Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Hello All! I saw loads of Aussie’s and NZ’s on here…. didn’t see many South Africans though – are there any of you here? 🙂 But to be fair, I only read pages 1,2,3 and then skipped to the end….

    Am from Johannesburg, am 39, have 5 kids, 16yo, 15yo, 13yo 12 yo and 8yo. (Not all biologically mine, but consider them mine all the same!) Very new to 5:2, only started last week and had two fast days… today is my third. Really want to lose 10kg’s but would settle for 7kg. 🙂 Am going okay so far, have had two cups of coffee with a little skim milk, I simply can’t do black coffee.

    So – I can’t promise to post every day but do promise to pop in every other day and see how everyone is doing. OH not doing this with me, although hopefully I’ll convince him over time. Banting has been a big thing here in SA for three or four years, (anybody heard of it? Basically high fat, low carb, I guess) and 5:2 is slowly starting to get known here too. Anyway, here’s wishing you all the best of luck and chat soon xxx

    Hurray Avent, so happy to have someone from Southern Africa on our forum, we’ve been asking for you guys to come and join us periodically but we’ve had no takers until now. Welcome! Do you have any friends doing this with you?

    I’m with you on the black coffee – can’t handle it, but our forum buddy from Melbourne (MK88 where are you?) told me about almond and coconut milk which is much more palatable than skimmed milk. It’s only 22 cals for 80mls so I can get two good cups of coffee out of that in the morning which makes me happy as I was really missing my coffee of FDs. It doesn’t froth but it doesn’t make the coffee go like dishwater either.

    We’re getting a lot of documentaries in Australia about the importance of fat in our diets but I haven’t heard the expression Banting before. Let us know how you get on and good luck with your 7 or 10kg goal.

    Hi Thin, lovely to hear from you! I’m trying to convince a few friends of mine and my mother-in-law to join me, but they’re all banting…. no worries though, I’ll get a head start with 5:2 and hopefully they’ll join me eventually. Thanks for the tip regarding almond milk and coconut milk, will deffo give that a try.

    I think the biggest resistance I’ve experience from everybody I have spoken to about 5:2, is that they don’t fancy having to deny themselves food or experience hunger. I’ve told people to watch the documentary “East, fast, live longer” (is there any other programme to watch apart from that one? We’ve had nothing on telly, I had to look that up on YouTube) as I feel I can’t adequately explain the science behind it and the health benefits. People have become so accustomed to eating NOW and this instant gratification – the concept of denying themselves is so foreign! Anyway, hopefully word will spread about this great way of living!

    Thanks for that. I get what you’re saying.

    Good tip re post FD.

    I like the idea of just sticking to what I’m doing while it’s working. If/when weight loss plateaus I’ll then have a whole host of things still available to change. In the meantime i lock in the habit of

    First goal is to become overweight. LOL. (rather than obese)…3kgs to go.

    Avent, that’s the doco that I also recommend people watch – that’s what got my OH interested in starting 5:2 as I know nothing of course, ha ha. I’ve recently completed 100 fasts (almost one year on 5:2 now) and personally haven’t found that I experience a lot of hunger on FDs but I have planned my FD foods down to the last calorie as I do like structure and knowing what to expect. As long as I’m not hungry when I go to bed, I’m OK. I have strangely come to almost welcome FDs now, embrace the discipline that’s required and feel a weird sense of superiority that I can get through a FD quite easily.

    When your friends and family start to notice the changes in your weight, they’ll be very interested to learn more! This WOL took Europe by storm for some time before it reached us downunder so maybe it’ll sweep across to Southern Africa next. Have you ever travelled to these parts?

    Big Col: that’s very funny!

    I watched eat fast live longer a while ago. Over here at the moment on BBC knowledge they are showing a series called the perfect diet for you. According to their quiz this is the best diet for me. Bought the book today and 2nd fast day tomorrow!

