September Challenge

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  • Hi all UK day 26 fd
    Decided instead of attempting liquid fasts and failing and feeling bad and round we go again! I am going to ease off a little and go back to basics. Fast with a light evening meal. When I establish this wol again and when I feel ready I will get back to where I was, doing liquid fasts and feeling on top of the world. How I envy those almost at goal and some in such a short time. I seem to have taken so long to get to where I am but just the way I am feeling. I’ll bounce back. A huge congratulations to those who have achieved their goal – be very proud of yourselves.

    Thanks VioletP – I actually did a 3-month challenge with Hello Sunday Morning a few years ago and found it very empowering. Unfortunately I slipped back into old habits. I’ll look them up again.

    Haha K-Lo! Ditto on the presidential debate!

    Day 26. USA. FDToday, snacked a little more than I should have this evening. Tomorrow will be a NFD. Wishing everyone a great week.

    Croatia, Day 27, NFD
    Weight: 76.1 Kg

    Day 26: Pacific NW USA, NFD, 16:8, two meals and trying to keep the grazing down tonight!

    I took your advise, thanks Hannah! I made quick pickled carrots, celery, onions and radish. I read in Dr Fung’s book that adding vinegar to your diet was one of his 5 top tips for weight loss. I’m still writing down what I’m eating in the evening after dinner though. I’m leaving the pad of paper in the kitchen and I decided I have to drink a glass of water and wait before eating anything else. I’ve had 2 nights success slowing down my evening snacking. Every small step adds up to a new habit in this WOL!

    I’m planning a 36 hour fast beginning now, Monday eve, till Wed lunch. That will be about a 40 hour liquid only fast. I have to get better at my water consumption or else I can’t really say liquid only! I just get busy at work on FD’s and forget to drink and pay the price the following morning with a headache.

    Debbie – My next FD will be Friday and if it’s OK I’ll weigh at the end of the day and report my totals for the month then.

    Pissupoosa- like Debbie I have the 4 blade Paderno spiralizer. Here’s a review of two Paderno models and some hand held spiralizers too.

    Day 26 Italy – NFD
    I weigh 75.6kg, up 1.6kg. Thats what having family around does for you. But we’ve had a lovely time and thats important. They’re going home tomorrow so will be able to get into the swing of things.
    Got all sushi-ed out yesterday, could barely get up from the table!

    Day 27 – Switzerland – NFD
    Yesterday’s FD was much more straightforward as I was really busy. Having my foot taped up means I can go walking with friends and get back into regular exercise, which feels really good. Off on another walk now! Back under 90kgs (89.4) which feels good too – good luck for today everyone!

    UK day 27 NFD so many good tips on today’s posts – I must get my spiralizer out and make some pickles, I love pickles and yesterday as usual around mid afternoon I was really desperate for a snack some pickled beetroot would have been lovely

    Coda – you’ve been so inspirational I’m sure it’s just a blip -you’ll ride it out X

    Pissupapoosa – thought of you last night when I was watching the Nick Knowles retreat on bbc2 @7-hope yours goes better

    Hoping for a good week, will weigh in Friday then jump onto the new challenge

    Day 27 / Tweed Coast Australia / NFD

    I went to the doctor who looked at the 5 mouth ulcers/cankers and said that only if I’d arrived with 60 would he be concerned. I wondered how I might even be breathing were I to have 60! Anyway, apparently the acid in the unripe pineapple (that I ate twice – silly me – I didn’t want to waste it so gave it a second go, hours after it burned my mouth the first time) the acid burned the lining of my mouth which compromised the tissue and made it vulnerable and easy for bad bacteria to penetrate. Similar to any burn being prone to infection. Hence why I’ve got these eruptions. He said to stop with the peroxide and salt water since those kill both good and bad bacteria and he wants me to instead just focus on supporting good bacteria so advised me to raise my doses of probiotics and B12. He also said to keep using this stuff I got called ‘Kenalog’. He wrote a prescription for antibiotics only if it starts to get really bad and out of hand. I think I’ll live!

    I’m fasting tomorrow. Second to last fast till end of challenge!

    London Day 27
    NFD for me. Soup for lunch and stir fry for dinner.

    Have to get back into my daily exercise from tomorrow. Slacking a bit since I had this virus last week!

    Have a good day to those who are fasting today 🙂

    Gozo, Malta

    Whyamisoshy so you like Gozo. Thanks. I was born and lived all my life here. If you are ever in Gozo soon tell me.

