Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,912 replies, has 831 voices, and was last updated by  Intesha 17 hours, 45 minutes ago.

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  • Morning All. Where is everyone???? How are all the newbies going?? Very interested to hear from you all.
    Thin – Where are you? Maybe its all that exercise and paddling on Sunday!

    Well, I had a very good FD yesterday. Huge salad with a little chicken & an early night. So, I’m back into the swing of things. I’m having a light-eating NFD today with a big stir-fry tonight (with wine) and doing another FD tomorrow in anticipation of various family things over Easter….no eggs though….oh ok, maybe just one little one! Be strong MK88. Luckily I don’t have a bad sweet-tooth. Making some mini hot-cross bunnies today, so I can have half a bun with my coffee on NFDs.

    Does anyone have one of those FitBit thingies?? Are they any good??

    Weigh-in tomorrow…yikes! Have a wonderful day. CM xx

    Hey CM, I’ve just jumped on now for a nosey- where is everyone! Weather must be too good πŸ˜‰

    Good job on yor FD yesterday, huge salad with a little chicken is such an easy, yummy go to! I’m doing my FD today and started the day off with a gym class with a friend. I hadn’t done this class before and it was fantastic! A mix of pilates/yoga/tai chi so very good for my sore muscles and not too strenuous on a FD. I’ve made a delicious thai chicken and (slendier) rice noodle salad for dinner later πŸ™‚ yum! your mini hot cross buns sound delish, have you made them before? I am yet to master the art of baking anything bread related.

    I have a fit bit and i like it πŸ™‚ obviously it tracks yor steps but I find it handy as it tells me when my phone is ringing and who’s calling even when my phone is in the other room, it tracks my sleep which is interesting, it buzzes on my wrist to wake me up each morning and I find it really easy and discreet to wear.

    Hi CM, I was wondering the same thing, very quiet today. I had my FD yesterday and when I weighed myself this morning have gone down to 82.7, I can hardly believe my eyes. Just over eight weeks ago I was 87.1. Another FD tomorrow like you. It’s funny but I haven’t felt like eating today, I guess with this WOL it’s up and down went to the gym this morning and mowed the front lawn which takes me an hour so I think I’ve had enough excercise today.

    I’m sure you’ll be fine with your weigh-in. Cheers

    NannaP – I meant to mention that as a Perth resident, you have the dubious “pleasure” of being invited to join Thin & I for an occasional walk & a coffee. We have met once & even though you shouldn’t meet people from “The Internet”, all was good & she didn’t kidnap me! Seriously, you (& anyone else out there) are very welcome to come along. It’s great to chat with like-minded people & pick their brains about 5:2. We will let you know of our next meetup. We’re in the South Perth/Freo area, but happy to meet somewhere more central. Hope you are interested. CM x

    Hi Intesha – Absolutely Fabulous! You’ve well and truly “got it”! Isn’t it an amazing feeling. Every morning we look at those pesky scales, and then all of a sudden they drop, a lot. I remember breaking through 67 and jumping up and down in the bedroom. OH thought I had finally gone over the edge..its been close a number of times!! That was several weeks ago now, and I’ve been zigzagging up & down because of travelling & visitors. Hopefully the downward trend will commence again. My goal is late May. We’re going on a 2 week cruise out of Venice to the Dalmatian Coast. Last cruise I put on 3.5 kg & that’s not going to happen this time. Although, I did REALLY pig-out! But I also want a bit of wriggle room this time, so I can still enjoy myself. We’re away just over 3 weeks, so I’m thinking of getting a set of travelling scales that I’ve heard about. No excuses then! I don’t really want to be running up to the gym starkers for my “just out of bed” weigh-in! Could cause a stir!

    ….and, from my earlier post, I think I’m a day ahead of myself…weigh-in is on Friday not tomorrow.

