Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,912 replies, has 831 voices, and was last updated by  Intesha 20 hours, 8 minutes ago.

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  • Good Morning Aussies, Good Afternoon Kiwis,

    Intesha, take and run with it. Any possibility for a coffee together later in July?

    Cinque- the warm bed is very inviting. I use an electric blanket to warm the bed then switch off, but left it on a few times. A few weird dreams were the result. Last night was our coldest yet, and the extra warm quilt will be coming out of the cupboard today. The sun is shining, somewhat windy, and I have an orchid plant about to flower, so the world is good.

    Saw our sweet little new family baby last night. Mum and bub all doing well. Lovely.

    FD yesterday and I was a bit hungrier than usual last night. 1st food at 6pm but I didn’t put enough calories into it – just baby spinach, tomato, artichoke, and some calamari lightly cooked in a little olive oil and lemon juice. Did it in a hurry so don’t know how many calories. The artichoke pieces weren’t in oil, and calamari doesn’t have lots, so it wouldn’t have come to the 300cals I usually have. Got the munchies later. Dropped half a large tub of plain yoghurt on the kitchen floor, tub broke, lovely paint splatters e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e including me and my hair. Joy! Not! Anyhoo… i think my FD went from it’s planned 370 cals to about 600, so not a disaster, and still down some this morning. I haven’t yet got to the point where I want to go through a FD to the next day without anything. I don’t know if Zi ever will or if I even need to think about it. Actually, I don’t think I even need to think about itπŸ™‚

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Congratulations on the new baby Merryme. Yes its been very cold here too. I couldn’t live without my electric blanket. It has a fast heat up button. It heats the bed while I get ready and then I switch it down to 1.
    I did well on my FD yesterday. Hubby made ANZAC biscuits with our granddaughter. I have had 2 of them already today -so yummy. We are going into the Vic. Markets Night market for dinner tomorrow night so will fast again on Thursday πŸ™‚ x

    Hi Everyone,
    It’s my feet that suffer so it is a hot water bottle AND a couple of rice filled heat bags for me! (Then the cat gets on top of the hot water bottle and I rest my feet against her).

    Judy, Mmm yum Anzac biscuits. We used to love having the first one still warm and bendy, and then the rest cool and crisp in our lunchboxes!

    I hope your daughters family is all happily home together now.

    Merry I read about the new tiny baby and then didn’t say anything. My brain is mush! Welcome little baby! Congratulations to all the family!

    I’m off to bed for an early night. My days are still pretty hard. I think I told you my son in law had a seizure, so he can’t drive for a while and they need me to be their taxi driver, and there are doctors appts as well as everything else. My daughter is finally able to work on getting her license, so we are fitting in as many driving times for her as we can (drove out to Epping today through the infamous Reservoir intersection and she did so well!), and they also need me to help with Josie. Nick’s mum has been staying, (more driving around) but I am taking her to the airport tomorrow.
    I need a whinge! I just want a few days of not having to do anything.
    I feel awful complaining because a) Nick is okay, and that is the main thing, b)I am really happy to help, and c) the people helping with my food project are doing SO much to make it all work.

    A lovely new neighbour from upstairs knocked on the door on the weekend for a chat and a cuppa and I just said “Sorry, go away, I have to rest.” I hate being inhospitable! (I didn’t say it quite as abruptly, but that was the gist!)

    Anyway, hopefully I can make up for things when life settles down. If it ever does! At least I am not carrying around 30 kg extra!

    Sweet dreams all!

    Day after FD 68.6, happy dance!!!!

    Cinque it’s good to express feelings rather than bottle them up and we are all anonymous, well most of us, so there is no judgement. I too feel like you at times I just have those stop the world I want to get off moments but thankfully they are few and far between.

    Merry would love to catch up for coffee but I do have a very busy schedule you knowπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ let me know via email when you were thinking of. My daughter arrives on the 23rd July until 22nd August.

    Starting at the new gym this morning, feeling a little apprehensive as these are more structured group classes.

    Hope everyone else is doing okay.

    Thanks Intesha, it is sometimes good to complain to people who understand but won’t feel guilty or that they need to jump in to try to make things better. I cancelled my car service I had booked in today and I am having a quiet fasting morning before a trip to the airport this afternoon and a driving lesson on the way back.

    How did the gym go? I hope it was a great instructor and that the other people were lovely!

