🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

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🎆Auspicious August🎆 – Pandemic Obliterating Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 758 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by  NorthernDawn 4 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 651 through 700 (of 760 total)

  • Day 27, FD, Aus

    Thank goodness it’s a FD. Maybe I should try 4:3 given I seem to welcome them so much!

    Not at all, @Ihatelettuce – we’re all friends here! And same same @EmmaTaylor, no need to apologise! I think we all have a helping nature on this forum and it’s so tempting to reach in to share knowledge even when that sharing may not be needed.

    Confession time. This has not been a DTF week for me either. Sigh. At least my FDs are solid.

    Super news from @nothgeorgia – your mum is home and you’ll be our next host!

    Day 27. OMAD. London.

    Just going to sleep. Happy Thursday all.

    Day 27 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Morning all. I have lost the plot this week, and although weight remains stable, thank God, my huge mojo uptake of last week has dissipated. Need to find past Daffodil again.

    Rang my Dad yesterday and he has been unwell with gastro problems and not being able to keep food down for a few days. He did say he had some salmon which might have been off so at 83 my Dad is giving himself food poisoning 😨 He is in great form and still hardy, but still, he needs to watch it. I am off tomorrow so will drop into him.

    This Covid thing has stopped the casual popping by we all did.

    I also think I have found the source of the pain in my neck….there are vented service hatches under the desks to plug in computers etc and with all the Covid desk moves the ones under my desk were left open with the cold air beamed straight at my neck 😡 They are closed now so hopefully an improvement soon.

    @northgeorgia thank you for taking on the September mantle, you will be great.
    @i-hate-lettuce, I am glad we don’t have to put photos of ourselves on this forum, I enjoy imagining what you all look like, your houses, environments…..this forum is great for the imagination if anything 😆

    @penz and @emma Taylor……the DTF list…pshaw….not been on it this week. A sneaky glass of wine has popped in occasionally. Got to get myself in order.

    Anyhoo, enough of me moaning, have a great Thursday everyone, normally a big fast day and normally I am on it, but not today.

    Day 27, Emden Germany, LFD

    Yesterday’s FD went well, I just have to do it.

    @at you were good company; I should have stayed with you!

    @flourbaby thanks for the encouragement! I have chicken broth left from yesterday’s FD so I’m going for a LFD today. I plan on joining you next month on a few LFDs.

    @betsylee I think for me it’s better to stick to 500 cals. I my mind 800 cals is so much more that I’ll eat much more.

    @stitchincarol I do ballroom dancing 3 hours a week and 6 min. planks and 100 squats daily, I’m not sure I want to do more. I hardly ever drink alcohol so it’s hard to reduce that. It’s the sweets, if it’s in the house I’ll eat it. I have to stop buying them.

    @basyjames I had to look up Yukon Jack. What a terrible experience you had.

    @northgeorgia I’m glad your mother is home again. It’s not easy to find out what causes a TIA.

    Pocket list day 27

    ZBC day 27

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 27 – Lake district UK – CFD

    Good morning everyone

    Not going to have my normal Thursday FD today, that’s going to be tomorrow and should be an easy one! Nil by mouth from 10pm today until someone’s prodding me awake sometime tomorrow.

    I might well not be around for a day or two, so stick me on the pocket list for tomorrow please and the DTC list …. ??? … Dry ‘Till Conscious 😉

    Calling today my weekly recording day instead of the usual Friday, despite everything managed to lose a whole one pound so while my August may not be Auspicious, I’ve managed to get down to a new low weight this month!

    @flourbaby – Thanks for steering the wagon this month, was thinking of having a break while I get sorted out, but glad I’ve stuck with the group, calling in helps keeps me going with some sort of ‘normality’.

    Take care all.

    2nd post

    @daffodil2010 I hope your Dad will be fine. It’s hard to find lost motivation again, just try not to overdo it too much.

    @i-hate-lettuce take care, I hope to hear from you soon.

    I forgot to put @penz on the PL.

    Pocket list day 27

    ZBC day 27

    Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @penz – confession time for me too. I slipped off the DTF wagon as well last night after a couple of er, well, let’s just say ‘nightcaps’. I’m placing the blame solely on @basyjames. I found myself googling Yukon Jack & then one thing led to another…🤦

    @northgeorgia – good to hear your mom is okay. Thanks for offering to host September.

    The penultimate August FD for most of us?! Let’s make it a good one, Thursday fasters! 🏋

    Pocket List – Day 27 🍒

    ZBC List – Day 27 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 27 ☕️

    Day 27 – second post !

