Hello Everyone!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chuck 9 years ago.

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  • Howdy, Everybody!
    Actually, I have been doing this plan for about 3 weeks, and have no idea how I didn’t see this Welcome Forum. But here I am now to say “Hi!”

    Well, much of this note will be the same as my Profile, ’cause that’s me all over again. I wrote (with a couple added comments)::
    “ Not young & a little strange. Just started 5:2 (3 weeks ago) with about 40# to lose. Living in NW US. One thing I really enjoy about this site is the opportunity to talk about 5:2 with people who are ALL OVER the English-speaking world––UK, Australia, New Zealand, America––although males appear to be a rather tiny minority here (as happens on all forums that discuss weight-loss). ”
    Also, has anyone else noticed that Americans are also rare in these forums? I think the reason for that is because the Good Doctor & his book were introduced in the UK (and even on a BBC program), and there was really never an event over here that would have attracted notice to this amazing eating plan. (Either that, or there is simply a general international disgust for us yanks?)

    It is good to be here, and I wish every one of you wondrous success in your own unique experience with 5:2!


    Hi Chuck,

    I’m an American male too; there are a few of us here. You may want to join in this thread: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/are-there-many-guys-on-this-diet/ I grew up in New York State and moved to So Cal almost30 years ago (couldn’t handle driving in snow).

    I stumbled across 5:2 and have been doing it since last September. I’m doing 5:2 to maintain weight after losing a bunch a couple years ago by counting calories with the aid of an iPhone app. The 5:2 approach sounded much easier than counting calories so I’m giving it a try. I’m doing 2 days of 0 calories and a third of 600. This allows me to “let loose” on weekends without gaining weight.

    Much success with your fasting.


    Hello, Bronx!

    Thank you for your reply! That is very impressive that you were able to keep that weight off after Years of losing it. That is really rare. I have lost my excess weight again … and then Again, but had never discovered the secret to STAYING at my proper weight. That is what is revolutionary about intermittent fasting: It is both the healthiest (literally) way to lose weight, but then it gives you the best tool to remain at your best weight. After I discovered it, I was like, “How did this wonderful eating plan evade me all these years?”

    I am doing something a bit similar to you in that I consume _Nothing_ on my fast days (except for coffee & sugar-free drinks), and I really find that much nicer for me. (Well, another factor is that I am absolutely terrible in the kitchen.) I previously was adding more days as well, but discovered Real Quick that I was going to get burned out on that, so now I’m back to 2 days per week.

    One thing I have persistently wondered about is after I have lost every bit of weight that I want (plus a bit beyond that), whether 6:1 will then be the best way to go. Another issue is the fact that I wonder if I will miss the many health benefits of 5:2 by migrating to 6:1.

    Thank you, Bronx, for sharing that URL. I will definitely check that out.


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