    Good luck Angel, so you made it through the day without chewing off your arm yesterday. I’ll be fasting with you tomorrow. Enjoy ‘the bible’. I re-read it often.

    Hi Thin, no, I’ve not yet been to Australia although I’d love to some day – half of SA seems to be living across that way and I have a few friends in NZ too. I get what you’re saying about the discipline and the feel good factor after finishing a fast – every hour without food seems like a little victory!

    I think you’re on the money when you talk about planning an FD – I must try that actually, the more structure the better so thanks for the tip! Off to walk to the two dogs now, so have a great day/evening all.

    Thanks Thin! At least I know what I’m in for tomorrow! Saving the book to read then instead of thinking too much about what I’m not eating. Welcome avent

    Greetings, Avent. I also was bemoaning the lack of South Africans a while ago. Good luck wih the friends and MIL. All we need now are some South Americans, and some South Sea Islanders too.

    Even though I am near enough to maintenance I find the discipline essential, especially on NFDs where I have good intentions that go out the window in the evening.

    I also started (just on two years ago) when I watched the doco. Essential viewing for everyone, I think. As far as the best diet, I was about one third of each kind of eater, so just need more awareness of trigger points that start the hunger dragon.

    Hi Avent… Great to have you here. We can talk about rugby! Not that either of us have much to say on that topic after last weekend.

    Col.. Funnily enough I’m not at all hungry after FD so I just don’t bother to eat till I’m hungry, about 1pm.

    And I’m with you Thin, I plan the FDs completely. Actually I plan most days regardless. Easier to shop for, less takeaway temptation plus better for the budget than throwing a whole lot of things in the trolley and hoping for the best.

    So my news today is I went off to the doctor for my 6 month BP check. Have pretty mega inherited hypertension and have been on the good drugs for about 4 years which keeps it reigned in to normal-ish range. Dr almost fell of seat seeing 117/73.. So did I! Haven’t been doing anything different apart from 3 FDs and walking to work each day. Told him I was dabbling I this and while he has no strong feelings either way was happy for me to “do whatever you’ve been doing”!! NFD so I’m celebrating with a glass of crisp white wine!!

    Hi Avent

    Welcome. I’m only a week or so ahead of you, so i’m new too.

    Whilst I thought I was boring everyone with talking about 5:2 and it was one of the reasons for joining this forum, I already know that some of the people I’ve spoken to are thinking about doing it. My brother started yesterday.

    (Almost) everyone wants to lose weight but it’s hard. There are plenty of diets where you follow some routine for 6 days and then maybe get one day off. That’s crazy compared to this. I prefer working hard for 2 days and then getting 5 days off.

    BTW Thin, my mind has been ticking over re exercise and I think I should ride my bike to school with my son (at least) on post-FD’s (rather than drive). That’s a 30-40 minute return ride. Perfect. it’s crazy that i drive my kid to school every day.

    It’s amazing how starting 5:2 has managed to focus my mind around a couple of other health issues that I was trying to summon up the will power to deal with: my (excessive) alcohol consumption and my lack of exercise.

    CK, that’s great news on the BP – you couldn’t ask for a better reading than that, eh? Will your meds get re-assessed now? Good rationale on the general shopping planning too.

    Barata, I think I’m a bit of all of those eater-styles too. I’ve changed a lot for the better this past year though. This morning, I didn’t have breakfast because I was going to a function where I knew there’d be a fancy morning tea. I barely touched the offerings though, just had a bit of fruit, no sandwiches or cake. Came home and had my breakfast instead. In the past, I’d have been mainlining everything in sight but I’m starting to see it all in a different light now. Not sure when this change occurred but it’s as if I am in control of food instead of food controlling me (at last).

    Avent, we’ll look forward to hearing more from you when you have time – we have a 6 hr time difference (for those of us in Perth anyway). We know lots of Africans here, our friends are mostly from Kenya & Zim but I understand there are over 30,000 S. Africans living in Perth.

