Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,929 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 32 minutes ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 16,651 through 16,700 (of 28,033 total)

  • Lindsay, when I suggested 80g carb, it wasn’t friands I had in mind. šŸ˜€
    I think choosing to use it for legumes is a really wise choice as they have a much more moderate carb content than grains, they are filling, they are great for fibre and great for your gut bugs and they also can be the main protein source for your meal. I also remember you saying that you missed them, so hopefully having some will help you feel less deprived on your current eating regime.
    I would also suggest you look at using some of those extra carbs for things which are difficult to fit into a very low carb regime but are good healthy choices: fruit, soft dairy products and non-leafy veg.
    As you are planning to build up to 80g carb slowly it would be good to keep an eye on your appetite. Ketosis suppresses appetite so use that as a guide to the carb level that keeps you in mild ketosis – unfortunately it’s different for everyone so there is no guaranteed level that everyone can follow. I was easily able to eat 80g and keep my appetite suppressed but I know others who couldn’t get above 50g a day without coming out of ketosis.
    I have the same issue as many others when it comes to bread, I find it very hard to stop at one small piece. I use the freezer to get it out of easy reach and I also try not to have it every NFD.

    LJ. It is always dangerous for politicians to try for the common touch when they don’t have it. Better just to be different – two of our leading brexiteers don’t live on the same planet as the rest of us but remain extremely popular. I seem to have cracked the magnesium issue, at least there are no more problems.

    This is turning out to be a strange weekend. For the last few weeks we have had builders and their heavy plant around the house. I have had to be up and about very early and it has been unusually hot and dry. The forecast for the weekend was rain, torrential in places, so yesterday i got my shallots out of the ground and under cover. Not having to be up early, I awoke very late to the sound of gentle rain. It must have been heavier in the night – some of my outdoor tomatoes got flattened. The garden is greener already. Being late I turned on the TV for the news and found myself watching an old episode of “Food Unwrapped” – the one that told us that drinking coffee before exercise increases the metabolic rate and calorie consumption by 15%, that 6 cups of Rooibos/red bush tea a day inhibits fat storage and that sauerkraut is a useless probiotic because the bugs can’t survive the stomach acid, but that those in full fat yoghurt can. Unfortunately some new Belgian chocolate impregnated with good bacteria didn’t do well in the tests. Last night’s Beef Stroganoff was made with kefir instead of sour cream. Hope that survived.

    A gentle start to the day, picked tomatoes and froze the excess.

    I need to catch up on posting here! Iā€™ve been busy melting this past week. The temperatures have ranged from highs of 36 to 40 during the day. Thankfully, humidity is low. And the nighttime temps are about 20 to 23. At about 10 or 11pm we turn off the air conditioning, open some windows, and turn on the whole house (attic) fan which cools everything down pretty quickly. Penguin, we could use some of that rain over here! A few big fires burning around the state. The firefighters have their hands full.

    Lindsay, itā€™s hard for me to even imagine seeing a whole field full of sufhur crested cockatoos. I would have sat myself down at the edge of the field and stayed there as long as they did!

    LJoyce, Iā€™m surprised that cherries from here made it all the way to Aus. They always seem like a delicate fruit to ship so far. We have a bowl sitting on the kitchen counter right now too. The ones we have are sweet, and the ones most people prefer, but my favorite are the sour red cherries. The neighbors have a tree of them and several branches hang over the fence into our yard. Butte have to be quick to get a few before the birds get to them. They seem to know the exact day they are ready for eating.

    LJ, I like wallpaper too and had in in serial rooms in past homes, but only one room here. It looks like itā€™s gotten MUCH more expensive than it was about 15 years ago. But it all seems to be ā€œpeel and stickā€ these days rather than the preposterous kind we used to dip in water and then apply. I wonder which is more forgiving when lining it up?

    Thin, Iā€™ve become much more suspicious of fish from Vietnam such as tilapia after reading your comments a while back about farmed fish from there. Itā€™s kind of a dilemma though because even fish stores could mislabel the source. I have been trying to use more fish in our meals lately.

    Cinque, that ā€˜Sticky Monsterā€™ song is incredibly cute. But hearing it repeat over and over again would probably drive me bonkers after a while.

    LJ, that combination of vanilla almond milk and T2 Hot Date Chai sounds really good, both hot and cold. That tea is one of my favorites. Iā€™ve been off the caffeine for a few months until my BP gets adjusted back to normal. Iā€™m finally completely off the ā€˜dreaded BP medā€™ but I think Iā€™m still having some after effects from it. For a few days I had to take half of my regular med because my BP was very low. Then this morning it went high again. Iā€™m thinking it should all get back to normal within a week, just my body adjusting. I hope so because Iā€™m getting tired of checking it all the time.

    My weight was at 59.9 this morning. It was probably the tuna and macaroni salad that I made this week, a family favorite for the summer. FD coming up Monday.

    Good to hear from you CalifD, I was thinking about you while making coffee this morning – OH read out that 17 were missing in the wildfires. It must be frustrating having your BP dancing all over the place and needing to constantly check it. But at least you’re off the meds. Good that you’ve got your weight below 60 again. Are you enjoying ‘retirement’ mode and are you considering making it permanent?

    This is only my second FD in over 4 weeks and I’m looking forward to it. I felt guilty not fasting on Wednesday. I’m still only 59.4kg this morning so I think 6:1 is the correct thing to do for a while. I’ve got the root & barley and cauliflower soups ready to go so there’s nothing to think about. DD will be heading back to her final week of prac and I’ve defrosted a small pork loin for OH.

    Yesterday, I had a go at making a Sri Lankan eggplant curry. The aroma of the spices transported me straight back to our holiday. But sometimes I wonder whether people have actually tried the recipes they post. The only liquid was one third of a cup of coconut milk and a 1tbs vinegar. When they were added, the recipe read, ‘bring it to the boil’ but there was nothing to bring to the boil! I improvised and it turned out quite tasty.

    Cinque, I hope you have lots of fun with the little ones today. Have a great day all.

