Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Another weigh in yesterday and another kilo or so down. πŸ™‚
    Hope everyone is having a good week. Those of us on the east coast should be getting ready for another wet weekend. Stay safe.

    Hello Everyone,

    It was so wet here yesterday Dan! Congrats on that one less kilo to carry around!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Merry and Judy! It is weird to choose to fast on my birthday, but my sisters arrived in the afternoon but then went out in the evening (lecture at the Archeological Society) so I figured I would keep my fast. And then we had a wonderful feast of a breakfast at my daughters place, filling up her new table and enjoying a big cooked plateful of deliciousness. It was extra wonderful after a fast day! Lots of talk and laughter!

    Now I need to get back into those Soup Bar lists, I can’t believe how long they are!

    Best wishes all!

    That’s good to hear Dan. I hope you and all the east coasters are staying safe and dry.

    Two more fast days until we leave (including today). Then on Saturday, I thought I might try a 24 hr fast and break it with the airplane meal on Sunday morning. My travel plan is 6:1 while we’re away, giving carbs a wide berth.

    All the best with your YamDaisy launch tomorrow Cinque. I see from the web site that you’ve done it before. Pleased you enjoyed your birthday breakfast with family.

    Hi Everyone
    Dan you are doing very well. Its my official weigh-in day today and Ive put on 400 grams. Not good. Lots of reasons why but none of them are legitimate so I wont even go there. This week will be less social for me so hopefully there will be a better result next week ~sigh. Its a fast day for me today and all on track so far. Good luck to others fasting!x

    Hi Everyone,

    Had a big few days, and down just 200gms for the week – a glass of water weight. Last FD on Thursday turned out to be the day one of emotional roller coasters finally came to an end! So…. My FD turned into a celebration, and I’m not the least bit concerned about it. Well, actually, a tiny bit bit, because hey, we never like not finishing a FD but it was in an exceptionally good cause, and I didn’t go stupid, it just ended up about TDEE. We both feel like a weight has lifted off our life. So good. Boought my 1st size 10 blouse this week! Now a size 12 mostly on top and on the bottom half sometimes size 12 and sometimes 14 with the waist having a few darts in it. Feels better all the time!

    Today’s FD am at 346cals, with a target of 375, so looking good.

    Dan, you’re going really well. Feels good, hey!

    Thin, Looks like I’ve missed you – Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful holiday! Check in when you can.

    Vego, hope you’re going wellπŸ™‚

    Have a good week everyone
    Onwards and downwards,

    Judy, you just proved you’re normal. Get back on the horseπŸ™‚

    Cinque, hope the soup bar went/is going well. What’s in that soup? Another exotic recipe on the menu?

    Well, that was weird. Thought those last bits were above my sign off. Oh well. No worries.

    Lovely sunny morning here in south west Sydney.

    FD today, think I am definitely in a plateau although there has been some emotional eating lately and I went on a Vivid cruise last Friday night. It was a buffet and although I didn’t overeat I did have a few sparklies.

    Weight this morning 69.8, so as long as I can keep seeing that 69 I’m happy. Having. Weigh and measure at the gym tomorrow, haven’t had one for a few months due to my travelling so it will be interesting to see if any cm’s have dropped.

    The gym closes on Friday and after 6 years I have to look for something else which is daunting as I’ve never been a fitness fanatic but I’ve enjoyed my time at Curves. There are ones around but not close enough to make the treck for a half hour session. I am looking at one tomorrow at a local club they are more structured and have session times as well as being mixed classes but I am hoping it will suite me.

    Dad had X-Ray’s on his knee yesterday so we will find out today what the dr suggests, possibly a knee replacement. He had both knees done 6 years ago.

    Not long now Thin are you all organised?

    Hello lovely Southern Hemispherites,
    Too much to catch up on! But I have read everything.
    I hope you find a Curves substitute Intesha, and good luck re your dad’s knees.

    The Soup Bar went really well thankyou, and we sold out.
    Here is a picture I put up on our facebook page when we sat down at the end with the last bits of soup in our bowls. I am the one in a green apron and henna hair, looking like I’ve been doing 5:2! My daughter and granddaughter are next to me. The chef is on the other side, with her daughter in the front, and my sister in the other apron, and a friend who came in for soup with us too.

