 cal lunch. Think I’ll be kicking the tinned tuna to curb for winter! From their website – “all natural,99% fat-free, low-cal made with very best, freshest ingredients. Gluten & Dairy free too. Other flavours – Chicken, Vegetable & Rice; Lentil; South American Style Chicken & Corn; Vegetable & Bean”. Hope you enjoy it. Bon Appetit 5:2ers!! CM xx

    Hope you enjoyed your caluiflower soup Thin, my pumpkin and sweet potato soup was lovely with a piece of alpine bread.

    CM! This is very exciting news! I am a Coles loyal shopper but if I don’t see it there I will venture in to Woollies to seek this magical soup out. Yay that is a fantastic calorie count, I am excited to try it!

    Touch wood- no headache today, I have been sipping on tea and water all day and I had an apple before bed last night in the hopes that the sugar would prevent a headache!

    Hello everyone!

    I’m new to this forum, the diet and all things fasting. I’ve brought the book, soon to be delivered. I thought I would try my first fast day today and so far so good. 1 boiled egg for breakfast and some chicken breast for lunch and a Isagenix shake for dinner. This brings me to 511 calories is this ok? do is it strict that you must be under 500? any advice would be super helpful!! I’m 30yrs old with about 15kgs to lose I am an avid exersiser with a a terrible diet and no WILL POWER!! I’m trying to fall pregnant as I really think my weight is holding me back. Anyway just wanted to see if you had any tips for me, for fasting days and do you guys fast 2 days in a row or 2 separate days?

    I also live in Perth and Shop at coles!

    Ciao for now πŸ™‚

    Hi All,

    Yesterday was a very easy fasting day….was not hungry at all. Ate 2 x cups of Miso soup (30 cals each) and that was it apart from herb tea and water.

    Feel like I am super charged with energy today.

    This is the best lifestyle ever. Have dropped 4 kgs approx…but the best part is my stress levels are so much lower. My days are better…I am more relaxed. And it is only week 6!!

    Barata…lack of estrogen interferes with sleep patterns. My go to remedies are Kava tablets, Magnesium and Passionflower tincture. Not all at once…magnesium each evening before bed. Kava when I wake up at 3am (or whenever)…effective in 20 mins. Passionflower if really out of kilter…it’s pretty strong.

    Good luck.

    Thin – Cauliflower soup sounds great – I haven’t made that in ages & used to be my fav.
    MK88 – Glad that headache hasn’t surfaced today. Have you done anything differently? mmmm….Pumpkin & Sweet Potato & that “mysterious” Alpine Bread! Think you’re going to send Intesha crazy! Now, normally I’d be getting hungry, but that Tom Yum soup has really filled me up!
    Barata – Anytime….& I’m sure Thin will join us too!!

    Hohapata – Hi & welcome to 5:2 and this amazing way of life/eating (WOL/WOE). You’ve made the right move, joining the forums. They offer lots of insight from experienced fasters, and advice from some of us newbies as we go through the initial phases. Lots & lots of weight lost here too! If you haven’t already, measure yourself today. Also go to “How It Works” (top of page) & enter your “vital stats” to get your TDEE (which is the maximum calories you should eat on your NFD (non fast days). You may find (like lots of us) that we don’t feel that hungry after our FD and getting to your TDEE will seem impossible – unless you’re eating Easter bunnies! I think there is also a thread for newbies – someone else will probably fill you in on that. The first weeks are the hardest for some – but stick with it – it gets easier the further in you go. If you’re not working on Friday (& live near enough) come & join Thinatlast and myself for a coffee at Deep Water Point – see Thin’s earlier post. You’d be very welcome and we can fill you in on any questions you might have. Congrats on making a start towards your new WOL.
    CM xx

    Welcome Hohapata! (Is that Maori?) There is a wealth of knowledge on this forum and they will chime in shortly I am sure to tell you that you need to work out your TDEE and do your fast days according to that. 511 for today is a great effort, well done! I fast on Mondays and Wednesdays, I don’t think many on this forum fast 2 days in a row and there really is no ‘better’ way to fast as long as you are doing it 2 days out of 7 and as long as those 2 days work for you. They are interchangeable too, for example, I am out for dinner next Monday so I will be fasting Tuesday Thursday. This is a fantastic way to lose weight and improve your health, there are so many success stories on this forum! You will soon be one of them πŸ™‚

    Expat, wish I could breeze through my FD’s that easily! 4kg in 6 weeks in incredible effort, I am into my 5th week and have also dropped nearly 4kg and feel great! It’s the first time my efforts to slim down have worked- noticeably!


