Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Good morning everyone,

    My guess for the mysterious orange is mandarin jelly!

    Congratulations Intesha, you are getting nicely back to your healthy rhythm!

    The past is a different country, and I hitch hiked a lot in the distant past (Cape Tribulation to Melbourne, across the Nullabor, and lots around Melbourne where I lived). As soon as I had a car I returned the favour whenever I could. 99% of the time it was no worry at all, it was a community thing.
    But of course when alarm bells rang I listened. Hooray for your escapes LJoyce. It reminds me that dealing with predatory men was par for the course as a young woman going around my daily activities. Waiting for a bus can be as dangerous as hitchhiking.

    I love how Thin has us talking about deadly hitch hiking AND an odd picture of an orange circle AT THE SAME TIME!

    Was MM’s ‘The Truth About Sleep’ on TV LJoyce? I would like to see it. I’d get inulin if it helped!

    JJulie, congratulations on your photo win, and good luck with the next one! I do so hope you had a lovely rest yesterday. You deserved it!

    Ha Minka, I have one cheap mirror that is so bendy I turn it up side down every couple of weeks to straighten it out again!
    But I truly think it is a psychological thing, exactly reversed from when I was overweight, that what I see in a mirror is different to a photo.

    I hope you can avoid that insatiable state, but if it happens good luck with the technique, consider it a learning experience. Be as mindful as you can so you can learn from it til next time. Mine are becoming less and less (touch wood and whistle). But really I think my brain is learning to go “Oh look, another of those insatiable eating impulses, well, it is insatiable so no point trying to satiate it, just go with the flow for a bit, try to enjoy what you eat, and practice stopping.”

    Sympathies to everyone in heatwave territory, the nearer Penrith you live, the more sympathy! What a shocker yesterday was!

    Merry, Oh dear, generous expats are a worry! Don’t put them in the freezer! 😉
    (The ex pat or the chocolate). I love frozen chocolate too, it was the only way I could eat it when I was working in the NT. Frozen timtams! Those were the days!

    PS I remember seeing wild pigs in the distance when we were staying in the rainforest at Cape Tribulation, Qld, in the late 70’s. Some early European visitor had thought to set them free so that settlers had something to hunt for food (being oblivious to all the native foods). They looked like wild boar but I presume they weren’t purely that. We were taught to be scared of them though, and glad we were upwind. It was a mother with some little ones.

    Yay it just rained on my plants! Need more though!

    I’ve got three days before my next fast day. I am planning delicious healthy sensible meals. Ooh I will enjoy them!

    Best wishes all

    CalifD, mobile phones have added a whole new dimension to parenting and keeping children more safe. I think your dad was right not to allow hitching in the USA. I don’t know if I’m generalising about a greater danger but I would never have considered hitching in America.

    CalifD and LJ. It’s nice to read that your parents were so protective, although probably irritating to you both at the time. I had no-one worrying about me but I was also a very mature and independent 17 year old.

    LJ, I can’t take the credit for naked dancing. I think Merry started that conversation.

    Carrot iuice! Thanks for putting me out of my misery, CalifD.

    So much for my CD yesterday. I thought I’d been careful but not careful enough apparently. A good walk might help. Celebrating DD’s birthday this week so I need to be extra vigilant. Why is this so hard? I just want to lose a kilo!

    Cinque, I didn’t see your post earlier. Mandarin jelly! I forgot to say that I picked up lots of hitch-hikers later in life too but, I admit, only those with a backpack. Sweeping generalisations!

    Good day to everyone. I was going to say good morning but then looked at the time as I was about to type it and realised it is now 12.30 here.

    Thank you to all who congratulated me on the photo competition. I have found a new interest in these competitions and it keeps me active and on my toes now that I am “retired”. hahaha as if that would happen!! But I found out that the Supervisor of the bank I used to work in is telling all the customers that I decided to retire when they ask where I am.

    I weighed myself this morning and although I put on some weight over the last few weeks I am glad I did not put on too much. I weighed 80.8kg. I think I can handle that as a lot of the weight I put on was probably due to the amount of alcohol I have been drinking especially the champagne. OH and I both have decided that there will be no alcohol drinking before we go to Borneo and even then it may not happen there too.

    Thin, we are flying to Singapore and overnight there before our flight to Miri.
    It seems there are only a few flights a week to Miri and unfortunately we will not have much time for searching of wildlife as we only have three days there. We arrive on the Sunday afternoon and work on the Monday and Tuesday then fly back to Singapore on the Wednesday. We are spending some time in Singapore to check a new shipyard out for a friend and meet up with a business associate, then fly back home early Saturday morning.

    Today is a FD for me and so far I have gone to the fridge 5 times in search of leftovers and then stopped myself. I have had black coffee and miso soup so far. I will let you know tomorrow how this FD ended up!!!

    Catch up later and have a great day everyone

    Cinque, thanks again for the Nigerian stew recipe, I’ve posted a longer piece about it on the legume thread. It’s made and ready for my dinner.
    MM’s ‘The Truth About Sleep’ was on channel 9 – not sure if it was planned or just slotted in because some sport finished early. I usually check the online guide so I can set my HDD to record any programs I don’t want to miss and I didn’t notice this in the schedule. At the end of the program MM had a discussion about the prebiotic and concluded that having prebiotic foods such as lentils, chickpeas and beans should have the same effect. I use the inulin powder that Minka recommended – it’s basically powdered jerusalem artichoke, but there are also some available that are made from legumes. My sleep patterns are much better than they were a year ago but I had put that down to HRT and the lack of night sweats. Now I’m wondering if the inulin has an impact too as I also used to wake often through the night and that’s quite rare these days.

    Intesha, you aren’t the only one with an issue about throwing food away. I have the same problem and think Thin mentioned she does too. Hence the overflowing freezer. Interestingly I have found that I can happily give it away even if putting it in the bin is beyond my power. Find it good home to go to – I can always find good homes for anything home baked.

    GDSA, good luck with the assignment – not a great way to have to spend time off work. Hope your daughter has plenty of holiday activities to keep her occupied.

