Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Sorry Pseudo- you might be alone! Out for lunch tomorrow…

    Ah well, I shall guard the baton and do my best. 😀

    I woke up in the middle of the night freaked out that there was a ghost out to get me, I must have been having a bad nightmare before, and it took me ages to calm down enough to get back to sleep. I get up really early on Fridays too, so I feel like a zombie right now. I’ve been waking up a lot lately with stupid worries that are really not worth bothering about, I hate it when your brain turns on you like that.

    Morning everyone

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes, had a nice day not doing much but eating pizza and cake. Ditto yesterday so FD for me today. Scales showing up 2lb from birthday weigh in, but a good FD should move most, if not all, of it. As Aud would say, on quick, off quick.

    So Pseudo, with you on a FD today. The Welsh contingent have the baton.

    Car is coming along, still a bit of paint under the rear seat being soaked up with a towel, but nothing obvious and not planning to put in an insurance claim as not looking to change the car anytime soon and really can’t be bothered. Hopefully some of the scratch may polish out so will get on that next week.

    Due to get a call today from Phil’s oncologist with the result of his scan last week, so need a busy day to keep me from worrying. Will be dismantling Bec’s bed ready for the new one to arrive tomorrow, then the house needs a really good clean, but that will also be next week once all Bec’s belongings have migrated back to her room and have found a new home.

    Hope everyone enjoys their NFD, Jean hope the Haddock is good, and Pseudo remember you’re not alone.

    Speak later

    Lynne x

    Morning All…
    A grotty start to the day…another restless no sleep night not like me at all…

    Weigh in 2 lbs off for me and 1 lb for Steve both very pleased…maybe AFDs are helping I never do 2 lbs off.

    You were maybe dreaming of Halloween and all those sweets…lol

    Enjoy your lunch out…us too…we are fasting tomorrow..with you??

    Hope you have good news on Phil…keep busy…can you buy anything from b & q to help get the paint out?

    The weight will come off…I am still chasing 2 lbs holiday weight to come off…28 lbs off to date 😀

    Have a good day the welsh department…keep strong..

    Must dash chasing the bl@@dy glasses again….

    Jean x

    Diolch yn fawr. 🙂

    Started and finishing early today, then home for a nap… which should take me into the evening without temptation, it’s when it gets late it’s going to get tricky. Perhaps I’ll find a good game or film or book to keep me absorbed.

    How’s it going for you, Lynne?

    Jean, I can’t believe the glasses problem continues! Hopefully it’ll finally be sorted today.

    Afternoon All..

    We have been out had our lovely Haddock and chips..a bit early for us really….not eating much more today….

    Re glasses..they are back..seems better but Steve still unsure..he will wear them next week and see if he settles with them…the replacement Specsaver’s will be another week…

    Keep strong and enjoy your nap..

    How are you doing keeping busy?

    Really quiet on here we could do with some newbies who join us and stay…

    Jean x

    Is there usually an influx in January when people are looking to get off the Christmas weight?

    Sometimes now before Xmas..the little black dress syndrome…lol

    Yes you get them about in January like all loosing weight clubs..

    We gets lots coming through just for a couple of weeks, whether they can’t cope with the fasting, ask what 5.2 is all about and disappear…you really have to want to loose the weight and change your way of life…people want weight off easy…but it all comes on slowly over the years…they want a magic wand.!

    I haven’t counted us lately but we are down to about 6 or 7…a bit low at the moment..we did have about 16 or 17 at one time..

    Still as long as we have a few to support each other that’s the main…

    Keep strong hope you are going ok..

    Jean x

    List of who’s posting regularly …

    Updated cribsheet – with info to help us all remember whos who (feel free to copy and paste and amend your info if there is anything you regularly talk about and want to use, to help others remember you in our postings!)

    Symba7….(Jean and Steve)..retired..lives near Selby NE….been with this thread 2 years…the caravanners….fighting to lose the last few pounds ..Steve a lot more!..likes the red wine too..

    Kay65 – (Kay) – East Devon – the one with the poorly dog called Ellie, a recent house move and struggling to lose final half stone, mainly because I drink too much at the weekends!

