BMI Calculator Recommendations?

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BMI Calculator Recommendations?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Must 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • The Body Mass Index (BMI) calculators I’ve found only seem to take into account height and weight. It seems to me, though, that the kind of weight you have would make a difference. If you weigh, say, 150 lbs that are largely fat, you should have a different BMI than if your 150 lbs is largely muscle. Are there BMI calculators that take into account activity level and, thus, weight from muscle, not just fat? Suggestions welcome.

    Personal opinion is that BMI is not worth the paper it’s written on/screen it’s printed on. According to BMI I imagine that every single member of the British Lions squad is morbidly obese when in fact they’re just muscle!

    Yes, Pixie_Pie1 and SueWR, the limitations of the BMI scale are well known – hence, the qualified comments on this site’s calorie calculator page:

    ‘BMI is a calculation of body fat based on height and weight. It has several limitations: it’s not accurate for pregnant women, people under 5 feet tall, and people with very muscular builds. It also does not account for age and the standard recommendations do not apply children or teens.’

    However, for the vast majority of over-weight people wanting to find a start-point and then have a general indicator of change/improvement, I think BMI readings have some value. I was certainly happy to see how my weight-loss gradually took me down, through the ‘overweight’ range, and then into the ‘healthy weight’ category and I now know how much loss is too much by looking at the ‘under-weight’ range.

    Have you tried searching online, Pixie_Pie1, for the calculator you want? If one doesn’t exist, maybe some body-builders’/ weight-lifters’ site might have at least produced an adjustment scale, so that well-muscled individuals can get some kind of comparison, should they want one?

    My view is coloured by my experience! Even in the days when I was a very slim size 10/12 – I vaguely remember them! – I weighed very heavy so I’ve always preferred to go on size and how I feel.

    Everyone is an individual.

    Hi, SueWR – Yes, you’re right, of course: use whatever works, and ignore whatever doesn’t help, and those things will be different for every one of us. I hope your sore throat has improved and the hay-fever is not making things too miserable. Best wishes to you.

    I am a mother of 4 ,47 years old and an ex dancer / aerobic instructor.I have health issues that prevent me from too much sport.I am 5 ft 4. And weigh 69 kg. I want to get to 56 kg.Will I still be in the healthy fat range.?

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