    Just updated my weight chart/tracker thing, (head not on straight this morning) I’ve not lost 1 lb this month … it’s 2 lb !

    So that makes – 24 lb this year and -39 lb since starting 5:2 WOL

    Started 26th July 2019
    Was 18st 13 lb / 265 lb / 120.2 kg
    Now 16st 2 lb / 226 lb / 102.5 kg

    Suddenly my August feels a bit more Auspicious!

    Cheers everyone 🙂

    D27 CD 1200 UK Lake District

    Daily check in. I am going to do a CD1200 today. Off to pilates later so will not break fast until lunch time.

    @daffodil Hope your father gets well soon. Parents are a worry.

    @snowflake56 Fantastic planking. How long did it take you to get up to 6 mins. it seems an awful long time.

    @northgeorgia glad your mother is doing well.

    @ I hate lettuce. Will miss your daily chats. Hope all goes well tomorrow. 2lb loss. Every little helps.

    @penz. I like fast days and look forward to them. NFD are a problem to me as well just don’t seem able to control them. I have done 3 MFDs this week. back2back and all went well. So today and tomorrowand I will do 2 days B2B CDs 1200 and then 2 NFDs over the weekend.

    Happy Thursday

    2nd post. sorry I forgot to put the pocket lists on.

    Pocket List – Day 27 🍒

    ZBC List – Day 27 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 27 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 27

    Day 27 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    After starting the month so well and getting back into maintenance weight range last week I seem to have lost my discipline this week. I quietly slid off the DTF list Tuesday evening and as the bottle was open I chose to finish it last night 🍷 🤦🏼‍♀️ and then an ice cream after dinner seemed a good idea!

    Rebooting again 😎

    Day 27, London, UK, NFD,

    Yesterday’s LFD went down the drain😳!!! No excuses, resetting today & preparing for a LFD tomorrow👍👍.

    @emma-taylor, still loving the Branjelina drama!! I need to glue myself to that list today😕 …………………… a NFD is NOT an excuse to pop a cork🍾!!!

    @brightonbelle, as with all thing worthwhile, impatience is our biggest downfall, stick with it, the results MUST show up at some point🙏, right🐢????

    @northgeorgia, so glad to hear your mum has improved, losing weight & healthy eating pushes a TIA down the ‘likely’ list. Your mum made a choice a few weeks ago that can only have had a positive effect, some people only make the change ‘after’ the scary event. Thinking of you & your family🙏 ……………………… striding towards better health🏃!!!!!……………………. & Yay🎆!!, for 246!!!!

    @basyjames, glad to hear you recovered, but, is it wrong of me to think I would have to actually die to be DFL????? I once did a student exchange to Portugal for 6 months, went out one night and drank lots of multi-coloured concoctions served in test-tubes, I ended the night seeing things as though through rose-tinted glasses ………………………. Without the glasses!!!! Alcohol induced blindness I believe!!!

    And we have a winner ………………………… @northgeorgia is our host for September!!!!! Fantastic!!!!

    Wow, the final week wobble has definitely reared its ugly face!!!! Just how many of us threw ourselves off of the DTF list😱???? @funshipfreddie, I think you’ve been flying solo😉………………………………nope, just caught your post😜😂😝!!!!!

    @daffodil2010, you can, you know how & you will!!!………………………. The wagon awaits!!!!The end of the month is the hardest as you battle that ‘throw in the towel’ feeling ………………………. I know, for me the urge to open a bottle of vino for lunch is strong right now, I’m heading to the garage to put the remaining bottle in its place!!!!

    @i-hate-lettuce, you’re very welcome, and embrace your auspiciousness!!! Stick with us even if it’s just for the inane ramblings (mine!!) the epic battles with inanimate objects ……………….. scales, booze bottles, fridges & kitchen doors!! & of course, the gardening advice (yours)!!!

    All this low carb talk has made me hungry, there’s a hot cross bun in the freezer calling my name ……………………… I’ll have to hang on until 2pm breakfast though!!!!

    We CAN make this an Auspicious August ……………………….. let’s just get to it!!!!!!! A bad few days doesn’t mean we keep that particular ball rolling……………………….. Finger out time folks. reboot indeed @missybear!!!!!

