Godensun thank you. You’ll get there too just keep moving forward with 5:2 or 4:3.
This topic contains 1,627 replies, has 93 voices, and was last updated by Fuvvie 8 years, 4 months ago.
DAY 29 ( sorry Coda)FLAUSA NFD. Coming to the end of the October challange. Monday’s weigh in will tell the tale. Good month. Slip here (Halloween candy)
slip there ( happy hour) but overall some positive habits put in place. So happy I found this incredible group. Tend to keep things to myself – good or bad – would never tell a friend that I’m on 52 don’t want to listen to everyone’s concerns so this forum gives me a place to vent or toot my own horn and no one is the wiser except my 5 :2 family. Thank you all so much. Have a great weekend hope you had a fantastic
Pissupossa put jason fung’s new book on my kindle – reading it now. Very good. Thanks for the heads up.
Good Morning All – USA – Missouri Ozarks, Day 29, Non-Fasting
Beautiful day, breezy, should be a record high for Halloween night, mid 80s.
Bummed about the Cubs but it is still early, probably will go all seven to make it even more exciting.
Ate fine yesterday, really less than I thought I would. Exercised more than I thought I would as I was gone most of the day shopping – but I managed to hit the exercise room for over an hour early in the evenng. Got a new pair of dress slacks while I was out, Talbot’s, size 8 – slip right on. My jeans are a size six but, of course, they are worn tighter than dress slacks.
Right where I feel the best so just need to figure out this maintenance thingy! For me losing has always been easy, gaining has been easy, staying at a desired weight is the difficult part. I would like to stay about mid 140s, never see over 150 regarding how much I indulged over a holiday or weekend. Even if I was 149, I would be in the 140s. Mind thing, I know but that is the goal – to just stay consistently in the 140s.
Have a great day, all.
Day 28: Pacific NW USA, NFD
Oct 28th is my 6 month anniversary on the 5:2 fasting plan. I feel so fortunate to have found these answers to solve my years long dilemma of weight gain. More important than finding the answers though, was actually doing it. That came about for me because of the support and stamina inspired by this group started six months ago by Coda. Coda, think how many lost pounds the evolution of your idea about a 42 day challenge has made a reality! We are all healthier because of the daily reminders from this group about how important it is for us to use the ideas of Dr. Mosley in our own lives.
Day 29. E. Canada NFD
Patti67, the soy I use is salty. I wonder if you like me have a hard time resisting sweet stuff after eating something salty. If you think it would help next time, try a piece of fruit – for me it’s a half banana – it might remove the salty taste, and diminish the craving for chocolate, licorice etc. But it is always extra challenging when one is trying to cope with bad news. I’m still trying to figure out what to eat, when stressed.
My big test will be if/when I come down with a cold. Then the desire for sweet things really kicks in. I will not have such an easy time resisting the chocolate mermaids, who so often sing to me as I pass the supermarket checkout. I’ll have to think about this, how to plan what to eat when ill, because the pounds could roar back on.
Today so far. It does not look like I will get in any exercise, it’s raining. Hmmn. Maybe I could go to the gym and use a treadmill.
Bran flakes, 200. 1/2 bagel with 1/3 avocado, 230. Berries and a squirt of light whipped cream, 60, st. 490. I should point out that the light whipping cream comes prewhipped in an aerosol can. A quick dollop is just enough to balance the acidity of the berries, but doesn’t add many calories.
I’ve been having 1/2 teaspoons of peanut butter in lieu of almonds which are quite expensive.
Good luck everyone.
Calgary, Canada Day 29 NFD – going to stick to under mt TDEE as always, I don’t eat bread, cookies, candy, chocolate, pasta, rice… and yet I still eat a higher percentage of carbs each day… being a vegetarian almost vegan is not making it easy for me to lose weight…that and being the sloooow loser type.
