April 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 740 replies, has 53 voices, and was last updated by  AnneMarilyn 5 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 741 total)

  • Does anyone do IF for the health or anti-aging benefits, ie autophagy and cell rejuvenation?

    I found an interesting YouTuber who advocates IFing and wondered if anyone else has found these videos informative and helpful.


    Any thoughts?

    To today’s fasters…stay focused and keep fasting!

    @miraclelou – I love your positive attitude! Sometimes I need structure and a week of non-thinking about food/calories/macros. 🙂 You have inspired me to do the 7 day cabbage soup detox again before my Vegas trip in May. Is that technically fasting from fasting? 😁 Keep going strong!💪

    Day 3 – Ireland – starting weight 169 lbs
    Hi everybody! Yay!!! It is great that we have a restart each month and great to be here again.
    I am sorry i missed the second half of March. I came back from my lovely holiday to family and work pressures both of which were a bit stressful and ended up in the doctors last week as was feeling very unwell after it all.. But… my balance has been restored and I’m back on track now…
    April WILL be an easier month.

    Thank you @snowflake56 for being a fabulous host last month and taking the time to support us all along the way.. and thank you @ciren2 for hosting April’s challenge! You are very good to take on the role 💕
    My weight went back on during skiing and the past few weeks but i am only 1lb up on my March starting weight so will take that as a win…
    Great to see all the familiar names! I hope that those that were missing from the forum in March are doing ok and welcome to all the newbies! You have made a great decision to join this group!

    I’ve stayed off alcohol most of this year and have cut my sugar drastically – I believe it has helped enormously with mood and foggy brain. Like others, each day I stay off sugar I tick my input on the spreadsheet.

    @debster251 and @gretta I’m so impressed with all the ticks by your entries 😇… I’m back on track now for a relatively sugar free ✔️ April.

    We rise by lifting others 💕
    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 3 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Doing a little different style of fasting for a couple of days post mini-vacation. Ended up doing what’s called a Fat Fast yesterday and today going for a 24 hour fast with one meal. Calorie wise they are in the 5:2 range of fasts.

    @flourbaby – I bought a hula-hoop yesterday and gave it several attempts. So glad there were no cameras and that bending over is not an issue for me :). I may have kept it up a couple of turns but not sure if it was still from the momentum of the initial start I gave it. I could definitely feel the muscles around my middle even attempting it. I shall persist!

    @fiftyandfabulous – yes, the more I research on fasting, the more reasons I see for different kinds of fasts. Dr.Jason Fung’s patients, who lose a lot of weight on different fasting protocols, don’t need to go for skin removal thanks to the benefits of autophagy. I keep a 3X5 card handy listing some of the benefits of fasting to keep me encouraged as I try different kinds of fasts. I will take a look at the YouTube you suggested.

    Day 3 pocket list

    Welcome back to several of you who were on vacation or gone for a bit.
    Together we can do this!

    Day 3. California. FD

    Had to switch my FD to today as I had a lunch date tomorrow… which just cancelled. Oh well, might as well keep going.

    Day 3, VA, USA, NFD

    Whew my body is releasing everything to the loo – jeeeez. I don’t usually feel like this after a fasting day, so I wonder what gives? meh. I feel fine tho, so I’m not overly worried just curious

    @shelliz: I usually use store bought (I have made my own, but I don’t make enough to keep up with how much broth I drink) the ones I have bought at the store only says 10 calories for 1 cup of broth. I figure I can splurge on about a cup and a half of broth I add about a 1/2 cup to a cup of water (I typically drink about 2cups/16oz in one sitting) I add the water to take down the sodium b/c if anything thats what is a high number on the nutrition label.

    @daffodil2010: wow B2B good job! And thank you for the recommendations I will look into ALL of the flowers. And the Nasturtium sounds awesome almost like arugula totally my cup of tea (or should I say my bowl of salad!)


    I usually lurk in the Fat Busting Brits thread but a reference to hula hooping in here caught my eye. I’m a big fan – costs nothing (once you’ve bought the hoop), don’t have to get changed or go out in the cold, wet dark, can use it for as little or as long as you like.

    And the bruises soon fade!!!

    Seriously take it easy the first few times as it does bruise but once they’ve gone you don’t bruise any more.

    Music definitely helps to pass the time too. Also make sure you spin in both directions!

    Can I join the Hula Hoop Extravaganza – what are the rules? I’ve been lazy with mine recently.