    JJulie I hope you get through your FD, some are tougher than others. You can always settle for a very early dinner – on occasion I’ve eaten dinner at 4pm on a FD because I can’t stop thinking about food. It’s the only thing that seems to settle me down.

    Cali, I can hear the cockatoos screeching in my walnut tree. It made me think of you.

    I was hungrier than usual this morning and only made it to 11am before my usual lunchtime kefir fruit smoothie started calling to me. I think it’s because I’ve been doing alternate day fasts since last Wednesday. After tomorrow’s FD I should be able to go back to a more reasonable routine.

    Hi everyone
    Lots of interesting posts – thank you all.
    Tracking my food intake has finally proven successful – I need to be accountable or I tend to get lazy then the weight creeps back on of course 😦
    All the 5:2 forums are very supportive, encouraging & educational – still lots to learn.
    Congrats to all those with desired achievements eg weight loss, maintenance or just happy to be cruising along. To all those not feeling well – be kind to yourselves & get better soon.
    Enjoy whatever you are doing, & bye for now!

    OK, I’m confused. Last night I watched an MM program that said eating legumes had the same effect as taking a prebiotic. I’m watching a rerun of another MM program tonight (Trust me I’m a Doctor). They said that inulin, which is a prebiotic is found in asparagus, jerusalem artichokes, onions, leeks and garlic – no mention of legumes.
    On the plus side, they tested high inulin vegetables against kefir and yoghurt to find out which had the biggest positive impact on gut bugs – the kefir won.

    Hi! Quick check in…

    Finishing up a busy FD and I’ve only consumed 103 calories so far and it is 10 pm. That’s so unlike me! I usually make sure I eke out every last of those 500 calories on a FD! This out of character meagerness is in anticipation of tomorrow’s body scan; tee, hee! I will be consuming a bit more though before bed or won’t be able to sleep! Hope anyone else fasting had an easy day too!

    Finished my third fast day yesterday. I am finding that i have heaps of energy on fast days but I am exhausted on NFDs. Also does anyone else have breakfast lunch and dinner on fast days? Still up to 500 calories range of course. I guess I will just keep having 3 meals for now and if it stops working change it down to 2. Breakfast is my peace time. I get up at 5.30-6 am just to have the time to myself and eat a leisurely breakfast and coffee. Calorie wise I only have 55 calories on fast days. Make up 2 tablespoons of oat bran with a cup of water so it makes heaps too 🙂

    Good morning JaneJust, I also like to enjoy the peace of the early morning. What a nice start to your fast day!

    I am trying to remember if I started off with three meals. Porridge breakfast and evening soup, I think was my plan. Then I decided I couldn’t give up milk in my coffee and tea, so I skipped breakfast and had cuppas all day and then my miso, chicken and veg soup in the evening.

    Now I am at the lower end of my healthy weight range I’ll have another light meal usually also a bowl of soup, in the early afternoon, and recently I have been adding in a little breakfast too, that comes to more like 6 – 700 cals.
    I love how much leeway there is in 5:2 to make it suit our own style and to fit into our lives.

    Cheers for a lovely fast day!

    What an excellent fast day you had Minka. You had better have scans more often! I hope you found something nice and fasty to eat that gave you a good sleep.

    LJoyce I found the MM Sleep program on my smart TV but Channel 9 wanted so much info from me before they would let me log in, that I gave up. I did watch the other one, TMIAD (I am completely in love with the Van Tulleken twins at the moment so enjoyed seeing Dr Chris on it!). I had seen it before and the gut stuff was my main interest (even though Dr Chris didn’t do that one 😉 ), good to see it again. Yes, I noticed they didn’t mention legumes. I guess the knowledge is growing so fast they can’t keep up. I wonder which was made first. Will research. I liked noting the difference in fermented products between home made and store bought. Must make kimchi this summer!

    I am so glad the stew was successful! Yes, it is an excellent sauce that can be used in other ways. Last time I made it I added sweet potato as well as beans, but I think I prefer it plain and then to eat it with veggies along side. Not that the sweet potato wasn’t excellent! I think it is plate aesthetic, I love the look of, say, baked sweet potato, a serve of the bean stew, and a green salad. Perfect!

    Arelkade, congratulations for getting your food tracking sorted. It is such a sad fact, isn’t it, that all those extra kilos are so keen to creep back on. 5:2 and constant vigilance.
    Thanks for your good wishes, although I am just about off the ‘not feeling well’ list today. Hooray!

    JJulie, I do hope you have woken up feeling wonderful after a good fast day! I know those trips to the fridge and then oops, I’m not eating today! Did you make it to your evening meal?

    Thin, I’m so sorry you are having such a hard time at the moment. These things tend to go in waves, so I hope you have one of those whooshes soon and can get your confidence back. I guess it is just a matter of keeping on keeping on until that happens. It will!

    You too LJoyce if you are in the same boat with those ADFs.

    It is such a lovely morning here, and I have a big day. The haircut! And meeting a friend either side. Coffee with the first one, and introducing licorice tea to the second one!

    Hoping your day is a good one.

    LJoyce, I’ve just been checking up about the inulin and sleep. As far as I can work out there has been ONE study published early last year, which involved rats. This interested Dr Mosley and so led to his program, during which he tried it on HIMSELF with a good result.
    Not what I would rigorous science!
    They mention that the inulin supplement is 100x more powerful than eating ‘a bowl of hummus’.
    My takeaway: I’ll keep eating legumes and veggies and look out for further studies.

    Good morning,

    Cinque, yes I made it to the evening meal no problem. I did have a few miso soups to keep me going though. I woke up really early this morning which is a good sign. I am not going to do a FD today although I do like B2B FDs but today is the last day our Japanese daughter is with us so we are having a nice dinner together.
    I will fast again tomorrow as OH is flying out also and 18YO will be working until 9pm. Now that all the visitors have left i can get back to a routine and be on track for more weight loss.

    Catch up again soon.

