Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Good morning SH mates.

    Lovely day here in Adelaide, just back from my Corporate Cup walk – can’t run easily yet so don’t do it in public πŸ™‚ So lovely just ‘being in the moment’, sun glinting on the water, cooling light breeze, fluffy ducklings everywhere and the deciduous trees are bursting into leaf.

    Hi ibardell, another Mon-Tues b2b faster. It fits my life too.

    Two good fast days under my belt with an average of 425C each day. Another 0.2kg up in smoke and 1cm more off my waist. So far so good – 10.3kg fat and 14cm from waist lost in total. Minimal effort on non FDs, like Bigkahuna.

    Just about to have first cafΓ© latte for the week – yummmmm!

    Keep up the good work everyone. N

    Hello all, I’m new to town (well this forum).
    Just wanted to say hi and keep up the good work as your stories of progress and success are keeping me motivated.

    I started the 5:2 this week and am keen to see my own progress so will keep it posted in my diary on here.
    I look forward to hearing more from you all.

    All the best

    Well I made it through my first fast day. Not as hard as I thought it would be. Had some hunger pains but nothing I couldn’t handle. Got on the scales this morning and had lost 1kg. I know that it is proberly just fluid and won’t stay off but it made me feel good anyway. Having a bit of a problem with the tracker. Somehow deleted yesterdays entery when I tried to fill in another one. So I redid it but even though I put in the right dates, they show up wrong on the chart. Oh well hopefully I will still be able to see my progress.

    Hello all! Welcome to all the newbies, so many have sprung up in the last 48hr or so. For those looking for a quick easy app on smart phone, I’m using ‘my fitness pal’, it’s one of many such types so not pushing a particular brand,(it is a free one on google play) everything I’ve tried looking up on its search setting has been found,eg supermarket brands,and it tallys up all sorts of things,not just cals/kj,but nutritional info of all food. You can also enter exercise data, and it tracks info like weight bmi tdee. I only use it for fasting days,to make sure in regards to 500cals, as I get confused between cals and kj, some packaged items have both but others only kj, and the other night I was like, bugger, I can’t eat that tuna,thinking it had 758 cals but it was so fine print,was actually kj. Oh, and it has a barcode scan option too

    I’ve been out of action for better part of a week,all 3 kids down with a tummy bug and been playing nurse/maid 24/7. I’ve taken to segregating the “healthiest” child away,as they’d begun a vicious cycle of re-sharing their germs….Lots of hand sanitiser,smells like a hospital here.

    So jealous of all you SH’s with all your fruit and vegg growing, I’m not so much a green thumb,but a plant killer. Only thing I’ve managed to grow is mint,from what I’ve heard it’s like a weed in that it grows on its own,so not really taking credit for it. Currently attempting to grow strawberries,have sprouted greenery,fingers crossed that we actually grow strawberries! Looking forward to my hubbies tomatoes again this summer,he’s just cultivated (??is that the word) his seedlings

    Sitash, thanks for your kind words and encouragement πŸ™‚ feeling really positive, and if you’d asked me just a few weeks ago, that wouldn’t have been the case.

    IHAW, love you thumb trick!! Once you turn the thumbs out, your body just naturally wants to move into a much better position. I also find that if I sit forward on chair I sit better,as naturally don’t want to fall off the stoop! I used to have such good posture pre-pregnancies…of course I had no idea I had good posture till it was gone *sigh*. Have resolved to do core strengthening pilates

    bigkahunadad, wow, thanks for sharing your story. Your ability to spring back each time and to keep going through different paths to get to where you are now,pretty amazing. You seem to be in a much better head space.Not as good with words as you,but just saying,touching story.

    On my 5:2 front doing well, not much time to think of food, and tbh, was quite put off by food anyway this week. I haven’t managed a jog in ages and feeling cooped up in this infested house, typical of them to get sick on school holidays! Though I did manage to dig out an old pilates dvd yesterday,and though I was feeling very positive in regards to being my fasting day, Jane Austens smiley face was irritaining me,lol, every time she smiled and said “That’s the way,you can do it!” I felt like throwing a cusion at the telly.

