Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,912 replies, has 831 voices, and was last updated by  Intesha 11 hours, 43 minutes ago.

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  • Thanks Thin. I even did the ‘have a shower and another wee’ trick which seems to work for some of you and again was left disappointed. It just doesn’t work for me. I was good this morning and had two very small squares of a quiche thing for breakfast – no cakes or biscuits and didn’t have chips with my steak sandwich for lunch. I did have a cheesecake however but no hot chocolate. So it’s all about balance and living life.

    Have a wonderful holiday. Safe travels and I look forward to hearing from you when you get back home.


    Good evening everyone. I had a lovely feast day with my sisters. Lots of food and laughter. Two of them are also doing 5:2 and finding it good.
    It is a lovely end of the day. The sun is shining from low in the sky, and everything is fresh and happy from the gentle rain we’ve had.

    I got home and had to rest, so I watched the second episode of Jamie Oliver’s Superfood show that I recorded last night. I really loved it, and all the recipes could go in our recipe thread. Lots of great tips for lowering calories but still delicious and flavourful. Has anyone else been watching it?

    I didn’t call for a timeline, but I could do with one. Happy travels peeps!
    I also miss Julie, I think hers was the first post I read here.

    Welcome Cate! Also good to read your posts Simco. Your trousers story was one of the first things I read on the site.

    Cheers everyone!

    I have had an early weigh in due to fast days being messed around (another 1kg gone). I had an extended fast due to a power blackout in the afternoon. The substation caught alight due to dust on the transformer. It happens a few times a year. I could not cook. I am getting plenty of salad leaves out of the vegetable garden. The lizards are helping themselves to the strawberries. The rest of the summer garden is coming along nicely should be picking within the next month. Late in getting it in. With the extreme temperatures I have had a lot of parrots and other birds coming right up to the house trying to keep cool. There was a little bit of rain this afternoon but not enough to measure. Over the next two weeks it will probably go back on due to birthdays and our family Christmas on the first weekend of December. It is good to know that I can enjoy these celebrations and then go back to my new normal eating.

    Hi SH

    Firstly Thin, thanks for repeating what you’ve probably told us before (my memory issues – can’t believe I’m studying sometimes). Safe travels and will so look forward to getting some great modified Spanish recipes for our FD recipe page. The pressure is on. Have a terrific time 🙂 take care and keep weighing LOL!!!
    I use zucchini ‘spaghetti’ all the time – what’s the official name off that?

    Good stuff GL. Don’t like the sounds of those power outages but you appear to be used to them and make the most of the situation. Life is getting busy – or should I say busier.

    Cinque, the time spent with your sisters sounds rejuvenating. Lovely 🙂 I haven’t caught the new Jamie Oliver show yet – not much time for TV at the moment – so looking forward to seeing them – love his recipes.

    EA, not sure whether you had some disappointing results this morning – will have to check back through the posts. You still sound like you put a positive spin on it – good on you.

    Simco, thanks for those links – will check them out though I am pretty sure I have seen that doco about “why are thin people no fat”. Iam looking forward to the time when I’ll have some time to check out other links you have put up on another thread I saw you on. Great weight loss and maintenance – that is what many of us are aiming for.

    I’d be interested in how all you maintainers, those who have achieved a large weight loss, are feeling emotionally.

    Intesha, congrats on the new PB. It is good idea to always check back so that you look at your progress. Please remind us of your departure date as it gets closer.

    Merry, congrats on reaching the min-goal. Love your gift to yourself. Great little shopping spree as well ..…..
    How are our newbies doing?

    Had a long day at uni, was tossing up between sleep or study….. mmmmm ….. not sure, so I decided to write to the forum instead LOL!!!!

    good night all


    ps. I blew my semi FD tonight. all went well till afternoon tea at workshop – I had a slice of dated scone (no cream) and have been snacking on nuts this evening. oh well

    Hi Simcoeluv, thanks for your reply and info,

    My POW relative is 98 still going relatively strong. He’s one of the very few left and still has some amazing physical aspects that I’m sure helped his survival e.g. When he has skin cancers taken off he heals in 1/2 the usual time. He can’t emotionally handle being more than a couple of kgs overweight though. He possibly has a bit of body dysmorphia. He certainly thinks that couple of kgs is way overweight. His favourite food is a bowl of plain rice, and he’d probably live on plain rice if his wife hadn’t insisted on some nutritional sense. Rational explanations for the monstrous treatment of others is unbelievable to many of us. I found the book People Of The Lie, by M Scott Peck interesting along that train of thought.