    USA Day 3 WFD
    Third Post

    FiftykandFabulous, I also do this WOL for all its health benefits! People have been commenting on my skin, so I am pretty sure it works. Now, I hope when I visit my doctor that my blood pressure and cholesterol come down.

    CakeyWakey, welcome! I think the hula hoop idea seems intriguing and maybe worth a try. There is nothing to lose.

    I completed my second day of water fasting and just had a heathy dinner. I wasn’t really even that hungry, so the kitchen is closed and I have begun another water fasting day. That will be my third day this week of at least 24 hour fasting. I am definitely on a roll and intend to ride with it. The best and most helpful thing is that now that it is beginning to get warmer, I will be able to play pickle ball again (did last Saturday and my muscles are still sore. LOL) and my golf group is about to start up. I still do my indoor exercise and I walk outside because I can no longer run due to arthritis (I really miss it!) I also have my indoor rowing machine which is fabulous for my back muscles. Everything seems to be coming up roses. I hope it stays that way until the end of April. If all goes well, I think I will go for a 48 hour water fast without any intermittent meal. We’ll see how that goes.

    Hope everyone had a great day and evening/night! 🙂

    Day 3 (FD)
    FD went well: i did not eat breakfast then a berry smoothy at lunch and steamed broccoli with Beet Kraut. Stopped eating now and set my IF app to start fasting.
    the hula hoop craziness reminded me a rope jumping activity, I guess, those two things were stored in my childhood memory together – i started rope jumping 3 times a week! my best friend Google said that i burn 100 cal in 10 min.
    …going for a walk now, it is beautiful outside
    good evening everyone

    Day 3- Ohio nfd
    My goal for the week is to get the hula hoop to go around more than once! I really do suck at this. At least I know my core is getting even more workout than just work. That record of mine is still looking so far off. Insult to injury: the girls grabbed it and could do it fine. At least we all got a laugh over me. @cakeywakey I don’t think we have rules? Everyone else correct me if I’m wrong. Especially since we have so many levels of experience here. I know I came in with an excuse to have fun exercising and it just not being a chore to tick off.

    I now get to watch family teach the older girl to drive. The oldest is signing up for military as of summer, so she gets stuck driving me. And she HATES getting up in mornings. Lucky her sister does it normally. We will be moving for sure to a different area once the lease this year ends. Considering an apartment in the area where I would be moving under the same corporate management. Could help on deposit et al. Need to start asking about that or even if I can transfer my lease between places to move earlier with him moving out. Having some warning was nice, but wish he had remembered this stuff. No, I can’t get license because of vision birth defect. The area I am planning on moving them to I love anyway and has good public transportation. Plus, there is close art museum AND farmer’s market all year long!

    @fiftyandfabulous I am doing this for health benefits at least as much if not more than weight loss. The weight loss for now is more somwthing trackable while I still het myself together. I am noticing that part of my depression is even getting better since being on here. Certain friends have noticed it too. It is the part that none of the medicines or talk therapy ever helped. Baby steps for me.

    Day 3 Minnesota, US NFD
    Just a quick check in Planning a FD tomorrow. Stay strong and focused everyone!

    @fiftyandfabulous –quite an interesting fellow with his
    “10 Commandments of IF” – like how he throws in the digestive science for various admonitions!
    https://youtu.be/vR0XNCDQUfI is what she posted
    and below, someone summarized the list:
    1. do not add creamer to your coffee
    2. drink green tea/matcha
    3.add salt all the time (even to your water)- to stop the fatigue
    4.practice the proper mindset and meditation so that you
    5. you shouldn’t be changing your workouts a lot – you still need to train hard
    6. break your fast with a small meal first -some protein and after 60 min have your big meal
    7. try not to fast every day- it will slow your metabolism -fast every other day and keep your calories high when you are not fasting
    8. take the right vitamins-don’t take fat-soluble/oil based pills during the fast
    don’t take antioxidants (like vitamin C/E)
    9. fasting for a min of 16 hours- push it longer if you can
    10. block out the haters

    Day 4, Japan, NFD

    Finally some weight loss after yesterday’s FD! Also I managed to keep fit-boxing for 45min! Recently I have been tired and lazy and only did 25min or so… Gotta get back to 45min routine!

    I used to play with hula hoops when I was a kid, good old memories! Wish I could join the extravaganza if only I had a bigger house…impossible in Tokyo 🙁

    @rabbette Thanks for the info on the broth! I’ll give it a try tomorrow!