    Yesterday was a successful fast day. Today is a nfd for me. I hat coffee with semi skimmed milk and a brioss 140 calories also half an apple this morning. Now it will be stir fry beef and red pepper with ginger and orange and basmati rice about 470 calories. This evening it’s two drumsticks with sticky sauce and some fruit. I’ll stay within my TDEE that way.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone and stay strong to enjoy life better.

    London | Day 27 | NFD

    Just about managed to get a 24h fast done yesterday before giving into stress eating half a (big) bag of Doritos when I got home from work! That’s what happens when you have a bad day on public transport in London!
    NFD today. But I’ve skipped breakfast. Will have a light lunch and hopefully no stress eating 🙂

    DebbieQ, JFitzy and B2F – thanks for the spirilizer recommendations. After all that I went and ordered a Müeller Spiral-Pro from AmazonUK. Same range of blades and also had good reviews. Should get it some time this week.

    BrightonBelle – I hope so 😛 Maybe I’ll watch it on iplayer AFTER I come back.

    VioletP – lol, I had to read your reply twice before I realised you meant ‘spritzer’ 😛 Don’t worry I also skim read

    Have a good day everyone!

    Surrey UK Day 27 Better day yesterday. Feeling slightly more focused as I said before,
    so one day at a time. Off to take the dogs to the park now, hope everyone has a great day!

    Day 27/PA, USA/FD

    Day 27 Australia NFD
    Still on holiday with family and finding it impossible to fast at the moment. Not only that but have been having way to many treats! Would be fine with just immediate family. But with MIL she wouldn’t really understand and don’t want to spoil every one else’s fun with exploring and eating. Also want to enjoy the holiday and not obsess about it at times like this. That all being said, I just quickly read through the last days posts and feel really inspired again. Can’t water fast this week and not sure I can even pull off a 1/4 tdee fast but tomorrow I’m going to try for a half tdee day. Not sure it will work but feel like I might be able to make that work tomorrow as we don’t have any plans to visit the cheese makers or chocolate factory or out for dinner and lunch. Those have been the last two days! Though after the last few days my body is desperate for a bit of a cleanse. So hoping I can make that work tomorrow and although not as good as a normal fd, it’s better than today!
    Thanks for letting me be a part of this challenge add it had certainly helped. Probably won’t finish as low as I was hoping for but trying to remember that this is a journey and a WOL and that I am making progress.
    Thanks and good luck everyone.

    Extra post – Coda I also added a very light meal to my FDs – usually homemade vege soup or ratatouille – but to help me succeed with the subsequent NFD and it has been working well for me. Good luck. Have had a good NFD staying well within my TDEE, walking for more than an hour and an AFD (alcohol free day). I have also planned out my food and exercise up until Friday night. Good luck all with your plans

    Day 27|NFD|Toronto
    Not a great FD yesterday. Dinner at a friend’s where I had to balance my eating schedule and goals with not being rude or ungrateful as I apply this new lifestyle to real world living. In anticipation of going out I kept any calories earlier in the day to a very bare minimum (<150) and avoided all pre-dinner nibbles and drinks but I am sure the Mediterranean inspired dinner of roast lamb, village salad sauteed mushrooms and a few tiny new potatoes registered, while very good, at least 600-800 calories. After a weekend and the “failed” FD I am up over September Challenge goal but not as bad as I thought…Friday may hold a pleasant surprise yet as overall trend is in the right direction.

    Day 27: Gloucestershire, Cotswolds, UK: Fast Day (I hope). Like you Back2thefuture: I’m going for the full 36-hour water-only today. Together, let’s do it! Sometimes I feel I’m weakening…but if I know you’re doing it too…
    Songbird: I’m also on maintenance during the October challenge. It’s good to stay on the challenges in order to reap the benefits of this fantastic group.
    Pissupoosa: Stress-eating is my downfall too. I know when I’m doing it, but just can’t help myself. There’s always another day…
    Stay strong today everyone, especially you Coda…you’ve done so much for us all. You deserve success, and you will succeed, given time.

    Sunshine Coast Aus: Day 27 FD that became an NFD with a vengeance. I took MIL to the podiatrist and then took her and the grandsons to an Aquapark where the boys ran off so much energy. But I allowed myself to have bread roll with ham, avocado and tomato, some ghastly coconut and jam slice (why oh why did I do it?????) more ham, nuts, but I didn’t have the chocolates, and I have had another bread roll with same ingredients, more nuts and a glass of red wine. I haven’t given in to the ice-cream. So obviously it could have been a lot worse. Following the Aquapark, we had to go to hip hop dancing lessons which meant a further hour and a half sitting on one’s derrier watching the children getting the activity. Now there is a thought for the exercise in October….maybe I should take up hip hop. No, had better just stick to polishing up the songs for the October choir concert. But it is a thought for the new year.
    NorrieB, I was blown away by your profile. Such a lot of sadness in your life but you sound like such a strong woman. Such a blessing to be living where you want to be with your family around you. Looking forward to seeing you go from strength to strength.
    I hope your mouth clears up quickly Lael. It sounds very painful. There are ways to lose weight and ways to lose weight. Not eating due to a painful mouth is not one I would choose.
    Night all, or happy afternoon or good morning, depending on where you live.