    Hoha – Sorry forgot…it’s normally too hard to fast on consecutive days. Monday is a favorite and then Wed or Thu. If one of us has a big weekend coming up we do Mon, Wed & throw another FD in on Friday if we feel like it. It’s really that easy & you can switch your FDs around if you have a social commitment.
    Expat – Hi. Congratulations on 4kg!! Sounds like you’re going great guns!! You’ve hit that spot like me, where we feel great. Very interesting about the Kava. Where do we find it? Is it the same stuff they drink in Fiji??
    CM xx

    Thanks for the advice ladies this is very helpful!! my day is nearly over and I’m feeling good πŸ™‚ a little hungry but nothing I can’t control. Do you exersise on your FD’s I did a crossfit class this morning and I would usually do pilates tonight but I think I may just walk around the river instead.

    MelbourneKiwi88 – yes it’s a Maori name, it’s my maiden name I like to use it when I can!

    Chrliesmum – I do work Fridays but if you meet us any other days I would love to come and chat and ask all my questions.

    I’m going to try doing another fast tomorrow I think 2 days will work well for me, if it’s not sustainable I will switch it up. I think Mondays and Tuesday work well for my schedule.

    I’m going to do some more reading on recipes tonight I know there are lots of good ones out there and on this chat.

    Hope you all had a good day, ciao for now πŸ™‚

    Hohapata – A few of us find that peppermint tea helps curb the munchies. You’re going great. Exercise is fine on FDs. But blimey, you’re keen doing 2 classes a day! Best advice is just listen to your body, particularly in the beginning. It will tell you what you need to know. Will keep you posted on our Coffee Meetups.
    Expat – Checked the health food store regarding Kava. State government won’t allow it to be sold here in WA, even for medicinal purposes. Will check online for mail order sources from the eastern states. Stay tuned…there’s more than one way to skin a cat! (metaphorically speaking of course!)
    Barata – you should be able to get it in NZ though.
    Thin – How did your FD go today??
    CM xx

    Expat, I looked up kava, and find it is, or is closely related to, NZ kawakawa. According to the sites I looked at, it should be avoided, has been banned in a number of countries. So I won’t try that, but have popped one of OH’s magnesium capsules, with 5htp, not the top dose but will see how it goes.

    CM, it is the Fiji drink.

    Night, all. πŸ™‚

    Barata – Oh, that’s why. OK thanks. On the magnesium front, I use Schuessler Tissue Salts “MAG PHOS – Muscle Relaxant”. I get the “heeby-geeby’s” (aka restless legs) at night, a side effect from a pill I take. These do the trick & coincidentally also seem to put me to sleep. I just chew 2 tabs. They’re also pretty cheap. I get them online for around $15 for 250 tabs, but also available over the counter at most pharmacies & health food joints. CM xx

    Hi All
    Thank you for the warm welcomes.
    I too MK88 suffer from headaches generally and since doing the 5:2 they are def more frequent – which is very annoying!!
    Hohapata – I have chosen to fast on a Monday and Wednesday as they tend not to be my heavy exercise days! Not too sure how I would cope with limited cals on a heavy exercise day. Need to experiment!!
    CM – I’m a creature of habit and have the same old breakfast daily and on my FD I have the same breakfast but later in the day.
    Love this feeling at the end of another FD – that it has been a success.
    Nite all. MAM

    I’m so far behind on posts again, I was only gone a few hours. FD was OK thanks for asking CM, it’s 6.30pm and I’ve only had 355 cals so have some up my sleeve for rest of the evening. I’ve felt hungry all day, maybe it’s because I walked 10 kms yesterday. Went out with neighbours for an unplanned coffee so mine had to be black. Can’t say I enjoyed that too much. As it turns out, I probably could have had a flat white but who knows how many cals are in any given cafe’s FW? Your soup sounds great, I’ll have to scroll back to get the name of it.