    Day 3 & 4 – Japan – NFD

    I agree … big homes aren’t very common in Tokyo! 4 of us live in a 58.4m^2 mansion …

    Day 3 – USA – NFD

    I see lots of newbies and “oldies” (said with all affection) here and so happy to see that this WOL agrees with pretty much everyone who embarks on it!

    I’m posting a little more regularly this month because I think last month I proposed that April would be HHE (Hula Hoop Extravaganza)…now please don’t look at it as a competitive challenge. I see it as a fun diversion from the typical things we do to get fit…my hoop is colorful and huge! I think the weight is about 3 lbs.

    I would not advise you to do it daily, as it can be hard on the skin and muscles of your waist. The weights give you more leverage and the ribbed insides ‘stick’ to you more than the very light plastic hula hoops we had as kids.

    Plant your feet apart and do not move your feet, just your legs side to side. Do not swivel your hips as this will cause the hoop to become unstable and flop to one side.
    The hoop gains momentum as you keep moving…I plant my hands on my head. I’m still sort of stiff because I’m afraid I’ll blow it, but whatever moves work for you, do it!

    For me, I think doing it every other day helped me to recover and do even better tonight – 682 circles. Before you gasp, realize it takes less than a full second to have 2 revolutions (I’m surmising), so if you do the math, I’m not keeping the hoop going for very long. I stink at math, so I can’t even figure it out, but it wasn’t all that long, just a few short minutes.

    So if I do this every other night for at least the month of April, I’m having fun, and I’m sure I will have a good health benefit from it. I did not even get out of breath, so it was not that strenuous.

    Just a few notes for those who think they cannot do it! If I can do it, anyone can!

    Day 3 – USA – NFD

    Second post: my livingroom is very small, but I clear out the coffee table and stand in the middle of the room and am able to barely clear both sides of the room of furniture!

    Day 3 Ohio, US — FD(#70)

    All in all a good FD. Around mid-day my abdomen got quite bloated and has remained that way all day. This has never happened to me before on a FD. Does anyone have experience with this? None of the usual culprits (i.e. there’s no fluid retention or retention of anything else for that matter) apply here and nothing was changed from my regular FD routine, so I’m not sure what’s going on.

    @shelliz It seems that what’s important is not so much the actual hula hoop, but what you do with your body. So one could imagine having a hula hoop and go through the motions just as if you hula’ing a real hoop. It would take up much less space, although it might look a little strange to other people. I suppose that you could put on some lively music and tell people it’s the latest dance-aerobics 🙂 (Actually this isn’t as far-fetched as it might seem. In yoga some teachers have exercises like throwing a javelin, but without the javelin.)

    @hieiren An art museum and a farmers’ market sound ideal. With any luck I’ll be moving this summer and the plan is to move to a place here in Ohio with a lot more of the conveniences than my present rural village affords.

    Have a great one, all!

    Day 4, Wales UK, NFD
    Feeling a bit more positive after a low start. Hope everyone has a good day.

    Day 4, Bristol, UK, FD

    Terrible day here today, pouring with rain and will be all day apparently. Ate lots yesterday at my sister’s…. she made a roast and apple and custard for dessert and I also had a Cadbury’s Creme Egg! 😱 Oh well, I used to eat tons of chocolate everyday, so having a rare piece now and then isn’t the end of the world I suppose, especially when it’s my TOM. Will be harder to fast today because of the sugar yesterday, but will be fine.

    Good luck everyone

    Pocket list:

    Day 4 – Melbourne AUS – NFD

    Got some awful news this week, my amazing grandma has cancer, we’re waiting for some more information from additional tests which we should have tomorrow, but it’s not looking good, so had been a rough couple of days. It’s all come as a bit of a shock, as she’s a young 76 yo, still hits the gym (went to Body Pump just last week). We have always been very close, and I’m pretty sad about the news. She lives in Adelaide so I’m likely going to take some time off work in the next week or so to visit. All that has meant I’ve been struggling to sleep, but at this stage I’m hoping the exhaustion will knock me out tonight.

    Despite all of that, I had a good FD yesterday at 470cal, and finally starting to feel like I’m on the mend from this cold. Walked 4km into work this morning which is mostly along a nice path, must try to do that more often for the fresh air while the weather isn’t horrible, and finally feeling well enough to head back to the gym.