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for the funny Cinque, and loved the happy dancing one too -cute and says it all. Thanks, re the new baby too, and don’t worry about the delayed comment. We know that what’s in our heads doesn’t always make it onto the screen, the dairy or whatever, or it’s there but goes undone.

    Intesha-I’ll email youπŸ™‚

    At the moment I have been procrastinating for days over many things. We going away to look after grandkids again on Saturday, away for a while, and I just don’t want to do all the things I have to do to get ready. I’m battling the beginnings of a little depression maybe. It’s years since I’ve been so incapacitated and it’s bringing back bad memories of being so housebound, living like a hermit, and a little fear of ever getting back to my newer normal. Not sure how I’ll go with the children, but there will be another family member arriving to help as well. Must go….

    Happy Fast Day to the Wednesday fasters,
    Onwards and Downwards,

    Duh, the diary, not the place where cows are milked!

    Survived the new gym, just😳😳 it was a bit of a shock to the system. Lot more intense than I am used to and thought I was going to pass out towards the end but I have to say after 10 hours sleep I feel remarkably good and no soreness so I guess the old body is better than I thought. Home day today washing/cleaning etc.

    Lovely sunny day.

    FD today same starting weight as Tuesday’s FD 69.1.

    Merry small steps, try not to look at the big picture it will/is making you feel depressed. You will be better soon this is just a small glitch. You’ve come so far pat yourself on the backπŸ‘πŸ‘

    Good morning,
    Good fast day yesterday and feeling lovely this morning, and not starving for a change!
    Making savoury muffins for our meeting. They are in the oven, and I hope to fit in some planning between now and 10 o’clock.

    Intesha that is a great report about the gym. It sounds like it might be a really good part of your life. Congrats for surviving that first session!

    Merry, sending you best wishes. What can we do at times like this, but be glad it isn’t worse, and try not to let the frustration and weight of it all bring you down too much (she says after her big whinge!). You have got it hard at the moment. I do hope it is a good day today.

    Good Morning everyone,

    Thanks Intesha and Cinque, you are both so right. Very grateful to be going through this so many kgs lighter, normal range BMI and only a few 3kgs from my goal weight., and hey, if I have to have something extra medical for awhile I know which country I’m happy to be having in. I’ve woken in a better mood today. I think yesterday was my low point. I got out my smallest pants and T shirt and felt very slim in those, and that felt good. Funny how still being a stone over my normal adult weight I could feel slim, but I did. We went out for awhile and I had a massage as well. Note to self : get to bed earlier cos late nights aren’t good for me right now. Made sure I got to bed earlier too.

    FD today too and hoping to see 64.something on the scales tomorrow morning. Let’s see how we go Intesha. Well done on the gym session too. If you’re not sore this morning sounding good for the longer run.

    Cinque, I can smell those muffins!

    Ok, musing or puzzle time: I once tried the Atkins diet for a week just to see what it was like, more out of curiosity than anything else. Result 5 days in and my joints, especially ankles, started aching and stiff. It was way out of my comfort zone foodwise with all that protein and fat also. The last couple of months of s…l…o…w recovery and the emergence of what may be rheumatoid arthritis in my hand has me finally wondering if maybe my adherence to being starchy carb free, which I’ve had to do to get the weight down on 5:2, and only eating low cal lowGI carbs, is working against me inflammation wise, and maybe that could be dragging this out and account for the ups and and downs – there’s been lots of regressions in this recovery. Off to see if I can find a Rh. Arth thread…..

    Bye for now,
    Have a good day everyone,

    Hi Everyone
    Good to see everyone is doing well. FD for me today and I’m thinking of adding one on Saturday when hubby is working all day at a polling booth. I’m going away the following weekend with the girls and that will be very detrimental to my diet! But we’ll have a lot of fun πŸ™‚

    Happy Thursday folks. My weigh in day. Another loss this week. 1.5 kg. Another 600 grams & I will have lost 10% of my start weight. So Maybe next week.
    really struggled with yesterday’s fast day. Maybe it was the cold. Didn’t completely bust it , but not as good as I usually am. Couple of days until I absolutely have to refocus. Must remember not to do anything too stupid though. Happy fasting!

    The cold does make it hard Dan!
    Hopefully the next couple of Fast days will be good ones and you will reach that first goal!

    The meeting and the muffins went well! We managed to do great organising even with 2 toddlers in the room!
    I am concentrating on mindful meeting for these couple of non fast days.