    OK, the rest of you can tune out for a little while 🙂

    Mitochondrial encaphalomyopathy is closest to what I have, but without the strokes. Mine is not inherited though, which is why it’s still supposition. Without putting my cells under an electron microscope it’s debatable, but because knowing the actuality wouldn’t add anything to any possible recovery of the dysfunction, it’s not worth the $ cost to me. It’s been offered but I declined. I had an unknown rare-ish virus 17 yrs ago. I had slight symptoms for 3 days, slight sore throat, slight runny nose, went to bed on a Sunday night my usual hyperactive self (ADHD), woke up the next morning, couldn’t lift my leg more than 3″, with almost no energy and hypothalamic dysfunction – specifically no circadian rhythm, damaged language, memory damage of short and long term, maths and even basic arithmetic gone, inability to concentrate, make decisions, inability to tolerate temperature extremes, and difficulty in cooling down if I heat up, and a few other weird things in different sorts of functioning e.g. My sense of smell reduced, and my breathing is different, very shallow, weird stabbing pains occasionally, migraines, gut changes, orthostatic intolerance, tachycardia etc etc…. I spent most of the next 2 yrs in bed drifting in and out of sleep. First 6 months I cleaned myself with a washer, and had just enough energy to clean my teeth once a day.. Originally I was diagnosed with a severe post viral syndrome, later altered to Myalgic Encephalomyopathy ( also called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). In UK and Sweden this is still considered a psychiatric/somatic illness because they confuse it with Chronic Fatigue, and the term CFS is pathetically inadequate, so the International Consensus Information document for medical practitioners is recommending it now be called ME exclusively. Just saying, in case you’re in UK. Anyway, ME sufferers either get very thin or put on weight (me). Research is still in it’s infancy, and ATP has been one of the subjects being researched.

    I am extremely fortunate to be 1 of the rare people who can take something that boosts my energy production – Co EnzymQ10. I take large doses/day, 400 mgs lasts 4 hrs. The Professor of Infectious Diseases I’m under says out of several hundred, I’m the only one with ADHD and also the only one who who reacts to CoQ10. I found this effect almost by accident and 30 min after the 1st dose I was able to get up, shower and wash my hair. It’s given me back a somewhat normal life. I’m incredibly grateful, and I wish it worked for everybody. ME sufferers are roughly in 4 different groups, 1 of those being suspected mitochondrial dysfunction (not m. damage), the group my symptoms conform with. Since I started on CoQ10 15 yrs ago, I’ve been continuously rehabilitating various things. (Can’t be bothered relearning calculus and stats though. At 65, I just don’t find them a necessity :-)).

    As far as weight loss goes I lost 10 kgs in 6 yrs along the way, then ran out of slowly exploring things to change. I was literally praying for something to help get my weight back to normal to up my health, and it was just about the last thing I could do. I started hearing about 5:2, OH saw the doco, and 2 days later we started. I’m used to being out in experimental territory on my own, can’t concentrate as easily on research papers as easily as I used to, and didn’t know if 5:2 FDs were tolerable. I, along with many others with ME, had an increased need for animal protein, and needed to eat something every 2 hrs or get hypo-like symptoms, and jelly babies etc, sugar based, made no difference. If I crashed (energy crash) unexpectedly when out the mix of chemicals in dark chocolate was the only thing that got me out of it in a reasonable time. Surprisingly, and amazingly, I tolerate 5:2 in it’s original form, very well. The 2 hr food or a hypo thing has disappeared. I.e. It disappears in the time I am fasting. As soon as I eat, on any day, it can come back but in very much reduced form, and mostly if I’m very tired. I think that’s also why 16:8 on NFDs works for me so well. I’ve lost 16 kgs on 5:2, 5.5kg to go, and with the previous 10kg loss that will be 31.5kgs in total, or 69lbs Imperial. I think 5:2 is about the only thing I could healthily do to get back to my normal weight. It feels like Christmas every single day.

    Last comment : on the concept of ‘starvation mode’ as applied to dieting. Maybe 20-25 yrs ago I remember it being touted as the reason long term yoyo dieters seemed to be able to put on weight easier with smaller amounts of food, and when on the daily reduced calorie version of diets didn’t seem to loose as much weight. Can’t remember if it was scientifically postulated, came from a pop book, or just dieters’ myth. Maybe what I’m thinking of is what they call metabolic syndrome these days. I experiment with various things along my 5:2 journey, doing things several time over a few weeks, and I reckon I’m definitely in the group that don’t lose weight if I eat grains or starchy carbs. I’m grain intolerant though (all of them except corn, and yes it’s been thoroughly tested medically) so maybe that’s a factor. Anyhow, maybe the kernal of truth in the myth is just that over several decades of continual yoyo dieting people needed reduced calories due to ageing, and were much less active anyway.

    Anyway, this is a humungous post, and if you get to the end, thanks Sim,
    Merry, over and ou. Goodnight.

    Good morning everyone down under, and up-on-top if you are reading too!
    It is a cool breezy morning in Melbourne with the sound of pigeons cooing. We escaped the heat much of Australia suffered yesterday. (Shout out to GL! I hope you are having an easy day today!)

