Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,920 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 5 hours, 20 minutes ago.

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  • Gatsby, my cold broke last night and my nose is now running like a tap!!!!
    Although I dont feel as “heady” as I did before I do still have the chesty cough.
    I have decided to try and kill it with a little experiment and starve the cold!
    I am fasting during the day and having a meal with the family at night.

    I weighed myself this morning and my weight has not moved at all. I am hoping this will change once my body is feeling better.

    Everyone having Burritos for dinner tonight, but I will have a two egg mushroom omelette and actually looking forward to it. I dont like eggs very much and wont eat fried, poached or boiled eggs, but will eat an egg that is all mixed up with other flavours in it.

    Sorry that I am not replying much. This cold is taking it out of me, but will catch up with everyone again soon…….JJxxx

    Lovely to see all the chatter on here, it used to be quite lonely on a Sunday! Good that you’ve found that food balance Gatsby; isn’t 5:2 wonderful?

    I’m doing OK today thanks EA but it’s very cold outside, isn’t it? – 14C. That’s an impressive list of junk food you’ve confessed to for yesterday. My walking buddy loves her hot chocolate drinks like you do, she has a free machine at work and drinks several a day. Did you watch that Fat vs. Sugar documentary last week? Interesting about the donuts. Now that I’ve seen that show, I think I will view foods like donuts, ice cream, cheesecakes, etc (50% fat/50% sugar) as some sort of conspiracy! Catch it on SBS On Demand.

    lol, oh dear Thin. I have just ate half a cream donut with the hubby before reading your comment. I really should not have left him alone at the bakery yesterday to buy the bread. I will have to check out the SBS programme. I have seen quite a few but not sure if I have seen that one or if it is a new one they have just brought out. I need to get my head back in the game (But I do love a hot chocolate!)

    Enjoy the rest of your fast day. Almost there and tomorrow you can eat what you chose and I’ll be sipping hot drinks eagerly awaiting my dinner. Now I have recently stopped breastfeeding I have got myself some green tea with peppermint. Something I used to enjoy before getting pregnant and another drink to add to my hot lemon and black coffee.

    Evening all.

    Cairns was lovely, Julie. We went from 28 – 29 degrees to 12 back home! Enduring another cold spell, highs of 8 for the next few days, snow to 400m (fortunately we are at 300m, and Wellington is sheltered from some of the southerly blasts by the top of the SI.

    Bad news about the rugby last night, but at least we regained some honour with the netball 🙂 🙂

    It will be fun, Gatsby. OH put on another 2 kg over the last few months, so is very ready to re-start 5:2. Will keep you all posted on his progress.

    I’m on my third peppermint tea EA (same teabag). Feeling hungry and smelling the delicious casserole in the oven. Can you not drink green/peppermint tea while breastfeeding? I didn’t know that. Let us know when you’re well enough to contemplate the morning tea. I hope you don’t corrupt us with the donut eating though. Does OH need to be on 5:2 also or is he one of those annoyingly slim husbands like mine?

    After playing with 5:2 a few months ago I start my first serious stab at it tomorrow. Is anyone else following a Mediterranean style food plan on their NFD and if so, how successful has this been? My naturopath strongly supports the Mediterranean diet and I am impressed by the health improvements on both 5:2 and Mediterranean so hope to combine them both.

    Yes indeed happy Sunday all. Can it be possible? I’m afraid I’ve developed an addiction to cauliflower!!! I’ve just made ( and already sampled a bowl of) leek and cauliflower soup. A variation of your recipe thin and thought I’d write about it because you said you really missed your favourite leek and potato soup. Well this really reminded me of it because I made it nice and thick. Hope I’m not being tedious with the recipe here.
    Sauté a little German bacon. Add 2 sliced leeks and butter to the pot and sauté gently til soft. Add two 500ml pouches of good stock ( I used one chicken and one vege because that’s what I mistakenly picked up in the shop!) . Add cauliflower florets and cook 20 mins so cauli is a bit mushy. Whirl in kitchen whizz until thick and creamy. OMG. Awfully nice for a cold Sunday afternoon, though I usually follow that very good advice not to snack.
    Again I’m at a stage where kilos lost aren’t showing but clothes are now either fitting or becoming much looser. That’s nice but let’s face it we do want to let the kilos go don’t we? So I’m getting myself ready for a two or maybe three (hedging my bets already) day fast but will eat that soup. Maybe two day because I’ve also got a curry slow cooking in the oven!!! It’s like my body just demands I try that bit harder.
    It’s lovely that theres new folks joining this thread. Hello and good luck. I take encouragement from you all. X

