Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • When you choose Fast Days by considering what is in the fridge….
    Does anyone else live on their own?
    One of the things I am finding about this 5:2 journey is that it completely changes how I organise meals for the non fast days. It really effects what I cook or get out of the freezer, or buy.
    So I decided it would be easiest to Fast again today, and then I can get organised again for next week, and make sure I have two or three non fast days in between the Fast Days..

    Coast I do have carbs every day, but very much the complex carbohydrates. Cooking porridge at the moment: burnt the first batch πŸ™ , but I guess that means I will be eating 16:8 today which is good yes?

    Hi SH,

    I figure while I’m on a roll and have a little time, I’ll indulge in a bit of forum time πŸ™‚

    CM, how did that weigh-in go? Did you manage that PB?

    EA you do love your fish and chips – I think we can all identify with one dish (or two) that makes life so much more fun :). I am sure that your choice to give F & C a break for a while will pay off. Fingers crossed for you. That’s not a lot to go to gt under 65 but remember you are so skinny now LOL!!! that will be harder to move.
    Hey, I just read that you cracked it@!!! CONGRATS!!!!

    Thin, when are the pants going back?

    Marry, are you feeling more positive today?

    JJ, have you found new scales yet? (I am using three at the moment) Enjoy your roast :))

    I’m back in Brisbane. This time for nephew’s 17th. Icecream cake ….yum!!! apart from birthday and fathers day celebrations, I’ll throw in a bit of study later as well.

    signing off …….

    Forgot to say Cinque, that I also live on my own – most of the time. That makes things so much easier to organise, that’s for sure.

    I try to keep to complex carbs as well. Luckily, I’m not really into ’empty’ calorie foods except as a treat now and again.


    Morning all. I hope everyone is having a good day.

    Thanks Thin – How is your Saturday fast going? My goodness girl, get those trousers back and get yourself a size 10.

    Thanks Coast – yeah I am well chuffed with my 64’s. I feel the 60 mark is now in sight. I love having a waist back. I just hope my skin goes back once I lose the belly. It has in the past but I’m older now and stacked on the weight after having the toddler so a bit worried about it. So far so good though. Has everybody elses skin gone back? (oh the lovely questions we ask on here!)

    I had to travel yesterday and was in the vicinity of that blooming British Fish n Chips shop. I avoided it at all costs and ate my salad n cheese in the car that I brought from home. Yay me. (I did succumb to crisps when I got home though – my other weakness. Sigh. Extra time on the treadmill for me today me thinks)

    How are you feeling today Merry? You have been in my thoughts.

    Enjoy your time in Brisbane Coast.

    Cinque – I don’t live on my own but do cook separate meals depending on what I am doing on FD’s. For example, if I am doing veggies, I weigh and cook mine in a separate pan to make into soup. Then the protein may also be the same eg chicken but I will just omit the carbs (pots, rice, pasta). I save my calories for one evening meal as well. On the whole I am pretty mindful on NFD about what I am eating except for when I have blow out days on fish n chips and McDonalds hot chocs when I have to travel.

    I hope everybody has a good weekend and enjoys Fathers Day. We are meeting with friends and going on a picnic which is great because I can control my food choice easier (well that and me and the hubby already ate one bag of crisps that was meant for tomorrow!) But gotta have some treats – this is a WOL not a diet after all.


    Merry, I just read your post and so sorry that you lost a friend at such a young age. Cancer is definitely a rotten thing. I lost my mum through cancer when she was only 66 years old. Now I am terrified of that age!
    And what about you??? you have been through heaps with your cold constantly hanging on especially just before your holiday.Have you done the Vicks on the soles of your feet at night too? I know it is an old remedy but I believe it does help. I do hope you start to feel much better before tuesday so I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Hope a new day brings new health to you. Also well done on the weight loss, hang in there!
    EA, great news with your weight loss. I am feeling really excited that so many people are loosing so much weight so it helps to keep me on track too!!
    Barata, great to hear from you again. Glad you are still around even if just every now and then. You have been a great help to me.
    Thin…..wow, so exciting to read you lived near the Mexican border. My father went to Mexico many years ago and loved it. He brought back great souvenirs for my kids. Your shopping trip sounded fun and exciting, sorry if you have to take back the pants, but I think I would be really proud of myself if I got back into a size 10!!! That was so long ago now, another life!!!! Congratulations on all your achievements, and who knows maybe you will find a great pair of pants in size 10!!

    Coast, great to hear from you again. I am a little frightened that I will be told that I will have to have surgery on my shoulder, but we have a great surgeon here and I trust him! He has operated on my daughter’s foot and it changed her life dramatically. (My daughter’s foot was deformed, she had six toes but as she grew older the last toe became deformed and she was bullied at primary school if they ever had to take shoes off, high school was even worse so in the end she decided she wanted to have it operated on, both feet now look the same!)
    Xrays and ultra sound should give more answers on my shoulder, so in the mean time I just have to put up with the sleepless nights and lack of movement trying to do chores. I might take you up on your offer of talking about it if it resorts to the surgery!! OMG I just read your info on your shoulder and no it is not too much information. It is sounding so familiar!! My referral states physio is not responding, has trouble driving, combing hair etc. pain on resisted int and ext rotation, pain and limited int and ext rotation of right shoulder, painful arc assess, rotator cuff tear.
    OH said he thought I would have surgery!!!! I did this in January and had some physio done on it initially which helped a little, but never really stopped the pain, now all these months later the pain has increased and extended down my arm. Doctor sent me back to physio as neck xray showed degeneration of C2 C3 and C4but physio really believes it is in the shoulder and not caused by the neck. My physio has been on holidays now for 2 weeks and my last visit to the locum resulted in her saying she really wanted the xray and ultra sound done now. She says she feels heat in my shoulder which she says is inflamation. Anyhow I shall keep you informed. I sometimes feel like comfort eating because of the pain. Stress usually stops me from eating, but pain seems to make me want to eat. I have been resisting though and also resisting that extra glass of wine to help take the edge off the pain! That will put the weight on!!

