Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours x

    A wet mild day here today.
    Chimney sweep at 10am then it will be straight out walking. So I am thinking a FD would be a good idea.
    Been drinking loads of water nothing naughty but feel fat and lumpy. lol

    Sym sounds like a successful day yesterday with lovely new additions to your holiday wardrobe.
    Yes, men don’t seem to worry like us women or maybe they know we will do it for them. lol Hope that lamb joint was beautiful. Xx

    KP you sound like you are doing well .. I find doing a walk everyday is really beneficial to me. It is easier when you have the motivation of a dog at your heel at a certain time whatever the weather. Also find it therapeutic as I give myself pep talks along the way. Many a problem has been solved on my walk. Lol Lovely to have you here… stay with us. Xx

    Hi Gin was there dumplings with that stew. lolol cant remember the last time I had them. I loved my Grans a meal in one dumpling.

    I am so annoyed I missed that programme and everyone was talking about it on face book. Will try to do Iplayer but our broadband is awful here in the sticks.
    I have made a lovely soup with lots of bits and bobs from the freezer and fridge. So trying to have that all day Must work on less carbs now. Have a good day G. Xx

    Hi Karen lovely to see you back. Have a good FD today .. Yes, roll on dry dog walking weather. So many wet towels lol. Xx

    Aud and Milena good luck this week with your FD days.. hope you get good rewards as you work so hard.
    Milena .. you do make a grey day brighter. Xx

    Hi Coffee hope your weigh in today is a good one for you. Stay with us. Xx

    Have agood day Brit lovelies

    Fitness is like a marriage you cant cheat on it and expect it to work. Xx

    Morning all

    My slow cooked beef was gorgeous. ….I managed to put 6 meals into the freezer as well for when my back plays up and I don’t want to cook, or to take to the caravan. ..

    Ian is staying home and working out with me this morning so that should be fun….

    I love today’s saying hemmy…very true….

    Stew and dumplings now that’s a meal I like, I have still got some in my freezer….. May have one later in week…

    Keep in touch together we are stronger


    Morning ladies

    Fast day for me today.
    looking forward to going back to line dancing tonight 2 hrs of trying to master 1 step forward 2 steps back been practicing this at home let’s see if it works later.
    Bit of wii fit this morning.
    Have a good day.
    Lynda x

    Morning girls,

    Wet and windy in Derbyshire this morning

    Just posting on here at work (!) so can’t stay on but wanted to say hello

    Only started the 5:2 this week, although husband has done it before. He is doing it with me so this makes life easier.

    Monday was my first fasting day and it was relatively easy. Probably because I had eaten so much over last weekend with my daughter and boyfriend with us for the weekend, that my stomach was glad of the rest!

    Ate healthily yesterday and tried not to go mad just because I could! My allowance for the non fasting days is just over 1700 cals but I will try not to get to my limit on those days as I think that is more than enough.

    So many tricks and tweaks on any diet, that it’s good to hear everyone’s ideas and thoughts. It all helps to stop any boredom and stops us getting into a rut.

    Have a good day everyone and hope to speak later, if not, then tomorrow

    Good luck with the line dancing Lynda! I dragged the Wii fit out last night and did 30 mins. It all helps.xx

    Morning All,

    Very windy for us this morning in the NE.

    Hair colour for me this morning get rid of the grey roots…and maybe toe nails painted…I need more fat off to get down there lol.

    Audrey ….the beef sounds lovely…I do the same as you and take to caravan makes it so easy…..our lamb was also lovely…all gone now….the scales are showing how nice!! Ugh……hoping to cut back today and drinks loads of water.

    Milena…glad you are feeling better and bruises coming out..

    Lots of people doing the excerise…..walking, wi, dancing, boxing, line dancing, you are all going good to get the pounds rolling off. I think the swimming will have to come in for us in February…or borrow a dog!

    Sugar programme was interesting we have to all cut the sugar but no way could I eat what they ate!
    It looked disgusting.