    Judy a good Fast on Saturday sounds like an excellent prep for a social week!

    Merry so glad you have talked yourself into a good state of mind. And fingers crossed things start getting easier. I thought of you with the news of Sally Pearson out of the Olympics with a town hamstring, after a long recovery from er last injury. No hurdling for either of you!

    Morning All,

    Well done Dan!

    Hi Judy – maybe the girls will be inspired by your 5:2 ing, even if they don’t say so!

    Cinque – poor Sally Pearson. What it takes be be an elite world dominating athlete must be incredible. Sad time for her. Re your meeting, it’s amazing what can be accomplished around toddlers when there’s a few people there. Well done!

    Yesterday ended up quite stressful and very cold, so I decided not to finish my FD and switch it to today. Packing today for 2weeks away with family. The preparation needed makes me dread going away even though I really want to go. Usually I do it over several days, but today it’s all got to happen somehow. I need a list. I’ve realised I’ve stopped using my diary (not my dairy) as much over the last couple of months, and that’s causing some aimlessness and anxiety as well. Off to make a list and cross off the bits 1 by 1…..

    Onwards and downwards,

    Good morning Saturday. Election day in Australia. Enjoy the sausage sizzle! (I did a postal vote earlier, so I miss out!).

    Merry, I knew you meant ‘diary’ (not dairy), but did you know I meant ‘mindful eating’ (not mindful meeting)?

    I hope you got your diary up to date. All the packing done, and best wishes for your journey!

    I’m having my early fast day today, so I can eat with friends tomorrow. I woke up feeling the best I have for a while, and I tidied the kitchen. I love a tidy kitchen!

    Best wishes all of you! Keep warm!

    just calling in to make my first tentative post; I’m close to 73 yrs old and decided early June to stop lying in bed dreaming up crafty ways to insert fabric to make a top fit me to actually get out of bed and do something that was positive. So here I am (yep- another Kiwi) 3 weeks later having lost 8kg, about an inch less in the measurements plus what has me really thrilled, yesterday, I had my quarterly Blood Pressure test; Practice Nurse so sure she’d made an error so re-tested. I have dropped from my “about 170 BP” down to 140- the first time in some years. When responding to the question “what have you been doing?!” and told her about the 5:2 (“not Diet” but “food plan”.Impressed Nurse (1 of 6) said I was the 2nd client of hers in past 3 hours to be really excited about their achievable goals- and this at a shared facility for 2 small towns (Foxton / Foxton Beach), combined pop. about 7000. (And when I get down to around 75 or better- 70kg.(from 98 start) one of my ‘kids’ are shouting me a visit to family in Melbourne, in November.

    Hi BAJH!
    Lovely to read your post. Welcome here! I completely relate to your experience! And how wonderful to find health markers improving so quickly. Hooray for 5:2 and having some power over our weight and health!

    Hi BAJH, welcome. It doesn’t matter what age you start this, the health benefits are worth it and now that we are living longer we need to be as fit as we can be so that we can enjoy those extra years.

    I had a fitness assessment at the gym yesterday with a personal trainer. He couldn’t believe I was nearly 66. He said I only looked 40, priceless what a huge boost to my confidence and he said it more than once so I was really flattered.

    So reading other posts, there can be weeks when weight loss is minimal? Disappointed at weekend to find 1 kg gone.. even though daughter suggests 2 (not another 1 gained.. LOL)

    Hi again BAJH,
    It is interesting the different frustrations people find with 5:2, some hit plateaus, some start putting weight on again. It is often from slip ups in non fast days, I gather.
    I don’t bother with the weighing and judge how I am going by how my clothes fit (and how often I need to move to the next size down!). Over the year I have been on 5:2 I think I have lost weight steadily. I think I am losing slower as I get closer to my ideal weight, but that is to be expected.
    I also have a feeling that most of the people who losse steadily and straightforwardly don’t hang around on the forums.
    The big trick is keeping on keeping on, so you should be right!

    It is a cold day in Melbourne and I had a bad night because my granddaughter is having bad nights (teeth? a cold? a bit of both?) and I wanted to give my daughter a break. We’ve already been down to the park, well rugged up! And I might need a morning nap after she gets picked up!

    I had such a good fast on Saturday, and then a lovely day with friends yesterday. Now I am back to my Thursday and Sunday Fasting it is 4 days in a row of non fasts! Wow!

