Any clever tips and tricks to help me FORGET i'm hungry?

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Any clever tips and tricks to help me FORGET i'm hungry?

This topic contains 33 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I think I figured out what works best for me after my first week and a half of fasting (3 days so far, sundays and tuesdays). I eat egg whites around 1, which tells my mind i ate SOMETHING, anything haha. Then at around 7 or 8 I eat my main meal. My question is, what types of things do you guys do to distract yourselves from being hungry? Any suggestions, no matter how seemingly crazy, would be greatly appreciated!

    hi and well done on your first few fasts, it wont be long before you wont even have the need for distractions as you get used to less, xx

    keep busy.
    drink loads.
    go for a walk.
    go window shopping for all those new clothes you will soon be needing.
    take a long bath.
    tell yourself…i can have it tomorrow. ( most of us find when tomorrow is here we no longer want it)
    paint your nails.
    read the forums.
    go swimming.
    sort your underwear draw.

    OK, here’s crazy then! I ‘step outside’ my body with my mind and get curious about how hunger feels. I say to my stomach “come on then, do your worse!” and, quite why I don’t know, the hungry feeling subsides.

    Then I get on with my busy day. After over 8 months of fasting my routine has changed to eating later and later so I’m looking forward to my instant porridge in my hotel room (I work away during the week a lot) at about 7pm tonight.

    Then it’s a nice long bath and an early night for me. Breakfast tomorrow morning will taste wonderful!



    i research on the computer about fasting
    health and jokes laughter helps

    i do hiit exercise



    i call family & friends (i don’t talk about me or my fast just listen 2 them)

    i chew cinnamon sticks

    i chew xylotol gum

    i still get super hungry but know that 2morrow
    i will be eaing what i want


    wish u continued success in this fastday lifestyle
    please share w/ us ur menus ur reports

    Hi Nomagicpill,

    Keep busy. On one of my fast days I take my dog to agility class in the evening. While there, I never think about being hungry. In a couple of weeks my Spanish class will start again. I plan to change my other fast day to Tues. so that I fast on that class day too. By the time I am home from either of these classes, it will be late enough that I will have no problem waiting until bedtime and breakfast the next morning.

    Good luck to you and may you find a class or two that will keep you interested enough not to think about being hungry.


    You are not “hungry” but are “Comfortably empty”.

    Couscous i love that saying x

    “Annie – OK, here’s crazy then! I ‘step outside’ my body with my mind and get curious about how hunger feels. I say to my stomach “come on then, do your worse!” and, quite why I don’t know, the hungry feeling subsides.”

    Great approach & one that I had forgotten about, having used it in different context.

    There is a part of you that wants to be heard. And that part of you may be that part of you that is hungry. I would suggest that you acknowledge that part, and ask that part “what is your request?”.

    Listen for whatever that part tells you and thank the part for doing its part in caring for you.

    Reassure that part in whatever promise that you feel appropriate.

    Come back.

    I like that nuance very much and I can see that it will be particularly useful when dealing with ’emotional hunger’, you know – when you know you’re not really hungry (because since fasting, I’m a lot clearer about how that feels) but when it seems that only bread, or chocolate, or a glass of wine will do.



    Wow, these were all great tips! Thanks everyone! I especially like your suggestion, Annie. It seems almost like a form of meditation in a way. I think it’ll also help deal with my fear of hunger, I know it comes in ‘waves’ but once i start getting really hungry I just get anxious, but i think all of your guys suggestions will help.

    Because I am currently job searching and am at home I can get away with this probably more than the rest, but what seems to really help me is taking a shower! i’m a scent junkie, so something about smelling different soaps, the hot water, relaxing my body really helps take my mind off of food. A lot of times ill just put on some scented hand lotion and take deep breaths, like a form of aromatherapy.

    And I like that phrase ‘comfortably empty’ 😀 i think a mantra to say over and over when i feel myself losing my grip of control would be good too.

    You guys are all so helpful, good luck this week!

    I just think of what a treat it will be the next two days to eat normally and also keep checking my long mirror at the new slightly slimmer me. Window clothes shopping is a good idea too. Apart from these plenty of water and mind over matter, as they say!

    Another idea is to put the most unflattering photo of yourself at your largest, on fridge and food cupboard doors! Worth a try.

    What I try may or may not work for others. It’s mundane stuff. Mainly, I try to: Go out, exercise (walk the dog, mostly), stay busy, drink big glasses of fizzy water, have a doze. If I’m at home it’s best not to go into the kitchen.

