Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,920 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 14 hours, 3 minutes ago.

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  • Thank you all for your kind words. Now the funeral is over I’m feeling more sociable.

    Sorry to hear about BP problems. I take BP medication for high BP, but it is all under control and I have had no changes (or health scares) since starting 5:2. In fact I have been feeling better than ever. And my GP approves of this WOL too.

    I finally worked out my TDEE and decided to drop the number of calories I eat on fast days to 400 as a result. After 4 weeks I am feeling very comfortable with the program now – this is why I thought I would fine tune what I was doing rather than just go with 500 calories. At first I just wanted to get the 500 calories right, but now I’m brave enough to make the program suit my body better.

    I am a bit confused about Leanismygoal’s comment. From what I remember reading in Dr Mosely’s book, the 5:2 diet is supposed to burn fat, not muscle. Have I remembered this correctly?

    I know I am burning fat because my scales tell me I am – but my fluid content has not changed over the 4 weeks. Also, I have lost nearly 6 cms from my fat waist even though I have only lost 3.2ks. I am very happy with this and feel quite okay with just continuing life eating like this forever.

    That’s so exciting Aussiechick! Well done, always a good feeling to fit back into clothes you havent managed to in a while. I am so excited to get to that stage.

    I’ve almost completed my 3rd fast day, I was absolutely thrilled to have lost weight in the first week last week! I have not seen the nuber 66 on my scales in a very long time so that was exciting (even if it did say 66.9!) I am struggling a bit with hunger on my fast days, I usually have a huge appetite and a fast metabolism so any tips on how to manage this would be great.


    Welcome back Transcend. Glad you’re feeling better. It’s great to have the GP endorsement of the WOL, isn’t it? Good job working out the TDEE, it’s a bit confronting at first but we must face it as we shed the weight so that we can estimate the FD calories required. I usually still plan my fast days with 500 cals and I try and eat less but exercise the option to have them all if needed.

    My understanding of all this is that if you lose the weight slowly, you are more likely to be burning fat. People losing dramatic amounts of weights too quickly risk losing lean muscle. I think we all lose weight faster when we start anything new – this is likely to be fluid. I ignored the links posted above as I had a suspicion they were commercially driven but you can read scientific studies on weight loss done by reputable entities such as Mayo Clinic – or as you mention, Michael Mosley’s book. Which, after all, is why we’re all here…..

    Great that you’ve lost 6cms from your waist – I’ve only lost 8cms from mine in all this time. Ho hum.

    MK88 – well done! 66.9 is still the sixties! For the hunger, try low GI foods like oats and high protein foods like chicken, egg or salmon. It’s amazing how little we need to feel full. Also, as I am one that can’t deal with black coffee, I re-use a herbal teabag all day on fast days (20 cals), I buy different ones to try all the time. And drink loads of water. Go as long as you possibly can before having the first food of the day. Keep busy and around 4ish, you can start thinking about what you’ll be able to have tomorrow! You can do it!

    Thanks, TaL. I hope I can say “thin again” one day. I was such a skinny minny as a child and slim as an adult up until I hit the mid forties. It’s been down hill and upscale since then!! It bugs me that I went back to my normal size after each pregnancy, but now I’m older shedding the weight is much harder. Shame I can’t just “give birth” to it!

    I haven’t lost great amounts of weight on this WOE and I use my scales to measure fat and water. The fat measurement is definitely going down. Slow and steady is suiting me just fine. The water has not changed at all which surprised me a bit because I thought I would lose a lot of fluid first. I don’t really understand fully the science of it all – but I am recording all the changes.

    MK88 I will open a bottle of champagne when I can see a 6 as a first digit on my scales. I am happy to be on my way to 75 right now. I had a mini celebration when the first digit went from 8 to 7.

    Weigh-in day tomorrow. I can’t get rid of the 7 yet, but I’m hoping to see a 6 after the 7.

    Good luck on getting that magical 76 Transcend! I think your approach to this WOL is spot on and I’m sure you’ll see results slowly but surely with such a great attitude. I was always slim and athletic too so it’s a harsh reality when that’s no longer you. I feel ya!