    Best wishes everyone! Who is fasting today?

    Hi Cinque and other thread members! This is my first post in this thread. I just started 5:2 last week, well, to begin I’m doing a couple weeks of 6:1. Cinque, you might remember me from over in the Chronic Fatigue group. Since that group isn’t active, I thought to write something here. I’d scheduled tomorrow for a FD, though a friend called up and asked if I could help her tomorrow or Wed so I thought to move my FD to today when I know I’ll be home! So, here I am waiting to feel hungry before I eat my first small meal of the day.

    I see it is only 11 C. in Melbourne at the moment. Brrr. I can see why you rugged up while out in the park. I’m rugged up here in our house since it is only 16 C. in this computer nook! Thankfully the sun is shining. I only need to step outside to warm up, which I’ll do shortly! I live in N. NSW.

    Hi all, Cinque I have to agree that the closer we get to goal weight or what our bodies think is goal weight our progress slows. It is discouraging but I think just following the 5:2 is better for us health wise regardless of the weight loss. People are telling me I glow with health and my attitude has certainly changed.

    I’ve stopped stressing about the weight loss, sometimes not successfully but weigh-in this morning I was 68.8 last Monday 70.1. I did throw in an extra FD yesterday. Another 4 weeks and I would have been following this WOL for 18months. If I can get down to 67 by then I would have lost 20kg, what a milestone.

    FD tomorrow.

    Hi Lael and Intesha,

    I forgot to say Intesha, what a treat to hear how your personal trainer took a quarter of a century off your age ! wow!

    Lael, so glad you found us here! This thread has been a little quiet, and both Thin and Merry are away at the moment, so we need new faces!
    I hope it has been a really good fast day! And then you will enjoy your time with your friend tomorrow!

    I was exhausted after grandtot left, but I have spent the day resting with little bits of tidying and cooking and feel a lot better. But tomorrow I have to take my car in to get the airbag replaced, and it is an early start. Eep. Not my favourite!

    Best wishes!

    Hi Intesha, hearing that you’ve been practicing IF for 18 months and that others say you are ‘glowing’ is inspiring! I look forward to hearing others say the same to me down the track! Part of what has drawn me to 5:2 is that I know a few people who have practiced since Mosley’s series on SBS a few years ago and they all look so much younger now than they did back then!

    All the best with your car repair Cinque!

    Lael, in the first few months I nearly gave up but I stayed on the forum and read what everyone else was going through. Most have disappeared into the sunset but the one constant has been Thin and she gave me a good kick every now and then. The good thing about this forum is that most of us are anonymous and its up to us to take the advice that someone who has been there done that or just give up as too hard.

    I could have lost a lot more by now but I had 7 weeks overseas Xmas/new year and have had a few mini holidays since but I have always gone straight back onto 5:2 when I returned home.

    Hello Southern Hemispherites from cold, grey, rainy Melbourne!
    I’ve got a cold (thanks granddaughter πŸ˜‰ )with a sore throat, but I got the airbag replaced in my car (a recall) no problem (thanks Lael!) and today I don’t need to go anywhere in the morning, what bliss!
    I’ve got porridge on the stove and good food in the fridge.

    Yay for looking younger! I know I do, and it is such a pleasure. Especially since it isn’t just looks but how we function too. Such a nice feeling that I am doing the right thing by my body! If only I had discovered 5:2 decades ago!

    Best wishes for a good day everyone!

    Another cold, rainy day in Melbourne! How is it where you are?
    Fast day for me, and I am enjoying my morning cuppas.

    Hi Cinque, looks like the two of us have to keep the home fires burning. Pretty cold and wet in Sydney as well.

    Had my first Pilates class today on an FD. Bit hesitant because I usually don’t excercise on those days but my acupuncturist said I should be fine with it. Did feel a little dizzy and sick but it’s an entirely new excercise for me. Managed to complete the class and I was quite proud of myself.

    Yesterday I had another session with the trainer and he is quite impressed at my strength and flexibility. I’ll be super women soon!!!!!!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    Weight this morning 69.2 still not moving much but stable is good.

    Hi Intesha and Cinque, Sounds like you are both staying warm and hope you are feeling better by the time you read this Cinque. Well done for any exercise on FD Intesha! Sounds like you might be gaining muscle mass, given that your trainer was so impressed with strength? I’ve been attempting to stick to eating at least 50 grams of protein on FD and my body composition scales are showing incremental increases in muscle after FDs.