    Finally back to Monday/Thursday FD again this week after doing Tuesday/Thursday for the past 2 weeks because of the holidays. It a cold, rainy day today, around 12 or 13. But we can use the rain so I can’t complain. A couple days ago when you were having such hot weather there, I read that on Mount Washington in New Hampshire, it was about -37 C and much colder when you considered the wind chill factor. It’s hard to even imagine temps that cold!

    Cinque, I have been meaning to look up more info on inulin after a few people here mentioned it. There seem to be a lot of supplements and powders made from it. I found this article on it, although I’m not very familiar with Dr. Axe, it’s author: https://draxe.com/inulin/ It sounds interesting.

    Cinque and LJoyce, the Nigerian Red Bean Stew turned out great. That recipe is a keeper! I may have gotten the weights of ingredients off by a bit because our tinned tomato purée (the closest thing I could find) comes in slightly different sizes. I bet sweet potatoes would be a great addition. I’ll try that next time.

    Jane, I have never been very hungry in the morning and never ate much even when not trying to lose weight. Since starting 5:2 I very rarely eat anything before noon. In addition to not being much of a breakfast eater, 500 calories isn’t a lot, so I find it easier to divide it into 2 meals. One somewhere between noon and 2:00 pm and the other around 6:00. I don’t think it matters how you divide the calories up, as long as you stick to 500 or whatever number you’re aiming for. I figure it’s just something to get by so I’m not thinking about food all day. Some people here swear by water only FD and say that it’s actually easier than counting 500/600 calories. I haven’t tried that yet. I guess I really should, but the 500 seems to be working so I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

    CalifD, I’m the same, although I like breakfast foods, I don’t like eating at breakfast time. Coffee keeps me going. I’m currently enjoying a Kenyan bean that OH bought me for Christmas.

    Jane, my FDs are similar to CalifD’s, a 2pm light soup and then a ‘dinner’ at 5pm. When I started this WOL in 2014, my OH was fasting with me for support. He eats by the clock so I put a lot of effort into devising three ‘meals’ a day for us for the first 11 months so he wouldn’t panic. I made spreadsheets with FD meals for one month ahead and accumulated several of these that I could mix and match and it would tot up the cals for us (500 or 600). I remember we had 30gms oats for breakfast, mixed with water, then mixed with more water – until it swelled so large that OH almost thought he was having a normal breakfast. I think he got half a tsp of honey in his too.

    Nowadays, I find it easier to go without food until later in the day – less calories to count and I also noticed that, once I start eating, it awakens what we call the hunger dragon. But whatever works for you is what works so keep doing what you’re doing.

    I like those twins too, Cinque. And I’m a big fan of Dr M. of course; he changed my life. But I don’t find TMIAD particularly good viewing. It’s just infotainment IMHO. A study of ten is no study at all and proves nothing, not even a trend.

    Have a lovely day getting your haircut and drinking liquorice tea with friends, Cinque. We have a forecast of 35C and OH thinks it’s cool because he’s been in Paraburdoo for 12 days where it’s been in the 40s every day. Luckily he likes the heat. But I do agree with you LJ, the heat isn’t bothering me as much as when I was fat.

    Glad your FD went well JJulie.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Hi There I’m from Bathurst NSW. I’m 50 with a BMI of 27. Overweight but not by a huge lot. I’m on medications which cause weight gain which has totally horrified me and now do not fit into any of clothes which is very depressing. I have tried a few approaches to no avail so this is my last ditch effort to lose something before I go back to my doctor to beg him to take be off this drug (Epilim). I am going to do 4:3 (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) and watch carefully on the other days about what goes in my mouth. I only need to look at food and I gain weight. Reading some of the posts has encouraged me. I also will be having a total knee replacement in 9 days time, so maybe I will have to be patient and wait till things heal.
    Cheers Sam

    Good morning SHs,

    Cali, glad you also like the Nigerian stew, Cinque gets a gold star for that one.
    What surprised me was that several components of the recipe were counter-intuitive for me – like adding lemon juice to a tomato sauce. I was convinced it would be too acidic so I added it slowly – but it tasted better! I still don’t know how that worked. I’d also not thought of using nut butters as a sauce thickener – despite the fact that I regularly make a veg stirfry with satay sauce on FDs and I add the sauce ingredients directly to the pan and watch while the peanut butter thickens all of the juices that the veg has released while cooking. Sometimes I look but I don’t actually see.

    JJulie, glad you made it through your FD OK. I think a few of us are still tying to get our comfortable 5:2 rhythm going again after christmas. I’m not quite back into mine yet either.

    Cinque, I’m glad you enjoyed the twin eye candy in TMIAD even if the science was a bit lacking.

    JaneJ, I experimented with what I ate on FDs, when I ate and how frequently I fasted in the first few weeks. I eventually decided that it was easier if I only scheduled food for times of day when I was really hungry – for me that’s late afternoon and evening, I’m rarely hungry in the mornings. When I eat on a FD has gradually changed over time. My normal approach is to allocate calories to milk so that I can have cups of tea when I want them throughout the day and delay food for as long as possible. Initially I ate a small lunch and a larger dinner (mostly veg). Then I dropped lunch and it became an afternoon snack of fruit or veg or soup and then dinner. Now I just have the cups of tea and dinner on most FDs. In part I think it takes time to learn not to be afraid of hunger. It also took me a while to realise that just because it was a meal time it didn’t mean I had to eat.
    I would add a note of caution as I am not an early riser and I’m retired. If I was up at 5am and trying to put in a day at work I don’t know whether my food pattern on a FD would work. You need to find a pattern that suits you, your circumstances and your hunger patterns. I do believe that it’s wise to not eat when you are not hungry – especially on a FD when you don’t have the spare calories to accommodate that.

    Arelkade, I’m a great believer in recording behaviour, whether it’s a food diary or my budget spending. It’s the small things that we don’t notice until it’s all written down in front us.

    I am doing another FD today as I have lunch at an Italian cafe tomorrow – food I love but I find it difficult to make good choices.
    I’m hoping this is the last of the alternate FDs, it’s not a comfortable rhythm for me, but I have been eating too much on NFDs so adding a third FD most weeks has seemed necessary. Unfortunately it becomes a bit of a cycle were the frequency of FDs seems to contribute to my bad behaviour on NFDs.

