Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,920 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 6 hours, 26 minutes ago.

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  • Hi All,

    Thin, I’d skimmed a previous page and knew you were off on travels and now that I’ve returned for another skim, I’m glad to read you had such a great albeit eventful time while away and came home same weight as when you left!

    Cinque, I’m with you about how much I love fermented vegetables and kim chi is delicious! I try to regularly make a purple cabbage kraut with dashes of caraway seeds.

    LJ, I’ve fermented vegetables with dairy whey. I find the addition of whey important when fermenting sweet vegetables such as in the making of beet kvass or gingered carrots as the whey speeds up fermentation and prevents the batch from turning alcoholic!

    Hello to Merry, Intesha, Joffy and all the newer acquaintances that I don’t know so well and those I don’t know at all!

    I recently celebrated my 5:2, 2nd birthday.

    I checked Michael Mosley’s ‘8 Week Blood Sugar Diet’ out of the library and the penny finally dropped as to why Michael changed tack regarding numbers of calories on FDs from 500 to 800. I realize it is to help assist those who complete the 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet program have a way to move into maintenance mode. I got from reading the book that Michael was simply attempting to find a seamless segue into offering a way to make the 8 week principles into lifelong practice. I was relieved to read early on in the book that Michael said that he himself never needed to practice the ‘8 week Blood Sugar Diet’ because he lowered his unhealthy high blood sugar levels via 5:2 and that he has maintained those results ever since by continuing to practice FDs.

    Lovely to hear from you Minka especially as I was just thinking about you earlier tonight while in the car for some reason. I like the sound of that purple cabbage kraut. We went to a Vietnamese restaurant and shared a deliciously fresh chicken salad with extra-thinly sliced cabbage. I wasn’t overly impressed with the rest of the meal which seemed more Chinese to me (i.e. a bit slimey). I left the rice on the plate. I’d never have done that before 5:2.

    It’s somehow comforting to know that MM still practices 5:2 because, of course, career-wise he had to keep pursuing new topics which sort of left us behind in the dust. He changed my life and I like the idea that he’s also continuing to fast.

    Congratulations on your 5:2 anniversary. I hope things are going well for you. I still have an unanswered email from you in my inbox which I re-read and keep intending to respond to. I’ll do it now!

    Minka, I’ve fermented red cabbage with beets with very good results. It was so pretty with the bright red color! I think I used about 3/4 cabbage to 1/4 diced beets. I forget all about that and will have to make some again. I used a Mason jar.

    Good morning everyone

    Well it turned out that I didn’t have a FD yesterday but I am not too worried. I had a healthy falafel tabouli wrap for lunch and healthy Thai for dinner. Ate probably about a quarter of a cup of rice and a little of each of the dishes we ordered ( two chicken and one prawn dish) I still feel happy about the amount I ate.

    The best thing was when two colleagues that I haven’t seen in over twelve months commented on how much weight I have lost. I told them about 5:2 and one said ‘ oh I never could do that’! My answer as always was ‘yes, you can’

    Hope you all have a lovely day. I am heading home today so another 3.5 hours drive. The bosses already talked about stopping for lunch on the way so it’s a NFD for me.

    Good morning Quacka, a good day yesterday, another one today, and a Fast Day when it next comes round!
    What a good answer you gave about 5:2.

    Minka, so good to hear from you. I hope you are still around because I want your tips on making beetroot kvass. It was only when I read your post that I remembered that was where I read about using the yoghurt whey, not the kimchi.
    How are you going? Are your fitting into your Rodney Clark trousers ok? Happy 5:2 anniversary!

    I just missed mine, mine was July 14th and was my third anniversary.

    CateAus, I’m glad you can read here, and occasionally give us an update. I hope the scales give you a nice figure soon, but don’t worry if they stuff around a bit, you are on track.
    I also avoid calling 5:2 a diet, and generally even avoid calling it fasting, just saying I eat less two days a week.

    Sybs, hooray for doing the buttons up. You were right when you bought it!

    Grr Merry, you shouldn’t have got on the scales again! But at least it was still down.
    btw I was amazed at Vietnam farming so much Barramundi, but I guess that is the way of it.

    Gday, what a great decision to keep alcohol for when dining out. And what lovely plans for your 50th birthday. A secluded cabin sounds perfect for a proposal. (And if he doesn’t do it then you might have to propose to him!)

    Cali, how great to have hit your 10,000 steps! And it is Wednesday here so I am already cheering the end of the horrible meds.

    Mulligatawny is the Anglicisation of Indian (Tamil) ‘pepper water’. See, reading all those Indian cookbooks pays off!

    LJoyce, that is funny about losing weight by staying in bed. It is amazing that just keeping our bodies going uses up so much energy. But then, Merry shouldn’t have put on weight after a few hours, and no one should put on weight after a fast day. I remember my scales telling me I weighed more after going to the loo. They are mad, crazy machines, those ones!

    Thin, I hope you can do well with 6:1 for even longer this time. The more I read about carbs the more clear it is that the more active we are, the more we can eat them. So it makes sense that you can avoid bad reactions when you eat them and then walk all day.

    I’m with you about the NBN, after hearing some stories like yours I think the longer they take to connect me, the better!