    Thanks Freya, I’m going to copy and paste that recipe. Cauliflower is my new best friend. It’s amazing what you can do with it. You’ve conjured up images of a wonderfully nurturing place to spend a Sunday afternoon at your house. Good that you’re losing some cms and I’m sure the kilos will suddenly start falling off again soon – especially with those marathon fasts of yours.

    Hi Thin,
    Yes I did watch the fat v thin doco last week, and now I have no NFD treats left. I used to make a wicked baked cheesecake, but no more and I used to make my own ice cream so I knew what was in it, well OH can just get used to life without sweet treats any more.
    OH is now back on farm full time and I complained about him upsetting fast days with his constant “what’s to eat?”. So finally he has decided to join me fasting, tomorrow will be his first day. He only needs to loose about 5 kg, but I am hoping it helps me get back in the groove.
    Thanks to all asking about how I am feeling, my tonsils are still very swollen, and I have to keep taking pain killers just to survive, and still coughing badly, but maybe today I have turned a corner. Will make the cauliflower and leek soup and see how we go fasting tomorrow, have a lovely week everyone. Charlie.
    P.S. Just four days old and my little chicks have wing feathers, they sure grow quick.

    Morning all! Just spent the last half hour catching up on all your posts after a feral Friday at work then a busy social weekend. I’m a night owl so it’s a nice way to wind down and refocus for my third fast day tomorrow.

    My word you are all doing splendidly!! And nice to see other newbies just like me starting the journey.
    Got the jitters for the morning as I’ve decided it’s time to get on the scales. Resisted the urge all week but figure it’s time to take a peek. I actually feel a wee bit looser around the waist so hope the figures add up.

    Went for a big walk yesterday and came across a Japanese supermarket I didn’t know existed!! JJ you’ve opened a whole new chapter here. I grew up in Hong Kong so am all over the Chinese food thing… But never experimented with Japan. Excited now!

    Monday FD planned with hot ‘n sour mushroom broth for lunch and steamed salmon & veg for dinner. Shall let you know what the scales say… Accountability etc

    Hi I’m Kate in christchurch new Zealand. It’s my first fast day today. Any hints, tips,tricks or advice?

    Hi Kate – my only tip is something I’ve worked out for me.

    I find as soon as a tiny bit of food passes my lips, I just get the desire to eat for the rest of the day, whereas if I just have water / hot tea etc thru the day, I can go till tea time no worries at all, no tummy rumbles etc – have just recently experimented with skipping tea that evening and manage to get to the next day all ok. You just tell your brain you’re not eating till tea time and get on with it!!

    So I would suggest if you find it too hard having tiny little meals, to have one day where you experiment with no food until the end of the day, as I’m guessing it’s different for everyone…..

    Angelbob2 (Kate) – welcome to this forum. Everyone here will definitely give you heaps of hints, tips and advice. So ask away……

    A few pages back, Thin gave us her cauliflower soup recipe. Adjust it to your taste, I dont put in the diary or the peppers.

    We are having a Cherry Blossom theme at the moment so we have been trying different Japanese recipes and sharing them. You will also find these in some of the last pages.

    Give yourself a bit of time and have a look back at some of the hints in about the last 5 pages. I know it is a lot of reading but you might find it worthwhile. Otherwise just ask the question. Hope you have a good first day with 5:2

    “dairy” NOT diary!!!!!! LOL…..

    CharlieG, I’m so pleased you are turning a corner and starting to feel better as I thought we might have to take you out behind the barn and shoot you. Great that OH will be there to support you on the farm and share the 5:2 journey. It’s a challenge cooking for OFMs but I’ve learned to provide meals for them that are an extension of my FD meals and occasionally give them foods that are no longer an option for me such as pizzas, pastas.