    I decide to not do b2b this week,just for something different.My whole mentality on food is feast or famine(you know,the oh well I’ve started now,might as well eat all the chips in the packet, so no, portion control is not an option) so in that light I’ve done well with b2b , but I also calculated that you get more fasting hours on splitting days. If my last meal is Monday 5pm (yes,early bird dinner with kiddies!) then I don’t eat a ‘normal’ meal till 48hrs later, barring the 500cals. If you do single days, technically you’re fasting for extra 12ish hrs. Last meal at same time,500cals allowance all at dinner, but back to normal eating at breakfast time Wednesday 8:30ish brings total to 39.5hrs Is that how you guys do split fasting days? Well, had breakfast already,so fasting Thursday next,see how things pan out πŸ™‚ 2.8kgs down 3 weeks in,hope to bring that up to 3kgs,I like round numbers,lol, so see what happens Thursday.

    Cheers all πŸ™‚

    PS PVE or IHAW who was it that made the observation on cafes etc having a decline in clientele for Mon’s and Thur’s? Friend of mine runs a cafe, and has had a couple of mother’s groups and a local banks weekly lunch outing, changed their traditional day,to help those on 5:2!! Way to go MM on introducing this WOL on whats turning out to be such a global scale

    PPS sorry for the long post, this is the most time I’ve spent away from infested kiddies all week, and I’ve enjoyed it sooooooooooooooo much πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    It was me Kathryn. I also think the rag trade picks up Mon and Thurs with all the hungry women keeping away from food outlets!
    Keep up the great work all. P πŸ™‚

    Hi the new folks just starting. Well done for getting on board πŸ™‚ I am sure you’ve love the results of feeling better in no time at all.

    Hi all,

    ihaveawaist -(gee I hope I can say that one day), thanks so much for the advice. Electrolite balance is a little beyond me but dehydration and/or depletion of glycogen stores sounds eminently plausible since yesterday I was fairly active outside all day and it was pretty warm down here in outer Woop Woop.

    I have been maintaining my fluids, not so much with water but with green tea which of course is just flavoured water. No milk or sugar so no calories I think.

    You suggest Miso soup, (excellent suggestion at 28 calories a serve) which prompts a question. Do you or anybody else know how many calories are in a bowl of vegetable soup? And how long is a piece of string? On my fast days I don’t eat at all until the evening when I have three bowls of home made soup. It contains carrots, celery, zucchini, onion, leaks, heaps of beans (red kidney, cannellini, lima, butter beans), chick peas, sweet corn, brown lentils, tomatoes, garlic, and parika. I thought I would be well within my 600 calories with this but I’m unable to verify whether or not I am. The vegetable stock is also home made from, you guessed it, vegetables. Nothing else at all. I don’t have any bread with it, just the soup on its own.

    It’s quite filling but I thought with all these great veges and nothing else I would be ‘safe’. Any thoughts anyone?

    Next fast day Friday. Good luck everybody.

    How long is a piece of string? About that long…hands held out πŸ™‚
    Anywhere between say 120 and 180 a cup Baccus.
    If you leave out the lentils and chickpeas (the protein) it drops below 100.
    Soup is certainly filling and hydrating, isn’t it? P

    Hi Sassy,
    I think a lot of people watched the Michael Mosley doco on SBS. Thats how many people heard about it and then saw the books in the stores πŸ™‚

    Hi Bacchus

    I would keep all ingredients except the sweet corn and don’t worry about the calories in the rest of the soup. Provided you don’t add potatoes or other starches, you will go well. Lots of liquid plus good vegetables.

    Well done, Bay πŸ™‚

    Well done Nicky. 14 cms off waist. Woohoo! Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi everyone, I’m from Northern Victoria & have just started the 5:2 diet & my fasting days are Wed/Thur. I keep thinking I’m going to fold as my kids are eating ice creams & all this other stuff in front of me. But then again it might make me stronger.
    I have been reading some posts & I’m inspired but your results….hopefully I can be one of these success stories.
    I am trying to lose the excess kg’s for a wedding at the end of Oct 2014 but mainly for the cruise we booked for Sept 2015 for my husbands 50th, I’d love to be able to buy clothes for slimmer people instead of saying for big mumma.
    Anyway, love the posts.

    Wow! You have so much self control Bacchus!

    My favourite soup thats about 100 calories is miso, with bokchoy,baby spinach, red capsicum, bean shoots and any other vege I have in the fridge, then I add a packet of SPLENDIA noodles. They are made from Japanese Konjac root and a serve is 8 – 10 calories πŸ™‚ :). You wash them well and add to anything. They are really filling. You could add a bit of chicken if you wanted to but I’m lazy and generally go for vegetarian on fasting days as I can’t go all day with out anything. Plenty of fresh coriander on top….yum!

