Started today

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  • Today is my first fast day, it really isn’t as difficult as I thought it would be.
    My only problem has been a lousy headache, I don’t usually have this problem, could it be to do with the fast?

    Hi Ann!
    From reading the forums a lot, it seems the headaches are not unusual at the start. I had a couple headaches when I started but they stopped as I got used to it.

    I did find I wasn’t hydrated enough though – maybe that’s something to consider?

    Good luck!
    Happy fasting 🙂

    I have done 5:2 for a year now – lost 6 stone. I experienced headaches for the first two or three fasting days. Drink plenty. After the first week or so the headaches went away.

    Headaches are frequently a sign of dehydration, so check in with your water intake first. Today is my first day of 5:2 as well, but in my previous attempts with fasting and with restricted diets in general, sometimes those initial days, where your body is resetting itself and sort of detoxing – headaches and feeling like rubbish in general are normal.
    good luck! 🙂


    I had headaches for quite a while. It turned out it was a lack of fluids and a lack of salt for me.

    First day fast today. Headache tonight. Drank 96 oz of water today. I think it might be from loer calories. I had 485 today.

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