    I’m a bit groggy today. Too much sugar snuck into the sauces of the lovely food at the Vietnamese restaurant yesterday. Alongside a sip or two of celebratory champagne and some of the lovely cherries my farmer sister brought down from their cherry tree. Oo they were lovely though. Today I will be more careful of what I eat. Luckily my sister also brought eggs, zucchini and some lamb meat (the sheep came 5th in the meat section of the Benalla show!).

    GL congratulations saying good bye to another unneeded kilo!

    Best wishes to everyone for a really lovely day today. (I have started it with a lovely pot of coffee. Life is good).

    Good morning, everyone – ah! Cool breeze today, it was lovely walking this morning – rather than yesterday by 7:30am it was already feeling warm.

    It is going to be so quiet with all of you that are going away. Think of us poor people who are stuck here, especially those of you who are going overseas to cooler climates.

    I have been reading all the comments about starvation mode, metabolism, etc – but don’t have anything to add. I guess sometimes we have to agree to disagree about certain things, don’t we?

    Good news. As you all know (because I complain about it often enough!) I have struggled with the notion of losing 400g a week after 4:3. Well, this week, I did 5:2 with a half day fast in between. Once I had settled myself to not doing 4:3, the difference was incredible. I have been getting really cranky with people (OH has copped the brunt of it), especially on FDs. This week, no crankiness (well, no more than normal!) And I started yesterday’s FD feeling upbeat and positive, and looking forward to fasting. Big change for me. No change in the low blood pressure yet, but that may take a couple of weeks to change (if it is going to).

    And the scales this morning? 89.6kg – down 1.6kg from last week. This means I have lost 33kg and only have 19.6kg to go!

    Thanks for all of those of you who have responded and kept me going through the tough times, it has made such a difference.

    Enjoy your weekend, and I hope you get some cooler weather as well.

    That’s great to read Naptime and I’m pleased it worked to switch back to 5:2 even if I did suggest it for all the wrong reasons! And now you’re in the 80s – hurray for you.

    Thanks for the holiday wishes everyone. I’m thinking people might post less over the Xmas period anyway with all the added goings-on so and then there will be a host of newbies posting for the first time in the new year. Maybe, so we don’t lose each other, we should set a reunion date to come back here and find each other. If anyone wants to do that, please nominate a date after 15 January. Will you be home by then Intesha? 7 weeks you said but now I can’t recall when you leave. In the meantime, I know the rest of you will keep the home fires burning (poor metaphor in Australia, sorry). OH is down in Esperanace for a few days fighting the fires there.

    Merry, I love the stories about POWs and the courage people showed during WW1 and WW2. Also the way ordinary people ‘made do’ and helped each other out through hardships. I watch anything I can get my hands on in the way of docos and dramas – my fave being Foyle’s War which is said to be so true in every detail, clothing, furnishings, expressions, attitudes & outlooks. Our brave forebears must be turning in their graves to watch our current politicians erode all that they fought & died for. But that’s verging on the political so I’ll shut up.

    Coastcat: tapas recipes challenge accepted!

    Cinque, teen and I went out for some mum and daughter time yesterday after she finished her twelfth exam. Do you have T2 in the east? I thought of you. I asked the lady if they sold liquorice tea but not to get too excited because I wasn’t buying any. She proudly showed me what they had and then said that one of the samples was liquorice and berry so we tried that. I made note of the name so I could tell you but have promptly forgotten – it was something like ‘liquory legs’. Really nice.

    EA, I’m shaking my head. Steak sandwich AND cheesecake? I’m coming up to sort you out in the new year. Enjoy the holidays with your lovely family my friend. Are you ready for 36C this weekend? I must get out for my walk before it gets any hotter. Have a wonderful weekend all.

    Nap you’ve done all the hard work. No matter how much support you get the final decision is always yours. You’ve done amazingly well.

    Thin I don’t get back until 4 February but I will still be around. New year, new goals and a much more positive outlook. I love Foyles war too. Is your OH a firefighter?

    Bit cooler here in Sydney today, thank goodness.

    Wow Merry, very powerful story about your POW relative. Please shake his hand from me and tell him thank you for all the sacrifices he made. My Great Uncle was a POW and I was only a child when he passed away but even I understood that he was deeply affected by it.

    Well done to all the losers.

    I would love to set a reunion date for 15th Jan or thereabouts. I want to hear all about your holiday Thin.

    Oh dear Thin and I was proud of myself for not having chips and a hot chocolate ha ha. No lasting damage done as still 64.1 this morning, phew.

    Gotta rush, going out.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone

    Yay Nap, I am so pleased your scales gave you positive reinforcement for being kinder to yourself!

    We do have T2 here Thin, good to know they have a liquorice tea! And that it is nice! Congrats to your daughter for surviving 12 exams!

    I’ll be one of the stalwarts that will plug on posting here while the jetsetters and cruisers head off to holiday! We’ll expect you back full of wonderful stories and insights!