    Pasha (Lynne) – currently caring for OH – Phil OH with 2 girls, 2 cats, Pasha & Evie and a lazy lurcher – Amber.

    Minols – in Scotland with 4’boys’= OH, the boy, and grey dog (old) and blonde dog (trouble) – on the last half stone and the slowest loser ever because too chilled and border-line lazy…

    Dragon Fly – (DF) – Kay – Campervan Hippie .. also drinker of too much red wine at weekends

    Shera1000-(Rowena) 40 from West Midlands. Head of art and I get lost there.design dept in 11-18 school. Married to Craig who is from Swansea. ‘Mother’ of Cooper an almost 9 rescue gorgeous greyhound. Been on weight watchers for years on and off. Lost 2.5 stone but put some back on. Want to lost about a stone now.




    Thats 9…..(10 with Steve)

    Sorry if I have missed anyone….add on…lol

    Jean x

    Hi all!
    Lynne- hope that you get good news x
    Jean- glad you enjoyed your lunch, and well done on the weight loss, that’s great!
    Pseudo- enjoy your nap and hope this evening goes quickly for you!
    Lunch out (rather then a romantic evening meal as ferrying youngest about later) was lovely- balsamic onion and goats cheese tart and salad. Much bigger than I expected, and actually couldn’t manage it all! A first for me… Neither of us had pud either! The weather’s lovely so went for a nice long walk as well.Have some alcohol free bubbly to enjoy tonight.
    (Sneaky weigh in this morning- going in the right direction!)
    Can anyone recommend decent tummy control pants?! My waist line is looking better but the lower tummy not so good, and I’m limited with what exercises I can do, crunches are out. I’ll try M&S if no-one knows anything better?

    Ah, thanks Jean, I do lost track of who’s who with what at times.

    I’ll add my own little mini bio:
    Swansea, 33, three cats. Works for brother, which is often a cause of frustration. 12lb to go at last weight in, but doesn’t weigh often.

    Hedgehogs: I’d say M&S too, or possibly Debenhams if you have one of those near by, usually plenty of options there. I’ve noticed I seem be losing weight off my legs more than my belly at the moment, when it’s the belly I really want it to shift from – is that a similar issue to you?

    I would second both M&S and Debs…always a good selection…

    I do off and on…bobbing up and down on the spot ….go as low as you can ( not that low for me)…30 or 40 times a few times a day…usually when I have been to the loo..( out of sight)

    I am usually very pear shaped but after doing this excerise, I have now lost my hips, tummy, waist and tops of legs look a lot slimmer…feet let me down on proper exercise..

    I am slimmer on my hips now as pre pregnancy 46 years ago!…I never did loose it….😂..give it a go if you can..


    Afternoon everyone

    Hedgehogs hope you’re having a great anniversary.

    Going well here. Just finished dismantling Bec’s bed ready for the arrival of a new one tomorrow. Only had coffee so far.

    Have had the call from the hospital. Phil’s tumour is no change and a rescan in 6 months. The best news we could have. Still amazed there has been no re-growth since the original diagnosis and extensive treatment 5 years ago, though there are lots of areas it has affected.

    Pseudo hope you manage to hold strong this evening and find a suitable distraction.

    Time for another coffee, feeling a bit chilly.

    Lynne x


    Great news both of you must be so pleased..always a worry on waiting results…

    Glad the bedroom is nearly finished…keep strong you are doing well today…

    Have a lovely evening didn’t realise it was you Anniversary…a romantic night in..💕💕💕

    Glad the scales are looking good…

    Keep strong the days nearly over…

    Jean x

    List of who’s posting regularly.

    Updated crib sheet – with info to help us all remember who’s who (feel free to copy and paste and amend your info if there is anything you regularly talk about and want to use, to help others in our postings!)

    Symba7….(Jean and Steve)..retired..lives near Selby NE….been with this thread 2 years…the caravaners….fighting to lose the last few pounds ..Steve a lot more!..like the red wine too..

    Kay65 – (Kay) – East Devon – the one with the poorly dog called Ellie, a recent house move and struggling to lose final half stone, mainly because I drink too much at the weekends!