    Thin, thank you so much for the fantastic advice. I will work that into my fast day tomorrow. I have found myself getting through the AM pretty easily but the PM is harder so your idea of saving my meals for later is a good one. I love my eggs so I’ll load up on them (within reason!) Is herbal tea really 20 cal?? I thought it was lower than that? God, getting a hang of these calorie counts may take me a wee while! Appreciate all your help 🙂


    Transcend: Thinatlast was a tongue in cheek, yet full of hope, handle inspired by Ihaveawaist. Unlike you and MK88, I haven’t been equated with the word ‘thin’ since I was about seven when my mother kept hauling me off to the local GP because I wouldn’t eat. A lot of my issues surrounding food have to do with ‘not wasting food’ being strictly enforced as a skinny child. That’s another story and you probably don’t want to hear my psychological theories about my lifelong over-eating problem! So, keep that ‘Transcend’ in mind and it will happen to you. I think you’re doing so well.

    MK88: I reserve a boiled egg for about an hour before bed because it’s not nice going to bed hungry. I get the Twinings teas of which there are so many varieties so it’s a taste treat on fast days – yes I’m afraid they do say 20 cals on the box but there may be other brands with less – and some green tea varieties contain no cals.

    Hi one and all, it’s been ages since I posted, but just couldn’t help myself when I just saw my name inspiring thin! I had to smile about that, as I can’t say I’m such an inspiration usually…

    It’s a week since I’ve gotten back from Hawaii, and although I loved it and had a ball, I found some relief coming home to more simpler, less sweet and unprocessed food. On the up side, I managed not to put on any weight, whilst indulging in some of those things I never eat at home, like coconut deep fried shrimp, chocolate coconut cream pie, poke, mahi-mahi and early evening maitais! I thoroughly recommend Kauai and Maui for anyone interested in travelling to this part of the world, so scenic and friendly.

    It’s so great everyone is still going strong here on this thread, and being supportive as usual.

    I’ve been reading the recent posts and might have some info to add to the discussion.

    From what I’ve read, most average dieters will lose both fat and muscle, and often gain back fat when they stop their diets.

    But with this WOE, I’ve noticed over 23 months, that I’ve lost fat and gained muscle, ( fat from 39% to 30%). After looking up what it means by the water percentage component of the measurements on the digital scales….I’ve discovered that the water percentage will increase with your increased muscle mass. If you look at it as muscle needing to be moist and tender, not dry and stringy (sorry about the red meat analogy)…then it definitely makes sense as being the opposite of fat, which in itself has very little water.

    This WOE tends to be slow, steady and much more effective at gaining a healthy weight and healthy outcomes, than normal diets. It’s great to be here once again and this group keeps me focused and interested. I’m keen the see what the doc says next week, as it’s been a year since I saw her last, can’t wait to see what the blood tests reveal!

    Aloha and cheers!

    Hi Gang. Well, I’m back in Perth and also back into the swing of all things 5:2. I tentatively jumped on the scales this morning and am happy that I’ve only put on .4kg. It was so difficult sticking with it whilst in Bris with dinners, birthdays, cakes, etc., but glad it’s only up a little. After sitting on an aircraft for 6 hours yesterday (feeling bloated) I hope that with a FD today I’ll be back down close to where I left off a week ago. Anyway, to catch up with you all…

    Bay – Welcome back from the land of ice-cream! Glad you had a great trip – its a magical place.
    Aussiechick & OH – Wow! You must be thrilled at fitting into THAT dress. Congrats. BTW, what scales did you buy?? Very interested in monitoring the fat, muscle, fluid components.
    Transcend – Keep at it girl – it won’t be long before you can open that champagne!
    Ihaveawaist – Welcome home – Hawaii is beautiful and what’s even more fabulous is that you enjoyed all those yummy treats and came home the same weight! (wish I had!) That’s just terrific.
    MK88 – 66.9!! You’ve dropped a number!! Well done….and it’s also what I’m hoping to see this week…. OK, & I’m just a little bit jealous!
    Thin – I just can’t stomach cold egg. Must come from those egg sandwich days when I was a child. Love hot eggs…but cold, I just can’t do it.

    So everybody, I have the advantage over you all here, in that I’ve actually met the lovely Thin in person. So, all I can say is that perhaps “ThinAtLast” was “wishful thinking” when she started this WOE last year, but believe me she has achieved it & is looking great.

    As I know I’ve said before, this forum keeps me going. Thanks to everyone for being there and for keeping me motivated to do better.

    CM xx

    IHAW: Aloha and thanks for the info; I’m going to pay more attention to those extra readings on my scales tomorrow. Here’s hoping for an increase in the water % over time then. I’m impressed that you didn’t gain weight in Hawaii – did you manage to fast while you were there? I remember doing some stunning hikes in Kauai – on the Na Pali Coast I think it was called. 30 years ago now.