    Clearly I’m slow at composing my posts, two new ones appeared while I was typing.

    Good morning Thin. I think most of the medical documentaries fall into the same category. They raise lots of possibilities but prove nothing with their hastily rounded up volunteers. Then we are left waiting for months or years to see if actual research can prove or disprove the hypothesis.

    ICU815(Sam), I lost a lot of weight before my knee replacement almost 3 years ago. The lower weight really helped me with recovery from surgery and knee rehab. I have an excellent range of movement in the knee now. I hope your surgery goes well.
    Most of us tried a lot of diets before 5:2 but have found this is something we can stick with long term. I now use it for maintenance.

    Welcome ICU812, Sam. Wow, a total knee replacement in 9 days! I bet you’ll lose some weight on the 5:2 before then. If you’ve been eating a lot prior to starting, you might lose several pounds the first week. Anything you lose will be that much less weight that you have to worry about during knee rehab. You’re doing the right thing.

    There are lots of good ideas on these forum threads. And having people to discuss the eating plan makes it so much easier. I hope you end up liking this this way of eating and losing weight as I do.

    I’m making a big batch of the Nigerian Stew again tonight, to eat tomorrow and later in the week. This time I’m doing it with less measuring, now that I know how it’s supposed to turn out. I hope I get it right. I’m doing it in the Instant Pot and adding the tomato purée and peanut butter toward the end.

    Hi everyone
    LJoyce: thank you.
    My food diary encourages me to be more mindful of what/when I’m eating, it’s so easy to have just that little bit more, without thinking otherwise. I have had a few sweet things today though – tired of the current heat & humidity.
    Minka: Here’s hoping you get really good results from today’s body scan – all the best
    Cinque: from all reports I think I’ll have to try your Nigerian stew, sounds really nice
    CalifD: your inulin link was interesting reading. Enjoy you stew
    ICU812: warm welcome & best wishes for a good recovery after your TKR in 9 days time; the post-op exercises are really important as well
    for a better outcome.
    Sorry, didn’t manage to catch up with all posts – thinking of you all anyway.
    Bye for now!

    Alert, alert, alert…

    Angela Rippon’s “How to Stay Young” is airing tonight! This is the program that inspired me test my body composition and start taking the 30 grams of ‘Inulin Powder’ per day that I’ve been experimenting with for the past 7 months.

    The show airs on the ABC Australia at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time (Tuesday 6 January). I really enjoyed it when I watched it. Angela Rippon is both candid and humorous and to me delivered content as powerful as Dr. M.

    It’s time to make dinner, will post my experiment results a bit later!

    Hi All!

    This morning my home scales registered that I weighed 57.3 kg which is more than 1 kg more than I did in May 2017, when I got my initial Inbody scan (I weighed 56.1 kg back in May 2017). That set off trepidation jitters that I felt the whole way to the scan.


    I shed 4.2 square centimetres of visceral fat
    I cut pieces of paper the sizes before and after of my visceral fat to visibly show me what the difference looks like. When Mr M saw them he quipped that the difference looked miniscule. Those ‘miniscule’ 4.2 square centimetres missing from the smaller piece of paper actually moved me to the bottom of the range for my age (which is a good thing) on the Inbody scan chart. My previous scan showed me mid-range or ‘average’ visceral fat for my age!! I’m happy with this reduction so will continue consuming 30 grams of inulin powder per day!

    I also discovered that I shed 2.2 kg of overall body fat and gained 1.6 kg of lean muscle mass. My overall bone density also rose by 230 grams. Body fat fell from 29.3% to 25.0%. The scan results recommend that I do not shed any more fat and that I instead gain 4.8 kg of muscle mass which would put me at an ideal muscle/fat ratio and weight of 61.8 kg.

    What I did between May 2017 and now: In May 2017 I began consuming 15 grams of inulin powder twice daily. I’d already been practicing 5:2 for nearly a year and continued with that. In September my activity level increased due to extra work responsibilities which I’ve regarded this ‘exercise’, which I would say moved me from being generally sedentary to ‘Lightly Active’. In other words, the muscle mass increase and fat reduction was NOT a result of a concerted effort at the gym or even an adopted exercise regime!

    Here is a link to a human randomized control trial the effect of inulin on weight management and ectopic fat in subjects with prediabetes: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4619305/

    Congratulations Minka, impressive results.

    Welcome ICU, although I note that you have been on the forum for 20 months already. Or, perhaps you were here and left. Anyway, good luck with your efforts this time around. And with the TKR.

    The Nigerian stew recipe has come up before I think. Or was it another African country’s stew, Cinque? Where can it be found please? Is it on our recipe page or under legumes, etc?

    LJ, you raise a good point. I, too, quite enjoy the feeling of being hungry. It reminds me why I’m doing this and the good I’m doing for my body. There’s also a good feeling generated by the discipline required in not eating just because it’s a ‘meal time’.

    Thin – the Nigerian stew recipe is on the legume thread.

    Minka, well done, and thank you for posting such a detailed report. I’m so impressed that you’ve been so rigorous with this over such a long period.
    I haven’t been measuring my inulin powder, apart from at the very beginning. I just put heaped dessertspoon (which is about 20ml with my cutlery) into a drink or bowl of cereal most days. I rarely have it on FDs though – I might have to rethink this. Recently I also started adding it to the dry ingredients when I bake bread.
    I had a body scan done at the gym about 2 years ago, so I’ll consider having another one done later this year.

    Finished my FD with a chicken & veg stir fry.
    I have lunch at an Italian cafe tomorrow so probably lots of calories from starch.

    Thin, I thought you were one of the group who tried the Nigerian Stew, but I guess not. The big batch I made last night with only a rough idea of measurements turned out well (as far as I can tell from tiny tastes with an espresso sized spoon – it was a FD) except that I probably added more peanut butter than I should have. The smaller first batch didn’t have a distinct peanut flavor, it was more subtle. That said, from the tiny tastes, it does taste good overall. I’m planning to have it for lunch.