    That’s great Col. Imagine the completely ‘new’ you in a few months’ time. Setting a great example for your son as well. You can probably even go to Myfitnesspal.com and work out a bit of a ‘pie and beer’ allowance that lets you retain the treat you love at the footie without taking it to the excesses you’ve become accustomed to. Sounds like dumb advice on face value but your primary goal at this stage is just to drop into a healthier weight range by making sustainable changes. I think you’ll do well.

    Aaaaahhhh I can just kick myself so hard in the shins. The FD was going along just grand and then I went to the shops for a few things. Bought a 200g packet of caramelised mixed nuts… thought I’d just have a couple and then give the rest to my son. Famous last words. It’s like my hand and mouth didn’t even belong to me, I swear. I had NO self control, absolutely none. Anybody else had such a severe wobble so early on? 1197 disgusting calories later and I have just undone all the good work I had started. I despair…. Barata, I think I found one of the hunger dragons you speak of!!

    Cruisingkiwi – I do love my rugby, big disappointment this weekend for both our teams. The AB’s are my second favourite team and I would support them any day over any opposition, bar the Boks of course. Our team needs a major overhaul, too many old timer’s in there and the captain is being held together by sellotape – sad but true! I do love your Richie McCaw – what a talented player, totally gorgeous as well… Ooh, where I would put his boots the day he decides to hang them up! 😉

    Big Col, could I ask (feel free to tell me to bugger off if it’s too personal) what you consider to be excessive alcohol consumption? I am just asking, at one stage I was polishing off a bottle of wine a night quite easily (and I didn’t consider it excessive at the time) although now, a few years wiser, I have a slightly different viewpoint.

    I am about to make as angelbob has and am going to re-read the book to get me back on the straight and narrow.

    Never mind Avent, don’t beat yourself up. Learn from it. Plan your next FD food ahead of time and if, it’s not on the list, don’t let it pass your lips.

    Thanks Thin. Question then (a silly one, I reckon) – is it best to just move my FD to tomorrow then and start again? Going to sit and plan my 500 cals right now 🙁

    Hi everybody,

    welcome Avent :)) and South Africa,

    I am just on my second lot of FDs as well. Today is the 2nd one this week. Sounds like there are a few of us who just joined up in the last couple of weeks :)) good on us, I say!!!!

    After reading all your varied advice, I decided that today I am going to fast as long as possible and save all my calories for when I get the munchies in the evening.
    Plus I am going to put myself to bed early.

    Not hungry at all this morning. Just had a lemon tea and that will be it till this evening. Every rumble in the tummy is gong to remind me how much healthier I am going to be :))
    I must go as I have a busy day,
    talk to you all when I report in after tomorrows weigh-in 🙂

    ps bought scales yesterday but they seem to be all over the place and are way off. When I looked up the reviews they were all bad so I might have to return it!! darn

    I forgot to mention Avent, that I am on the Gold Coast, Australia.

    Sorry all you people in freezing cold places but we are having beautiful morning, slightly crisp with blue skies and heading for 23 degrees. Will wear a jacket to work though because when you are out of the sun it does feel a bit chilly.

    Avent – as far as alcohol is concerned, there are several factors. It is high in calories; when it comes to breast and digestive tract cancers, there is no safe level: http://www.alcoholaction.co.nz/?p=433 but there are ways to mitigate the risks: http://www.alcohol.org.nz/help-advice/advice-on-alcohol/low-risk-alcohol-drinking-advice

    Not meaning to be a doom merchant, but the alcohol industry tries very hard to keep this stuff under wraps. It’s the tobacco giants all over again.

    Hilary, same here in Australia. The liquor industry is very strong and powerful. Every liquor license application is handled by a team of lawyers specialising in getting tricky licenses approved. We now get a booze deal offer with every grocery shopping docket. In terms of public health awareness campaigns on alcohol, Australia is currently where we were with anti-smoking campaigns in the 1970s. The culture will change but it takes a very long time. Do you have ‘leavers’ in NZ?