    Welcome back CM, you are too kind! I bet Charlie was happy to see you. Congrats on only gaining 0.4kgs last week. That’ll be gone in no time. Let’s get together soon for another walk and coffee. If there are any other Perth-Fremantle 5:2ers who’d like to join us, don’t be shy. What do you have to lose? (We’d love to know!).

    Hi thin,
    Yes the Na Pali coast is truly spectacular and we only saw it from the ocean side, your hike along there must have been amazing! I tried to keep to Mondays and Thursdays with a semi kind of fast, but without scales and with seeing all the novel food choices that I really wanted to taste, it just made me more relaxed about fasting than I would normally have been. On my previous trip away to Lord Howe Island, I didn’t fast the whole time, but I made up for the extra eating by cycling and walking everywhere.

    So I guess that when on holiday, it’s a thoughtful compromise between enjoying new things and restraint…I am on my own in the house this week while OH is away, so it’s an excellent time for me to refocus and just go mindfully back to making the fullest use of 5:2.

    The one main unexpected observation I had from being away, was seeing the large numbers of desperate homeless people everywhere. I got chatting to quite a few, and most of them told me that they had been shipped to Hawaii from the continental US by their government, so they wouldn’t freeze over winter. A large amount seem to be sleeping around Honolulu airport, which is sad and shocking. There doesn’t seem to be any long term plans about how to give any of these precious humans a better life, they are just abandoned.

    Unfortunately, Australia has its own homeless issues, and the North Coast of NSW seems to experience the same issue with homeless people sleeping rough, although you won’t find many at the Gold Coast airport.
    Well on that cheery note, I’ll sign off for now!

    Hi CM

    I bought Salter digital scales not long after I began 5:2 and have enjoyed watching my percent of fat and water change places. Salter include an info sheet on what is desirable. BDuring last year I achieved my desirable height to waist ratio, and my recommended water to fat percentages.

    Am feeling fantastic this morning after yesterday’s fast, I am under the magic 60 kg. not seen since pre Christmas sugar and carbs festive season. 😉

    Welcome back IHAW.
    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Welcome back CM! And well done on your efforts while you were away, 400g is nothing and you will no doubt lose that over the next week 🙂 I’ll keep that in mind when I’m back home in NZ for a week at the beginning of June AKA the land of hokey pokey, burger fuel, hells pizza, vogels…

    IHAW, very jelous of your Hawaiian adventure! It sounds amazing and it sounds like you did really well considering the temptation everywhere. My husband and I plan on going in November so hopefully we make it and hopefully I have some of your self control!

    Thin, fast day for me today and I have been making a pepermint tea bag last me all mornng so far. Thanks for the tip! Twinings peppermint tea is 2cals per bag if you are into peppermint flavour.

    I have crappy kmart scales at home that give me a different reading every time i hop on. I fluctuate by 3kgs which doesn’t seem accurate so perhaps I will invest in these scales you guys are talking about 🙂

    Bay, what I would give to be under 60kg!! Good on you, you’re an inspiration.


    That’s a great holiday tip IHAW, enjoy the different food offerings but choose wisely.

    Good job Bay. I’d love to see 60kgs on my scales.

    MK88: Peppermint tea is the one I like best – sorry, my mistake, I re-read the box with my glasses on this time and it’s 20Kj not Kcals. So less than 5 cals. That’s even better. I’m also fasting today and will brew up one of these when I get back from my walk.

    Greetings all,

    Thanks for your posts. I’ve been motivated by reading them.

    My partner and I are travelling — in New York at present. I’m fasting today.

    Found it more challenging than usual last week in San Francisco. I was jet-lagged and it does take a toll on your system. Still found it worthwhile to fast, even if I don’t feel I lost any weight. I appreciated the re-set. You know what I mean — the body seems to do well with the rest from the feasting.

    I’ve done that walk along the Na Pali Coast in Hawaii. It’s splendid. Thanks for the reminder.

    As I said, I’m not sure I lost weight last week. I’m finding that the day after I fast I eat pretty sensibly but on other days I overeat. Not a lot, but perhaps enough to keep my weight stable.

    Partner and I will not be settled in a new house until end of April, so I’ll do my best while travelling and look forward to the comforts of home — a kitchen, a fridge and a set of spices. If I make it through 6 weeks travelling without gaining I guess that’d be a good start (especially in the US). Any loss will be a bonus.