    Well I’m off to live this wonderful day. The dreadful wind of the last couple of days has died down and the sun is shining through the trees. It is day before fast day for me, and I’ve got a little list and I am going to get some things done!

    Cheers to you for your day too!

    Merry, I hadn’t wanted to give my own opinion to your question about fish from Vietnam because it was based only on what I’d seen while travelling along the Mekong and its tributaries. However, we had an elderly friend over yesterday who’s very knowledgable about fishing and fish farming practices worldwide from a career dating back decades. He confirmed my fears. Even the barramundi is farmed in pens under people’s stilt houses on the river. My concern was based on the inhabitants of the stilt houses doing all their ablutions in that river. Our friend also said what gives fish its Omega 3 qualities comes from eating smaller fish. Because farmed fish cannot migrate and are penned up being fed who knows what (not fish but usually offal or grain according to our friend), they are depleted of much of the traditionally lauded nutrients.

    This is of great concern to me because I want to eat more fish and just don’t know what to buy. Often we don’t know where it comes from – although JustJulie said her supermarkets do state the origin. Ours don’t. Our friend said that even if, say, salmon is claimed as being Tasmanian salmon, it is still probably farmed. He said ocean caught fish is basically devoid of taste and nutrients unless it has been flash frozen on the fishing boat using a process that retains the sea water with some onboard ultra violet process to kill bacteria in the sea water.

    I have read that, in recent decades, the Aus government issued fishing licenses to foreign trawlers for fishing in our economic zone. The licenses would cost, say, $10K p/a but they’d take hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fish. Of course, our waters became depleted and the fish caught are getting smaller.

    On that fishy note, I will move on. I woke to 58.6kg again this morning. Are my scales dodgy, Cinque? Anyway, they’re my only guide so I am enjoying a frothy milk coffee on what has been a FD for almost 4 years. It feels a bit weird. I haven’t decided what to do about the rest of the day’s intake yet. I’m going to cook a FD meal (hearty root and barley soup) and try not to eat during the day. Congratulations on your third, anniversary!

    Quakka, it’s such a boost when others start noticing your weight loss. You always get the ‘I could never do that’ comments along the way. My response is that if my OH can do it, anyone can.

    Cate, aren’t we lucky that our thread needs no moderating? Other than the occasional outspoken comment from me, this thread has ticked along perfectly for years.

    Thanks, Cinque. I read this thread every day but have trouble keeping up I must admit. I went over my 500 last night with a small Greek-style yoghurt, & feel a little disappointed, but I’ll try to learn by it & do better.
    “I also avoid calling 5:2 a diet, and generally even avoid calling it fasting, just saying I eat less two days a week.” I think I’ll stick with this too.
    I’m not going to say I have lost anything until I see it on the scales 2 weeks in a row. I’m also going to eat <my TDEE on NFD (or eating normally days).

    Good morning SHs,

    I’m baking a cake this morning – just my usual banana cake recipe, but I’ve put it in a bundt pan so it looks a bit fancier. My niece’s “baby” is turning 16 today and he is spending his morning at the DMV, queuing up for a learner’s permit. He’s keen to no longer be the only one of his siblings who can’t drive.
    The cake is for him, I’ll take it down once it’s had a chance to cool and he’s home again – probably practicing his driving!

    I’m fasting today and it will be warm soft liquids only today as I lost a filling last night and can’t get into the dentist until tomorrow. I know I said I didn’t intend to use the mulligatawny as a FD meal but I might have bowl as my evening meal and just stick to cups of tea through the day. Thankfully the tooth isn’t actually aching.

    Happy 5:2 birthday Cinque and Minka.

    Minka, nice to know the whey actually does work when fermenting veg. I’d read about it but didn’t know anyone who’d put it into practice. As someone who hates wasting food, the idea that the whey from the kefir can have another use makes my frugal self happy. (My parents were definitely from the “waste not want not” generation and the frugality lessons stuck with my sister and I.)

    Thin, I usually have to be prodded to include fish in mu diet at the best of times. Your story doesn’t encourage me to make more effort. I wonder if it’s any better getting fish from the fishmonger rather than the supermarket?

    Cate, I also avoid using the word “fasting” when describing 5:2 because people immediately think “no food” and say “I couldn’t do that”. Apart from the few who actually do water fasts most of us are actually practicing calorie restriction 2 days a week. Because I usually just eat dinner on a FD, I tell people that I keep my weight stable by just eating dinner on 2 days a week.
    Going a little over the 500 happens occasionally and perfectly within the new rules – 800cal. It’s still a FD, it just means slower weight loss if you do it often.

    Cinque, my soup definitely doesn’t taste like pepper water.

    I just had to rescue the cake from the oven. The timer still had 20 minutes to go but it smelled cooked. I forgot that the ring shape of a bundt tin reduces the baking time. (I usually make this as a loaf.)

    Good luck to all the fasters today.

    Time for a second cup of tea I think.

    Hi all!
    I have been lurking here in the past days :p
    I read about that Mulligatawny soup recipe and sounds delicious, I will definitely try it! I might make some adjustments to make it suitable for FD as well.