    Second post:

    violet1235 – please don’t post adverts on these threads.

    Day 27/USA/FD. Busy today so FD should go well. I hope to drop one more lb by Friday.

    Day #27/USA/NFD

    Scale goes up, scale goes down. No worries. Jeans I tried on over the weekend tell the true story. I found some in my closet with the tags still on them. They were purchased and were a bit too small, so I held on to them. They are now in the donation pile because they are too big! YAY!

    Have a good week!

    Day 27 UK NFD

    Thanks Brightonbelle and Ciren2 – I’m hanging in here albeit by a thread but still here I know I will get back on track but it’s so frustrating – its like being in free fall nothing it seems I can do about it and then suddenly I get my mojo back. Still haven’t worked out the hows or whys but hope my mojo comes back soon. Is it the body fighting to keep my fat cells well filled? Maybe a few early nights will help – can’t do any harm.

    Day 27 USA NFD
    172.4 lb today which is back to my low for September. I accidentally discovered if I eat early dinner and only water rest of evening I have a low weigh in the next morning even if full calorie allowance was reached during the day. I an eating dinner before going into work at 5 pm as It was easier than packing food with me or eating when I get home after 9pm. If I can do this on most Sunday and Monday nights it should help. Sons are arriving today so hope I can keep my weight loss in place. They like to eat healthy but having 3 grown men in the house to cook for means more food around to tempt me. lol
    I am thrilled and thankful for all the posts. I’m cheering for all of us on this amazing journey!

    Day 27 USA (Illinois)

    NFD for me. Gave blood (my every 6 week donation of 1 pint) late this morning, so had a eggs & Canadian bacon breakfast with v-8 juice and one piece of toast. I really do have to eat and drink (although they were not happy with it being coffee) before I give. My lunch was the GORP from the snacks at the donation center, but I will eat a good supper early this evening.

    Fuvvie – sounds like your choir is much like the one I direct here. Townspeople who just all like to sing. Our first rehearsal last evening went very well with several newbies joining us. But I think you rehearse harder than we do with extra stuff going on!

    Ciren – maintenance will be good for us to have a partner during the challenge. Yeah!

    LoriPA – aren’t you happy when the clothes you thought were too tight are really too big?! Wow! Congratulations, girl!

    Gozo, Malta

    Extra post.

    This evening I went for a 25 minute walk with my daughter and granddaughters.

    I kept within my TDEE and am settled on the bed relaxing.

    Tomorrow I hope to fast again.

    Onwards and downwards.

    Australia Day 28 NFD didn’t sleep well last night but it had been a good NFD and I am planning g for more of the same today. Well done Lori on the jeans and HUGE congrats to those on maintenance – I hope to join you one day!

    Day 27 Edinburgh UK.
    Getting back to basics!
    Downloaded The Fast Diet book onto my kindle also a sample of Dr Fungs Obesity Code.
    I’ve also been investigating best ways to make bone broth, whilst doing this I’ve been finding out the health benefits! Truely amazing and now can’t wait to get back home then to the butcher for some bones!!
    I will have bone broth fasts, not water fasts once I get home.
    The purchase of a Spiralizer is also on my list, so now looking at reviews!

    It is impossible for me to stay on track while I’m on holiday, which is very frustrating! Can’t wait for The October challenge!!
    Good luck every one.

    Hi SongBirddMe,
    A pint?. “That’s almost an armful”. No offence intended but It recalls a line from an English comedy series back in the 60s. “Hancocks Half Hour”. The programme was “The Blood Donor”. An absolute classic over here, filmed I think in black and white. (We were always behind the times in those days.). Have a look for it although English humour is hard to understand.
    Good luck with your 5:2 way of life.

    US Day 27 NFD

    back2thefuture…Saturday is good for total. I plan on doing the same thing 😊
    Lael…I used to get those mouth ulcers when I was younger… they used to always say I was run down. They are painful and annoying. I can’t image having 60!!! I hope they clear up soon for you.

    Looking forward to a FD tomorrow.

