Compensating for exercise?

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Compensating for exercise?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Missbern 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,
    on the my fitness pal app it calculates your intake of calories and takes off calories burned during exercise. Should we be doing this or sticking to our daily amounts without compensating?

    Hi Miss and welcome:

    You do not ‘eat back’ your exercise calories. They are already included in your TDEE. Here are some other helpful tips:

    Good Luck!

    Thank you simcoe……we have been doing 5:2 for a while. initially lost 2 stone but recently piled a load on by giving up smoking. My daughter has been doing the diet also, although she is a healthy weight. Any wonder she hasn’t lost anything…….weve both been eating back our exercise calories for the past week..but no more!!!! Also I don’t understand about exercise…….im not going to lose as much if I exercise? But why!!! haha

    Oh hang on…. i think Ive found the answer in the link you posted for me. Many thanks simcoeluv!!!

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