    Sybs- 18 kg lost since Jan ’18? That is so inspiring! Well done.
    Cinque- I had missed your comment about this forum not needing moderators. What a good thing that us. I wonder if there is an automatic filter that excludes spam.
    Thin- My husband & I went to Sri Lanka last year & absolutely loved it. We have always used Charmaine Solomon’s “Complete Asian Cookbook” & the recipes in that are scrumptious (& accurate). I could eat SR curries every day. YUM!

    I decided not to do a FD today as it would have meant 3 in one week & I am trying to just be consistent. I feel so much better already.
    It is bucketing down here in Tassie & I am enjoying a lazy day.

    @cate – thank you! to be really honest, I would not have thought it possible, and the weight loss started really slowly. In the beginning I noticed changing shape, without noticing weight loss. At the same time as starting 5:2 I also started walking for about an hour every morning – now the same distance only takes between 35-45 minutes – nothing too energetic, with occasional stops for taking nature photos. Also, in the beginning I counted calories on FDs just to get an idea of quantities, now I only do this when I try a new recipe. At this stage I am dropping around 1kg per week, but I am doing 4:3, and I am also doing 14 hours every day before eating, not just before FDs. Everything comes so naturally that I don’t even think about it. I realise every one of us is different, and we all arrive at our preferred variation of 5:2 in a different way.
    I would so much love to live in Tassie, but after such a long time living in the tropics, I am not sure how I would handle the cold / wet weather!

    Good morning SHs and happy FD to the Sunday fasters.

    Thin, sometimes I think ingredients just get left off, usually inadvertently. I have an aunt who used to deliberately give incorrect recipes of the things she was famous for baking. She didn’t want anyone making it as well as she did.
    Sounds like it’s soup day for you. I have taken minestrone out of the freezer for dinner, so I guess it’s soup day for me too.

    Cali, The heat you are experiencing sounds like an Aussie summer. I don’t find them pleasant either. I saw on this morning’s news that the California fires have deteriorated further, with lives lost now. I really hope you get a break in the weather soon and rain to allow the fire fighters to get the blazes under control.
    Cherries in our winter and oranges in our summer are the two main USA fruits that I see here every year. I’m never interested in buying the oranges as they arrive when we have all the many summer fruits to choose from. But I was getting very tired of the few seasonal winter fruits so the cherries were welcome. I think they come by plane, so it’s probably no longer a journey than trucking them across the USA by road.
    Sorry to hear that your BP is erratic. Mine goes up unexpectedly sometimes but is usually down again in a few days. I think it’s worth checking it across a week to be sure that any increase is sustained before it becomes an issue you have to deal with. I really hope that when you are settled back on your old BP medication that your BP will be stable.

    Penguin, I often use kefir instead of yoghurt or buttermilk in recipes – it depends what I happen to have in the fridge. I’m not sure how temperature sensitive it is. I know that the bacteria will die if it’s boiled or baked, but I have assumed (perhaps erroneously) that some survive when I’m just stirring it into a bowl of hot food.

    Sybs & Cate, every time the hot days of summer appear here I wish I was living Tassie too. I did go there one February and it didn’t get above 28C – just lovely.

    I’m having a bit of a hungry FD, probably because I ate less than usual yesterday. However doing a FD today is important as I have an infusion of my RA treatment drug tomorrow morning.

    LJ I looked up the carbs in a friand and they ranged from 4 (I don’t think so!) to 32 for a recipe including flour. These ones were made from almond meal, so I’m guessing fewer, but it was a once off for me. I’d much rather get my carbs from healthy foods, and save the ‘treats’ for the day I’m safely below my target. I made a lamb stir fry last night, for a break from the grills and green veges, and put some fresh corn in. It was a nice change.
    Actually my OH, the most supportive person on the planet, asked me this morning how long it would be before I could eat ‘normally’ again. Funny question. ‘Never’, I was about to say, but then realised he was actually asking about our old routine of sitting down to breakfast together. So I was able to reassure him that I’m only doing 16:8 til we go on holidays, then it will be back to 5:2. He was happy. My weight may not be moving as quickly as I’d hoped, but I got a double-dose of motivation this morning when I was going through the cupboard looking for an outfit to wear to a live performance later in the week. I found a black dress I’d bought ages ago which fitted like a dream, so with a red scarf and a pair of red heels (rescued from the big box lost under the house) I’m ready to go. Whoo hoo.
    I had a funny moment shopping yesterday. I ran into an old acquaintance, who commented how much weight I’d lost and asked how I’d done it. 5:2, I said. Intermittent fasting. ‘Oh that will never work’, she said. In the face of evidence to the contrary, it was a perplexing comment, no?
    Thin and Calif. Under 60. Congratulations both. You must both look amazing. And Sybs, thanks for the tips on how you are doing it. As you say, we each reach our own version of what works. Mine still needs tweaking, but I’m on my way.

    That was weird. I saw on the ‘log of most popular threads’ that Lyndsay had posted last. I scrolled to the last post because I’d read Sybs’ one earlier. As I was reading it, I increasingly thought this post sounds like one of LJ’s (especially the last sentence). And now I see that there is no post from Lyndsay. What’s the story?

    LJ, I, too, felt a bit hungry this morning but I’ve survived until my first feeding. After my walk, I re-weighed and was down to 58.8kgs. I’ll continue with 6:1 for as long as I’m able to sustain my weight below 60kgs but I do believe there are solid benefits to continuing 5:2 once our goal weight is achieved. (Portion control, maintaining a fasting rhythm, etc).

    After my walk I’ve spent some time trolling through legume recipes and I came across this. It appeals to me and though it might appeal to others also. I have not tested it yet:
    The main thing that appealed (apart from the fact that it’s a bread and it contains legumes) was that you can freely substitute any other legumes proving you keep the proportions the same. That definitely suits the way I tend to cook.