    Day 27 OMAD. London

    Just going to have a quick moan about dentists….had to go to mine for a third go at replacing a filling yesterday. My own home done efforts seemed better than hers, tbh. Anyway, after it was done , I said ‘ how come I’ve got so many fillings? I’ve got nice teeth, white and pretty straight, but a load of fillings, when I always brushed my teeth, etc etc’ and her reply was -‘ you are part of the heavy metal generation – dentists used to fill teeth at the slightest sign of decay. We don’t do that now’. Finally!!!! I thought it wasn’t entirely my fault. Moan over.
    Off to see Tenet tonight. Definitely not expecting to understand it, but it looks amazing if the trailers are to be believed.

    Day 27 – UK – FD800

    Went slightly over 800 yesterday by around 100cals but still planning on finishing today with my 4th planned FD800 in a row!!

    A 7am Broga class followed by a 9am Aerobic class – 1L of water drunk – Quick batch of scones made for OH and in the oven – whilst they cook – log on here whilst I cool down before heading for a much needed shower!!!!

    @northgeorgia – will happily pull together a spreadsheet for September and will post it on Forum once you publish it 😊 Good news regarding your mum – hopefully this scare may encourage her to continue on her weight loss journey
    @daffodil2010 – 🤞your wandering mojo makes it’s way back to you promptly!!! and that Dad recovers without any more issues from his food poisoning!
    @basyjames – 😱😱
    @i-hate-lettuce – with everything you have been contending with this month, to have lost 2lbs and reach a new low weight this month is amazing – Enjoy your meals today and all positive vibes to you and Mrs IHL for tomorrow – this whole forum will be here giving moral support to you both – pop in for a hello when you feel up to it 🤗
    @missybear – once that bottle of wine is opened…….like you I just have to finish the 2nd half the next evening…..😈
    @flourbaby – Thankfully this week I have managed to stay on the DTF list as I have my special treat to look forward to tomorrow evening!! That has kept me going but did have a slight wobble yesterday evening going over my FD800 allowance…….

    Hanging on to all the Pocket lists this week – my motivation has been tomorrow evening’s treat!!! Must make sure that I don’t go mad tomorrow – planning on staying with water and cups of tea until my evening meal and making it a OMAD

    Pocket List – Day 27 🍒

    ZBC List – Day 27 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 27 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 27

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 27 – USA/GA – FD

    My body is whining this morning, so the weigh in didn’t surprise me. Slight increase to 247 lbs. today (or 248, depending on which hop on/off you believe), but looking forward to a good FD today.

    I’ll be posting the September challenge on the forum either tomorrow or Saturday. For many of us, this is either our last FD of the month or next to the last FD of the month before final weigh in on either Aug 31 or Sept 1. Best wishes to everyone today on the pocket list!

    Pocket List – Day 27 🍒

    ZBC List – Day 27 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 27 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 27

    Day 27 Melb Aust CD

    Managed okay today. Of course, the aim was for 8 B2B2B, etc. FD800s, but at least the calorie counts are a lot lower than they’ve been.

    @i hate lettuce, rooting for you, for tomorrow. And yay for a 2 lb loss this month.

    @northgeorgia, great that you’re stepping up to host us for September.
    BTW, a friend of mine had a weird neurological “turn” some time back, couldn’t move arm or leg for a a few hours and had bucketloads of tests, etc., and they finally put it down to migraine symptoms. He hasn’t had one since. Wonder if that fits your Mum’s situation?

    @daffodil2010, hope you’re able to visit your dad and ensure he’s okay. Food poisoning at any age is horrible, but far more debilitating for an 83-year-old.

    @snowflake56, we each have to do what works for us. Actually, maybe I should keep aiming for 500 calories, then be happy if I stay under 800 🙂

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    Day 27 UK FD

    Penultimate fast of the month for me , going pretty well , I’ll just add myself to every list going for an extra push
    Pocket List – Day 27 🍒

    ZBC List – Day 27 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 27 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 27

    Day 27 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    The scales were still down this morning, except for a few ounces, which I never pay attention to–water and waste accounts for those ounces, so they never trouble me. Can it be that this “Dry ‘Til Friday” thing has this much effect on my weight? I’m almost afraid to have any beer this Friday/Saturday/Sunday, and believe I’m committed to hopping on that list each week. After all, since I never drink on FDs, that’s only two days extra. And when the weather turns cold, and I switch over to wine? Hmm… 🙂

