Happy Newbie No more

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Applepie 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I would now class myself as a successful 5:2er! I started on Dec 28th last year and have lost a stone, Not a pebble, not a grain, but 14lb! yippee. 3 more 1b to phase one target (15st) and then phase two (14st)
    I’m finding the fast days fairly easy, I do shift work 12hr days and nights and still manage to keep to the fast day.
    I have a trick up my sleeve that may help others, I imagine a rubber band around my wrist (you can use a real one) when I’m hungry I mentally snap the band and tell myself this is a good feeling! this is a thin feeling, this is a healthy feeling.
    It works 90% of the time for me. Of course, when I wince (even pretend rubber bands can hurt) my wife thinks I’m a loon.

    Wow, that is amazing, a stone! a whole stone! When I was little my mum used to make me go shopping with her on a Saturday to carry back 5lbs of potatoes, they seemed so heavy (were shopping trolleys not invented?) anyway you have lost virtually 3 times that, you must be so proud!
    I like the feeling of hunger, let’s be realistic, we can’t really expect to lose large amounts of weight without being hungry. I think of it more as a fat burning feeling.
    Well done, we can do this!

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