    CM xx

    Intesha that’s fantastic!! thats almost 5kgs lost in 8 weeks!! Well done, I hope this weight loss and healthy feeling spurrs you on. I don’t feel very hungry after a fast day either which is great really as long as you are getting all your nutrients. I learnt the hard way this weekend just gone to not push yourself and eat huge meals just because it’s not a fast day. I was so full I felt sick after dinner on Sunday which was horrible and I must have stretched my stomach in doing so as I was starving all day Monday. It was my hardest fast day yet! Today I am breezing through though.

    CM you make me laugh πŸ™‚

    MK88 – I wish I could find a good class like that. I do a bit of yoga, but a combination like that would be perfect. I don’t like the jumping, sweating, running, puffing sort of exercise – if you get my meaning. Walking, weights, yoga, pilates, tai-chi is right up my alley. Yes, I’ve been making hot cross buns for quite a while now and muck about with bread a bit too. The buns in the shops are too big (read “tempting”) for me, so I enjoy having just half a mini bun. I also like to know what I’m putting in my mouth. I’m going to find those noodles today because that salad sounds delish and I really miss my noodles.
    Glad you like the FitBit & think I’ll give it a go. Hope it motivates me to walk a bit more. Which model do you have?
    CM xx

    I’ve got the fitbit charge which I’d recommend as it has a display screen which the original doesn’t have. The original one requires you to check your app or computer to see how many steps you’ve donw, calories burnt etc but the charge has a little screen where you can see all that πŸ™‚ Google it, it’s really not much bigger tha the original.

    Ohhh part of what I love about hot cross buns is their size!! One bun sliced and toasted with butter is a meal for me!! Yummmm. This kind of talk should be prohibited on here really shouldn’t it. Sorry felow fasters!

    I found the thai chicken noodle salad recipe in the 5:2 recipe book and just swapped real rice noodles for slendier ones as they’re a whopping 200 calories less!!

    I go to goodlife gym where they have the les mills classes. The one I did today was called ‘body balance’ and it was fantastic πŸ™‚

    I am struggling today…this is week 5. So far, I have found the fast days easy but today…I feel light headed and absolutely knackered. I feel quite empty/hungry too.

    Can’t wait for this work day to end so I can go home. I plan a very early night after a light zucchini and onion broth (312 cals).

    Why so hard today???

    Hi one and all,
    Just received my blood measurements back and need to crow to you all about how good they make me feel!

    Before I started 5:2 my fasting blood glucose was 6.5 (high), one year ago it was down to 5.7….and now 2 years later, it’s really down to 4.6! Yay!

    The same goes for my cholesterol was 6.3 (high), a year ago 5.5 (still high-ish), now it’s slightly down at 5.4. Which isn’t perfect, but it’s heading in the right direction.

    So in summary, everything’s looking good, blood pressure back to normal 120/70, my snoring has gone, as well as my IBS, and I also realised that I haven’t had any asthma or allergies in over a year! So everything has really changed a lot for me….along with losing 26.8 kilos.

    My goal is to be 60 kilos, which will make me right in the middle of the healthy weight range.
    Everyone is going along so well! Keep up the great work.
    Cheers for now.

    Expat that’s not good- that’s exactly how I felt on Monday on my FD. I haven’t struggled too much with my FD’s so far but Monday was really hard. At least it’s almost over! Hang in there. Do you drink peppermint tea? I’m just having one now. I find it curbs my appetite and the ydration always helps!

    IHAW that is a fantastic result. Thats the sort of outcome I am after! total health as well as weight loss. Congratulations ands good luck getting down to 60 πŸ™‚

    MK88 xx

    Hey MK88…what stunning results. You must be feeling great!! Inspiring.

    I love peppermint tea…I drink a wide variety of herb teas on fast days. I think it’s hormones to be honest. Just generally blah. But I’ll stick with it as I am really convinced the health benefits out weigh the blah days.