My primary source of protein are beans, lentils, a little soy and nuts… so high Carb and/or high fat. I have been tracking my eating using my fitness pal ap which is great, it shows me the percentage of what I eat against carbs, fat and protein and I know I need to change something. This challenge for me has shown me exactly that, the reason I gain is my diet has always been higher in carbs, when not on the 5:2 I did eat the bread and cookies and pasta so I can now see why I have steadily gained weight over the last 20 years. Come November my challenge will be to change those percentages, perhaps I will go out this weekend and by Michael’s new book the 8 week blood sugar diet to see if that plan will help me.
Good luck to all on our final countdown..
Day 29 UK NFD
My apologies Fuvvie for not postinh over the past few days, we have been away and absolutely no WiFi!! Just home tonight.
I really do connect with your comment, fuvvie, about doing so well in the first 4 months of 5.2.
Since the May challenge I lost over 2 stone and down from uk size 16 to 10/12!
But since Septembet I’ve been βhanging in thereβ staying around 64kg.
However this past week I’ve realy lost the plot! Carb overload.
I dread getting on the scales but know I must do that in the morning and get back on track. I’ve chucked all my larger sizes so there’s no going back!
Happy Sunday on and down !
Day 30 NFD NZ
Looking forward to a Sunday at home renovating the kitchen.
Will finish the challenge tomorrow with a FD and weigh the next morning so I’ll make my last post the morning of Nov 1st.
I’m grateful NZ doesn’t really do Halloween trick or treating so I don’t have to contend with a house full of junk food tomorrow.
Hi uk day 29
Think I have reached my pressure cooker moment and enough is enough. I have to get to grips with myself if I am ever to attain goal. I know by how I feel and my clothes I am going backwards. I am eating for the sake of it not because I am hungry and it has to stop! Another new start tomorrow.
Well done to those who have reached goal. 6 months since my 1st challenge (my goodness) and we have stuck together through thick and thin lol. I hope those we have lost touch with along the way have found their own path but thank you to all who have stuck with it and to those we have picked up each month thank you for your support and commitment.
USA Minnesota, Day 29, NFD
First, I’d like to send a big congratulations to you, Anna6, for meeting your weight loss goal!. I have always read your posts with interest, for several reasons: one, because I have such admiration for you as a grandmother who so often are minding your grandchildren. Several at a time! π Your daughters are so lucky for your support. I am exhausted after a couple times a week watching my 4 and half year old and 4 month old granddaughters. You say you don’t exercise, but of course watching and taking care of little children is exercise!
I have been so interested in your food choices, as well. You seem to eat so much more fruit than I do, and even pasta (!), and at first I thought you would not lose weight easily because you eat a larger amount of carbs than I and others would ever do. But you have lost your weight without problems, it would seem. I notice you also eat a lot of fish, and perhaps less fat than many here. I have been curious if you have struggled with appetite since you eat so many carbs? If not, then perhaps the low carb, high fat way of eating is not necessarily the best for everyone. Well done, Anna! π
Congratulations, Erika, on your 24 years of wedded bliss! I hope you enjoy your celebrations.
Coda, I second Back2theFuture’s sentiment: you and your 42 day challenge in May started many of us off on a very successful journey with 5:2. I don’t think I’d be this far without you, your challenges, and the succeeding challenges that you inspired. I’m sending positive thoughts to you, Coda, in hopes that you can easily re-commit to fasting and losing this next month, if that is your heart’s desire!
Thanks to you, also, Fuvvie. You’ve been a great challenge leader! So honest and compassionate! It’s been a privilege to be part of this challenge that you have hosted.
I think that sometimes we have to ease up and give ourselves a break, a breather, before re-commiting to something with the single minded determination that is necessary for success. That’s kind of where I am right now. I’m not particularly happy with the way I feel since gaining back 2-3 real pounds, but I’m not sure I’m ready to put my nose to the grindstone again, just now, to continue with weight loss. Soon, I will be ready, I think. It’s enough to hover at around 140-145 pounds for now, 22.4 BMI. I’ll do a FD if I need to once or even twice a week. It’s been 6 months for me on 5:2, and 5 months of posting on challenges: 2 stone, or 28 pounds, or 12.7 Kg lost.