    Good FD for anyone doing it today…

    Jean x

    Hi Coffeeholic

    Well done on your 7lbs loss. A nice start.

    Hi Hemmy

    There were. No dumplings with the leftovers though. I am not going out to but suet either however much I might like them. Wet here as well. I’m in today so I only need to listen to it on the window.

    Hi Audrey

    That sounds like a good idea. I haven’t enough room in me freezer to put more things. I must start using things in there again. How I would like a bigger freezer…

    Hi Lynda

    I here that it good fun as well. That is a good way of exercising socially. I am sure you will soon get back into it. I used to like the country dancing we did at school.

    Hi Susie

    I’m glad you have company to do it. I am sure it will make it easier. Well done on getting the Wii back out. My favourites were the rhythm parade and the obstacle course. I also lines the bird one and the pinball machine I didn’t mind the cycling either although I didn’t manage the last one.

    I also used to do the jogging for 10 minutes before work. I also have tge Wii U but prefer the old Wii they have taken out rhythm parade.

    Hi Jean

    It was winding in the South as well overnight. Those storms in America are meant to be coming over to England as rain. Come back sunshine!! What an aim to reach your toes. Here is hoping you find them soon πŸ™‚

    The juice last night looked awful. The pizza looked interesting though. I can’t remember what else they ate. It will be interesting to see what they do over the three weeks. The withdrawal symptoms yesterday are because she ate the most sugar including about 8 cans of coke a day. That is some sugar!! There are about 9 teaspoons in a can I believe and 14 in a bottle. Hopefully this will soon pass. Nice to see Mark Labett out of a suit.

    I am fasting today soup later.



    Still really windy here, banging and rattles all over, even the roof hatch was lifting and banging, I wondered what it was…I did have a window open all shut now and quieter.

    Ginette,……Those US storms hit the daughter about a week ago but not snow …rain and she was on a hurricane warning but it missed her area. She was concerned as she only moved there 10 months ago so it’s all new to her! I told her to take the children in the inside bathroom with no windows if it were bad.

    I am hoping for a B2B today and tomorrow, not quite fast but close I have missed lunch today and may have something on toast tonight, I think Milena does that. I had cornflakes this morning which I don’t do on a FD as I decided to late. I don’t want to go out buying things as we are eating things up out of fridge and freezer. Unfortunately Hubbys is rebelling this week!!

    Lynda….you must loose loads doing the line dancing two hours that’s some going…our friend did it when she was on her own and she said it keeps the weight off…now she has a partner who cooks for her no dancing and she’s piling it back on….I have tried to do it but I can’t remember the steps and what to do..

    Coffeeholic…what a great loss a really good month for you..

    Hair done..much improved …now moving the belly out the way for feet…hopefully


    Hi jean

    I’ve been going 2 weeks beginners class I don’t think I will every get it but I having fun trying.
    Lynda x

    Hi all

    What lovely winter warmer foods we are all cooking to keep us cosy on the inside in this grotty weather! I’m going to hit the kitchen in a mo to create a lamb hot pot. As it’s a FD for me I’ll just take a little, water it down and turn into soup..yum πŸ™‚

    No chance of getting out..wall to wall rain here..dog has given up looking!!

    Supposed to do nordic this eve but forecast dreadful so expect it to be cancelled. Everyone sounds like they’re doing lots of fun exercise. ..well done and keep it up!!

    Jean..all sorted and looking fabulous for your wonderful holiday x enjoy it all x 5:2 can wait until you’re home!

    Hope everyone having a good day x stay warm and cosy β™₯


    Karen..thanks, just kicking heels waiting…lamb hotspot sounds good changing it more into soup good idea..we have no rain here but the wind is still blowing hard.

    Milena…hope you OK, just heard on news more floods expected in Scotland, a river gone up 6 feet in an hour and children moved from a school…keep safe and warm..

    Lynda…you are giving it a try you will get better and fitter…I was around in circles facing wrong way..much older than you..

