Straight 24hr fast

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  snedger 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Does anybody not use their calorie allowance and just do a straight 24 hr total fast with only zero calorie fluids like water and green tea allowed etc ?

    Hi QPR

    Yes quite a few do a water fast or a zero cal drinks fast. Worth trying, and if you find it not too hard you then have a choice and can go back to the 5/600 style on days that are too much struggle.


    Not sure what the split of people doing partial:total calorie restriction is, but it is almost certain that the majority of people eat something on fasting days.
    I do zero cals, easier and denial free safe for me.
    And BTW, for zero cals, 24 hours does not apply – it is more like 36 hours – dependent on the time of the evening meal and the time of the next breakfast.
    e.g. I last ate at 8pm on Thursday, fasting today – Friday – and am aiming, nay, salivating, for an 8am breakfast on Saturday – so for me, a 36 hour fast.

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