    Just checking in quickly for an update on my first few days of 5:2, I went on the scale today and was 68 Kg which is 1.2 Kg less than my first weigh-in last week.
    I don’t want to get too excited, I think most of this is water/bloating because it is mathematically impossible that I have lost so much in just 10 days (I officially started the diet last Thursday, but kinda started restricting from Monday already so I’ve been on an average of +/- 1200 Kcal for about 10 days): in theory, I ate 4000 Kcal less than my TDEE over 10 days so that should be a loss of just about 0.5-0.6 Kg. Nevertheless I’m pretty excited! I can’t weight to reach that -3.5/4 kg threshold where you really start seeing results on the body frame.

    This week I’m not really doing 5:2 because I’m having dinner out with my bf’s parents every day. I have tried not to eat during the day until dinner but I simply can’t hold it, I start having huge headaches by 1 PM. So what I did in the last two days: I eat only at noon, about 150 Kcal (soup and a babybell for example, or stock soup and a 100 Kcal protein bar) and then I have dinner with them. This brings me to about 800-1000 Kcal/day, depending on the dinner.
    I will do this all week until Saturday so I should be able to keep my average weekly calories at 1200 (I’m currently at 1180).

    Skipping breakfast has been surprisingly easy, even though I am a big breakfast person, and I am managing to eat only very limited calories during the day, every day. It’s incredible what willpower can do :p I hope I can hold on to this system until Saturday. I keep reminding myself the words of @cateaus and I’m trying to see hunger as something that I can ignore and that I don’t necessarily have to quench.

    Overall, I love the feeling of lightness that fasting/calories restriction brings you (that is if I can ignore the hunger haha!)

    Have a great day all of you!

    LJ, I don’t know about the fish from fishmongers; you’d like to think so. A new fish place opened up nearby but it’s all frozen products and very expensive. If anyone has any insights into this, I’m very interested. The fella on SBS that has the self-sufficent farm in Tasmania did a programme called, ‘What’s The Catch?’ and it didn’t inspire confidence.

    Fruitcake, hello & welcome! I was absent when you arrived here. Hunger can be distracted with all sorts of activities and doesn’t need to be quelled with food. It comes and goes in waves and you can learn to embrace it as doing something good for your body. Regarding breakfast, I like breakfast items but I don’t like eating at breakfast time. I have my breakfast very late in the morning (or at lunch time) and believe LJ does this too.

    LJ, you made me laugh about your GN spending the morning at the DMV. That’s how DD spent her 16th birthday also.

    LJ- “Going a little over the 500 happens occasionally and perfectly within the new rules – 800cal. It’s still a FD, it just means slower weight loss if you do it often.”
    Thanks for that. I think the last time I tried 5:2 I gave up because I felt I had failed if I went over 500.
    Fruitcake- well done on the 1.2kg loss! It sounds like you are coping well with the visit.
    Thin- do you remember where the self-sufficient fish farmer was in Tas? Near Deloraine?

    Cate, just lost my post so here it is again. I didn’t ever know where in Tas his farm (not fish, I mainly recall pigs) is located but have just looked it up and remember now that it’s called, ‘The Gourmet Farmer’. He’s Matthew Evans, probably better known to those of you on the east coast as he was a restaurant critic for the SMH. ‘What’s The Catch?’ was a two part documentary worth watching if you can find it on SBS On Demand.

    I watched “What’s the catch?” It was really interesting.

    Morning all, after a strange feeling non-fasting Wednesday. After one frothy coffee, I ate some breakfast around noon in a smaller quantity than usual. I’d intended to make a FD family meal but, with all the talk of fish, ended up defrosting some snapper! Who knows where it came from. In the process, I thought I was also defrosting some milk (I sometimes freeze it before going on a trip so we have some on return) but it turned out to be a margarita! OH said let’s drink them anyway. I only managed to get through about a third of mine but I don’t think I’m very good at controlled food days. Also, not fasting yesterday has removed the gloss from my frothy Thursday. Not sure how long I’ll last on 6:1 but I’ll let the scales be my guide.

    Good morning,
    Thin, haha, what a bizarre Wednesday for you. I hope the scales are kind.

    I have the same problem with fish. I know we should be eating more of it, but I go to try and I am either doing something dreadful by the environment, or there is something dodgy about the fish. And I did hear if everyone really did eat fish twice a week, we would empty the waters of them.

    PS Loved the Matthew Evans shows (although the fish one least).

    Cate, it is fascinating how this thread is sometimes so fast, and other times quite slow. Hopefully you can make it a useful part of your life, whether you pop in occasionally to let us know how you are going, or engage in an occasional topic that suits you, or ask for tips for a problem or issue, have a whinge or a celebration, or use it as a little everyday community (as I do).

    Ha LJoyce, your soup has come a long way from pepper water! And ooh I bet your cake was good too.

    Fruitcake, congratulations! Very sensible not to expect to lose that amount every week, but it is a lovely boost when 5:2 starts that way. 🙂
    I just adore the feeling of lightness that comes with eating less.
    Congratulations with your plan for getting through this week. Hump day is over!

    It is Thursday Fast Day for me, and since I am babysitting grandies on Sunday, followed by dinner with their parents, I will fast again on Saturday… or maybe even do a back to back tomorrow, depending how I feel tomorrow morning. I would really like to try it!

    We are lucky to have a thread that needs no moderation!
    (Touch wood and whistle)

    Cinque- I’ll probably pop in every day so I can try to keep up. It feels good to be amongst friendly people doing the same thing.

