Sydney Australia, 36 hours down and loving it!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Purple Vegie Eater 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi guys, great lifestyle change. It was a little tricky working out the plan as my book hasn’t arrived in the post yet but I think we worked it out. 500 calories feels like cheating. It’s pretty easy really. And you do really appreciate the food you do ingest. Never had a boiled egg quiet like it! Already lost 1 kg but it’s not about the weight for me it’s about living longer for our son. Bring on the repair cells. What I love about this is how you think about how food reacts with your body, not like a normal diet where you are constantly thinking I’m hungry I want a burger. A 58min documentary on the sbs has changed our lives.

    Good on you Amberly!
    Get on the Southern Hemespherites thread, it is full of Aussies doing this and awake at the same time as you. All the best. PVE, fellow Sydneysider 🙂

    Hi purple vegie eater I’m also from Sydney. Just new to this lifestyle. How are you after 36hrs?

    Hi Magnolialove in wet, wet Sydney.
    I nearly missed this as I subscribe to only a couple of threads. Check out the Aussie folk on Southern Hemispherites thread as there is always someone supportive lurking there.
    Cheers PVE

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