    @basyjames, what a frightening experience you had! Any more details on what it actually was and what caused it??
    @kazoo, thanks for the congratulations…I’m still struggling to believe it’s true, LOL!
    @at thanks for the further details on getting into ketosis. I’m still not there, despite carbs being below 50 yesterday and even lower on M-T.
    @daffodil2010, good wishes to your dad as he recovers! I feel for your slip from your major mojo last week. I’m on a major mojo myself this week, and am terrified of a huge slip, so when you figure out how to regain the mojo, I’ll need your tips. In the meantime, here, grab my hand and I’ll hoist you back onto the wagon!
    @i-hate-lettuce, I’ll be praying for you tonight and in my sleep that your surgery goes very well; we’ll all be glad whenever you’re able to check in and share your humor with us, hopefully as you report positive results from the surgery. And YAYYY! for your VERY Auspicious August!
    @snowflake56, I am in awe at your great exercise routine and SIX MINUTE PLANKS???? Good grief, woman, you are amazing! As to sweets…yeah. I’ve pretty much quit baking since I have no kids underfoot to help eat the results and skinny DH simply resists what’s there. Good luck on taming that sweet tooth; my own is a monster!

    Pocket List – Day 27 🍒

    ZBC List – Day 27 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 27 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 27

    So all you clever ones out there, do we have a name for our exercise list that we should settle on? Votes requested!

    “It’s going to be hard, but hard is not impossible.” Let’s finish August even better than we began it, shall we??

    Day 27 Minnesota, USA CD

    Yesterday’s FD came in a bit over plan at 562 calories. I’m up .8 lbs from yesterday…..I had tuna with mayo last night, and carrots, celery with 2 Tbs hummus. Salted. Rings are tight this morning, so I know the large amount of sodium from canned tuna and salt on veg is what added to weight. Not too concerned. I will go for my walk soon to avoid the hottest part of day (it’s about 0940 as I write), and will probably sweat out the sodium as it is again very hot and humid.

    Going to get myself on the lists now and respond to individual posts later, maybe as I recoup from walk.

    Pocket List – Day 27 🍒

    ZBC List – Day 27 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 27 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 27

    USA. DAY 27. CD

    HI, everyone! I have been posting lately due a a virus on my computer, which I now have fixed, so I am back and definitely ready to join for September! I’ve also been dealing with the fact that my son became desperately ill from Covid-19 but he is doing better. He is still very tired and uses a inhaler to breathe but he is slowly improving. The was quite a scare!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Hallo all.
    Had my lunch out yesterday with no alcohol and only a small gain so maybe that’s the secret.
    I will probably be only looking in occasionally for the next few days as my hospital referral has been processed and I am now in the system. The hospital in question is in London and will require 2 or 3 visits and it will take about 2 hours each way to get there. I am mentally rather preoccupied with all this and Covid makes for extra problems.
    I am tying myself to the wagon with a long length of rope to give me some leeway.
    May not make my target for August but not far off and next week I am reducing steroids by .5 of a milligram. Will it make a difference, who knows, I will have to wait and see.
    There have been some fabulous losses this month so we’ll done to everyone.

    Keep on keeping on

    Day 27 Canada FD

    Happy to be adding my name to today’s pocket lists! Definitely going to finish strong, thanks for the push @fourbaby and @at

    @ccco I am so sorry to hear your son has been so sick, the after effects of the virus are so serious

    Let’s all stay strong till the end, only a few days to go!!!!

    Pocket List – Day 27 🍒

    ZBC List – Day 27 🚫🍳

    DTF List – Day 27 ☕️

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 27

    D27 CD 1200 UK Lake District

    3rd post

    Kitchen closed about 6pm this evening after a good CD1200 day today.

    @northgeorgia. Thank you for hosting for September. Looking forward to joining you.

    @emma Taylor I can remember an early visit to the school dentist when they gave gas for extract tooth. I reacted very badly to it. Glad things have got better.

    @daffodil2010 Hope you got to see your dad today.

    2nd post

    I just realized I won’t have time to post tomorrow. We’re having a family gathering tomorrow for my MIL’s urn burial. She passed away in April but because of Covid-19 we had to delay the burial. It’s a 3,5 hour drive so we have to leave the house at 6:30 am. It’s going to be a long day.

    @betsylee I aim to stay under 400 cals and mostly eat the same on FDs to make it easier.

    @ccco I’m sorry your son is having a bad time, I hope his health will continue to get better.

    @stitchincarol and @kazoo it took me a few weeks to get to 8 minutes planks. I took a break at some point because of shoulder issues but now I’m back at 6 min. again. I do high planks, elbow planks, side planks and leg lifts. The leg lifts were the most challening. It’s fun to do and you can see the results, I also like the feeling of the muscles after doing it.

    @stitchincarol I would like a way to get rid of my sweet tooth but I don’t think it’s ever going to happen. When I’m at somebody else’s house it’s no problem to resist, I only have it with sweets in our house.