    I don’t know Thin! Into the ether again. Cinque found one from me a couple of days after I posted it (the last time this happened, a day or two ago).
    So….this is what I remember posting.
    LJ I checked the carb count for a small friand …one site said 4 (I don’t believe it!), another said 32. The one I had yesterday had almond meal, not flour, so I’m guessing somewhere in between. I don’t care really, because I won’t have another. The ones remaining have been safely stored in the freezer, for OH to take out when he fancies something sweet.
    Yesterday I cooked a lamb stir fry with lots of veges, including some fresh corn. It was delicious, and nice to have some different food, apart from grills and green veges. I am going to try 50 grams of carb a day, to see how I go.
    My weight may not be going down as quickly as I’d like, but I had motivation in huge doses this morning when I was looking for something to wear to a live performance later in the week. I found an unworn black dress that now fits perfectly, which with a red silk scarf I have, and a pair of high heel red suede shoes that came out of the forgotten box downstairs, will be tickety-boo.
    I had a funny encounter yesterday at the shops. I saw an acquaintance I hadn’t seen for ages, and she commented on how much weight I’d lost and asked how I’d done it. ‘5:2, intermittent fasting’, I said. ‘That will never work,’ she replied. What a strange response, in the face of proof positive that it is working.
    Night all.

    Oh, and I also congratulated Calif and Thin for being under 60 kilos, and Sybs for having a target and being nearly there.
    And Penguin, I suspect our multi-multi millionaire PM has never tasted a pie in his life, except possibly in a French retaurant and called something quite different. Good for him for having a go though – even if he didn’t know how to tackle it.

    Hi everyone šŸ™‚ itā€™s Sunday evening. Today we have been up to Sydney for my grandmothers 80th birthday. It was really lovely to catch up with all the family. What I really wanted to mention was how awesome it felt to dress up a bit for the day out. It is the first time I have actually dressed up and not hated the way I looked
    ( in a very long time). I wasnā€™t too dressed up, but I was happy with what I was wearing ( denim skirt, light jumper and awesome killer sandal heels, I work in the shoe biz, I should wear nice shoes!)
    There were lots of photos taken and I could actually look at them and not feel disgusted. I remember seeing a photo with me in it, about two years ago, and crying my eyes out. All because I couldnā€™t believe how fat I looked in it.
    So everyone, please just do your best. Donā€™t beat yourself up. Try B2B if u like and if it suits keep going. If not do separate FD. The main thing is to keep on it for the long term. Do what works for YOU. This is about you not what works for anyone else!!
    Oh on another note. Does anyone find the konjac noodles make u windy?? If u know what I mean?

    Love u all, love reading your posts and thank you all for being here xx

    Cali. Once again we worry about you. There seem to be wildfires everywhere this year. Stay safe.

    I am trying to eat more fish but the source can be a problem. I try to buy individual fish from a someone I trust but the standby stock in my freezer is an anonymous bag of “cod loins”.

    Sybs. 18K? It took me forever to lose that much.

    LJ. I feel as though we have nearly had an Australian summer. For over a month the temp was in the high 20s/30s and there was no rain. A month of sandals in the dust and in spite of a nightly scrubbing my feet are never going to be clean again. All changed on Friday night. It has been raining pretty steadily for us since then. We got off lightly – some parts have had serious storms and a month’s worth of rain in 24 hours. Temp now is 16C and after a month of shorts and T shirts I am in long pants and a T under a long sleeved polo. Normally I am in shorts all summer, but I am feeling the change.

    Lindsay L. I never thought I would say this, I am sorry for your multi-millionaire PM. To reach that age without eating a good pie is serious deprivation.

    Tomorrow is FD, and I canā€™t wait. Iā€™m really looking forward to, Ive finally learned how it feels to really look forward to dinner. Iā€™ve bought a couple ( ummm 6) books about 5:2. Mostly recipes. So when I try them I will definitely let u all know. Ok enough rambling (quacking) ….. see ya šŸ˜‰

    Such great stories Quacka and Lindsay (and I’m sorry that I keep spelling both your names incorrectly). Shame you can’t post photos of yourselves in your killer outfits. Lindsay, what a ridiculous response from that acquaintance. I suppose she means that you won’t be able to sustain it. Well, you’ll show her! I received silly comments about two years into this WOL from people I didn’t see often – “oh, you haven’t gained all the weight back yet then” is one I recall. My doctor says it’s because we have challenged people’s notion of ‘normality’. They just don’t know how to deal with a major change.

    I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed my root and barley soup! It’s one sixth of a batch for 259 cals, about so filling and warming. And, it looked a whole lot better than OH’s pork loin!

    P.S. Posts are coming thick and fast this evening. Penguin, we’ve had a great deal of rain this week too. But it is winter. I can hardly keep on top of the weeds since getting home.


    Just call me Q. And although I havenā€™t responded individually to each of u, I have read your posts. Stay safe and I want you to know you are all amazing. I have just been texting with my niece…. a whole other story I will share with you soon. Good night xx

    Penguin, the only danger weā€™re in from the wildfires right now are to our lungs. The smoke is blowing in this direction and itā€™s a little overcast, so weā€™re smelling a lot of smoke. Trying to stay indoors. Prayers for everyone who lives in those areas and have lost homes or have had to evacuate.

    Lindsay, itā€™s always nice to discover unworn clothes that were too small before, but now fit. I love the idea of the little black dress with a red scarf and red heels. Thatā€™s a great combo.

    Quacka, isnā€™t it nice to see a new thinner you in family photos? Congrats to both you and Lindsay!

    Thin, itā€™s almost like people we havenā€™t seen in a while expect us to fail. This is the only way of eating that I know of that keeps the kgā€™s off without a lot of effort.

    Good morning,
    What a busy weekend on here! Lovely to read all the posts.

    Cate it might have been you who inspired me to do B2B, and yes, I need to practice the other days too.
    I want to get to Sybs ability and have my eating habits pretty much the same all days, ie not ‘whoopee Fast Day is over, what shall I eat?”

    We do have a tech person here (JJ) who gets rid of the spam, helped by any of us who report a post. But it is the jumping in to deal with heated exchanges, or abusive language, or to support someone who is being picked on or scapegoated that is the sort of forum admin work that I respect so much anyone doing, and so glad that we haven’t needed. Do you have to do much of that on the forum you moderate?

