Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening All..

    All snuggly now and beds aired.. 24 degrees 😀

    A bit of a laugh earlier.. started to do my salad, got some hard boiled eggs done, chicken out.. it was 3,30 not 4.30..I forgot the clock hadn’t gone back.. 😂

    Tomato soup sounds good must have a go at making it..

    No worries now.. will be sweating buckets soon.. we left home at 5 degrees this morning.
    Must think on new recipes for the winter.. soup maybe is the answer Steve wouldn’t have that!!

    You are worse than me.. eating dinner at lunch.. lol.. enjoy your Bovril..

    The weather hits you when the cold arrives.. I was always cold in our office.

    Hope you find a good car deal.. they never seem to offer much.. private maybe the answer..

    We have all finished here now… we can eat tomorrow….very very dark here..Keep strong No picking…

    Jean x

    Still holding on here, creeping closer to home time. I was planning on not eating anything as I usually try when on an FD, but I think I might go for some soup. Like everyone else I’ve been super cold all day, need something to warm me up!

    Putting off eating as long as possible!! We’re all doing great by the sounds of it 🙂

    Minols .. how’s it going??

    Pseu .. soup will warm you up 🙂 filling too 🙂

    Jean .. glad your warm and cosy now .. enjoy your evening!

    Back tomorrow. Hugs to all xxx

    Morning all! Hope everyone in the mass fast yesterday has enjoyed their breakfast! Anyone fasting today; you might be on your own?!
    Jean- hope you & Steve kept warm last night; I was cold indoors!

    Morning everyone 🙂

    FD was great yesterday, managed to stay under 500 cals, so happy with that 🙂

    Can eat a bit more today 😛

    Having a day off work tomorrow, starting on the Xmas shopping before everywhere gets too busy!!

    Back later x

    Morning All..

    We have had a good nights sleep…I always do it’s so dark.. our bedroom isn’t as dark at home. Very toasty we brought an extra blanket but didn’t use it.

    We are going to Mansfield, market day and for a walk around, a bit of lunch out…nothing exciting but a change.

    We both had a good FD but I really could of eaten and picked last night but I didn’t.. Steve didn’t say anything so he must of been OK.. I never like to say or I start him off.. lol

    Good luck on the shopping tomorrow.. I really don’t like it as it gets too busy.. I enjoy wandering through the crowds when I have finished shopping..😀..only have one to buy now..

    Just having our morning cuppa before we start having breakfast..you up earlier than us..

    Hope you held on yesterday and decided on your soup to warm you up..

    Did you mange yesterday and just have your bovril?

    Have a good day everyone.. rain expected for us..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone

    Good FD yesterday and not planning to break my fast until around 1 as a few visitors due today.

    Jean/DF, doing Christmas shopping before the beginning of December at the earliest is a concept I just can’t grasp. My start to Christmas shopping is usually buying too much for Bec’s birthday on 22nd and deciding to keep a few bits back. Very few to buy for now and the girls have very specific requests so it doesn’t take too long once I get down to it.

    Hedgehogs, Han went to SE Asia in the summer. You’re right though, I didn’t sleep much but that was generally down to the fact she forgot she was in a different time zone and would text between 3-5am. Couldn’t ignore the ping of the phone after messages that friends had had money stolen and she had fallen off a motorbike.

    Minols, hope you managed to hold out with just the Bovril yesterday afternoon.

    Pseudo, definitely soup weather yesterday. Sometimes I manage on just coffee on a FD but yesterday needed to eat something hot.

    Speak later, coffee calls

    Lynne x

    Well done on yesterday’s fast, everyone…else! I nibbled last night. Will still have been a very low day, but not my best fast!

    Draw a line and move on!

    Having a bit of a creative day, trialling a few ideas. It’s nice to have the time to potter and pull out fabrics. Trying to figure out the best way to do ‘soft sculpture’ advent candles for notice boards…that sort of thing. Picking carols and scripts…Lynn, I know you’re always ahead of the game for Christmas – would you like to pick a carol for me?!