    @northgeorgia thanks for taking the lead on the September challenge and @at for making the spreadsheet.

    See you all on Sunday!

    Day 27 North Canton OH NFD. Again I am late with my post

    So many successes on here! Congratulations @stitchincarol and everybody else who is celebrating losses

    @ccco warm thoughts and well wishes for your son’s complete recovery

    I apologize for derailing your DTF plans @funshipfreddie

    Thanks everyone for your empathy. I did not seek medical attention, so I am not sure what happened or why I had such a violent reaction. I don’t drink a lot and my low tolerance level for alcohol is well documented. I mixed the drink myself and may have been a little heavy handed on the liqueur, I also tend to empty my glass too quickly. All of which combined to create a really horrible experience. Live and learn my friends-live and learn 🤦‍♀️

    Sending warm thoughts your way @annabelle48

    Make today awesome y’all.

    Day 27 – Second post

    @ccco, soooo sad to hear what your son went through, and you by extension; so thankful to know he’s doing better now; prayers for continued healing.

    Day 27 USA (Illinois) OMAD

    Just doing one meal (supper) today. At what caloric level that will be, still unsure.

    @northgeorgia – thank you for taking on the reins for September. You’ll find it a fulfilling and heartwarming experience.

    @flourbaby – hugs to you, and thanks for your steadfast work this Auspicious August.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27 2nd Post

    @i-hate-lettuce– I hope you are sleeping, but if you’re still up, please just know I will hold you in my positive thoughts and prayers for everything to go just “Brilliantly” tomorrow! God Speed.

    Day 27 MN/USA 3rd Post

    @northgeorgia Thank you so much for stepping up to host the September Challenge!! We will all support you and if you have to take some time away to take care of your mom, we will step in to cover. No worries! Glad she is doing better…and so strong of you to stop the comfort eating.

    @basyjames I googled “Yukon Jack”………..!!!!

    For the love of everything holy, I hope you didn’t try to drink that, ounce for ounce, like you would drink wine!!
    I must admit that I have been drunk before, even if you have not. But I think what you experienced was close to alcohol poisoning. If you drank it like wine, a rookie mistake, then for sure you were sick. It would have been good if you could have upchucked it!

    “Yukon Jack is a liqueur advertised as the “Black sheep of Canadian Liquors. It is a 100 proof (in the US) or 80 proof (in Canada) drink made from Canadian whisky and honey. The taste is sweeter than straight whisky and bourbon due to the added honey”.

    Forgot the site I got that from, give full cudos to it, not from me, and I could come up with it if needed. On Google. In other words, @basyjames, you were drinking like straight alcohol… Everclear comes to mind……Don’t do that ever again!!!

    @stitchincarol Your challenge for moving has gotten me going. In the past I always resisted signing up for the exercise challenges. Many people were such exercise beasts, and it really intimidated me. I think because you are a kindred spirit who also struggles with it, that makes it easier for me to come along with you, and I thank you for your easy, relaxed, and maybe reluctant attitude about it. 🙂

    @songbirdme You are right about how this heat always comes when the kids go back to school. So many still don’t have AC. They usually get out early in the case of high heat. Hope so! It’s been awful here, and I know that just goes east of us to you. Stay cool!

    I, personally, like the attitude of this forum much better than when it started back in 2016 and the next year or two. It was very rule oriented and competitive, I would say. Anyway, that is how I remember it. I may be wrong. Things seem much more relaxed, supportive and welcoming, these days, thanks to all of you on this forum.

    Day 28, OMAD, Aus

    I had awful tummy pains yesterday (I can’t even blame salmon, @daffodil2010!)) so I decided to have lunch on my LFD to see if that would help. It didn’t. We’re going out for dinner tonight which I’ve been looking forward to for ages, so I won’t eat until then.

    Do drop us a line when you can @ihatelettuce.

    Have a great weekend everyone. We’re expecting 18 degrees which will be lovely after weeks of grey and cold.

    Day 28 – Japan – WFD #68

    Busy time again.

    Day 28 – On my way !!! – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Thanks for the thoughts, should be the easiest FD ever today 😉

    I’ll be back soon!

    Take care all

    Day 28, London, UK, FD

    I’m planning a regular FD today, perhaps with soup this evening or a crab salad. I didn’t have the best nights’ sleep, the torrential rain meant the leak that had been fixed is no longer fixed!!!!😤 Sooooooo frustrating!!😰😟😢 I’ve been up for hours, so I need the day to be productive.

    @ccco glad to see you back, so sorry to hear your son has been through that particular battle. I’m sure it was a very trying time for you all 🙏.