    Welcome Angel (Kate) in ChCh. Read Michael Mosley’s book before you do anything. It’ll be the best $11 you’ve ever spent. Weigh yourself and measure everything, I was given that advice when I started a year ago but only measured my waist and now I really regret it. Work out your TDEE and BMI on this web site. Plan ahead for several FDs so you know exactly what you’ll be eating. You must count absolutely everything including milk in coffee, etc so work out all the details to ensure you don’t go over 500 cals. Drink lots of water and herbal/green teas. As Nik says, we’re all different but many of us have found that eating on a FD awakens the hunger dragon so you might like to experiment with when you eat on a FD. Try not to go to bed hungry. Good luck.

    Cruisingkiwi – don’t leave us in suspense!

    Hi Newbies,

    Read The Fast Diet book by Dr Michael Mosely and Mimi Spencer.

    Put ‘simcoeluv’ in the search box above. Simcoeluv has written excellent info for beginners.


    Thanks for the tips! Currently my body is coping but my brain is struggling!

    First day for me today after a very social weekend – hang over day yesterday resulted in overindulgence of ‘comfort food’ & feeling just awful. So woke up this morning & thought right this is it! I have done my homework on the 5:2 & really just needed my mojo to kick in.
    Starting with a full FD & so far so good.
    I will weigh & measure this evening & post to you guys so I have accountability.
    Wish me luck 🙂

    Morning all and welcome Angelbob 2. I second all the above advise. I also went cold turkey until dinner time when I started and find that works best for me. I drink hot water with freshly squeezed lemon, black decaff coffee and just stocked up on green tea with peppermint. Oh and plain water, of course. But see how you go. I also got headaches to begin with which bothered me more than feeling hungry but they eased off. And keep warm and busy.

    Thin – I replied to you yesterday and lost the post. I think bf and drinking green tea left some question marks re compatibility so I didn’t risk it. Haven’t had it for over three years since I got pregnant so it will be interesting to see if I still like it! Yes, my husband is slim but his work is very physical

    Charlie G – that sounds awful. I really hope you feel 100% soon.

    Well, I almost couldn’t be bothered today (to fast) and tried to convince myself that I didn’t need the 5:2 and can just cut down on what I eat. And then I laughed and laughed and made myself a hot lemon water. Chicken and veggie soup for dinner for me tonight. Until then, must keep myself busy.

    Have a good day fellow fasters and enjoy your day after fasting Thin.

    Happy Monday everyone. Oh boy, you lot had a good yak over the weekend….someone to keep you company on your Sunday FD, Thin! Cold, wet and windy here.

    JJ, thanks for those recipes, they sound great & will try this week. Interesting to see if starving your cold works too. Take good care.

    CharlieG – Promise I won’t let Thin come & shoot you! Get well soon. Cute little chickies!

    Angel & Sarah, welcome and good luck. Stick with it.. ..this really works.

    EA – Cough….you did WHAT??? HC…AND doughnuts! OMG.

    Freya, lucky I didn’t read your post til this morning or Thin & I would’ve gate-crashed your kitchen…sounded so yummy, warm & cosy.

    Gatsby, didn’t we mention you’d start looking forward to FDs?? Particularly after an indulgent weekend. See, we can still live a little and stick to 5:2…isn’t it great??

    Barata , go get OH a wide-mouth thermos. You can fill it up with hot soups, casseroles, etc….I’ve even put in reheated left-over stirfries! He can eat out of it with a spoon/fork. Good in summer too for non-lettuce salad, etc. Oh, and what bad news in the rugby was that??? Never mind….sure you’ll beat us in NZ!

    Thin, the turmeric experiment is on hold. Made up the golden paste, but it didn’t agree with me…..a bit windy…OK maybe a lot windy!! Didn’t have any yesterday & I was OK. This problem affects 25% of users, so will have to investigate more to resolve. Might start on turmeric milk first and ease my system into it.

    Another busy weekend over! Tree loppers here this morning & making a hell of a racket! I’ve been hungry from the moment I got out of bed this morning….not a good sign. Just having a cinnamon & orange tea – smells better than it tastes! So need to go and get myself occupied. Thinking I’ll go buy some pond-scum, cauliflower and ponzu. Thank should keep me out of trouble for a while! Have a great day!! CM xx

    Good luck Carmz. You can do it and if you wobble, check in here and someone will give you a swift kick to keep you going.