    Minka, congrats on your test results! It sounds like you’re doing everything right. Can’t argue with success!

    I just started reading more about inulin and bought a small (180 gram) container yesterday. The label says to use 3 grams per day to start. I did that last night, and given the much larger amounts Minka and LJoyce are taking, I added another 3 grams to my coffee this morning. Who else here is using it? How much do you use? One thought is that because it it said to absorb moisture, could it have a temporary effect on weight? I guess that’s pretty much the same with any fiber.

    When mentioning that “espresso” or tiny spoon above, I thought of a question: What size is a cup of coffee for you? I use a fairly large cup which is about 295 ml. But when I was in France or Italy, and as I recall, the Netherlands, a cup of coffee meant a small cup, maybe about 85 ml, of very strong coffee compared to what we drink here. It would be what we refer to as espresso. What size is a cup of coffee where you are?

    Good morning everyone, what interesting conversations are going on here!

    Minka, congratulations! I imagine your 4 square centimetres (plus .2) as the crimson cuisinaire rod. I wonder if anyone knows what I am talking about 😀
    That is a good piece of fat to be gone from your insides! And isn’t your bone density increase excellent! You must feel so pleased!

    I had a good sleep! (I wonder if watching that show helped?) I did watch “How to stay young” and there was Dr Chris again 🙂 . I should say that while he, and Dr Xand, are very good looking, and intelligent (which I find even sexier) and have done wonderful things: it is their warmth and kindness that melt me, and Operation Ouch is my favourite show at the moment, they are just gorgeous.

    So glad the Nigerian Bean Stew is being enjoyed. There are lots of African stews and soups that have a wonderful peanut sauce (eg https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/2552643/spicy-african-chicken-stew )
    I am just loving African recipes at the moment. Good for non fast days, but I guess it would be a small portion on a fast day.

    From food to beverages: I make my coffee in a four cup stove-top moka espresso pot, and then pour it into my lovely 2 cup sized blue jug with hot milk. so I think of it as 2 cups. But then I choose my cup… I have so many sizes, no matter, keep drinking until the coffee is finished!

    I’ll be back in a minute to say hi to Sam, and more!

    Hi Sam!
    Welcome here,
    My sympathy for being on medication that causes weight gain. It is just not fair.
    Good luck with 4:3. How did you go yesterday?
    I do hope it went well and you have woken up this morning with that wonderful empty ‘day after a fast day’ feeling. It is my favourite.
    If 4:3 is difficult you can always rein it back to 5:2 which is easier and will still be effective.

    JJulie, nice to think of you having some peace, after the fun of visitors, and being able to do all the good things.

    Cali wasn’t that weather extreme. I was reading about frozen lizards falling out of trees in the US while fruit bat colonies died here because they got so hot their blood boiled.
    I’ve been very grateful for Melbourne’s lovely weather the last few days, but we need rain too!

    LJoyce are your Alternate Day Fasts over? It will be nice to look at a few days of normal eating.

    It is day-before-fast-day for me, and after my big day yesterday, I am ready to have another big day today, but more domestic with some meal planning and shopping and maybe dealing with everything on my desk, because there is a mountain there, AGAIN! Oh yes, and watering the garden, at least I can do that now. I want to be ORGANISED.

    And luckily I have two taped episodes of Operation Ouch to watch when I need a rest! 😉

    Best wishes to everyone, I hope you have a good day of caring for yourself!

    Cali – I think starting small with the inulin dose is sensible. I started with a teaspoonful each day and my intestines reacted with a lot of extra gas. I gradually built it up to the amount I use now and I get no side effects these days. I started using it solely because I wanted both pre and pro biotics in my diet. I get regular lung infections that require antibiotics and I worried that my gut bugs wouldn’t fare well without the extra support. It’s only since I started taking it that I’m finding out that inulin might have a positive effect on other things too.

    Cinque, I’ve never heard of Operation Ouch, what channel is it on.
    Yes I’m, hoping the AD pattern is over – unless I eat far too much at lunch today and decide I need to fast tomorrow. I didn’t plan to do AD, I just knew that the amount I was eating on NFDs required a third FD in the week and scheduling that can get a bit crowded if I’m not willing to do any of them B2B.
    I can see from your plan for today that you have your energy back again – that’s good to see.

    LJoyce, Operation Ouch is a show aimed at primary school kids. It is on ABC23 at 4:26 each day (followed by the fabulous ‘LIttle Lunch’) and a couple of series are also on iview. I was so glad to find them when I was first home from hospital, just the thing to enjoy! (They are on tour in Australia at the moment!)
    OMG just looked at the link for their shows http://www.operationouchliveonstage.com/ and they have a special one on in Melbourne for adults on “How To Live Better Longer”. I’m very tempted!

    Sorry to be a pain but, with no search function, I can’t find the legume thread. Could someone post the link to the Nigerian stew recipe please? And CalifD, you may be correct, perhaps I have already tried it! My memory isn’t one of the functions yet benefiting from fasting. FD for me and, can you believe this, I slept until 10.15 this morning (it was a bad night with the latest airbnb guests next door – we estimate 13-16 young and very loud Chinese nationals dossing in there for 9 nights). By the time I get back from my walk, half the FD will be over!

    Here’s the recipe, Thin

    (thanks Madhur Jaffrey)

    1 cup of red kidney beans, soaked and cooked OR two tins of red kidney beans (drained and rinsed).
    (If you cook your own beans, keep half a cup of the bean liquid to mix with the peanut butter)
    3tbsp (or less) olive oil: heat in a large pan
    1 big onion, finely chopped
    2 cloves of garlic chopped
    Stir and fry gently until the onions are translucent
    1 large tsp of ground cumin: add and stir once
    Add the beans and
    250 ml tomato passata
    1/4 tsp (or more) chili/cayenne powder
    2 tsp salt
    120 ml water
    juice of half a lemon
    Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes
    Mix 1 1/2 tbsp of peanut butter with the bean liquid, or with half a cup of warm water, until smooth. Stir it in and adjust seasoning if necessary.