    I’m hoping to end this month with positivity and eagerness for a determined ……………………………….. & DRY September!!! I really am an ‘All or Nothing’ kind of gal, DTF could only hold me for ¾ of the month!!!!

    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis

    Day 28 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    another good FD accomplished. One more to go for auspicious August…

    @i-hate-lettuce – hoping everything goes well today & that you’re back home soon 🙏

    @basyjames – I forgive you 😜

    TGIF! 🍷🍻

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍉
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 28 🚫🍳

    D28 CD UK Lake District

    Just checking in this wet Friday morning.

    @snowflake your planking is amazing. I too have have an injured shoulder so have always steered clear of planks but feel I should give it another go. Will sign up for the Leslie challenge today.

    @ccco Best wishes for your sons recovery.

    @penz hope the tummy pains didn’t stop you enjoying your dinner last night.

    @ I Hate Lettuce. will be thinking go you and Mrs IHL today.

    ZBC List – Day 28

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 28


    Have a good Friday.

    2nd Post – Day 28

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍉
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 28 🚫🍳

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 28 🏃🏃‍♀️

    Day 28 UK NFD

    No lists for me today but aiming for a controlled day , quite excited to see I am now in ketosis – lets see what difference that makes Going to try and make an extra effort as weekends are my danger zone

    I’m with you @northerndawn – think the relaxed supportive group is great 🌟

    @i-hate-lettuce Hoping all goes well mate 🤞

    Day 28 OMAD, and despite the huge lapses for the last couple of weeks ( sorry Brad), TGIF indeed 🍷 🍷 🍷
    Good luck today @ihatelettuce. I hope everything goes well, and you are back to full strength soon.
    Went to see Tenet last night, in a nearly empty cinema. It felt quite sad, actually, although probably safer. Amazing film visually, some great acting, and pretty incomprehensible. My friend said he’s like to see it played backwards to see if he could make any more sense of it. Haha haha. Or with a prequel and a sequel playing at the same time. You get the picture. Worth seeing but don’t expect to come out much wiser.
    Last weekend in the UK before school starts? I wonder how that will go. I’m glad I’m not teaching anymore. Have a good weekend all.

    Sorry – second post.

    @brightonbelle – does it feel different when you are in ketosis?

    Day 28 Canada

    PFDS, will read posts during the day as I am off to work:)

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍉
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC List – Day 28 🚫🍳

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 28 🏃🏃‍♀️

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    My prayers are with everyone who is sick, undergoing procedures, and recovering at home. I send you a virtual “get well soon” bouquet. My mother is also continuing to do well, although rolling her eyes at all the extra attention from my father (I can do that – go sit down) haha

    I’ve taken off work today (this was before this week’s crisis) for a dentist appointment — my first since Coronavirus. Thankfully, I had time built up; I’m taking off next Wednesday to drive my father to and from a outpatient procedure. Things are getting busy and a bit more stressful at work, so the extra time off is lining up pretty well.

    Record weigh-in today at 245 lbs, the lowest I’ll probably hit for the month. Thankfully, the plateau was short-lived this time around! I’m dancing away in the 240s Club!

    Just a few more days until the start of the September challenge. Hope to see you all there! I’ll be setting up the forum in just a minute. Best wishes to all on the pocket lists today!

    second post

    September’s Challenge is up! (I gave up trying to re-edit after posting; the infamous disappearing posts returned! Very spoooooky! Something to keep in mind for October’s challenge haha)

    Day 28 Melb Aust FD1000

    Yes, I know, a lot of folk wouldn’t call 1000 calories a FD, but it’s still a success to me 🙂 So far, with my limited food intake for the past 4 days (not counting today) my weight has gone down 1.2kg – basically “easy on, easy off” as I had gained 600 gms from my start of month weight. Really needed to turn it all around. Won’t have “starred” for August, but it won’t be a failure either, if I can just manage CDs for the weekend.

    @i hate lettuce, hope it’s all gone well – best wishes to you.

    @northgeorgia, you’re putting us all to shame with your great success. Well done!

    @ccco, good to see you back, but so sorry to read of your son’s Covid-19. Hope he’s able to throw off the lingering effects quickly.

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍉
    @dykask WFD
    @betsylee FD1000

    ZBC List – Day 28 🚫🍳

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 28 🏃🏃‍♀️

    Onward and downwards, everyone for the last push for the month.

    Day 28 – UK -NFD

    Really pleased that I more or less managed to stick with FD800 x 4 this week!

