The 31 day October Challenge

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The 31 day October Challenge

This topic contains 1,627 replies, has 93 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 8 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 1,628 total)

  • Fuvvie, thanks so much for getting this all underway! I’m looking forward to getting started tomorrow- goals are:
    Lose 4kg in October
    Better control on NFD days by planning/writing down what I eat
    Exercise – 4 times per week (minimum 30min)
    Water intake – 2 to 2.5 litres a day
    No eating after 7.30pm (I’m a big night picker!!)

    My birthday is at end of October & for the past 10 years I think to myself “lose weight for it”. Never do – just yo-yo up & down. I want to feel light & positive (instead of constant head battle over food/self esteem with body & weight). I’ve got about 8kg to lose in total (will know for sure tomorrow morning when I hope on scales!!) and think about weight & food too much, with too much secret eating/bingeing. Time to find a weight I feel happy at and learn how to maintain it!

    Enough from me! I enjoy reading everyone’s posts – very motivating.
    All the best!

    Hi Fuvvie I too would like to take up this challenge. This has been been my first week of 5:2 and so far it has been fine with no real problems on fast days. I am probably the oldest at 66 (going on 16) and have been on a “diet” for 50 years yo yo up and down . I have a replaced hip and and a painful knee so exercise is quite difficult but I will pledge to walk for at least 30 mins 4 times per week. I challenge myself to loose at least 4 pounds but my ambition is half a stone. At 13 and a half stone I have a long journey but you seem like the kind of guys who will spur me on. Good luck to everyone!!

    Hi charybdis99 and welcome to the fold. Sounds as though you have a plan. That’s great.
    Welcome Moth54, I was well and truly awake when you wrote your note as you can see from my post which I wrote 3 hours before you. I think the time is British time as we are 10 hours ahead of them, and you are about 14 hours behind us, I think. Anyhow, it’s lovely to hear from you and forgive my hairsplitting. It is one of my big failures. I’m trying to overcome it as it can get me into trouble😈. I’ve been ten pin bowling with my grandsons this morning. Poor old GreatGrandma, my mother-in-law, had to just sit there and watch as I can’t leave her at home on her own. She is 92 with advancing dementia and gets terribly confused and a danger to herself. The bowling started out well till I slipped and fell straight onto my right knee and pulled my (L) adductor muscles. Style went out the window. But the morning was fun in spite of that. Glorious day here in sunny Queensland.
    As for starving, I reckon I could feed off my body for the next month and not starve.

    Hi Fuvvie, Over in the September group, I read your welcome to maintainers for the October Challenge. I appreciate being able to be a part of these challenges, so thank you for hosting this October Challenge! Count me in!

    Surrey UK Hi Fuvvie, are we following the same plan with posting, i.e. Our location, what day, etc. It is really useful that we start on day 1 of October..makes it easy to follow, as we did in September.
    Slimsylv, you are definitely not the oldest! There are some of us who are over 70…actually, how many of us are there who are 70 and over? I am 71. I thought that I would be a lost cause at this age, but it does work for me. My habits are more set I suppose, and more effort is needed to overcome them. I don’t actually feel 71, have to say. It constantly surprises me that I can’t do with ease all the things I did 20 years ago. Oh well, aging is not for the faint-hearted!

    Oh good grief, Fuvvie, I thought you were in GB, turns out you are in Oz! So yes, you would have been well and truly awake. We visited Oz a few years back, shifting that many time zones was an interesting experience. I envy you, you are just starting out summer, whereas ours is coming to a close.

    I awoke this morning (my time!!) quite early, and the first thing I thought was, try to see oneself as an interesting object of study, instead of a penitent confessing before a Inquisition of Food, on pain of being tortured on a Rack of Recrimination. Anyway, when I realize I ‘auto-ate’ yesterday (put stuff in my mouth without really thinking about it) I need to consider what problem I was trying to solve when I did this. If I’m worried about something, I need to figure out another way to self soothe. It won’t help that goal if I beat myself up about having fallen prey to a poorly chosen method of self-soothing.

    Hello all,
    This is a reply to JoyT (hope I’m doing this right). Just wanted to say, I love your positive attitude and wording for your October goals. Saying ‘I will’ rather than ‘I will try’ really sets us up on the path of success πŸ™‚ You can do this!