    Congratulations again X

    MK88 – Glad I make you laugh, love!! People normally say, I drive them nuts! X
    Expat – That’s no good. So, what have you eaten so far today? Yes, peppermint tea and lots of water keep me going and staying hydrated is REALLY important. Some people swear by hard boiled eggs when the energy levels slump on FDs (personally, I can’t stand them). I had these symptoms in the early days too. Many say that its caused by the body detoxing (sugar & carbs) & it does improve the further in you go. Try to up your fluids on fast days – they recommend almost doubling your intake.
    BTW, what else is in your broth to bring it up to 312cals! You can have 100g of chicken breast and heaps of vegies or salad for 312cals. Just make sure your not starving yourself of the good stuff. Regardless, the main thing is not to stress about it – it happens to all of us. You’re doing so well and yes, those health benefits are worth it.
    IHAW – Well, what bl…dy amazing news….and OMG how much weight have you lost!! Fantastic. You can crow to your hearts content – you deserve it. My asthma has improved a lot too. So, now I think you deserve to treat yourself….pedicure, new lippy, just something to say “I’ve done something amazing for myself”. I think I can say, we’re all so proud of you. Bet you feel fabulous too!!!

    Today (NFD) I feel fat & I’ve got a tummy…..it’s not hormones & I’d like to know why??
    CM xx

    Thanks CM!
    Take a slow deep breath and remember the long slow way that this way of life works.

    Forget your tummy and gently roll your thumbs outwards, away from your body.
    It will help you stand taller, look upwards out at the rest of the world, breathe better and sit your shoulders down, making your tummy feel smaller and back straighter.

    Try this ‘thumbs out posture’ when everything feels yucky and stressful. It just might help you re-focus and re-energise.

    Thank you, IHAW. x

    Thanks MK88, I know that I will hit a plateau at some stage but I hope it’s when I get under 80kg. CM I know you don’t want to put weight on while on holidays but you’ve got the magic solution now so a few FD’s and you’ll be back on track but you’ll probably find you don’t want to overeat anyway.

    I have protein shakes on my FD my acupuncturist recommended it to me and this was prior to me going on the 5:2. Along with other things she was treating me for my weight. She is on maternity leave and hasn’t seen me for a few months, I can’t wait to see what she says. The shakes are only 95/96 calories if made with water, Horleys Sculpt for Women. I just google it to get the best deal, they come in various flavours.

    Thanks everyone for all your encouraging posts.

    CM, your ‘She didn’t kidnap me’ gag had me laughing into my peppermint tea! Sorry you’re having a ‘bla’ day. I’m sure your little tummy is just bloating and not weight gain but as IHAW said, take the good days with the bad days in this WOL because you know the end result is good health and a happy weight!

    Intesha, thats a nice low cal protein shake you’ve found- mine are 120 cals but taste delicious so I won’t give them up πŸ™‚ protein shakes are handy snacks aren’t they!

    My Vietnamese chicken and noodles were deeeelish! I’m looking forward to trying a few other recipes from the book!

    Almost at the end of another fast day πŸ™‚ woo hoo!

    MK88 xx

    Hi everyone, what great results for the long term 5:2 ers shows it IS a WOL, not just a diet. IHAW is one great example of this. Thanks for the input on my feeling of tiredness and OH’S lethargy. Threw us off a bit as was expecting those sort of symptoms earlier on. Me thinks that as I don’t really monitor what we eat on NFD’s(just steer towards healthy as well as some treats) it maybe too many carbs/ sugars on NFDs. So decided not to try and over analyse and just go with the flow. The OH wants me to do 6:1 as I really don’t need to loose a lot more weight but 2 weeks in Bali in May = I need a 2kg buffer lol.
    Just wondering what do people use the mountain/ alpine bread for?? just wrap type fillings??Thought I would share that I use them for desserts as well. I wrap them with fruit like apples or berries, a little cinnamon, sweetener if needed. Throw in oven till browned and that’s dessert, with a dollop of yoghurt or custard. Happy Easter all and let’s not beat ourselves up too much if we over indulge. There is Tuesday ready for fasting.

    Secret, that sounds so yummy. Must give it a try on the weekend. Hope you & OH are feeling better. Yes, the carbs & sugar could be the villains! I’ve finally removed sugar from my coffee after having it forever, bit by bit, but its gone now. Bali – very nice! We go every year in Sept. Yes, you do need some wriggle room as the food is AMAZING! Although the heat sweats out any naughtiness pretty quickly…..and yes, luckily there is always another FD to get us back on track. Where are you in Oz or NZ?