    I eat a carrot, drink teas, a boiled egg, or tin of weight watchers baked bean as my miso noodle soup is so low in calories. I even have enough calories for a Skinny Cow ice-cream. So go the lighter broths if you want to. Everyone is different. No matter what though, there are tough times. But, I love that the next day you can eat normally.

    The noodles are in the health food section of Coles/Woolworths and are a white packet with Splendier or Splendia on them, they come in noodles, spaghetti or rice form. Filling and easy.
    Cheers MW

    Hi guys!

    My sister & nephew have been with us for the last 5 days. I had raved to my sister about the 5:2 but she just couldn’t fast. She found it too hard. We watched MM’s doco together and she & I fasted the next day together πŸ™‚

    I’m down to 64.9kg. I’m doing another fast day today.

    My sis & I both bought skipping ropes & she bought a Sunnto M2 heart rate monitor and we’ve been doing HIIT at home. I’m so proud of myself πŸ™‚

    We’re off to town today to drop them back at the airport. Happy fasting peeps! X

    Hello all,

    I’m 38 and new to 5:2 and from Albury (Regional NSW). I started on Monday 29th September and today is my second fast day. I am using my fitness pal to track my food which I am finding very educational. I am tracking on my non fast days as well for the next few weeks so I am aware of the calorie amounts for my regular food I eat. I eat cleanly anyway so its more about educating myself. I currently weigh 70.3kg and hoping to get down to 68kg. I am getting married in 9 weeks so I’m trying to get those childbearing hips down a little for the wedding πŸ™‚ I am extremely motivated and excited to be sharing this journey with you all and I love reading the tips and ideas you guys share. I love hearing the success stories on here.

    Hi all!! Welcome to all the newbies.

    Another fast day today. Not feeling any hunger pangs at all so far strangely, maybe cause too busy catching up on neglected house work and laundry from playing nurse-maid to gastro riddled kids all week.

    CG, how nice to have your sister and nephew over, you mentioned airport, do they live OS or oz? I would struggle without my brother, his wife and little 6 month old niece living so close in Melb to me. He’s the only other family I have. How great you’ve inspired her to try 5:2!! Are you getting close to your goal weight? Mine originally was 63kg (the lightest I’ve weighed that I can remember), currently 65.1, but that was when I was 78kg and thought that 63kg was unrealistic. At 63kgs my bmi would be 24, so in normal range but high end,but now actually thinking 60-57kg (22.9-21bmi) might not be so far out of reach. Results either way, I’ll be truly happy πŸ™‚

    Hi kerm222,I’ve had my 3 kids down with gastro for most part of these school holidays,so it’s been ok for me. I don’t know if I would’ve been strong if they’d been their normal non stop eaters that usually exist!

    Hi kelburgess I’m also using myfitness pal, but I actually only use it on 500cal days to make sure of my numbers,and not overly stressing on non fast days, if I’m concerned about cals of something, chances are I shouldn’t be eating it lol πŸ™‚

    Zero cals so far this fast day, hope to go it to 5pm, have made a yummy smelling lentil soup

    Good luck for all fasting today, those in Melbourne….rug up!

    Hi Kathryn
    Sorry your kids are still ill. Have you tried giving them diluted apple cider vinegar with honey (warmed)? The vinegar does wonders with all sorts of bugs, including stomach.
    Go girl with your goal! Aim to be in mid range healthy so you have “wriggle room”.
    Happy fasting P

    Hi All…..Kathryn, hope your kids get better real soon, nothing worse than sick kids on the school holidays.
    Well this is my second fasting day & I am feeling a little hungry but nothing like a cup of black coffee to let it past. I am now comfortable to share my weight so I can share my progress with everyone on this forum.
    My starting weight is 81kg & I am 165cm high, so overweight. This has made me really upset as it’s the heaviest I have EVER been. I seem to be carrying my excess weight around my mid rift & I hate it. My goal weight is 65kg set for about 12mths as this is when we are going on our cruise & don’t won’t to embarrass my family with a flabby body on the water slides.
    I am hitting the 5:2 hard with just the one packet of spring onion soup mix once a day, with about 60cal a day. I am drinking heaps of water & black coffee (which I usually drink anyway). I know you are allowed the 500cal a day but I want quick results as I have a beach wedding to attend on 26th Oct 2014 so want some excess off before then.
    Happy fasting everyone & I hope to post most days to keep me inspired & will share my results/progress with everyone. Chat soon πŸ™‚

    I’m sorry. Sick on the school holidays is no fun at all. I hope they are better soon. I tried on a size 12 skirt this morning and it zipped up nice and easy. I’m down 3 kg since starting but have definitely lost more in cm as I was a 14 when I started. I’m feeling energetic and sleeping through the night. I couldn’t be happier with the results so it’s all been worth it so far. Today holding out for 1pm so I can have a poached egg with some smoked salmon and then some veggies for dinner.