    Weighed in this morning at 69.5kg, so hit the April goal early…!!! The challenge will now be to keep it off, especially with all that’s happening. I suspect some of that weight was due to dehydration from being sick, still…must capitalise on this to prepare for what I imagine will be a challenging time ahead.

    @ciren2 my symptoms sound similar to yours, though luckily for me the worst of it was over in 2 days. A couple of my colleagues had something similar – maybe it spread from the UK?!

    Busy day so dont have time to read all the posts, but will try catch up tomorrow!

    Day 4 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Yesterday became a NFD as the chicken Caesar salad I had at the work lunch was HUGE (couldn’t finish it) but by the time I got home from work I was craving protein only. I made steak burgers and an egg. Delicious. No weight gain this morning too ☺️

    So there are drinks after work for one of my colleagues. Quite a few are planning a session, there are hall passes got from their partners, leaving cars at home, going home to change clothes……..but I have decided to make this an FD and drive and stick to sparkling water. If it starts to get rowdy amongst the drinkers, I will slip quietly away. Now, it may be a very tame affair as everyone is a parent, or it may not be precisely for that reason!!!

    I like to stick to Dry till Fri anyway, so going towable a small oat bran bread sandwhich for lunch, some bouillon in the afternoon, and hopefully nothing but water until I get home later tonight.

    @gretta so sorry for your bad news.

    Have lovely Thursday everyone

    Pocket list

    Day 4, London, UK, FD800

    Weirdly typed NFD, maybe my subconscious kicking in since I’m really hungry this morning, I’ll persevere with the peppermint tea which I find reduces the dragon roars until at least 1pm.

    @cakeywakey, you’re a very welcome visitor, the Hula-Hoop Extravaganza is all about an added effort to whittle the waist!! There are no hard or fast rules, personally, I’ve pledged to use the (*$~:%) thing every day of April. So, teeth gritted, I expect by the end of this 1st week the pain & bruising will diminish ……………. They’re hard won battle scars I’m proud of!!!

    @alisa253, well done for upping the exercise, NO jumping rope for me, gravity is doing just fine on ‘the girls’ without me helping out!!!! Stay perky!!!

    @hieiren, I find successful fasting really boosts my mood, maybe because I feel in control, empowered and like I could do ANYTHING. Stay strong.

    Thanks for the HH info @metatauta, I’m going for every day since I’m an all or nothing kind of girl! I had to laugh because Jillian Michaels (she who must be obeyed!!) says “If Natalie can do it, you can do it” ………………………. Except Natalie is a 6ft Amazonian goddess with no visible fat, clearly defined muscles who she can do multiple push-ups without breaking a sweat!!!!!!……Urgh!!!

    @gretta, sorry to hear your news, I hope the prognosis is good.

    @daffodil2010, your willpower muscle is well developed if you can enjoy a session on sparkling water……………… I would cave within a minute!!!

    Onward & Downwards folks!!!

    Day 4: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD

    A bit of a depressing day today. Stuck indoors, reading all the horrible news in the papers, because it’s raining and cold outside. Only good thing; at least I’m not at work delivering the mail outside, getting frozen and soaked through to the skin. So, could be worse, eh?

    @stephsie: It’s going to rain ALL DAY? NOooo…I was hoping it might stop by midday.
    @gretta: so sorry to hear about your grandma. Get to spend some time with her during the next week or so, maybe the news will not be so bad. Fingers crossed for you both xx
    @flourbaby: I wish I could remember that lovely feeling, the day after a successful fast….it’s so long since I had one.
    @jaifaim: Glad you’re feeling better.

    Day 4, VA, USA, LFD

    Ok then woke at 3:30am. Tried to just flop to my other side and go back to sleep, but then my thoughts piled into my head like an increaseing traffic jam. however it does mean I get to have an early chat with you cats! (Cats referring to you guys/gals on this thread not my adorable 4 legged friends )

    Hula Hooping Extravaganza! Sweeeeet – on that note I did walk my butt into my spare room and hoop yesterday! I also decided to practice a couple of tricks too! The first trick being as @flourbaby expressed keeping the (~!%~•^) hoop rotating around my waist! I added walking while hooping oddly the walking while hooping is way harder for me than the Vortex trick I know.

    @hieiren, 3 Rules for hooping
    1. Play with hoop!
    2. Have Fun!
    3. Ignore all rules of hooping.