    After that I got home for a tiny rest, then back when I could access the huge storage cupboard to stack everything away. Then our Board of Management meeting, and it was a big one (luckily we had YamDaisy Soup to sustain us!). Home, and then this morning I had to take my daughter and son in law to a hospital appt and mind my granddaughter while they were there. She spent her time like Peppa Pig, jumping up and down in muddy puddles! We’ve got some lovely ones just around the corner. She needed a complete change of clothes!

    By the time I got them all home I was glad to just collapse. I’m still collapsed!

    While the soup bar was wonderful soup and happy clients, it only worked because people put in lots of extra hours, so we have two more tries to get it running so it is a sustainable business. Fingers crossed we can do it.

    Anyway, that is enough of me! I will keep collapsing in the comfort of home, and gradually talk like a normal person! πŸ˜‰

    Best wishes to you all!

    Hope you’ve recovered Cinque. Now we can picture you when we read you’re posts. Congratulations on your soup bar.

    Definitely in a plateau, just hope there is going to be a big drop soon. Weight this morning 69.8 same as start of FD yesterday.

    Dad does not have to have an op just some physio so that’s a load off my mind and his.

    Will check in later with the results from my weigh and measure,

    Hope everyone else is doing okay πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    Morning all, the information on last night’s ‘Catalyst’ episode would warm the heart of anyone on these pages. I loved the way they explained the fasting effect on the body’s cells. Live Long Die Young. http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/4485468.htm

    Well done Cinque. Good news Merry and Intesha. Yes, we’re all organised thanks. We usually do our packing last minute as we are ‘carry on’ luggage only travellers. This time, we have to saddle ourselves with one checked bag.

    FD for me today, my last official one before we leave, but you might hear from me on Saturday when I’ll be attempting my first 24 hr fast. If it works, that will be the tastiest airline meal ever on Sunday!

    Have a great day everyone.

    G’day all. My week is a little muddled this time around. Fasted Sunday & Tuesday instead of Monday & Wednesday. Don’t know if it’s related but the dip on my graph is a little steeper this week.
    Total lost now 16.9kgs. A week or two more & I’ll achieve the first of my mini goals – to lose 10% of my starting weight.
    Is anyone watching “Trust Me I’m a Doctor” on Fox? This week Michael Mosley is looking at sugar. Should be interesting. Makes me wish I’d watched season 1.
    Good luck on your FDs & at weigh in. πŸ™‚

    Woohoo Dan! You’re going great guns. I’ve seen the, “Trust Me I’m A Doctor” series. Repeats are currently showing on SBS so you can catch up on “SBS On Demand”.

    Well done Dan you are going great, you must be feeling so much better for the loss.

    Bit disappointed with my weigh and measure but then again it’s still good. My last one was back on 9th March and I’ve had three mini holidays in that period. My weight is up by 300gms, waist down 1cm but tummy up by 1cm. Everything else was the same.

    Signed up for a new gym which is mixed so a little apprehensive about that. Start next Wednesday.

    Thin I don’t know how you do it, I would never be able to do just carry on, my skincare alone takes up half the allowanceπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    Have a happy holiday, Thin. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŒžπŸŒžπŸ“πŸ“πŸŽ·πŸŽΊβœˆοΈβœˆοΈπŸš€πŸš€πŸš—πŸš—

    We took just 12 kg each last time, which meant that the only checked luggage was on the airline leaving Australia. All the North American Airlines let you carry on 12 kg provided the bags meet certain dimensions.

    Well done , Thin, if you only take 7 kg each. πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡. It’s the best way to travel. Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺

    That’s too funny Intesha. I’m going to Africa so I won’t be looking in the mirror. We just find travelling with so much ‘stuff’ very restrictive and I’m never going to see those people again so don’t really care if I wear the same clothes every day! We try to outdo each other on how little we can take – on one trip, the check-in person said they’d never seen anyone leave Perth on an int’l flight with as little luggage as we had; I think it was an average of 7kgs each. Conversely, I picked up my neighbour and two children at the airport recently and literally could only just fit all their stuff in my car – it was groaning in misery on the way home. The 3 of them had 99kgs of baggage, I could hardly believe it.