    So now I am waiting for OH to come home after emergency look at a ship early this morning. This is our one day together for the weekend as he will be out all day tomorrow with Cairns Taiko group performing at two different events. If you are interested they have a facebook page Cairns Taiko showing them performing and also a video of last weekend in the parade.

    Take care all!!!

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for all your kind thoughts and wishes. Please accept a group thank you:-). Yes, I’m feeling somewhat better today. Yesterday I went to the funeral and I’m so glad I did. It gave me a chance to really say goodbye. We will miss her. Our other neighbours were there, and it was a large funeral. She was a special lady and went so quickly. I was able to sit, and keep, a reasonable distance away from people , and then went home, and OH went to the wake. The funeral home was close by and the wake just around the corner.

    Today I’ve been up doing gentle stuff for a bit and back in bed now. A friend emailed me and said ‘take everything you can take, go to bed, stay there, get up on Monday night and throw some things in a suitcase!’ Good advice I think. All the paperwork etc was already done, and OH, who is just at the end of the same cold, is doing the last minute necessary things in town etc. Last night I got more sleep, and still sleeping propped up a bit.

    Our fridge now contains 3 boiled eggs, some plain yoghurt, 1/2 a butternut pumpkin, some celery, 1/2 pkt tofu, the remains of an old lettuce, a bit of fresh-ish coriander, 1/2 pkt UHT light milk, no-sugar jelly, 1 apple and 1 pear. Oh, there’s a few sauces, and various bottles of stuff like crushed garlic etc. I’m seeing pumpkin soup with celery, maybe curry paste in it, with yoghurt and coriander to serve. OH will cook.

    Hope your shoulder problems improve ladies. It must be quite incapacitating in certain ways, and chronic pain is yuk! Whatever happens, this 5:2 WOL(way of life) can only help us be healthier, not just in less weight to burden our bodies with but in all those other health blood markers, and increase our ability to regenerate cells in the healthiest way.

    Happy FD to the Saturday Fasters!

    PS.Forgot to tell you, on my visit to the Dr a few days ago I got the go ahead with totally ditching my blood pressure medication. I was able to halve it after a few months on 5:2, and now, after 11 months on 5:2 it’s gone and my blood pressure is normal and stable. Very cool.

    CM congratulations on all your wonderful results from your checkup. You must be totally stoked!


    EA – I am 56 and have lost 16kg since February and my skin has contracted nicely. If this is something you are really worried about as you continue to lose, I suggest you take Vitamin E capsules. I took these during my pregnancies – and I don’t have a single stretch mark.

    Thanks JJ. I hope you get that shoulder of yours sorted soon. Chronic pain is no fun and hard to explain to people that have not endured it. Well done for keeping off the extra wine and food though as a form of self medication/coping mechanism.

    Merry – I am glad you are feeling a bit better today and was able to go to the funeral yesterday. Congratulations on coming off your blood pressure medication – that is amazing. This 5:2 is just wonderful isn’t it.

    I don’t know if it is coincidence but before I started the 5:2, I noticed that my ankles were stiff and painful after sitting down and particularly when I got out of bed in the morning. And I’m seriously not that old (despite what my teen says) so it was a bit of a worry. Now, I don’t know if it has anything to do with the 5:2 but since I started it, I no longer experience any pain or stiffness. Interesting stuff. I like to think that when I fasted my body has healed any inflammation there. Who knows.

    Thank you for that assurance Hilary and your advise. I think I may have been watching too many programmes on gastric bypassing and got my knickers in a knot as all the patients featured have had excess skin but they lose weight so incredibly quickly that I don’t think the skin has a chance to keep up. Whereas the 5:2 seems so much more gentle. So far so good (I think part of my worry is punishment for allowing myself to get bigger in the first place – like I’ve damaged myself or something). When I get down to goal weight I will let you all know if there are any saggy bits. :o)

    I hope your fast day is going swimmingly Thin. I opened the other packet of crisps today that I brought for the kids for tomorrows picnic. I am never buying crisps to keep in the pantry again!!! The amount of time I have craved them but not had them in the cupboard so couldn’t succumb (and living where I live there is no popping out to a late night store to get some). And yet when they are there – no discipline. Lesson learnt.

    Righto I’m popping out for a suprise birthday party soon so had better get ready. It’s BYO drink so I have brought an exciting bottle of water to drink – no calories! I will see how disciplined I shall be with the food (bearing in mind that I have already scoffed crisps this afternoon).

    Happy evening everyone. xxxx

    Good night everyone,
    I am so glad you got to the funeral Merry. So glad you are one medication down! Fabulous! Loved the advice to stay in bed til it is time to catch the plane!

    It is awful to hear about shoulder problems, Coast and JJ, I hope yours is over Coast, and glad you have a trusted surgeon JJ.