    Thanks again for being there,

    Warm wishes from frosty NY.

    Thanks for the warm welcome back everyone.
    Bay – thanks for the info – will take a look at them. Below 60kg…..now I’m really jealous! Well done.
    MK88 – I’ve found peppermint tea really curbs the munchies too, more than other teas. I think an accurate set of scales are essential & they don’t have to cost a fortune.
    Kudjerie – I felt the same in Brisbane with hunger on non-FD, so upped the fluids & it seemed to help. San Fran = sourdough….don’t get me started! Have a wonderful trip and keep us updated.
    Thin – He jumped into my arms & I was smothered in wet licks at the airport! Missed him so much…& OH as well, of course! Yes, I’d love to meet for a coffee & walk soon. I’m sure there are some people in Perth/Freo “lurking” out there – you really are welcome to join us. It’s great to meet up and we won’t bite…promise.
    CM x

    Hi all, good to read all the positive comments and stories, it really does help me so much to keep focused.

    I was hoping to have reached my first goal weight of 75 this Monday gone but it was not to be, however, I have lost another 2cms, chest and hips so that was great news. Hopefully this coming Monday will be better news on the scales! It is such an interesting journey, can’t help but notice what we find out about ourselves! It turns out I am quite an emotional eater, hadn’t realised before, so really need to keep my emotions in check, seems to be easier to handle on FD, I eat all the wrong foods if I can otherwise.

    Finally got back on the bicycle yesterday, first time in two months, recovering from a knee injury, that was hard work, but at least felt like I had earned it when we went out for celebratory lunch later at a local vineyard!! Only had the one glass of wine too, very self controlled!

    Wondering how I might fare whist on holiday later Kudjerie, I tried continuing with the 5:2 whilst away last year but ended up in the too hard basket, determined not to let that happen this time, what I did find helpful though was using my travelling days as FD’s, thenjust having a light salad or vegies when we got to where we were going!! Once we got with friends though think i overdid the wine!!!!

    Hi fellow fasters,
    Sorry that I haven’t posted for a while but things are pretty crazy here on the farm with the cows calving at present. Fasted today as we are selling last years calves tomorrow and OH is taking me out for lunch.
    Weighted in yesterday and I have now lost almost 8kgs since the start of the year, and that is on the back of 20kg last year, happy with that but still a long way to go.

    Charlie’sMum, that sounded like OH also jumped into your arms at the airport and smothered you with wet licks, shouldn’t be allowed in a public place. Charlie G, you’re on a roll, incredible results, thanks for sharing. You deserve that lunch.

    Good for you Kudjerie fasting in frosty NY! I like your tip Turnabout about using the travelling days as FDs. I haven’t had to worry about that yet and wonder how I’ll fare. Like you, I’m a bit disappointed with this week’s weigh in (up 400gms). Serves me right I suppose for having two slices of OH’s chocolate mud birthday cake and a restaurant meal this past week. Then again, in the scheme of 5 and 2, it shouldn’t have mattered and I now find myself making excuses and finding all sorts of reasons to justify 5 and 2 not always delivering the promised goods…..I’ve given up bread in any form, drastically cut down or eliminated carbs with the evening meal, monitoring how much I’m consuming on non-FDs. Much more than this and I’m on any old ‘diet’, aren’t I? Sorry for the whinge in such an upbeat environment. Anyone else having trouble shedding the last 5-6kgs?

    Thanks for the greeting, thin.
    I’ve been wondering whether I should forget about weighing myself and just enjoy the health benefits of 5:2 (I feel them) and appreciate the weight when it does come off. Maybe weigh myself once a month so that the fluctuations don’t drive me mad.
    Then I think I should do alternate day fasting if I really want to loose weight and 5:2 isn’t enough for me.
    As I said, I’m still on the road for another month or two and I’ve only been on the program a month, so I think I’ll just keep reinforcing this new good habit for now, not worry too much about the scales.
    I have a travel day on Friday (NY to Chicago) so will try that as FD.
    I’d like to get to losing my first 5-6kg — impressed to see how far you’ve come.