    Also, I: Tell myself the hunger pangs will wane (they do). Tell myself my deprivation is tiny and voluntary, in contrast to the situation of millions of adults and children. Think about the achievement of fasting for long enough period (teens of hours) for cells to enter repair mode. Marvel at it being possible for a glutton like me to stay away from fridge.

    (For me it tends to be rather all or nothing, so I either eat what I want or don’t eat at all for circa 18 hours or more – I don’t do the couple of tiny meals routine, because I want to fast long enough to achieve the cell repair stage the book talks about, and also because if I eat a little it just makes me hungry for more).

    “anniew7 – Another idea is to put the most unflattering photo of yourself at your largest, on fridge and food cupboard doors! Worth a try.”


    That would scare me & I know that some people do that.

    How about a pic of someone to strive for?

    “Tomorrow –
    Also, I: Tell myself the hunger pangs will wane (they do). Tell myself my deprivation is tiny and voluntary, in contrast to the situation of millions of adults and children. Think about the achievement of fasting for long enough period (teens of hours) for cells to enter repair mode. Marvel at it being possible for a glutton like me to stay away from fridge.”

    Yes, this works & it’s more elegant in this setting:

    Gently close your eyes, relaxing.

    There is a part of you that wants to be heard.

    And that part of you may be that part of you that is hungry. I would suggest that you acknowledge that part, and ask that part “what is your request?”.

    Listen for whatever that part tells you and thank the part for doing its part in caring for you.

    Reassure that part in whatever promise that you feel appropriate.

    Tell myself (that part) the hunger pangs will wane (they do). Tell myself my deprivation is tiny and voluntary, in contrast to the situation of millions of adults and children. Think about the achievement of fasting for long enough period (teens of hours) for cells to enter repair mode. Marvel at it being possible for a glutton like me to stay away from fridge.

    Come back.

    Since I’m a guy, I tell myself to “man up”, which works for a day at least. I doubt that it would work much longer, so it’s fortunate that it doesn’t have to. I also think about diabetes and having multiple amputations or heart disease and having a catheter threaded up from my groin to my heart. In choosing my suffering, I’ve decided to go with mild hunger.

    More great ideas! I agree with rocky about putting a photo to strive for. i was recently turned on to ‘the secret’ and while some of it’s absurd there’s interesting points. the main one being, we tend to always think about what we DONT want rather than what we do. Try imagining that you ALREADY HAVE the body/physique you want and you will find you start making different choices. Constantly tell yourself that you ARE your goal weight; don’t just think it, but try and FEEL how you would at your goal weight: feelings of pride, happiness, etc. So yes, i think i’m going to put a picture of someone i’m striving for or me at a lighter weight. sorry if this is a bunch of hippie, newage thinking for some, but in trying to lose weight i’ll try anything and wanted to share!

    the best book i ever read was other than 😉

    Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life by Maxwell Maltz (Aug 15, 1989)

    & now they have a newer version

    The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz and Dan S. Kennedy

    basically it is about thinking feeling & visualizing backed of by actual scientific experiments.

    athletes use his principles

    in my nut shell

    u create ur own reality

    goodnight all

    Really good point dlroseberry. Along similar lines, I also think about those people in the world going through hunger and not being able to do anything about it.

    It occurred to me that our focus rather than forgetting to be hungry, would be to remember to be cleansed.

    As I start to think more of fasting as a cleansing period, it then shifts my thinking completely.

    With fasting, our bodies are cleansed.

    Toxins are being removed.

    I also notice that I clean my house at this time as well.

    My mind also starts to be cleansed, and I’ll start reading books that I want to read where did not have the time before.

    I also cleanse my body by strengthening and cardio training.

    I also have moments to reflect spiritually.

    My wife and I, since we are both doing the 5:2, are also experiencing closer moments together.

    And so, I will remember to cleanse

    For the rest of my life.

    Not a tip, just an observation. It’s 4.30pm on a fast day (I’m 12 weeks into my 5:2) and I haven’t eaten a thing. Drunk lots of water as always. And it was in no way intended as usually on a fast day I have a bit of something around noon (around 200 cals) and then I really feel hungry for my remaining 300 calories about 5pm and can rarely wait til later for my supper. Very odd for me not to have needed to eat something. I’m sure I’m in the camp that if you eat anything at all it stimulates the hunger. But I’ve done massess of work today, no headaches, and yes of course I’m hungry but it’s not awful. So it looks like I can have a 500 cal meal shortly. I’m off to the veg patch to see what I can fancy with my prawns!

    i REALLY like this perspective! Cleansing makes it more bearable. I also feel like i think more clearly on fasting days.

    this is not a computer glitch
    just checkmarking
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    Thanks everyone! These tips and thinking are what got me through yesterday! I honestly cannot believe it’s already been two weeks. I like that you don’t have ti think about it all the time, so i’m less likely to ‘quit’ this lifestyle. I pretend like every week is the first week since I get so many days off in between. I fast Sun and Tues so I can enjoy the rest of the week unencumbered. Hope everyone’s weeks go well!