    I know CM, I know. I was very naughty. I’m a bit pekish this morning as well. We need to stay strong and keep warm and busy. All the best. xxxx

    Good girl EA. You know this works. I felt exactly the same way this morning…something to do with the weather. We’ve all tried all the diets and eating plans out there. We always think there’s another, better way – but there’s not….not for me or so many others on here anyway. This is sustainable and yes, we can have our hot chocs and our doughnuts OCCASIONALLY (but perhaps NOT at the same time!) and still stick with 5:2. It’s always there for us, it doesn’t cost us anything and that’s why it works. So, don’t you DARE think of bailing out or we’ll come out to woop-woop and find ya! CM xx

    Lol, thanks CM. You are right. I soon remembered what I had eaten this weekend and thought better of it. I’ve just discovered that leek has less calories than onion so am well excited as I have enough points for an egg and 1 rasher of nitrite free bacon to go with my chicken tonight. Yummy. Can’t wait.

    Just been out to water the veggie patch. The sun is warm but there is a chill in the air. The house is cold though, even with the fire going. Time for some vigorous housework and ironing, me thinks.

    We’re almost half way through the day CM – keep going strong.

    The verdict is in…. officially lost 1.1kgs in the past week. Rather chuffed I admit especially as I wasn’t particularly mindful of things over the weekend! Hope everyone on a FD Monday is going well

    Great work CruisingK. We knew you could do it!
    Welcome Carmz. Stay on the forum it will be incredibly helpful for you. Good luck.
    CM xx

    Please tell me this gets easier?

    Now, Angel, what’s the problem…tell Auntie CM?? Are you hungry or have headaches?? What time is it where you are? How far off is dinner and what do you have planned?

    Angel, sorry I just looked back and saw you’re in Chch. So, you’re almost there..what is it, just after 5pm? Are you home yet? Have you had enough fluids today? If not, thirst can mimic hunger – seriously. Before you do something you’ll regret, have a big drink of water and maybe an apple or similar. Go for a walk (weather?) or do something to distract you. Have a shower, give yourself a face mask, clean out your kitchen drawer (you know the one will all the “stuff” in it!). Have you planned well for today and do you have dinner ready? Celery, carrots or an egg (protein) can be handy when you feel like this. If you are really struggling and don’t think you’ll make it (& if you HAVE to go over your 500 cals a little) then don’t feel like you’re failing. Its better to go over, but still stick with 5:2, than toss the idea completely. Yes, it can be a bit tough in the beginning, but once you get your head around how this works, its really easy. You can do this. Read as much as you can about 5:2 on this site, it will be motivating for you to know that its not just about weight, but all the other positive health benefits that come with it too. You won’t feel as hungry tomorrow either. You’ve taken the first step, keep going. Remember whatever you WANT now, you can HAVE tomorrow. Good luck, be strong. You will feel amazing in the morning…promise. CM xx

    Thanks aunty cm. Just really hungry and feel a bit sick. Have had 2 litres of water plus green tea and a protein shake. Tea is stir fired veggies

    Angelbob – what CM said. Stay strong. CM and I are also fasting today. We understand. And yes it does get easier. xxxx

    Angel, have something else with your vegies. Make an egg into a flat omelette and slice it into strips or maybe add some chicken, tofu or mince beef. Some of the “Wise Ones” on here often add chillis, herbs, ginger, lime, lemon, etc, to amp up the flavour. Even have a lo-cal soup before your stir-fry. Go to an asian grocer tomorrow and get some konnyaku noodles – they’re only 10 cals to bulk up your stir-fries. There are lots of tricks out there! Stick with it. You sound like you’re way under 500cals if that’s all you’ve had today. Be kind to yourself at the beginning…you can tweak 5:2 soon enough to suit your lifestyle. Also at the beginning, when I felt a bit off, I’d put a tiny pinch of salt on my tongue, it often helps. Have a look at this link if your’e not feeling well, ie. headaches, nausea, upset tummy, brain fog or just plain tired. It might be your body starting to burn fat instead of sugar. Lots of great recipes around for 5:2 as well. https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/do-you-have-the-ketosis-flu/ Hope this helps. CM xx

    Thanks. Had porridge for breakfast and veggie soup for lunch so was a bit over my 500 call. Thanks so much for all your support today!