    Thin, I think you’ve reached your plateau, love. I’ve heard about these lasting for some weeks or more. But stick with it, you’ve come sooo far. I agree with the carbs issue, but for me I’m only stopping them for the evening meal (ie nothing after lunchtime). I think if you restrict yourself too much, you’re right, it will seem like just another diet (don’t like that word!). Why not try 4:3 for a week or two to see how that goes? Shake things up a little, its probably only your body “re-adjusting” itself. Have that lovely slice of sourdough at brekkie, so it burns off during the day. Also remember the other reason we’re all doing this……those OTHER health benefits. You have a whinge whenever you like, cos that’s what we’re here for, just as you’ve been here for us on this journey. CM xx

    You’ve cheered me up no end you two, thanks so much! I really appreciate your comments.

    Hi everyone 🙂

    Thanks Charlies Mum – I’m still on a high from that night!! I sent a photo of me in the dress to my brother (who lives in Dubai) and introduced him to his new slimmer sister. Last time I saw him he upset me by one of his ‘jokey’ comments as I tucked into some food and being referred to as fat’!
    The scales I bought (a recommendation from a guy at work) were online with Harvey Norman $129 – Beurer Diagnostic Scales. http://www.harveynorman.com.au/beurer-bg51xxl-diagnostic-scales.html
    Might struggle this evening on this FD as I’m off to see Dirty Dancing at the Princess Theatre in Melbourne with a friend – we’re eating out! I should have changed my FD around but hope I can have small plate of something (and as I’ve had nothing but herbal teas all day)hope I don’t go too overboard on the calories.
    Looking forward to tomorrow’s weigh in 🙂 Good luck everyone!!

    Hi Aussiechick – Thanks for the info, will take a look at those scales. Regarding brothers (& I have 3!) they really have no idea..no matter what age they are! I would love to see his face when he see’s his new Sis! CM x

    Hi gang
    You’ve all been SO supportive of each other…keep it up.
    I’ve been busy with our State election, so little time to check up on you all.
    Mr P and I found we lost fat not muscle and, as we felt so vital and alive, started moving more, so naturally build our muscles. Michael has written some good articles about this issue.
    Well done ihaw on your steady weight. Sounds like a great trip. Mr P bought some travelling scales. as he goes away frequently on business and we weigh ourselves twice daily. He bought them for about $50 on eBay. Tiny, but they are accurate. We will take them on our Nth America trip in May. Much easier to see a slight gain and rectify it, than to get faced with many kilos to lose when you get home.
    It is really important for your own morale to set small achievable goals, but keep the “big one” in mind. I set “under 60 kg” as my goal originally. Achieved that in 12 months (26 kg loss), but nearly another year down and I sit nicely at 56-57kg. It seems to be my correct weight.
    Reassessing, changing your TDEE and calorie count for fast days to your ultimate goal size will help you reset your appetite and achieve your goal. The health benefits of this WOL just come naturally with the weightloss. Changing what and when you eat ensures it is a habit for life.
    Keep up the good work folk. Cheers P

    Hi all Fasters
    Aussiechick, hope your brother had something nice to say about your weight loss. I recently caught up with an old school friend I hadn’t seen since I started this WOL.
    He was amazed at how good I look and couldn’t believe how much more I want to loose.
    Thin, it’s amazing how our tastes are changing, lunch was a bit of a letdown. I thought I would enjoy a meat pie something I haven’t had in years, but eating it all I could do was think about the processed carbs, and I didn’t enjoy it at all, oh well fasting on Friday to compensate.
    Have a great weekend everyone. Cheers, Charlie.

    Hope you enjoyed Dirty Dancing Aussiechick and how did you get on with the restaurant dinner? You’re brave. I don’t think I could trust myself to eat out on a FD; even on a feast day last week I stuck to chicken caesar salad but who knows what they put on it, tasted suspiciously like mayo to me.

    Thanks for the advice PVE. I think you’re right, must pay more attention to the TDEE for the goal weight. I like the sound of Mr P’s scales – are they just called ‘travelling scales’? That’s a hoot.

    Charlie G: that must have been a great boost for you seeing that schoolfriend. I agree completely about the changing desires – I was less than halfway through dinner tonight when I realised that I just didn’t need all that food. Leaving food on the plate was always quite alien to me so things are certainly changing.