    All the best with the mixed gym. I think it bodes well for you – a chance to show off the new you. Maybe spend a bit longer than half an hour and perhaps you’ll meet someone really nice ……

    Our posts crossed Bay. Thanks. I read elsewhere that you’re off to Hawaii. Aloha! Which islands? Have a great trip yourself.

    I didn’t know about the 12kgs carry on in the US (or had forgotten). We’re often amazed watching people struggle on board lugging the most enormous bags. What on earth do they have in there?

    Hello Everyone!

    Cheers for your trips Thin, and Bay!

    I have been out of all my usual loops the last week and must look up both those TV programs, they look good.

    Congrats Dan, great to be so close to that first goal!

    Intesha, I hope there is a lovely loss soon! About time! And that you find the mixed gym suits you.

    I’ve got my fast day tomorrow! Note to self, put those mushrooms to soak, and get a bit of chicken out of the fridge!

    See you all!

    PS I like to travel light too! I relish it!

    Hi All,
    Well done DN, that’s excellent! Well done you. You’re really working on this as a change in lifestyle. It seems to be so much easier than any other way of normalising our weight, and part of that is the adaptability to change dates if we need to. Anyone noticing the change in you yet?

    Intesha, so good your Dad’s had a good outcome! A big relief for both of you.

    Bay, have a wonderful trip!,
    Thin and Bay, just another plus for 5:2 – so much easier to travel at a normal weight, including those long flights. And the clothes are smaller, so overall, more items for the same weight!

    Well done Cinque! Good to see you’ve come through it without it putting you back into ‘rest’ mode for an extended period. Well managed!

    We’ve watched some of the ‘Trust Me I’m a Dr’ series but not all. I’d like to catch up on line. The sugar one will be interesting. The amount of sugar in everything is astonishing, and the foods they add sugar to is just as astonishing! The food manufacturing industry has a lot to answer for, and it includes the tactics they use to make us think we’re eating something healthy when it’s not.

    FD for me tomorrow,
    Onwards and Downwards,

    And that’s Dan, not DN, of course.

    Well my excuse for all the luggage is being single I always make sure I have my face on……

    Thin as they say one door closes another one opens and my thinking was the same as yours, change of scenery and who knowsπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

    FD for me too tomorrow Merry.

    Merry! I missed saying hello to you!
    My brain IS a bit fried I am afraid! (And I am still waiting to see how much recovery I will need πŸ™ but it was worth it.)
    Anyway, hello. I was so relieved to hear that you were off one roller coaster! And still 5:2ing beautifully!

    Hi Vego too, And Judy!

    The shortest day has passed! Happy Winter Solstice!

    Yes Merry, I’d like a partial refund – I’m not taking my 30kgs allowance AND I weigh 24kgs less in my seat than I used to, so that saves the airline money in fuel. You’re right, it’s a lot more comfortable in the seat at this weight.

    Thanks Cinque. You, Merry & Intesha have a good FD tomorrow. And anyone else fasting. Judy? VDU? I wonder what happened to Naptime and NikT.

    Thanks, Thin and Merry

    We’re off to the Big Island to see the volcanoes and to Oahu with extended family. Escaping the cold weather here. It’s topping out at 9 C for the next few days.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🌺

    Good morning. Fast Day has begun. I am ready for my coffee, but there isn’t time before my dental appt.
    It looks sunny and breezy outside, I’d better poke my nose out so I can decide what to wear.

    Thin and Bay have fun sitting so comfortably on those plane seats! Say hello to the world from me!

    Inteasha it must be one of those ‘There are two kinds of people in the world’ things. I bet you look wonderful with your gorgeous face on and all your lovely luggage packed!

    Hello to everyone fasting, and to those who have the pleasure of eating delicious normal food!