    A whole lot of newbies at the start of the year? Truly? All those new year resolutions, I guess. Well 5:2 would be a good one!

    I’ll be around over Christmas too, keeping up with the postings, and even contributing a little when I feel I have something to offer 🙂 We will be taking our break at the end of January, catching up with children and grandchildren in Sydney. I hope it won’t be as hot as they have been enduring for the last few days, poor things. Not sure that our 15 degrees isn’t preferable? Nah, must be a happy medium somewhere.

    You are fortunate to have a bevy of sisters to share, Cinque. Yummy, fresh farm produce. Make the most of your families, everyone !! You never know what might happen (as I have lost both a brother and sister in accidents).

    I’m looking forward to the tapas, Thin.

    Enjoy your weekends, all.

    Well done EA – I was only having a dig because you were so proud of not having the chips & hot chocolate! Good result anyway. If I remember correctly, Saturday mornings are synonymous with hot chocolate take-aways for you so be good today!

    Intesha, my OH is a pilot. He flies everything from helicopters to large fixed wing jets but his job this weekend is flying the command people around above the fires. They direct all the other aircraft where to drop the water & retardants. Tragic that 4 lives were lost down there.

    Good to hear from you Barata – you don’t need to have anything to contribute in order to check in, just come and have a chat! Enjoy your trip across the pond.

    Thanks, Thin. Great that you have hit maintenance. How are you finding it – still fasting two days? I have decided that it is not necessary for me to lose another kg to get to the arbitrary goal that I had set, and where I am is where I should be !! Great to be here, too 🙂

    I read an interesting article last week that suggested “older women of average height should ideally weigh more than 60kg” to reduce the risk of bone fractures. This from the medical team that discovered that calcium supplements have no beneficial effect on bone density. So I’m happy at 58kg – I know I have strong bones as I have always done exercise of some form, and grew up on a dairy farm. 🙂

    Barata, yes I’m still rigidly adhering to two fast days to keep my weight at 60kgs. During the last couple of weeks, I’ve been in the 59s most of the time. I seem to have a much elevated mood since I’ve lost the weight. I do sometimes wonder if I will really be able to keep this up for the rest of my life. I certainly want to and I seem well suited to the discipline of fasting so, if this is what it takes to enjoy the things I like most of the time, stay healthy & not be overweight, what could be easier really?

    I’ve previously expressed concern on this thread about our upcoming trip and how I will manage away from home where I’m in complete control as this will be our first trip away since starting 5:2. I’m still worried as obviously I want to have fun and enjoy different foods while away – and not put the dampener on the OFM’s enjoyment either – but I also don’t want to come back 5kgs heavier and have to ‘deal’ with it. Although we all now have the tools to ‘deal’ with it, it doesn’t seem a sustainable or healthy way to handle things.

    So, my planned strategy is to do one strict FD a week, try to do a mini-fast another day, avoid all bread, exercise mindful eating at other times (asking “is this worth it?”) and I’ll have my new Veretta travel scales to keep me honest. We also plan to do quite a bit of hiking in the Sierra Nevadas. If I’m a dismal failure (because I was after all the impulsive, greedy, over-eating me for many decades before I found 5:2), well, I will have to hit the ground running when I return!

    Wow, that’s a lot about me.

    Does the happiness come from improved health, greater vitality, the knowledge that we have the tool to maintain our weight? I think, yes to all of these.

    Regarding your travels, I think with the knowledge about eating that you have gained, and your plan to fast at least one day a week, you should have no problems. But it’s a time to relax and enjoy yourself, too, and as you say, you can reverse any gains when you return. And there will be bread on the menu sometimes. 🙂

    And I agree with you about the discipline. I have no problems fasting Mondays and Thursdays, but change the day… Routine enables me to achieve.

    Thanks Barata. A good no nonsense approach.

    Wow, so many thoughtful and kind posts since I was last here.

    Thin, you have all the tools to use 5:2 while you are away. I found that by the 7th day on holiday my body was asking me to fast. One serious fast day where you drink water for most of the day should keep you within range. Have fun and enjoy Spain and Portugal, and practising your Spanish.

    Congratulations. To all the other happy losers and successful maintainers.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂 from a lovely country town called Beechworth. ??

    Ha, look, just two posters can make the thread hum along happily, and we will have more than that over Christmas. Cheers Barata!

    Thin, I bet you manage the holiday food challenge very well. Making adjustments as you go along. I know I would struggle with not being able to make my own food. Maybe I would try what we did travelling in my early twenties: find the local market, and buy bits and pieces to make ourselves a salad each day. We managed to do it with a knife and cutting things into a plastic bag to mix.
    On the other hand, hopefully you can buy better food, made from good ingredients, best when you are far from the cities.

    Wow, I definitely needed to get below 60kg Barata. But I can imagine if women are underweight for long periods of time they would risk losing bone density.