    Hope everyone safe with the gales,

    Jean x

    well today – a non-fast day – I ended up making some scones and helping someone else to make flapjack
    and the only thing I ate was a thumb nail size bit off the edge of one of the scones
    I wasn’t meant to be cooking, but had nothing to do and so someone suggested it, to make them for the staff, but I don’t think they will have much left for their meetings tomorrow.
    Anyway I resisted

    my head is a bit all over the place this evening, but I so so badly need to stop being this fat person

    Hi keeptrying you will get there one day at a time. …😊

    Well done on resisting your baking…. big pat on the back from me!

    Had a good workout with Ian this morning on the wii. I was boxing and he was copying me then I put my dancing on……couldn’t do it for laughing at him absolutely hilarious. …ended up doing workout instead ….


    Keeptrying….keep positive and you will do it..everybody on here has gone through it at one time or another or we wouldn’t be here. Think of Summer coming and these new clothes you will have to buy because last years are too big….a corner of a scone is very good…make next FD a good one…you will be fine..

    Audrey….I can just see you both now…any neighbours watching……if anything like hubby I would be on the floor laughing….he has no co-ordination at all…it takes him all his time swimming then I make him jump on the spot for 5 mins…he cheats!

    I have not had a too bad FD today…..breakfast let me down I had cornflakes, I then decided after I had eaten…still another one tomorrow…to pull back at what we have eaten this week!

    Jean X

    Aww KT We have and all think like that at times. It comes to us slowly that its just baby steps needed. A day at a time.

    I found it easier to just decrease things a little at a time. Like where I would have 2 slices of toast and marmalade for breakfast I did one and a half. Now one and a orange really fills me. Portion control being the word.

    Its just time.. I know we all just want to be that very slim person and wonder how the hell we arrived here. For years well into my late thirties I was never more than 9st 4lbs. Then lost my first hubby at 39 and started on wine and ballooned up. Met my lovely Andrew and we both loved to cook .. enjoyed our meals out and at home. Of course piled the weight on.. never even gave it a thought I was so happy and him with me.

    After losing him … I realised I needed to get fit ..lose weight. I had a 5 month Springer Spaniel that needed a damn good walk every day.

    We all have our story KP ..wanted to share mine with you. Hope it helps .. we have all been down and depressed.. It has helped so much being here .. Ginette and Audrey .. Milena .. Karen .. Sym all played a part in my loss and a very happier me.

    I so hope you will also find your way here and enjoy the wonderful people. Just be patient KT and you will reap the rewards of this way of life. Xx

    what special ladies you are
    and thank you so much for sharing some of your story, hemmy,
    I am deeply touched.
    I have quite complex mh issues that impact my life everyday, and after leaving a marriage of over 25yrs, a few years ago, I now find myself alone

    Keeptrying…you are not alone…we are all friends together πŸ˜€

    We are all scattered about but close really, here for a natter when wanted or needed.

    It will get better for you its all early days,

    I also left a marriage after 31 years, it takes a lot of time and thought to do…my ex more or less lived at the pub..I had no life just waiting for him to come in and hope he wasn’t wanting an argument…I couldn’t take any more…..I have now found someone very special to me and we are so a like.

    Jean x

    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours. x

    A frosty start here today with the promise of sunshine later. So pleased as its Mums day today when I do her weeks shopping with her and any other bits. At 89 she is brilliant .. that old walking stick goes from one end of the town to the other in no time. Also we have to stop and speak with the old locals. So inspiring and a lesson to be learnt from that age groups shear determination. Actually I am always tired out at the end of Thursday. Lol

    Lynda love the sound of Line dancing .. my neighbour loves it never misses one. Always putting up video’s of her new dances. She keeps trim with it too. Xx

    Karen lovely to have you back. Hope the weather permits Nordic for you again soon. Xx

    Coffee you are doing brilliantly very inspiring. Keep with us. Xx

    Gin .. Aud.. Sym have a good day whatever you are doing.Xx

    KT have a good day … we are all here together .. all in the same boat so to speak just need to keep ourselves afloat together. Xx