    Pasha (Lynne) – currently caring for OH – Phil OH with 2 girls, 2 cats, Pasha & Evie and a lazy lurcher – Amber.

    Minols – in Scotland with 4’boys’= OH, the boy, and grey dog (old) and blonde dog (trouble) – on the last half stone and the slowest loser ever because too chilled and border-line lazy…

    Dragon Fly – (DF) – Kay – Camper van Hippie .. also drinker of too much red wine at weekends

    Shera1000-(Rowena) 40 from West Midlands. Head of art and I get lost there.design dept in 11-18 school. Married to Craig who is from Swansea. ‘Mother’ of Cooper an almost 9 rescue gorgeous greyhound. Been on weight watchers for years on and off. Lost 2.5 stone but put some back on. Want to lost about a stone now.



    Pseudonym-(Pseu) Swansea, 33, three cats. Works for brother, which is often a cause of frustration. 12lb to go at last weight in, but doesn’t weigh often.

    Thats 9…..(10 with Steve

    Popped your details on Pseu..x

    Ta muchly. 🙂

    Mine are: live in Suffolk, with hubby, 2 teenage boys, lovely old lady Labrador, doing ADF, ideally another stone to go…
    Hope Dave’s okay, not been on for a bit? Hellooo Dave, are you out there?!

    Lynne- good news about Phil! Are you celebrating or still sticking to the FD?
    Jean- well done on the slim hips! I’ll be fasting with you tomorrow.
    Pseudo- unfortunately my legs aren’t slim either! I am pear shaped, but have a flabby lower tummy post-Caesareans with my boys. Had got it down a bit after getting fitter a few years ago, but it’s back with a vengeance! I can’t do sit ups or crunches unfortunately…
    Rowena- hope that your school week hasn’t been too stressful, and that you can have a good, relaxing weekend!

    Thanks hedgehog I have added you on..see if Dave adds on and I will post it again..

    A funny day fasting Saturday but we will be with you….


    I’m definitely getting peckish… though I know it’s actually just boredom and habit.

    I’m an apple shape rather than a pear, so the belly is where it shows. Being short doesn’t help. I’m not too much overweight now though, so it’s not too bad really.


    Keep strong nearly over…I am sure you look lovely…😀..a bit of weight off makes all the difference…we all have flaws but it’s only yourself what sees it…

    We have just had a packet of crisps and whiskey ..just fancied …its on our day off…really should be in a fasting mode …finished at 9…

    Night night

    Jean x

    Not very happy. I weighed, and in a month I’ve lost less than a lb. How?!!! I must have been eating too much on my off days, but I don’t think I’ve been that bad and I’ve been sticking to my fast days faithfully. I had the feeling nothing had happened, my jeans should be looser by now. I suppose I’ll have to start writing down what I eat on off days to see if there is more sneaking in than expected. So annoyed.

    That’s rotten Pseudo; you’re so good on FDs. I do write everything down, sometimes it’s really surprised me when I’ve added it all up, and I’m terrible for picking when I’m cooking, so I’m really watching that. You do lots of exercise though, and as muscle weighs more than fat, maybe you’ve toned up more and that makes the scales look worse?

    I haven’t been exercising so much recently, only went back properly this week so maybe that’s part of it too. I also wonder if the weight I lost when I first started 5:2 was the ‘easy’ weight where a few changes were enough, and now I’m getting to the harder to shift stuff?

    Maybe three days a week for a bit will kick start a change again? Don’t know, I’m a bit disheartened. Three FDs and writing things down starting Monday I think, and I’ll try to get rid of anything ‘naughty’ that I’ve accumulated in cupboards in the meantime.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on full fat yoghurt? I absolutely love full fat coconut yogurt, but it’s obviously not healthy. I only buy one big pot a week, but tend to eat it all over a weekend. I’ve heard low fat yogurt isn’t actually all that great as they put in more sugar to compensate, do you think my coconut yogurt does that much harm? Perhaps as long as I cut out my other less healthy snacks it’ll be fine?

    Morning All..

    What a rainy start today…dark and dismal.

    We are on a FD today joining hedgehog…let’s make it a good one…

    I am thinking of a small turkey breast if I can find one with salad…then it will do for Monday too….off on the hunt later..