    I am so lucky to have the three sisters I am close to! There are a couple of siblings who sadly, we are pretty much estranged from (and one who has died), but the four of us made it through and get closer all the time.

    I am making soup: my biggest saucepan is so full it is lucky I can keep it at a light simmer. It is mostly chickpea, carrot and celery, with chili, turmeric and coriander, tomato passata: and some peas and grilled capsicum pieces I’ll add soon to give it a bit of extra interest. And parsley! It will probably last me for a month of Fast Days! As well as my meal this evening!

    Thanks, I think you’re both right Bay and Cinque.

    Shame about the other siblings Cinque & I’m sorry for the loss of one of them, but it’s great that the four of you are close. Your soup sounds delicious. I made eggplant curry for tonight (strange for such a hot day but I’m making use of what’s left in the fridge). I’ve just pulled tomorrow’s FD meals out of the freezer and now I only need to come up with one more meal for Monday night. I’ve just taken all our chilli peppers and herbs, etc down to a neighbour so she can enjoy them over the holidays so it will have to be another freezer surprise.

    Hi Cinque, Sisters are lovely, aren’t they? Lots of shared history. Your soup sounds very tasty.

    Thin, Well organised to the last.

    Cheers, Bay ??

    Thanks Thin and Bay! Yes. The worst thing about only having one child of my own was not giving her sisters!

    The soup was delicious, but then I overate (cashews!) I think the food I ate yesterday messed me up, so I am going to Fast tomorrow and break the flow.
    No Mondays and Thursdays ritual in this house! 🙂

    Good wishes to your OH Thin, what an amazing job to have, but very difficult to be working in the fires. I am glad he is getting a holiday soon. That is…. is he going with you Thin?

    Best wishes everyone!

    Cinque, yes, we’re all going. How old is your daughter? See you for a fast tomorrow.

    Good morning ?
    The sun isn’t quite shining here, in fact it is cool and grey. I am very grateful for this gentle weather! And the sun is somewhere, behind the cloud.

    Fast day has begun! Cheers fellow faster, Thin. I think Sunday fasting might suit my life.

    It will be a lovely family holiday! My daughter is 23, married with a 15 month old daughter. She is not planning to stop at one! And best news, they are hoping to move back to Melbourne next year ( from Sydney).

    I’m hoping to have an easy, pottering around kind of day, getting little things done. I just checked my seedlings and they are looking happy – well, no a basil and a strawberry are struggling, but there are about thirty seedlings going great guns, I think I can pinch out the top of the biggest basil and put it in my miso soup today. ?


    Hey everyone! Turns out I’m not very good at contributing… but still so enjoying the reading.

    Merry – your big post above was pretty inspirational and just made me remember that others have to deal with so much – and they do… and they just get on and keep keeping on – thanks.

    After a couple of months with lots of weekend activities that smashed each week’s fasting efforts, with up a kg, and down the next and a week of just not succeeding fasting, and practically giving up, only to find I was slightly lighter at the end, then regretting the “not caring” I had a weekend on my own, where I regulated my own eating and enjoyed the buzz last week of fasting successfully… so I’m emotionally back!

    I’ve doddered into the 76’s twice now, and am claiming it this week as a definite and all weekend have been mindful, so not expecting the big 2-4kg shocker on Mon morning – so hopefully before my (big eating/drinking) in-laws arrive for next weekend I can have another successful week.

    I’m fast approaching 7 months of 5:2 (although I’ve done more 4:3’s than 5:2) and reached 14.9kg gone this week – so hopefully by next week I can claim a full 15kg!

    All my trousers are saggy baggy but don’t want to spend money buying for in be-tween sizes, so managed to find a pair of jeans for NZ$9 in a size 14, so I shall live in them for a bit and not mind chucking out when I get down a bit more. Just over 3kgs till I’m no longer over weight and finally healthy!

    Enjoy your weekend and catch you soon

    Hi Nik, great hearing from you. It sounds like you’ve been able to have your cake and eat it too. You seem to have found a balance. Almost 15kgs off is fantastic. Well done.

    Morning Cinque. Just having a quick coffee before heading off for my walk as we’re expecting another 35C day today. I’ve pulled a cauliflower soup and a hearty barley soup from the freezer so that’s my FD meals sorted. What’s on your menu today besides miso soup with fresh basil? We just have one child too (late life parents). Sometimes I feel sorry for her with us oldies and no siblings but there are always advantages too – at least she won’t have to argue with siblings about which nursing home to put us in.

    Hi Nik, so glad to hear from you, and glad that you are having a good positive run. Hope you get that 15kg loss, great milestone! And the next one will be so pleasurable too!
    I’m glad you have ONE pair of trousers that aren’t too saggy baggy!
    I throw mine out the minute they start feeling like they are slipping down, I hate that feeling! Luckily I am a dedicated op shopper so I am not finding ‘inbetween shopping’ too expensive.