    Hohapata, welcome, too bad you can’t join us this time – what’s your postcode, we’ll try and make it convenient for you. Try and keep rigidly to 500 cals or less but don’t beat yourself up about the 11 cals, you’ve made a great start. Believe me, a lot us are impressed that you’re attempting back to back FDs. I’m in awe. All I can think about at this time of day is how much I’ll enjoy my coffee tomorrow morning. Don’t think I could contemplate B2B FDs. Thanks for completing the profile – my poor old brain has trouble keeping everyone straight!

    Expat and MK88, great results, well done.

    CM, looking at Friday’s forecast, I think there will be more coffee drinking than walking going on. Fine by me!

    Thin – Yep, we’ve all been having a good old yak without you. No wonder you’re hungry with 10km under your belt…..they’d be bringing the stretcher for me! You must be happy with your FD & you still have enough cals left for your bedtime egg! Looking forward to our flat white on Friday….walk or not. Hope others out there can join us. Nite…CM xx

    Hi everyone, good to see some new fasters here.
    As far as headaches go, you could try having something a little salty such as a miso soup (28 cals) or some of ther low cal packet soup.
    Sometimes it’s not the caffeine withdrawal, but our sodium levels dropping, as we increase our water consumption. Although we definitely do need plenty of water too.
    Word of warning….Don’t go overboard on the salty things though, as they may also contribute to fluid retention and cause you to add on heaps of extra weight. (like I did a while ago, good thing fluid is way easier to lose than fat!)
    So all things in moderation…water, salt and caffeine, (if that’s your thing).
    And remember that there’s always tomorrow, this is a slow way to change the habits of a lifetime, but surely the most effective way to find good health again, at your own pace!
    As for me, today I’m going to go without food until dinner time, as my plateau has been slowly reversing, YIKES! and I need to have a big kick up the kyber for sneaking those chocolates stored in the fridge!
    Cheers dears!

    Hi SHs
    Thought I’d just share a discovery I made yesterday…
    My vegan son suggested Grill’d Healthy Burgers (they have outlets in all Aust states except Tas, NT or NZ πŸ˜‰ )
    They offer gourmet burgers in a wide range of delicious flavours and a low cal bun (9 gms of carbs). Really worth considering for a lunch out that won’t break the calorie bank on a non fast day.
    Good to see the lively to and fro, as usual on this thread. Always a happy place to be. Happy fasting Thursday fasters. Purple πŸ™‚

    Great to hear from you both IHAW and PVE. Thanks for the tips! Good luck today IHAW, it’s great that we now know what to do if the weight starts creeping back for any reason.

    I wonder if we’ll see restaurants starting to offer 5:2 options on their menus one day? I’m enjoying a new low weight this morning and initially thought of celebrating with a restaurant meal tonight – but I can’t think of a single place to go where I wouldn’t be regretting it tomorrow.

    See you tomorrow CM – and any Perth lurkers are very welcome to join us. Look for the hairy dog.

    Cheers Thin
    When Mr P and I reached our goal weight last April, we celebrated with a dinner at a gorgeous (and expensive) French restaurant I had long wanted to try. We managed to eat tiny entres, shared a main and coffee. We found we just weren’t hungry enough! But the atmosphere was fabulous. Saved money, saved kilos and had a very romantic evening. P πŸ™‚

    Lovely idea! Can I borrow your husband?

    God no! Far too much work has gone into him πŸ˜‰

    Fair enough, it’s just that mine doesn’t do romance or sharing!

    I plan the romantic dinners. They would never happen, left to him. And the sharing only happens because I’m willing to eat food he likes. Not the other way around πŸ™
    He is a good boy. After all he HAS lost 35kg and kept it off (like me)for almost a year. Have to give him SOME credit πŸ˜‰
    Enjoy your Perth get together. P

    Well done both of you PVE, it’s an incredible journey that you’ve been on together and the fact that you’ve maintained that goal weight for so long is an inspiration to all of us. I hope you keep posting.

    CM, just got back from a soggy walk at the river – stopped in and bought the LaZuppa tom yum and my walking buddy (who’s yet to start this WOL) bought a packet too. All these commercially prepared soups seem to have such a high sodium content (apart from anything else, I don’t like salt) but everything else about it seems great esp. the cal count.

