Amen to that. In New Hampshire, the “Live Free or Die” State, there are recurring debates about allowing guns in public spaces. Several years ago a ‘nutter’ walked into a town hall and killed 5 employees. So rules were put in place to ban guns in town halls. Of course they are banned in schools, but elections are often held in schools — while they are in session — and there are no rules saying you can’t take your gun to go vote. Every time the Republicans get control of the State House, they vote that it is OK to take your guns inside. Now that the Democrats have control, they have banned guns in the House. Hunting is big here, but no one needs a semi-automatic/automatic/bump stock to hunt deer! Those should be ground up into little bits.
We are Fasting today. For breakfast we enjoyed eggs baked with chicken cooked with Haitian spices all ground up], served with a side of melon and pineapple. For dinner we’ll have an old favorite, Rumbledeethumps [aka: Colcannon] which I have gotten down to the right calories for a Fast by combining the mashed potato with mashed cauliflower.
Carolann, sorry to hear about your dad. Both my parents died with dementia, so I know what you are going through. It is distressing.
2:13 pm
18 Mar 19