    Sybs, that is excellent about the shredded beancurd sticks, I’ll look out for them.
    Congratulations on your success with 5:2 and all the things you are doing to lose that excess weight and increase your health. https://pvsmt99345.i.lithium.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/11515i5FE675D18BD5D6D4/image-size/large?v=1.0&px=999

    Thin, you would need a cup of coffee and a couple of stiff drinks to watch that Sticky monster song. Cali was very brave!

    LJoyce, enjoy those new slippers. And the other things. A great NFD followed by an excellent FD I hope.

    Lindsay, it is cruel how you are losing posts. I wonder if JJ the technical contact has any ideas. There is a link to her email at the bottom of the page.
    The outfit sounds gorgeous too! Haha with that comment from your acquaintance. Looking right at you when she said it!

    Penguin, I am so glad to hear of that good rain, finally! So sorry for the flattened tomatoes though. That ‘Food Unwrapped’ is full of interesting bits and pieces. I haven’t seen it here.

    Cali, the fires sound awful and they seem to be a yearly occurrence now. It is so frightening. And even though you are safe, you are still melting. I hate nights in the 20’s, although the low 20’s and low humidity is better.

    Oh dear, your BP is still rattling around. Sending lots of good wishes that it settles down to a good healthy level over the next week or so, and you can start feeling like yourself again.

    One of my favourite sugarfree drinks at the moment is a couple of drops of vanilla extract and a good dash of milk, filled up with boiling water. The vanilla and milk taste very sweet.

    It sounds like you are doing well with yummy salads.

    Thin, it’s true, you never know with recipes, and pity the poor person who isn’t confident enough to adjust as they go. (I have one recipe in my book where I wrote with big letters “Halve the chickpeas and double the spices”.)

    Charmaine Solomon is very reliable, Cate, I agree! I love her recipes and also have a great Sri Lankan recipe book by a local, Sri Lankan born, chef. Making me hungry!
    (It includes a beetroot curry, Thin. Yum! šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ )

    LJoyce, your cheeky aunt! I’ve heard that cooks sometimes do that. It seems extraordinary to me.
    I am so excited by your adai recipe! I’ve been looking up all about it. The most similar one I have is Pesarattu: soaked whole mung beans with spices and a bit of riceflour, which I make quite often, but I am keen to try your link now.

    Quacka, so lovely to hear of your grandmothers 80th birthday, and even better to hear how great you looked and felt, and finally photos showing how great you look. (I’ve had my time crying my eyes out over the sight of me in a photo too). I am so happy, and the greatest thing of all is that it is for the rest of your life!

    Those konjac noodles are just the sort of food to get all the way down to your lower gut to feed the good microbes there. But Oh dear, you haven’t got enough of the right good microbes. The ones you do have will have had a great feed and can start multiplying.
    Other microbes have had to do their best to digest the rest of the konjac but it isn’t really their food and so they have made a lot of gas in the process, and you are dealing with the consequences. Maybe have less konjac noodles until the right little microbes have built up their numbers. Increase the amount gradually.
    This is true for beans and lentils too, and for eating large amounts of vegetables.

    Well, I’ve had a lovely start to the day writing this (longest post ever?) and drinking my morning cups of tea. Best wishes to everyone, the start of a good week, I hope!

    Quacka, your post was very moving. I doubt there’s even one of us who didn’t recognise the feeling, of seeing ourselves in a photo and hating it. (I’ve spent years behind the camera, so I don’t have to be in front of it). There’s a lightness (not just physical) that comes with mastering this weight bugbear that has plagued us for so long, and stepping out looking our best. And with killer heels? What can I say? I bet you looked amazing.

    Thin I don’t mind how you spell my name – I’m just happy to see your comments.

    Penguin the accepted wisdom (?) here in Australia is that the further west you go (ie out of the east coast cities and into the bush), the better the pie. I’ll leave it to other, thinner people to test that theory.

    Calif thank you for the congratulations – I have a way to go yet, but I am focussed and will get there.

    It’s a lovely sunny mild day here in the north, after some light rain overnight, so I’m in the garden this morning, planting some spring annuals and giving a couple of bushes a haircut while OH is out of the way.

    Where are you this morning Cinque?

    There you are Cinque – you posted while I was doing the same.

    Well Cinque, that was a long post and handy for catching up on everyone else’s events – but nothing of you! How was your day with the little ones? I agree with you about trying to bridge the gap between what’s eaten on FDs and NFDs. At the same time, I do believe in fasting for the food discipline it requires as well as its health benefits other than weight loss. It’s taken some years for me but I do believe that I am finally eating to sustain a size 10 body. I am currently at 58.8kgs with little or no effort. Hurray for 5:2. To Lindsay’s acquaintance and all the other nay-sayers: Oh yes, it DOES work! Monday fasters, have a great day! Ignore the noise.

    CalifD, hoping you soon get some good quality air to breathe.

    Lindsay, I used to look at photos of myself and not really believe I looked like that i.e. it was just a ‘bad’ photo. But what eventually did it for me was sitting naked on the bed in the spare bedroom which has mirrors on the cupboards. An unpleasant reality.

    Just a quick post as I wait for the nurse to arrive.

    FD was ok, but I struggled with the cold all day – sometimes happens to me on FDs. I ended up soaking in a hot bath to get rid of the chill.
    This morning I thought Iā€™d start my day with a glass of kefir with almond milk and inulin powder. I shook the kefir bottle not realising the lid wasnā€™t on properly. My kitchen was sprayed with dollops of kefir that took ages to clean up. Just when I thought I was done Iā€™d keep finding another little splodge of it somewhere. I suspect Iā€™ll keep finding bits I missed later.

    Iā€™ll respond to the many new posts later when I have the laptop on. Have a good day everyone and good luck to the fasters.