    @metatauta, HHE took hold like wild fire! Woot woot! 3lb hoop would be easier to keep it rotating and I bet that does leave a hint of bruising at least at first. I need to weigh my hoop, now that u mention it. It does have a good weight a friend made it for me (she’s what I would call a hooper) I usually toy around with a levitation wand instead of a hoop.

    @matpi, totally agree with hooping advice. Pretending to hoop can be just as effective -although I would have to say if I had the pleasure of walking past someone doing that with no hoop giggles would surely overcome me.

    @daffodil2010, I make my sparkling water extra fancy at the bar. I get them to add either a slice of lime or orange. If I’m feeling extra saucy (and depending on how fancy the bar is) I’ll get them add an orange peel! If done right with a squeeze and a twist it adds quite a bit if flare. (not only looks but taste and smell are a delight too)

    @gretta, awe my heart goes out to you.focus on your time together. I like asking questions and sharing stories. You will treasure those stories for a lifetime. Maybe even collet some details in a journal/scrapbook together.

    Pocket list

    Day 4 Melb. Aust. (9:50 p.m.) NFD
    Day 3 FD800
    Day 2 CD

    Not doing great so far this month, but persevering. I’m thinking I need to do a few FFDs to get me moving again, just don’t know what to do about my BP med – I have major problems trying to swallow tablets unless I have them with food. Maybe just go without for a few days??? I’m on the lowest possible dose anyway, so it’s probably okay for 2-3 days.

    Loving all the posts about hula-hooping. @metatauta, you’ve brought back many memories of the late 50s when I too had a light hula hoop. Maybe I should buy one and try again? I did try in my – 30s? 40s? – couldn’t keep the wretched thing up; my nieces (I think it was my nieces??) just laughed at me. With all the advice here, maybe….. Sounds like fun!

    @gretta, sorry to read of your grandma’s diagnosis; hope the news post-tests is better. Definitely go to Adelaide soon to see her, if you can get the time off work.

    Brief bio – 69 y.o. female, started this WOL late November 2018; currently studying; retired later last year from ESL teaching as I couldn’t do both, kept getting ill. On this WOL mainly for health reasons. Have lost around 10 kg so far, cholesterol and triglycerides now normal. Hoping to lose enough so I can stop my BP meds and CPAP machine. Only 154 cms tall, so need to lose another 22 kg to reach my goal weight of 54 kg. Have been happily clearing out my wardrobe as clothes become too big, so cannot, literally cannot, put any of the weight back on again as I wouldn’t have anything to wear!!! 🙂

    Day 4 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    My first FD of April. My mojo feels weak. Two cups of black coffee and an apple so far……keep forgetting to drink water. I was tempted to have a fasting break this month as I feel I might have 5:2 fatigue but I know if I do the weight will creep back on so I will keep on keeping on and clinging onto the wagon…..if I fall off it would be so much harder to climb back aboard. So glad of your company everyone.
    Together we are stronger 🙂

    2nd Post

    I decided to make a Hula Hooping Extravaganza Thread for tips and tricks. If you want extra help for keeping your hoop up feel free to hop on over with questions at this thread.


    Day 4 Wales NFD

    Mood in a bit of a funk this week, but checking in to keep on track.

    Day 4 – UDA – NFD

    Yesterday was a successful “regular fast” that came in at 411 calories. I did burn 292 cals at the gym, so should help create that deficit this week!

    Today I am planning a high calorie day (1500-1800+); I like to keep my body guessing! Plus I want to make sure all my nutritional check boxes (healthy fat, protein, calcium, minerals, etc) are replenished. Since I’m no longer eating everyday, I am more mindful of keeping my nutrition on point on the days I eat.

    Not very hungry at the moment, hoping having (what is becoming a rare) breakfast will fix that.

    Later this morning, joining a new group of women for a Bible study. I’m not much of an extrovert, so the first few times is always challenging and draining. But after that I’m fine and I enjoy it. And there is sure to be treats and donuts around – good thing I am planning a higher-calorie day today!

    Today my focus is on food that nourishes both my body and soul.

    Wishing you all a fabulous day! Stay focused on becoming.

    Day 4 Canton OH FD

    @songbirdme thank you for sharing the 10 commandments. Quick helpful summary and I can see that I am doing somethings wrong.

    I haven’t had a successful water fast in months. I believe I will aim for 2 WF next week and I know I will make it!