    Have a lovely evening everyone.
    CM xx

    Checking in from New Zealand on holidays. Internet access is sporadic, so I’ll be quick and just say my goal for this 4 weeks away is to arrive home at the same weight I left. Have got the NZ specialties out of the way already – fish and chips and hokey pokey icecream, small serves, and now I don’t have to think about them for the rest of the time away. I think drinking enough water, and finding enough consequent toilets is going to be the challenge. Driving in a hire car at the moment so carrying enough of the right food is a bit of a challenge. No scales of course, so will just go by the way my clothes fit, to help me stay on track. Carrying a little fruit and nuts, as well as water.

    It’s a fast day today, and 1 boiled egg with a small pear and small amount plain yogurt for breakfast. Drinking weak teas no milk rather than coffees helps keep the calories down.

    Hope everyone’s going well πŸ™‚

    Morning fastfriends, I’ve been lurking for a couple of days but I have read everything. Brilliant results everyone, especially Intesha and you IHAW, well done, you should be very proud of all the health changes as well as the weight loss. You too MK88 for resisting those chocolate eggs, I knew you could do it – anyway, five minutes after you’ve eaten one, you’d be regretting it. Take my advice – I’m not using it.

    Merry, if you return from a four week holiday with no weight gain, that will really be something to crow about. Same for CM with the house guests. Good luck on the scales tomorrow.

    Expat: we all have tougher days. Choose your foods carefully, high protein, low GI and delay eating as long as possible so you can bank your calories for a decent evening meal. Lots of water. You can do it.

    I won’t comment on everything except to add to what CM said about NannaP & other Perth losers being welcome to join us for a coffee (maybe even a walk thrown in) somewhere in the Perth-Fremantle corridor. We’re harmless, honestly. Please make yourselves known as we’re planning something next week.

    Hi all. On my second fast day today. I am using Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. Not feeling too hungry but my mood wasn’t the best earlier. Feeling better now though. Thanks so much CM and Thinatlast for the kind invitation. I live not too far from Freo so please just let me know the next time you meet up. All the family coming for bbq tomorrow so hope i don’t over indulge. Happy Easter all.

    Hi all,Merry me I take my hat off to you if you can get through such a long holiday in such a lovely place and not gain ant weight.Love NZ and landing on getting over there for brother in laws big 5 O in September. But I do think the food is not quite as tempting as Bali. Especially in Ubud where my big sis and I go every year for 2 weeks.Its become a foodies heaven of international as well as Indonesian cuisine and so so cheap to indulge in this fine fare. So envious of Perth’s proximy and cheap fares

    Hi All and Happy Easter! My Charlie (puppy) is not very well & have to keep an eye on him, so just a quick message today. Weigh-in Friday and I am very pleased (ok, I’m jumping up & down again!) to announce that I’ve broken through 66kg & now down to 65.8……PLUS I’ve hit my second goal of 5kg lost after 7.5 weeks. Next goal is 60-62kg – my “wriggle room” weight. If I can do it, anyone can…. and thank you, thank you, thank you, Dr M and all my 5:2 buddies. You guys have to take a LOT of the credit as you have been able to motivate, inspire & make me accountable to someone every Friday. You’re worth your weight in gold and I wouldn’t be here without you!!
    Luv yous all!!
    CM xx

    Brilliant CM, you’ve worked very hard to stay on track and never lost sight of the goal, well done! I’m very happy for you. 65.8 is an excellent score! Not such good news about Charlie though, what’s up with him? Big scratch behind the ear for Charlie.

    CM and Thin, I am so glad I found this site and your uplifting encouraging posts. I don’t do well over holiday periods it just reminds me how drastically my life has changed over the past few years and how lonely I feel. I have kept myself busy the last few days cleaning out the garage and falling exhausted into bed. With the overcast weather and rain I just want to stay in bed but now having my Dad here I can’t and feel like I have to keep doing things. Your posts keep reminding me I have started on a journey that finally seems achievable and there is light somewhere at the end of the tunnel. I just read a quote from Winston Churchill “When you’re going through hell, keep going” very apt. I wish everyone a Happy Easter and look forward to sharing this journey with you.