    We had a very kind roofer turn up today to check on a leak that developed last week with the heavy rain, he will be back next week to sort it out and has recommended someone to come and check and clean our drains too – lovely chap!

    So it was up early this morning to be ready for when he arrived – then off to do our weekly shop – traffic not too bad but dreading the influx over the Bank Holiday Weekend especially as the weather is set to improve after today’s drizzle!!!

    My delivery from L’Enclume arrived about 15mins after I arrived back home – all carefully packaged and labelled with very clear instructions and an app to link to a video where the Chef explains what to do and how to plate up – looking forward to getting our 3 course meal ready tonight (vegetarian option for OH and meat main course for me) and I have a large glass of the wines they recommended to match the starter and main meal too!!! Portion size are not enormous which is perfect for 3 courses – OH and I are looking forward to it 😋

    @i-hate-lettuce – you are in my thoughts and prayers today 🤗
    @ccco – great to hear that you are OK and still with us – So sorry to hear about your son 🤞 he’s not one to have any longterm issues as a result of having had Covid-19 – positive thoughts coming your way 🤗
    @annabelle48 – will be thinking about you over the next couple of weeks whilst you are undergoing your various investigations/tests – stay positive and take one day at a time and process results as they are given and discussed with you – you can only deal with information once clarity is given 🤗
    @snowflake56 – Will be thinking of you and your OH tomorrow for the family gathering for your MIL’s urn burial 🤗
    @emma-taylor – I want to see Tenet too but atm not feeling brave enough to sit in a cinema with a mask on for a couple of hours…….
    @northgeorgia – Great news on your 245lbs – definitely heading to the 230’s next 👍

    Only joining 2 of the pocket lists today!!!
    Pocket List – Day 28 🍉
    @dykask WFD
    @betsylee FD1000

    ZBC List – Day 28 🚫🍳

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 28 🏃🏃‍♀️

    3 days left of this Auspicious August challenge so after today’s special treat I’m aiming for a controlled weekend and a FD500 on Monday to end this August Challenge nearer the 55kg mark so that in the September Challenge I can hopefully see myself get back to nearer the 54kg mark once more!!!!

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 28 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5

    My keto stick got darker this morning, and the scales were 151.2! It’s a surprising post-FD-drop, given how much I’d already dropped this week. I stood on that scale and stared and stared; to weight one-fifty-one-anything is a sight I haven’t seen in three years, and to be at the bottom end is simply a joy! Now to maintain the behavior that got me here–that’s always the challenge, isn’t it? @brightonbelle, so fun to be moving into ketosis at the same time as you are!

    @northerndawn, I had to grin at your “maybe reluctant attitude” about exercise comment about me. Yup, you hit it spot-on, LOL! Glad you’re willing to join me, because I know it helps, even if it doesn’t accomplish weight loss all on its own.
    @penz, I sure hope you feel fine today so you’re able to thoroughly enjoy tonight’s amazing dinner!
    @i-hate-lettuce, thinking of you and Mrs IHL, and looking forward to a positive report from you!

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍉
    @dykask WFD
    @betsylee FD1000

    ZBC List – Day 28 🚫🍳

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 28 🏃🏃‍♀️

    We can DO this, we can DO this, we can DO this, we can! (That’s a cadence used by lots of high school cheerleaders; is it a familiar cadence around the world??) 🙂

    Day 28 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Busy day so late check in to report yesterday’s FD went well and despite last weekend’s celebratory treats I am still hovering at the top end of my maintenance range. I will be content to hold there for the rest of the month and will work on creating some wriggle room in September.

    @i-hate-lettuce hope all has gone to plan today, speedy recovery 🤗

    Have a lovely weekend everyone 😎

    Day 28 MN/USA NFD

    Not much time to post. No lists today.

    @stitchincarol Congrats on your great weight loss…..so rewarding to see those lows on the scale!
    @ccco I hope your son continues to improve. I’m sure that was a terrible worry for you.
    @at I hope you’ve had a wonderful time with your meal and wine this evening. What a special treat!
    @betsylee Congrats to you for you 1.2kg loss….I’m sure you can stay controlled this weekend. I’ll hold your hand…..and try to stay controlled, myself!
    @northgeorgia Thanks again for hosting September challenge. It sounds like you’ll be busy with your folks and work, so let us know if you need to take a few days off. Glad you’re firmly in the 240’s.
    @emma-taylor I have had similar problems with dentists….always wanting to “re-do” what the previous dentist had done, and then I got wise and said I would get another opinion….then was told maybe some of dental work wasn’t necessary! Good thing I learned to speak up or I wouldn’t have any teeth left! LOL!
    @flourbaby I hope you get that leak fixed soon! And I hope your day went well, even though you were most likely exhausted. Maybe you can make up for lack of sleep this weekend.
    @penz I hope you felt better and enjoyed your dinner out!
    @snowflake56 I hope the memorial was nice….so terrible what covid has done to normal traditions.
    @annabell48 Hoping all goes well for you….your in my thoughts.
    @daffodil2010 I hope your dad is doing better and you had a good visit with him!

    Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

    Day 29, Emden Germany, LFD

    The thought of @i-hate-lettuce having surgery came up often yesterday, I hope everything went well.

    @penz I hope you feel better today.

    @at and @northerndawn Thanks, the memorial was nice but my husband found it much harder than expected. It was good to be with him.

    @at How was your dinner, I wished we had something like that overhere.

    @kazoo What kind of exercise do you normally do? Just start with 15 seconds and try to add more each day.

    Pocket list day 29

    ZBC day 29

    Exercise 30×5 or Leslie List – Day 29

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 29 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    I came down with a sudden head cold Thursday afternoon in work, sniffy, sore glands…….pre-Covid I would have continued on but things are different now – so I did not visit Dad and I also had to cancel my plans to have my friends around for dinner last night.

    Everything reorganised for now – but my elderly friend with underlying health issues is less than happy with the postponement. Why are there people in this world who go out of their way to express their displeasure at a change in plans, especially if the postponement is due to being unwell?? 🤔

    Have a good Saturday. See you all in September. Thanks @flourbaby for hosting, super job. ☺️

    Day 29 – Lakes UK – CFD

    Good morning everyone

    Well that was a different way of failing a FD !!!

    First of all thanks for the thoughts, all is well this morning, first bout of surgery went well ! They removed a 2x2cm piece of cancerous tissue from the base of tongue (I’m only really letting you know this otherwise the rest of this post wouldn’t make sense) so I thought my Friday FD would be easy, hadn’t eaten since 10pm the evening before.
    I’m very lucky, had very little surgery apart from tonsils and general anaesthetic once for a procedure years ago, pretty good fortunate for someone in mid 60’s.

    So the less serious bits …

    Went through all sorts of procedures before ‘going down’ first on at 9am, the anaesthetist came and had a natter, I like the way these people talk to you these days, we had a good chat, he mentioned recent weight loss etc (he was very impressed)
    but he noted I’m pretty well built and reasonably fit. Or as I put it “built like a brick outhouse and the constitution of an ox, I might take some putting out!”

    Off I went and yes, I took quite a bit of knocking out, count to 10 ? (don’t do that any more) You will be feeling a bit sleepy in a moment, 20 seconds later (I’m counting anyway), how are you feeling? “fine not a problem” another 15 seconds should be getting drowsy now? “no, I’m fine” voice from behind me, chuckling go to 4, another 10 seconds and I was heading for a sleep.
    Next thing woke up in recovery @ 10am by 10.15 was sat up and on the ‘phone messaging Mrs IHL, followed by a visit from the the anaesthetist, who was laughing, ‘you weren’t kidding were you’. Surgeon pleased, so first part of surgery done.

    Off to isolation, C-19 free zone as it was respiratory system procedure, within 10 minutes I’m up and about, by 11 am I’m dressed, much to the amusement of the nurse, who kept walking around shaking her head, ‘never seen anything like it’ referring to the recovery rate.

    She could hear my Inner Warthog growling in his cage, so by 12 o’clock I’d finished off two lots of warm soup and two pots of rice pudding! Nearly all my FD calories gone already. If it wasn’t for waiting for meds I’d have been discharged at 12.30!

    Must admit I’m very impressed with the standard of care I’ve had throughout.
    I’ve a long way to go, but really have a lot of confidence that we can beat this!
    Mrs IHL decided I needed feeding up with nice easy to swallow food yesterday, even finished my day off with a mars ice cream bar … bugger the FD 😉

    I’ll be here calling in as usual, but can I say with a great deal of certainty, the weight loss, getting fitter and this WOL has been a godsend, I’m stronger and fitter than I was 5 years ago and I’m convinced that this has been a major contribution.

    Thanks again for all the best wishes, I thought of you gang more than once yesterday and thought you’d be laughing like mad yesterday if you’d been ‘a fly on the wall’!

    More good news, I can go out for walks again ….. brilliant!

    @ccco – Hope your son continues in his improvement and had the care he needed in very good hands.

    Take care my forum friends, not a bad end to the month!

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