    Hi MisGizmo,
    I think I heard the same thing about groups in MyFitnessPal and would be in if it happens. Will do some research πŸ™‚

    Hello Fuvvie,
    Please add me to the challenge too. Looking forward to it πŸ™‚

    P.S. I’m new to the side so wondering if there is a way to mention other users in one’s posts so they get notified if someone replies to them?

    Tanja 😊

    Hello Slimsylv and HealthyTanja, Welcome to the thread and tomorrow is kick off, even though we have well and truly seemed to have got stuck into introducing ourselves.
    NorrieB, I think that it is well established that location followed by the day which will coincide with the date makes it easiest for me to collate. Also saying whether you are on an FD or not. That way, since we are across so many time zones, I will be able to match you to the day. Does this make sense. I’m new to doing a spread sheet, so groping my way along like a blind person in unfamiliar territory.
    I would like to include a post that Coda put up at the beginning of the 4 week challenge. Don’t believe in reinventing the wheel but will get her permission first. See you all tomorrow.

    Hello all, I am K-Lo (Karen) from New York/New Jersey, USA. I am coming up on 61 (December), have a wonderful hubby of 30 years, and two sons in their 20s (one still in college).

    I started 5.2 in March and I have gone from 130-131 to 119-120. I am sort of maintaining, but would be happy getting down to 117-118. I have been wearing a lot of older clothes that I thought I would never get back into. Of course, once I got back into some of them, I realized they are just shot or too out of fashion.

    I have had some chronic pain problems that have caused me to pull back on a lot of my old exercise habits, but with the help of an incredibly talented, brilliant, intuitive massage therapist, I have done an almost 180 in the past few months. I am now lifting weights again, and getting stronger again.

    61 is going to be a breeze.

    Looking forward to spending October with all of you.

    Looking forward to sharing October with you.

    Hello…could you sign me up to this as well please? I am new to 5:2 but hoping to shift about a stone and a half.

    Can I join the challenge please. I have tried various “diets” over the years and nothing has worked. I started this because my sister in law recommended I gave it a go. She is very slim and very fit. (Not jealous at all😩) I seem to be losing a lot less than others on here but nevertheless it is going. I am 66 yrs old so maybe that’s part of the problem now as I am not very active. Hubby needs to lose weight too but won’t join me. So I am in need of some support.

    Rilla, you’re in the right place for support!!

    Hi Fuvvie I’d like to join the October challenge too. I am brand new to the site and to the 5:2 and am aiming to lose 11kg to get back to my pre kids weight.

    Australia Day 1 NFD well it is already October 1 here so I thought I might as well do my first post. Mind you it is only 3:40am – I can’t sleep though. Fuvvie I will go to the gym later this morning and will then do my full weigh in and measurements to kick off the month. I have to buy yet another set of scales as the last set gave up the ghost a week ago and my original set are so hard to read. I am looking forward to staying in touch with all of those who joined Coda’s first challenge in May and getting to know all the new people. Good luck everyone!

    Australia, Day, NFD
    Weight 78.3kg today 1 Oct.

    I walk 30 – 40 kms a week with my super active rescue Great Dane X and do 2 PT (personal training) sessions a week. I don’t use a Fitbit anymore because I do crazy things to wearable gadgets….apparently I walked 52.000 steps one day and 5 the next!

    Fuvvie, Good luck in hosting this challenge.
    I’m also doing an Oct challenge with Adeline, I’d also like to continue here to support and get support, I had great success in Sept. Please let me know if that’s an issue. VP

    Tweed Coast Australia / Day 1 / NFD

    Start weight 57.0

    I’m not able to exercise much due to adrenal insufficiency.

    For most of my adult life I weighed between 54-57 kg. When Menopause, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Adrenal Insufficiency hit, my weight rose and a few years ago I clocked in at about 70 kg. To help shed weight, I followed something called an ‘Adrenal Reset Diet’ which enabled me to drop to 64.0 though when I reached that weight I suddenly wasn’t able to maintain the discipline of that diet for even a couple of hours so began to gain again. For the past year my weight fluctuated between 67 and 64 kg though every time I’d reach the 64 kg low, I’d fine myself voraciously hungry and I’d eat my way back up to a higher weight!

