Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,912 replies, has 831 voices, and was last updated by  Intesha 19 hours, 14 minutes ago.

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  • Hi Charlie

    Am watching Martin Guptill of NZ play a marvellous innings in the cricket World Cup. The Ferrymans restaurant at Lakes Entrance was great, totally recommend it for you and OH. Still same weight judging by waist floating inside trousers. Home on Monday.

    Sugar free Lent is working in that I don’t seem to put on weight even though only fasting once a week.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi everyone,
    Back again and I’ve been reading back a bit. Welcome to newbies, and congratulations on the kgs you’ve waived goodbye to.

    I’ve got past my low BP incident, medication now halved, and making sure I keep well up on water every day. Thanks for all your well wishes and advice. Please accept a group thankyou

    Well done, Merryme. Another goal reached. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Great game of cricket, Bay. No doubt you were cheering for the Kiwis! Who knows, maybe an Aust/NZ final in Sydney? Beautiful day in Wellington for it yesterday, now a lovely gentle rain today, to continue watering the pastures and gardens after the long dry spell. Summer is over.

    Lowest weight in probably fifty years after Thursday’s fast. Up a few grams this morning. I have decided that my lowest weight should be 56 kg (this would be a BMI of 20, so not essential to reach this, and I know BMI should only be used for population studies).

    Hi, I am new to the forum but have been doing the fasting for 4 weeks now. I am 37 and live in Rosebery, Sydney. Have lost 4kg so far but have a long way to go! I need to lose around 60kg. This thread is nice as I can understand the statistics – kg not pounds!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Snippy and welcome to this way of life.
    When I started 5:2 in November 2013 I was 139.5 kg, and my plan is to get to 77 or less. After last week I am 115, and loving the increased energy that this WOE gives you.
    Please measure yourself everywhere. I have lost more than 20cm off my waist.
    Keep up the good work, cheers, Charlie ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wow Charlie G you have done so well. And I’m sure Snippy will be that good as well. It all takes time. And it is a change of life style, not just something we do only when we want to lose weight. I can handle this being the way I eat until I die.
    Happy Monday everyone.

    I love coming back after the weekend and reading all the posts ๐Ÿ™‚ This is the loveliest community to be apart of! Welcome to our two newbies, you’ll find this forum a fantastic support system. Good luck and well done so far!

    Aussiechick: Thank you for the link to the scales, I was a bit mind boggled with how many showed up in my google search so I’ll grab those ones!
    Thin: You have done so well so far, don’t let the struggle to kick those last 5kgs get you down. It will happen!
    PVE: I can so relate to ‘Waking the hunger giant’, the day after a FD i wake up and scoff breakfast and then don’t feel hungry at allโ€ฆ so unlike me! But then I get home and start cooking dinner and the smell has me going from 0 to 100 on the hunger scale within minutes!
    CharliesMum: congrats on hitting 66.7!!! You must be so happy!! Hoping to see that number this week myself ๐Ÿ˜€
    Turnabout: Thanks for the recommendation on red seal tea, I’m going to grab some before my FD tomorrow.
    Transcend: I hope your grandson is healing up nicely? Your kids are so fortunate to have you nearby. I wonder how I’ll go with starting a family away from our parentsโ€ฆ

    OH and I are mixing it up this week and changing our FD’s to work around his hockey training schedule (it’s always changing) so this week I am fasting tuesday and thursday which I may find a little tricky as Tuesday is my pilates day and i usually work up an appetite! I have just bought today ‘Alpine bread’ in Sourdough and it’s only 173/2 slices!! I was wrapt with that as I have neem having lean cuisine spghetti bolognaise for dinner on my FD’s and it’a only 298 calories so tomorrow the plan is to hold out as long as I can, have 2 pieces of alpine toast with marmite (spot the kiwi!!) and then my lean cuisine for dinnerโ€ฆ hoping I’ll be busy at work and therefore distracted! I am a frequent eater so eating twice tomorrow may be a challenge.

    Hope everyone has had a happy Monday!