    My Fast Day plan these days is to have cuppas all morning, as few milky ones as I can manage. Then my miso soup, preferably with chicken in it (but no chicken in the house at the moment, so I will see how I go, I could boil an egg to go with it if I think I need it). And I wait as long as I can to have that. My other afternoon treat is my coffee! And then, presuming I am hungry in the evening, a bowl of soup: which will be the chickpea and vegetable soup I made yesterday.

    I was also an old mum, except that then it became normal to have children in your mid thirties so maybe I wasn’t so old. But I was sick and got sicker (me/cfs like Merry). Once when Rose was about 5 someone asked her if she had any brothers or sisters and she said sorrowfully, “no, my mum is too old and sick.” Poor darling!
    Luckily she has some good friends her own age that were like sisters growing up. And as you say, there are other advantages! 😉

    I’m sitting here with henna on my hair! It’s like the silt at the bottom of a dam! But I like the colour, so I do it every couple of weeks. Pretty sure I am going to make Sunday fasting regular. It goes well with staying at home, henna, and pottering around.

    Great to have you with me on Sundays Cinque. It just happened to be a Sunday when OH and I decided to ‘get on with it’ and I thought I’d ultimately change to weekdays when the first occasion arose to change a Sunday FD. But we ended up switching to Saturdays (I’d rather have a FD banked than owed) so Sundays have stuck and it works well for me.

    Poor Rose. My daughter thought she might like a brother when she was little but her friends told her that brothers are annoying and their parents said they spent a lot of time separating fights. I’m sure it’s lovely to enjoy the relationships when you’re older. I get on really well with my brother but unfortunately we live on different continents.

    Hi Sunday Fasters and everyone else, busy on here this weekend!

    Hey Nik! Good to hear from you. Checked back on your profile and you said 74 by Feb 6 for a family wedding. Is that still that your goal? I reckon you can do it easily. Lovely to share this exciting journey with you!

    Thank you for your kind comment Nap. Life really isn’t about what happens to you us but how we respond to it, and never say never, and never give up. I have a couple of friends who are African refugees and their stories are very humbling. If I’d had that virus in their situations, in refugee camps for years, I’d be dead. Simple as that. I have a good life in the abundance of life in Oz and appreciate it fully.

    Yesterday I went to an 80th birthday party. Earlier I put aside my 16:8 NFD pattern and had brunch out with OH: scrambled eggs, rocket and weak black EG tea. It was lovely sitting in a cafe looking out to sea. Later at the party, for a somewhat unconventional 80yr old, such a lovely lady, I met some new people and enjoyed the party lunch. Not a quinoa or chia grain in sight; no creme freche, pomegranite anything, nor Persian floss, or barely seared meat/seafood. We had fruit juice and ginger ale punch with fruit in it and cups of tea and coffee in my friend’s extensive lovely collection of old cup and saucers, with a beautiful party meal homemade by her friends. Now I’m thinking about it, it takes me back quite a while. There were devilled eggs, small chicken pieces, potato salad, rice salad, quiche, and frittata squares, a beef casserole with ordinary white rice, a fruit plate of seasonal fruit, sliced baguette, pavlova and baked citrus tart, and some chocolates.

    Now that you’re drooling, can I say that this lovely group of people mostly my friends age ate differently to the younger generations. It was an eye opener. Not many overweight and those that were, it was no more than 3-5kgs at most. The plates put out to eat off came from plain but older crockery people had had packed away for these sorts of occasions. The plates were small! Oblong shaped and about as big as a bread and butter plate today. The glasses were the old size, the cups the old size. People didn’t overfill their plates, but went back after maybe 1/2 hr and had seconds but they were smaller amounts. The quiches frittatas, chicken pieces, pav and tart slices were small. The serving spoons were never bigger than a tablespoon. The potato salad didn’t have a heavy creamy sauce it had a light tangy dressing. Nobody drank any alcohol till after half had left several hours in! There was about 1/2 dox cans of beer and a small amount of juice on ice in a basin in the bath. There was 1 bottle of white wine and 3 bottles of champagne in the fridge. This for about 20 people! There were exactly 4 of us ‘young’ ones – 2 at 43, 1 at 48 and me at 65. When I left 2 hrs after that half the beer and 1 bottle of champagne had been consumed. I was 1 of a few ladies who had no kore than about 3-4cms of champagne in flutes.

    It was an inspiration! This is how it was done years ago. These guys are still doing it and it works! I enjoyed the food. I had birthday cake, pavlova and a tiny piece of the citrus tart, and 2 glasses of punch. I had a chocolate and really, just whatever I wanted, but in small quantities. People went back and picked over several hours but it was never very much, 2 or 3 cherries, not 6 or 8, a thin slice of tart, or small sqare of frittata- about 3cm x 5cm x 2 cm high. You get the picture. It was very moderate, it was easy, relaxing, lovely. I had a small amount of fish and low cal veg at home for dinner. 67.5 this morning and I’ll only had water so far today. Will eat something lightish about 3pm, probably a boiled egg, some salad and and a small apple, then soup for dinner with an orange after, then FD tomorrow with my new FD cal of 375 or under, a 1/4 of my new TDEE.