    In late June 2016 I started experimenting with 5:2 and fell right through my 64 kg glass floor and now on October 1, I weigh 57.0 kg something I didn’t think possible even 6 months ago!


    Hi Fuvvie, I’m back after a September struggle with bad eating habits.

    I would like to join in for the October challenge please.

    My goal is to reach 120 pounds for Christmass time. I am now at 130. My FD are monday and Thursday with an additional Saturday when I feel for it.

    Thank you for taking over for this coming challenge.

    Have a nice weekend everyone x

    Sydney Australia
    1st October
    97.6 kg
    This is my 5th day doing th 5:2 fast diet, I have have a long road ahead, but after reading lots, I am confident this is doable for the long term!
    My goal for October is 5kg, which is a lot I know but hopefully achievable. Ultimately to lose 25kg.
    In October I have a friend quitting smoking and another one giving up alcohol, so In support, I am going to get off my bum, and commit to moving 10,000 steps a day. This is going to be a mind game for me, as my willpower for exercise atm is zero. I am sitting here trying to think of excuses not to do it ! Ultimately, I want to live a lot longer than my 51 years, so my health will be my motivation.
    Looking forward to a great October with you all!

    Sunshine Coast Aus, Day 1: NFD: OK. Deep Breath and here we go. I now officially open the October challenge. Challenge can mean so many things to so many people. The Collins Australian pocket dictionary starts off “to invite or call (someone ) to take part in a contest fight or argument.” I agree with calling people to take part in, but hope that this is not a contest, fight or argument. I’ve grown to value the compassion, humour and wisdom that has shown up over and over in the previous challenges I have been fortunate enough to be involved in. I aim to have this as an extension of those supportive initiatives and this thread has already started to blossom with those positive humorous and compassionate and open words.
    My starting weight for this month is 105.8kgs(16st 9.25lbs) (233lbs). I think it looks best in stones and pounds. 233lbs looks like a nightmare to me. I’m used to the kilos. My short term goal is to get to 99.9 kgs (15st10.24lb) by Christmas. I would be grateful for 2.5kg reduction for this month. I plan to walk 4 days per week and do strengthen exercises 3 days per week.

    I have Lolly’s permission to put something she said recently after going through 6 weeks of cancer treatment. ” I am extremely happy to be finished treatment. Now I feel that I can begin to work out a new normal, and I hope to be fully back into LCFH within a fortnight. It’s not that I haven’t lost weight, because I have, but these weeks have driven home the difference between a β€œdiet” and a β€œfood plan”. One I struggle to stay on, the other is just β€” how I live now. And I know where I’d rather be.” I thought this might help to clarify where we are with 5:2. A food plan is what we need.

    Welcome to Supersizevssuperskinny, Rilla (you made me laugh already), Yazcat, VioletP and Quebecoise, new faces and longtime fellow travellers. We have 74 signed up to date for the challenge and some pretty spectacular goals have been set. My daughter showed me how to put you all into alphabetical order this morning and I’ve set up columns for starting weight, goal weight and exercise goals. If anyone has any other ideas so that I can feed back to you at the end of the challenge, please let me know. I’m learning so much. A 67 year old retired physiotherapist who has worked in Aged Care assessment for many years, retired to look after 92 year old mother-in-law with dementia. My daughter, son-in-law and 3 grandsons live here as well so it is a dynamic household and often I don’t know if I’m on my head or my heels. My husband travels a lot and will probably be away for all of October so that gives me the freedom to devote myself to this site on a daily basis. Forgive me if I don’t comment on everyone’s posts, but I don’t think that is necessary anyway.

    Enough for now. Good luck and happy fasting, non fasting and if you update your profiles, you’ll get to know each other that little bit better.