    Cinque, I kept thinking in my head “happy birthday” to you but can’t remember if I actually wrote it on here. I fear I didn’t get to, in my crazy work week… so happy belated birthday anyway πŸ™‚

    Well done to all those who have lost weight this past week, and for any who haven’t I’m sure it’s just a matter of time… Last weigh in for me I was down .1 of a kilo, making it 72.4, which I was happy with. Holding steady for now suits me fine, and if I can a lose a couple more in time all to the good.

    I hope you haven’t actually left yet, Thin, so I can wish you a most glorious holiday. I look forward to hearing all about it on your return….

    A big hi to everyone, and hoping anyone else fasting today are having an okay day, and the non-fasters are enjoying their indulgences.

    Thanks Vego, your wishes worked because I had a really lovely birthday! Even though mine was in a really crazy work week too!
    I hope you have an easier week this week!
    I like the ‘holding steady’ mode. It really makes 5:2 that easy normal part of life. (And every time I think I am in a holding steady mode, I realise after a week that I am a bit skinnier! πŸ˜‰ )

    It is the end of my fast day. It was a good one. My miso soup filled me up wonderfully, but now I am feeling hungry and getting excited about breakfast tomorrow. Just about time for bed. I hope it has been a good day for you peeps and, if not, that tomorrow will be better.

    Hi Everyone,

    My scales were either laughing at me or were rather perverse this morning – stayed a fraction longer on 64.9 then flipped to 65.0kg in a gotcha moment LOL. Maybe next week, and 65.0 is only 3 kgs from my final goal. I think that was another personal best by 100gms. At the moment I go up and down all over the place, with wider swings than I had before my injury. My my mobility, which is much less than normal anyway, has been further cut down during these last 2 months, so again, I say thanks to Dr Mosley and 5:2 for giving me a great way to get my weight normalised, and improve my health.

    Onwards and downwards!

    Scales always seem to have a particularly cheeky sense of humour Merry!
    But I bet they will be down under 65 at the end of next week!

    I do hope you are able to get more mobile again! When I first met you on here, you were walking in European towns! How I hope you can do that again!

    What a freezing day it has been! Coldest in almost 20 years! I am very grateful for my home and heater!

    Thin, you must be about to start your 24 hour fast? Cheers to you!

    Hello everyone else too!

    Bay, that’ll be a wonderful trip, I hope you have lots of fun in the sun.

    Merry, almost at goal, wow. You’ve achieved so much. Cinque, I’ve felt so cold today.

    VDU, you’re nearly into the sixties, good job. Thanks for your good wishes, yes I’m still here and Cinque’s right, I have started my 24 hour fast. Not at all sure how successful I’ll be; exactly how it works or what I expect to gain from it. I had dinner at 6pm (Friday) and I’ll be having an airline meal at around 1-2am (Sunday). That wouldn’t be a long enough window to qualify for a normal fast. I’ve read about people doing 24 hour fasts on the MC thread & thought that would work. Trouble is, I understand you can’t have any calories at all &, four hours in, I’m already stressing about my coffee in the morning!

    Oh dear Thin, does that mean your next coffee will be airline coffee! Eeeeek!
    Good luck and all power to you!

    Day before Fast Day for me. Too busy, I am not getting a chance to properly recover from the the Soup Bar day, so I might need to cancel the next one. We’ll see.

    Have fun, Thin

    You can most definitely have a black coffee or tea while on a 24 hour water fast. Just no additives.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🌺

    Rest up Cinque, I’m sure you’ve learned how to pace yourself over the years.

    Too late Bay, I caved in and de-frosted some almond milk thinking of Intesha’s “life’s too short” mantra. So, I’ve no doubt blown any benefits of a 24hr fast from a physiological aspect but I’m hoping 20 cals over 24 hrs will set me up for the week with respect to my weight. I woke to 59.6.

    Bay, you’ve done a few 24 hr fasts (I’m impressed) – is the point of it to ‘up the ante’ with respect to allowing the body to experience true autophagy?

    Yes, time to rest up Cinque, sending you love and hugs.

    Thin – have a wonderful trip! Lots of walking coming up.

    Bay – a wonderful, beatifully scenic trip for you too.