    Avent, if you can dust yourself off and do your FD today, that’s ideal. You’ll probably feel good when it’s behind you. 5:2 is completely flexible and you can always change your days to accommodate social events. In general though, I recommend picking two days and sticking to them so it becomes part of your routine.

    Oh, and a new PB for me today at 61.4kgs. That’s 21.7kgs down.

    Konnichiwa minasan…..Good day to all.
    Ogenki desu ka?….Are you well?

    I have been reading all the posts again and there is so much happening on here. Congratulations to all who have recorded losses this week and also to those who have just begun this journey of fasting.

    I am now finally feeling close to the healthy me and my strict fasting seemed to help get over my cold quicker than expected. Weigh in today was pleasing with a .2kg loss. I am happy that my body did not hold on to long before allowing another weight loss due to me being sick. It was a week ago that I recorded any loss.

    I have just started week 4 and have lost 6.2kg, that 75kg goal is getting closer!!
    My husband has gone to Hobart for the week, so no wine will come into the house in that time which is such a good thing for me!! I find I am wanting less and less of the wine as I can see it stops my weight loss for a few days after.

    Feeling very Japanese today!!! I am returning to Japanese classes next week as I need to get in some revision before my next trip to Japan.

    Ja mata …..see you later.

    Hi everyone – I am tapping into various forums and just starting to contribute.

    Cruising Kiwi – I am keen to know how long you were on 5:2 before it made a difference to your BP.
    My inheritance included hypertension as well – why couldn’t they just leave me money??

    Thin – WOW what an achievement! Well done you! You will have to explain “leavers” to me. That grocery docket thing is shocking! We are just in the throes of supermarkets having to change their layout, so that the alcohol isn’t in your face as soon as you come through the door. Aside – that was something that struck me while we were in Oz – we only found one supermarket where the fruits and veges were the first things you came upon after coming through the door (and perhaps that was because there was a bottle store opposite). That layout is pretty standard in NZ – with the wine/beer off to one side of that, so that the recommendation is to shop the outside aisles to get the unprocessed foods.

    Welcome chipmunk.

    Well done Thin…60kg here you come 😉

    Julie, hijo ni yoku anata ni kansha 😆

    I’m finally not sorry that the weather is turning nasty here today (snow over the Blue Mountains again) as my new pellet heater is FINALLY up and running. Fantastic. Uses wood offcuts, turned into pellets, all automatic temp controlled and gives out no visible smoke. Good bye gas frackers!!!

    All our supermarkets have fruit and veg at the entrance, but dairy down the back. I always do the shop around the outside principle. Only cat food and toiletries bought from the centre. I rarely buy supermarket fruit and veg as they treat suppliers so poorly.

    I’m not sure if I mentioned it before, but I actually got off my bp tablets completely when I hit goal, but it gradually rose again over a year. I am currently taking the drugs, monitoring it 3 times daily and it has remained high. A big disappointment as I only weigh 57kg. I guess I’m one of the unlucky ones who has inherited hypertension and will continue to be attached to the pharmaceutical companies. Damn!

    Have a happy hump day SHs. Purple 🙂

    Hilary, Coles and Woolworths are duopoly supermarkets (the eastern states have Aldi I believe) each owning a rival bottle shop. Interesting to read your observations about product placement. Our local Coles has specials on a table at the entrance – it’s always cookies, cakes, breads and processed foods, never fresh fruit & veg.

    There’s talk here of applying GST to fresh foods. If anything, the tax should be increased on processed food and fast food outlets to discourage people from eating them. There’s so much financial pressure on our hospitals hence the need to raise taxes. Obesity is a pre-cursor to so many debilitating diseases so it would make more sense to encourage people to do what we’re all doing and take greater responsibility for their own health. Ensuring that fresh food is more affordable than processed food would be a good first step.