    I can’t believe it’s already almost 5months for me!
    Am finding I look forward to fast days now and accept my hunger pang at 3 or 4 in the afternoon quite easily. I eat breakfast on a fast day then nothing until the following breakfast and have even come to enjoy the smell of my husband cooking his dinner. Savouring the smell not the taste.
    I also relate to the cleansing connection. I feel great the day after my fast but would also add I’ve been very motivated to declutter and spring clean. Thought I was turning minimalist but maybe it’s a side effect of fasting:)

    there is actually a nu book

    & a video interview
    from the author

    she said paint ur nails

    u can’t put ur hand in a bag of chips

    cooking etc

    by the time they dry

    ur hunger is gone lol 🙂

    Once the nails dry, then what?

    A better attitude may work better than external props.

    It does for me, mostly.

    wiltldnyUSA thanks so much for sharing the Horizon programme about the 5:2 diet!

    I’ve read the book but after watching this, its puts things into perspective properly for me. Seeing is believing!



    u may call me usa

    u might like this link

    everything a newbie might want 2 c, use & read

    or poster

    keep me posted on what u think?

    contribute something if u want

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 or 6/1 😀

    uhhhh no.

    If you are hungry the best thing you can do is EAT.

    People should not be starving themselves like this. New studies show that fat doesn’t make you fat and carbs are the real enemy. (If you want more information find Michelle Mozel on instagram) No one should have to FORGET that they’re hungry. If you go on a detox diet and get rid of sugar completely, you will most likely lose weight. You need to excersize too, but don’t work yourself so hard that you will burn fat off, because that will take too long and end up with side affects such as sleep loss, depression, and even WEIGHT GAIN.

    However, if you don’t want to go on a detox diet or take my suggestions, just don’t starve yourself like this. NO FASTING. Your body is beautiful. You don’t need to be particularily skinny to be beautiful.

    Thank you and I hope you take my advice. Again for more information follow Michelle Mozel on Instagram.

    Of course if fasting is your religion then no problem, but it’s pretty unhealthy.

    gabby, have you read any of the research on the benefits of fasting? That’s what this site is about so if you have alternative methods perhaps there’s a more appropriate place for sharing them. And if you want to find out more about intermittent fasting then Dr. Michael Mosley’s BBC documentary is a great place to start.

    As for dealing with hunger when fasting the very best advice I’ve ever had is keeping active. Take a walk, go for a visit, clean out a closet, file all those things you were going to get to some day or put those photos in an album. Being absorbed in something else is a great distraction.


    If you are overweight then by default you don’t have a healthy relationship with food. Of course there can be many reasons for this but that’s another story. The concept of fasting is not new and goes back thousands of years, many religions incorporate the concept as do many societies. The concept of eating 3 meals and snacks each day is however only about 50 years old. Mostly promoted by food manufacturers and adopted by pseudo nutritional “experts”.

    People bandy around the term starvation when what they mean is hunger. You do not enter starvation mode by skipping one day’s food intake. That is why you store fat, to take into account periods of non eating. I suspect that you currently fast right now. What do you think happens when you go to sleep for 8 hours? You are fasting. So extending this fasting period by a few hours is not a big drama.

    Because of our modern eating lifestyle many overweight people are unable to differentiate between the two hormones ghrelin and leptin. Leptin tells your brain that you are full and satiated. Ghrelin tells your brain that you are hungry. This clear signalling to the brain in normal weight people becomes very confused in overweight people.

    If you don’t want to fast using 5:2 then I really don’t know what your motivation in being on this website is?

    With regards to “distraction” if hungry, just go for a gentle walk for 30 minutes and have a cup of coffee when you get back. Make sure you drink lots of water. Yesterday was my water fast day and I went swimming and did a 7km hike through the surrounding hills. Not a problem.

    I do NOT recommend anyone do this if you have just started fasting. It takes a few months for your liver to adapt to fasting and accessing stored fats readily. Give yourself 6 months to adapt and then you can basically do any activity that you would normally do, even if it is reasonably demanding.

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