    MK88 xx

    Hi everyone, great thread and still so many positive stories, reallyfills me with the confidence I think I need to keep going! Didn’t get chance to jump on the scales before breakfast this morning so doing it tomorrow instead, wish me luck, don’t feel any lighter, but wearing a pair of 3/4 pants I haven’t worn for ages because they were too tight and aren’t any more, so hehe!!!! Will check in tomorrow, happy holiday Monday:-):-):-)

    Hi. I’ve just had my 70th birthday and have had lost some weight while looking after my husband who is recovering from major back surgery. He is slowly recovering and as I’d like to keep losing I have read Dr Moseley’s book and am ready to start tomorrow. Have sorted 2 fasting day meals, breakfast and dinner, and thought I’d try Tuesday and Thursday and see how I go. I’d like to hear from some women that are around my age, how they are getting on and if they have any side issues with the diet, such as dizzyness/light headed, do they walk at all on fast days, and if they feel too hungry for their liking. Also did they ask their doctors if it was a good idea at their age? I walk at least 1km a day and am doing things that my husband would normally do so am more active than usual.

    WOW Charlie G – what a fantastic result!!! Like Transcend just said I hope I can be as good and see these type of results down the track. Feeling inspired!

    Woohoo!!! Made it to my first goal of 75kgs!! Yay, feels so good. Along with 26cms, and that feels even better, thank you all for your continued comments and stories, they are all so inspiring and helpful ๐Ÿ™‚ It really is so good to have this forum where you can read what is going on and feel able to be uplifted even if you don’t post yourself so thank you all, there are some real encouraging people out there!

    Hoping I don’t get the munchies whilst watching the cricket, so tense, got my jug of tea on the go!! Go the Black Caps!!!!!!!!

    Excellent, Turn, well done! Quite right about the great support, here and on the other lines.

    Plenty of tea, no nibbling. At least I will get to see NZ batting when I get home this evening. We need a couple more (eight more!) wickets, quickly. In the meantime, cricinfo, and transistor earpiece in place.

    Hi Everyone. We have house-guests from New York at the moment and have just managed time for a for a quick read on what you’ve all been up to.
    Hi to our newbies – Intesha, Snippy & Ardar – Your on the right track with 5:2. It is amazing and it will change your life if you stick with it. It’s easy once you get used to fasting and you can make it part of your day-to-day lifestyle. You will feel GREAT and not deprived.
    Congrats, you are all doing so well – Barata & Hoot great work.
    Transcend – Glad your grandson is OK. It gives you a scare when they do things like that……and another “number” bites the dust. Doesn’t it feel great…yay for you!!
    CharlieG – Congrats on such a great loss. Self sufficiency was something OH and I used to dream about…it all sounds so lovely.
    AussieChick – I wasn’t as strong as you and had the CHIPS with my fish last night! Moved my FD from yesterday to today. Feeling no guilt (ok, just a little!), cos I know 5:2 works.
    Merry – So glad to hear you’re feeling better. I’m sure this WOL will help your BP.
    MK88 – Going great too. Hope you see a 66 this week! Its great being there after sooo long.
    Turnabout – Keep going – doesn’t it feel terrific wearing loose clothes. Your iced tea sounds nice – will try and find it here in OZ.
    Thin – Where are you?? Hope the weekend celebrations went well with your OH.

    So, with house-guests here I’m trying to be good. After too much wine & food (incl fish & chips) over the last few days, amazingly, I’ve stayed the same weight. FD today to compensate as I still want to keep the downward trend going. Had to punch another 2 holes in my belt yesterday. Oh, what a feeling! Think I might have converted our NY friend to 5:2 as well…I have a captive audience at dinner to tell her how wonderful it is. So, now back to work and entertaining. Hope you all have a wonderful week. Will check-in again when I can.
    CM x

    Hope you’re enjoying the company of your houseguests CM! Amazing how many people decide to give 5:2 a crack when they see the fantastic results others get from it.
    Turnabout, that tea looks so yummy, I googled it and it’s only available in NZ! Heartbroken! I will be placing orders with friends who are going home after easter ๐Ÿ˜€ The rhubarb one looks yum!
    FD for me today, I’ve had a couple of pieces of Alpine bread toast at midday with marmite which was so yummy and feels like such a treat on a FD! Will hold out as late as I can for dinner so I don’t go to bed hungry ๐Ÿ™‚ Does anyone else feel cold on fast days? I always have to wear super warm clothes on my FD’s!! Hope everyone’s had a happy day!