    I am determined to get back to some travelling. Probably not this year, but I’m hoping next year. The world is shifting again with the UK going out of EU. Who knows what that will bring. Maybe it will be good for English tourism with the pound down, and presumably it will stay there for awhile. Maybe a trip to the UK for us next year.

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Hi Everyone
    Thin & Bay, have a wonderful holiday. Nice to go somewhere warm! We are going away in August- a bit later than usual but we are going with friends we have to fit in with too. Intesha, I too, went to a Curves gym in a little town near us but it closed down about 3 years ago. I haven’t bothered going to a β€˜normal’ gym as I dont think I would go regularly. I used to go to Curves before work and shower there. 1/2 hour workout was enough for me.
    I’ve had a very busy week working Mon Tues and Wed. On Thurs I cleaned my house and then my daughter ’s who had a sick baby. Friday i had my 3yo granddaughter over and then the baby needed to go to hospital. She’s now gone to a bigger hospital with an ICU as they suspect pneumonia, so I will have my 3yo for a few more days. Luckily my husband is on leave and he can mind her on Monday when I really can’t get out of work.
    I did well on my fast days and although we’ve socialized less we’ve still had friends over and been out so I dont think i will have gained this week – maybe a little loss ? πŸ™‚

    I hope the baby’s alright Judy, that must be a worry for everyone. You’ve had a busy week. Well done with your fasting success. Hawaii will be warm for Bay but southern Africa will be about the same temperature as Perth. Thanks for the good wishes, you too Merry. England next year sounds wonderful.

    It’s nearly 3.30pm and I’m hanging out for 6pm. Feeling very hungry on just 20 cals since 6pm last night. I hope it’s done something useful as this is much tougher than standard 1⁄4 TDEE fasting. And that’s with cheating on the almond milk so nothing to brag about really.

    Thanks everyone for the good wishes. 🌺🌺🌺

    Yes, Thin, autophagy rules! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„. Also to press the reset on the fasting mode when I have indulged in processed carbs. 😳😳

    After Hawaii we go to Newfoundland where there will be lots of walking.

    Interesting times we live in, people. 😳😳

    Wow, how long are you away for Bay? What a great trip. I fear that walking won’t be our primary mode of transport this time, more likely rental cars & safari trucks.

    OK, so that 20 cals totally negated any good I could have gleaned from an otherwise perfect 24 hr fast. I’ll consider myself in training. I’ll keep going until 6pm anyway just for drill and discipline. This is why I was asking about ‘breakfast to breakfast’ 24 hr fasting on the MC thread – I could have my morning coffee!

    Thin, congratulations on a really great fast. Well done. No fast of 20 calories is ever a waste. Cheers, Bay πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    Thanks Bay! I made it to 6pm and had a light bowl of veg soup.

    Bye for now all my lovely cyber mates. I wish you all the best with your fasting. Take care.

    Hi Everyone,

    Judy, I do hope dear little grandbaby improves quickly. Such little lungs. I am sending my very best wishes.
    I’ve also got my granddaughter here (22 months), just for tonight, and I have just got her to sleep. Now I am having a late dinner and the fast day tomorrow.

    Bay, you have picked the best time to go to the Northern Hemisphere!

    Thin, I agree that 30 calories in 24 hours counts as a pretty impressive fast!

    Enjoy that aeroplane meal!

    Posts crossed Thin, Cheers! Bon voyage!

    Judy, I do hope your little one is OK and improving. They are so tiny. Sending good wishes and prayers, and a hug for you,

    Good morning. How is grandbaby today Judy?
    And how is grand toddler? I had a big nights sleep after a huge night and day with my dear little one. She likes long walks even in the cold, and I had to keep her away from puddles because we didn’t have a change of clothes.
    I am definitely hungrier in the cold, and the promise of a big bowl of delicious porridge this morning, kept me going. It is on the stove now!

    I hope Thin is happily on the plane, dozing after that first meal!

    Brrr it is cold!

    Best wishes all, is anyone fasting today? All power to you!

    Yay!!! Saw my 1st 65 something on the graph today – 65.7 kgs. So excited….. Forgot…..