    Hi English Aussie, I worried about my skin too, but I managed to lose 20kg and it managed to shrink with me! I am also experiencing less aches and stiffness. Hooray!

    Well I had 3 fasts in a week (not planned that way in advance). Managed it fine, and feeling all sorted to be back to 5:2 from here on in.

    My laptop had a meltdown this morning and although I got it all up and running again eventually, I lost everything not backed up – fortunately only 5 days’ worth but still a pain. I’ve now caught up on the thread but only the ones on this page. As I was reading all the news, I was planning my replies but now I’ve got to the end, I can’t remember much at all. Was hoping for a better result for my brain from a year of fasting but can’t see any improvement in that area at all sadly.

    The jeans went back today, yes and thanks for asking. No size 10s. Well, it was a sale after all.

    For all with chronic aches and pains, you have my sympathies. Stay strong and try not to comfort eat – there’s no comfort in it as we all know and getting the weight off is the best thing we can do for our bodies. I’ve noticed huge improvements in my knee pain since dropping all this weight.

    That reminds me of the talk above about excess flab – I definitely don’t look as good as the last time I was this weight. Most things have dropped a few inches and there’s a fair bit of flab around the waistline. But, hey, at least there’s a waistline. I think I could tighten things up a bit with some exercises but I hate doing them – I did get the fit ball down from upstairs and then eventually found the exercise sheet that goes with it but that’s about as far as it’s gone.

    Merry, ditching the BP meds is about the best news I’ve heard on here today. Good for you. Have a great holiday. You deserve it.

    Have a lovely picnic tomorrow EA and enjoy the party tonight. Wow, that place of yours sounds intriguing – like a remote cabin in the woods, I must email you to find out the location and what on earth you’re doing there. Yes thanks, FD almost over. Soups from the freezer so quite painless. 375 cals so far leaving plenty in reserve for that egg around 8pm which isn’t far away now.

    Well done with completing 3 FDs Cinque. I’ve never tried that.

    Happy Fathers’ Day for tomorrow all.

    Hi again Sh,

    there have been so many interesting posts today. After this, I’ll try to keep away till after my weigh-in next week.

    EA, sounds like you are doing really well with your food choices. And yes, it is great that treats are part of this WOL!!!!!

    JJ, sounds a lot like my journey. I actually ended up taking anti-inflamatories and pain killers every day (non addictive ones – Brufen and Pandal Osteo) – under doctors management, of course. They did the trick in keeping the pain in check as it had been effecting my sleeping – leading to increased anxiety and that can start on the slippery road to depression. Getting a good nights sleep is the most important thing in maintaining your health and mental equilibrium. Just ask me anything about my shoulder, at any time :))

    You must control the pain ’cause you can’t afford to put on weight!!! not good, after doing so well so far….

    I am not good at Facebook but will try to find the page as I have some time at the moment – 1 more week on my semester break πŸ™‚

    Merry, sounds like a hard day but necessary for your goodbyes to your friend. Everything for your trip will fall into place that needs to – you sound like you are just accepting that and going with the flow. Sounds like it will be adventurous in your kitchen in these last few days LOL!!
    That is such fantastic news about the blood pressure medication. I hope I can manage that as well in the future. Were you still taking meds every day? How did the doctor decide that you could go off them?

    H4, that is so good to know. I had been wondering about the skin thing too. Vit. E sounds a good additional treatment too.

    EA, those decreases in pain and stiffness sound like they aren’t a co-incident. I could use help in those areas as well – stiffness in the legs getting up etc. I’ll keep an eye out for how that is improving over the coming months.

    Cinque, so far so good. Am doing all my exercises. Today I think I helped with the cooking at my sisters too much and I had some trouble with the shoulder this evening. Lucky sister is a physio and she gave me a good work over :)). 20kgs Cinque, that’s great, and good about your skin as well. Are you still on the downward journey? you may have mentioned before, but I can’t remember, sorry πŸ™‚ you are doing well.

    hope you all have an enjoyable Fathers Day tomorrow,


    I’m here! Sick as a dog – it hit me Thursday night – thought I had escaped it this winter, but no! Haven’t had z chance to read all the posts but didn’t want to stay silent. Will try tomorrow. Have a wonderful & joyful Father’s Day tomorrow everyone. I’ll be thinking of you all. CM xx

    Oh no CM! I hope this means you get to spend FD in bed instead of cooking for the entire family? Get well soon.

    Me too Thin!! Thanks, see how I feel in the morning….in bed now but can’t sleep. Had pizza for dinner….couldn’t be bothered cooking & OH thought it was that or starve. Oh well NFD. Find it hard to reply to posts on my phone – all that going up & down was driving me nuts. Glad you’ve finally decided you’re a size 10!! We’ll have to slog it out together at the size 10 racks when the sales are on!! Haven’t caught up with everyone else’s news, but will get to it when I can.
    Nite all. xx

    Woke up to go to the loo at 4.30am but stomach rumbling stopped me getting back to sleep. Finally succumbed and got up at 6.30am and this coffee is tasting sooo good. A chilly 5C here in Perth this morning. Looking after the neighbours’ Cavalier for a week. Takes up less room than the greyhound.

    How are you feeling today CM? I’m sure when you tell them how much you’re coughing, sneezing & spreading germs, the family will come up with a quicksmart and brilliant alternative to your having to cook today.

    Travelling scales – possible alternative to Petit Mignon?