    Extra post – well I started the first day of the October challenge at the gym which was good and took the opportunity to weigh myself on their scales which was very, very bad! Starting weight is officially 88.9kgs – nearly 5kgs heavier than on my home scales. So for this month I will weigh in each Saturday at the gym. I have taken my measurements as well. My goal is to lose 4kgs this month and to exercise 6 days a week. Fingers crossed! Thanks Fuvvie for managing us. πŸ™‚

    Hi Fuvvie, I would love to take part in the October challenge please. I only registered on this wonderful forum a couple of hours ago so I’m a complete novice! I live in England and its 2.45 a.m. here; I don’t sleep well (obviously!) as I have pelvic adhesions from past surgery, just a bit painful! The fridge calls out to me throughout the night ” Ellie, please come and finish off the cheese, trifle, cream cake and the chocolate you hid behind the packs of yogurts ” 😩 – of course, only the tiny bar of chocolate is actually mine.
    I am going to lose the three gigantic stones I have successfully managed to gain in the last three years. My husband-to-be doesn’t need to lose weight and my friends are slim – and yet I’m still friends with them πŸ˜†
    We’re all going to do really well with this challenge – I can feel it in my (slightly arthritic) bones – crreeak!
    Going to try and sleep now, if that bloody fridge would just shut up………..

    Perth, Australia/ 1st October/ FD

    Starting weight 92.5kg

    Hi all,

    Just wanting to wish everyone luck with the challenge. Hope you kick your goals. Thanks to Fuvvie for organising and making this possible 😊

    Sorry, can’t stay, this assignment is not going to write itself and if I want to go out tomorrow (winery lunch with work mates – I know, great timing but it has been organised for months. I’m driving though so alcohol intake will be minimal) then I’d better hop to it.

    Have a great weekend wherever you are 😊

    Croatia, Day 1, NFD
    Starting weight: 75.6 Kg
    Goal weight: 74 Kg

    2nd post :Welcome Elliecee , welcome to your new way of life. You have absolutely done the right thing joining 5:2 and I’m hoping you find inspiration amongst your new weightier friends. Would ear plugs do to drown out Die Lorelei in the fridge πŸ˜‰πŸ˜– Maybe tie yourself to bed to prevent your smashing your resolve on the rocks of munchies in the fridge? Sorry to hear about your pain at night. It must be difficult. I find that listening to an audiobook helps me drift off, but I have to remember where I started it so I know where to go back to where I drifted off.

    Please remember to start your first post of the day with location, day of challenge which is the same as the date this challenge, and whether it is an FD or an NFD. I’m also noting down starting weight, goal re weight reduction and exercise goals if you so desire. It is totally up to the individual whether you want to share weight and goals. No judgement.

    Brussels, day 1, NFD
    Starting weight: 65,5 Kg
    Goal weight: 63 Kg

    Hoping to get under 65 asap as that will put me back in a healthy bmi, I was horrified when stepping on the scale in the end of the summer (had not done it since Christmas) and see that my weight had creeped up to 68 Kg, an all time high for me. Now I’m looking at getting back into shape and caring more for myself than for my work… Good luck to all of you in the challenge, I hope for all of us to reach our independent goals! Here we go!!

    Day 1 NFD NZ
    I think my start weight is 63.7kg- haven’t weighed since Friday but that’s close enough for me.

    Goal weight is 57-58kg by Christmas – I just hope this year Santa brings me a big fat wallet and a slim body because last year he got those two mixed up and I don’t want him to make the same mistake twice.

    I am actually more interested in measurements than scales so when I get home from holiday on Monday I’ll take my tape measure to the work in progress that is my current generously proportioned self and set some goals.

    Ideally I want to lose another 4kg this month and see something on the scales that starts with a 5!!! I don’t mind if it’s 59.9 but something under 60 would be just dandy.

    Looking forward to following along with you all, I’ve started October great, baked a Ginger Crunch that I havnt wanted to taste yet today and went for an 80min walk with a huge hill climb this morning…even the dog struggled to make it all the way up and I certainly felt the effort (mostly as Sweaty Betty drips of perspiration running off the end of my nose) but the view was worth it and so was the sense of achievement at the top.

    Will check in tomorrow 😊😊😊

    Hi All,
    Good luck with the October challenge.

    Day 1 NFD Dubai
    Start weight 63.3kg
    Goal weight this month 59.9kg (I just need to see it drop below 60)
    Exercise Goals: 30 minutes 4 times a week.

    Eeek putting this all down in writing is a bit scary but I feel so ready to do something about achieving a happier healthier me.

    NZ – Day 1, NFD
    Starting weight – 66.5kg
    Goal maintain weight – 58kg (by end December)
    October goal – 4 kg down

    Am going to weigh myself once (or twice!!) a week – no more daily weighing.
    Been a fairly good NFD start although only 1/2 way through my daily water goal!
    Going to run tomorrow morning.