    This is a delicious, easy recipe that freezes well and goes with so many things!

    And the link: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/beans-and-lentils-recipes-tips-and-information/

    Thin, my memory doesn’t seem to be helped by 5:2 either. 😁 I may be thinking that you tried the stew because you talked about traveling in Africa and I might be associating that with the food. BTW, OH and DS both like the stew. I like it because the flavors are different than other soups and stews I make. It’s kind of unique. Good thing, because we still have a lot left. I’ll be eating it all week except for FD. It really makes the house smell good while it’s cooking. Thank you for
    posting it again here, Cinque.

    I took 9 more grams of the inulin later today and also had a glass of kefir. I can almost feel the little probiotic bacteria critters racing around my innards. 😁 No intestinal disturbance though, at least not yet.

    Where’s penguin? I hope his OH didn’t discover another lost mince pie! 😝

    Guess what! My sister and I are going to that show!

    Cali, I just saw the dreadful news of the mudslide in your state. Just devastating.

    I made hummus today and those tortilla flatbreads and had chopped cucumber with them Yum

    And found a gorgeous dress at the Op Shop. This one. brand new. http://www.bo-peep.ie//v/vspfiles/photos/LBY001-2T.jpg And a pair of lovely green leather summer shoes I could wear with it.

    But no desk tidying!

    Oops just remembered I haven’t bought mushrooms for tomorrows miso soup. I’ll nip out in the morning.

    PS Little Lunch no longer on after Operation Ouch!

    Lovely dress Cinque! Thank you for the link and for posting the recipe which I have copied into my Word programme so I won’t have to ask again. I haven’t seen this one before but there was another delicious one with lentils and greens.

    FD going well. But I didn’t get my walk in yet. Almost unheard of, but I will go soon when it gets a bit cooler. I got side-tracked as DD and I went to the Birkenstock shop. What a price! We had already checked Amazon Oz and they have better prices but a limited range.

    Cali – Penguin is in Portugal chasing the winter sun.

    Cinque – lovely dress. You need some flat black patent leather shoes to go with it. Glad to hear you are going to the show, enjoy.

    Thin – looks like it’s taking the council a bit of time to sort out the airbnb. I hope they shut it down soon.

    I had lunch in the city with someone I used to work with then drove to the far southern suburbs to drop off cherries to my niece and my nephew.
    I was discussing some of the tasks I still have to do on the house and my niece offered to come up Friday to help me with some jobs that are easier with a second pair of hands. Like installing blinds in all the bedrooms. I had been delaying those tasks because I wasn’t sure I could manage properly alone.

    I am joining the crowd and having nigerian bean stew for dinner.

    Although I hadn’t intended to, I will probably fast yet again tomorrow rather than Friday as planned – as my my niece will be here Friday and I need the option of having lunch with her. That will also make it easy to start next week with a FD on Sunday which I do like doing.

    I didn’t think you would miss me so soon. We are having an idle time, walking abut six miles a day, sleeping too long and trying not to eat too much. Unfortunately they have taken the scales out of the gym so I have no idea how that is going.

    I read your posts every day and will try the Nigerian beans when I get home. I know nothing about inulin so some research is needed. Fortunately I can kefir here.

    Hi penguin:

    Of course we miss you! Don’t worry about sleeping too much, the lack of scales or inulin.


    Hey everyone,
    I’m in Western Australia,
    Started 5-2 on 27 dec at 78.3 kg
    Now 10 Jan 75.8
    Goal weight is 60 kgs

    Just ‘winging-it’ at the moment but really need to have quick foods cemented in my head so I don’t spend 1/2 my days figuring out what I can quickly grab from the pantry, knowing it’s the best choice.

    Also, at same time I started doing 1 hours exercise per day (not necessarily rigorous, but sometimes is). And it doesn’t seems to be having a giant effect. I’m wondering if choosing a quick 10 minute hit routine each day might be more productive e.

    Next questions 😊 in the fast diet book it says there’s a free app but I can’t locate it – am I imagining this?

    Plus, do the fast days have to be the same days all the time? because sometimes I wake up and think, yeah I can fast today, and others I think no way I’m starving, so I chop and change.

    Does anyone water fast?

    Thanks in advance for all your help, the previous posts are a mine of information,

    Anyone out there in a similar situation to me, age weight and goal-wise?

    Cheers for 2-thousand-and-greateen!!🎉🎉

    Hi E and welcome:

    Diet days can be any days you want.

    Here are some tips: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Welcome EliC. A special welcome because you’re also from WA. May I ask whereabouts please? I’m in Perth. And I’m in your age range (61) as are many of us here. I don’t share your goal of losing 20kgs as I’ve already lost my 23kgs and now weigh 60kgs, a weight I’ve maintained through fasting for the past 29 months.

    Yes, there are water fasters here.

    You can fast any days you like and switch them around to suit you. The only thing I can say about that is that keeping to definite days each week does make those FDs ultimately become ‘normal’. It also has the advantage of letting others become well-accustomed to your specific fasting days to avoid inadvertent sabotage. And then, once established, you always have the option to switch to accommodate events. My FDs have been Sundays and Wednesdays for 41 months but for the last three weeks I switched Sun to Sat to accommodate the holidays. (And it felt very odd eating on Sundays after all these years).

    You can certainly wake up and decide to do a FD if you like that approach. My take on that is that, without planning, you are less likely to stick to it especially given what you have said about raiding the pantry for the least of all the evils within. I recommend planning the FD foods ahead of time and then you know exactly what to expect. But whatever works for you is what works.

    Exercise is great and highly recommended for lots of reasons but most of us here have discovered that it has virtually no effect on weight loss. In fact, several people here are unable to exercise much, if at all, and they have successfully reached their goal weight. I spent 30 years on expensive gym memberships before realising this. I now walk 5-10kms per day and that’s it.

    My advice would be read the 5:2 book before doing anything; measure everything and plan ahead your FD intake. Absolutely everything needs to be counted (milk in coffee, herbal teas, etc) so ‘winging it’ is unlikely to work to your best advantage. Congratulations on the weight already lost. Good luck, ask us anything!