    Onwards and downwards,

    I will really try to write smaller posts!!! Sorry.

    And thank you for your kind comment Nic!! Just checking back. I got the N right!

    …but not the K, Merry! Tee hee. Lovely story. I usually eat my FD meals from a side plate instead of a dinner plate. I should probably do that with all my meals.

    …..then it might have come out as Nik Nak! Who knows! LOL, sometimes I don’t know what’s gunna come out :-). About a year ago OH and I decided to use smaller plates too, and smaller bowls. It works. :-). I’m glad the party stuff didn’t put you off FD Thin, but it was lovely, and brought back memories. There was more dishes than I wrote, but all in the same vein.

    Off to have my late lunch now, listening to Adele. Saw the video of Adele in disguised in an Adele impersonator contest. Hilarious! Never too old to be an Adele fan. Was travelling not long after 21 came out and it was playing every where we went!

    No, talk of food or being around food doesn’t bother me at all on a FD Merry. Is your OH doing 5:2?

    Merry, that was a great post! I read the bit about healthy old fashioned eating at a birthday party, to my sister who just called around. She loved it too.

    I have had the same thought exactly, that if I was born in one of those war torn countries, I would not be able to survive. My life, and quality of life, very much reflects how good our welfare system is. I am grateful every day that I live in one of the best places.

    I’ve washed the henna out now, so I am a glowing red head. I had my miso soup with basil and rocket, plus a little bit of carrot and celery. And I had my coffee. I just love the effect I get when I drink it half way through a fast! I’ll look forward to chickpea soup in an hour or so.

    Just heading off to see if I can find that Adele clip by googling!

    PS really disappointed with the SBS food channel. I was expecting gems from all over the world, but it is 90 percent cheap US shows.

    Yes. A different journey though. We started together, but did I it continously.OH sort of did it, but came and went a bit and didn’t do it while we travelled or Christmas. Lost about 7 or 8kg before our last trip, and put about 3 back on. Recent follow up to tests with cardiologist has him now doing it in earnest. He had a heart attack at 36, and been 29 yrs without another or other surgery. Angiogram in the new yr some time. I think his goal is about another 15 kgs. It made a real difference having him along from day 1. It’s certainly moderated his diet during trips, Christmas etc even though he only did maybe 1 FD in NZ and 1 FD on our recent trip. Our kids are 700 km, 1000 km away in Oz, and 1 in USA. I think they’re in for a big surprise at Christmas when we all get together 🙂 The 2 girls in Oz have seen us part way, but our son in US hasn’t. Hoping he follows suit. He’s in IT but active, and carries extra weight I’d love to see gone. All in their 30’s now and hoping the family history doesn’t catch up with them.

    How’s your FD going Thin. Have you been cooking again?

    Merry that’s good that your OH is into 5:2 with you – I knew someone said their OH had started again but couldn’t remember if it was you who posted that.

    FD going well today thanks. I had my standard cauliflower soup at 2pm, then at 6pm the other barley soup which has really filled me up. The fridge is almost empty now – and so spotlessly clean – so there are no temptations but I’m not hungry anyway.

    You’re probably in bed by now red-headed Cinque. Another FD behind us. Go us!

    Well done, Thin, Exciting times ahead. ???. Have fun on your holidays. Cheers, Bay ??

    Hi Merry, I loved your post. We have also changed to smaller plates. Cheers, Bay ??

    Just heading off to bed!
    Congrats on a good day, and a clean fridge, Thin!
    Won’t it be a great Christmas Merry! Love to see your kids faces!
    I saw the Adele thing. Good fun and lovely.
    Hi Bay!
    My soup was so delicious. Just a small bowl, but really full of flavour and goodness.
    Nightynight ✨⭐️???⭐️✨


    Good morning, all. A lovely day here, I hope you are all having the same.

    I didn’t have a terrible weekend food wise, but have put on a fair bit of weight since weigh in on Saturday – 2.1kg. But I know that has happened before, and the weight was all gone by the end of week, so I am trying not to freak out about it.
    I have a lunch out tomorrow, which I am starting to worry about. I have already put on weight, so I don’t want to do anymore damage.

    It is going to be so quiet with so many of you gone. I hope you can all manage your eating plans while you are away – whether it be eating normally, still fasting, or just being moderate.

    Good morning everyone, it is a lovely, easy morning here…. but the heat is coming this week!

    Nap, does it help to plan out what you can do for your lunch out? Can you choose in advance what you will eat, or if it is one of those ‘let’s choose a few meals and share’, can you do things to help yourself eat only as much as you want to?
    I hope you can figure out a way to get the most pleasure, and the least over-eating!