    Hey everybody πŸ™‚ Hope you’re having a good Thursday so far! I was feeling really down today with the news of yet another young woman whos life has been taken while just going about her daily life. Just days before her wedding too, to really add to the sadness. It feels like we’ve had tragedy after tragedy lately. So I cheered myself up and went to my fave cafe round the road to get a coffee (non- FD for me) and saw… here in MELBOURNE… Feijoas!!! Feijoas baked into muffins!! This was very exciting so I of course had to get one and the lady that owns the cafe also gave me a bag of feijoas to take home. Certainly turned my mood around!

    I weighed in heavier after my 2 fast days this week, than I did after my 2 fast days last week… but I’m going to put that down to drinking loads of water yesterday in attempt to avoid a FD headache (it worked!) and perhaps even a little bit of muscle growth? Not too phased by the weight gain, I feel and look better and will hope to drop a little more next week.

    Enjoy your coffee Perth ladies and Charlie!

    MK88 xx

    Another fast day today. Getting ready for the weekend…have a fair bit planned.

    My husband got his blood results back and the doctor was delighted…he said “these results are excellent” Unheard of as poor husband usually gets read the riot act over his results. He has lost 12 kilos.

    I bought the Kava tablets in a shop in Brisbane. Stuff is great but I only use it as needed and not consistently….usual story….everything in moderation. The passionflower tincture also works. In fact, Dr Oz recommends it for getting rid of belly fat. Live and learn.

    Well done everyone…so pleased to be sharing this journey with you all.

    I have had a look at passionflower online, and the information seems to support this, so might give it a try. But will wait until my abstemious week is over, in case this jolts my sleep into a better pattern.

    Good news on OH’s blood results, Expat. I have been disappointed over the years and travels that very few doctors will recommend to my OH he should lose weight. One green prescription (exercise more), but that’s about it. And exercise never did anything for him. When we were in England he went to the gym four times a week, didn’t lose weight, but was a fit fatty!

    Yes! to feijoas, MK88. I have two trees – most optimistic here in Wellington, they regularly lose their leaves in the wind! – and one has fruit on. The other one (closer to the southerly) is having a rest this year. Have you measured yourself, to see if you are losing cm rather than gm?

    Thin – Didn’t look at the salt count…whoops! But I think if we add some extras it will be a little more acceptable. I know what you mean about soggy, its horrible outside and I have to venture out soon. Charlie won’t even go outside…. he takes one look at weather, comes back in & curls up in his bed. As you’ve been out today, what do you think about tomorrow?
    Expat – What great news for OH and his bloods and fabulous weight loss too. When are you guys coming home to Oz? You said it wouldn’t be too long.
    MK88 – Feijoas!!! Man you are easily pleased. I’ve never tried one and I don’t think I can pronounce it either! Yes, lots of horrible news around today. Very sad.

    Well, I’ve been zigzagging all week. Non-FD yesterday, but when OH went to bed early, I got the munchies. I won’t go in the gory details, but I felt totally horrified when I stopped. Why can we look at something and KNOW we shouldn’t eat it, but our hand just won’t obey our brain signals. Oh well, another FD for me today and I haven’t eaten yet. If I’m quiet for weigh-in tomorrow, you’ll all know why! Have a good one…CM xx

    Hey fellow 5:2ers! Sorry been away from the posts for a while, life just got too busy!!! Been reading through them all though and everyone seems to be doing well πŸ™‚ seem to have plateaud at my first mini goal so upped the HIT the last couple of days to see if I can kick start this body into doing something again! No weight loss this week but another couple of cms off the waist so not all is lost, just so frustrating when I so desperately want to see the scales move down. I am still enjoying the journey though and OH joined in with me today so that helps!! He is going to do the 5:2 so he can just jump in with my timetable when it suits him as I am still on AF. Feeling great though!! Happy Thursday everyone, even if it is a FD like it is for me!!

    Hi Turnabout – Centimetres gone is just as good in my opinion….but I know we do hang out for those numbers on the scales to confirm things. How are you finding AF? (& I’m assuming “alternate-fast” not “alcohol-free”). I’ve begun doing more M, W, F fasts as it gives a bit of structure to my week, with one on/one off. Maybe it’s because I can’t trust myself on non-FDs recently.
    Still haven’t eaten today, although I did have a coffee earlier. First time I’ve tried this, but have heard others talk about it – so its a bit of an experiment. I’m not hungry either which is a bit bizarre. A nice chunky-veg soup is ready for me tonight at 100 cals. So I might just have to have 2 bowls. CM xx

    Hi all from Te Anau,
    Sounds like you’re all doing really well!