    ‘Leavers’ is a sort of rite of passage – it’s essentially a week of state-sanctioned binge-drinking by underage children leaving high school (some students now turn 18 when they’re in year 12 so that presents additional problems in that they can legally buy alcohol for their underage counterparts). Well, that concludes my rant for today.

    Purple, very interesting about your BP rising again having been low enough for you to ditch the meds. Any rationale offered for the fact that you were able to get it low enough but not able to sustain it? My OH has high BP despite being slim and very fit and has never been successful at cutting his meds back since starting about 15 years ago.

    Morning all

    Purple, that’s a bugger indeed. Given I’ve only been doing this for a wee bit I’ve got no way of knowing whether my gobsmacking reading was due to the fasting or whether I was just particularly chilled out? I know I’ve been exercising more but not that much! When mine blew up and out of control I was told that no amount of clean diet or exercise would make much of a different – just keep on popping those pills. On the bright side, at least it’s not caused by some underlying nasty thing. It will be interesting to see what happens over time with this.

    And Chipmonk I hear you… how come I got my mums blood pressure but my fathers legs…. and no one’s private island in the tropics???

    Avent, both our teams are shuffling towards the retirement home I’m afraid. Half of our boys are holding it together until after the World Cup and reckon both teams will look very different next year. You can have dear Richie when he goes, I’ve already got a space under the bed for Dan Carters boots!

    Thin.. I’m in awe of your efforts!

    Happy fast day all that are enjoying their grumbly bellies today.

    Hi guys
    Re blood pressure, I always had very low bp as a young, very active, skinny woman, who could eat anything, then, suddenly, after menopause, with a stressful job, 4 kids, elderly parents and carrying more weight, it flipped to high! I took meds for about 12 years. Then, once I reached goal weight with fasting, and had retired and upped my exercise, it dropped sufficiently to get off them, gradually. Then, this year, without any of the other variables changing, it has risen again. I am trying to work out why, but cannot risk not taking the meds as hypertension is not called the “silent killer” for nothing. I wouldn’t even know how high it is if I didn’t own a bp monitor.
    I have read books about reducing bp with diet and exercise, but I have also been told that it depends why you have high bp…environmentally induced or inherited. Complex, and potentially life threatening stuff. Think I’d rather monitor and take the drugs rather than risk stroke.
    Gosh, this fire is good! P 🙂

    You’re doing the right thing PVE, it’s just interesting that it did go down with all those changes. My OH’s is inherent (as opposed to inherited) and no amount of exercise has lowered it sufficiently to allow him to get off the meds. We have a home monitor too, originally for me. I was also on BP meds for a while but I’m off them now (different GP!).

    Thanks CK, you’ll be where you want to be in no time if you stick with this.

    Morning All. Hi Avent, and a warm welcome to our first South African! Good luck and spread the word in SA. Yes, those hunger-dragons lurk around every corner. But now you’ve experienced it first-hand you’ll be more aware of it next time. Little damage done…back on the horse, girl. You’ll be fine.

    Congrats Angel for making it through a tough FD on Mon.

    BigCol, whatever works for you, as everyone is different. Ha! Love your first goal…being overweight! I also love that you’re already starting to think differently and what an amazing gift to give to your son. Go for it.

    CruisinK – great about the BP. We’ve heard various success stories about this type of thing, so its great that you’re experiencing it personally. Bet it made your Doc sit up and take notice!

    JJ – well done on your drop and beating that cold with fasting!

    Hilary, my alcohol intake has dropped since starting 5:2, but I still enjoy a glass of wine. It’s about being aware of the consumption and in control. Actually “being in-control” is really what 5:2 is all about.

    Can I come and sit by your fire Purple…sounds lovely as I’m currently freezing my whatsit off.

    Thin, a PB 61.4… blimey, what did you do, chop off a couple of fingers!! Well done you!