    It has been warm and sunny here over the past couple of days. Yesterday I went for a bicycle ride along the flat coastal bike path. I was thrilled to find that I was able to cycle as far as 30 kilometers for the first time in 4 years! …And I felt so balanced upon waking this morning, it was like I hadn’t even been on the ride, which feels almost too good to be true! I’m loving 5:2, er, or the 6:1 that I’ve been doing the past couple weeks. 5:2 starts next week for me!

    Good morning,
    I’m very croaky but slept okay, that’s enough information first thing in the morning 😷
    Congrats on the Pilates Intesha, you are a super woman! It is very nice to have you here.

    Lael, warm and sunny sounds like bliss! So exciting that you feel ready to get that second fast day in!
    What an amazing cycle ride! I used to love cycling! It is a wonderful freeing feel! 🚲 And fingers crossed you don’t get any payback!

    Best wishes for a good day 🌺🌺🌺

    Hi Lael, doesn’t it feel good. I am only slightly aware of a few different muscles after my Pilates class so I guess I am fitter than even I thought. Well done on your 30km ride what an achievement.

    Weight this morning 68.7 that pesky 67 is alluding me but I know that my muscle mass has increased and my clothes are fitting very well.

    Fine here at the moment but it’s still early.

    Happy Friday all.

    Hi Cinque our posts crossed. Sorry you are not 100% but hopefully you can rest up for a few days.

    Just had to tell you, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I am just getting ready to go out. Bought myself two pair of jacquard pants size 12 only a few weeks ago. Have worn one pair once so thought I would wear them today. I put them on and thought what the ……. Rechecked both sizes thinking I may have the wrong size. No both size 12 and practically falling off me. Oh dear that will teach me to buy two, luckily they were half price.

    Woohoo Intesha! You are on a roll!

    YaY Intesha!

    OK, so it had to happen sooner or later. Zero loss this week. But no gains either so that’s a good thing. I know intellectually that this occurs (I’m an old hand at weight loss) but it still ticks me off. Had to tighten the draw string on my shorts though so there must be some magical change taking place somewhere in this old body.
    I’d set myself a goal to lose 10% of my start weight before my 55th birthday & I’ve still got three weeks to lose 600 grams. Have a great weekend. πŸ™‚

    Good morning, there is sunshine here. SUNSHINE! What a treat!

    Dan, commiserations. But if you have to have a ‘no loss’ week, at least you’ve got it over and done with!
    And I respect the drawstring more than the scales any day! πŸ˜‰

    My cold is a lot better but I have developed a nasty cough and my poor little granddaughter got croupy. I’m planning another easy day.

    Fast day tomorrow.

    Dan I think we get so caught up with the figure on the scales, it was drummed into so often, that our brains now cannot equate with anything else. I am so guilty of giving myself a hard time if I don’t get the weight I want but then when I try clothes on or now see the smaller sizes hanging in my wardrobe I know that I have succeeded. We really should throw the scales out. I take my get off to Cinque who has being doing this without them.

    Having an extra FD today, I really want to see that 67 soon. I have been lingering between 70-68 for months now so just want to see some movement.

    How are you going Cinque, feeling a little better?

    Hi Everyone!
    I am a lot better today thanks Intesha. Still a bit weak and shaky, but hardly a cough or a sniffle.
    Fast day! And I have been so busy I haven’t even noticed my usual hunger pangs, so there you go!
    Good luck with your extra fast day today! It would be lovely to see 67 this week!
    I have a friend visiting so I will be off!
    Catch you tomorrow!

    A clear, cold, sunny morning! Lovely!
    But Oh dear you Westerners are sending over some nasty weather!
    I’m glad you will be rid of it though!

    It is morning after fast day for me. One of those nice ones where I feel good and not particularly hungry. My cold is another day better too! So I had better finish this coffee and get going!

    I hope it is a good day for you! Fast Day or Non Fast Day!

    Cinque I wasn’t thinking of hitting the 67 this week but did want to do it before my daughter arrives on the 23rd.

    Weight this morning 68.2, so close. I just want to be able to say goodbye forever to the 70’s. I know there is still more I can lose but I am going to be guided by my body as to how quickly that happens. It’s not the main focus of my life anymore but I have certainly made the FD’s part of it and even look forward to them at times.