    Susie good luck today… yes its the non fast days that seem to give us all probs. Lovely hubby s joining in with you. So much easier. Xx

    Hi Milena hope you are OK. Xx

    Have a good day all in our little/big corner and anyone else looking in. Come in pull up a chair. Some tea .. chat .. and a small portion of cake if its a non fast day. Lol

    Brit lovelies.. Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept trying when their seemed no hope. Xx

    Morning all

    Had a great day yesterday exercise and diet wise, I have said this because today we have already been tesco and it’s not 9 am yet! We have got oatcakes for lunch, 125 kcals each and then we need the bacon and cheese. …. but oh we love them…. I am intending on having 2 oatcakes 2 slices of bacon, 1 on each and a little low calorie cheese. … I have bought some smoked river cobbler for evening meal which we will have with a few small potatoes and veg…

    Will keep a close eye on my kcals and weigh everything, but with a bit of luck will still be under my TDEE. … I love this WOL hehe

    Have a great day, fasting or not fasting. …

    I am fasting tomorrow and Saturday grandchildren permitting. ..


    Hi again,

    I have weighed and measured everything and I am coming in at around 850 kcals which then gives me enough kcals left for apples, grapes and drinks ……,

    Have a great day I am off to do my work out now…..


    Hi Everyone,

    Bright blue skies for us today but I bet it’s cold…..cleaning up today getting everything ship shape..

    Trying my second B2B today…I find this hard I like Monday and Thursday best….

    Hemmy ….you are so lucky to have your Mum, I lost mine she was only 63. At 89 she sounds great and that movement with the walking stick. πŸ˜€ Think of the calories you will burn today, have a rest tonight 😴

    Audrey…someone kicked you out of bed? …Tesco before 9..I am just going for my shower a lazy start for us..congrats on your good day yesterday.

    Keeptrying…hope you are having a good day…come in for a natter…lots to talk to..X

    Karen … a lovely day here……is it dog walking day? is he rearing to go?

    Ginette…hope things going OK…

    Lynda and Susie..hope the excerise is going well.

    Lots of us doing a FD today…lets all have a good day..

    Jean x


    Good luck on the b2b. Just think of it as a normal fast day, it’s only today then you can eat….. shout if you need any support.


    Audrey.. ….For us I think separate days are better…I find two days so hard. Hubby was not falling in this week!

    You and Milena do well to do it regularly it must fit into your way of life better than us. Maybe on a plateau I may again. All going good so far today. πŸ˜€

    We have eaten too much this week and not good portions…..the only good thing is that I know…..before 5.2 this was a normal way of life! The holiday has just got in the way!

    When we go away in the tourer I have it much more under control sometimes I take the scales…usually we only go away for 3 nights…so travel Monday FD then come home Thursday FD so it fits in very well. We have the cat so can’t go away for to long, she is 22 now so she has to stay at home, we have a mobile lady who comes to the house to feed her on long holidays which are not many now, she would die in kennels.

    Have a good FD yourself

    still here
    but head bit messed
    so probably try not to say too much
    foodwise ok
    fd tomorrow, meant to have shepherds pie at mh place, but too scared to on a fd as know I will still want evening meal.

    cant do fd’s weekends just impossible

    Hi Keeptrying,

    I could never do Friday and Weekends….we usually have extra special food, maybe a streak and a wine or two…if we are lucky a meal out.

    I feel if you are really good Monday to Friday and it’s a way of life it has to balance each end of the week to make it life long. It seems to work for us it’s a pound off a time it’s slow but off. I have to get hubby on track when we get back as Xmas seemed to unbalanced him a lot…still all Xmas things now eaten!

