September Challenge

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  • Ireland day 2 nfd
    All good just going with the flow….night all

    Sunshine Coast Aus Day 3: Was going to have an NFD today but have decided to go for an FD. There will be temptations this afternoon at the huge afternoon tea my friend Helen puts on after the singing practice, but they know that I usually don’t indulge so won’t this time either.
    PositiveinPA, thank you for your question about self sabotage. It’s time for me to remind myself about this. Mark Stephens, a hypnotherapist, talks about self sabotage and a really relevant thing is that we have “away from” goals. I’m moving away from 123.9 kgs. Eventually you move so far from that negative state that everyone starts saying positive things to you, you feel better about what you are seeing in the mirror and you lose the pull of the negative state. That’s when we lose sight of our goals. Instead we should keep our eye on the positive goal of what we are moving towards, constantly reminding our selves of what we do want rather than what we don’t want. He explains it really well in the Think Slim Diet, free your mind and transform your body. If you couple that sort of thing with Jason Fung’s Obesity Code and Dr Moseley’s Fast Diet, then success is guaranteed. Sounds simple but not always easy to put into action, but it makes tremendous sense. Our desire to succeed has to be stronger than our desire to eat crap. Cutting out sugar and grains helps me with the hormonal stuff. Just lately I have been indulging in what Mark calls Stinking Thinking. It’s not helpful. I feel though, with this challenge and lots of positive thoughts from everyone, that I am ready to take up the challenge again and move ahead.
    Have a lovely Saturday everyone. Looking forwards to lots of warm and fuzzy feelings rather than self doubt. Singing this afternoon will definitely help.

    Australia Day 3 NFD – well it’s official – I am a pig! I had planned my NFD to make sure I could have a night out with my husband and still stay within my TDEE. Everything was fine untill we got home and I was still hungry so ate chocolate, popcorn and pizza! And had several extra glasses of wine! When will I ever get some control.

    UK/Day 2/Fast Day

    Day 2 was supposed to be a fast day. Had a unplanned date, ended up being stuck curry house 3 ciders,set curry meal for one. 100g of mike chocolate from ASDA.
    Best part about this diet, i can always change the fast days to suit my unplanned social events.

    Day 2: Pacific NW USA, llquid only FD

    I’m going strong at 24 hours which included ice coffee with whole cream, sparking water and white tea.

    I will be on my own during the day tomorrow and I think fasting will be easier than avoiding the tendency to weekend binge so I may extend my fast for another 24 hours. Tomorrow I’m what we in the US call a “football widow”. (The odd shaped, pointy ended ball we call a football over here! Ha! I’m more of a fan of the little, round ball that they throw around bases, especially thrown around by the little team known as the SF Giants.)

    I bought the Paderno spiralizer from William’s and Sonoma on sale over the summer and like others have said, I love it. The newer version I bought has 4 different blades and clean-up is easy. It has a pretty small “foot print” in my cupboard. I’ve been using a spiralizer recipe web site at that has scads of recipes, can be sorted by diet type and has nutrition info. Scroll down past the ads to click on “spiralized recipes”, then scroll down again to click on “categories”. Her Thai inspired recipes have been delish! There’s another version of a spiralizer advertised on this website but I’m happy with my Paderno.

    There are so many posts since yesterday, great stories, good advise, and concurrence of ideas. I also keep all but my LCHF food choices to myself. No matter the science behind IF’ing, the raised eyebrows and furrowed brows are more than I want to deal with right now.

    Fuvvie, most of the time I’m not sure if I’m coming or going so thanks for your words of advice! Being mindful, another goal for my world view!

    D3, Australia, NFD
    Finished a 36 hour liquid only fast this morning with a homemade muesli made with rolled oats, nuts, seeds, chia, cacao nibs, psyllium with a bit of fresh chopped apple and banana and soy milk and water mixed.

    Just had a homemade soup lunch made with quinoa, lentils, herbs and a grand selection of homegrown veggies, I use the leaves of Beetroot, cauliflower and broccoli too…i do share some leaves with the hens too!

    Walked doggy 5.5 kms.

    I’m very happy with my September efforts so far, I can’t weigh as my scales are ‘hormonal’….new ones are on the way.

    Wishing you all success. VP

    Croatia, Day 3, NFD
    Weight: 77.5 Kg

    Two weeks in Hawaii are over. Flying home in a few hours. Red eye flight. Get home on day #3 of september challenge. It will be interesting to weigh myself when I get home to see how I did. My clothes are looser at least! It will be much easier not on vacation. Thanks for ideas fron everyone in this group.