    FD tomorrow.

    Hi Everyone
    Sorry I’ve been MIA. I had to work an extra day last week and then went away for a long weekend with the girls πŸ™‚ I’m also finding i can’t log on here on my phone when at work, even using 4G- have no idea why?? I couldn’t while away with the girls either?
    I was pleased my weight was the same as last Monday. I did eat and drink a lot with my girlfriends.
    After seeing my GP today he thought I’d need a minor surgery this afternoon, so I was instructed to fast! (I was able to get it done without GA ) so great fast day for me today. πŸ™‚
    Cinque I’m loving this weather too and went for some lovely walks on the weekend at the beach. Glad to hear you are feeling better
    You are doing so well Intesha, I like your attitude. Dan, I’m sure you will do better next week and I agree with Cinque about the drawstrings.

    Good thnking, take your time Intesha, it is always better that way!
    Hopefully you have said goodbye to the 70’s already! And say goodbye to the 68’s this week, it is just a whisker away!

    I had a very busy productive day, but I really need to have another one tomorrow! Off to bed nice and early for me! Sweet dreams everyone!

    Hi everyone!

    Not home yet, another week to go minding the litllies.

    Hit my next minigoal yesterday – under 65kgs, was 64.6 after Mons FD, and 64.9 this morning. Very happy with that! Didn’t write down a reward for that mini goal so will have to think of something.

    Hope all are well, and Dan, minor hiccup only, don’t you let your resolve weaken, just keep doing it!

    Love to all,
    Onwards and Downwards,

    Intesha, will get in touch today or tomorrow.

    Oh Merry that is lovely! I hope you think up a really good reward!
    Best wishes to you and the little ones!

    Hi everyone! Good to read that you’ve reached your mini-goal Merryme and all while you are not at home. I find being away from home more challenging on the food front, so well done! …I hadn’t thought of adding in a reward aspect to goal reaching and it sounds good so is getting me thinking about how I’d go about that.

    Dan, I haven’t met you before, and so this is the first post of yours I’ve read since I’m a newbie! I’m going to chime in and say that I agree with Cinque that I’d trust the drawstring more than the scales, though I also know how I’d question everything if my scales hadn’t moved. I’m somewhat reassured by a program on the ABC I watched over past 2 weeks ‘How to Stay Young’ which featured the topics of muscle mass and visceral fat. I’m hoping I’ll be able to trust that this underlying progress is taking place where I’m shedding some of the visceral all while building muscle when my scales register zero grams movement downward on scale after FD.

    Cinque, sounds like your cold is completely healed. Do you feel FDs helped with this?

    Intesha, how did your FD go yesterday? Reading about how you are guided by your body is helpful for me to read as a Newbie and I realize that this alone will probably be what makes the difference for me being able to stick with this long term. Trusting my body will hopefully help me over the humps, bumps and through perceived snags.

    Yesterday was a FD for me. I’m very grateful for my progress so far. I was hanging out in the 64 kg range prior to starting Fastdiet program and couldn’t maintain weight below that, even if dieting momentarily got me there. This morning after yesterday’s FD I was gobsmacked to see that I’d reached 62.3 and I’m feeling focused, clear, balanced rather than the starving, deprived and vulnerable self I’d always feel when I’d drop below 64 kg from various diets I’d followed.

    Tomorrow is another FD for me, which will make this week my first week of 5:2, a step up from the 6:1 that I’d been doing since starting Fastdiet in late June.

    Hi Lael, Isn’t it great to see such a big difference after a FD- keeps us motivated. I am fasting again tomorrow as well. I usually do Mondays and Thursdays. Yesterday we had our Daughter and her family for dinner. i made a simple dessert and didn’t have much, nor any wine, as Im not to for a week while taking these particular antibiotics. Today Ive been home all day and haven’t had any snack food at all. Yay i finally have my head back in the zone again!
    Very cold day here today. Snow was predicted not far from us but no sight of any so far.

    Hello Judyt! Good to meet you and great to know that you’ll be fasting tomorrow too! Well done though for hosting a dinner gathering and continuing in the zone. The simple dessert sounds like a good idea for me! I’ve got a ladies luncheon on Friday and I’ve been asked to bring a healthy dessert. I’ve been thinking of making something complicated that I’ve never made before, though realize how stressful this feels, so opting for simple I think will be the ‘go’.

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