    Hi MK88, so sorry you can’t get the teas in Oz, the rhubarb one is really good!!! I do seem to feel the cold on FD’s but it helps me to keep busy and moving, it’s when I stop I seem to be cold! Got the fire alight today, sitting down and not feeling warm!! Just about to open the tuna for dinner tonight, got some beaut cherry toms and managed to get some purple kale today so might have a yummy smoothie before bed!!

    Lets hope this rain doesn’t hang around too long in Auckland, need to see the BC’s win!!!!

    Congratulations to all you fabulous losers. Wow what a great group you are. I have never been a part of anything like this before, you can feel the positive vibes coming through from all the posts. Welcome to the newbies like myself how can we go wrong with such support and from real people. I have ordered some Salter scales which will be delivered in the next few days, so look forward to tracking the body fat etc. FD today, I usually have 1/2 cup grapes and 1/2 cup cottage cheese, or 100g blueberries & 100g cottage cheese, then protein shakes for lunch and dinner and a little snack in between. MK88 where do you buy the Alpine bread from. I also bought the 48-hour Diet cookbook and it has some great recipes although I haven’t tried any as yet. Turnabout you might have to set up an export business in tea!!!!

    Congratulations Turnabout. I hope I won’t be far behind you in getting there – 75ks is my second mini goal.

    Charliesmum – I am proud and happy too.

    Ardar – OH and myself are in your age group and we have had no problems at all. Keep up the fluids – stops both dizziness and constipation I’ve found. Also, our GP fully supports what we are doing – she is a great fan of Michael Mosley. We had the blood tests that Dr Mosley had and we will repeat them after three months like he did as he explains in his book. Just go for it – we can do anything!!!!

    Melbourne Kiwi – marmite is not just for Kiwis. My English husband grew up on it and hates vegemite. I don’t know that there’s that much difference.

    Happy Tuesday everyone.

    PS. grandson is very proficient with his crutches now – I think he actually likes being allowed to use the lift at school instead of the stairs. And they let him leave each class a few minutes before the bell so he does not have to deal with crowded corridors during lesson and room changes. I picked him up from school today because his dad couldn’t leave work early to get there in time (it was raining and he couldn’t walk home), and here he is with a friend carrying his bag for him – and friend got out of school early too because he was the helper. Got to laugh!

    Looking forward to my teas coming from NZ in April Turnabout!! The old peppermint tea only cuts it for so long!! Although it does warm me up. I work in reception so I sit still a lot which doesn’t help so much with the cold and hunger! a smoothie before bed is a fantastic idea- I can’t stand going to bed hungry!

    Welcome to the gang Intesha! I’m new too, I’ve been apart of this wee community for 2 weeks and they are all just lovely and so encouraging and inspiring. I found the Alpine bread at Coles, it was in a display bin near the bread section. It’s yummy and I was thrilled at the calorie count! Cottage cheese is a good idea, I might grab some of that for my next FD ๐Ÿ™‚ Always good to mix it up!

    We’ve almost finished another FD! Woo hoo!

    Hi Intesha. Good idea…so, how about it Turnabout? Tea-Exporter has a nice ring to it. FYI, my doctor (female) says the best time to exercise is first thing in the morn. Get out of bed, have a huge glass of water and then out the door, with 2 or 4-legged companion or on your own. She says this kick-starts your metabolism for the entire day. Until recently I didn’t know that she also has lots of patients on 5:2 & recommends it daily. On my fast days I have my normal daily breakfast of lemon juice & hot water after my walk, then fresh fruit with plain full-fat yoghurt, a half slice of w/grain toast & vegemite (sorry you NZ marmite eaters!). I ALWAYS have my full-fat flat white around 11am. I try to go thru to dinner then, but if the “hunger-giant” awakens, I have about 1/2 tin of tuna in o/oil and another big drink of water. Seems to work. As everyone has said, keeping your fluids up is the most important thing on a FD. You might have guessed that I’m a “full-fat” kinda girl. Yes, I don’t buy anything that “THEY” have mucked about with. As natural as possible…is my motto. I make my own yoghurt, butter + olive oil spread, bread, muesli & kefir. Luckily I enjoy cooking! OH & I (just for 2 of us), have found that our shopping bill has dropped by $100-150 per month, cos we’re just not eating as much. So, thinner, cheaper & better looking & its FREE….what else do you need to know to be converted to 5:2. Go the Black Caps – for today’s game anyways….CM x