    Purple – welcome back. We were getting worried about you!
    CharlieG – you’re doing so well. Don’t you just love it when people notice!
    Thin – Yes, did the same thing last night. Lovely dinner of crispy skin salmon with a gorgeous salad & I ended up giving OH three quarters of my salmon. Realised I just didn’t feel like it…so this time I didn’t eat it!!! In the good (bad) old days I would have scoffed the lot regardless. Something is changing & I LIKE IT. Although tonight I wasn’t hungry at all until I started eating dinner & then I was ravenous!! Go figure??!! Nite all. CM x

    Hi Charliesmum
    It’s called “waking the hunger giant” ,)
    You are not hungry until you have food in front of you (or even the suggestion via an ad) then you are ‘starving’
    That’s why it is easier to fast all day and only eat at night. It also ensures better sleep with a fuller tum. NB it is 2.30am here, post fast, and I’m wide awake!)
    Congratulations on listening to your inner voice and knowing when to stop. It is a great habit 5:2 develops. 🙂 P

    Yes Thin.. I too am having finding it a grueling task loosing the last 6 kilos… I kept telling myself how well I’ve done loosing 14 kg already .. I’ve also starting running again so have always put ON weight when this happens .. My clothes are not any tighter so that counts! I started running on non-fast days but find I over eat so have just started to run on my Wolley days (that’s what I call my fast or WOL, way of life days!) I think this may work better.. I also think mentally I’ve taken my foot off the brake a little so to speak so need to stay focused.. I guess the loss will be slower now.. You are not alone! Was it Aussiechick who went to see Dirty Dancing? How was it? I went to a vegan eatery in the Emporium in Melbourne last week called ‘Supercharger’ really great healthy and fresh food, very reasonably priced and ok to eat on a fast day if you check the portions (no, I don’t work there!) good to keep in mind if you’re looking for a quick food pre-show

    Oh.. Must be something about brothers..one of the last few times I saw my older brother (who’s very skinny but wirey) he poked me in the stomach and asked ‘when’s it due?

    Hi Hoot and Thin

    I must put in a good word for brothers. Mine have been incredibly supportive. One of them is trying 5:2 after seeing how well I did.

    I agree with not taking the foot off this WOL until goal is reached.

    BTW. This WOL applies to all days. 😉

    Cheers, Bay

    Had dinner last night at Lakes Entrance of yummy freshly caught bugs and prawns. On a restaurant Ferryman on a boat on the water, so lovely as the sun set. Does anyone know what bugs are called in other countries? Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Mmmm. Sounds delicious Bay 🙂

    From Wikipedia :
    Common names used in Australia for Ibacus peronii include Balmain bug, Eastern Balmain bug, butterfly lobster, flapjack, Péron’s Ibacus crab, sand crayfish, sand lobster, southern shovel-nosed lobster, prawn killer andsquagga, although the last two are not in current use.
    Hope that helps. P 🙂

    Hootinannie, great to hear from you and thanks for sharing your experience. We’re in the same boat. When my brother (UK) saw me on skype, he couldn’t believe how much weight I’d lost and, although not really overweight himself, ordered the book while we were still chatting and has been doing 5:2 with his daughter for several months now. He’s now telling anyone who’ll listen. OH on the other hand is a more reluctant participant – how’s your OH handling it CM?

    Thoughtful CM forwarded me an inspiring post from CG on the ‘Aussie Determination’ thread which cheered me up no end. I’ve been bagging up my size 18 and size 16 clothes (I’ll miss some of them!) and it’s really a great feeling to know that I won’t be growing back into them.

    Have a great weekend everyone and keep up the amazing work 😆

    Morning everyone. WOOHOO!!! I’ve broken through 67 and this morning I’m 66.7. So, at the end of week five, I’ve lost 4.1kg. I kept waking up during the night excited just thinking about getting on the scales (oh boy, it’s a sad life, I know..). Almost got up and 5am to check! My clothes are loose & I feel absolutely amazing. I just can’t believe it & also how easy it has become with all of the support you guys give. So thank you one and all, & I really mean that.

    Purple – I well & truly awakened “the hunger giant” last night…but had some almonds & then he was happy again. Thanks for the tips.
    Bay – Bugs…my favourite… mouth watering right now!
    Thin – OH doing well on his “you will eat what I eat” plan. He’s lost 3.6kg and is also “pants falling down” happy and talking about going shopping for clothes! He hasn’t done the FD with me, but is benefiting from the healthier eating & the reduction in carbs, nuts, cheese, biscuits, chips, chocolate & ice-cream. Wonder why he loosing weight, huh??
    House guests arrive tomorrow for 9 days! Have a great weekend everyone. CM x

    Brilliant CM. Lovely to read your excited post. That’s great news. You deserve it. I’m really pleased for you – and OH of course! Agree, this is a really supportive thread – but you’re one of the reasons for that being so. BTW, there’s just 200 gms between us now.