    Thanks for the link cm. That sounds exactly like my day today. Is good to know that it will pass, definitely makes me more determined to persevere

    Hi All

    Have gone down 0.8kg in the last week. Yay!

    4.15pm here, FD. Water, weak Earl Grey Tea, peppermint tea till 6 pm.
    Cherry Blossoming today. My dinner will be miso soup with veggies and prawns.Tryingthe Dashi miso one, with bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, king oyster mushrooms, carrot, broccoli, and prawns, with konyaku jelly (we’ve christened it Pond Scum – but almost no calories) cut into small cubes. Prawns are raw frozen ones from Aldi, 68 calories/100gms. Pretty low cals for protein. Going to prep the pond scum now.- rinse under water for 30 sec, then cut into cubes and marinate in a little of the watered down miso paste. Just making this soup up. Found something to sprinkle on the top of the soup. It’s a shredded seaweed and sesame seed product.Will see how it goes.

    Other Half OH, and a visitor will have a variation with rice.

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Sounds delish Merry. Heading out myself just now for the pond-scum and planning to have something similar, together with miso soup, vegies and some chicken chunks with lots of chilli to warm me up. It’s always so filling and tasty. Also making some curried pumpkin soup to freeze for my other FDs.

    Good on you Angel. It’s always tough doing something, anything, new. But that’s the beauty of our forum….we’ve been where you are now, and come out the other side. We also know how to extract maximum bang for our buck from 500 cals!! Stick with us, we’ll teach you and our other newbies, the tricks of the trade!! Another FD almost over. CM xx

    Good job Monday fasters, you’re nearly there! EA, I’m shocked that you even considered giving up. Don’t you dare dessert us! (yes that was a deliberate reference to your double choc chip cookies). Well done CruisingK & Merry. Can you taste the flecks in the pond scum? I think for the benefit of EA (and the rest of us), we should start re-naming foods like pizza, hot chips, cream-stuffed donuts with names like pond scum. Any ideas?

    So Big Col, how did you go today? (yeah CM, I am trying to get a free coffee as it happens). 😆

    Hi fellow fasters, all good here for me so far. Getting easier, actually.

    My brother has started up today too. Not sure if he’ll come on the forum.

    I have a few questions but (embarrassingly) I haven’t got around to buying, downloading and reading the book yet, so i’ll wait till then, heh?

    Off home now to enjoy my one meal for the day.

    Ask away Col.

    Don’t worry Thin – I’m not going anywhere. I just had a couldn’t be bothered moment this morning lol. But strangely, I do look forward to my dinners in the evening on fast days and really excited about tonights little offering. So far so good in that nobody in the house has had the urge to bake any more double choc chip cookies but there is still time…

    What are ‘flecks’ and pond scum’?

    I think we should rename naughties with gross names – good idea Thin. Although, not hot chocolate. My love for that remains.

    About another half and hour or so until dinner is ready and another fast done. Yay.

    Now Thin, that sort of prompting doesn’t count!! You’re buying & I’ll have a double thank you! x

    EA, so we made it – another FD bites the dust & I hope you got there too Angel. I have my little block of flecked jelly wobbling its little heart out on the kitchen bench. Hope the black bits aren’t crunchy! Shall be interested to try it…..& we can always blame JJ for starting us down this track!
    Have a lovely evening everyone. CM xx

    My Japanese soup was yummy! OH mentioned using chili on FD’s for that flavour punch that seems to give more satiety, but really the soup had quite a lot of flavour. Our guest can’t eat really spicy food so we’ll try it next time when we’re on our own.. Didn’t work out calories. Got a skype call from a sick grandchild while cooking so did that instead of weighing, portioning etc . Next time. I also added a small packet of chinese fish balls, which are very similar to the texture of Japanese sliced fish balls. The Dashi miso paste worked well as a soup base. It has added bonito extract and added kelp extract which gave the miso a better flavour, and made a good seafood soup base.

    EA, there’s 2 types of konyakku/ konjac products, white and a murky greeny brown colour with little flecks in it. You can guess which one we on this thread have started calling pond scum! The murky colour and flecks are powdered seaweed.

    I cut ‘pond scum’ konyaku into small cubes and it was quite pleasant in the soup, but I don’t think it added anything to it other than some bulk.