    Oh gosh, you turn your back for 5 minutes and find so many posts to catch up on! Great reading. Well done on all the success everyone. Very inspiring. I won’t respond to everything but thanks for the encouragement MK88, much appreciated.

    Welcome new people – Ardar, you can follow the posts from Transcend and compare notes when she reports back. I believe that she and OH are in their seventies. (I encourage everyone to complete a brief profile if they’re willing).

    Hi CM, I’m still here, I’ve had a busy few days. Swapped my FD for Saturday which was spent at the zoo! No food temptations there. Unless you like fairy floss. On Sunday I was inching closer to seeing 65.something, but we had that very big breakfast at Walter’s River Cafe and blew it. So I’m still hovering between 66.1 and 66.8kgs. We spent the afternoon in your neck of the woods at the Fremantle Arts Centre. It was the final concert for the season. Lots of eating (lovely aromas) and drinking going on there but we were full from breakfast all day. Well done with the extra holes in your belt and converting the New Yorkers to 5:2 while feeding them fish and chips!

    Thanks Transcend. Have just had dinner and I think I’ve eaten too much after fluids all day! Had steamed veges – carrots, parsnip, broccoli, onion, celery (forgot the garlic) and about 100gr of steamed chicken, 60gr potato. Think I might have to cut down! I agree with the exercise before breakfast, I have a cup of black tea first and take the dog for about half an hour and another for 20 min’s before dinner. Will watch the cricket now. 12yr old grandson seriously told his Dad off for saying that Guptil might get a low score.
    I think I’m going to manage this fasting quite well.

    I mean McCullum!!!

    It took me so long to finish that last post that Transcend re-appeared along with two other new posts. I’ll have to type faster! Love those food tips CM; you’ll be publishing your own 5:2 book soon.

    Thin – Lots more experience out there than little old me! Like to share what works for me. Glad you had a lovely weekend. We were at the Art Centre Sun morn too! Keep at it – 65 is only a FD or 2 away. I KNOW you WILL do it – seriously.
    Ardar – You’re going great, but watch those carbs at night. They definitely affect me if I have any after lunchtime. Think others here have same probs.
    Transcend – Kids, gotta love em.
    MK88 – Love that you’re sounding so up beat.

    ….& who’s going to win the cricket today??
    CM x

    STUBBORN SCALES! Weighed 66.3 before going to bed so was hopeful about reaching that 65.something this morning. It was not to be, woke to 66.3. Went for a walk hoping to sweat it off, even if only temporarily. Nope, still 66.3. Kicked the scales. It’s an FD for us today, 11am and nil by mouth so far. Trying to hold out until lunch time which isn’t easy with OH pestering to know ‘what’s on the menu’ today. I’m optimistic about reaching 65.something tomorrow CM. If not, I guess I’ll just be happy that the scales are no longer saying “one at a time please”.

    Good luck Thin. You’ll do it!!! P

    Thanks PVE, where you bin?