    hi everybody
    today I register in this site and I wanna start my diet.
    now I am 72.5 kg and I want lose my weight about 15 kg.
    I have a question. Do I should receive 2000 cal for nonfast days till I lose 17.5 kg or I should decrease this cal after some days?
    please help me
    thank you so much guys and best wishes for you 🙂

    dejavu61 – Welcome to 5:2. At the top of this page you’ll see HOW IT WORKS, go there and work out your TDEE, that is total cals you can eat up to on normal days. On fast days (FD) you can have up to 500 cals. Initially, just keep to these numbers or below. I think you need to get your head around this WOE (way of eating)/ WOL (way of life) before you start tweaking cals. There are lots of others, with more experience than me, here to help. Perhaps you might like to complete your Profile, so we know a little more about you. Good luck this WOL/WOE is so easy and achievable.

    Thin – Thanks, but you’re TALLER than me….so, that means you’re still way ahead of me!!! Keep going girl & stick with it….you WILL break through that plateau. It’s just a temporary hump because of OH birthday celebrations. Just watch out for that mud cake!!
    CM x

    Happy Friday everyone 🙂
    Charlie’s Mum & Hootinannie – Thanks for understanding what brothers are like. I have only 1 brother and 1 sister. My brother is 12 years older than me and has always been a bit flippant and cheeky but never hurtful. I travelled back to UK to see his son get married last year (hadn’t seen him in 5 years and didn’t realise how bad his alcoholism was and I had never been as heavy as I was then). He said to me at the evening buffet meal ‘get stuck in you fat b*st**d’ in front of an old family friend which made me feel humiliated and the tears came straight away. He is now 8 months sober and he emailed me straight back to say ‘excellent!’ and that I looked ‘elegant’. Well done CM on that fantastic result on the scales!
    Charlie G – How lovely to hear from an old school friend with such great compliments – well done – you must feel wonderful!
    Thin At Last & Hootinannie – Dirty Dancing was very good but not ‘fantastic’ as an acquaintance referred to it last week on Facebook! Perhaps I’m too much in love with the film and Patrick Swayze so no-one could compete!! Dinner was difficult – my friend was gutted that I wasn’t going to have wine – so I gave in and we shared a bottle. I was going to have a small entre but relented and opted for the ‘special’ – eye fillet steak and broccolini with goats cheese’. So I wasn’t very good! Really bad hangover this morning but the scales were kind and showed a 0.5 kg loss (the most for a few weeks now). I’m aiming to tread carefully this weekend so it doesn’t catch up with me!!
    Hootinannie – Thanks for the tip about ‘Supercharger’ – sounds great. I’ll definitely bear that in mind for next time. We went to Punch Lane in Little Bourke Street it was very decadent! I’m sorry to hear your brother said such a hurtful comment to you – but you’ll show him!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone 🙂

    Hi Bay,
    I know that little restaurant in Lakes, we were going to go there for our 30th wedding anniversary last year but the forecast was for cold, wet and windy weather so we stayed home as Lakes is six hours away, maybe this year.
    OH announced this morning that we are going out to a awards night he has booked us into, so will have to try fasting over the weekend, not that my pie did any damage yesterday, but I just like to get in two good fasts a week.
    Last cow to calve had twins, so I am back with a baby in the poddy play pen, as when it is dry like now the mums will only care for one poddy. Murder in the poultry yard over the weekend to get rid of the last two roosters and four drakes.
    Keep up all the good work everyone, Charlie.

    AussieChick – The steak, broc & goats cheese sounds delicious. The beauty of this WOL is that you know you can have it and then get back to normal the next day. Throw in another FD and all the naughtiness goes away & we don’t have to miss out. I seem to get bad hangovers now too….probably cos I’ve cut down a bit. When I indulge, it gets even with me the next morning…and I just can’t mix my drinks any more…oh, well.
    CharlieG – Awww, twins – just too cute. We’re there any (food) benefits from the chook yard murder?? I don’t know what roosters or drakes taste like!

    Hi CM
    Murder in the chook yard means food tucked away in the freezer. The birds you get in the butcher are bred for meat, ours are dual purpose, both eggs and meat. Breeding the next generation of layers has the byproduct of roosters and drakes for the table. Lots of flavour, and we know what they have been feed, just like growing our own fruit and vegetables.
    One of the reasons we choose to be farmers, we can never be totally self sufficient, but this WOL gets us pretty close, fresh food in season, and a freezer full for the winter.
    Happy days everyone, Charlie.