    I’ve been in 2 minds about this product. Yes it gives us a noodle that we can use without adding more cals than about 10, but for me I quite like the fact that I eat smaller meals / tummy ‘shrunk’ now. For me, think I’ll keep a little a packet in the cupboard for when OH wants spag bol on a non fast day NFD, but I may not use them otherwise.

    CM, there really doesn’t seem to be any difference in the white or pond scum varieties, just colour.

    Will be reading the list through the week. Enjoy your progress everyone.
    Bye for now,

    Hey Thin, if you take me out behind the barn and shoot me, I won’t need to fast anymore. LOL.
    Had a great fast today with OH. Dinner was stir fry vegies and prawns that I soaked in lemon juice and grated ginger. Then a few strawberries, I had enough cals left for coffee. Felt so good to get back to fasting, have had no comments from OH, will be interesting to hear his comments in the morning. My health is definitely on the improve, throat not so sore, just a bit of coughing. Well done everyone. Charlie

    Glad you’re still with us BigCol & you have enlisted more help with your brother joining you too. Well done. The more people you have around to support you in the process the better.

    You’re sounding better CharlieG. That’s great.

    Well, I had the konnyaku (with black bits) tonight. Umm..well, it smelled a bit fishy when I opened the pack – a little off putting. Certainly much stronger than Slendier. So I cut it up & dumped it into hot water while I got the dashi miso soup base ready. When soup had come up to heat I threw it in & by the time I’d added all the different veg & chilli, ginger etc, I couldn’t taste it. Perfect! Really enjoyed the meal, very filling & I ate it all. Does the white variety pong the same way?? It won’t stop me using it again, but I’m just not a fan of smelly-fishy aromas! I was hungry tonight & it did the trick without adding excess cals. Bonus! Early night for me tonight & another FD over. Nite all. CM xx

    Wow – lots of chat!

    Interesting FD yesterday – we had a massive frost after a somewhat snowy Sunday – black ice everywhere! So I opted to walk to work rather than slide down the hill in 1700 kgs of unrestrained metal. The footpaths were like glass and I have a steep hill to go up then down. Thank goodness for Yaktrax – I din’t slip once.

    Hubs brought my car to me after the thaw – too cold for his crew to work so they were sent home early. I then spent 4 hours sitting with my bestie and her dying mother, till the older sister arrived from Zambia – certainly made my FD easier as I didn’t have my chicken noodle soup until I got back to the office about 4pm.

    This morning’s result was 65.4!!! That is over 15 kgs lost in 27 weeks (only 2.5 kgs to go). I have been one of the lucky ones in that I haven’t had to deal with a plateau – I have had a slowing of the weight loss, but not a complete halt.

    Another chilly morning – a white frost this time and today’s workplace is along the flat. So I’m enjoying my hot porridge with brown sugar and a touch of cream before I drag my butt out of bed and into the shower.

    Have a great day all!

    CM – As of this morning my head cold has gone!!! So I am thinking the fast really did help. The cough is still there but not as bad.

    Merry – the “pond scum” is really tasteless so because of the low calorie count it is used really just to bulk up the dish as you said. I find it often takes on the flavour of the liquid it is in, so if you have a stronger flavour base it will take on more of that flavour.

    CM – I am not much of a fish lover in the first place, so the smell on Konnyaku does put me off every time I use it. That is why when I first used the Slendier noodles I recognised the smell and did my research. But I love the firm jelly texture of it in the dishes. I just rinse under fresh water then cut up thinly to add to the dish. It is ok to run under hot water if that is what you prefer. The white one smells the same. Not everyone will like these types of foods.
    I find the konnyaku that is white and like noodles has the least smell and great flavour. Good for stir frys.

    Hilary – congratulations on your weight loss. Wow 15kgs in 27 weeks!! You should be so proud of yourself and I am really very happy for you.

    So I found this recipe that sounded really good. I did not check out the calories in the dish but just thought to share seeing it is still Cherry Blossom Season!!

    Soba noodles are just another Japanese type noodle.

    Have to go now and take kids to school……..will check in again later.


    Good morning all SH,
    just a quick pop in.
    Welcome to all the other newbies this week. I’ll lookk forward to sharing ups and downs with you and learning from the rest of you :))

    I have now officially been on the 5:2 since 1st August.
    I had a FD yesterday so weighed in this morning. oops, only a hairline of a loss since last week. I need better scales so I’ll get one today. Every gram counts :))
    I have measured every day and have lost 9cm all up since I started. All good.