    Hi everyone, I’ve been reading this thread on the forum for the past month and love the way you support each other. Congrats on the progress you have made and the friends you have made. I’m from WA, recently celebrated the big 50 and have made a healthy life style commitment, luckily with the support of my OH. Started 5:2 4 weeks ago and have lost 4 kgs, and 8 cm from my waist, which is where I always add it and subtract it ๐Ÿ™‚ My OH has lost 3 kgs and only has a few more to lose and so he will go to 6:1 after that. I want to lose 35 kg and plan to do it over the next year and half. I’m also working with a physio to help me regain core strength and flexibility. Have been feeling stiff and sore after years of sitting at the computer. I am vegie and have found Celia Brooks Vegetarian 5:2 to be brilliant. Lots of low cal but yummy recipes that are easily adapted to non fasters. Nice to ‘meet’ you all, all the best with your various journeys to wellbeing. I am looking forward to feeling in control of my eating for maybe the first time ever.

    Thin – Threaten those scales!!! Tell them they’re going in the bin if they don’t co-operate with you! Then pass a small tin of tuna to OH & tell him that’s his lunch (& dinner too if he doesn’t stop asking!)…… Good luck, resist & just imagine how wonderful you’ll feel when you hit 65….! CM x

    Ha ha, you’re too funny CM. It’s 1.15pm and I’m heading for the turka dahl.

    Welcome DT and it sounds like you and OH are off to a great start. As you’ve read, there are many people on here, some with a lot of experience at 5:2, to help & support you should you need it. Or just have a chat. Can we know where in WA you live? I’m in Perth & CharliesMum is also in WA.

    Hi Purple! Great to hear from you.

    Hi DT and welcome. You’ve made the right choice with 5:2. It sounds like you’ve been through a lot recently. As you’ve been lurking for a month or so, you already know a lot about us. Where are you in WA? Thinatlast & I live in Perth and get together occasionally & you’re very welcome to join us if you’re in Perth – along with any other “Perth Lurkers” out there! Celia Brooks is a great cook with lovely recipes & I didn’t know she had a 5:2 book. I’m not vego but enjoy meat-less meals regularly.
    So, 4 weeks, 4kg & 8cm. You’ve GOT to be happy with that. It’s great that your OH is joining you on this journey too. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t. But I think initially it will be great to have that support at home. You’ll get lots of it here.
    My OH is not doing it, although he is very supportive. He eats the same as me, just more of it and doesn’t fast. I don’t think I could manage him hassling me about being hungry, when I’m trying to NOT think about food. Anyway, good luck, we’re here for you. Don’t hesitate to post regularly – these guys are such an amazing support and I don’t know if I would be here without them. This WOL/WOE is life changing, so stick with it.
    You will feel terrific on the way to becoming the NEW YOU. Good luck!
    CM x

    Thin, I get so frustrated with my scales as well. Yesterday was an FD day am weighed 84.6, pm weighed 84.8 and thought yippee. This morning weighed 83.5. I know this is not a race but it is so frustrating when the kgs don’t fall off. FD tomorrow and then weigh-in on Friday. I am 64 and live in South- west Sydney, I am currently caring for my Dad who now lives with me. So have had some really big adjustments to my life. Mum is in a nursing home suffering with dementia. This site is like a lifeline hearing what everyone is experiencing whilst following this journey.

    Intesha, you’ve done really well! Although some people report dramatic weight losses, it’s really healthier IMO to have a slow and steady decrease. I think you should be proud of that result after your fast day – plus you have another one coming up before your official weigh-in. You’re going through a tough time with your parents so any loss you enjoy is a real credit to you.

    Agree CM, you definitely need the support of your family. I would never have started this if my OH hadn’t agreed to do it with me initially. In fact I knew about it a whole year before we started so was very grateful when he said he’d ‘give it a month’. He’s since gone to 6:1 and I can say that the days I fast alone are much easier, requiring far less planning and fanfare. He sees the benefits it’s delivered to me but, as a very slim person, the health benefits are harder to quantify for him. For couples sharing the same weight loss goals and objectives, it would be great to be able to support each other. For the rest of us, there’s this forum! Thanks everyone, you’re all fantastic.

    Hi Intesha – That’s great. You’re doing so well, and under the circumstances you should feel really proud of yourself. Thin is on the money (as usual) when she says a steady loss is better for you, instead of really dramatic drops. Again, we’re all here for you any time you need to off-load, for some support or guidance or just for us to say, YAY! you’ve done it!! Keep going, you CAN do this….and this thread doesn’t just have to be about 5:2, we can talk about anything you like. You do realise, that you’ve started to change your life!! Go girl!!
    CM xx

    HOW BOUT THOSE BLACK CAPS!!!! What a win ๐Ÿ™‚ Conversations here could get interesting if we end up playing off against the Aussiesโ€ฆ!!