    I will change my reports a little bit. Because only in the morning I have time for reporting, but only at the end of the day I know the type of IF for that day (not hungry = IF 23/1, hungry = IF 20/4), my reports will be in the morning, confirming the IF from the previous day.

    So: today Day 3 / DE / yesterday IF 23/1.

    Have a nice week-end! ☕

    Day 2. USA. NFD.

    I stayed within ny TDEE today, but took in too many calories yesterday to qualify as a FD. Will try a FD tomorrow even though there will be a potluck at work. I will have to eat elsewhere so as not to get caught up in mindless eating in the lunch room.

    Wishing everyone a great weekend.

    Tweed Coast Australia / Day 3 / NFD

    Sitting here eating a delicious ‘Eve’ apple snack.

    Doing okay. Feeling emotional today though somehow able to feel that as separate from hunger and eating. That’s been liberating and new since 5:2.

    Fuvvie, love the post you wrote about ‘away from’ and ‘toward’ goals! …Very insightful and worth pondering.

    I’m fasting tomorrow.

    Day 3 – Switzerland – FD

    I need to change my mindset about NFDs. Yesterday started well, I made good choices and weighed and logged until after lunch, when I sneaked an extra handful of nuts, then some sweets, then it was all out of the window. Not sure why I did it – it was only day 2 of the challenge, I’d have hoped my will-power would’ve been a little more resilient.

    Thank you Fuvvie for the quote ‘our desire to succeed needs to be greater than our desire to eat crap’. This is a simple and effective way to lose weight and keep it off, while becoming healthier in the process. There’s no magic spell or special ointment – we just have to stick to it. I just need to make sure my desire to get to a healthy weight is greater than the short-term satisfaction of a ‘stolen’ biscuit.

    So, an extra FD this week because it’s so much simpler than another NFD. And a serious think about why I’m doing this and what it means to me. Last year, I lost about 2kgs a month – if I’d stuck with it, I’d be at my goal weight by now…

    Surrey UK Day 3…..On my way home today, and getting back into a routine. Could somebody please tell me why I no longer receive the posts as per the last challenge?

    I used to have to log in before posting, and now it doesn’t seem to happen, maybe that has something to do with it?

    Day 3. Sussex U.K.
    Fuvvie – I just loved your post today. It made me feel all warm inside. I am going to try to keep that quote in mind today. Think I will have the 500 calories this evening, probably zucchini noodles with the garlic, chilli and prawns.
    I, too, spend too much time wondering why I do well all day and then go into the kitchen late and start eating something which puts me over my TDEE. Yesterday was a case in point. Had logged everything on the ‘lose it’ app and came in 80 calories under. Then had 2 mini Marks and Sparks chocolate cakes! That put me over. Grrrrr why? My saving grace was that for once it stopped there. I had asked my husband to hide the container and just give me the two pieces. Then I went to bed. Lol.
    Have a lovely day everyone it’s a new day, new start. X

    Hi Sept Challengers,

    I get to read a couple of entries each day in the ‘recent replies’ button, and see the old “I do great all day then stuff and it up late at night” demon has raised its head. Here’s how you can kill it :

    Understand: Tiredness = Hunger!

    So… A glass of water first then a hot drink, or water then Go To Bed!

    If you are in the throes of the Hunger = Tiredness demon, then you are up to late. Walk.Away.From.The .Kitchen!

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Day 3Cornwall UK NFD for me, I decided to have my usual weekend being mindful of low carbs, no sugar! started with Scrambled egg with tomato and spouted mungbeans. I just love sprouted seeds, little pwer packs of nutrition so easy to do and I can add them to lots of dishes!
    My house guest left today so I’m back on track with Monday and Wednesday fast days weighing on Thursday mornings.
    I’ve sorted out my new scales and really pleased this morning at .1kg increase after a carb day esterday! Be interesting to see if it catches up with me over the next few days!!

    Thanks furvvie you are so helpful in your posts! You take care and stay positive!

    HollLJ I hope you are getting stronger after your nasty bug!

    Ciren2 well done get to gaol, such an achievement! Best of luck Maintaining, you will do that now your wol is a habit!

    I have friend’s dog for the weekend so about to take him for us good long walk! Weather not brill in Conwall today but its always good to get out!

    Good luck all, have a mindful weekend!

    Day 3 Italy – NFD
    Went out this morning for the first time for a walk and to the park. Having a rest now, but i’m feeling better.
    At least i will be able to make it to the wedding tomorrow

    Great advice Merryme, thank you.

    Merry, I agree with Violet P! Your post is so spot on and good for me to remember, keep in mind!