    I’ve been doing a bit of research on the travelling scales and found these called Verrette. Designed in Japan and manufactured who knows where. Possible downside is that they weigh up to 200 gms more than the PM. Upside is that they’re a whole lot cheaper. You can read about them to compare with Petit Mignon here:

    ……and if you like what you see, you can buy them from Japan in different colours on sale at $16.33 plus shipping until 10 Sept here:

    This year’s flu is a stinker – I have woken with either a throat full of razor blades or the greatest difficulty swallowing for the last couple of weeks, plus a low-grade cough. None of the usual bone-chilling feeling or body aches that make flu but highly unpleasant and much longer-lasting than a normal flu.

    So I haven’t been fasting in the hopes that I would get better faster – nada! So I am looking forward to Monday’s FD – just hope the snow is gone by then! We had about 4cm of powder snow on the car this morning when we headed off to church. It had vanished by the time church was over, but it is still trying to drop little flurries. We live about 120m above sea level so this is quite a serious dump a bit further up the hill.

    My sympathies sick ones. I got the flu jab, but managed to get a nasty cold a couple of weeks ago. It was brutal but thankfully short. Hope your ones might be too (short, not brutal), fingers crossed. Hope you get looked after!

    Thin one, I lost that 20kg by cutting out high and medium sugar foods. I did it because i realised they were making me so sick (in a poisoned, hungover way) and was delighted that I lost weight. But the last year or so I have been stuck around 10kg above my healthy weight (maybe 7 kg) and so I am glad, glad, glad that the 5:2 is working. Not only that I am losing weight, but I can feel it retraining my brain to eat normally.

    In some ways I feel like I did back years ago when I was this weight…. but I am the same age as you and, sigh, it is not a youthful body anymore! But as the sags disappear, I don’t seem to have hanging skin the way I know some ex obese people suffer it. I’ll be quite pleased with myself when the potbelly is gone, the saggy arms and thinner and all the other bits and pieces have shrunk away!

    Good morning all. I’m sorry I don’t contribute more but please know that I read every post and I cheer, empathise and sympathise all that you are achieving and going through. I’m not a great foodie anymore and that stems from being on my own so long and just eating basics.

    I too have wondered about what happens to your skin as I had a hysterectomy 18yrs ago and have always had a flap where the incision was made. Will be amazed if I lose that.

    Drum roll, achieved my goal and this morning weigh 74.8. Still can’t believe it. Very significant birthday coming up at the end of October, will be an old age pensioner!!!!!! My secret goal would be 70 but anything from now is a bonus.

    Happy Monday all xx

    This time last year I was on a cruise to Bermuda. I have to confess that if the holiday had not been booked a year in advance and my friend was looking forward to it, I would not have gone. My mind was not in a good place after all the traumas.

    My weight on the 15/8 was 85.7. When I came back from my trip 91.2. When I discovered this WOL 87.1. What a journey this has been.

    Very happy for you Intesha. I always knew you could do this. It wasn’t always easy for you but you’ve achieved it. You can be very proud. Now, how are you going to reward yourself? (Don’t say high tea in the city!).

    Cinque, OK we’ll approach 60 together in a nice, dignified way.

    Thin I hadn’t even given a reward a thought but after trying on my summer clothes from last year it could be a whole new wardrobe. On one hand I was nearly in tears as some of the clothes I hadn’t even worn just bought them on sale (thankfully) but now they are all too loose. It’s a shame we don’t have a clothes recycle on the 5:2 because with all this weight loss we must be keeping the manufacturers in business.

    Well done Intesha! Congratulations!! Wow, under 75. Did you ever think you would have been able to keep your weight down while your daughter was here and then be under 75 so quickly afterwards? You are fantastic Intesha!

    How amazing is this programme? It feels like we’ve found the proverbial holy grail or pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Not only is there a way to get the weight off, but to get it off healthily, improves our health, and gives us the tools to get off any excess we may get over time. After the initial effort of the first 2 or 3 weeks it seems to begin to bring along some psychological changes and food retraining as well. Yes, I’ve yet to get to maintenance and learn how to stay there over time, but I’m looking forward to the challenge.Other than the inital cost of replacing clothing there’s no costs involved. In fact most people would save money on grocery bills.

    My official weekly weigh day today, and putting 68.6kgs on the graph. My mini goal was to hit 69.9kgs before we head overseas tomorrow, so I am more than happy to be well under my mini goal. My long term goal is 62kgs, and I see it coming! I could say I want to be the same weight when we get back in 6 weeks, but I’m secretly, ha ha, thinking I’d like to arrive back a couple of kilos lighter, just for the challenge. My little yellow scales are beckoning ” take me, take me, we can do it!” Baggage limit is 20kg and scales a 504 gms. Pretty good, and I’ve got the hang of how to stand on the, with heels together hanging over the back and toes at angles hanging over the front. They are weighing in at variously 200-400gm higher than my bathroom scales, but no higher so easy to check my daily weight.

    Sorry to hear about others being ill too. I hope you get well soon. Someone said the right word for some of the bugs this year – brutal, at times. I am much improved, and have some catching up on the preparations to go today. There may well be some frantic flinging of clothes into a suitcase this evening. I’m starting to get ‘between sizes’ again ( so tough the things we have to put up with on 5:2. – not). The tops and trousers are getting loose again and the next lot of things down (from some years ago) still a wee bit tight, but there are some Kathmandu easy wear easy wash tops that fit again.