    Welcome DT and well done on such fantastic results in your first month! It’s great to have the support from your OH, whether they are also undertaking this fantastic WOL or not. My hubby is doing this with me too and it’s working well for us to be doing it together and sharing FD’s ๐Ÿ™‚

    CM I am so impressed you make all that yourself, I feel the same way and try to buy as close to nature as possible but that’s not always easy. I’ve read the same about exercising on an empty tummy. I walked 3km to work today and rewarded myself with an instant coffee with almond milk (FD for me) I feel too lethargic at the end of my FD to get any exercise in anyway.

    Thin, did you get your 65 this morning??


    Hi MK88, thanks for asking – yes! 65.6 today. Yippee, very happy. ๐Ÿ˜† Thanks to all of you who gave me encouragement and said it would happen. Well done walking to walk – are you walking home too? Please tell me more about the almond milk.

    I always do my 5km walk before breakfast. I often feel lethargic on fast days and think this must be because I don’t have my beloved coffee when I wake up on fast days so I don’t get that boost.

    CM, you’ve managed to incorporate coffee into your FDs – you mentioned the fruit, yoghurt, half slice toast, coffee, and a half can of tuna if you’re hungry later – what does your dinner look like on a FD?

    Yaaay that’s fantastic! Well below your last weigh in! What is your goal weight?

    I’ve been buying So Good’s almond and coconut milk. It’s way lower in everything really! fat, sugar, calories, etcโ€ฆ I didn’t particularly like the flavour of plain almond milk so I went for the hybrid and it’s super yummy in smoothies but does take a little getting used to in tea/coffee. It doesn’t taste bad, it’s just different to dairy.

    I should walk homeโ€ฆ I’ll see how I go! I usually have the car but hubby had a second round job interview this morning so I figured he could take it ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s so col here in Melbourne!

    You’re very good getting 5k in before breakfast every dayโ€ฆ no wonder your weight has dropped steadily. instant coffee has hardly any calories in it, I sweeten mine with stevia and have it with my so good milk and it comes to around 6 calories total I think.

    Intrigued as to how many cals you have left for dinner on a FD CM!!


    Thanks MK88. I’ve lost almost 18kgs since Jan last year with 13kgs of that attributable to 5:2 since August (it’s been a far more pleasant journey than the 5kgs I struggled to lose between Jan and Aug by deprivation). After losing the first 10kg, my revised goal weight is 60kgs, so 5-6kgs to go. How about you?

    Thanks for the info on the milk varieties, I’d never even heard of almond milk before you mentioned it. I will check that out. People keep mentioning coconut oil and coconut milk to me recently. I’d thought it was something to steer clear of but will have to investigate as I’ve found through this process that a lot of foods I’d considered healthy were not and vice versa.

    Go on, walk home! A good brisk walk and you’ll feel great on the scales tomorrow! (But if you don’t, I won’t blame you, I do feel lethargic on the FDs).

    18kgs! That’s amazing! That’s roughly 500g a week since you started! I can’t keep track of whos lost how much on this forum- everyones stories are so impressive. They really spurr us newbies on. I started this WOL at 69kg and decided to do something before I saw 70kg on the scales. I weighed 59kg when I got married in 2013 and would love to get back to that or even lower as I still had a doughy stomach then.

    Try a few different milk varieties, they’re surprisingly easy to make too if you’re that way inclined. Coconut oil is such a tasty oil and so food for you. My stepfather is Rarotongan and swears it just makes you fat but if used properly (i.e. not used to deep fry spam like his family do!) it has fantastic health benefits.

    Thank you for the encouragement, I think I will walk home!! I’m feeling hungry this afternoon and I find moving fixes that. Thanks for your support ๐Ÿ™‚

    Congratulations Thin, amazing 18kgs. It inspires me to continue. I am visiting my daughter in the UK for Xmas. What a surprise if I got off the plane 20kg lighter. With all your inspirational stories I am now feeling that it is doable. Will post me weigh- in results tomorrow. Thank you everyone for all your encouraging posts.