    Afternoon everyone!

    I typed out a post but it seems to have disappeared. Will try again, apologies if it somehow posts twice.

    I did well yesterday, had a coffee in the morning, and then when I got home I just drank an oxo cube instead of having soup. I’m planning to have a low week all around but I just got invited for pizza on Friday. :S

    Haven’t eaten today yet, too stressed! Since I got into work I’ve been besieged with computer problems, nothing seems to be working properly. A big part of my job is dealing with online orders, so you can imagine how infuriating it is when the internet won’t work properly, when the printers refuse to print, and one of our big laser cutters decides it’s not going to load designs any more. WHY?!

    Afternoon everyone

    Pseudo, the only answer to your question Why is ‘because it can’. Some days are just like that, hope the afternoon has improved.

    Minols, I’m probably the least organised person when it comes to Christmas. My mum used to say she’d be ready when all the shops had closed and she couldn’t worry about what she didn’t have – every year I find myself getting more like her. This is also the case with carols. Away in a Manger never failed to make her cry, and it now has the same effect on me, particularly when sung as part of a school nativity play, slightly out of time and with a small boy shouting the words.

    Jean, it’s a dull and dreary day here, hope the weather has been better for your mooch around the market.

    Thin I need to invest in some layers. Heating is blasting out and I’m still feeling a bit chilly.

    Lynne x

    Hi everybody, fast day for me again today. I’ve been doing 3 a week as a kind of preventative measure as I have to go away to Italy for family matters for over a week again on Friday and it will be hard to count calories and fast there. My sister and I have to start emptying our late parents’ home and as it’s quite a depressing job, we’ll need wine and some nice food at least for dinner!

    So anyway, the 3 fasts seem to be working well because last week I lost 1.2 kg (that’s about 2lbs I think), and that’s after a weekend of nice food and drinks.

    On a sidenote, both yesterday and today I thought I’d try not having any breakfast at all on FD and save all my 500 calories for dinner. I am almost thinking that not having breakfast (usually a 100 cals vanilla flavoured vegan protein shake) makes me less hungry. I know other people reported that too, what do you guys think?

    Gommine- I’m hungry whether or not I have breakfast, so I thought I might as well not have any! Hope your trip to Italy goes as well as it can, and that you have some happy memories as you do the clearing out, not a nice job.
    Well done on the weight loss though.
    Pseudo- hope things have improved at work!
    Lynne- chilly too here! Sorry, I misunderstood about your daughter’s trip! Away in a manger has that effect on me too!
    Minols- hope your creative side is flourishing! We did a sketch at a childrens’ club I used to help with- one adult as an ‘official photographer; children dressed up as all the nativity characters; official photographer gets everyone ready, takes the photo, then realises he’s missed out baby Jesus- as in he’s missing from a lot of people’s Christmases, and don’t forget what it’s all about… Worked well, but I don’t have a script. Do you go into schools to do assemblies? Our local primary school has ‘reviewed it’s faith policy’, so has no-one in now…
    DF- have fun Christmas shopping tomorrow! I’ve bought a few bits, but still have family birthdays to get presents for…

    I’m often more hungry if I have breakfast. It’s like it wakes my stomach up to go ‘food? I’ll have more of that. Now.’ Best to leave the beast slumbering as long as possible. 😉

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely walk around Mansfield but it rained.. had a coffee and cake.. just relaxing reading this afternoon.

    I start my xmas shopping early as I have to get sorted for America, as I buy their cards I then buy for the others, I just then sort everyone out..family is scattered so it needs to be early to get it too them. I just hate busy December and January I never shop then.

    I have been thinking on your candles…if you had some voile type material.. how about doing a soft type plait, with a coloured flame on the the top…

    O little town of Bethlehem ..one of my favourites..( I know you didn’t ask me lol).. my other is Dance Dance where ever you may be.. I thing that’s Easter.