    Good afternoon SHs,

    I spent the morning in the city. I now have a brand new filling in my molar to replace the one I swallowed Tuesday night.
    I then walked across the CBD to an interior decorating shop and waded through a great many books of wallpaper samples. I’m still having trouble finding something to use that won’t cause pattern matching issues.
    I’m putting a 2×2 metre row of Ikea billy bookshelves in the dining room as I need the extra storage. I thought I’d make them look a bit less mundane by using the glass Morliden doors, as they are designed to have either paper or fabric placed behind the glass. So if you have a lot of bookcases (and doors) you basically end up with a patterned feature wall. I decided that wallpaper would be the best option, but didn’t realise how hard it would be to find a pattern in the right colours and scale. I have also been a bit alarmed by the price – everything I like is over $200 per roll, and some rolls are not quite long enough for my purposes so I’d need to buy two. I’ll probably end up buying something online as it’s definitely cheaper to buy then from the UK and have them shipped.

    Cali, I wandered through the central produce market this morning and found USA fresh cherries. I just couldn’t keep on walking by, so I bought some. They are half gone already. I was really missing summer stone fruit. So give your local growers a thank you for providing me with a welcome taste of summer.

    Thin, I was imagining what sort of coffee you could create with thawed margarita, somehow I don’t think you’d get much froth!
    If you find 5:2 to be an easier rhythm for you, but think your weekly calories will be too low, you could consider a higher calorie limit than your usual 350.
    Thin, yes I do have breakfast foods at lunchtime sometimes – I got the idea from you! I actually enjoy them more at midday than I ever did at 7am.

    Fruitcake, well done on your weight loss. I also think you’ve found a sensible way to adapt to the challenge of in-laws being in town.

    Cate, unfortunately most of have a lot of experience beating ourselves up over imperfections. It takes time to learn how to let those things go and just focus on how you are handling the current day. I eventually got to the point where I no longer even count calories on my FDs.

    Time for me to go for a walk so I can get some blood tests done. I might call into the T2 shop on the way home as they are giving away boxes of chai today.

    Cali, Cinque and anyone else who likes the T2 teas. I just called into the store to buy some tea and they offered me a sample of a chilled tea to taste. They had brewed “Hot Date Chai”, mixed it with vanilla almond milk and chilled it. It would never have occurred to me to have a tea like this cold, but it was really nice. I’ll have to remember that for summer. Given the lower calories in almond milk, it might even be an acceptable FD tea.

    LJ- I’m looking forward to the day where I won’t need to count calories on FD’s. That tea sounds delicious. I love almond milk & always have it with my oatmeal. I might have it with some protein powder that I want to use up & may give that a go next fast day.
    Has anyone tried the La Zuppa soups? I thought I would buy some tomorrow at Woolies. The just add water ones are only $1 each at the moment. I’m going to check them out. They are only 38 cals a serve & might be very handy. My husband will be horrified as he loves to cook, but I don’t trust the calories in his soups.

    Hi all. I had a long post a few days ago – that went into the ether. So, to all who recommended magnesium, thank you. It seems to be doing the trick. Sybs I had a bit of a think about what I was doing on the day of the worst of the cramps – and they always seemed to happen on days when I had back to back consultations and didn’t get much exercise or even movement.
    Calif I thought about you yesterday when I went for a walk in the next suburb, to see how long it would take to get to my son’s new house. And there, on the footy field, were at least 30 – quite possibly more – sulphur crested cockatoos grazing on the fig fruit (I think) on the ground. We walked past, and they didn’t even flutter a wing.
    Penguin thanks for the info about the robin – how nice you’ll have a little family of them back soon.
    re fish – I buy the Aldi Vietnamese barramundi because it’s just so convenient on fast days. 130 cals per piece. But I watched Matthew Evans’ program too and was horrified by the farming practices in Vietnam. But what do you do? Give it up, or drive to a shopping centre a way away from where I live, to get fresh fish. I don’t see a similar Australian product in the freezer.
    FD for me today, and because I am working tomorrow (unusually) I’m going to have a crack at another tomorrow. It’s working slowly but my goodness it’s slow (weight loss) and I find it quite hard. I don’t mind the 16 hour fast (although OH took me out to breakfast last Saturday, and we nearly missed the breakfast window at the cafe while I waited for the 16 hours to click around). I don’t even mind the 2 fast days. But oh, how I am missing carbs. Not necessarily the cakey, simple carbs, but the dense breads and the beans. I don’t know how long I can/should keep this going, and whether I should go for a whoosh, to get to the next level. Advice appreciated…
    OK it’s time to cook my polluted o/s barramundi. Wish me well!

    Cate I’ve been using Pitango soups (from NZ). I add a tin of beans for my OH, and it’s delicious and healthy….no preservatives. In Woolies, serve for 2 is around $5. Throw in a tin of chick peas or whatever, and a handful of spinach, and a slide of great bread for him, and it’s quite a meal. And I think cals (without the extras) per serve is about 70 cals. (and I give it to my vegan brother and sil who eat the vege ones very happily).