    Hi everyone. Such good news on our thread today.

    Thin – Yahoo!! I knew you could do it & I’m sooo happy for you. You stuck with it even though it was tough going & when the results weren’t coming for you. Some say that the cm are going down when the scales don’t move?! Maybe threatening those scales with the bin worked!!! Those morning walks have done the trick too …your perseverance worked!!
    MK88 – Walking to work….very impressive. Yes I’ve heard coconut oil is very good for you (now), as are eggs, butter, etc. wish they’d make up their mind about these things. Well done to the Black Caps too…….until we meet in the final, then all bets are off!
    FD today, drinks with family this aftn & V/worried about weigh-in tomorrow…..!!!
    Will post info with a sample FD menu separately.
    CM x

    Ha Thin – I’m glad you showed those scales who’s boss!

    Welcome DT.

    My goodness, reading about all those losses over the time you all have been on the 5:2 makes me wonder what the total loss of all SHers would be. The mind boggles. Congratulations to you all.

    Deep fry spam??? No, Im not going to comment on that!

    I was disappointed a bit that I lost only 400g this week when I had lost more other weeks. But over the 5 weeks we have been doing this both OH and I have lost 4ks, which is averaging out at about 650grams each per week. So …. I’m not really complaining.

    Well done Thin. I knew you’d do it. Perseverance and watching that end goal is the trick ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I occasionally look at “fat photos” of us and wish we’d never gained the weight in the first place. Thank goodness for Dr M! Ran into a tradie who hasn’t seen me for 18 months. He hardly recognised me! Such a good feeling!
    My WA mob are coming over for a few weeks so I will have to just lurk for a while.
    Keep up the good work gang
    Purple ๐Ÿ™‚

    OK, so to answer your questions about my FD menu. These vary day to day, but stay very similar. Calories are from MyFitnessPal.

    BFST = 155cal
    Half Apple (36cal), Half orange (34), 30g natural yoghurt (22), wholegrain bread (half slice) toasted (44), 1/2 tsp butter (optional) (17), Vegemite (2).

    COFFEE = 46 cal
    Flat white (homemade). Espresso (2), with 1/3 cup f/fat frothed milk (44), no sugar.

    Half a 95g Woolies tin tuna in o/oil (58) & a BIG drink of water.

    Getting dinner ready = 17 cals
    Optional chew of 3 celery sticks while getting dinner ready (17)

    DINNER = 178 – 258 cals
    Salad = 58
    Protein = 120 – 200 cals
    Always baby spinach 25g (5 cal), 1/8 of avocado (29), 1/2 tomato (7), 1/4 carrot (15) , 1 slice raw mushroom (2) & splash of balsamic (2).
    Protein = 120- 200 cal Cooked on BBQ or in non stick pan with a smear of oil.
    100g triple smoked leg ham (120),
    100g chicken breast (172),
    100g scotch fillet steak (178)
    100g salmon (200) If I’m having salmon I drop the avocado & adjust accordingly.

    These amounts are generous, I know. But I just wanted to give easy numbers, ie 100g of protein.

    I always serve my hot meats on top of the salad. The juices from the meat/fish create its own salad dressing together with the balsamic, so no oil is needed.

    If I don’t have the tuna at lunchtime (& I have ham with salad or I tweak something else, ie no butter, celery, avo, etc, I can have a glass of sauv blanc (81) or a whiskey 35ml (75) with dinner.

    There are probably some typos above, but that’s the gist of it. Works for me and hope it helps you guys.

    CM xx

    Transcend, I think that’s a very good result. And when you consider that this is a way of life now, it doesn’t really matter how long it takes does it? (OK, I was singing a different song earlier in the week, I know!). A downward trend is what we want. The scary bit for me will really come when I switch to maintenance 6:1; I’m sure there will be many hiccups before I get it right.