    US Day 27 NFD second post

    DebbieQ – glad to hear it’s ok to do our final September weigh in on Saturday morning! I feel much better now 🙂

    This made me think of you who have a mother or grandmother who love to feed you:

    Sunshine Coast Aus Day 28: FD: Last ate at around 7pm last night. Had a coffee this morning and glass of water so far. MIL has just been picked up on the bus and gone off to day respite. I have listened to Jason Fung on you tube this morning. I really needed to recharge my determination and he is so inspiring. I think I have managed to copy the link for anyone wanting a bit of inspiration
    Coda, I can see that you are in the pit of despair with about another half dozen of us. But you are holding on by a thread, and it is this thread, and your previous threads. My goal today is to go through the July thread if I can find it and copy some of your stuff as it was so inspiring and I freed myself of a ton of unwanted 6kgs at the time. My buddies helped with that too. I have put that good advice aside as I thought I can do what others seem to be able to do on this thread, eating some pasta here and bread rolls there. A glass of wine or 3. But….wait for it…. I CAN’T. Broke out and did all that yesterday. Result……pitting oedema, hello! Scales up…..damn! What did I expect?
    Back to basics. I have to get with the programme. Do the same old thing, get the same results, good or bad. I’m going to put a sign up on the fridge My desire to lose weight is stronger than my desire to eat what I know hurts me. I don’t want to write crap, as the cupboards don’t hold crap, but they do hold food that everyone else in this 4 generation household eat. Whilst their bodies seem able to handle it, mine doesn’t. Dr Fung said in this video clip that we can do it, it isn’t easy, that’s a whole other thing, but we can do it.

    Rocy65, I am reading The Fast Diet again as well as watching Dr Michael Moseley on you tube. They make it as plain as day and it will help us to wave the flag and get where we want to be. Why is it impossible to stay on track when on holidays? Do we choose to do what we do, or is there some horrible switch that gets thrown that lets us tell ourselves it’s ok. Then we beat ourselves up afterwards.

    Loved that link, SongBirdMe. Inspire of what I know, I have been so guilty of just that. Hilarious.

    I’ll weigh in on Saturday morning as well, DebbieQ. It will be my end weight for this challenge and the beginning weight of our October challenge.

    Happy fasting everyone. Happy non fasting to those not fasting.

    Day 27. Usa. Nfd. Really hard being on the road for 7 days. Trying to keep to tdee but it is almost impossible – cant wait to get to Florida and back on program 100 percent. Looking forwsrd to our next month – first month was great!!

    Croatia, Day 28, FD
    Weight: 76.3 Kg

    Day 28 / Tweed Coast Australia / FD

    Fasting feels healing for the mouth ulcers! They don’t hurt at the moment.

    Weighed myself this morning and reached another new low of 57.7 and BMI still 20.0.

    I put on a bikini and there was still a flap of flab over the bottom half. Not a muffin top all around but a paunchy belly hang over! I sunned myself on our deck so didn’t care that I’m not bikini perfect at 60 years of age! I only wore it to get some rays for Vitamin D.

    My last fast day for the challenge will be Friday, though I’m in Australia and a day ahead of many, so I’ll register a final post with ending weight when the UK people are logging in for final posts on their 30 September? I’m eager to see how much much weight our total group has shed over September. I’m happy to provide my weight in pounds or kilograms or both if you’d like!

    Day 28 Australia NFD
    Was trying for a half tdee today as a holiday compromise but not looking fanatic at the moment. Morning went well then MIL wanted to take us out for an unplanned lunch.

    Day 28/ Australian in Asia / NFD

    I am NOT having a good month. I do great, then at night I fall down. I still (or drink as the case may be) 1200 calories max for the day, but it’s all junk (wine and chips mostly).

    I really need to get my evenings under control. I’m so mad at myself, I know how to do this! I’ve been doing this since the start of August.

    Stay successful everyone!

    NZ NFD day 28
    One more FD to go tomorrow before the weigh in.
    My NFDs this week have been pretty relaxed so I’m curious about Friday mornings results.
    Overall feeling quite positive, even if I havnt made a big loss Im still feeling more comfortable in my clothes and in truth being more relaxed about food is a really healthy thing for me.