    Happy fasting folks

    Day 4 – (FD) EastCoast, US
    good morning. i am fasting today.
    Yesterday i read a suggestion for food cravings: if there is a craving for something sweet, like ice cream imagine eating some savory comfort food, like pizza. i feel i can do that…
    FlourBaby – thanks for support of my rope jumping! i will do again today.
    happy eating/fasting everyone

    Day 4 UK ?FD

    Can’t believe I’m back from holiday into feeling rough Again – dizzy, headache, wondering if I’m coming down with a nasty cold. Feeling a bit all over the place, worried about a big meeting in town first thing tomorrow and rehearsal Saturday AM/community event Saturday PM.

    I’m going to prep for the meeting, make some food/sort out clothes etc and get to bed really early again. Hopefully 10 hrs sleep will sort me out one way or the other.

    Aiming for FD but will play it by ear – doorbell rang!

    @gretta so sorry for your news x

    @michelinme: Are you drinking enough water on your fast-day? Hope you feel better by tomorrow and Saturday. Try not to stress. xx

    USA Day 4 WFD

    Gretta, I am so sorry about your grandmother. I will put her in my prayers, along with your family. Rabette, I looked over your site for hula hooping and it had some very good advice. I had also looked at hula hooping on youtube and that have quite a few classes on hula hooping exercises that could be useful. I was trying to find who mentioned jumping rope but couldn’t. Anyway, if I could still jump rope I would be right there with you. Unfortunately, arthritis has gotten the best of me.
    Adding myself to the pocket list for today’s water fast day.
    Pocket list

    I have been water fasting since Tuesday and was shocked to see I had gained some weight during this time. Well, I will tamp down on that by making today another WFD. I have also given up alcohol and replaced it with seltzer water with lemon on lime in it. I won’t weight myself again for some days and expect to see a better result the next time.

    Have a successful day, everyone! Take care! 🙂

    Day 4, VA, USA, LFD
    3rd Post

    Oh my gosh – waking at 3:30am and not being able to fall back asleep and staying up does have a downfall. I feel much more hungry than I usually do at noon! Oh Broth Oh Broth please sing calming songs to my soul. In the meantime, maybe I’ll go and hoop my tush a bit and just exhaust myself into a nap 😉

    @ccco – well dang those pesky scales, make sure you weigh yourself AFTER you hit the loo, because having not yet taken a good whiz will tip the scales in an unfavorable direction.

    Hope you guys/gals are chugging along with your Fasting Day!

    Pocket list

    Day- 4- FD- Atlanta, Ga.- USA

    Just checking in… Been on Spring BReak visiting family out of town. Haven’t had a moment to check in with you guys. Hope all is well with everyone.

    Day 4 Minnesota, US FD
    Just checking in. I’m a little confused as to the pocket list, which is the current? Do you want to be on it also, @therealwil78? I’ll go ahead and do that, you can remove if you’d like.

    Good luck to everyone!

    Pocket list

    Day 4. California. NFD

    @gretta so sorry about your grandma. I hope the news will be better when you get more information.

    Kitchen renovation starting today with an anticipated timeline of 2-3 weeks as we aren’t doing flooring or moving any pipes or walls. That puts us at April 25th at latest.

    Day 4 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Sometimes I don’t know what to call a day – as I am eating a meal at 6 or so tonight with my son. My meals are usually keto (LCHFMP) and I eat until satiated. My FDs are usually mostly water or liquid.

    @fiftyandfabulous – thank you for sharing the Thomas DeLauer Youtube video. I’ve seen him interviewed before but hadn’t seen this video. I appreciate his information. Enjoy your Bible Study. My small group has stopped for a while. I know the feeling of beginning a new group. I moved to my present city only a few months ago and still lots of new things.

    @gretta – so sorry to hear of your grandma’s health news. Yes, spending time with a loved one is always a good thing. Hopefully she’ll still be in your life for a long time. Will be praying!

    May today be a good day in each of our journeys!

    Day 4
    Almost dinner time, so I think will make it. 😊 Have not walk much this week.
    Working with my friend on a painting workshop in a couple of weeks. Two of my new photos were accepted in a Tampa Art Show. I’m very excited about that.
    A lot of positive energy is going on.
    Have a great evening.