    Glad your foods going good today..take a day at a time…things sort themselves out even if it’s longer than you want…..if you can’t change something it’s not worth worrying about…

    Take Care
    Jean x

    Evening All, (does anyone else remember ‘Dixin of Dock Green’ ? Now there’s something that shows my age! πŸ™‚

    Got weighed yesterday and was another lb down, so very happy about that… only another 42lbs to go. πŸ™‚

    Keeptrying, I can sympathise with you about your head feeling messed up, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. It very much feels like 2 steps forward 1 step back, but try to remember that each new day is a fresh start. Don’t bang yourself up about what happened yesterday – it doesn’t matter – today is what counts and you have a new ‘today’ every morning, so be kind to yourself and forgive any mistakes you make. You WILL get it sussed eventually, and so will I and everyone one else having difficulty. I think we have to look at this Way Of Life as a gentle walk and not a surging road race.

    Symba, I Laughed out loud at not being able to do your toenails as I visualised myself trying to do exactly the same thing and fighting my enormous belly to try (unsuccesfully) to reach them. πŸ™‚

    OH coming home on Saturday, he’s been away on 2 weeks respite, and I must admit I’ve spent most of that time sleeping! I was going to ‘break eggs with sticks’ while he was away – the house has accumulated so much rubbish that needs clearing – but exhaustion took over!

    It’s lovely to read all your posts. I rarely reply individually (suffer from brain fog) but the warmth I feel when I read post needs to be expressed. Really feel as though I’m part of a community that cares, so once again thank you all for being there.


    You sound like you are really getting into this wol. 1lb a week is great. I had a friend last year who said 5 2 was too slow and she wanted to lose her weight quick not mess about like I was doing.

    Well 1 year on I am almost 2 stone down, and she has gained her weight back.

    Glad you have managed to have a good rest, you should be feeling better now.

    KT one say at a time symba is right….


    Oh Coffeeholic….we must be in the same age frame…god that was a long time ago..black and white even! Where did that come from….
    Well done on your pound off…I am a pound a week girl…tongue in cheek maybe not this week! I still haven’t managed the toes…everything is out and ready to go just trying to pluck up the energy.

    Audrey… 2 stone really really good…it does prove a point slowly slowly does it. Have a good day with the grandchildren…fasting your brave with them about..

    Here’s one to everybody..

    If you stand naked in front of a mirror…(you have to sometimes) I have a lump of fat at each side of my hips ( plus in other places) when I loose weight it comes off one side first then after a couple of weeks the other side then looses its lump of fat then I am even…then one side again looses more with the other side loosing in a couple of weeks again…I find it strange as you can see it happening…going lop sided then matching up even again.

    Anyone else noticed πŸ˜‚….room for thought…


    thank you coffeeholic, symba and Audrey

    I have failed, binged on biscuits – only light rich tea, and crackers but can feel it all slipping away
    have avoided shops today
    but tomorrow will have to buy milk and don’t know what else will get bought
    whole day head is thinking about food and needing it more and more

    Keeptrying….tomorrow is another day..that’s the good thing about 5.2…

    Hi I need some help I’m fasting for six days I might ask for advice is that Ok

    ZCRF fasting for 6 days!

    What has made you decide to fast for 6 days may I ask?


    ZCRF…6 days….that’s tough going……as Audrey says…. why would you want to do 6 days, is there a reason you want to.

    ZCRF….That’s a long haul…6 days I can manage 3 that’s with a day between them.

    Hi everyone,

    I’m a newbie to both this forum and the 5:2 diet. Would love some tips on how to make the best of the diet. It was my fasting day today but went to 541 calories.Is that bad? does that mean I won’t lose :- (

    Shaziiii…welcome to the forum

    Although 500 calories is what it says a small amount over won’t hurt..I sometimes go over a little and still loose 1 lb a week.
    Sometimes you are a little under so stay close to 500 as you can..

    Hi Shaziiii

    Welcome to our little group. As symba just said going slightly over won’t harm you.
    Shout out if you need any help we are a friendly bunch


    Hi Symba/Audrey,

    Thank you for your response. I can now breath a sigh of relief! I’m quite excited/intrigued to see if this diet works. I really hope so. I’m going on holiday in May and really want to lose at least 1.5 stone. Fingers well and truly crossed

    Hi shaziii

    I lose about 1lb a week on average. You may lose more at first. I do exercise as well on my Wii between 30 minutes to an hour.