    Morning Intesha, sorry to hear that the holiday periods make you feel lonely but it’s good you have your Dad there to force you out of bed. It’s helpful to keep busy. Of course there are many things in life that we can’t change, but we’re in control of much of our destiny so, good for you for starting this change on yours. It’s incredible how taking control of what we eat and of our health can elevate our mood. I’m a much happier person than I was when carrying all that excess weight around.

    I have a whole book on Churchill quotations, shame we don’t have statesmen like him in this generation. I always have a chuckle when the orchestral music comes on to prelude the ABC news, such and pomp and ceremony in that piece, you expect to hear a rousing, “We shall fight them on the beaches….”. Instead, you get some ridiculous headline explaining how a team of sporting heros celebrated their latest win by getting totally hammered and wearing it like a badge of honour. I’m starting to sound like my nan.

    Thanks Thin, yes this is one journey I am looking forward to. Isn’t it amazing how we sound so much like our parents and grandparents, nothing much changes in life just different faces and different places. Our children think they invented everything just like we did lol.

    Anyone else fasting on Easter Sunday? Probably not! I thought the best way to avoid temptation would be to stick to my fast day today. So it’s nearly noon and no chocolate, hot cross bun – or anything else for that matter – has passed my lips. I’m going to try CM’s tuna tip today. Small can 69 cals.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    From self-righteous, sunny Perth.

    You are so good Thin, not self-righteous just very determined. I have not been so good, indulging in both but mindful of how much else I eat. Nine weeks in and still happy with the results. I guess when I get to the stage you have with your amazing weight loss I’ll probably think twice about it. Beautiful day today in Sydney as well.

    You deserve a treat now and then Intesha, you’ve made a good start to your new WOL. Be strong, imagine you’ll great you’ll feel when you’re on here announcing that you’re under 80kgs! It’s not far away…

    Woo Thin good on you, you brave woman!! I have done quite the opposite of fast today but will save you the delicious details. I hope you plan on treating yourself tomorrow.

    Intesha I’m sorry to hear you get down around the holidays, look forward to whats to come and know that next holidays, you will be much happier and you will be that much closer to your trip to London! I think your Dad being there is a blessing in disguise getting you out of the house and busy.

    CM, is Charlie ok?

    Fast day for the OH and I tomorrow. Our first fast day not spent at work! I made a delicious pumpking and sweet potato soup this afternoon from the 5:2 recipe book, portioned it up and froze it. So thats lunch tomorrow and I’ve got the lean cuisines in the freezer! I’m thinking we’ll go for a big walk to curb the appetite. Meeting a friends 2 brand new kittens in the morning so that’ll be a great distraciton!

    Happy easter all, MK88 πŸ™‚

    Hi all. This is my first post. I starting the 5:2 3 months ago when I was 93 kilos and with a goal of losing 10 kilos prior to my cruise on 13 April. I weighed myself this morning and I am 83.3! Who hoo!

    So happy and with a week still to go. I have never been a fan of diets before but really this hasn’t been too hard. Even on my so called “cranky days”. I do admit to being lazy and using the protein shakes on the fast days as I have a very busy job and it is just easier than calorie counting and they somewhat fill me up.

    I just hope not to undo all the good work on the cruise.

    Happy Easter to all!

    Congratulations SingleMum, fantastic result. Thanks for posting as it gives us newbies encouragement. I have just completed 9 weeks and nearly 5kgs down. Love hearing these stories.

    Welcome, and well done, Singlemum. And you have a week up your sleeve! You have such a satisfying success, that whatever works for you, works.