    Cate, La Zuppa was introduced to us by CharliesMum, no longer posting here but still practicing 5:2. I found them too salty as with most prepared supermarket meals but a lot of people here say they need more salt, especially on FDs so give them a go. Are you aware of our SH recipe page? There are soups listed there including my fave, cauliflower soup, which is a reliable 103 cals per FD serve. https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/southern-hemispherites-fd-recipes/

    Lindsay, Cinque, it’s a fishy dilemma.

    LJ, after reading your post, I was wishing I’d been on a 12km walk to the city to sample that tea – and the giveaway! Since the last big discussion on tea here, I’ve refrained from purchasing any more and have made a nice dent in my supplies so that I no longer as a pantry hoarder.

    Lindsay, re the low carbs, my feeling is that keeping 5:2 sustainable is even more important than fitting into your bikini in Bali. I’m also remembering a dietician explaining that our brain depends on carbs. Is there a sensible way to add some healthy lentil or bean portion in, maybe every second day?

    PS Your missing post did turn up yesterday morning, but snuck back on the page where you originally wrote it! https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/hello-southern-hemispherites/page/332/#post-260791

    It’s the end of my fast day here. I’m thinking I will have another one tomorrow.

    See you all in the morning.

    I almost got on the wrong thread as we have now moved into second place for popularity! Ah, so it’s Lindsay heading off to Bali, not you Cinque! Good luck with that B2B, wow, you’re a brave one.

    I had my root and barley soup tonight. It’s what I call a family FD meal but I just craved those winter root crops so we had it for a NFD meal. I enjoyed chopping the parsnips, suede and turnips so much in anticipation and eating the finished product was divine. I kept to the FD portion size too.

    Good morning, it is nice here in Melbourne,

    CateAus, nice to have you adding to the friendliness!

    LJoyce, Ooh cherries. Good luck with that wallpaper, it does sound tricky.

    Your mention of teas reminded me that those hives I had continued, along with getting a numb mouth, with seemingly no rhyme or reason. Finally on Monday I took a sip of the apple fruit tisane and immediately felt my lips going numb. I haven’t drunk any more and no more hives. It might be the hibiscus they put in them all.
    Very glad for it to be something so easily avoided, but I had better get on to making that beetroot kvass!

    Lindsay, I do love a flock of cockies!
    (I’ve got Aldi basa fillets in my freezer.)

    Thin, fancy us getting to second on the fast forum list! Another margarita is called for!
    Actually I would rather have some of your soup, it sounds so yummy.
    But no complaints, I made a huge pot of the mung bean soup, replacing some potato with cauliflower. I had a small bowl of it yesterday and a small serve of those Indonesian style vegetables in the evening, which meant I ate more than I usually do on a fast day, probably around 800 cals. I will do the same today, feeling fine about it this morning. Fancy that!

    Cheers all and best wishes for a particularly nice day.

    Lindsay L.- I’ll have a look for them today. Thanks.
    Thin- I’ll get some I think. I don’t usually eat packaged food, but do seem to need something salty on FD’s. I want something really low on calories & 38 sounds good.
    Cinque- thank you!
    Week 2 done & dusted & 2 FD’s each week. I feel much better & also feel more patient for weight loss. I am sure it will happen.

    Good morning Southern Hemisphereites,

    Thin, the soup sounds just right for winter weather. Barley always feels like the perfect grain for soup, probably because it’s what my mother always used.
    I agree about the tea hoarding too – I still have quite a stash of it at the top of the pantry.
    I actually brewed a pot of the hot date chai last night – I had to add some black tea to it as it had almost no tea leaves in the blend. I then put vanilla almond milk in it rather than my normal milk and I liked it. So it looks like this almond milk option works with the spicy teas when hot or cold. I had tried to use almond milk in normal tea before and decided it ruined the taste and I’d just have to allocate enough calories on FDs for milk. It’s good to have another option, although I couldn’t drink chai all day, it’s definitely an afternoon or evening tea for me.

    Lindsay, I agree with Cinque. I think trying to do both 5:2 and 16:8 and low carb is probably one restriction too many. I’m not surprised you are struggling with it – especially when you don’t have the reward of a fast weight loss to keep you motivated. Unless there’s a reason you need to stay low carb I’d consider easing those restrictions. You can still keep your intake moderate and keep all processed carbs out of your diet. Low carb does not mean no carb.
    If it’s the effect of ketosis that you are after, most people can consume around 80g carbohydrate per day and still stay in mild ketosis. Although I do know that those with diabetes or insulin resistance often need a lower intake to achieve the same level of ketosis. So if you really don’t want to give up the low carb eating pattern, it may be possible to adjust your current restrictions and still stay in mild ketosis. To give you an idea of how far 80g will stretch, 100g of cooked lentils contains 13.2g of carbohydrate. A few years ago I spent nearly a year on an VLCD (very low calorie diet) program to lose weight fast for surgery – it was 800 calories per day with a carb level of about 70-80g per day. This did result in mild ketosis providing I didn’t have most of the carbs in one meal, but spread them out across the day. I did use legumes in moderate quantities and I did have dense high fibre bread (no more than one thin slice in a day). Of course eating just a little of the foods you’ve been craving can be a challenge in itself.

    Cinque, why do you want to do B2B?

    Cate, I know people who like the LaZuppa soups. I have the same issues as Thin – like all pre-prepared soups they are too salty for me. There are a few people here (like CaliD and Joffy) who regularly use pre-prepared soups as reliable FD foods. Having easy and safe FD choices on hand is quite important I think. I do this by making soups and putting single serves into the freezer for FDs. However, if you are looking for something portable to take to work, something with a shelf life can be very useful.