    I think that I came to 5:2 to improve & maintain my health. Yes, weight loss was important too, but the thought of achieving both made me start this journey. As a lot of you know, my Mum is 98 early next year and, apart for some mobility issues she’s still fairly independent. If I last anywhere near her age, I want to be as fit and healthy as possible. The thought of nursing homes scares the hell out of me and I want to be one of those trendy pensioners still having coffee with my buddies for as long as humanly possible. I think it’s a goal we would all like to achieve.

    Happy hump day everyone & happy FD for those Wed fasters! CMxx

    Well written CM, great reasons to be here. Let’s make a date for 40 years hence for coffee. Your Mum’s a real goer. I agree with you about alcohol too, it’s not about prohibition, just being in control. As you said to me, ‘everything in moderation, including moderation’.

    After walk and shower, I’m down another .200gms to 61.2kgs but I feel I must disclose for the recently joined that only 17kgs of that is attributable to 5:2 as I spent 7 months shedding the first measley 5kgs before discovering 5:2. Where are you EA? Isn’t this a FD for you today? Freya, let us know you’re OK with those marathon fasts you’re attempting.

    Thin, I want one of those MAGIC SHOWERS!!! Its not fair….(tantrum) Oh, and you’re on…. coffee in 40 years! Now we just have to decide where? Somewhere nice please, and a pair of crochety old girls we’ll be by then too!!

    Blimey, you are a chatty lot. Welcome newbies.

    Well done Thin on another PB. Yes, it should be a fast day for me today but I have meetings to go to around dinner time so it is going to be very busy. I’m the sort of faster that likes to eat my dinner, have my one and only cup of tea with milk for the day, put my pj’s on, get warm and comfy and curl up in front of the fire. So the thought of rushing my dinner and heading out the door dressed with a bra on didn’t appeal. Hence, I have postponed until tomorrow.

    Gosh, CM, on Monday I went to bed so early – before 9pm; I was so tired for some reason. I thoroughly enjoyed my dinner though I have to say, had a great sleep and was down 1kg the next day. Well worth the effort.

    Sorry, still not sold on the pond scum and fishy smells. I think I will stick to my meat and veggie soup.

    I think it is a very good idea to invest in our health now (especially seeing what I have nursing). I will gladly join you Thin and CM for that coffee in 40 years time (although I would like a coffee morning before then!)

    All the best to those fasters today and I am excited for my Thursday Fast tomorrow.

    Hi Thin, Purple and all 😉

    iHAW, where are you? Still keeping on?

    We are in a very hot Croatia enjoying not being in snowy Canberra.

    Re the BP results. I have a similar tale to tell. I have been on BP meds for over 15 years and they had been increased 9 months before starting on 5:2. Then I did 5:2 rigorously for 3 months and the BP went down so far the doctor decreased the meds by one third.

    However, after 15 months on 5:2 my BP was up again. So don’t know what to think. Still believe in fasting very much, and in the 5:2 for health reasons.

    Cheers, all. Bay 🙂

    Congratulations, Thin. I think you weigh less than I do. 😆 Bay

    Thin – ah yes, now I know what you mean by “leavers”. Not something we endure with our own school leavers, but about 20 of yours got a bit of publicity when they brought their antics over here to Queenstown last year.

    We’ve got the fire on here too – we have had 3 days of frosts, with lovely clear sunny days to follow, but still chilly. We have 4C, heading to an overnight low of 3C so hopefully no frost in the morning. FD again tomorrow, a slightly warmer day would be appreciated.

    Helllooooo SH’s, how are you all doing today? Wow, so much happening on this thread today. So, it was back on the horse today with two coffee’s down and a ginger tea, I have a low-cal soup ready for when then hunger dragon breathes fire and hopefully that will sort him out till later.