    When I began 5:2 eighteen months ago I started by having an omelette for breakfast, apple for lunch, carrot after work and then a leafy salad with avocado for dinner, but now find I don’t need to break my fast until a boiled egg in the middle of the day. However, it’s now after 1pm here in NZ, it’s not a work day, and I still haven’t had my egg. The body adapts, and you learn what is necessary and what is habit. I decided not to change my Monday/Thursday routine, as I find it much easier to be rigidly consistent.

    Keep up the good work and enjoy your cruise. Where are you off to?

    All the best with your FD MK88, it will be interesting to find out whether you find it easier at work or at home. Did OH get the job? I find planning all the FD food ahead of time makes the day go much easier so I think it was a good idea freezing those soup portions.

    Well done SSM. That’s a great result. I’m sure you’ll be fine on your cruise if you consider this a new way of life rather than a diet. Many of us have found our appetites and portion sizes have adjusted along the way as well as the types of foods we actually want to eat. I’ve never been on a cruise, I wouldn’t be able to trust myself with all that food readily available. I know I’d just want to eat my money’s worth! Thanks for sharing your great loss and keep up the good work.

    I agree with you Barata. It wasn’t until 5pm yesterday that I realised I’d only consumed 200 calories. It felt great to have the 300 cal option, but I didn’t need to exercise it.

    Hi again and thanks for your supportive comments. I do agree that your body adapts after being on this eating plan. At first it was quite a challenge, especially going to bed hungry, but I find it much easier these days and naturally eat less on my non fast days.

    My cruise is 14 days from Singapore to Japan, with a lot of port days so I will be very busy and I think the motivation to not undo the good work will mean I will not overeat, plus I plan to dance and exercise a lot! And there is always the means to loose a few extra kilos when I get back. I still have a few more I would like to shift anyway. I am 5 feet 11, so my goal is to be below 80.

    You have plenty to dance about SSM!

    Hi Intesha. I submitted this on Friday, but only just saw that it hadn’t posted. Hope you’re feeling better today.

    Love, we all have our β€œoff” times, so don’t beat yourself up about it. For me it’s Christmas….& it used to be my fav time of the year. But that’s a long story for another time.
    I can only imagine the upheaval you have had since your dad moved in with you, but remember what an amazing thing you are doing for him. Does he need constant care or is he fairly independent. If you feel like having a sleep in – maybe let him know the night before & get his bfst ready for him before bedtime. You still have to live your life. Talk to him, I’m sure he will understand. If you’re feeling that down, talk to your doc. Don’t let it get to the point where depression, anxiety or loneliness is controlling your life. Believe me, been there done that & it ain’t worth it.
    You might feel alone sometimes, but you’re not. We’re here for you to vent, unload or just for a chat….& also to celebrate with you when you reach one of your goals! Even though we’re cyber friends, we’re friends none the less. You’ve already done something amazing for yourself and you’re on your way to being a NEW YOU & ready for that visit to your daughter.
    Big hugs to you..…& a wet lick from Charlie too! CM xxx

    Good morning all you amazing 5:2ers! Hope you’re all enjoying your Easter.
    So, to cover the most important things first…my Charlie is well again & asleep at my feet. He hasn’t been sick before…& I think I was being a bit of a worry wart!
    FD for me today. I was strong yesterday, only a couple of squares of Lindt 70%. Eggs still hidden!
    SSM – Welcome to our thread and a big congrats on your ongoing success. 10kg in 3 months..sooo much to celebrate. Your cruise sounds great. We cruise a bit too and it will be interesting on our next one (May) to see how controlled I can be. But you’ve got the right idea to stay busy on port days, use the gym & dance the night away. I plan to be careful but enjoy myself too. I know that this WOL works and if I put a little bit on, I can get it back off again without any pain.
    Thin – Fasting on Easter Sunday..that’s what I call determination! How did you find the tuna? Did it satisfy you?
    MK88 – that soup sounds good. Must take a look at the recipe book. Charlie would LOVE to come & meet the kittens too (read “chase)!!
    Barata – 18 months and still going. Just shows that we can maintain this WOL long term…and you’re right that it gets easier and we don’t need as much food.