    My eating choices were not good yesterday – mostly things eaten while I was out. I have another NFD today and I will hopefully make better choices.

    Hope everyone has a good day, whether FD or NFD.

    LJ, That tea sounds really tasty, I must try that option. I love vanilla; Twinings Chai with Vanilla is one of my favourites. Good that you now have an alternative to milk on your FDs if needed. Apologies for my slapdash earlier post which should have read, ‘so that I no longer qualify as a pantry hoarder’.

    Completely agree with your comments about having calorie-counted foods readily available for FDs. For those working, pre-packaged supermarket finds within the calorie limits are probably a godsend. But I’m with you, I wanted to learn to cook and prepare foods to support this way of eating long-term so I make my own FD-friendly meals and freeze portions. I’m not being smug though, because I do tend to rely on a narrow repertoire despite having a vast bank of low calorie meals to draw from.

    I missed a series of posts. Are you deliriously happy with your decision to move, your new home and suburb? You did so well with the preparation but I haven’t read much about your new home. There are a couple of properties for sale in our street that have been on the market for months. Perth property market seems to be going nowhere and our suburb has been stagnant for about 10 years.

    Cinque, good that you could pinpoint the cause of the hives. All the best with the second FD. You’ll be floating off to babysit the grandies. And how are the little darlings?

    CalifD, I’m reading about wildfires in California and how some nat. parks have been closed. Thinking about you. How are you doing over there?

    Thin, I think I made the right choice with house and location. The neighbours have been really nice and the builder has repaired all of the issues I asked about. He’s even organised and paid for some extras that he wasn’t responsible for.
    The traffic congestion on this side of town has been a very unpleasant surprise – it took me 90 minutes to get the 12km into the city for a 9:15am dental appointment yesterday. I’ve resorted to buying a metrocard and getting some bus and train timetables – I’m going to have to learn how to use public transport again I think for travel to the CBD – thankfully I don’t have to do it often.
    The only big ongoing issue has been with Telstra, which is far from being resolved. I finally have internet, but am still waiting for the phone line to be connected – it was booked in for 12 July but the technician didn’t show. To add insult to injury, someone at Telstra has changed the package that I signed up for without my consent or request and I’ve received a bill which is very different from what I actually signed up for. I already have one complaint in place about the phone line, it looks like they’ll be getting another one. I went to bed worrying about it and awoke with a headache. I’m getting heartily sick of the hassle.

    I just bought 2 LaZuppas to have as a back up & am going to make a FD soup when I get home to freeze. I’ll make it myself & use Miso paste for flavour. I think celery & mushroom will be the go. I’ll check out the recipes on my laptop. Thanks for the link, thin.

    Cate, if you want noodles in the miso soup to make it more substantial, find some konjac noodles. All supermarkets seem to stock the Slendier brand (usually on the “gluten free” product shelves). I sometimes roughly chop a packet of the angel hair konjac noodles and add it to a pot of low cal veggie soup – one packet for a pot of soup is plenty. The entire packet of noodles is usually less than 20 cals, so it would only add a couple of calories per bowl.

    LJ- I have tried the konjac noodles & didn’t much like them, mainly because of the fishy smell & the weird plasticky texture. I might check out Coles in Launceston tomorrow to see if they have the angel hair ones. I haven’t made my soup today, but will before my next FD. I’ll go look up those soup recipes now.

    @cate – maybe you find Dried Bean Curd Strips (also called Dried Bean Curd shredded sticks) more to your liking, but they are relatively high in calories

    Sybs- I have just made up a recipe for a vegetable soup with the konjac angel hair pasta that is a total of 332 calories & would do me for the day, with maybe some territory jerky and a boiled egg to snack on. I’ll add it to the recipes here if it works out, and/or tweak it if it doesn’t.

    Cate, a lot of people are put off by the strange odour and/or texture of the Slendier konjac noodles. I haven’t used them for a while but I rinse them really well several times and that gets rid of the smell. As LJ said, they’re great for bulking up FD soups. I don’t mind the slightly rubbery texture. I was once Slendier’s greatest fan but Angel Hair are the only ones I buy now because I can get a konjac block at the Asian grocer for a fracture of the price. Another thing I haven’t used for ages is my Vegetti. It spiralises courgettes into a spaghetti shape. Great substitute for pasta.

    Thanks for the update on the house/suburb LJ. We are separated from Perth CBD only by the Swan River but I wouldn’t dream of driving into town. Mostly because of parking. We’re lucky we can walk to the ferry, take a bus from near our house or just walk to town (12km round trip because the bridges aren’t near our house). And occasionally, we paddle our kayaks across but there are only a few places we can go with sandy feet and carrying a paddle.

    Cinque, are you still with us? Hoping you’ve survived your marathon fasting.

    Thanks for mentioning the Konjac block, Thin. There’s an Asian supermarket not far from where I’ll be for most of tomorrow so I’ll see if they have them.

    Headline in major British newspaper: “Malcolm Turnbull outrages Australia by eating pie with knife and fork” A couple of years ago the leader of a British party suffered serious ridicule for the way he ate a bacon sandwich. Clearly there are multiple dangers in food.