    Thank you simcoeluv – I’ll check out those tips.

    Thinatlast I am also a Perthite!
    Thanks for all your advice. I am 1/2 way through the book.
    Great to hear from someone who has lost and maintained the amount I am wanting to lose.

    Feeling motivated already 😊

    Penguin, walking sleeping and eating sounds like the perfect recipe for a relaxing holiday. Enjoy. Hope you are getting some better weather over in Portugal.

    Hi EliC, welcome to 5:2. I’m in Adelaide, in my 50s and I’ve just finished my first year on 5:2. For the first 5 months it was to lose weight but I’ve continued with it as it helps me with weight maintenance.
    Most of the advice that Thin gave is much the same for me with just a couple of exceptions: I move my fasting days around more than most other people (although I do have favourites), and I do sometimes move days because of how I feel and what my appetite is like, although it’s more often moved to accommodate social events.
    I do plan ahead for FD food and I eat a fairly small range of foods by choice on those days as it makes the planning easy and because I’ve used them many times on FD I don’t have to keep counting the calories because I already know.
    I haven’t looked for the app so can’t help with that one.
    I also agree about the exercise, it is good for you in many ways but doesn’t have much impact on weight loss. I’d concentrate on doing exercise you actually enjoy for good general health and use 5:2 for the weight loss.
    One other bit of advice I’d give is that you try to stay at or below your TDEE on your normal eating days – otherwise it can quickly cancel out the good work you’ve done on the fasting days.

    Thanks LJoyce,
    Any suggestions on a plan for a work day fast day – 10am, 1230pm,, then something later in the evening.
    I need to look closer into the other number you mention, (forgotten what it’s called already).

    CalifDreamer. What is happening in your part of the world? Fire and flood sounds like a bad movie plot. Stay well away!

    Welcome EliC,
    Lovely to have you here.
    As the others have said, even though 5:2 is a great, simple concept we all do it in a way that fits with our individual health needs, our personality and our lifestyle. The first few weeks, especially, are a kind of scientific experiment where you work out what suits you.

    I think your plan for a workday fast sounds great. All you can do is try it and see. I am not working, but I find I vary on busy days. Sometimes I find it really easy as I haven’t time to think of food and the day goes quickly and successfully. Other days I can’t concentrate and start making mistakes and need a little bit to eat to help me go.

    Penguin, Lovely to hear from you and know you are having a great time. You don’t need those gym scales, you’ve got your waistband!

    LJoyce you are right about the shoes. I can’t do patent leather but I think I have the next best thing. (Last weeks op shop find). Just wish I was thirty years younger, and had longer legs, to do it justice.

    I did yoga for the first time since my op yesterday. It felt so good. I have to minimise it all and miss lots, but I have made a start. (Cali, I remember you ordered the Wai Lai dvd, maybe not mentioning it means it didn’t turn out to be suitable for you?)

    And it is fast day for me today. Nice to know I have good company!
    I’m going out to buy mushrooms and greens for this evenings miso soup. I’m so looking forward to it already!

    Best wishes everyone

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome EliC. Enjoy your holiday Penguin!How nice of your niece to help you LJoyce.
    Ive had a busy week with everyone home on holidays so I dont get a lot of ‘alone’ time.

    OH and I took the granddaughters to the Melbourne Aquarium on Tuesday. We went in on the train which they just loved and we all had a great day. Its a bit sad as my eldest granddaughter is starting school in a couple of weeks. Ive had her at least 1 day a week since she was 10 months old.

    Also its just over a week til my younger daughters wedding. I dont know if I mentioned that it is a DIY wedding in a paddock by the Yarra river. We have to book everything ourselves, caterers, rent tables, chairs and even toilets as well as buy all the plates, knives and forks etc.We’ve also had to organize lighting and decorations. DD also wanted to hire wine barrel bar tables etc, etc. Its been a lot to think about and lots of hands on work. OH has mowed and whippersnipped a few times, he’s had to dig out blackberries. The couple have made signs, bunting, and there are still a lot of last minute things to do there. A lot of people are camping overnight so we will do a BBQ breakfast the next morning.

    My weight is going well. It varies so much from morning to night and day to day but the ‘graph’-so to speak, is about 600 grams less this week 🙂 I was last this weight (and got a bit lower) before I went to Bali with my Gfs last year- I obviously need the incentive of a fortnight with the GFs wearing bathers and a DDs wedding to get me motivated!
    Today is my middle Granddaughter’s 2nd birthday so we are out to a pizza restaurant with them.

    Have a good one everyone whether you are fasting or not. xx

    Good morning all, hi sim and HNYear to you, and Welcome to EliC,

    Eli – you can do this snd you’re off to a good start. Lots of good advice from Simcoe, Thin, Ljoyce and Cinque. I’m one of the one’s who’ve done this to my goal weight of 62kgs at 5’6”/169cm, without exercise due to a chronic health condition, in my late 60’s, lost 21kgs. Done in Nov 2016. Continued on 5:2 as I like this WOL (way of life).

    Drum roll – weighing in today at 64.4kgs. That may look unworthy of a drum roll for those not here during last year, but, last year was an Annus Horribilis of a multitude of stressful things having not just 1 after the other in quick succession, but often coming in pairs, triples, quads. 5:2, and my previous 2 yrs of 5:2, was
    brilliant at helping keep my weight under reasonable control, combating stress eating,
    and sometimes failed FDs along the way. I did whatever I could to keep sticking to 5:2, and it was a very welcome crutch to help me through the year without the added stress of watching my weight baloon from stress eating. Now I’m back to where I was in August last year just before DFIL passed away flanked by 2 stressful health situations + operations in 2 of my nearest and dearest. The stress is easing now and I’ve stayed steady with no weight gain over Christmas and NYear, and now continuing to slowly go back to my goal weight.

    I continue to learn more about how various foods affect me, and how to implement 5:2 in my life. I love doing 2 FDs in a week, Mon/Thurs most of the time. I was dubious I could fast the furst FD, but after about 3FDs found it was fairly easy.