    UK day 3 NFD,just back from Zumba & Pump classes, had a lovely breakfast and off for a nice long walk, no chance to catch up on posts aim to spend a couple of hours tomorrow catching up, one thing I do recall was someone asking about exercising on fast days- I was worried at first but for me I have as much if not more energy on FDs – just listen to your body and do what feels right

    England day 3 NFD
    Good day yesterday, stuck to food plan.
    Today not feeling so confident, o.k so far though.
    Yog blueberries & walnuts
    Leftover chilli, spiralizer courgette, grated cheese on top. Yummm!
    Cauliflower mash, roast chicken, tender stem broccoli.
    2 glasses Red wine
    Fingers crossed for the rest of the day, good luck all. G xx

    US, Day 3, NFD. Very successful NFD yesterday. Instead of grilling chicken for dinner, we went out to a local burger place — because I was just so exhausted from my work week. I ordered my favorite Too Hot burger with pepper jack and jalapenos. And cut it half, and wrapped up the half for the next day. No fries, but salad.

    119.6 this morning. Getting ready to go to the gym, then a massage. And then comes the rain from Hermine.

    We are dining out (again) tonight with friends so I think I will just try out my new Vegetti and a zucchini for lunch. Hope I get the knack of it.

    Day 3 USA (Utah -visiting daugher and granddaughters)

    NFD for me today. Yesterday’s FD with travel was good. Just had to eat the little 80 calorie package of small pretzels on the plane then had a chicken breast (baked) and small salad at supper. I think it was all under 500 calories. I had thought I could do a liquid only FD, but decided my poor tired body couldn’t do it.

    Daughter is very supportive of my dieting, so it’s easy being here with her. Husband had been on some Meds that made him lose like crazy, so as he re-gains and gets stronger, we have passed each other’s weights!

    I love watching just about all sports, so weekends are terrific for football. But it’s my Chicago Cubs who are my real joy this season. Go Cubs Go!

    Happy dieting, everyone!

    Gozo, Malta

    HannaWatto nobody is a pig and ofcourse not you. It’s called feasting and fasting. There is a time to feast and a time to fast. Just be more mindful next time if it makes you feel better.

    Just came from Malta with my eldest daughter, husband and one month old son. Yesterday I ate sushi in the evening. Today enjoyed breakfast of decaf tea with milk, muesli and Greek yogurt. Had macoroni with beef and cheese for lunch and may go out for dinner tonight.

    Happy Saturday everyone. Onwards and downwards. Keep strong.

    Have been on the 5:2 for 3 years and weight has started to creep back on – need some support to get back on track! The September challenge sound like it could be just the thing! So I am in – dragging husband along with me 😉

    Day 3: Cotswolds, Gloucestershire, UK: Fast Day. Just got back from work. Raining. I am aiming at my usual 36-hours of water only til breakfast tomorrow (Sunday).
    To all others who do 36-hour liquids, it can be done and it gets easier. Just two nights and one whole day. At night we are asleep, right? Fat-burning.
    Have a good weekend all.

    US Day 2/3- NFD

    Was so tired last night I forgot to post! Did well on my NFD yesterday and feeling good because of it today! Might post again later tonight for a recap of today.

    Day 3. NJUS after 2 NFD. days this week I was down. Went out to dinner last night 3 glasses of wine and salad and paella and I gained 3 pounds this am. I think the one thing I have to realize is that it’s not a jump out of bed and weigh yourself every morning kind of diet because it will make me crazy. Really don’t feel like I over-indulged but …
    My first time on the 5:2 and it’s just a learning experience. Have a wonderful weekend May we all be down on Monday.

    US Day 3 NFD
    And..exhale I also have that problem of eating something I feel I shouldn’t and then saying…” ah to heck with it.. I had that so I’ve already ruined the day and I’m going to eat all this too”. All we can do is forgive ourselves and move on. Merryme’s advice on this is spot on.
    NorrieB… did you check the box at the bottom requesting notifications for the September challenge?
    Tunku … welcome… I think you will find our group here a great support. To help keep me on track with postings, can you start your post with Day# (corresponds to date for this challenge).. where you are located and whether you are on a FD or a NFD?
    Ciren2… So happy for you that you’ve reached your goal… what a great achievement!! I hope to get there one day too.

    Day 3 | NFD |Ontario, Canada

    Tried to stay at or below TDEE yesterday and did well until the evening when I was “attacked” by two log time foes, potato chips and ice cream. They are items I do not buy at home but as I was away….|

    Day3. FD. What is TDEE. Sorry a newbie . Will get it all straight by month’s end.