    Finishing my 3rd Fast day since being in New Zealand. The 1st one last week, I didn’t eat till after 6.30 pm , but had over 500 cals for dinner. Don’t know exactly but way over in my estimation. This week I’ve done better with 1 on Monday and today, Thursday. Drove to Milford Sound today. Well OH drove, and then we went on a 2hr cruise. The weather behaved itself pretty wel, and we marvelled at the mountains and how sheer they are straight down into the water. Just beautiful, and I’m impressed with how well this area is looked after with the numbers of tourists going there each year. Just a stunning natural wilderness area. I drank heaps, and there was tea on the boat. Had dinner when we got back to our motel. Decided to make our own tonight as it’s easier to control the cals than eating out. I’m finding it much easier to do fast days if I don’t eat till after 6pm. Last night on a non-fast day we ate out and I had seafood chowder and a side salad.
    Not looking up any calories except on the back of packets. My trousers are fitting as well as they did when we arrived, so think I’m going OK for my goal for weighing the same when I get home.

    Those ElZuppo soups sound interesting, and the no- cal noodles. Will look for them when we get back .home. OH is enjoying the NZ wines and we’ve discovered Whitestone Cheese Co and their Vintage Windsor Blue cheese. How amazing is it that while we’re losing weight and getting healthier, we can still have treats along the way.

    Off to Invercargill tomorrow, and breaking out the scarf, gloves, and extra jacket. We’ve had really good weather so far, and much warmer than we expected. Have fun while you’re on the way down everyone!

    Perth Meetup – Venue & Time Change – Hi Everyone – For those considering venturing out into our wet weather for our coffee morning (no walk, no hairy dog) tomorrow. Please be advised our venue/time has changed due to the rain. It’s now at 10.30am in South Perth at Gusto Cafe in Angelo Street. Please let us know if you plan to come along & we will look out for you. Thinatlast & CharliesMum x

    Yes, please come!

    Thanks for checking in Merry, you’re bringing back some great memories of lovely times spent in the land of the long, white cloud. Sounds like you’ve got everything in hand with respect to 5:2.

    Turnabout – AF! Wow; CM, M, W, F fasting. Someone else doing B2B. I’m impressed. Expat good results for OH, that’s always encouraging.

    Hope you’re feeling happier as the day draws to a close MK88. Horrible news. Take care.

    I celebrated my new PB with some new pants today. (I have plenty in the wardrobe awaiting the smaller me, but felt like a winter treat on this wet day). Decided that was better than celebrating with a restaurant meal.

    Hi Everyone
    Just wanted to post in celebration. Today’s weight in shows I’ve lost 20 kg in just under 7 months. Yeah me! I didn’t honestly think I could do this although I did at least hope it was possible when I started. I still have lots more to go as I have had a lifelong love affair with all sorts of food but I’m getting there.

    Well done on the excellent result! This really can change your health and life!

    ibardell, congratulations what a fantastic effort. I was just sitting here thinking that a 15-20kg loss for me was not something I could visualise and then along comes your post. I have only been on this WOL for ten weeks and have lost 5kg. It can be done with determination and support, thank you for posting.

    Hi CM, yes AF being alternate fast days but also doing alcohol free and sugar free! Not too strictly i have to admit, but saying no to wine and beer unless a celebration and sugar, well what can I say!!! I was never bought up on it, luckily don’t have a sweet tooth, and what possible GOOD can it do you? Not paleo but really don’t eat processed food and never have.

    Bit of a dilemma now though as I have some digital scales and sneaked on them for a weigh yesterday to find I was down to 74 after stepping on the old analogue ones and reading 75, still, then just for a double check this morning jumped on them again after a FD and they read 72.8!!!! So do I just switch scales on my “official” weigh next Monday????? They also weigh weight to fat ratio but haven’t set all that yet! Just been given a lovely box of chocolates (late Easter gift!) so may go downhill from here on in!!
    Enjoy your coffee and walk this morning if you get to have one:-):-)

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