    Off to have another big glass of water. Great reading everyone’s posts.

    Sussex UK Day1 NFD
    Good morning everyone.
    Starting numbers:
    Weight 58.5kg
    Still keeping to Low Carb (&sugar-free) – especially eliminating grain-based carbs, lots of veg and good healthy fats. I know I can do this but I also know that when I’m upset or emotional, I am tempted by sweet, sugary things! So trying to keep strong.
    Also trying to do HIIT – walking and sprinting, swimming, cycling.
    Good luck everyone – keep focused on the end Goal especially when the going gets tough.

    London Day 1 Octobet Challenge thanks to Fyvie for leading 😊

    Here is to a new month with a focus on exercise for me. Swimming later this morning and a low carb day is planned. Last month I managed to control weekend eating and drinking which has always been my downfall. My goal for the month is a 7lb loss which is a lot but I need to catch up as I lost 3.5lbs in September not the 5lb I had set as a goal!! Good luck one and all and here’s to a successful month for all☺

    Gozo, Malta

    I’m 66 kilos. My target weight is 64 kilos. I hope to reach my target weight this October.

    Good luck everyone, stay strong and if not tomorrow is another day.

    Surrey UK NFD Day 1…….Good morning all you lovely people! Let us see what this month brings. Starting at 97.9kg. There is a drive being advertised on television to ‘Stay sober for October’. So I am aiming to cut out wine this month. This is a goal. I love a glass or two of wine after a really busy day and am sure it is not helping. I sleep really well when I don’t have wine, but it is such an entrenched idea of a ‘reward’ for a hard day’s work.
    Setting weight loss goal doesn’t really work for me because I always sabotage it, so I am taking things one day at a time.
    I also want to hear more of what Dr Jason Fung has to say, because being well informed on sugar, insulin resistance, glucose etc. makes all the difference for me as well. I need to understand what is going on.
    A brief recap of my history (not that it’s all that interesting). Good idea though, Fuvvie, we have been together a number of months now, so would be nice to know a little more about each other.
    Born, grew up, studied art, philosophy, spent a year in the USA on a bursary, and married in South Africa. Had five children. My love affair with the UK started in my late twenties when I started coming here to study medieval art and heraldry, and found the BEST teacher ever for calligraphy and heraldry. Ended up working for the South African Bureau of Heraldry and loved it. Did all the National Orders on parchment, did some awards for big businesses and did some for Nelson Mandela, and then started building up international base of clients. I absolutely loved the work!
    Lost my 16 year old son in an awful accident, my eldest daughter married an Englishman (lovely man!) in 1986, and from then on I regularly visited here, never ever expecting to one day live here. My wonderful husband died in 1995, and that’s when the weight started to creep on, and years and years later I was almost 30 kilos overweight. Retired in 2010, and with the whole of the rest of my family, managed to move to the UK. It was a massive change for all of us, for me it was a dream come true. So, that’s about it. This is a new chapter now, we have been here four years and I have just been looking after the family while they establish themselves in the workplace. I am looking forward to getting back to my art!
    So very sorry for the long post! I didn’t realize it would be so long. Won’t happen again!

    Day 1. Sussex. U.K.
    Fuvvie, hello over there. I thought I had posted my request to sign up with you but don’t see it.
    Can I put my hand up now please.
    Weight today: 178 lbs/ 80.73kg/ 12stone 10lb.
    Started 5:2 beginning of June at 13.9
    Found some fast days so easy but on others I just blew it by mid morning. Also tended to go over on NFD.
    Not much exercise last month as had various Health and family issues going on but am seeing physio on weds and hope to get back into it now. Have gym membership and saw a personal trainer earlier in the year but took 4 months out over summer. I have come to see that basically I’m just inclined to be lazy. However on fast days feel energetic, especially if I can be out of the house. Lol.
    Will let 4lbs creep away this month. It is my birthday month, 68! Also grandchildren will be on half term at the end so hope to see them.
    Good luck everyone.

    Oops extra post. Forgot to say NFD today.

    Day 1 NFD (FDs are tues and thurs)
    5ft 5
    SW – 61.2kg
    Oct GW – 59kg
    Actual GW – 57kg

    I have a boozey lunch today so expecting a gain tomorrow.