    D3 Australia NFD
    Ciren2, , I finished my first 36 hour liquid fast this morning. I found it much easier than muddling my way through calorie counting and the angst of when to eat and how much etc. I plan to do one each week maybe 2. I would like it to become part of my life and not just a fad. Here’s hoping anyway.
    Good luck in your journey.

    Barnet, North London
    Have only just come across this site, so suppose today should be day 1. Last NFD was 1st Seotember, which went well. I think it is the FDs that are the problem, so am going to count calories more carefully on those days.

    Itsmyturn… TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure. There is a calculator on this site that once you insert a few numbers and measurements it will give you a total daily calorie number that you should stay below on your non fast days. Go into the “your tracker” link and you should find it there.

    Tunku… As the challenge began on September 1, today is Day 3.. which falls right in line with your own start date ☺

    VioletP, what liquids do you allow yourself? G x

    Day 3 Sussex NFD
    Fuvvie, I agree entirely – when I feel tempted by c**p, I ask myself if it will move me towards my goal body-shape/weight or away. I think once you start seeing real results (hopefully quite quickly) the impetus of that success carries you forward.
    I will only do 1 FD this week (Tuesday) because we’re going away for my birthday on Thursday and I am not fasting on my birthday! I will however, eat Primally and we will be walking for several hours so hopefully still good stuff. Incidentally, I think it can also be a sabotaging mind-set if we think about FDs as ‘depriving’ ourselves – that just adds to the desire to over-indulge on the NFDs – rather, think about FDs as being days when we are taking extra care of ouselves (just look at all the health benefits from fasting).

    Day 3 for me. I did 2 FD this week Monday and Thursday. Focusing on eating sensibly this long weekend. Here in the states its labor day weekend.barbecue time. I’m working out 7 days a week as well. 3 days of weight training and 4 days of cardio. Looking forward to max reaults.

    Day 3, Québec

    Yesterday I went strong on my FD untill last night when I started munching on everything I saw. Was’nt too happy with it but I will survive lol.

    It is a long weekend here and we are going camping so I won’t be able to post. Debby, please take note. Thank you.

    Bonne journée x

    VioletP: I’m the same as you….I’d rather eat nothing than “mess about” trying to count calories. I am an all-or-nothing person and if I start eating, I usually eat too much…..hence I have trouble with my non-fast days!
    Different approaches work for different people.

    Hi itsmyturn and welcome:

    This tells you everything you want to know about TDEE:

    Good Luck!

    Hi there and welcome:

    Exercise won’t help you lose weight very much, and may actually slow your weight loss down at the start:

    Good Luck!

    Day 3 USA NFD
    After NFD yesterday, I lost another 1/2 lb so total weight loss is 2.5 lbs which I know is mostly water loss but still encouraging. Current weight is 175.2 lbs and my goal is 169 for this challenge. Getting below 170 lb and staying there has seemed impossible – seem to settle at 173 lb no matter what I do. That’s why I am so thankful for this website and the September Challenge – I feel positive that it’s a pathway to reaching my ultimate goal of 145. I’m 70 years old and working full time. I run out of energy and I know dropping the weight will help tremendously with energy and overall heathy aging. I’m blessed with excellent health – no meds- and would like to stay med free and healthy as long as possible.Good luck to us all. Your posts are inspiring me!
    PS my husband is 81 and has joined me on this challenge which makes it easier and lots of fun. Thankfully we both love our organic veggies – we are going to start spiraizing veggies – replaced rice and gluten free pasta with veggies for this challenge.

    Go Mauu. I am right there with you I am 72 ultimately losing 50 pounds but 10 pounds for the month of September. A week ago I had never heard of the fast diet it’s all new to me but I know it’s going to work. I want to lose the weight but ultimately I’m in it for the good it’s doing for my body. I think the posts are the most incredible part of this whole program I just feel so good after reading them in the morning and I go back and check 2 or 3 times during the day and it just makes me stick to my commitment. Good luck to you and your husband!

    Day 3, FD, Leicester.

    Reading these posts I have been inspired to order a spiralizer and it will be here later this week. Didn’t eat today until 5:30pm and had a slimming world tomato and basil soup followed by 2 fish in butter sauce with loads of veggies. Again 3Litres of water; not a problem. I feel less bloated each day and am looking forward to weigh day on Thursday. Have not felt tired during the afternoon which is unusual for me. I think I will continue to fast on alternate days for this first week and review when I weigh in.