    There are some who have a phenomena we call The Hunger Dragon ie we’re not hungry till we have our first food, and that triggers a raging appetite. I am one of those. To counter it I don’t eat till after 6pm on FDs and then eat all my calories in 1 meal.

    Those without The Hunger Dragon usually eat breakfast and dinner, or 3 small meals.

    Penguin – waistband a la Cinque.

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Hi Stay, your message came in while I was typing. Lovely times with the grandchildren.

    The wedding prep sounds exhausting but exciting. Have a lovely well earned pat on the back for you and OH after the dust in the paddock has settled post wedding. A little time off has been earned! Best wishes for the next week of final prep and a wonderful few days.


    Happy fasting today LJ and Cinque. Glad you had a successful day out LJ with your former colleague and hope the Italian meal was good. Yes, our local council is complaint-driven and moves slowly in enforcing its own Code. Cinque, it’s good to know that you’re attempting more & more of your ‘normal’ activities.

    Eli, yay! We can always do with more Perth losers. I’m SoR. I think you’re asking for actual food suggestions for your work day. I’m not working so I can’t really help with that – also any recommendations might depend on whether you’re responsible for preparing other family members’ meals after work, whether you’re male or female (600 vs 500 cals). etc. You can work out your TDEE on this page (menu item ‘resources’ at the top right). Here is our recipe page to get you started on low cal FD meals. https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/southern-hemispherites-fd-recipes/.

    I tend to wait as long as possible for my first food intake on a FD (at least 2pm) and bank my calories for the evening ‘meal’. I find it’s psychologically easier to look forward to something to eat rather than watch the calories dwindle away as the day passes. Hunger comes and goes in waves and doesn’t have to be satiated with food; it can be distracted by activity so, if you’re busy at work, that could work well.

    LJ, regarding your successful changing around of FDs, I feel I should qualify that by saying that you are highly motivated, highly disciplined, experienced and tenacious about maintaining your weight! It might be trickier for newbies to put off a FD because they wake up hungry and still manage to find a replacement fast day – but maybe not if they’re committed. Did you switch your days around from the outset? As you say, different personalities require different strategies and 5:2 accommodates everyone.

    P.S. Hello Stay and Merry. Your posts appeared after I’d finished mine. That wedding sounds fun Stay.

    Hey Minka,

    I’ll be up your way tomorrow. Family stuff, arriving just before lunch. Are you free for a coffee around lunchtime? I can get JJ to give you some contact details.


    Hi SHs, I’m late today as I’ve been out running errands before the day gets too hot here.

    EliC, The number I mentioned was TDEE, you can find the calculator and an explanation for it here: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/how-many-calories-on-a-non-fast-day/ Some people have no problem with the normal eating days but they were more of a struggle for me than the fasting.
    As Thin mentioned I am extremely motivated to maintain a weight that’s healthy for me so switching fast days doesn’t cause me problems and I know I will always do two. I have always planned my fast days at the beginning of each week as I usually know what social occasions or commitments I have to work around so I know in advance which two days will be the easiest to fast that week. I would say that I was more likely to change a FD in the beginning because I wasn’t hungry so thought that fasting might be easy that day – I was much less likely to abandon a FD just because I was finding it difficult – I felt I had to learn to push through that challenge and learn to accept the being hungry was OK.
    I am retired so haven’t had to fit fasting into a work day. These days I eat only one meal on fast days – dinner. Throughout the day I drink cups of tea with milk and also water but I rarely eat any food. When I first started 5:2 I did not eat breakfast on FDs but I did have lunch and often a mid afternoon snack too. Lunch was always a veggie meal as either a salad or soup. Then I would have veggies with a little protein for dinner (eg a veg & chicken stirfry). As a snack my favourites were strawberries (26 calories per 100g) or carrot sticks (31 calories per 100g) or cherry tomatoes (16 calories per 100g). In colder weather I also used a cup of miso broth or cocoa made with low cal almond milk as snacks (unsweetened almond milks are 16-20cal per 100ml). I have always allocated some calories for milk in cups of tea on FDs as giving them up felt too much like punishment.
    There are some people who prefer protein rich foods as snacks (eg a boiled egg).
    How you structure food on a FD will depend on when you know you are hungriest (for me that’s late in the day) and also how demanding your work day is.

    Stay, what do you wear to a wedding in a paddock? Definitely not shoes with heels that keep sinking into the ground. We’ve had a few DIY weddings in my family too. You don’t realise just how many little things there are to organise until you do a wedding that way. My sister was married in my parents garden – every auntie and cousin showed up with either a casserole or a dessert and that was the catering organised! My niece had her reception in my sister’s huge outdoor entertaining area but they hired in a mobile spit roasting caterer which was served with salads. The cost of weddings has grown to ridiculous levels – how is any couple supposed to buy a house if they’ve just spent the equivalent of half a house deposit on a wedding.

    Merry, you sound in control again and much more positive. That’s definitely worthy of a drumroll after the endless stream of hurdles you had to jump last year.

    Thin, for lunch I ended up ordering a toasted roll with eggplant, tomato, capsicum, mushroom and cheese filling – nice but a bit too drenched in oil for me. I probably would have been better off with a mini pizza like my lunch companion ordered – it appeared to have less bread and less oil than my lunch.

    Cali, the mudslide damage looks just terrible, I hope your family are safe. It this the same part of California that’s just been through the fires?

    I’m really not in the mood for another FD today, I’m definitely rebelling about the number of them I’ve done so close together lately. However scheduling next week is difficult because I have the infusion for my rheumatoid drug and I need to be careful which days I fast before and after that. Giving myself the option of fasting Sunday or Monday will be important. So I’ve talked myself into fasting today with the promise that after this I really will get at least two NFDs between FDs next week. On the plus side, my tight jeans are a comfortable fit at the moment and I’d like to keep it that way.

    I’m going to try and remove the old blind brackets today – they’ve been painted over so many times that I suspect it will be a challenging task.

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