    Good Morning everyone, posters, readers and lurkers,
    Oh I love, love, love 5:2! Yes my lowest point of the week, after 2nd FD was a new PB of 65.0, but today at the beginning of my 1st FD of the week I am down 600gms on last weeks graph entry and I am very happy. Did I say I was happy? I’m mentally happy dancing! Back in bed actually. Recovering from this injury is so weird, up and down like a yo yo though gradually going up at a s…l….o….w pace. 2 months of little activity is getting to me, so now you know why I am sooooo happy about 5:2 this morning. I can walk about 2 blocks sonewhat slowly, and a bit of movement around the house, and that’s on a good day. It does get me to the movies and out in the car, though , which is great.

    For anyone new, If you graph, and I suugest you do, some people graph their lowest point of the week, which is morning of the day afte 2nd FD (lowest point of the week) and others graph the harder way, beginning of 1st FD.. For me, when I draw that 62kgs on the graph, I want it to be sustainable, and know I’m really there. I totally take my hat off to anyone who can keep that graph going steadily down in a straight line. I know it’s been done, but I don’t know how many there’d be.

    Here’s how my week went:
    Mon, FD 66.3kgs, graphing day
    Tues, 65.3
    Wed, 66.0
    Thur, FD. 66.1
    Fri, 65.0
    Sat, 65.5
    Sun, 65.5
    Today,FD. 65.7, graphing day. Total loss for the week = 600gms

    I am not the poster child for the perfect journey on 5:2, but, I am an example of an imperfect journey by someone who’se lifestyle is largely sedentary, and I get there anyway. It takes me longer, but I get there, and that’s all I really care about. This has been such a big change in my life, and I am so grateful! πŸ™‚

    Off to see a new tiny babe today, safely here, and a much longed for baby. Joy,
    Onwards and Downwards,

    Well done Merry and why wouldn’t you be happy, more power to you. I guess there can be no excuses for people not doing this WOL, it works even in adversity. Not all of us can have the perfect weight loss and continue to lose regardless but hats off to the ones who plod along and don’t give up. It doesn’t matter how you get there as long as you finish.

    I too treat Monday as my starting point. This morning 70.1 FD tomorrow. I am struggling to stay in the 69’s but like Cinque I seem to want to eat continuously with this cold weather. I just can’t seem to get warm.

    Judy hope all is well with the little one.

    Hi Everyone
    Thanks for your concern for little Elsie! She came out of ICU yesterday and into the Children’s ward. She should go home tomorrow. My other daughter is looking after her sister today at our house today while I’m at work. She has been so good!
    I too, only record Monday’s weight. I figure it will be my heaviest for the week. Today I was down 600 grams from last week. That sounds good but I was 600 grams less than that 4 weeks ago! I’m also expecting to have another week with less socialising so hopefully the downward trend will continue:) Fast day for me today and so far I’ve only has milk in my 3 coffees πŸ™‚
    Cinque I’d like to know how you kept your granddaughter out of the puddle haha

    That is good news Judy. πŸ™‚
    With my little puddle-loving granddaughter: it is just lucky she is still small enough for me to pick up and walk quickly in the opposite direction!

    Merry and Judy, and you too Intesha
    Happydance! https://bugburrypond.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/dance-of-joy1.jpg

    I’m happy too. Yesterday I wore this lovely French woollen dress that was so warm and gorgeous. It looks a bit hippy-come-gypsy, but it isn’t that old. When I bought it I wondered if I would ever wear it, but it was perfect for a cold day, and I felt gorgeous in it. So happy dance for me too!

    I have a very social Thursday and Friday, so I might change my fast day to Wednesday this week!

    Being very lazy this morning, still snuggled up in bed at 8 o’clock. So cold…..

    FD today and I don’t know how it happened but weight this morning 69.1 maybe the scales were having a brain freeze πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

    Anyway I’ll take that and see what tomorrow brings.

    Have a good day and keep warm wherever you are.

    Ooo lovely under 70 Intesha!
    I didn’t get up until 8 either. Beds are so snuggly!

    Good morning everyone!

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