    I do think at the beginning it is much easier loosing more then it settles to a pound a week or less…one of the reasons I think you sneak a treat or two in, maybe portions start going up, extra slice of bread..we all know our own downfalls…it is a way of life and you have to have some treats occasionally…as for your coconut yogurt..I don’t eat yogurt..but I would say full fat every time…maybe limit your portion, would yogurt last a week…I would say it is healthy in moderation, coconut is supposed to be very good for you..I don’t do anything low fat, it’s usually full of sugar!….getting my head around all the rubbish NHS has been saying for years I am now on whole milk too.

    I lost all my weight in less than a year and really have maintained for another year…although I would like to loose more it’s very difficult ….1.to loose more…2. to maintain…as you get nearer to your goal it is just really hard.

    The plateaus will arrive but you will start moving again, just continue take stock and try and keep to the eating plan…maybe writing down or MFP would help..

    It’s hard as we all get upset about not loosing when you have been good….keep your chin up…

    Jean x

    How you doing? We are OK…

    Out and about this morning keeping a bit busy shopping…

    Jean x

    I’m doing okay, Jean thank you- apart from my parents trying to feed me up buying me veggie things from a local farmers market… my Mum is terrible for that! Been busy too- had a Church thing to do this morning, then round to parents this afternoon with my sis as well for a natter & a game- Mum needs to be amused with scrabbly sorts of games when they’re home!
    Hope you & Steve are still doing well? Having your turkey tonight? I have my mini pizza and salad planned.
    Hope everyone else is enjoying a nonFD and having a good weekend!


    I decided on a chicken..the turkey a bit expensive for what I wanted..cooked half and I will do the other half for Monday’s FD.

    Salad laid out now another 10 mins for the chicken..

    The days gone quite well…I won’t mention 🎅🏼..but I have wrapped everything..just one present to buy..cards to write tomorrow….thinking daughter not ringing me as she’s on her own today…when I spoke she was doing the same as me…lol

    Have a good weekend

    Jean x

    Finished now …not really been so bad ….missed my glass of wine with my meal….we both pretended to drink one…lol

    Really cold tonight…pussy sitting again this weekend but she’s in….

    Good luck on your night…

    Jean x

    Morning all- are you all being lazy today?! Beautiful morning, the old lady dog has managed a decent walk today! Looking forward to a cosy night together in the cupboard while she hides from the fireworks…

    Morning All…

    Hedgehog I think the answer to that is Yes…for us…a very lazy start today..we have been out and about to too many appointments and too early this week…lol

    We are having 4 days away in the caravan going away tomorrow …so getting the things together and deciding on what food to take…
    It bit of us time and relaxing…book reading..a couple of small towns to visit…we quite like it when it’s snug as a bug and cold…❄️❄️❄️..-4..on a night…ooo..

    Still fasting Monday and Thursday ….Steve doesn’t know yet but the chocolate biscuits we usually take away are staying behind…we only have them when away…no wine!

    Always quiet on here at a weekend….everybody is always busy except us poor souls..lol

    Have a lovely day

    Jean x

    Just going for a walk around the village…a wrap up as very cold…all ready for tomorrow or just about…

    Enjoy your cupboard tonight Hedgehog with the old girl…keep her calm…our Symba (cat) used to be petrified of fireworks until she was old and deaf as a door post..we miss her terribly…💕


    Hope you have a good trip! Caravanning without choccy biccies though- wouldn’t work with my lot!
    Will see how my dog is tonight- she is definitely getting deafer, as she used to be terrified of storms, but doesn’t always hear thunder now, she just hides in the cupboard every time it rains heard now! The firework display is going to be pretty near though…

    Hi Hedgehog..

    We have had two nights of fireworks nothing much yet…still a bit early…

    School tomorrow for the children so maybe not too many..still if you have a display it will be different..

    Thanks..we enjoy the caravan…with going to the States it’s encroached on caravan time…Katie came for a 5 week holiday in the summer so again, not away with the caravan..just a lazy relax, just started a book to make sure it runs ok, it seems fine..

    We will be fasting with you tomorrow…hoping the Wi-fi is good but I will be on my phone..not tablet.