    Steve likes any song, out of tune with children singing, makes him cry every time.

    Hope you got every thing working at work.. all ok when it’s going good… I had problems with my home printer Saturday faffing for two hours, Steve had to re load it 😀

    Well done on your weight loss… sad going back home to close a house down.. I am sure it will be tears, memories and laughter.. it was for my sister and myself.. looking at old photos..very sad as well closing a full life down. 💕💕

    Sorry I don’t know about the protein shakes..

    Hope you NFD is going well..we had a vanilla slice today it’s a while since we had one 😀

    Jean x

    I’m quite partial to Silent Night. And probably others but I’m having trouble remembering any carols now.

    @hedgehogs – thank you for your kind words. This trip won’t be the last one so it won’t be too bad, but the day that the house is sold and we hand the keys over to whoever, that will be hard.There will be wine to the rescue….!

    @pseudonym – I think you might be right about ‘leaving the beast slumbering’! I do get the feeling that ingesting anything of substance ‘wakes up’ my appetite. But then again, I think I can only get away with the total fast because I’m not working at the moment. I’m not sure how this will pan out when I’m in employment again :/

    @symba7 thank you! The protein shakes are just a way for me to get protein as I’m mostly vegetarian (I occasionally eat a bit of fish but it’s rare). I buy vegan protein because I think I’m lactose intolerant.

    I’m the opposite, there is no way I could fast if I wasn’t working. I need to be as distracted as possible!

    @pseudonym – that makes sense! I think what makes it easier for me is that I can get up later in the morning and therefore I have fewer waking hours to be hungry …! If you’re asleep you don’t need to eat 😉 I might be marketing The Sleeping Diet soon (it probably already exists…)!

    Morning all!
    Gommine- I like the idea of the sleeping diet- gets my vote! I have taken myself off for an afternoon nap on a Sunday sometimes to avoid food! (A walk’s good too, but if the weather’s not nice, might as well sleep!)
    Anyone else fasting today?

    Morning All…

    A bright blue sky day but very cold..

    Off to Chesterfield this morning for a walk round a small market town..

    I am sure if you only had two meals a day it has to cut the calories down… we always run on three meals a day like clockwork possibly an age thing..very rarely we cut lunch out..if you can it really must help..
    I sometimes would like do a 10 am and 4 pm, it’s hard when doing it with Steve.

    On channel 4 soon they are doing research on two thin people and what they eat.. looks really interesting didn’t say what it was called… they seemed to have lots to eat, a full packet of biscuits, heavy dinners, but they missed meals out other days.. so the weight stayed stable… it sounds interesting..

    Non fasting today hedgehog.. hope it goes well for you..

    We are Fasting tomorrow …

    Jean x

    Jean- that Channel 4 programme’s on tonight- it’s called ‘The truth about slim people’, might watch it & get depressed…! Have a nice day!

    Thanks for that.. yes we will get depressed together 😂

    It might make me remember how I ate up to 22.. I was a size 8 then… too thin…..ate everything usually lots of bananas with or without bread, loads of chocolate, egg and chips with bread.. not much more Oh and a lot of Guinness…. got married had children and whoops…lol

    Here I am

    Jean xx

    HI all – NFD today and out on my bike while it’s dry and bright.

    Gommine – I think you’re right about being fine until you start eating…I definitely have a problem with that. But it’s hard when it’s cold. I’ll be fasting tomorrow, and probably also digging (need to help OH with the garage drive arrangement, I think), and it will be interesting to see how I manage physical labour (!) and fasting.
    BTW think you’re doing really well getting a good amount of fasting in ahead of a difficult/stressful time. Clearing a house is an awful ‘rite of passage’ – good luck with knowing which are the wee mementos you need to keep, and which things you must just harden your heart to.