    Best wishes for today being a really good day, so that even if tomorrow is stressful and horrible, it is only a blip.

    What a relief that we live on a planet where days are only 24 hours long!

    Cinque, that is a good idea – so I just had a look, and this is what constitutes their “Healthy Eating” section…

    Asian Pork Salad – Asian spiced pork loin with crispy noodles and honey soy dressing
    Chicken Caesar Salad – Chicken tenderloins, cos lettuce, bacon, egg, and homemade caesar dressing
    Poached Salmon Fillet – Mediterranean tomato and capsicum salsa with steamed rice, tossed salad, and grilled lemon

    And no listed calories. I think that is wrong, I think they should list them – especially in the healthy eating section.

    We all order and eat what we like – although dessert is usually a cappucino and chocolate mousses all round. Not sure how to get out of that one – and let’s face it, not sure if I want to! It is a nice end to the meal, and something we all share – but I have already put on over the weekend, so don’t want to completely stuff up.
    I wish they had calories on things, so when we go out, we can pick something that is still nice, but is perhaps least damaging, so I could say “I will have dessert, but will have this, which has half the calories of that.”

    Naptime, I was going to recommend you look at their menu ahead of time, I do this because I tend to be an impulsive eater when it’s not all planned out. I see you’ve done this and, of those items, I’d go for the salmon and don’t eat much of the rice. Have the dessert, what the heck! Easy on the cocktails? And you can always sub a flat white for that cappucino, less milk.

    I also saw an Adele show on TV last night. I’ve never really paid attention to her before although I knew she sang ‘Skyfall’ in the Bond movie. Teen & I enjoyed it a lot – although looking at her, she seems so demure and proper so I was surprised when she opened her mouth and gave that awful cackling laugh.

    As far as fluctuating weight goes, I woke to 60.5 yesterday (up 700gm for no good reason). At the end of the FD, I was still at 60.5 which I thought bode well for this morning. But, no, still 60.5 today. Went for a 5km walk and it’s still stubbonly stuck at 60.5. So, don’t worry, it just happens and could be due to any of a number of reasons. Now for the shower trick ……

    Thanks Bay

    Snap, Thin

    Nap, I wAs about to say that I would have the poached salmon and salad, and don’t eat the rice. I would share a chocolate mousse with a friend. Switch to a long black coffee with a tiny splash of hot milk and you’re sorted. Otherwise take the pain and work hard the next day to eat less. Have fun!

    Cheers, Bay ?

    It would be a help to have the calories!

    I think I would go for the one you really fancy, then really, really enjoy it and the cappuccino and the chocolate mousse. If you want them.

    Then I would have to concentrate on not overeating when I got home (that was my problem after eating out last week! – the sugar sets me off!) and I would make sure it was a Fast Day the next day.

    It sounds like you haven’t done this for a while, and you mightn’t do it again for a while so, whatever you decide, make sure you savour every mouthful and make the most of it!

    Morning all, , woops, no, good afternoon…

    Nap, fish salad and rice, ditch the rice or have small amount if you think you can stop part way through. Look up the desserts, choose one, then look up calories on Calorie King or other site to approximate calories. Could also share dessert. Coffee- maybe herbal tea, or whatever that tiny coffee is called. A couple of times I’ve tried ‘affogato’ I think it’s called. Dessert and coffee in one dish. The first time it was 1 smallish ball of vanilla icecream with black coffee poured around it. It was delicious! The second time, diff place it was a substantial amount of icecream with the coffee, and way too much.

    Otherwise, don’t feel you have to have the chocoloate mousse and coffee exactly as you had it before, just because that’s what you and your friends have always done. Have a think about if you really want the choc mousse or not, the milk coffee or not. If yes, have it or share, without any guilt feelings. Coffee, get black and hot skim milk on the side and judge the quantity for yourself. No guilt either way,. No guilt if you choose to eat something diff to your friends and no guilt if you do. Just make sure the choice is yours of what’s right for you.

    Up 2. 1 and after a reasonable weekend? I suggest you look at portion sizes, and any drinks, or you maybe a bit fluidy. Whatever it is, no guilt, just seeing it as a learning experience. E.g. Ok, that happened, how did it happen, and what can I learn from that that helps me make a different choice for next weekend. Could I treak things here, or there. Accept that you don’t have to do this perfectly from day, and you don’t have to do it perfectly at all. This isn’t a fad diet, or otherwise diet, where you have stringent rules and restrictions all day everyday. It’s about working out over time how to adapt 5:2 to your likes, dislikes and lifestyle, and then keeping those changes in there as your life goes on. Don’t get disheartened. You’re doing well. Many of us have been through these situations – the surprise upwards on weighing and the lunch with friends stuff.


    …….ha ha,.. That was tweak, not treak, and I have no idea how the D got there.

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