    I also was looking at some of the Lean Cuisine meals & the Malaysian Laksa (& a few of the other varieties too) are only 187 cals. Might be worth having in the freezer as backup for unplanned FD dinners.

    ..and remember everyone. Nothing tastes as good as being thin!
    (Not referring to you, thinatlast!)

    CM xx

    CM, so glad to hear Charlie is ok. That would have given you a real fright. Love your encouraging words for Intesha, it rings true for a few of us I imagine. I do agree with you, Intesha, make sure you are looking after yourself. It’s tough work giving that much of yourself so take care of yourself.

    Thin, thank you for remembering- he did get the job!! It’s a fantastic offer with more pay, wonderful perks and so much potential for career growth so he is rapt. I am very proud of him lately! He’s also managed to lose 3kg in this WOL and has stuck with it which i think is sometimes harder for men.

    SSM, welcome to this forum and well done on your achievement so far! This time next week you’ll be setting off! Enjoy it and enjoy finding the balance of having fun and indulging while also looking after yourself.

    FD today for OH and I, we visited friends this morning and got to snuggle their 2 tiny kittens which was a great distraction! Walked 6km from Brighton to Elsternwick and back again then home for some Alpine bread toast. So far so good with fasting from home! It feels good to know I have the willpower to keep it up away from work and the distractions there.

    Thin, did you treat yourself today?

    MK88 πŸ˜€

    MK88 – That’s just great news that your OH got the new job (& lost weight as well!) & I’m sure you are very proud of him too. So then, you will just HAVE to celebrate and go buy yourself something nice!! Happy wife, happy life!! Congrats to you both. CM xx

    Wow it doesn’t pay to go out for a few hours so many posts. Went and got my Mum from the Nursing Home and took her and my Dad to visit a very old friend of theirs. Even though Mum has Dementia they never stopped chatting about things, it’s wonderful to see, they have been friends for over 60 years.

    Barata, are you maintaining your weight or have more to lose? If you are maintaining do the two fast days allow you to eat more or is it just a way of life for you now?

    Thin, I’ve been on a couple of cruises and the first few days you just stuff yourself but after that you seem to get sick of the sight of all that food, that’s what I found. But they do have individual restaurants that you can book into for a small charge and you can just order off the menu, much better idea.

    CM, thank you for your lovely words. Dad is relatively independent, he’s on a walker but can’t do cooking, washing etc. I guess it’s just that I have been on my own so long, but I also lost my job two years ago just prior to things falling apart with my parents and a few other issues which turned my world upside down. Everything happening at once was devastating and the loss of my independence, I did get very angry and depressed but I did get help and it has only been recently that I’ve started to feel somewhat normal again. Hence now starting the 5:2. I know we all have our own personal mountains to climb and even though I have not been in the forum very long, I do feel the cyber friendliness, so thank you all for that.

    MK, thank you for your encouragement as well.

    FD for me tomorrow.

    Thin – You & OH would have fun on a cruise. They have so much to do to keep you occupied and out of trouble & you only have to unpack once. You can choose what you want to eat – best to keep away from the buffets if willpower is lacking though. Then you can burn it off in the gym, yoga sessions or just walking the decks. I don’t like those long-haul flights either. So, I get it. But there are lot of options out of Freo, Syd, Mel or even Singapore or Bangkok.
    SSM – We did one similar to you ex Bangkok into Beijing and had a ball. Although it was stinking hot in Bangkok & -3C in Beijing…brrrr! Had lots of fun anyway!! You’ll have a ball. CM xx

    Hi all, great news MK88, well done OH! Lots to celebrate at your house this weekend then.

    CM: I never opened the tuna – stayed well below 500 cals yesterday and wasn’t hungry at all. Paid off with the scales this morning. Today was another story though as we had lunch at friends’ place. I only had one helping instead of stuffing myself silly so that was something. And there won’t be any dinner tonight. So, that was my treat MK88.

    A well-worded post CM as usual; Intesha, we’re all here to listen to whatever you have to say.