    Hi everyone! I started this week, Tuesday and Thursday are my fast days at the moment.

    Tuesday was a struggle, I had read how so many people find it easy and I really struggled. I didn’t end up managing to keep to the 500 calories for the day, I had a 100 calorie breakfast, 150 for lunch and by 4pm I was going into proper hangry mode and needed a snack, and then I ended up having a normal dinner. I was still within 1,200 calories for the day – what I try to stick to on my ‘good’ days.

    So technically I’m starting 5:2 today – I decided to change the format and skip breakfast and so far it has been easier. I’ve had 180 calories at lunch, and will have some blueberries this afternoon, a 250 calorie dinner and hopefully then I have some calories to play with if I need a snack. Fingers crossed this works better!

    Hi skinnybitch….some days ARE a struggle, you just have to get through them and remember that it’s only one day. I’m onto my 6th fast day today, so am pretty new at it too. My first day, I broke it up into 3 meals and I found I was STARVING after my breakfast…..since then I don’t eat until about 11am or 12noon…..and then usually just dinner and it’s much easier….lots of fluids hepls, especially water and I drink green tea.

    Hope today is much better for you πŸ™‚

    Excellent advice, Foxxy
    I have been on 5:2 for 18 months and some days are still a struggle. Like you, I think eating “breakfast” late is the key. Lots of drinks, keep busy.
    Any change of habit takes a while to get used to and the world is programming us to eat all the time…look at all the food ads everywhere…even along the highways in the country!
    All the best happy Southern Hemisphere fasters. PVE

    PVE thanks for apple cider tip!! Don’t know if it’s psychological, but kids seem better already πŸ™‚ Definitely aiming for mid range mbi. It seems so doable now.

    kerm222 you are about where I was 12 months ago weight wise, but I didn’t start with 5:2 till 3 weeks ago,and we’re are close in height too (I’m 162).I struggled with the weight loss (12kg in 12 months) by myself. These weeks on 5:2 have been in so many ways much easier. Obviously this SH forum is such a great support. Also, it truly is a way of life and not a diet. There is -or should be – no guilt, take each day as it comes, pick yourself up and keep going.

    sarah67, way to go!!! My pants are really loose and I’ve got belt on a tighter notch, but I actually got rid of a lot of ‘skinny’clothes,so looking forward to go shopping. I never made that connection in regards to sleep, I’m sleeping well through the night,which is completely unlike me,could be the 5:2 or temporary nurse-maid job!!

    skinnybitch welcome to group πŸ™‚ I’m doing Tues/Thurs too. Is 1200 your tdee? The format is there to be changed to what suits you best. I don’t eat till dinner time 5pm-ish, as if I start earlier I feel the hunger. Supposed to be something to do with our caveman ancestors feast/famine evolution. If you know you’re not going to have food,your brain switches off some hunger pangs.Bring that on!! Wish you luck xx

    Just a little tip to newbies, though I’m no ‘oldie’ myself,so correct me if I’m wrong any other ‘oldie’ in group, but if you do too much of calorie restriction chances are you’ll get burnt out and give up.That’s the point to 5:2,it’s not a calorie restrictive diet every day.That’s why for most of us, all/most other diets have not been a long term solution. Don’t push too hard on fast days too, 500 cals is what the brain needs to function and to keep your body from turning to muscles and soft tissue for energy (it’s called autophagia, in case you want to look it up), you don’t want to loose muscle/tissue but fat. It will happen! Keep in mind, the average weight loss on 5:2 is approximately 1lb, or in our aussie terms 453 grams a week. I’ve done double that at 1kg a week,with may I stress,minimal effort!!!!! I actually coincidentally have not even exercised since before starting 5:2 either, my normal 5k morning run goes out the window during school holidays.

    Apologies, don’t mean to sound like I’m preaching,but this WOE has done so much for me already and I so hope it does for you all too, their is heaps of wiggle room within this WOE, but over restriction of cals isn’t one of them.