    UK day 1 UK Morning Fuvvie and all,signing in for the October challenge, I’ve lots of challenges this month my Mum is visiting for the week on Monday and the weekend after I have a spa weekend away but I’ve factored these in will have to fit the FDs around them .My starting weight is 10st 5 lbs and my goal is to be under 10 by Christmas so if I could lose 2lbs in October I’d be happy ,I do a lot of exercise so my October challenge is to improve upper body strength – back to the dreaded press ups – good luck all, great to see lots regulars ( I never thought when I signed on to Coda challenge back in May I’d still be here – thanks Coda ) and lots of newbies , looking forward to getting to know you all

    Hello Fuvvie and everyone,

    I would like to join this challenge please. I was part of this group about a year ago and achieved my desired weight at beginning of this year. I was able to maintain it but I’ve noticed recently that my weight is starting to creep up again.

    Cheshire, UK
    Day 1 – NFD
    Starting weight : 9st 12.8 : 137lbs : 62.5kg
    Desired Weight : 9st : 125lbs : 57kg

    I hope to reach my desired weight by Christmas.

    Thank you for leading this challenge Fuvvie and it’s good to be back. The warmth and support of all participants is still very tangible.

    Good luck to everyone πŸ™‚

    Hi from Portugal.
    Start weight 69.2 kg
    October GW 66.7 kg
    Long term GW 58kg

    Exercise – 30 minutes 5 times/week (I love fitness blender) plus a few short walks
    Finding it really hard to lose weight as in peri menopause and have underactive thyroid. Any tips very welcome.
    Look forward to this month’s challenge. I am completely new to this forum but have tried 5:2 diet before but not for extended period.

    UK Nottingham Day 1

    This is just a quick check in, I will post my starting stats a little later. Today is a NFD, my goal is to lose something, after having 6 months of cancer treatment and now on Tamoxifen, I’m struggling to shift weight, as unfortunately weight gain is one of the common side effects.

    Good luck to everyone xx

    UK Nottingham Day 1

    Just a quick check in, NFD. I will post my starting stats later.

    My goal is to lose anything. Having gone through 6 month of cancer treatment this year and I am now on tamoxifen which has weight gain as one of the common side of effects.

    Good luck to everyone xx

    Day 1 Italy – NFD
    Start weight 76.8kg
    goal weight 69kg
    Don’t want to set a goal for October, i’m just going back to basics, doing everything as i should , because i know it works and slowly but surely the weight will come off.
    Best of luck to everyone

    Altnata,GA/Usa/NFD, Day 1:

    I’m happy to be here in October with you all. It’s my birthday month so Im excited about 5:2! My goal is to loose 5-7 lbs. this month. I’m starting at 196 lbs and would like to get down to 190 lbs. I’m going to continue to work out 5 – 6 days a week as well. Im taking the weekend off from exercise do to a class that I’m taking Saturday and Sunday. I will begin back on Monday on my FD. Best wishes to you all!

    Day 1 USA NFD

    Start weight 208. Hoping to lose 8lbs this month

    Exercise 5 times a week for 60 mins

    Good luck to everyone

    Hi everyone newbies and old friends day 1 nfd uk

    Starting weight 11.125 or 75.6 or 166.61 I don’t like putting a goal to achieve, tried it and it doesn’t work for me. I have listed my weight and listed it going down in small increments. When I achieve it I stick a date beside it. I also use the tracker on this site. Maybe some of the new members would consider taking a photo. This is for your eyes only but a record of where you are and in your minds eye you can see where you are going. Measurements are also good to write down cus at times when the scale is not playing ball you will have lost inches. Keep strong and keep focused.

    Australia day 1 nfd

    Hi Fuvvie, thanks so much for hosting this challenge. I’m really looking forward to it, especially after a week of holidays without any fasting and way too much eating! I just got back tonight so will weigh in tomorrow morning and check the damage and report my starting weight if that’s okay?

    Day 1! NFD.

    Start weight: 142.5lbs
    Goal: 135lbs

    Feeling good and motivated. Lovely weather here in Ontario, Canada. Great day for a nature walk.


    Name: Olabimpe
    Starting weight: 76kg
    Goal weight for October: 72kg
    FD: 5:2 diet
    NFD: 16:8

    I am in for the challenge and I am doing this with my sister, though she is not in this forum but she is still a part of this.

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