    NannaP and other Perth losers: Charlie, Charliesmum and I will be meeting at Deep Water Point cafe, Mt. Pleasant on Friday 10 April at 8am for coffee and, depending on the weather, maybe a walk too. We’d love it if you could join us. And just to make the rest of you jealous, here’s the link: http://www.deepwaterpointcafe.com.au/
    We hope to see you there!

    Intesha, I’m pretty well at my goal, another couple of kilos off would be great, and they will go, but if they don’t I’m still a happy kiwi. However, I am trying an abstinence week from Monday (yesterday) to next Monday, no alcohol, chocolate, ice cream (the favourites) to see if my sleeping pattern improves. I am in the bad habit of waking up at night in the weekend and staying awake for a couple of hours or more, and am so over it! Initially I think it was related to the menopause, then it seemed to be a reaction to eating rich foods in the evening (and waking up hot), now there doesn’t seem to be a cause, just a screwy brain!

    The 5:2 is for health, and maintenance so that I don’t bother about counting calories or restricting myself on the other five days. I expect to continue forever for these reasons.

    Thanks everyone! It’s a fantastic job offer with incredible perks so we are both really happy. It was nice to take the 4 day weekend to celebrate πŸ™‚

    Intesha, you can do a 6:1 for maintenance also where you noly fast one day a week once you’re at your goal weight. Sounds like a really rough couple of years you’ve had (to put it lightly). Good on you for coming out the other side and getting yourself back on track.

    These cruises sound amazing! I’d love to do something like that with a group of friends and all their kids or maybe with my family… although the thought of beng stuck in the middle of the ocean with them all is somewhat terrifying!

    FD yesterday was going well until afternoon/evening. I am still learning how best to spread my calorie allowance over the course of the day. I failed at that yesterday and spent all evening hungry and grumpy. Is anyone else struggling with headaches on fast days? I am drinking loads of water and tea but still get a headache every fast day.


    MK88, I have seen several threads addressing headaches elsewhere on this forum and they do seem quite common either on, or the day after, the fast day. My own story is the opposite, I’ve suffered from migraines of varying intensity at different times in my life but, since starting 5:2, I’ve only had two very light ones which were easy to fend off with light meds. Before that, sometimes they’d recur over several days and could be quite debilitating – anyway, it’s still early days in the scheme of things so I am just being cautiously optimistic.

    If I was suffering a headache on a FD, I’d be inclined to think it might be due to caffeine withdrawal since I don’t have coffee on FDs. Pretty sure I’m addicted. I think you’re right to drink lots of water and tea. Would it help to try and go longer before having anything on a FD and ‘save’ your cals for later in the day? And make sure all your cals are coming from high protein, low GI foods. Another reason could possibly be due to foods you are eating on the day prior to FD. It might be worth taking a look at that.

    Hi All. Have just found some interesting new soups in Woolies & I shall be the guinea pig for you all. They’re from a company called LaZuppa & this type is called “Just add Water”. I’m going to try the Tom Yum Soup first as I love Thai. They seem to be in a paste form & not a powder so the flavour should be much better. Two pouches per box @ somewhere around $3.20…..and only 28 cals! Add some Slendier noodles & that’s what I call a cheap FD dinner @ 36 cals total. If hungry, then maybe add some prawns, chicken, tofu or vegies for a well-balanced meal. Sounds good to me. I shall report back once I’ve tried them. CM xx

    Barata – You must be so happy reaching goal weight. I used to have the night sweats too, but now I keep a fan next to the bed, which really helps. Toss off the covers & it works a treat. Although OH always complains he freezes throughout winter!!
    MK88 – Only had those rotten headaches in the first week or two, when I felt truly awful. Maybe it does have something to do with detoxing? Really haven’t had any since.
    Thin – Yes, looking forward to catching up on Friday. I really hope some of our fellow 5:2ers can join us. Just look for Charlie, the hairy pooch, and we’ll be close by.

    Another FD for me today – somehow I blew it yesterday, by 300 cals. Must have been that pesky sauv blanc and I just had to have that second glass! Oh well, there’s always another day to fast & that’s why this WOL is so wonderful!! :)) CM xx

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