    ((hugs)) to all

    Kathryn, cider vinegar can fix an upset tummy within 20 minutes! It is magic…I know! Hope they are outside playing in the sun soon.

    I have always had well below 500 on fast days. Lots of energy (in fact quite hyper) and definitely no muscle loss. That is the beauty of this. You burn fat. No time to reference properly, but the fat/muscle discussion is covered in Michael’s book. P

    Hey KathrynE! Thanks for the welcome.

    My TDEE is 2,100. I try to stick to 1,200 calories generally, with the hope that on my ‘bad’ days, when I have more, I can still lose weight. This hasn’t been working great lately, so I’m trying the fast diet. The idea is that I’ll do my 2 fast days, try stick to around 1,200 on other days, but then on days where I might go out for lunch or dinner, or have a few glasses of wine, I don’t need to worry. Hopefully this works!

    Today has definitely been easier, with my first meal being around 1pm. Fingers crossed it stays this way!

    Have you used the TDEE calculator on this site Skinny?
    I presume the 2100 you mentioned was a mistake? If it was 2000 you would eat that 5 days a week and 1/4 (500 cals) on fast days. Eg My TDEE was 1600 (much less now), so I ate less than 400 cals on fast days. Go for inactive/sedentary so that it is lower.
    You will need to keep lowering it as you lose weight.
    Hope this helps. PVE

    Skinnybitch, i cannot resist sharing my experience with you. I started off at or above your weight. (on my scale 80.5kg on my gps scale 85kg) I am your height and 51. I got down to a respectable weight (where i stopped feeling bad about my weight) in the first three months by cutting my calories to only 1600. And i found it easy. I think you would find it easier too if you ate more. I ate as health as i knew how and everything I would usually eat except sugar, (honey and artificial sweeteners). I began my diet on 3 January this year. I am currently 1kg away from goal. If you read my profile, you can see more about how i did it. If you make it so that its difficult and unpleasant you will not reach your goal.

    Hi guys.

    Ive been following a 5:2 regime for nearly 5 weeks now and lost 2.2kg body fat. I start my fast on monday and thursday llunchs breaking tues and friday dinners. In between I do my regular early morning weights program during which I consume 500cal whey protein shake. So far I havent broken my fast routine, and I find 20min naps assist me by boosting energy levels and bypassing hunger sensations.

    Im 102.5kg today, 30.7% body fat. My goal is 92kg 22% body fat by xmas. At 35yo Im pretty sure I have been overweight for the last ten years, peaking at 117kg in june 2013.

    Hey PVE,

    I think I am – I just double checked and my TDEE came in at 2238 (I’m 34, weight is 73kg and height is 5″6 – goal weight is 65kg). I’m quite active, I go to the gym 4-5 times a week and do around 30-45 mins work – at least 2 of those are high intensity (eg spinning). Should I still be putting in inactive/sendentary for that?

    Pattience, thanks for sharing – I’ll definitely have a read of your journey! I got married around 6 months ago and got to a weight I was happy with (68kg, not quite my goal, but I felt good) by working hard at the gym (weights and cardio) and eating right. I was sticking to 1,200-1,300 calories a day for around 4-5 days a week and not going crazy at weekends but not being too strict and cutting back on alcohol – wedding motivation is the best motivation! But for a few months after the wedding I stopped going to the gym regularly and wasn’t tracking what I was eating. I’ve put around 5 kilos back on, and I really want to get back to where I was and then focus on maintaining. At the moment I’ve been eating well around 3 days a week and counting calories, but then for the rest of the week/weekend I’m less strict and I think this is my downfall. I’m hoping that 5:2 is the change I need to move me forward.

    Hi Skinny
    Yes. Put in sedentary to maximize your gain. P

    Hi everyone. Today is my second fast day, the first was on Tuesday. I have been pleasently surprised at how easy I am finding it. I have always been one for breakfast but find that if I just ignore the normal hunger pains when I wake up, they go away after a little while. I can then hold off eating until around lunch time, when I have an egg on toast. This seems to last me until tea (fish and vegs). And I have a low fat hot chocolate before bed. I brought Dr. M’s book yesterday and really enjoyed reading it. And I have downloaded, My Fitness Pal, (I love the barcode feature). I have not been this excited and positive about a diet for a long time. The last time I felt like this I was able to stick to the Weight Watchers diet and lost 33kgs. Recently I put back on 8kgs and found it too hard to get motivated to do Weight Watchers again. But I am so motivated about the fast diet that I really believe that I can do this. I am hopeing to loose 20kgs. I think my poor partner is already sick of hearing how great this diet is (lol).But he understands that being positive and talking about it will help to keep me on track and he is being very suportive. Can’t wait to jump on the scales tomorrow.