    Cinque-No, it’s a friendly forum but does get LOTS of spam. I love being able to just get rid of it(& the people who put it there).
    Until I find the Konjac block I think I will buy more of the noodles from Woolworths. I am fasting today & my stomach is making one heck of a lot of noise, but that’s ok. As Thin said, “Ignore the noise.” I made a delicious smelling soup yesterday in preparation for today (only 172 cals) & I’ll wait as long as I can before I have any. Happy fasting. You are all an inspiration to me & it’s great to hear your success stories & how you deal with maintenance.

    Cate, ha ha, I didn’t mean ignore the noise from your own grumbling stomach but let’s include that too!

    LJ, you have anointed your kitchen with a magic ingredient. It can only signal good health. Off to bridge and hoping not to annoy anyone with silly mistakes.

    Good Morning everyone,
    Sorry to be absent – Iā€™ve been in a weird food space for a little while. I managed to burn the very back of my throat, which meant eating only having very cold drink/food for awhile. Eat icecream, was part of the medical advice. Also no spices. I had no idea how long it would take to recover, and there was a possibility of infection.

    What to do. Bit of a dilemma how to keep my weight from ballooning, and to keep this low cal. There are asian milky iceblocks, redbean, taro, green tea, tea with little jelly balls, that are much lower calories than normal iceblocks and icecreams, so Iā€™ve lived on those, and my throat is improving. Cold bland vegetable and chicken soup with ice cubes has come next, and last night had warm fish and soft vegies for first time.

    Doing well now, so going to do a FD today with with just iced water or very weak tea/decaf coffee with icecubes.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Will catch up with posts later today.

    Check in: Starting FD at 65.8kgs, 3.8kgs over goal weight.

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Thin- It was funny timing reading the “ignore the noise” šŸ˜ƒ
    Merry- ouch re your throat! Only 3.8 kg above your GW? Excellent.

    Back again to respond properly to the multitude of posts. My infusion went well – I always hold my breath while the drip needle is going in and hope they get it first time. Since I lost weight this is a much easier process thankfully.

    Thin, I’m pleased to hear that your single FD has eliminated the slight weight increase you noted over the week. It does sound like 6:1 will work unless your food choices or portion sizes change or you become less active.
    I hope I’ve removed all of the kefir decoration as like all dairy it will start to smell soon if I’ve missed any.
    Enjoy your bridge morning.

    Cate, in addition to the Slendier noodles, which all supermarkets seem to carry, there is a cheaper option. Changs make konjac noodles too, but they are labelled “Super Lo-Cal Wok-Ready Noodles” – no mention of konjac until you read the ingredients. Unlike all other brands, these are shelved with the other Asian noodles and usually on the top shelf. I’ve also only ever seen them in Coles supermarkets. The packets contain a little less than the Slendier packets but are about half the price. Changs don’t have a variety of noodle shapes just one size (about the diameter of fairly thin spaghetti). The blocks of Konjac that Thin mentioned would be much cheaper again, but harder to find.
    I see you’ve caught the FD soup bug. It’s just the most convenient FD food, especially in cold weather.

    Quacka, If we can call you Q does that mean you are now inventing gadgets for 007?
    I think Cinque’s description of why konjac noodles can cause digestive issues was spot on. The reason konjac has so few calories is because it’s almost entirely plant fibre. I also had a similar reaction to legumes/pulses when I first started to increase the amount I was eating. It took about 3 weeks for it to stop and I assume that meant my gut finally had a big enough population of the right bugs to deal with the change of diet. I find every time I take antibiotics I have similar problems for a few weeks until my gut bug population recovers.
    Your book purchasing reminds me of myself a bit. Although with ebooks it’s so easy to hide from the book hoarding these days.
    Not being scared of the camera is a wonderful improvement. I envy you those high heels – I always think it so much easier to look elegant (and taller) in heels.

    Lindsay, that outfit sounds perfect, especially the red suede shoes. I love suede shoes (I used to have a treasured purple pair). How wonderful to find unworn treasures in the wardrobe that now look good.
    I hope the 50g of carbs works well for you. I think adding a higher carb veg that you’ve been missing, like corn, is an excellent way to take your carb levels from very low to moderate. I think the carb foods that convert slowly into energy (like veg) are much better for you (and your blood sugar levels) than those that convert quickly into sugars (like sugar and white flour).
    I think the better meat pie tends to be produced by small or local bakeries rather than the large commercial ones that supply the cities. I don’t much care for the efforts of our biggest commercial bakeries here in S.A. but there are smaller local bakeries (especially in the Adelaide Hills) that make excellent pies. Not something I’ve bought in quite some time though.

    Cali, I’m still praying for rain for California and hoping you get cleaner air and less heat soon.
    Cali (and anyone else familiar with Canada), my best friend’s daughter is moving to Canada to do her Masters degree in Music. I’ve promised to make Canadian themed goodies for her going away party. I’m at a bit of a loss to think of things that I identify as Canadian, maple syrup (perhaps in a cheesecake) and a lumberjack cake were the only things I could come up with. Do you have any other ideas of foods that Canada is famous for?

    Penguin, can I assume there is much celebrating just across the border in Wales with the Tour de France win. Or do they not bother with any sport other than rubgy.
    Yes it does sound like you’ve had an Australian summer to me too. Even your description of a downpour after weeks of heat is also what happens here. By the time the rain arrives the ground is so parched and hard it can’t absorb the water so it runs off and causes flooding in low lying areas.
    I’ve heard of cod, but not cod loins – dare I ask what they are? Is it similar to a pork or lamb loin chop?

    Cinque, you comment “hoopee Fast Day is over, what shall I eat?” rang far too many bells for me. The only time I seem to get past this is when I do 3 NFDs in a row – by the time I get to the third day I’m ready for some moderation.
    I too have writing in many of my recipe books where I changed quantities or cooking times or ingredients and liked the result.

    Merry, that sounds like a very painful injury, glad to hear it’s finally recovering. Hope you are back to normal soon.