    Hedgehog – I have 3 schools that I’m attached to…one I simply sit through some seasonal assemblies, one I drop in and out of the lunch hall everything few weeks, and took my first assembly in last week when a speaker didn’t turn up (thank goodness I’d just put together some of my Peru pictures and had my memory stick with me!) and the other one I’m in and out of regularly, and they use our building for their termly assemblies/shows cos their hall is too small to fit parents and children in…it helps, too, that most of the kids see me walking the dog in the park. I’m really lucky, therefore, because it means that even though my son’s class doesn’t do the nativity (it’s always the wee ones), I have 3 schools where I get to sit through wee ones singing out of tune, get the lump in my throat…and I get paid to do it!!

    Thank you all for your carol suggestions – they will all make an appearance now in our plans throughout December…and Jean, Lord of the dance was sung for you at Easter – I can’t remember if I told you at the time, but you’d mentioned it in a post and I chose it for our early morning garden service!


    PS Also, Jean, thanks for the plait idea…I’m going to try that and I’m sure it will look splendid!

    Oh dear, instead of my morning coffee I had breakfast (I didn’t want to have to offer to make coffee for multiple people when I had things to do), and now, naturally, I am hunggrryy. I also keep getting my plans for my next FD scuppered, not sure how I’m going to fit in my second one, never mind the three I was originally planning.

    Afternoon All..

    Just got back from Chesterfield really pleasant morning.. just having half a hour sit and then going for a walk to a near by lake..

    We could sit out it’s so warm in the sun.. it will be gone in a couple of hours..shame..

    Sorry you ended up having breakfast.. we have just sat in a cafe at lunch time..Steve decided he would have a full breakfast.. I am cooking dinner tonight, no way he was having that!!.. a scone and coffee each, and that was naughty.

    Still thinking… a toilet roll dressed in fabric, stapled onto fabric backing.. buy those tea lights with battery they would possibly fit in your roll..look rather nice on wall down the side of the church wall… even if not this time..

    Think I might like to help you 😀.. love faffing..

    Jean x

    Or a kitchen roll maybe if the tea light is too small for a toilet roll.

    Why is it socialising so often involves eating and drinking? I don’t want to have no social life, but I know you guys feel my pain when someone asks you to the pub and you wince a little bit at the thought of it messing up a fast day.

    It’s tough, Pseu – I can only take so much diet coke…and while I hardly ever drink, a glass of wine or a beer just seems to fit better in a pub! Even the glass of water I have on a Sunday morning at church is a pint glass!

    And thanks for your creative ideas…all duly noted for this or future Christmasses.

    Time to head out into the cold…brrrr!


    I really feel for you.. my heart sinks when people say Thursday, I usually say I have things planned.. then they Monday is their other free day…

    I feel it really upsets my week…still you have to socialise or no one would ask you out..

    Steve just says go with the flow fit another fast day in or miss it out that week.. my mind doesn’t work that way but I suppose he’s right.

    It’s only very occasionally we go out with friends / family usually on our own so it’s not too bad..

    Go and enjoy..

    Jean x

    I was planning an FD on Friday, then got asked to go for pizza so decided to change it for Thursday then got asked to the pub for a meal. I could try to do an FD on a weekend, but I don’t think I’d make it. Ah well.

    I’m new on here, as I am going to try this new way of eating. Really unsure about fasting days, but I have to give it ago on my cardiologist advice/threat. Any useful advice will be very welcome.

    Red Cat…
    Welcome to our corner.. we are here to give help and support if you need it…
    It would help to buy Michael Mosley’s 5.2 book as it gives the back ground why we should all fast for health as well as reduction in weight if that’s wanted..
    Usually two days a week on 500 or 600 calories for a man.. we do Mondays and Thursday but you can change to suit yourself.
    Weigh the morning after your second fast day weekly .. also measure yourself and do that once a month.. bust, waist, hips and I do tops of legs.. my hubby does waist and around his neck..

    Good luck ..come and join us for support..

    Jean x

    We are fasting tomorrow.. are we having a mass fast?