    Wow I love what I’m learning about low cal nutritious meals. So far I’ve consumed about 300 cals and I had a HUGE salad with 125g prawns cooked in a teaspoon of butter, a dash of white wine, water, chilli, garlic & seasoning for lunch and I just ate my dinner of 100g smoked salmon with a HUGE salad (no dressing). I can’t believe how delicious this way of eating is & i still have 200 cals to go!!!!

    I also did some HIIT today. I ramped my treadmill up to 14kg & pushed the incline to 4 (I had to go down to no incline for the last 2 sets). I did 6 sets getting my HR up to around 150-160. I waited until my HR went down to 100 or below then did another set. I’m looking forward to seeing my fitness improve and help me budge these last 2.5kg πŸ™‚

    PVE, thought you had to reach the 500 on fast day,mostly I do,but today I ate my lentil soup and a 1/2 cup greek yogurt and was completely stuffed! Glad you said that under 500 is ok πŸ™‚ only reached just over half. Does your stomach shrink during fast days or something??

    keirra,well done on your fast today πŸ™‚ I too am a huge breakfast fan, that’s the one thing I miss on fast days but luckily it’s only an emotional attachment,as I do ok on the hunger part. Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow xx

    CG, if I put my treadmill on that fast I would do a great imitation of a cartoon been flung across the room!! 2.5 kg to go, wow, that’s great, hope those buggers slide right of you as you’re HIIT’ing it

    tubby plumber, I too had 20min naps at around 2:45 pre school pick up in the first week, think I might need some more to recover from school holidays…

    Another end of a fast day,actually looking forward to next ones. Good luck to all fasting tomorrow πŸ™‚

    Yes Kathryn
    1/4 of your TDEE is maximum. Many of us have significantly less. πŸ™‚ P

    Hi Kathryn
    I think your stomach does shrink on fast days.
    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    11.05pm thursday
    Hi all. This is my first post. I have been eating mindfully for 45 days and have lost 7.8 kgs, so I am feeling great. No tiredness, no headaches. I was 109 kg (today 101.2kg) when I started, which is why I have lost so much I think. I am 165cm and 58 years old,and a size 18-20. In my mid 30’s, I was 57kg and I really would like to be within cooee of that again, say 60-65kg.
    I first saw the doco on ABC or SBS last year, and then again mid year. And then Catalyst on ABC had another doco about changing your health with fibre and vinegar. And I was sick in bed and not eating much anyway, so it seemed like the time to go for it.
    I have not been very hungry and I am eating MUCH smaller portions than previously. I also read that chewing each bit up to 40 times is a good idea, and I do it sometimes when I remember. The semi fast days (like today) seem fine. I have been tracking most stuff on myfitnesspal.com, and my total today is 1937kj and my TDEE is 7994kj right now (I keep re-adjusting). I had lunch – cheese on a slice of mountain bread, afternoon coffee at a cafe and veg, chickpea and tuna soup and 2 ryvitas. So I feeling pretty full.
    I notice a number of people are concerned about “doing it alone”. Well, I have been single for 16 years and I live alone, so I just share with my sons and friends when I talk to them. I do feel that you need someone else to get at least a bit excited with and for you.
    And I decided to work on shrinking myself first, then exercise in a while, otherwise it feels a bit to me, like giving up smoking and drinking at the same time. On the other hand, I did walk the Bay run (over 8km in Sydney) last weekend, but slowly, and stopped whenever I felt like it and appreciated the surroundings.(used a heap of sunblock). and that is it for me tonight.. wherever you are – have the best day you can.

    Well done CD
    What a great life changing decision you have made. When the weight starts peeling off, you will feel revitalised and want to move more. Imagine how much better all your joints will feel without the extra load.
    You CAN get back to that 57kg. Just set a few achievable goals on the way down. Measure yourself completely now (use the tracker on this site) so that you can watch your success.
    All the best PVE

    T-8hrs to ‘breakfast’ (dinner):

    Just woke up from a quick nap feeling fresh and ready to work the final hours for the week. I love Fridays.