    The UK answer to “can I use knife and fork” is “depends on the pie”.

    Haha Penguin,
    Crazy behaviour! Not only that, the opposition leader ate a hot dog the wrong way (He started in the middle! Shock horror) and the previous Prime Minister ate a raw onion in public. There is a theme here.

    Good morning, I woke up early so I got to see the beautiful red moon and orange mars looking stunning in a clear sky.

    LJoyce, I meant to say how glad I was that you got your filling replaced nice and easily before any infection set in. Lovely.

    I hope you find some quick easy public transport to get to town.
    (Thin, how gorgeous to paddle kayaks across the Swan River to town!)

    Re why I did B2B fast days. Well, I have been thinking about it since (who was it? Fruitcake maybe?) someone talked about how easy the second day was when they did B2B. I wanted to see if it would suit me. I am babysitting on Sunday so I wanted to change my day. My headspace and what I had in the fridge all worked together to make it the right time to try.

    It worked out really well, the second day wasn’t any worse than my usual fast days and might have been a bit better. The next step is to see how the next few days are. It was a longer ‘reset’.

    But when I woke up this morning I felt that, if I needed to, I would be able to keep going on the 800 calories a day without too much trouble at all. I think I will try two days like this again.

    I’ve already had breakfast this morning. 🙂

    Cate good luck with those weird noodles!
    Sybs, have you had a chance to try the yuba as noodles yet?

    Thin, my darlings are such fun. Miss nearly 4 has discovered a Justine Clarke song called ‘Sticky Monster’ and how to hit replay so I got to hear it about a dozen times, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIKL6rEXEZ0 her very favourite song. She bounced delightedly to it for about 40 minutes.
    In the meantime the little tot got the idea that I would like to see every fluffy toy in the place and brought them to me one by one so I could exclaim with pleasure.
    Luckily I could have a coffee and catch up with my daughter while all that was happening.

    A quiet day today so I will be ready for more toddler delight tomorrow!

    Best wishes to everyone

    Cinque- What a lovely day with your GD. I am so tempted to try B2B. My days were going to be Tue & Fri this week, but I’m actually looking forward to my next FD & may try for Sun/Mon or Mon/Tue instead. I tried it once & didn’t find it that hard, but I think I compensated for the rest of the week. I’ll see how hungry I am when I wake tomorrow.

    good morning all – glorious day here in Cairns – unfortunately I was about 30 minutes late for the eclipse, but still managed to see Mars very clearly.

    Cinque – I have tried the shredded yuba sticks, and love them. Quite chewy, but a little high in calories, a good filler for my “pseudo” days.

    As I have mentioned before, I eat pretty much the same every day, with only the occasional treat on NFDs, usually for breakfast. Weigh in today was lovely, 71.3 kg, which means that by next Saturday weigh in my BMI is back in the healthy range – yeah! – to say that I am tickled pink would be a massive understatement. I started with 5:2 on 01 February, say 6 months ago, and the result is wonderful. I have found my way back to healthy eating habits and smaller servings. In the process I have dropped about 18 kg. I am aiming to drop another 6kg, because a weight of 65kg sounds like a nice, round number.

    Cinque, that’s great that you love the B2B and suffered no serious side effects from your effort! Still a bridge too far for me. The grandies sound a real delight. I’m not clicking on that link until I’ve had another coffee, if ever. DD came home from the SW last night with funny tales of the mixed vet clinic customers convinced they’d seen a thylacine in Manjimup. Have you even seen one Cate? 😆 One more week and all the prac work will be complete and we’ll have her home for the rest of the year which is spent rotating through the uni hospital departments.

    OH woke up at 3.30am and went outside for a great view of the red moon & Mars. It had been too cloudy when we went to bed.

    Cate, you might have to ask for the konjac block. They might call it konnyaku. It’s in the fridge section with the tofu / soy type products.

    I’m looking forward to my FD tomorrow. My weight has crept up slightly which is to be expected. Six days is a long time between FD to maintain portion control. I wonder how you’ll find the five day interval.

    Sybs, your post arrived while I was writing. You’ll be in the 60s in no time, well done!

    I can’t remember who asked but here is the result for Dried Bean Curd Strips (Dried Bean Curd Shredded).
    30g dry turns to 80g soaked and has 130 calories

    Good morning Southern Hemisphereites and welcome to the weekend.

    I’m still dithering, trying to make up my mind whether to do a FD today or tomorrow. I feel like doing one today, but as I fasted Sunday and Wednesday that would be 3 for the week. So far I’ve just had a cup of tea, while I dither some more.

    Sybs, that’s wonderful news, getting back to a healthy BMI is a wonderful achievement.
    Thanks for the dried bean curd info – it was me who asked.

    Cate, I also recoiled a bit at the smell of konjac at first, but as Thin said, I also find that if I tip them into a sieve and rinse well under hot running water they cease to smell like a pile of raw squid. I use them in stirfry on FDs and also in some soups, especially homemade chicken noodle with veggies and also a low cal laksa. I need a particularly high fibre diet and the konjac is so high in fibre that it’s a helpful ingredient for me.
    Kelp noodles are also very low in calories and I find the texture nicer than konjac, but they are frightfully expensive so a rare treat only.