    Did really well on the FD till after dinner time.
    Ate at midday then dinner at 7pm. No carbs – mushrooms with cauliflower rice and konjac noodles. BUT THEN GOT A HUGE CASE OF THE MUNCHIES.

    I managed to graze through this list over the evening:
    carrot, 4 strawberries, rest of mushrooms I had for dinner, lite crackers with vegemite.

    I think I’ll have to go to bed as soon as the munchies hit.

    Another FD on Wednesday. I will do better, I promise myself :))
    good FDs for the rest of you,

    Coast – I too sometimes get the munchies after dinner on a FD. From what you have said you munched on it does not sound too bad. Carrot, strawberries and mushrooms. I have been keeping away from crackers and bread etc but if you did not go over the 500 calories you still did ok.

    I have also read that most people get a better weight loss result after the second FD for the week, so Thursday morning might give a different story to you.

    Yesterday was a FD for me too so I had coffee in the morning, green tea for morning tea (cuppa with a friend) packet miso soup (20 calories) for lunch, 2 egg omelette with mushrooms and tomato for dinner. Then 2 mardarins for a snack/dessert. Green tea before bed. All up calories for the day were 321.

    No weight loss for me but am still under 80kg….(this was a big turning point for me mentally) I am hoping because today is another FD that I will have a nice weight loss at tomorrows weigh in.

    Now that brings me to another question…..I was reading somewhere that if you have a 2 egg omelette for dinner on one day, you can not have eggs the next day at all. Has any one else read anything about this?? (I read it in an article not related to 5:2)

    OK, my limited understanding of 5:2 is just “limit calories on FD to 600 (man)” and eat up to your TDEE on other days.

    Here’s some questions:

    On NFDs, is eating much less than TDEE (say 50-60%) good, bad or makes no difference? Strangely I’ve found that the morning after a FD I’m not really very hungry at breakfast time but have had breakfast cos that’s what I’ve always been told was good. I could easily go through to late morning/ lunchtime.

    Are there foods I should or shouldn’t be eating ever or do i just look at calories?

    There will be NFDs when I exceed my TDEE and I don’t think I’ll easily change that e.g. going to the footy, eating pies and chips and drinking beer etc If I go 125% of my TDEE, does it even out if I eat 75% the next NFD?

    So far, I haven’t really changed anything of significance on the NFDs, other than I’m probably not drinking as much (I guess that alone might be why I’m doing OK so far – 4.5kgs in 3 weeks.).

    Any thoughts?

    Hi Col,

    If you’re not feeling hungry, you’ll be better off to skip breakfast on the day after the FD which will extend your ‘fasting window’. If you can exercise during that time (walk to work for example), so much the better as there are health benefits associated with exercising in the fasted state.

    Along the way, many of us have identified foods we are unable to eat without gaining weight – or which prevent us from losing weight – mainly white, processed carbs. As your body re-sets itself with the fast days, you will probably come to find that you no longer want certain foods and your portion sizes will become smaller naturally. As you have told us that you have a lot of weight to shift, my advice would be to stick rigidly to 600 cals or below on the FDs and to keep within your TDEE on the ‘feast’ days for now. You want this to be sustainable long-term and so you don’t want to set too many goals that make you feel like this is like any other old diet with lots of restrictions.

    In terms of the interesting lifestyle equation you have proposed, in theory and in terms of overall weight loss, yes that makes sense. But the items you’ve mentioned are unlikely to be foods that will help you maintain a healthy weight so, in time, you’ll have to be looking at those. My guess is 5:2 will help you to stop wanting those types of foods as you progress with your journey.

    While you are focussing on these changes, you can begin to work out what your TDEE would be for the weight you want to be – not the weight you are now. In time, you will need to learn to eat to sustain that goal weight. Have a good read of the book, you can easily digest it in a day or two and it will help you understand the science.

    You’re currently able to lose weight with just the two FDs and I’d stick to that for now. This is because you have quite a lot of weight to lose. As you get closer to goal weight, the weight will not shift so easily and you’ll have to make other changes to the NFDs.

    Congratulations on your success so far. I hope your brother and colleague are enjoying similar losses and you can keep each motivated.

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