First Week!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone, introducing myself here and thought would share how my first week on the 5:2 diet went. First a bit of background – I’m a 24 year old female whose weight had increased steadily over the past 3 years and I have had enough! So I started last Monday weighing 153lbs , fasted on Monday and Thursday and weighed myself on Friday morning to discover I had lost 7 lbs! I couldn’t believe it! Found the fast days difficult but bearable. Definitely was motivation to keep going for week 2!

    One question though – has anyone else found they are a bit flushed at points on fast days?

    Hi Pippam89 and well done on your first week, great results too!!

    Not sure about being flushed during fast days lol, do you mean getting hot? I cant say i have experienced that..
    Have another great second week, happy fasting 🙂

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