    Penguin, I think Cinque summed it up well – we have many examples of our leaders eating things in inappropriate ways. I suspect Malcolm idn’t want to risk the meat pie dribbling down the front of his suit – always a risk when you bite into one.
    Did you get your food based magnesium sources sorted out?

    Cinque, glad the B2B went so well, it’s nice to have another option. Enjoy your rest day and tomorrow with the grandies.

    Thin, a 12km round trip would be beyond me. I can manage about an hour and a half of brisk walking before my joints start swelling and the walking becomes more difficult. I think that’s 6-7km and my body copes better if I break the walking up into one hour blocks. Often this means stopping for lunch somewhere before walking home which can wipe out all of the calorie burning effects of the walk.
    It will be interesting to see whether your single FD can reverse the slight increase in weight. Hope the 6:1 works out.
    It will be lovely to have your daughter home again for a few months. I expect when she graduates she be heading off for new adventures.

    Well, while I’ve been writing I’ve come to a decision. I’m doing a NFD but will try to respect my lack of appetite and not eat just because it’s a NFD. I will fast tomorrow as originally planned. I needed to remind myself of what I learned a few weeks ago – that doing a NFD, when not eating feels easy, is a good thing.

    Hope you all have lovely weekend plans. I expect an exceptionally quiet weekend. But I at least have some lovely weather, which is a welcome break from the rain.

    Where can you find kelp noodles, LJ? I’d like to try them. And, even if they’re expensive, you deserve them – you live alone, answer to no-one, worked hard all your life and, most importantly, you eat less now so what you do eat should be of high quality. So say I (who hasn’t yet seen how expensive they actually are).

    You made me laugh about stopping on the walk for lunch thereby negating all the benefits. I did that 12km walk three times a week for years – locals call it ‘doing the bridges’ – as a break from my gym routine. How fast I completed it depended on which friend I was walking with. My current walking buddy (of 17 years) is terrified of walking on bridges so we never do it together.

    See you tomorrow for fasting then!

    Thin, the only place I found kelp noodles was at the Organic Market in Stirling (a big health food store with a cafe attached). They had two brands- one around $12 and the other $16. A packet contained about two serves – so 4-5 times the cost of konjac. Lately this store hasn’t had them on the shelves and I haven’t seen them elsewhere. I have heard they can be found more cheaply at Asian grocers but haven’t located them yet.
    I like the kelp noodles for summer Asian salads as they have an almost crunchy texture that is lost as soon as you add any liquid.

    Thanks, Thin. I’ll look in the fridge next time I go to Launceston.The young woman at the counter had no idea what they were. They had some tiny little packets of konjac noodles that were mostly packaging, but I bought some dried bean curd instead, which looked good & only 25 cals for 50g & some Shiitake mushrooms. I’ll make my soup tomorrow. I think I could live on soup.

    It’s been the best NFD I’ve had for a while. Just 2 pots of tea and a banana throughout the day. I’ve put a stuffed chicken and 6 different veg in to roast for tea. As that will take a while to cook, I’m about to have a cup of French Earl Grey tea and a small pot of boysenberry yoghurt.
    I went for a long walk this afternoon and came back via the shopping centre. I needed new slippers. I came home with those and also 2 pairs of soft cotton drawstring pants (for the gym) and a soft cowl neck top in a rose colour. More things than I intended to buy but the grand total was $37. Shopping in op shops has taught me to expect a lot for my money.

    Hope everyone has had a good day.

    OK so I lost another long post (sigh) so I will just catch up quickly, and apologise to anyone I’ve not responded to.
    Cinque and LJ, I gave a lot of thought to what you said about the regime being too taxing, and have decided to ease up , starting slowly and building to 80 grams of carbs a day before we go away in 4 weeks time. I did my 3 FDs this week, although I probably did 800 cals yesterday (all well until a meal out…although I made a good choice there was too much meat. I brought at least half of it home. So the scales were kind this morning, but it is time to introduce some good carbs. LJ I didn’t know that 80 grams of carbs would keep me in mild ketosis, so that’s my target….maybe with lentils and beans. I find one slide of bread triggers the need to have more, unfortunately. Or has done in the past. So thank you for the information.
    I actually fell off the wagon a little this afternoon. OH went to a fund-raiser this afternoon and bought half a dozen home made friands. He came home and made a lovely pot of tea and gave me a friand .. and I ate it. I enjoyed it and don’t regret it, and don’t feel the need to have more.
    Cinque those little grand-daughters of yours sound so precious. How nice to have your daughter so close.
    Happy weekend all.

    Sybs congratulations on such an outstanding result. There’s such a focus on external looks with weight loss, but of course it’s the difference to the ‘inside’ that’s every bit if not more important. You must look and feel fabulous. And terrific that you have that goal front and centre. Inspirational.

    @lindsay – that love for good, grainy sourdough bread is also one of my weak points. I get around it by buying sourdough bread rolls which I freeze. When I want a bread roll, I reheat it in the oven. Afterwards I cut the roll in 1/2 and scoop out all the dough. This leaves me with 2 very satisfying half shells, crunchy and tasty, which I fill with salad greens, some yoghurt based dressing with wasabe, and usually a bit of smoked salmon. By doing it this way, I have halved the carbs, but still get the yummy sourdough “hit”.

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