    I am feeling very grateful, this morning, for being able to travel, for being able to travel, this time, at 14.5kg less. I’m looking forward to seeing how that plays out in what I’m able to do physically while overseas. Happy days:-)

    If I don’t get back to read again for a couple of days Good Luck all. Take care. Keep 5:2 ing!

    Thin just re-read your post and funny you should mention it but I am going to high tea in the city on Sunday LOL ?

    Merry I have amazed myself and still can’t believe what I see in the mirror and as you say to be able to maintain it while my daughter was here.

    My challenge will be the trip to the UK but then again I might surprise myself again.

    I wish you a wonderful holiday and don’t stress about the weight because we have found the holy grail.

    Good morning all,
    Well a busy weekend for us again. I ended up going with OH and both daughters to the two performances yesterday so we had a big family day out. The day ended up to be a FD although not planned, but finally at 2.00 we decided to eat Breakfast/lunch and had ramen. Probably not the best choice of foods but it is all I had all day and looked up the calorie count for Authentic pork ramen on the Myfitnesspal site to find it has 554 calories, so really happy about that.
    Today is official FD for me and so far so good with just drinks.
    I am glad someone started asking about that excess skin with weight loss as I have been wondering if I will have a saggy area around the scar for my C-section. I have seemed to have had a “ledge” ever since she was born 16 years ago. With the weight loss I have had recently, OH has noticed my tummy has decreased in size, I have noticed the “muffin top” above my jeans has decreased and the C-section “ledge” seems to have shrunk a little. In fact the jeans that I wore yesterday were slipping down a little which was a delightful surprise to me.
    Yesterday, I was taking photos of the Taiko group for their official page and so I was sitting on the grass or moving around sides of the stage during the performance. I was also pleased to find that getting up from the grass was not so much as a hassle as a few months ago. My knees did not give in and I felt as if I was actually “lighter” in myself. It meant that I did not have to get up using my arms on all fours and looking very awkward in the process. I was really feeling a bit agile!!!!

    Intesha, I am so pleased for you. You are under the 75 mark and really going guns for 70. You will definitely do this before December. What a great idea about the clothes recycle. It may work for those who are in the same city and meet up with each other. I am lucky as I have not sent all of my old clothes away as I had big intentions of getting back into them and now I see that I will soon be able to do just that. I am today wearing a pair of 3/4 jeans that I had not been able to do up for awhile so very pleased about that. And I tried on one pair of ski pants and they do up on me……..now to try to get into the other smaller pair!!!!!

    Shoulder pain is not good today so i think I overdid it yesterday with the big day out. Did not help with the lifting of the equipment but just holding up the camera may have been too much!!! I am finding that I now realise that my right hand/arm is so much the stronger side of me because I feel unable to to a lot of things using just my left side.

    Merry, this is probably the last chance I have to say have a great holiday and I hope you have a fantastic time. Remember you can not claim on travel insurance for loss of weight, so loose away. Anyhow enough of my dumb humour and just have the time of your life!

    Morning all

    Thank you for your input re saggy skin. I am glad to hear that your skin has gone back (and that I am not the only one wondering!) :o)

    Intesha – congratulations. I am so pleased for you.

    Merry – I am glad you are feeling much better than you did. Have a fantastic holiday. You deserve every moment.

    CM – how are you feeling now? Better, I hope. Did it get you out of cooking yesterday? :o)

    JJ – Sorry to hear your shoulder is not good today; I hope you get it sorted soon.

    Fast day for me today and I weighed in at a 65.9!!! Not sure why I have shot up so much since Fridays weigh in – I could have been a lot naughtier than I was with the party and Fathers Day picnic. Ah well, I’ve been moving around as much as possible today so am hoping I can get back into the 64’s tomorrow. I was kind of aiming for the 63’s this week. Might be a bit optimistic.

    Well, had better feed the toddler. I have just made her an impossible pie and the melted cheese on top smells delish. None for me – I have veggie soup, chicken and an egg to look forward to for dinner tonight.

    Did anybody watch that programme on SBS last night about sugar? I am going to make some cup cakes this week with absolutely no sugar in them for the kids. I have no idea how they will turn out or what they will taste like but y’never know until you try.

    Happy Day to all your losers.

    Hi Gang. Thanks for the good wishes…and no I didn’t totally get out of cooking yesterday but ended up only doing nibbly things – the rest went in the freezer as they could see I wasn’t feeling great! Thankfully we have another big bash in two weeks so will have most of the hard work already done with a Chicken Korma and a Chilli Con carne ready to go….theme will be a Hot & Spicy Games Night. Games nights are always fun and everyone loves spicy food, so I thought why not combine the two!

    Anyways…unfortunately feeling a little worse today with a cracking headache that I can’t shift. Will get some work done and hit the sack I think.

    Merry, I just know you’ll have a wonderful holiday. You’ve achieved so much to reach the point where you can travel. Have a marvellous time….we’ll all be thinking of you.

    Intesha, congrats on reaching your mini-goal. We new you’d make it, even though you did think so!!! We had a few wobbly times keeping you going, but you did it. So very happy for you.

    Thin, hope you’re computer is still behaving! When are you fasting again?

    EA, I didn’t quite achieve a PB Friday but was equal-PB to the previous week. Its just teasing me!! Anyway, it will happen. So, how naughty were you this weekend??

    I have a funny feeling my PC is going to dump this message if I ramble any longer. Happy FD everyone….. What’s for dinner? Salmon and salad for me. CM xx

    Edit – EA I thought Impossible Pie was sweet. What’s in yours?? Or does your toddler like crazy combos….sweet filling with a cheese topping!?