    Day 28 Italy – NFD
    I’m full of cold and even though i have very little appetite i have to take my medicine on a full stomach. So i’m going to use the rest of the month trying to get some great, healthy NFD’s under my belt and under TDEE. I feel this will stand me in really good stead for October. I’m definitely one of your back to basics girls, Fuvvie!
    I loved Coda’s wonderful post about visualising when we were all buddied up, and i can see myself round the Christmas tree. I even catch myself singing jingle bells and It’s still 29 degrees here! Coda, you should also try and re-read your posts, you have got so many of us through bad patches, surely you can’t be immune to your own wonderful advice…..or maybe thats just the problem. DebbieQ will have to wave your big Stick right back at you ! 😉

    Day 27 USA NFD 11:58 pm
    I haven’t had time to read posts today. My weight was up another pound this morning to 143 pounds (goal 140, was within sight a couple of days ago).
    That can NOT be explained by my food intake over the weekend. I had a very benign and bland weekend. It certainly *can* be explained by the excesses I’ve had, small sometimes, but daily, over the last 3 weeks: cream in my coffee, maybe more than I’d like to think I poured in? To the tune of 100 to 200 extra calories a day. Just 2-4 tablespoons a day. Good fat, but still, too many calories.

    I think that we should all consider a longer term influence on our weight: as in, 2-3 weeks before it shows up on the scale? It really makes more sense that way, although I think if you fast and have a great deficit, it can ameliorate that increased intake. I’ve added up my calories “in” for the last 27 days, and they do, indeed, exceed what I was taking in during August, and especially during June when I had a very nice weight loss. So, I have nothing else to blame but my own indulgences.
    Just passing on my thoughts and experiences. Good luck to all.

    Day 27: Pacific NW USA, 36 hour FD (with Ciren, how are you doing??) I’m at 28 hours as I write this and since I’m headed to bed after I write this I will make it to 36 when I wake. I plan to go slightly beyond by having my first meal at noon. Literally easier than the NFD will be tomorrow to stay below TDEE. Elphaba, my downfall is late night noshing also – if you can figuratively look over my shoulder tomorrow night maybe I can be stronger and I’ll do the same for you!

    It was so much easier to stay motivated when I saw a loss every time I stepped on the scale. Now the scale is going down slower and I feel a little of the old “it’s not working, so why should I keep trying” creeping back in. I’m writing this to remind myself how strong self-talk can be either for or against youself. This is for my benefit but if it helps anyone else I hope it includes Coda because below are a few of her words that Fuvvie reminded me to re-read off old post-it notes that I used to copy and put up on my mirror.

    And I quote: Do you celebrate the total loss or give up at a slight gain? A little blip is not the end of the world so don’t beat yourself up, put it behind you and move on. Scales are fickle, do not fixate. A goal is just something you aim for. Stay strong and keep believing. Mindset is everything, we can do this! And, if you believe you can then you can and if you believe you can’t then you can’t, you’re right either way.

    Debbie – I will report my final stats on Saturday morning, with your approval. One last push for September, everyone!

    Surrey UK Day 28

    On my way into the garden, doing some heavy weeding and digging today. Another day, a new opportunity. Dr Jason Fung’s description of how insulin works does make a lot of sense. FD tomorrow, weigh in on Friday.

    UK day 28 – FD that I hope will be essentially a fluid day, and will extend to lunch time tomorrow…that’s the plan, anyway.

    Day 28 – Switzerland – NFD
    Doing fine, feeling fit, planning a healthy dinner. Good luck for the homeward straight!

    UK day 28 FD Aiming for a good fast day to finish this challenge, all my fast days recently have been 500ish and yesterday’s NFD was a disaster once I had lunch kept picking until dinner So I’ve got a busy day lined up and want to do a 500 or less and then carry that through to our October challenge

    Northern Dawn – definitely agree about the delay ,that’s one of the reasons I stopped posting my weight so often ,I still can’t resist getting on the scales almost every day but I only record the overall loss ( probably not advised but it keeps me motivated)

    US Day28 FD

    Planning a FD today and on Friday.

    If everyone is okay with it lets post final weight loss on Saturday. You can record in lbs or kgs. I will wait until Sunday to calculate and post at this link. With all of the ups and downs we’ve had over this month I’m really curious to see what we’ve lost as a group.

    2 more days!!

    GA/USA/Day 28:

    A little sleepy today. Not tired though. Feeling good otherwise. Can’t wait to how much I’ve lost by this challenge’s end.

    Day 28 USA (Illinois)

    NFD for me. Should be a pretty normal day.

    Couscous – I found that “The Blood Donor” episode on You Tube! British humor classic, eh? I will watch it shortly. Thank you for sharing it with me! I am up to having given about 9 gallons in my life. For a while I gave at a blood bank that did not congratulate you with each new gallon but this one does. I think donating makes me feel healthier, plus I am glad that I can help others with my blood.

    NorthernDawn – yes, indeed we need to watch the overall downward trend on that line graph rather than the day to day ups that seem to bother us more than the downs for sure!

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