    Hope the old lady is fine tonight…

    Jean x

    Hi all..was having a good read through. ..but now OH has come in to do tea, so will need to go and tidy up.

    Jean. ..thanks for the wee profiles. I’m Dow to 3 boys as the blonde dog died this summer.

    Definitely MandS control pants…love ’em!

    Jean…what was the off an on exercise you do when you’Ve been to the loo (!)..Sorry .missed the context of that somehow?

    Lynn. ..so delighted the tumour isn’t growing.

    That’s my busy weekend nearly done. I’m hoping for a quieter week writing and visiting. And of course, a FD and weigh in tomorrow.

    See you all then.


    Sorry about blondiedog…always sad…sorry I may have been away…

    Hedgehog and Pseu…was asking about getting rid of hips and tummy’s ….I, off and on depending how my weight feels…I bob up and down on the spot, trying to get as low as I can…do 30 or even 50…I do it in the bathroom were no one sees me…lol…I try and do it every time I go to the loo..penance!!..

    I think it helps on tummy, legs and hips…


    Morning all! Hope that you all had a good weekend?
    Out today to look at cars- hubby wants to change his- not my idea, but he’s getting twitchy about getting a big bill on it so wants to sell it on before something goes wrong! He gets like that every 2 years. Will keep my mind off food on my FD anyway!
    Hope anyone else fasting has a good day!

    Morning All..
    What a frosty morning..😁

    We are fasting today.. with hedgehog.. any one else?

    We will be up shortly to get away by 10.15.. looking forward to having a few days away.

    A few different towns to see but really not doing too much.

    Good luck on the car.. hope he finds one he likes..men get bees in their bonnets about things..still if he can see problems brewing maybe buy before they hit you..

    Have a good day to all fasters should be a fair few of us..

    Hoping to have WiFi later to catch up..

    Jean x

    Hi everyone,

    I’m fasting with you Jean and Hedgehogs 🙂

    Its so cold today! Wrap up warm 🙂

    Water all day, and then a low cal meal later this evening.

    Feeling positive!

    Have a great day everyone, I’ll check in later xx

    Morning everyone

    I’m fasting today so a good group of us Hedgehog, Jean, DF, Minols, any others joining us?

    Hedgehogs, hope hubby finds something suitable.

    Jean, enjoy your break, think it’s going to be a chilly one.

    Pseudo, I’m with the others, I always go full fat to avoid the sugar. Some days you just weigh more because of retained fluid, or food in transit, and if you only weigh occasionally then it can be hard to know if this is your true weight or a one off blip.

    Minols, hope you have a quiet week, but busy enough to keep you away from the custard creams.

    Dave, hope you’re doing alright.

    Bit of a mini crisis yesterday. Hannah got a puncture and although she can travel alone in SE Asia for 7 weeks, she struggled with the concept of calling the recovery service. She thought she didn’t have a spare, until I told her it was under her car, then didn’t think to call the recovery service back to tell them, so they sent a transporter and took her and the car to the tyre garage which was closed. Ended up calling my brother who came to the rescue and changed her tyre 3 hours and a transport ride later, in the cold and the dark. Her boyfriend was with her and he deserves a medal for his patience especially when ‘Hangry Hannah’ made an appearance.

    Hoping for a quieter day today keeping busy with the cleaning now Bec’s room is done and parts of the house are accessible again.

    Lynne x

    I’m fasting too.
    It is freezing! I’m surprised there was no ice on the car. I’ve got a pair of thermal leggings and a thermal top on under my clothes and I’m still pretty cold.

    HI all – clocking in late to the mass fast, but been up since 6. Had a long coffee with my walking guru – the man is at absolute legend, in his mid 70s and recovering from having had to stop a six month walk just over half way through and come home. He’s been a great source of advice and equipment when I was preparing for my wee jaunt in Peru, so it was good to catch up with him today.

    Now at my desk and hitting the Bovril and seaweed. Pleased to report a 2 lb loss, so that nearly takes care of the most recent gain that I reckon was at Mum’s after Peru. Now we’re into the 5lbs that traditionally goes VERY slowly for me, so hoping to keep a tight day today, and then a controlled week, with another FD on Thursday.