    Jean x

    Hi Redcat! I wish I’d measured myself before I started to see where it’s going from… so I would say do that to encourage yourself. Now it’s getting colder, I love soups on FDs, they’re very filling! It’s up to you whether you eat 3x on FDs, or skip a meal- I just have an evening meal usually, save the calories for that! And keep an eye on calories on non-FDs, as sometimes you can eat more than you realise, and undo any good you’ve done! (I write everything down and work out the calories as I’m terrible for picking & it all adds up!). On the home page here, there’s a Total Daily Energy Expenditure calculator, so you can work out how many calories you need and not go over that! Hope you get on okay!
    Jean- done my FD today, so non-FD for me tomorrow, but I’m keeping a bit low…

    Morning All…
    A rainy start which isn’t good when packing up and going home… had a lovely few days..

    FD for us today not sure on food today no thoughts as yet..

    Glad your day went well yesterday have a good eating day today…

    Anyone joining us today?

    Jean x

    Jean, I’m fasting with you today 🙂 I haven’t anything planned food-wise either yet! x

    Nice to have someone about…looking towards omelette with salad.. think I have enough in without shopping..

    Interesting program on channel 4 of ..why people stay thin..last night.. a different slant..

    Jean x

    I’m not completely fasting since I’m off out tonight, but I’ll be fasting until I go out and I hope that’ll stave off at least some of the damage. Ditto for tomorrow.

    Hi Redcat, I agree with the others, definitely measure. I wish I had measured at my biggest so I’d know how far I’ve come.

    Jean, I’ll try and get that on catch-up, sounds interesting 🙂

    I’m probably going to have soup later, something warm 🙂

    Hello all from Shropshire, started fast diet last week, diet day today so far so good. Does anyone drink diet coke? more important should i be drinking diet coke? I find it helps with thirst and hunger.

    Afternoon All…

    Back now and unpacked….having a coffee…

    Hope your day goes well and you can hold out……and enjoy your evening…

    Hope you are doing O.K…we have been busy so we are both not thinking about food..

    Steve had a bennie last night looking in all the cupboards looking for the chocolate biscuits…I told him I wasn’t taking them…left in the utility at home…it’s the only time we have them, they will be going back in the garage now we are home….

    I thought the programme was interesting…gives room for thought…we are so regimented with food times maybe we should alter….my daughter in America eats very much like them and she is slim….

    Will do…
    Welcome I hope you stay and get support….I would keep off anything, low fat, slimline, diet drinks, sweeteners …they really do you no good at all…they can put you in type 2 diabetes confusing your body…lots of studies about it…..full fat and low carbs….keep the sugar really low or better still not at all.

    Hope your day goes well….what are you eating tonight?

    Have a good day enjoy your food..

    Red cat, Minols, Dave, Lynne, Kay, Gommine …you all OK?

    Keep strong everyone..

    Jean x

    Just had a Tesco Healthy Living cup-a-soup. Surprisingly okay, only 44 calories a cup. Definitely should have stirred half way through though, all my noodles were in the last two mouthfuls.

    Will do – I don’t drink pop, just never liked it much. I find any liquid helps stave off the hunger.

    Jean, glad you’ve been busy and been able to avoid thoughts of food. Work is so quiet, so its a challenge for me 🙁 Its starting to irritate me as work only seems quiet when its a FD!!!

    Will do,
    Welcome to the group. Personally, I just sip water throughout the day. Not too keen on diet drinks. Every now and again maybe, otherwise water 🙂

    Pseu, enjoy your evening later 🙂

    Hope everyone else is doing well x

    Hi and welcome Will do it! I need hot drinks on a FD as I get so cold (well, any day really!) so have fruit tea- can’t drink diet drinks as they upset my bladder!! & lots of sparkly water too.
    Jean- glad you’re back safely and hope Steve wasn’t too cross about the chocolate biscuits! Didn’t get to watch the programme last night in the end, will catch up with it.
    Pseudo- have a good evening out!
    DF- hope you’re surviving today!
    I’ve been doing some Christmas/ birthday shopping today, quite successful! Did drag hubby round M&S to look for the control pants, but didn’t get any in the end as I think they weren’t any more ‘controlling’ than the thick tights I want to wear with the dress… might have to leave it in the wardrobe a few more weeks and hope that the tummy shrinks some more!! It’s a lovely memory though- me & hubby pulling all the knickers about to see how stretchy they were!!! (Luckily quiet in the shop!)