    Thanks Charlies Mum – it was certainly delicious – and I suppose I was good in that I didn’t order a plate of chips with it. I think the wine was probably the worst thing to have – so many calories. But like you say, the beauty of this is, you just get on and fit in another FD somewhere else in the week. It really works this WOL – wouldn’t ever stop!! My sister is 8 years older than me and warned me that the older we get the worse the hangovers are – so I think I need to be cutting down when going on nights out from now on – especially on a ‘school night’ – work was difficult today with such a blinding headache!! What I love about this WOE (other than the weight loss) is I never feel or look bloated in the stomach any more. It’s as if my digestion is so relieved to have a bit of respite and is working much more efficiently 🙂

    I’ve got hooked on iced tea on my FD’s, they are new from Red Seal, and really really good!!! Zero cals, zero sugar and lots of flavour!!! Put two in a 1 litre glass jug, add ice and top up with water, add sprig of mint or any other fresh herb:-):-):-):-) love the strawberry/rhubarb and blood orange flavours, yum,good drunk hot too:-) i keep a jug going on the kitchen table all day, especially in hot weather, a real thirst quencher too.

    Hi everyone, I have really enjoyed reading your posts they have kept me motivated to continue this journey. I started on the 1st February 2015 after twelve traumatic months of sick elderly parents. I was feeling frumpy and invisible. I go to Curves ladies gym and they have monthly weigh and measures. After 4 weeks on this IF I had lost 2kg, 8cm off my stomach, 4cm from waist and cms from other places. Even the trainer couldn’t believe it. I am feeling optimistic and my clothes are feeling looser. I am due to have another weigh and measure this week and although I don’t expect to have lost as much I’m still looking forward to the results. The best is to see the body fat go down. I started this journey at 87kg, I am 5′ 6″. 10kg is my goal but on this I think I can go further but am not confident enough to think about that at the moment.

    Aussiechick I think it was talking about the drinking. I went out last weekend and had a few drinks then on Sunday morning was so sick and dizzy a combination of getting older and the body rejecting it.

    I am so glad to have found this group as we all need encouragement on what can be very lonely hazardous journey. Look forward to more posts.

    Intesha.. We are following a very similar path and well done on your losses so far.. I started at 88kg September 8th last year and have lost 14kg .. My initial goal being 10 also, now another 10! Keep on keeping on!

    Aussiechick, never mind, you enjoyed yourself and, as you say, the WOE is flexible. I’ve switched my FD from Sunday (breakfast out with friends tomorrow) to today so just having my peppermint tea and catching up on posts. I might even do an extra FD day this week to see if I can get things kickstarted again. Doing one FD over the weekend has prevented me from over-indulging all w/e long. I like the sound of your teas Turnabout.

    As mentioned the other day, I bagged up the size 16 & 18 clothes and soon hope to be doing the same with the size 14s. I managed to zip up all my size 12s last night but they’re a bit tight for wearing in public just yet! Most of the size 12s are barely worn as I lost 16 kgs 14 years ago and then promptly stacked it all back on so they didn’t see the light of day for very long. Old but new if you see what I mean. Funny how most seem to be Corfu Jeans, just different colours (and sizes)!

    That’s great Hootin. Huge loss and a new goal. Welcome & well done Intesha, smaller goals are easier to achieve and can be re-set.

    Thank you Hootinannie that is very encouraging. Will follow you with interest.

    There is so much good news around on this thread. Everyone is doing well and being supportive – it’s really wonderful.

    I’ve had a few days off my computer again – a grandson managed to fracture a small part of his knee at soccer training. His dad was in a meeting, so the school rang us. By the time we drove to the school, picked him up, got to the GP, Xrays, then Westmead Children’s Hospital for specialist treatment, an entire day was gone. But we love our kids and grandkids dearly and would never leave them in the lurch. Once a parent, always a parent! Lucky we are retired and can lend as many hands as are needed.

    The above discussion about muscle, water, fat etc is very interesting. It has given me confidence because my fat is defintely going down as shown by the scales and my loss of inches from my ample gut! Now I’m going to watch to see if the water content goes up as I exercise more.

    And – drum roll – I did manage to see a 6 as a second digit at my weigh-in. I’m happy to be 76.7ks and well on my way to my second mini goal of 75ks. My first mini goal was to get out of the 80s. I’m being a tortoise, not a hare, but I’m loving the continual slow downward trend.


    What a fabulous innings from Guptill. Love the weather in Wellington.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

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