    Pseu – you asked about yogurt…I’m a late developer, having tried to like it for more than 30 years, I now love it. Always full-fat, always plain with my own stuff added. And now frequently stealing OH’s Skyr – the Nordic version that I think is high protein low fat naturally, but is rich and creamy. I add either fresh berries or nuke some frozen, half a dozen hazelnuts, some seeds (linseed, sesame etc) flaked almonds if I have them, and some dessicated coconut for sweetness (OH has a swirl of honey, but that’s too sweet for me, despite slathering it on toast with a trowel whenever I can!) – I love it!

    But that’s for tomorrow! There is a recipe for something like this, with measurements in the FD cook book, at around 250 (?) cals, but I’ve long since stopped measuring, and so daren’t let my self have it on a FD!

    Have fun everyone.


    Sounds tasty! Is that the Skyr you can buy at the supermarket, or do you get it elsewhere?

    Nope – just the stuff at the supermarket. just watch out that there’s nothing like ‘starch’ added, and you’re fine.

    Hope everyone going ok. Made it to lunchtime, and just been for a walk 🙂 Now sipping camomile tea and trying to keep warm, so cold today!!

    Stay strong, its one day x

    Afternoon All..
    We are here safe and sound.. it’s glorious but very cold.. Caravan is saying 8 degrees indoors …so having a cuppa then going out until temperature rises..

    Lovely catch up with your walking friend he does so well…

    Well done on the 2 lbs off.. we are both struggling on these holiday pounds.. a bit slow 😂

    I just can’t do yogurt, I have tried over the years.. is anyone better to get you started..they just taste like bad milk 😩

    Keep going everyone .. lunch time passed now.. chicken and salad for dinner for us..it’s wrong day for salads 😟

    Jean x

    I worked out the basic calories in my tomato soup recipe, in case anyone is interested it comes out at about 133 calories a bowl. Of course, depends on the size of your bowl, but that’s a good size one. No added sugar, one hundred per cent veggies with the exception of the oxo cube. I forgot to say in my earlier recipe that I also add in a pint or two of water.

    I think that’s going to be my dinner on my NFDs this week, I really need to kick-start the weight loss again!

    Managing with just coffee so far, DF you’re right it’s really cold today even in the house with the heating on.

    Heard on the weather forecast this morning of ‘Snowvember’, hope we don’t see that too soon.

    Jean, I’m feeling cold for you, it’s warmer than that outside. You could do with something warm to eat instead of salad tonight.

    Pseudo, I’ll have to look back for your soup recipe, this cold weather always makes me want to turn to soup and with low calorie you can always have a couple of bowls.

    Off to mop the kitchen floor to build up some heat.

    Lynne x

    HI all – I had my meal at lunch…just so called I needed something. But now the challenge is to stick to Bovril tonight!


    Heating at work finally kicking in and I feel warm (an hour before hometime lol)

    Minols, sometimes we do need something in the day. Hope you stay strong and stick to Bovril later, keep busy! 🙂

    Lynne, hope its going okay 🙂

    Jean, hope your warm soon! Not the best day for salad lol

    Hedgehogs, Pseu hope your doing okay still.

    I’m getting a bit hungry now, and headache but I think that’s because I’ve been so cold today! Looking forward to eating later 😛

    Together we’re stronger!

    Hi All!
    Busy day on here today! I am doing okay- just very cold like everyone else! DF- I often get a headache when I’m cold too- I think it’s getting shivery and tense.
    Jean- the car we test drove was very nice, will definitely get one at some point, and will get a good discount as eldest son works for the firm. But the part ex. they offered us was low, so hubby’s decided to sell ours privately. I’m not impressed, and it’s guaranteed to be a bad winter as it’s a 4WD he’s changing, what a time to do it! But if we keep it and something expensive goes wrong then I’ll never hear the end of it!! Anyone want to buy a Landrover Discovery, low mileage, excellent condition?!! (It’s 12 years old though!)
    Lynne- your poor daughter’s not going to live that down in a hurry! And will you sleep at all when she’s away?!
    Hope you all manage okay this evening- soup definitely sounds the way to go tonight!

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