    After much dithering I finally chose a wallpaper to use behind the glass doors of my new dining room cabinets. The cheapest options was to order it from the UK and have it shipped, even with the shipping cost it’s still cheaper than buying it here. They say delivery is by courier within 2 weeks – that was also faster than ordering it through a store here. I ended up choosing a fairly simple leafy pattern in mostly grey https://www.wallpaperdirect.com/au/products/albany/isla/149626 It’s a safe rather choice rather than an exciting choice. I figure if I get bored with it, I can always replace it in a few years. Once I have the rest of the furniture in place I may also be more confident to choose a paper with some colour in it.

    It’s probably time for me to go for a walk now as the sun has emerged from behind the ever present cloud cover.

    Ye gods, are they all six foot wide in Canada? https://www.hostelworld.com/blog/best-traditional-canadian-food/ It looks utterly deplorable (with the possible exception of the split pea soup and, ok, maybe the unemployment pudding). šŸ˜†

    I don’t have any but I like wallpaper. It reminds me of growing up in England where the wallpaper never matched the curtains or the carpets. Which leads me to Endeavour, Cinque. I have just caught up on episode 5 where Insp. Thursday makes the comment pre-empting his retirement plans, “We’re meat and two veg coppers, not Danger Man”. Did you have the latter in Australia?

    LJ- I’ll have to make a list of the variations available in the konjac noodles, for when I’m out & about. I’ll just buy some Slendier ones from Woolworths until then. My soup was yummy & I have only had 1/3 of it(57 cals), followed by 15 g of jerky & 1/2 a mandarin. I have put aside 1/3 of it to have tomorrow. I may go B2B tomorrow but will see if I wake up really hungry. It’s either that or Friday & Fri seems so far away!
    Thin- That food looks gross. We’re thinking of going to Canada next year but haven’t decided 100%. I don’t think I would be eating much of that stuff.

    Hi Cate, LJ and Thin,

    LJ – over in goldrush Yukon country anything sourdough eg,
    Fresh Fruit Sourdough Cobbler
    Chicken Pot Pie with Sourdough Pie Crust
    Sourdough Stuffing with Fresh Apples – yes itā€™s a dish not just a stuffing
    Sourdough Steak
    Sourdough Pizza Crust
    sourdough Pancakes
    Goldrush Steak Supper
    I have the recipes for those.

    Seafood Chowder of various sorts
    Bears Claws – like doughnut dough in flat shape cut on one side to resemble fingers
    Bacon, Banana and Maple Syrup – sounds weird, but works.

    potatoes, onions, carrots, dried peas, dried beans, apples, eggs, butter, chicken, venison,

    Fruit pies of various sorts with shortcrust pastry.

    Poutine is probably the most famous, but though I really like trying all sorts of foods overseas, poutine just looked so horrendously like fat on a plate I couldnā€™t bring myself to buy it or eat it, and I wasnā€™t even on 5:2 then.

    When I saw that list, the poutine reminded me of Porto’s famous Francesinha in Portugal.

    Merry, how did you burn your throat? Ouch. I hope it feels better soon. Bad luck being prescribed a remedy of ice cream! šŸ˜†

    Hi all, I hope everyone is well.

    Yes I am still here!!! I have been really busy with work, travel, homestays and health problems.

    Sybs – sorry not able to walk far as I have hip and back problems. I am hoping that I can sort things out soon so I can walk again.

    CalifD – I heard about bushfires again and remembered how worried we were the last time. Are you ok?

    Sorry, but OH is overseas and I am the boss, have to get back to the phone calls and paperwork.

    catch up again soon……Julie

    @julie – good to hear from you. Just text me when you are ready to walk again

    The walk took a bit longer than I expected, I got lost. Eventually I found the railway line so I found my may home from there. My knees are swollen and sore right now.

    I think I’m sorry I asked about Canadian foods.
    But thank you all for the ideas.
    Poutine – I’m sorry but words fail me. I cannot imagine anyone wanting to eat that.
    The fruits pies look tempting but actually it’s the Nanaimo bars that I’ll probably track down a recipe for as I need things that are truly finger food and I’m only baking sweets. I might consider doing the butter tarts too – they actually look a lot like the pecan tarts that are sold in many bakeries here.
    Personally I find the fruit pies the most tempting, but I won’t be making the for the party as they would be too messy as finger food – someone always ends up with the filling dribbled down the front of their jumper.

    Cinque, I have some beans soaking to make a batch of your Nigerian Red Bean Stew. As usual I’m not sticking to the recipe, but using whatever beans I happen to have on hand, which today turns out to be borlotti beans. I remember last time I made this, thinking the combination of tomato, lemon and peanut paste was never going to work, and was amazed at how nice it tasted.

    Time for a cup of tea I think before I sort out some dinner. I had a large lunch – roast chicken & veg (leftovers from Saturday night) so I’m not hungry yet.

    Good evening,

    So good to see your post JJulie! But sorry about the bad health things. This year has been a rotten run for you. Looking forward to when you have time for another catch up. And hopefully soon you are able to walk easily again.

    LJoyce, Canadian foods! I remember a friend who moved to Canada said that Caesar salad was the thing over there, with every family having their own recipe, just like we do with coleslaw. That inspired me to google Canadian salad and this one came up quite a lot and I thought you might like it: https://pulses.org/recipes/recipe/255-the-great-canadian-salad
    I also looked up blueberries and found this: http://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/canadian-blueberry-dessert-135278

    Thin, the poutine reminds me of the Halal Snack Pack.

    Merry, how awful to burn your mouth that badly!
    I understand exactly how it happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2Axsnn_0to Your real name is Sasha the Gypsy. But no more! Ok? šŸ˜‰
    You did well finding things to eat while your throat healed.

    I’ve just put a big veggie tray bake in to cook. I’m going back to read about wallpaper and spam and all the other things.

    Cinque, someone was asking recently about good salad recipes containing legumes. That Canadian salad link that you posted looks like an excellent one, I’d make that for myself (although it doesn’t bear any resemblance to a caesar salad).

    Ha LJoyce, google Canadian Caesar salad and you will have lots of options there!
    Good luck with the Nanaimo bars. And the Bean stew!

