Tracker question/issue?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  ladyfilosopher 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I started Tuesday, joined Thursday and set up my tracker. Today I went to update my weight but doing that zeroed my previous entries for bust/waist/hips/neck, and I had to re-enter them.

    Am I doing something wrong, or is the tracker set up to require that all entries be updated every time one is? It’s my plan to record weight more often than inches.

    Thank you.

    It’s never done that to me – sometimes I put inches and sometimes weight – or both. Maybe you hit something by accident, or there was a glitch. I think if you report this post you could ask admin to have a look for you? x

    For some reason I can enter my measurements. Any idea why

    glad to find this thread on questions about the tracker.
    I am only tracking Kgs shed. My question is about the right border of the tracker square: Why is it in cm? I cannot make heads or tails of what it is for. Top is 1cm and bottom is -1. with 0 at 87kg. I was really hoping for a side bar already calculating the shed kg as I go along. I did that by pencil and paper this morning.

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