    EA, I watched the first hour of the Sugar Conspiracy doco last night. The presentation was all over the place but eventually it came together. Food manufacturers have a lot to answer for. And consumers need to take some personal responsibility too. Those sticky drinks look absolutely disgusting, it’s a no-brainer surely? Look forward to hearing how your sugarless cup cakes work out. I must read that ‘I Quit Sugar’ book again. Would love to go sugar free but haven’t got the nerve.

    P.S. CM – Wednesday will be my next FD. Laptop Ok thanks. Is that pie like an impossible quiche? Get well soon. Happy Holidays Merry!

    Oh dear CM – rest up and get rid of that pesky headache. At least you stayed steady with last weeks PB. I thought I was being pretty good at the party. I had a bunless burger, but I did snack on a lot of cheese and little crackers come to think of it. Oh and my friend made a cob loaf with different mixes in the middle so I had a bit of that. And some marshmellows. But only drank water.

    Then yesterday I did all the driving as it was Fathers Day so had two hot chocs – one for the journey there and one back. But I only had salad and fruit for the picnic and salad and egg for dinner (the family had pasta as well but I didn’t).

    So when I think of what I ate in relation to what I could have consumed, I didn’t think it was too bad. Just goes to show that we need far less food than we think we do!!

    Thin – I havent read that book but did buy ‘That Sugar DVD’. The stats on last nights programme are appalling. How long are people going to be sucked in to eating high amounts of sugar, artificial sweeteners and low fat food. It is criminal. I’ve not gone sugar free but cut down considerably and don’t have fizzy drinks or juice anymore. But I was a child of the 70’s and 8-‘s and boy did we eat our sugar!!

    Off to tackle the ironing pile hoping that ironing is a high calorie burner???!!! I want that 63 kilo mark this week!!!

    That is bad news, CM, hope you get throughout the next few days πŸ™

    How many sizes have you managed to let go, CM and Thin.?
    I can’t wait to fit into some of my lovely suits sitting in my wardrobe – tantalisingly waiting for me. The sad thing is that I know I want to leave them behind just as badly as I want to fit into them …. LOL!!!!
    Enjoy your size 10 status – is that the end of your journey now? Are you both into maintenance now and is that mentally easy to accept?

    Thin and travellers, I have no idea what a Petit Mignon is – I thought was a little steak …. LOl!! that can’t be it though, can it? I’ll check out those links to find out.

    Intesha, how wonderful for you. It’s so true that the state of mind of a person has such an impact on our health, including our weight. It takes a lot of motivation to be able to overcome those situations. I am so happy that you were able to manage your issues and not let them continue to control your life!! Well done. Congratulations on achieving your goal!!!! It’s so inspirational hearing all the success stories.

    so true, Thin, rewards are so important – keeps us motivated and enjoying the journey. What things can you think of, Intesha, that would give you great pleasure :)) high-tea does sound nice.

    We will definitely keep 5:2ing. Merry, you sound so happy. Hope you have the best time on your trip. Im sure you’ll manage fine while away. Fingers crossed for you πŸ™‚ Congratulations on your downward journey so far!!

    Isn’t that a bonus JJ, when you get an extra FD without even planning, that will put a dent in that doqnwaes trend. Feeling lighter and more agile is terrific. Take care with the shoulder.

    EA, never mind, there is another FD to look forward to that will do the trick πŸ™‚ Not using sugar in your cupcakes will be interesting – have you thought of using dates as a replacement for sugar. It can be zapped in a food processor and liquified. Fingers crossed for you πŸ™‚


    Sorry CM – I forgot to mention about the impossible pie. Yes it is more like a quiche like Thin says. Nice and easy to make and I can grate whatever veggies I feel like into it. It is nice, warm and filling for the toddlers lunch then the rest of it goes in the middle four lunch boxes the next day.

    Hi Coast – just read your message after posting my last one. Oh, no I hadn’t thought of dates. Might give that a go as well. Cheers xxxx

    EA, I know what you mean – as a child in the UK, were you allowed a Tizer and a packet of cheese and onion chips in the beer garden at the pub? At least you can do better for your little girl. Have you entered those hot chocs into Myfitnesspal? Just askin’. But hey, I know you’re making a darned good effort so you deserve the odd treat and if you’re still losing, it’s all good. I didn’t know That Sugar Movie was already on DVD. You’re almost through another fast day in the cabin in the woods. CM, Freya and I are going to make a field trip up there one day. Bringing our ironing.

    Coastcat: Petit Mignon is the name of the travelling scales that weigh about 500gms. I’ve seen them on ebay for about $55 + shipping. I ordered the cheaper Verrette from the Japanese website this morning & was told the shipping cost would follow. Have decided against using them now (shipping cost OTT) and will order from Fox and Monocle $47.85 incl shipping.

    Yes, I have stayed between 61 and 61.8kgs for 6 weeks now so, to answer your question, I think I am slowly coming to grips with it. Wouldn’t mind an extra kg or two off to make it a nice round 60kgs but very happy with where I am now. I was a sz 18 last year and have worked my way back down through all my clothes sizes in the closet and now appear to be a size 11 if there is such a thing. Agree with you Intesha, a recycling option would be great on here. I had almost new clothes that had to be taken to the op shop.

    Hi Thin – mine was a bottle of coke with a straw and a packet of Walkers salt and vinegar crisps in the pub garden or sitting in the mini parked outside the village pub window playing truth, dare, kiss or promise with my older sisters. Those were the days.