    Day 3 Los Angeles NFD. Really enjoyed catching up with everyone’s posts, but now I’ve run short of time to write my own! Cheering us all on — those who are staying within their goals and those who are going to get there very soon. Determination.

    Day #3 / NFD / Derby, UK.

    Been feeling very happy and inspired for the last few days – putting it down to my body finally being happy about what’s put inside it.

    Some thoughts on motivation that are helping me:

    Watch the ‘Eat, Fast, Live Longer’ documentary that’s available on BBC Iplayer, and/or re-read the book. The evidence for fasting is so compelling, it makes me feel proud to have made this decision about my way of life.

    Read ‘The Obesity Code’ by Jason Fung. Once you know what excess sugar and simple carbs do to your body, you can’t ignore it. It has made me look at ice cream, milk chocolate and sugar loaded sauces in a whole new light.

    Eat high fat dairy, olive oil, nuts, avocados, coconut and crispy chicken skin… Who doesn’t want to stick to a diet like that?!?!

    Love and lightness everyone. (Unless it’s cream, the go HEAVY!) x

    my TDEE is 1700 but I feel like today has been a lot of guess work. I had berries, 3 Tblsp full fat plain yoghurt & toasted slim with spoonful of maple syrup for breakfast, I’m guessing 300cal. Lunch was homemade veg & chicken soup with tiny pasta shells, 1 bowl full, I’m guessing 400cal. Dinner was homemade paprika chicken with wholegrain rice & cabbage, spoonful of half fat creme fraiche; guessing 700cal. A few cups of coffee. Will now finish day with herbal tea & 2 squares of Lidle’s dark chocolate, orange flavour. I’m relieved that I feel it has been a healthy & tasty day, hubby & kids have enjoyed their meals. Staying on track was easier than I thought. With the focus of the challenge being NFD’s I hope this has been enough to make a difference in terms of calories. The kitchen is now locked!! Not weighing myself until Monday.
    DebbieQ did you mention Alfredo sauce, sounds tasty & do you have a link for a recipe please. Goodluck everyone!

    Day 3: Pacific NW USA, FD

    So far BPC (Bullet Proof Coffee) with one bite of apple off our tree to see if they are ready to pick. One side effect of not eating refined carbs or sweets since May is that flavors come through much stronger – that apple tasted so sweet, it was like candy!

    Being able to read all our posts this Saturday morning has taken long enough that my watch reminder to stand up has gone off several times – new warnings may be coming out soon that joining 5:2 forums may increase sedentary behavior. (Ha!)

    Merry – thanks for your good reminders to counteract snacking: drink, wait, walk. I would add to that as much as possible I find I need to keep the biggest criminals out of the house. OH and I stock the highest fiber foods and foods with the lowest refined carbs in the pantry and fridge. At least I’ve found that way if my “hand-to-mouth” affliction starts happening the cals add up much slower with what I can get my hands on!

    To weigh or not to weigh, subtitle, the agony and the defeat, or how to over come fear of failure. I have past experiences of years of never looking at a scale when I was the most fit and then when recuperation negated activity becoming obsessed with watching the numbers rise, feeling powerless and depressed. So during my 5:2 weight loss plan I’ve found my balance by reading the scale just once a week after a FD. I will continue doing so as long as the numbers are going down. If/when the numbers slow down or as I get closer to my goal weight and enter maintenance then I may need to be more diligent about calorie discounting and weighing-in more often.

    Salty – thanks for reframing FD ideology into HD (Health Day)!

    Maui – MPTY (more power to you)!

    (And I will just end with a sidenote to SongBird – Oh dear, my family of origin all live for the Cards (the last thing my aunt’s mind was still lucid about was when she was watching them on TV), and my left coast kids and I are all about our Giants, and while I understand there are those who maintain it’s time for the universe to tip towards your Cubbies, as I write this it’s the top of the 4th and I’m hoping that is not going to happen at Wrigley Field today!!!)

    UK day 3 – FD. Pretty standard Saturday…not TOO much eaten, but nothing very healthy either! Saturdays the choices belong to my OH and the boy, so lots of protein and then chocolates for when we watch Strictly…a great day off from everything! Sunday is always my FD, as long as I sleep well tonight, as it’s my biggest work day – easy not to think of food when I have other important things to think about.

    Simcoeluv. Thank you so much – this is an amazing post. It puts a whole new light on dieting. I never thought of looking at daily calorie intake like this – makes so much sense and makes me understand why I’ve always felt that exercise is the key to my losing weight because I’m expending more calories – and loosing and why I regain so quickly when I get lazy and stop excersing amazing way to look at a very old problem. thank you thank you

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