    Struggling now in the last hour of work.

    The control underwear I’d got is a body rather than knickers, I find that quite good for smoothing out lumps – did you have a look at those?

    Evening All..

    We decided on egg, bacon and tomatoes in the end…couldn’t face a salad…..all finished for us now…

    Did laugh at the undies…I am sure hubby would of liked the flimsy sort…still we all have the big knickers or bodies for the right time…lol

    Hope you are managing…you should be on your way home now….

    You seem to be struggling at work with the slowness…hope it picks up..is just this time of year?

    Jean x

    Surviving so far .. ready for some food now though. We have Steve’s son till 8 so I’ll eat when he’s gone home.

    Jean .. works been quiet for a while. So different from when I first came to work here and spent most days meeting myself coming back!! Keep expecting redundancy rumours but nothing being said about that yet. I hope it picks up .. if only for my FD’s lol.

    Enjoy your evening everyone .. back tomorrow.


    Keep strong you have done really well…

    As for redundancy I was with one company 6 years waiting for it, you could see it going under..then it closed.

    Our last company we had redundancies every year for twenty years, taking deep breaths each year then both Steve and I went together at 60, redundancy and decided then to retire….hard but we managed…I think about 250 people went.😬..best thing what happened really.

    Hope it picks up at least get busier..

    Jean x

    Hi everyone…especially Red Cat and Will do.
    Busy old day digging out an old fence so disconnected from tech. Reasonably goof FD – never perfect but really hoping the hard work covers that.

    Off to get the boy from cubs and help him unwind else it’s another late night for him!

    Morning all.
    Well, having taken a break from fasting, now I’m back at it, I’m also back at waking through the night at the end of a FD. Happened on Tuesday night and I succumbed to toast and honey even though I wasn’t really hungry at 2am. This morning I gave up and got up at 4am and did some work. Fotunately, no bread in the house, so no toast! Amazing how empty cupboards strengthens my willpower!

    NFD today, but need to keep things simple and low as I’ve invited my trekking guru to join us for dinner tomorrow and I’m planning a re-run of the korma I did the other week that was so good, followed by Eton mess again…Sunday will have to be kept under control as well after that, if I’m to have any hope of even the tiniest loss on at Monday’s weigh in.

    BTW – to the newbies, I always weigh in on the morning of my first FD of the week, unlike some folks on this page. But it really doesn’t matter when you do it as long as it’s consistent so that you can get an accurate reading.

    It’s Friday everybody – the weekend is so very nearly here, you can almost taste it (is that all the korma spices I’ve already looked out?!)


    Morning all,

    Looks like another quiet day here. Jean, the firm I’m with sounds similar to what you went through. Its halved in size over the last few years, and its still so quiet. Not the same as it was. I’ve been here 10 years, so am reluctant to find another job yet, I’d rather hang on for redundancy!! Days are long though, but as long as I’m still getting paid I can put up with it 🙂

    Hope everyone’s FD went well yesterday, I was slightly over at 568, but not too bad. I watched the documentary The Truth About Slim People, so interesting! I do think at the end of the day its down to metabolism, and every body being different. If it was as simple as the programme was making out, no one would be over weight. Myself, I couldn’t eat what they were eating and not gain weight. Definitely makes you think though. Sleep I think is a big thing too, I know for a fact I don’t get enough sleep!

    Hope everyone has a good day, its FRIDAYYY!!!!

    Stay strong anyone fasting 🙂 x

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