    Ha ha, I wish I did have a nice little log cabin in the woods – sounds far more romantic than what it really is. But you guys are more than welcome to come and if you bring your ironing I can burn off an extra few calories!

    That is great that you have maintained that weight for six weeks. I don’t like this losing then gaining after fast days nonsense. But then when I think I was around 72 kilos when I started, common sense reminds me that it does eventually stay off – if you keep up the 5:2 WOL, of course.

    Almost dinner time – another hour and a half to go.

    Evening all

    We had a Mini Minor too. When my parents first got it, I could stand up in it peering out from between the front seats and that’s how they rode me around – I don’t think they even had seat belts in those days. My brother was in the cot which was just perched on the backseat. Imagine that today!

    Mmmm, salt & vinegar crisps with the little blue waxy packet of salt wrapped individually inside. Memories of bluebells on the river banks and narrow boats chugging past.

    Hi all – for those interested in portable scales, there are some other options here. I have bought lots of things from Aliexpress and have been pleased with my purchases. On the odd occasion I haven’t been happy or the parcel hasn’t turned up, getting a refund has not been a drama. Free shipping and you can list the prices in AUD.

    So many posts to read through and at the end I am thinking that I need to do some ironing too, I am excited that there is a savoury Impossible Pie, I hope Merry has the most wonderful holiday, and that JJulie was able to rest her shoulder and Intesha can say farewell to the clothes she never got to wear, and have great fun finding new ones!

    Fast day for me tomorrow. I made a lovely soup today, chunky vegetables and lentils. very tasty, I had it for dinner tonight too.

    Sweet dreams everyone!

    I forgot to weight myself this morning as I had a sleepless night and then at the last minute had to take 16yo to school, so quick shower and off!!!!
    FD for me today and kept to coffee and water for most of the day. At about 4pm had 100g fresh cut pineapple while tomato soup was cooking. I was lucky enough to get about 3kgs of tomatoes in a bag at woolworths for only $3 so when I saw it decided tomato soup would be nice for a change. Cut about 2kg into quarters with two onions and 1 litre of chicken stock and boiled it away. Then added 2tespoons of sweet hungarian paprika and a teaspoon of dried basil. Had a meeting with Australia Japan Society at 5.30 then returned home at 7.30 to finish off the soup. Used the stick mixer to blend then put through a sieve to get rid of the skins. Had two bowls for dinner and was full. 16yo had a bowl when she finished her little job.

    Tomorrow is xray and ultra sound day so looking forward to finding out what is really wrong with my shoulder and then try to fix it.

    I usually make an impossible quiche that everyone loves and vary the flavours by what I put into it. Chicken, cheese and mushroom is a favourite, ham cheese and onion or tuna, onion and corn. Have not made one in ages.

    Had the Finnish roast beef with vegies on Saturday night and there is leftovers for OH for dinner tomorrow still.
    catch up with everyone again tomorrow……….JJxxx

    First FD after having missed 3 through just not feeling well – had gone up about 500g in that time, but not exactly stressed about that. Still not 100% but was just looking forward to a FD and this time my son joined us.

    I had my teas and coffees and a Chicken noodle cup soup and a tamarillo for lunch. Dinner was a bowl of homemade broccoli and blue cheese soup (71 cals) and a couple of crackers total about 300 cals for the day and this morning a new PB of 64.3! BMI is 23.3.

    Celebrating with a small bowl of porridge, brown sugar and cream!

    Hoping all Monday fasters’ numbers are down!

    Hi SH,

    checking in: up 1kg since last weeks FD.

    Had a weekend with family again. 17th birthday party and then Fathers day feast.
    I think I chose fairly well and had smallish portions over the weekend so not unduly worried.

    I had a harder FD yesterday than usual. Everything was fine until evening when I got extremely peckish!!! and I succumbed – leftover veges with chilli sauce, popcorn, strawberries, tea with lemon, a wafer biscuit, more veges: which wouldn’t have been too bad except I then moved on to mixed nuts. I should have gone to bed.

    to to worry – another FD on Wednesday :))

    Hope the day went well for the Monday FDs.

    Thanks for explaining Petit Mignon, Thin :))
    Thin, thanks for sharing. Being pretty well on maintenance is fantastic news. Are you finding it easy to just maintain that level and keeping the 5:2 going?
    I like the idea of a clothes swap facility too. I wonder if we haves a techno whizz amongst us πŸ™‚

    EA, I don’t bake but recently I made some oat bran and date balls (no-bake) and they were quite yummy. Not sweet at all but that was because I didn’t put many dates in the mixture. Next time I think I will use more.

    H4 thanks for those links. I don’t need good portable scales yet but a good reliable normal one. My old Kmart scales were great and lasted forever but I can’t see the figures anymore. The digitals I have experienced to date seem so scatty.

    Cinque, did you eventually get around to the ironing?? πŸ™‚

    JJ hope the tests result in a concrete diagnosis so you can start managing the issues with the shoulders. Food choices sound very yummy.
    Those PBs must be a good feeling :)) well done

    signing off,


    Hi Coastcat, re: maintenance – yes, like many others, I originally I’d assumed I’d go to 6:1 once I reached goal weight. Firstly, you have to decide what IS goal weight as, when we set out on this journey, many of us didn’t really dream it would be possible to reach the lows we’ve attained. I think my body has more or less told me this is where I should be. And I have a BMI of 21.8% according to this website when selecting ‘light exercise’.