    I’m eating my yummy veggies now with some eggplant-tahini sauce. Very yummy.

    Thin, the kids were lovely yesterday. Little Miss almost 2 was very keen to sit in the small dolly pusher, but after some negotiation I brought in the old umbrella style pusher I have and she sat in it (with the seatbelt bit done up) very happily for about 20 minutes, in the middle of the living room.

    Merry, I hadn’t come across sourdough piecrust before, I think I will try one.

    Yay for soup, especially on Fast Days.

    Cali, I hope the air quality is improving.

    Night all.

    LJoyce, I love your wallpaper choice. It light, bright, and has a happy look to it. Sticking with neutral colors is always nice when you want to add other color accents.
    The site for Canadian Foods I came up with is much like the one thin posted but with fewer items: https://www.gadventures.com/blog/canadian-food-travel/ When Iā€™m in Canada, itā€™s usually on the west coast in BC, so thereā€™s definitely a British influence there, like the British Fish and chips with the Barley Malt Extract vinegar. Maple Syrup is always popular as are salmon and smoked salmon dishes, but thatā€™s popular from Northern California all the way up. I remember, years ago before they started selling Salt & Vinegar potato crisps in the U.S. when Iā€™d drive up over the border, coming from Seattle, the first thing Iā€™d do is stop and buy bags of them. I love Salt & Vinegar potato crisps! (Called chips here.) Not a low cal choice, but what can I say?

    Caesar salad is very popular here as well, one of my favorite salads. There are lots of versions and many that I donā€™t care for. Hereā€™s the closest one to the type I make: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/caesar-salad-recipe6-2047826 I always use a lot less oil than salad dressings call for. Lots of lemon juice, never mayo in a Caesar. Anchovies are essential, at least a couple.

    Julie, thank you for checking in and letting us know how youā€™re doing. Iā€™m sorry to hear youā€™re still suffering with the health problems.

    Merry, your throat sounds painful. How did it happen? The ice cream cure sounds wonderful. šŸ˜ For a NFD, of course.

    The wind is blowing another direction so the air has cleared a lot. The temps are predicted to be in the low 30ā€™s this week so a nice break there. (If the weather reports are to be believed.)

    I made an appointment to get my hair colored and cut today, the first time since my hospital stay in April. I think it was March the last time I had it colored so I finally found out what color my hair really is. Itā€™s coming in kind of a platinum white. Not a bad color, but the lack of color will probably make me look more pale and washed out as it grows. Time to get back to blind with some darker ā€œlow lightsā€. I need things to be back to normal. šŸ˜Š

    Oh, and ā€Piegateā€ has made the New York Times this morning. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

    Piegate is funny. I think we can beat it. Our new Foreign Secretary, currently on a visit to China, told his hosts that his wife is Japanese, then remembered she is actually Chinese. So, first conversation of a diplomatic visit offends two nations and his wife. We thought his predecessor was the gaffe king. Perhaps not.

    Quick post this one, I am on day one of an arts summer school. I rushed home to be here when a new oil tank arrived; which it did, two hours late. We got it into position, the delivery driver left and the installation technician said “That tank is no good. It will have to go back, you need a replacement.” Which leaves me in an excellent mood to do my on-line language courses. For some reason I thought it might me fun and keep my elderly brain active to learn French and Portuguese whilst keeping my German up to speed. It is quite entertaining, except for the frustration that the on-line courses all teach Brazilian Portuguese which differs slightly from the European which I need. Also that this week all three languages seem to have a food fixation.

    Quick post- woke up after W3, F1 feeling so much lighter & excitedly got on the scales to see a 1 kg gain! šŸ™ So, I’m doing B2B today. I ate <500 cals yesterday & have been eating between my BMR & TDEE(sedentary) on the NFD. Surely it must drop soon.

    Good morning,
    I am cooking adai! But the first one stuck quite badly so I need to clean the pan and prepare it again. Probably a good thing as the mixture can mature a bit. The bits I could scrape off were so yummy.

    I think they might really suit for breakfast after fast day (when I have worked out how to cook them properly).

    Cate, your scales are having an evil day. Ignore them, and concentrate on the lovely feeling of lightness. They will buckle down and catch up eventually!

    Cali, I love the way you described LJoyce’s wallpaper choice.
    And I am so glad you can head off and get your hair done. I hope it makes you feel like a million dollars. It should definitely make you feel you are getting back to normal.

    Penguin, that is a shocking politician stuff up. Good grief.
    I hope you get to enjoy your art day today.
    Oh dear, I meant to get back to try learning a language, but my poor old brain hasn’t even been able to get me started.

    Read up about sourdough pastry and gave up on trying to make it. Definitely one for someone with starter to use up.

    Hope bridge was fun yesterday Thin.

    Best wishes to everyone for a good day today.

    @cate – don’t worry, it will drop – when I started 6 months ago, nothing seemed to happen in regards to my weight, BUT shorts and blouses started to get less tight. Then the weight loss started, and after a tiny little plateau, it keeps on going down at around 1kg per week (some weeks a little more and some weeks a little less). I only weigh myself once a week. Keep going, the results will come :-))

    Cate, I sometimes found that the weight loss was recorded the day after the day after the FD. Keep going. You’re doing your body a lot of favours in other ways and the weight loss will be an added bonus.

    CalifD, nothing like a good cut and colour to make you feel renewed. I don’t much care for the process, especially if I have to listen to the cutter’s boyfriend woes for 2 hours. I’ve only experienced a caesar salad in the true sense of how I understand it should be made in one restaurant. It was a French restaurant called ‘Sommelier’ and was located in a basement in Tijuana. Waiters prepared it at your table which is the only possible way to get the egg served correctly. A bit far for you CalifD, but we used to cross the border to eat there regularly.

    Cinque, have fun in the kitchen. Yes thanks, bridge was a success yesterday. It’s taken nearly 6 months for me to emerge from the fog. The more I learn, the less I realise I know.