Best of luck to everyone. I’ve so enjoyed everyone’s posts and feeling a part of your lives. God Bless!!
Australia, day 30, wow, FD,
Anna – congratulationsand well done! Enjoy!
Coda- you will get there, learn from each thing whether it’s a success that worked or a disappointment that didn’t. I have confidence in you that you will do it. Look at it 1 day at a time. Just work on ‘today’.
Onwards and downwards,
Perth, Australia, Day 30, NFD
Congratulations @anna6, on reaching goal. I love to hear when people achieve their objectives. Well done you.
@goldensun, whatever works for you. The underlying message was be kind to yourself, and it’s obvious you already know this and practice π
@coda, you got this.l have every faith in you. Being self aware is half the battle.
Tweed Coast Australia / Day 30 / NFD
DAFD and I’m feeling hungrier than usual for a Day After Fast Day. I’m pretty tired too and I have to realize that these two often go together and amplify one another.
I reached goal during the September challenge and I’ve felt a challenge in being able to remain at my goal weight ever since reaching it and that’s why I’ve continued with 5:2 instead of moving to 6:1.
Is anyone else really bothered on FD’s by ketosis mouth or bad breath? Some describe it as a metallic taste, and that is exactly what mine tastes like. I really only notice it any more on FD’s although for a while there I also did on NFD’s if I really watched my carb intake. I guess it’s good, but can be annoying. https://authoritynutrition.com/10-signs-and-symptoms-of-ketosis/
FD today has gone well while traveling. Only age a 60 calorie pkg of pretzels on the plane and an apple, 80 calories I bet, for regularity. Lots of water!
NorthernDawn thank you. I have struggled initially when stated 5:2 and later 4:3 fasting because I got so hungry around 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I snacked on cherry tomatoes mostly while drinking lots of sparkling water with lemon juice. I mostly had high carb low fat diet and only the last month or so I started taking konjac pasta and rice. I eat lots of fish about three times a week and it’s very satisfying. I honestly can say I have not struggled much with my appetite especially the last three months. When I went to parties I ate everything from pastries to sweet things. My BMI is 23.9 now. Yours is good better then mine so well done you. Keep it up and do whatever works for you. I just wish tostep up my exercise level. I know that grandkids can be tiring. There are such rewarding moments with them too that it makes it all worth while. I need to babysit my grandchildren as my three daughters all work. NorthernDawn keep up the good work and hope to hear from you in the next November challenge back2thefuture is setting up
Baygirl and Merryme thanks.
Coda our strong one, have courage, you can do it just continue. Tomorrow is another day.
Today is my grandaughter s birthday party. We’re celebrating her first birthday. So it’s a nfd for me.
Happy Sunday.
Day 30 Italy – FD
Even though I’ve already had breakfast I’m going to try for a FD, should be able to make it, got a busy day ahead. I really need to do something to save this challenge…I was doing ok and then spoilt it in the last few days.
Anna6 congratulations on reaching your goal. I’m so glad you’re staying on for November, I really enjoy your posts.
Day 30 Cornwall UK.FD
ok so the scales show 66.5 kg so up 2.2kg since the beginning of this month! Posting this helps me stay honest and accountable to myself. So today I will pull myself together, today will be a fast day and also tomorrow. I will hope, at least, to be back at 64.3kg which is where I started this month.
I do have to work on my mind, I worry about things and get so anxious. Mainly about my family and relationships! I then eat!
Well done to those who have done so well this month! Please keep posting you help so much!x
To those who are struggling we can do this, we know 5.2 works and we know that posting daily really helps.
Thank you Coda for starting these challenges, thankyou Fuvvie for taking the reins his month you are both amazing with your support and motivating posts.
I have a friends dog for 3 weeks so lots of walks!
Hi all day 30 fd
Thank you Northerndawn (I was just the one with the invite – you are the ones that walked the walk and stuck with me), Merryme, Baygirl and Anna6 (not feeling much of a strong one this month π). After reading all your posts of encouragement I am going to make today a fast day. A back to basics one. One day at a time, thanks Merry)! Who knows if it goes well I may make tomorrow one as well! Thank you.