    Day 4 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Quick check in before going out to a Chamber of Commerce dinner – hope not to overeat, but have saved lots of calories for it.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 4 – Ireland – NFD
    Hi all, busy day today but a relatively controlled NFD, I’m trying to eat more on NFDs as realise that my body needs good food in between the FDs.
    Thanks @ciren2, it’s great to be back on track.. glad to hear that you didn’t have to work in that awful weather today!
    @gretta I am so very sorry about your grandmother.
    Have to hit the hay as need good sleep before another crazy day in work tomorrow..
    Good luck to all the hula hoopers!! Sounds like a great and fun challenge 😀💪

    We rise by lifting others 💕
    Onward and downward ⬇️

    @northerndawn. Yes, please/.

    USA Day 4 WFD

    Another successful water fast day over! Another water fast day just begun! I am really doubling down on these FDs because I am tired of the roller coaster I’ve been on! Hope everyone’s day went well!

    Day 4 London UK FD800

    Felt very odd yesterday – a bit headachy, as if I were starting a cold but Paracetamol didn’t help. Today I tried both adding salt to everything (including cups of tea) and also tried an antihistamine in case I was having a pollen reaction. One or the other seems to have sorted things – at least, I no longer feel like I’m about to have a cold.

    @ciren2 – glad you didn’t have to work in this weather. Somebody said today that we had April in February, and now we’re having February in April…

    @gretta – so sorry to hear about your Grandmother, hope the news improves and it is one of the treatable cancers. Will also be praying for you and your family.

    Day 4- Ohio nfd

    Was originally planning on a fd, but woke up hungry and light headed, so said change to tomorrow. I think part is because I am eating less premade from stores and relying on more from pantry and cook on my own (but not giving up my tj’s mango sticky rice rolls until I move when there will not be close enough) and I barely use salt on my own. Bad habit I picked up from childhood when Mother was in charge of some cooking nights (dad with all his allergies was the main cook at home until I learned) and between her iodine problems and having to be on a lower salt diet even back then, I never think to use it. Even having a salt grinder and shaker in my face to remind me doesn’t work. I just don’t reach for it. But, I also really want potato chips, so guess what. I sliced a potato super fine, threw some herbs on and am making baked potato chips. When I did a sweet potato version before, they came out exactly like the ones in bags. Hoping this batch works just as well.

    @gretta I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. It is good you do get to spend time with her, which will matter more for both of you. Hopefully her previous healthy life will make it so she lives longer.

    @kaywesterman Congrats over the photos getting accepted.

    @rabbette Hope you get some rest soon. I get what you aay about the long days. I usually end up drinking more to tide me over. Maybe stuff to keep your hands busy next time could help?

    I gotta pack my work veggies and salad now. Lentils and aforementioned roll goes with it all.

    Day 4, UK, FD

    Today was a good FD, just around 500 cal, so happy with that. So far, this month is going better than last one (I know its early days 😂 ) so I’m starting to feel more positive 🙂
    Sorry I haven’t posted, been working and trying to catch up with things. Also, I had to have a shoulder ultrasound and than follow it with physio. The therapist said I have a frozen shoulder. And even though he said I can exercise (it would be better if I did for the recovery), I am trying and finding it really hard because it causes me pain when I move my arm in certain positions. Its a bummer ☹ . And it lasts forever 😰 .
    Ah well, we keep going …..
    More posting tomorrow as its very late now 😴
    I hope everyone had/is having a good day 🌼

    Day 5, Japan, FD

    Totally a feast yesterday! Grilled beef! Veggies! BBQ! But I managed to stay away from rice and free vanilla ice cream!! And only drank water all the time. +0.5kg is not too bad for a 4 hour BBQ!Buckle the belt and go on to today’s FD.

    Haven’t seen these friends for a couple of months and they all say I look and feel so positive now. I know it is bc of this WOL! Seriously I have not been enjoying everyday life like this for a long time. Happy happy!

    @gretta So sorry to hear about your grandma. Hope you can stay strong.

    I’m going to start the pocket list for today:

    Day 5 pocket list

    Day 5 – Japan, WFD

    Working on water fast #26 in 2019. I really need it too. I was an expensive business dinner last now. It was a pretty amazing meal with 6 or 7 courses.

    Day 4 Ohio, US — NFD (70 bites)

    A regular NFD. Had another session of deep tissue work and am pretty wiped now.

    @shinything My deep tissue work today also involved a shoulder — there’s been a lot of pain, but usually only when I lie down, so sleeping has been difficult. Unlike yours, mine does well with exercise. Fortunately, it looks as though the treatments are clearing up the problem.

    @michelinme Hope you shake the beginnings of that cold right off! The shift of weather during the change of seasons sometimes can do that.

    Enjoy the end of the work week, everyone!

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