    Chicita I can taste you smoked salmon and prawn salad with my mind! Thanks for some inspiration for my shopping list.

    Im looking forward to dinner with my wife and son, and enjoying one of the greatest perks of 5:2 fasting: those feelings of love and gratitude I experience with every ‘breakfast’ dinner.

    8-40pm Friday
    Hi all. Well I jumped on the scales this morning after two fast days this week and I have lost 2.2kgs. I’m really happy with that and hope that I don’t put on between now and my next fast day which is Tuesday. What has really surprised me is my measurements, between Tuesday morning and now I have lost 5cm off my Bust, 3 from my Waist and Hips, 1 from my Neck and Calves, 4 from Thighs and 2 from Arms. How is this possible in 3 days? Not that I’m complaining. I am really pleasently surprised by the results and how easy it has been. It makes me want to tell others how easy it is, especially my sister. Last night I spoke to her about it but she just brushed it off. I think I will try to see her today and give her the book. I am so worried about her. She is not a healthy woman. She is 55yrs, only 5 foot 2, and has been told by a chiroprator that she has one of the smallest frame she has ever seen. But she must weigh in excess of 150kg easy, if not more ( I think she is a size 24 or 26). It has got to the point recently where she has trouble walking without a walker(though she blames that on an injury that she did to her back when she was 15), she has terrible asma, and incontinance, to the point where she often feels that she can not leave her house. She has devoted her life to her children and forgotten about herself. She can’t exercise and finds diets too hard. She wanted to get lap surgery but missed out on getting it under medicare and as she is now on a disability pension she can’t afford to pay for it. They wont opperate on her bladder as they say its not bad enough. Dont know how bad it needs to be, if she has a cough she has to sit with 2 towels on her chair. I love my sister, she is a caring and loving person and I feel I might lose her soon if nothing is done. She has given up on life. Last night an old flame of hers contacted her, years ago he was in love with her, but she broke his heart and married someone else. She has always wondered what would have happened if she had broken off her engagement and gone out with him. She is now divorced and alone but told me she couldn’t meet up with him, looking as she does. I am hopeing that getting back in touch with him might inspire her to try and improve her life. Wish me luck with trying to convince her to give this a go. She deserves to be happy and healthy and to have a man in her life who loves her.

    Hi peeps!

    I’ve lost a kilo in the last week. I’m down to 63.8kg. My goal weight is 63kg!!!!! A mere 800g to go. Happy dance! Happy dance! My body fat percentage climbed up when I was using the artificial sweeteners for those 3-4 weeks by 5 percentage point. So my goal now is yo build muscle & lose fat.

    BigKahunaDad – I’ve read back & saw you post about your childhood & growing up. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m so sorry the world is such a cruel place. I’m so proud of you & I hope you’re very proud of yourself ((BIG HUG))

    KelBurgess – Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I wish I’d known about this WOE before I got married. If you follow the 5:2 there’s a really good chance you’ll easily reach your goal weight (if not lower) within 9 weeks. Keep reading & posting here to stay motivated & get support x

    KathrynE – my sis lives in Melbourne. I wish, wish, wish, wish, wish with all my heart we lived closer. I adore her. We’re identical twins and we’re super close. My little sister (she’s 37 but will always be my little sister) lives in Brisbane. If any of us win first division of lotto we’re going to build a compound LOL. We’ll each have our own houses far enough away that we don’t hear each other but close enough that we can just run in & out of each other’s houses. We’re v similar in weight & goals. I started off at 73.5 with a goal of 67, then moved my goal to 65, then to 63. I stay motivated more easily by setting small goals that I feel are achievable.

    TubbyPlumber – Welcome! It is SO great to have guys on the forum. I hope it inspires more guys to do this WOL & to share/get support. P.S. – i can’t wait until you have to change your username & you dhow up as LeanPlumbingMachine πŸ˜‰

    I want to respond to everyone but it would take forever & my post alone would go for two pages. Xxx

    Keirra – I just read your post. Well done on such a great weight loss! I’m sorry to hear about your sister. Hopefully the combination of this old flame reaching out to her & your support will inspire her. I’ll be praying for her x

    Hi Skinny
    I finally got on the computer. Putting in your stats, your TDEE is 1736 cals! Therefore you can eat that on 5 days and up to 434 cals (or roughly 1800 kJ if you are using Aussie terminology) on fast days.
    I used the calculator on the home page of this site.
    Follow these numbers and you will achieve success. All the best PVE

