Canadian girl – day 1

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Canadian girl – day 1

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Minka 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Well here we are, on day 1. I am loving the concept of this program. Not new to diet and fitness, I am now struggling at age 54. I can’t believe the drop in energy and the lack of willpower I used to have. So, today I journalled my food. I’m allowed 1400 calories on the non fast days, although with a 5ft fine boned frame, I will probably not meet that. I’m struggling with trying to find a balance. Minimal grains, no white stuff, except I like grains like oats (except they send me into a hotflash) and I like whole grain rice and I like a potato every now and again.

    I worry that I will go extreme and fail, as I have time and time again. Any advice from other menopausal women? Sugar is out for me as even a little bit and I just can’t stop. My mom died of type 2 diabetes and I have a brother and sister, both very overweight, that also have diabetes. I have to be very very careful.

    So, today is day 1 🙂 I have a balanced day planned out and we will move forward from there.

    Hi there! I too am in Canada! (Vancouver area to be exact) Tomorrow is day 1 for me! I turn 43 in a couple of days and have about 80 lbs to lose, probably more but 80 sounds overwhelming enough! I am looking to make a change!

    I worry about my willpower….it is very very weak.

    So my reason for starting this journey… I was looking at job postings a couple of weeks ago. I’d really like to get on with an airline as I love traveling! So there was a posting for Jazz Aviation…but it was for flight attendants, something I’ve never really been interested in before, but I figured what the heck. If my resume is good enough, I’ll get a practice airline interview out of it for when an airport position comes up!

    I got email yesterday saying I’ve been selected for an interview! So now I’m freaking out! lol The more I think about it, the more I want the job now. sigh…but while they can’t come out and say you have to be under a certain weight, the reality is that I do not have the body size to work on a small airplane. I know it….and after the interview they will know it too!

    So…I’m going to do the interview (it’s online thankfully) and I will most likely get cut. BUT it will give me the interview practice I need and hopefully the motivation to actually lose this weight and keep it off and maybe apply for a similar job somewhere down the line!

    I haven’t told anybody all this so shhhhh 🙂

    How’s week 1 going for you so far?

    Hi Long, How are you doing so far? I’m 60 years old and have done very well adopting this as a way of life. I failed at many other diets though have thrived on this one. If you encounter any snags, write them down because there are others who have been in your footsteps who may be able to help.

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