Anna6 so pleased for you and another in our little group to inspire those still on their journey. Glad you are still going to be with us next month. Enjoy your party.
UK day 30 NFD Always knew October was going to be a challenge with visitors ,trips away etc so I’m going to look on the positive that I’ve remained steady, I’m going to go into the November challenge with a real goal to lose 4lbs .
Well done Anna6 , Coda sounds like your getting your head in the right place to start afresh November -you can do it !
Back in Sussex Day 30 NFD
Weighed in this morning and I’m exactly the same as the day I left for Spain so that is good news!
Well done anna6 – it’s fab to reach a goal!
Fuvvie, thank you so much for leading this challenge and encouraging us all to keep going even when things have been tough for you.
For those of us who struggle with emotional eating (and I think that’s most of us!) I like Paul McKenna’s advice – when you are tempted with emotional eating, ask yourself ‘What do I really want?’ – it can be a good way of checking the eating and then actually dealing with the emotion itself, instead of trying to ‘bury’ it with food. A great quote I heard is -‘There aren’t enough cookies in the world to fill emotional pain’.
I will have a FD tomorrow and then do a final weigh-in on Tuesday morning.
Keep smiling O&D
Day 30 USA (Illinois)
NFD for me – today is DAFD (day after fast day) and I am looking forward to breakfast shortly. I am especially happy to say my 160# is holding strong even after a week away and enjoying life with daughter and granddaughters in Utah. Let’s hear it for maintenance! 6:1 seems to be working as long as I don’t overeat on NFD’s.
simcoluv – thanks for the info about ketosis. It sure seems that I have that metallic taste they describe, but maybe it’s just my body reacting to a FD!
Coda – hang in there, we’re with you as best we can be through thick and thin. It was YOU who got me going on this wonderful blog group and challenges, and I really thank you for it. November will be my 7th month with you all!
Onward and downward. Off to church to play piano shortly.
Good Morning All – USA – Missouri Ozarks – Day 30 – Non Fasting
Had a good day yesterday, a little mindless snacking (out of a freshly opened bag of potato chips – I mean, really, who wouldn’t?) Son and his wife stopped by (they just live down the road) so I made them impromptu bbq beef sandwiches (deli slices, I didn’t make a roast or anything), chips and baked beans. They just came over to watch the game with us expectedly so I threw something together. I ate a salad – and some chips… haha.. My son is rooting for the Indians as he likes the mystique of the Cubs never winning. So, he left happy.
Glad that I had gotten in all my exercise earlier in the day so that was covered. Lots and lots and lots of water yesterday.
Off to church, no breakfast, veggie burger for lunch with salad.
Enjoy your day, all.
Day 30: Gloucestershire, UK: I am feeling a bit of a failure right now…not one successful fast day for a whole week. It wasn’t how I planned it, and I feel my weight is slowly edging up….even though I try to deny what the scales are showing me. My scales are ancient, mechanical and inaccurate…but the truth is there, all the same. I feel stressed.
So, today, is YET ANOTHER non-fast day.
Tomorrow is my last chance…I MUST get it right.
Ciren2 you are too hard on yourself, i think you need to ease off a little. look where you have come – remember when I was climbing that mountain- I had to catch my breath. so I stopped looked how far I had come, admired the view. Then when ready I carried on. I didn’t beat myself up or feel a failure. You reached your goal now your challenge is to work out how to maintain. If anyone of us had said what you have just posted what would you have said? yes Coda you are a failure? I am pretty sure you wouldn’t. why not take tomorrow off and enjoy the view don’t think of it as a fd or nfd. Tuesday is a new month new challenge you can begin your maintenance then x
Should we offer those that need a break a little dispensation from the commitment of posting everyday? I would hate to loose some people and their input all because they felt under pressure. I would prefer if they said I will still be here but will only post once a week rather than feel they have to leave us. For those who have already proven their commitment. What do you think?