    MK88, deep fried spam! Eeew. That’s a funny image to conjure up on this thread, isn’t it? Good for you for reversing your weight before it got out of hand. I’d love to know how many kilos have been collectively shed, too, all thanks to Dr M.

    CM, yes I encourage all newbies to measure absolutely everything because often people report losing cms when the scales are being annoying. This is advice I didn’t heed myself and really wish I had. I only measured my fat waist which is still huge but down 9cm. Thanks for your support, you’ve been great. You’ll be OK tomorrow. One drink, three glasses of water…..

    Intesha, thank you. You too can do this. Your daughter will walk right past you at the airport.

    P.S. Thank you PVE, have fun with the sandgropers!

    And thanks for the meal plans CM, I’ve copied your post to a word document for proper examination later.

    Crikey CM, wine or whiskey with dinner? That menu looks like 5:2 for royalty. I think I’ve been complicating our FD menus. Thanks for the salad breakdown, I’ve never had salad on a FD yet because I was too lazy to make the calculations. Now you’ve done it all for me. I wonder if I could give up my boiled egg before bedtime and try your protein options instead. BTW, when I said a few weeks ago that I ‘reserve a boiled egg’ for before bed, I didn’t mean physically save a cold boiled egg but reserve the calorie option (90) to boil one. Have fun tonight you whiskey swiller you!

    Thin – Glad you like it. It works cos I’ve been losing weight on it. The salad component is so cheap on calories. I do like to eeek it out as much as possible & I do enjoy the option of something alcoholic (naughty, I know) if I really feel like it at night. Most FDs I don’t and then that’s just a bonus negative value which I then don’t eat. Its kinda like an alcoholic version of your “bedtime boiled egg” – just earlier! And I DID think you had an egg tucked away in the fridge ready to take to bed….yummmmm! Actually, even on my non-FD I have the same bfst, coffee & optional lunch. I can just have something with my coffee or a little more/something different for dinner. Makes it easy for me only having to mentally calculate dinner values. Its not boring, because I change the fruit around for bfst – or maybe I add an egg to the toast. Lunch has never been a biggie for me – so i really don’t miss it. Maybe that’s why this WOL has been so easy for me.
    Still nervous about weigh-in tomorrow, though. Can’t wait to join you in Club 65! CM xx

    Hi Transcend, I think we must have started around the same time (9 Feb). You’re doing so well and 400g is a great loss. Wish I had that this week, but I’ll just be happy staying the same weight tomorrow. I think I’ve started to slow down, but I keep reminding myself that I was in Bris for a week recently and have visitors staying with us now for 10 days. I’m trying to stick to FDs but its not easy. Back to normal next Tuesday though.
    Intesha – Well, you have a great goal to aim for, and lots of time to achieve it. Stick with it and your daughter will be amazed and so very proud of her “new” Mum.
    OMG – Deep fried Spam….what were they thinking! I can feel my arteries hardening now.
    The collective “weight lost” on Dr M’s 5:2 must be incredible…..
    CM xx

    Warning: Sourdough talk ๐Ÿ™‚
    I made a walnut and date sourdough and it rose phenomenally due to the sugars in the dates, so, yesterday I added 3/4 tsp sugar to the dough. It made a lighter loaf as the yeasts had more food. Worth considering my baking pals. Cheers Purple

    Yuuuum PVE I love figs! Do you use dried or fresh? I plan on lots of baking this weekend. I make a yummy muesli and I’ll make sweet potato gnocchi too for my weekend indulgence!

    I weighed in at 66.1 this morning after my FD, my lowest weight yet! I walked to work this morning before eating and felt great! So pleased with the results I’m seeing on this WOL. It would be amazing to calculate a total weight loss from all participants wouldn’t it! Our forum alone is impressive!

    Thanks for the FD meal plan CM, I started out counting cals in all the different foods but quickly lost interest and resorted to lean cuisine frozen meals! I find so many inconsistanties in the calories amounts in each food. Even on my fitness pal.

    Good luck on your journey Intesha, what a lovely surprise for your daughter to see a healthier version of her Mum!

    Happy Friday everyone ๐Ÿ˜€

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