    It’s so interesting to read what you’re saying about alcohol – SA is so blasé about alcohol and it’s terrible. We have something similar to your “leavers” – it’s called Rage. All the matrices (form 5’s, Grade 12’s) head down to the Durban South Coast in the first week of December, after exams are over and tear the ring out of it. Unfortunately SA culture is very irresponsible when it comes to booze – not enough enforcement regarding drinking and driving, underage drinking, etc. Also, people look at you funny if you say you don’t drink. People assume you’re a recovering alcoholic when you refuse the drink they’ve offered…

    That should say MATRICS – not matrices – sorry!

    HIlary, just had a look at the links you sent – really scary on the one hand and really informative, on the other! I had absolutely NO idea that any form of cancer can be related to alcohol consumption. In fact, I’d be prepared to go out on a limb here and say that’s not gone out in any of our news, it’s honestly the first time ever I’ve seen anything like that. Really scary stuff!

    I liked reading the drinking guidelines and tips – really good to instil in youngsters, going to print that out and chat to the kids about it on the weekend.

    Sorry to hear that Hilary, obviously out of control or you wouldn’t have known they were there. Shame about your teen culture too Avent. When we arrived in Perth 25 years ago, drunk driving offences were worn like a badge of honour. That’s changed a whole lot now, people definitely see it as a crime. In fact, I was at an event yesterday to do with alcohol at which our Chief Justice spoke of how in his day, if you got caught drink driving you were an idiot, if you got a away with it you were a hero. He said that one third of the problems coming through the courts here are alcohol-related and that alcohol accounts for more problems than all the other drugs combined. That’s scary stuff because there are some bad drugs out there. Anyway, I must shut up for fear of giving a false impression (I do enjoy a G&T).

    Hi Bay. Thanks. Interesting about the BP. Glad you’re enjoying the sunshine and warmth. I only weigh less than you because you’re on holiday. And newbies, Purple once posted that she and OH had lost more weight on 5:2 than she weighs now. (I hope I’ve got that right).

    Well done EA – a whole kg down, so glad you stuck it out. You too Avent, it’s a new day and now you’re all prepared. I’ve just made some spicy pumpkin soup which smells rather nice. 40 minutes to go until an early dinner…

    Alcohol can be a scary thing where youngsters are concerned. An immature brain with a notion of infallibility plus alcohol can be a dangerous combination. In my day, going out on a Friday night drinking was just that. Then it got a trendy name “binge drinking”. I gave up alcohol almost four years ago but yeah I feel that if I say that then people will assume I am a recovering alcoholic or something which is far from the truth. I knew I wanted another baby and didn’t want to take any risks. I did have one can of beer a couple of weeks ago but realised I wasn’t missing anything and don’t want to drink now because I don’t want to drink calories (except hot chocolate calories, of course).

    Enjoy your pumpkin soup Thin and congratulations on another fast day done.

    Dead right Thin. We have lost 60kg between us. I weigh 57. 🙂 Pretty frightening image! ! P
    PS G’day Bay 🙂

    Purple – Nihongo ga hanasemasu ka??

    So here it is 7.20pm in Cairns and we have finished dinner and I am full. It is a NFD for me today and I have eaten 565 calories.

    I think the 2 egg omelette is the best at the moment as it is really filling me up when I have some mushrooms and tomato with it.

    I might have some fresh pineapple later as dessert.

    With my husband away, a fussy eater for a daughter and a Japanese homestay student it is not worth cooking any major meals so I have been making for the young ones and just having my omelette for my dinner.

    Hope everyone has had a good day.

    Oyasumi nasai …..goodnight

    Hi everyone,

    I got through the whole FD with just a lemon tea this morning and holding off eating till tonight without any issues, but I was busy all day, so that helped. Just had dinner, tuna and mixed veges and feeling good.

    no munchies yet :)) as soon as I feel them coming on, I will put myself to bed.
    I am looking forward to tomorrow’s weigh-in.

    goodnight all.