    Hi all,

    Thank you for all your success stories. it is so inspiring to read how well you are all doing. Keirra I hope your sister will see how well you are doing and be motivated to jump on board with 5:2. I took my book down to my sister last week when we had a picnic together during the school holiday and her response was ‘it’s not hard energy out v’s energy in’ so I just took my book back and started reading it again. She may change her mind when she sees my body becoming lean and toned (lol here’s hoping). Although I only started Monday I feel absolutely great. My fast days are Monday and Thursday and I have been really successful on these days and I’m really excited to see what the next few weeks brings. I didn’t have a tape measure on Monday to do my measurements but I have one today so I will do my measurements which will be a great help I think. Good luck to those on the fast train today! Remain focused and determined you got this!!! Enjoy your beautiful Friday…..

    Have a great day fellow Friday fasters (bit early for alliteration – sorry ’bout that)

    Fantastic fellow Friday faster! Feel fit for fun πŸ™‚ P

    3-50pm Friday

    Hi ChicitaGatita,
    Congratulations on only having 800gms to go, that would be so exciting. I have just got back from seeing my sister, and I think your right. It seems that the timing is great for her to hear about this diet. The old flame of hers spoke to her on the phone for hours last night and now he says he would like to meet up with her. She is reluctant to do that, as she is so unhappy with the way she looks. But she really liked the sound of the 5:2 diet and has taken my book to read though it. Hopefully it will inspire her.

    Sorry to hear about your sister. But I think you are right, once she see’s how lean and toned you are, she will hopefully change her mind. I am finding that a lot of people are assuming that this is just, the next fad diet. I just tell them to look into the research. After speaking to my sister, a friend came along. She said that the most important thing was to eat breakfast every day and to have three good meals per day, otherwise your body goes into starvation mode and will hold on to (and turn into fat) every little bit of food you eat. She was very determined, so I just said that if that works for you, then that’s great but I like the sound of this diet for me.

    Hi all and welcome to all the new starters. Nice early 5am start for me here in WA. Woke up feeling very alert and rested after a good fast day yesterday ( a great relief after the horror of Monday). Did my usual Saturday morning weigh in and I am .4 away from being in the healthy weight range – the very high end but still – yah! After only three weeks of fasting I am very pleased, my knees are feeling happier and I am surprised at my healthy attitude to this wol. I have had a tendency in the past to get very ‘in the zone’ when dieting and become a little obsessive (it never lasts of course) but with 5:2 I am being mindful on my fast days and then pretty much not thinking about it the rest of the time – a much healthier attitude both mentally and physically.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    Congratulations Jenklar πŸ™‚ Have a great weekend. P

    Hello to all you incredible shrinking people,

    Well yesterday (Friday) was my fourth fast day and they do seem to becoming easier. As usual I abstained the entire day and had my usual soup in the evening except that I only had two bowls instead of three and didn’t miss the extra at all. Bay, I took your advice and left out the sweetcorn – thanks for the tip. Also no headache, which is encouraging. I sacrificed the green tea for plain water so whether or not that was a factor will be discovered over future fast days.

    Given they’re called β€˜Fast days’ they go bloody slowly!!

    Awoke this morning expecting to be ravenous and wasn’t. Not even a little hungry. Didn’t have breakfast until 10 o’clock. Scary!!

    P – You out-alliterated me the other day – Fantastic fellow Friday faster! Feel fit for fun – HA! Very good.

    I see there are a lot of people losing some good weight out there which is very inspiring:

    Nicky – 14cm off the waist, Chacita down to 64.9, KathrynE from 78 to 65.1 and dropping like a stone, Sarah67 down 3. You guys are fantastic and a tremendous source of motivation for those of us newly embarking upon this journey.

    I hope you all have a great weekend – I will be imbibing a few glasses of good wine tonight (it’s been a while) – and all the very best to you all for your Fast Days next week.

    Thank you for some great info on this blog
    I started 5:2 last Thursday as a test to see if i could do this program
    And to my surprise found it easy…I have never been one to drink water..Unless it had coffee in it.and on my first day only had fluids..Lot if water and.black tea..and soup for my meal…and surprise surprise I’m now drinking more water daily…lost 1 kg..mostly body stored water..but have been converted and this is now my new diet plan for life…hoping to loss around 4 kg but more importantly..reduce my risk of dementia.

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