    I no longer listen to the news and my BP is much happier for it. In Australia, it’s preceded by very dramatic & serious sounding music after which one might expect a “we shall fight them on the beaches” speech. Instead you get some stupid non-story about a politician doing or saying something totally irrelevant.

    Good Morning allšŸ™‚

    Lovely to be reading everyoneā€™s news and 5:2 progress.

    Cate- I second Thinā€™s comment re a down on the scales the day after the day after happening sometimes. Can be unpredictable but you can be assured something is happening somewhere in your body that makes sense to your body and your scales , and they both let you know later on.

    Re Canadian food – the other thing I remember is cinnamon scrolls – but that may be more Alaskan than Canadian – canā€™t quite remember. They were a constant in shops all through our trip there where we drove a motorhome. One day we kept seeing handwritten signs for ā€œthe largest cinnamon scrolls in the worldā€ tacked on trees for many, many miles. We eventually pulled in at a log cabbinish place set back from the road that was cafe, bar, with tables and old piano, a bit worn. Obviously ā€œtouristsā€. We walked up to the counter where a huge gorilla/senior citizen was standing behind the counter knuckles down leaning on the counter, not quite glaring at us. On the counter in front of him were various sized, but huge, cinnamon scrolls, and behind him was the longest photo – about 5 or 6ft – of about 50-100 Hellā€™s Angels lined up side by side. Him and his friends when he was a bit younger. Yes, he made the scrolls. Yes we bought one. It took 2 of us 5 days to eat it. LJ – maybe the opposite – tiny ones – might be good finger food.

    Piegate? I must have missed something along the way.

    Penguin – very much Aussie weather, late Spring-ish. Hope the rest of your garden survived OK. Enjoy the art workshop. Bliss.

    Cinque – I thought you made sourdough sometimes. LoL, oh I definitely burnt it swallowing firešŸ˜œ

    On iview, on ā€œYou Canā€™t Ask Thatā€. One of the episodes is about food disorders. Watched it yesterday, and found it interesting. Also watched latest episode of ā€œWar on Wasteā€, on plastic bottles and plastic straws. Scary stuff. We gave a Soda Stream to a rellie for Christmas last year precisely because of their concern over plastic bottles as they went through heaps.

    Check-in: 65.5kgs, 3.5kgs above goal weight.

    Trying a normal food day today. Burnt throat was from someone elseā€™s soup that had tiny diced potato in it. First spoonful a piece stuck to the back of my throat and was super hot, as potato can be. Washed it down with water in my glass, but in hindsight, should have asked for ice straight away. I was being too polite and didnā€™t say anything It happened 3 more times, and I finished the soup, then had a hot drink later, giving the cold sweets a miss. Got home and headed straight for icewater with lots of ice. The next morning it was quite worrying, and I donā€™t think I could have got food down at all. I did all the wrong things, and compounded the problem, and the icewater was too late to stop the severity of the burn. The solution was fun for a short time because it helped numb the pain, and the milk part helps coat the throat soothing it a bit. Never again!

    Onwards and Downwards,
    Still feeling like itā€™s Groundhog Day till I get back to under 64kgs.

    Thank you, Cinque, Sybs, Thin & Merry. I got such a shock when I got on the scales & I think now that this happened when I first started 5:2 years ago. My body feels like it’s thanking me, even if the scales are being mean. I feel really good. Thanks for the encouragement šŸ‘

    Well done Cate! Good attitude.

    We have learnt that scales occasionally disobey their masters, have a life of their own, being ornery and discombobulating. You are allowed to swear colourfully at it on those occasions.

    Good morning all.

    JJulie, good to hear from you. You sound very busy at present. Hope your health worries are behind you now.

    Merry, I hope you throat is continuing to recover. Thanks for the cinnamon rolls. I might pass that idea along to my friend as she is not a baker, but I know we can get large bags of frozen cinnamon rolls from Ikea here and they just need a few minutes in the oven. I know this because I look longingly at them every time I go in to buy the rye crispbreads that they also sell.
    Merry, the War on Waste reminded me how often I forget that each state has such different rules/laws. I take for granted what happens in S.A. and forget that it’s not necessarily the same elsewhere. I’m in my 50s and I can barely remember a time when we didn’t have a refundable deposit on all plastic/glass drink bottles and also aluminium soft drink cans. I think it was Don Dunstan who introduced it in the 1970s – he was a premier who was definitely ahead of the times and became infamous for showing up to parliament in pink shorts. He also decriminalised homosexuality, got rid of the death penalty, relaxed the hotel drinking laws and lowered the voting age to 18. Although not all of ideas were good – he tried to set up a satelite city at Monarto (an hour’s drive into the Adelaide Hills) – that didn’t work, the only ting there now is a zoo. He took us from being one of the more conservative states to the most progressive – it’s been a backward slide ever since I think.

    Cate, I agree with Sybs comment. I find the tape measure or my clothing are a more reliable indicator of both effort and progress than the scales.

    Cali, thankyou for your comments on my wallpaper. Despite them promising it within 10 business days I have already received a text from DHL couriers to tell me it’s left Gatwick and should be delivered to me this Friday.

    Thin, lad to hear you are getting better at bridge.

    Cinque, well done for trying the adai. When a regional cooking surface is specified I always worry whether my pans will be ok. If you can get them to not stick please share the secret.
    I do find that for other Indian flatbread like roti and chappati, my cast iron skillet works very well but my normal frying pans do not.

    Piegate – Oddly enough the only place I saw this was on the BBC new website, along with the forein minister’s gaff that Penguin described.

    Thanks, Merry. You made me laugh because I did actually swear at the scales this morning!
    LJ- Don Dunstan was a wonderful premier & was way ahead of his time. He also had a man bag. I loved him. I still have his cookbook. It’s crazy that all states don’t have container deposit schemes.
    I will try not to get upset with the scales as you have all made me feel more confident that I will lose weight. I can tell my stomach has shrunk, both inside & out & my pants feel looser already. One thing I really noticed today, doing B2B is how I have not been at all hungry. I have only had 15g of Territory jerky & green tea & it’s after 4 pm. I love it!

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