    This Isn’t a quick weight loss system but it is steady and it does work if you stick to it…do you want to lose more than the 1.5 stone eventually?

    Keep in touch


    Hey Audrey,

    Well if I’m. Brutally honest 2 stone weight loss would mean more than winning the lottery! (OK maybe not quite) but would def be second best. I’m only 5″2 and weigh 11st so feel really insecure. I do try and go on my stepper for at least an hour 3 times a week but I work full time and having 3 kids my energy is non existent by the time the kids are in bed. I’m tired of constantly feeling paranoid like people are staring at me. Would be awesome to feel good in my own skin…

    Hi shaziiii

    I am same height as you and 11 st 6 lbs and I have lost almost 2 stone… don’t worry what small minded people think.
    It must be hard being a busy mum and working to try to fit some time in for yourself.
    If you stick to the 2 fast days a week and keep to your TDEE in the other days you should lose weight.
    I just want to say I try to keep to under my TDEE I TRY to stay under 1200 because when I reach my target weight of 9.5 stone that is the amount of calories I should eat.

    Wow I think that’s the 1st time in almost 12 months on here I have told anyone what my target weight is! !!

    Keep in touch I am off to bed soon my dogs get me up early for walkies. ..

    Once again welcome


    Thank you for the advice and thank you for making me feel welcome x


    I am doing a b2b tomorrow and sat if you want to join me?

    Hope you are ok you are very quiet?

    Anyhow liquid tomorrow then sat 500 or less if anyone wants to join me…


    Hi Audrey,

    What is b2b?

    Hi shaziii

    B2b is a back to back fast. 2 fast days in a row.

    I work my fasts round my hubby shift pattern so 2 fasts in a row suits me.

    Not easy though it took me months to do it.

    Me n Milena some time do them together and we usually do liquid only on the 1St Day and normal fast on the 2nd… they are not easy. ….πŸ˜†

    Morning all,

    The weather here is dreadful, hope you are all safe, warm and dry…

    I had a dreadful night’s sleep according to my fitbit I was asleep for 5 hours and awake/restless 7 times….

    I am ready for my fast days and according to the scales am already lower than my last weigh in so perhaps another lb down this week? I have also got the granddaughters coming on Sunday so no doubt will be making biscuits again….. note to myself, make sure they take the bulk of them home….. let mummy have the calories!

    We have lots of new people on the forum, so let’s make them welcome, this only works if we support each other,

    Coffeholic forgot to say, I remember Dixon of dock green too…and Andy pandy and the wooden tops, …..

    Keep in touch people and remember that together we are stronger. ..


    Good Morning Audrey,

    It’s weird you say that as I don’t think I slept well. I must have slept on my hand as it’s really hurting and looks swollen. Oh well better get ready for work. It’s my nephews birthday party later so good job It’s not my fasting day. We’re all off to a Chinese restaurant so it’s going to be tricky to stick to my calories. Wish me luck! Might fast again tomorrow in the hope it’ll balance itself out. Hope you all have a good day x

    Morning Audrey

    I’m on a FD too……I have decided to move my wii up to the summer house as I find it to warm to do indoors and with hubby home tonight think he would like to watch tv in peace with out me huffing and puffing……I’ve been invited to a party up the pub don’t really want to go as this leads me on the wrong path just might send hubby instead……going to try my dress again this weekend as I’ve lost 7lb now just to see if there is any hope of me getting in to it.
    Have a good day everyone
    Lynda X

    Hi Shazi, only 5’1″ here and was nudging 15st, now 13 9 so still got a way to go. Been here since June. My weight loss slower than some as I have amonst other things really bad PCOS.


    7lbs is fantastic, let me know how dress is looking…. I am sure by the time the wedding comes round you will be looking great.

    What games do you have for your wii? I have exerbeat for dancing and my fitness coach for boxing. … I also like to do the steps and runs on the wii plus. …


    Enjoy your weekend and your party, that’s the good thing about 5 2 it’s only 1 day at a time….


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