    Everyone’s different with their maintenance strategy (there’s a thread called the maintenance chatbox you can read) but, for me, I realised that if I put a foot wrong on 6:1, I’d gain weight and I never want to go back there again. The reality for me is that sticking to 5:2 allows me to have a stress-free restaurant meal now and then and means I don’t have to count calories 5 days a week. It’s something I believe I can sustain long-term. Also I believe I have an ‘addictive’ personality so the discipline of fasting suits me very well – I welcome fast days and it makes me feel good that I can fast so effortlessly.

    As discussed a few pages back, I’m concerned about what happens when we go on holiday as it’s so much harder to control where & what you eat but that’s a challenge I’ll deal with later in the year. If I do gain a few kgs, I know I can get them off when we return – but a better strategy would be to learn to eat within my TDEE even in foreign environments. It’s a balance between staying healthy and enjoying life a bit. A big part of travel after all is trying local food. Hopefully, this past year has taught me which ones to avoid or at least eat in moderation.

    Weighed this morning and still seem to be stuck in the 77’s. I had one weigh in about a week ago of 76.5 and went back up to 77 the next day. Anyhow I have to be happy that I am not putting it on!!!
    FD again for me today so always wait with excitement to see what Wednesday mornings bring when I weigh in.
    I have some tomato soup still left but only one bowl of it, so need to think of meals for today that are really low cal. I have 1/2 a cauli in the fridge and some broccoli so maybe cauli/broccoli soup again.
    Think I will buy pumpkin tomorrow and make another pumpkin soup.
    As Cairns is usually getting quite hot in September I am surprised to see I am still making soup at this time. Our house seems to be a lot cooler this year than previous years and we had a lot longer cold snap than any other year I can remember. It is good as usually I am so sick of lettuce tomato and cucumber by the time winter gets here so the little bit longer colder weather is allowing me to enjoy the soups longer. Also OH has loved the curries I have been making. I find that I am using a lot more vegies and a lot less meat. The last few curries I made only had one chicken breast in and the bulked up with vegies. OH has commented on how tasty they have been and I am picking the sauces that are not high in calories making it a better option for us.

    So how did all the other Monday fasters go????

    Hilary, you should be pleased with missing 3 FD and then only putting on 500g. You have been so sick so hoping you are feeling your old self again soon. Congratulations on the new PB too. That should be a good pick me up!!

    Cinque, your chuncky vegetable and lentil soup sounds lovely. I dont usually use lentils in my cooking so may have to try this. Always looking for new soups these days.

    Coast, I think we all have those days when we get on the scales and they tell us what we dont want to see. that 1kg will disappear real quick I am sure.

    Well as I said, I am feeling lighter and more agile but the scales are not budging …….here is to Tuesday FD and Wednesday’s weigh in!!!

    catch up with everyone soon……JJxxx

    Hello again,

    I decided to look at making another soup so as I had plenty of mushrooms in the fridge and I love mushrooms I decided to googles a low cal mushroom soup. I found one recipe that was called No-Cream of mushroom soup so decided to check it out. The soup is creamy but the secret ingredient to make it creamy is cauliflower!!! So at this time I am now making mushroom cauliflower soup.

    Just thought you might like to know about it, and after tasting shall tell you if it is ok!!

    see ya…..JJxxx

    Morning all

    I hope everyone is well and happy.

    Getting stuck around the same number is frustrating isn’t it. But it does budge eventually.

    I had a good fast day yesterday – couldn’t even finish off my soup! Today I am back into the 64’s (albeit 64.95) and body fat 28.3. I have just enjoyed a bowl of porridge made with full cream milk and going to stick to salad and protein for lunch and dinner. I’m out tomorrow so will make Thursday my next fast day – hoping to see those 63’s on Friday.

    That tomato soup sounds yummy JJ. Thanks for sharing – I will give it a go sometime. Those things you put in your impossible pie sound nice – mine is usually vegetarian. Good luck with your x-ray. Lets hope they give you the answers you are looking for to give you the correct treatment.

    Coast – those oatbran and dates sound yummy. How do you make the exactly? Don’t worry about yesterdays little nibbles (but yes it is sometimes best just to go to bed when you feel like that.) Wednesday is another fast day.

    Wow – Hilary – missing 3 FD’s and only going up 500grms – that is pretty good going. I hope you are fighting fit now.


    JJ – I would be interested to hear how the mushroom soup goes – I have mushrooms growing at the moment so need to eat them up without resorting to frying them in butter all the time (although that is good too)

    Hi haven’t read all the new posts yet but I am so excited I needed to tell someone. Just bought my first ever pair of skinny jeans. Unfortunately they are a 16, the manufacturers just don’t have a clue but like 60 is the new 50, 16 is the new 14. Bought some new tops and they were all medium no longer xxl and I have to say I look HOT. It has been so long since I’ve enjoyed clothes shopping.

    74.7 this morning FD today. I’m on a mission now and feel so good YEAH

    Oh Intesha that is fabulous. Well done you. You can enjoy your fast day today with new vigor. xxxx

    Ive done no ironing!

    Headachey today. Maybe a new reaction to fasting, maybe a reaction to no coffee! So I am just being kind to myself and getting through it by watching Inspector Montalbano. Maybe I could make the effort and iron while I watch.

    Cheers to that svelte person in skinny jeans! Woot! Strutting up the street!

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