Day 30 : NFD : Cheshire, UK
I lost my phone yesterday afternoon and everything went spirally downwards. It’s not losing the actual phone that upset me but all the data and I didn’t password protect it! Feeling better today and not so lost. Yesterday, my son was sweet and patient with me, telling me not to worry, it will be ok and helped me to block and erase my phone from a distance. My partner too has been very sweet. Feeling lots of gratitude and lucky.
@lindasue π thank you π
@Sallyseabird – I like that ‘What do I really want?’ Will try that…thank you!
Looking forward to the November Challenge. I’m sure I can reach my goal for the end of December π
HollyLY, BrightonBelle, SaltySeaBird and Fuvvie thank you.
Coda hang on there and you’ll soon get more motivated and your old self. I enjoyed the party very much. Our little Maxine choose an egg which means she is supposed to have plenty when she grows up. At one year parties there will be items on display for the one year old to choose from. These items are a ruler (for the toddler to become an architect when she grows up), a stethoscope (Doctor), rosary beads (religious such as a nun or priest), brush (hair dresser), an egg (she’ll have plenty), wooden spoon (into catering), scissors etc. Maxine’s sister choose a steoscope. Maxine and her sister s parents are an architect (their father) and a specialist in medicine (my daughter). It’s an old habit done in the Maltese islands sometimes at one year olqd parties.
Good evening everyone. Stay strong and true to 5:2.
@coda: I am relatively new to these postings but I can see all the positive energy you have so generously shared with others; all will be well for you in time. We can defeat the Dragons together!
Hi Song:
You are welcome.
One fairly common reason for ‘bad breath’ on 5:2 is dehydration. A more typical side effect is a headache, but if you don’t compensate for your lower water intake as a result of eating less you can become dehydrated and develop bad breath on your diet days. Of course, there are many, many reasons for ‘bad breath’, any one or more of which could be the problem. But ketosis is not one that comes into play after only a day of eating 5 or 600 calories – especially if any of those calories are carbs, which prevent ketosis in the first place.
Here are some 5:2 tips: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/
Good Luck!
Day 30. FLA USA NFD quiet Sunday just saute some onions and garlic and mixed it with a bag of spinach that I steamed and put it into individual tablespoon packages and froze them so I can have them to mix into my eggs. Makes a great omelette and no fuss. 1/2 onion sliced garlic and a bag of baby spinach and I got 10 tablespoons. Put it into a plastic ice cube tray and when they freeze just pop them out and put them in a plastic bag back into the freezer! Trying to keep to tdee. – last week I accidentally did fast days back to back Monday and Tuesday I really liked it so I think I’m going to try it again this week. Halfway through with the new Jason Fungus book – so much
interesting information. People always make fasting
sound like you’re destroying your health and being a
little crazy – after reading this book you realize how
very good it is for you mentally & physically. I came
into this program of course to lose weight but I was
having some serious liver issues and I really feel like
I’m doing myself some good. Last Christmas week the sister of a friend and I were having a discussion
that we both were feeling tired lethargic just basically not healthy and once the holidays are over we were both going in for check-ups to see what was going on
as I mentioned I had some liver issues that are still
working toward clearing up and unfortunately she
had stage 4 lung cancer – no other symptoms. We
lost her in February and I thank God everyday that
mine was not as serious and I feel that 52 came into
my life to show me a new path . Have a good day
Day31 NZ FD
Finishing on a FD
Not sure how I feel about October yet. Don’t think I’ve lost much, if anything, but tomorrow morning will tell
Thanks to all for the daily motivation and moral support, together we are all stronger & I feel like I’ve gained a new group of friends despite the fact we’ve never met…and the comfortable weight of friendship is one thing I’m happy to gain
Will weigh after my FD in the morning tomorrow. Today should go well, I’ve got a full day of painting to do in my kitchen so busy busy busy and no time to think about hunger pangs to much
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12:47 pm
29 Oct 16