    How old’s your daughter JJulie? Re: your question the other day about not eating eggs the day after eating an omelette – in what context is that? Well done on the NFD cal count today, impressive. I don’t know where to begin counting on a NFD.

    Dead right EA, toxic mix for them. I gave up alcohol for 6 months as part of a starvation diet where I ultimately lost – and promptly re-gained – 16 kgs. When I returned to my bad eating habits, I found I’d lost my taste for wine which is a good thing in my case as a tipsy 50 something y/o isn’t a particularly good look.

    The pumpkin & leek soup is OH’s new favourite so there’s another FD meal (185 cals) I can serve to the OFMs (they get two servings, sour cream plus a French baguette).

    Good job Coastcat.

    Hi Avent,
    Really fantastic to have someone from South Africa on here. The large towns Albury-Wodonga near where I live have a strong SA population too.
    On the discussion of alcohol, I too have seen what damage it can do. As a young police officer, we females were often dispatched to the call outs regarding domestic violence. Our politicians want to reduce the damage that this does to families, yet they do nothing to deal with alcohol abuse. Also my god daughter is married to a Gold Coast policeman. He dreads schoolies week each year, as he says it destroys soooo many young lives.
    OK, off the soap box for now, this week has seen my virus subside a bit more, thanks in part I am sure to getting back into fasting, FD Thursday, will be tough one emotionally as we have a funeral to attend, the mother of my maid of honour.
    Happy fasting to the Thursday fasters, will report in again on Saturday, as I have Friday taxi-ing mum around to medical checks, so glad I have taken control of my own health. 🙂 Charlie.

    Thin – my youngest daughter is 16. she loves rice, pasta, noodles and toasted sandwiches. all this I can not eat, so when hubby is away I cook something for her and then my dish. With the Japanese homestay at the moment, I am cooking for both of them. They have had spaghetti, then last night chicken pillow from lenards with fried rice and potato wedges. tonight I think I will buy pizza as today is a really busy day for me and it will be easier.

    I tried looking for the info on the eggs two days in a row and can not find it again so I am going to forget it. Not worth worrying about because I am enjoying my eggs and still loosing weight.

    Weight today was 78.2 so a loss of .2 from yesterday. I can see that 75 is just around the corner!!!

    well off I go to do everything I have booked myself in for today and I will check in about 5pm when it will be time for me to relax again.

    have a good day today everyone and happy fasting!!!…..JJxxx

    Julie. Watashi wa rikai shite inai Japonese. Je ne comprends pas japnais. 🙁

    Blossom Time is really happening suddenly here in Sydney. Blossoms, camellias and magnolias starting to bloom.

    Fast day today, despite 3 separate social activities. This will be fun! 😉 P

    Good morning everyone,
    happy blossom time wherever you are :))
    I’m lucky – it’s always green up my way but not a lot in blossom at the moment.

    Weigh-in: let go of 1kg since last week. Yayy!!!! I am very happy.

    All told I need to lose 38kg to be at the top of my correct weight range. That would be my dream to reach that. But my goals are more realistic than that.

    My first goal is an 8kg loss when I will totally celebrate – go to the pictures and buy myself something nice or a bit of a pamper. In total, so far, I have let go go 4KG!!!!!!!!

    I had a dream last night in which tests showed that over 30% of my weight was water and I just had to take stronger diuretics and I’d be on my way …. LOL!!! (my brain is desperate for a solution)

    Konnichiwa Julie, have you been to Japan during Cherry Blossom time? That is on my bucket list – in my mind it must be a magical sight.

    I have a question. During non-fast days I find that I am restricting myself quite a bit which is good overall because it means that I am making changes. Do some of you just eat normally e.g. including a sandwich, or toast for breakfast; do some of you eat rice or pasta or potato as a side everyday during NFDs? Would love to hear.

    hope all your FDs are going well,
    I am enjoying reading your posts,

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