September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,071 replies, has 74 voices, and was last updated by  FasterJo 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 951 through 1,000 (of 1,074 total)

  • Day 27 – Melbourne Aus – NFD

    Morning all! Had my (what I think will be my final) weigh in this morning for September, as I’m heading away until the 2nd, and I came in at 68.4kg!! 0.6 under the september goal, and 0.4 off my goal weight!

    So i’m pretty chuffed. Thanks to everyone for their support on this forum, it’s honestly been what has helped kick these final few kg’s.

    Hope everyone has a great end of the month, and bring it in strong!

    Gretta x

    Day 26, UK, FD > EFS

    I’m anxious and stressed, a couple of difficult weeks ahead, finding it hard to focus and I find it that I’m self sabotaging. Just have to keep on trying 🙂

    @annemarilyn Happy Birthday to you 🎂 🤗

    @arelkade I’m so glad your OH is on the mend, and so happy to see you feeling happy xx

    Have a good day everyone 🌸

    Day 26 Minnesota, USA FD

    I’m under 600 cal, and that’s good enough for this Fast Day. I’m planning on same or better FD tomorrow. Will be busy and out and about. Also, spending time with daughter and 2yr old granddaughter so I expect some activity running after the little one.
    Happy Birthday @annemarilyn!
    @gretta, congrats on your achievement this month! @shinything: hang in there! We’ve all been in that self sabotaging frame of mind. It will pass if you don’t give in. October is another month, another chance, to just do your best and chip away at the scales.

    Best of luck to everyone. Stay strong!

    Day 26 Minnesota, USA 2nd post 10:00 pm CDT

    @arelkade; I just went back and read your post. I’m very happy for you that your OH is on the mend and the stress is lifting away…I can actually “hear” the relief in your words. I hope you both continue on in good health.

    Day 27 Pocket List – please copy and paste, then add yourself if you are fasting today:


    Day 26 Ohio, US NFD
    Day 25 NFD

    Well, it certainly has been quite a week, culminating (so far) in my serving jury duty today. Thanks to everyone for the good wishes about the house. I haven’t heard anything after Monday, and that may be a good thing. Fortunately, I was able to have things covered at work while I was away today, so that tomorrow will be pretty much an ordinary work day, with just a little catch up to do.

    Enjoy the day!

    Day 27 UK FD

    Really will get going today. Woken focussed, mundane jobs done, just that report now.

    @diana123 – inspiration, well done.

    @fatfingers – hope the venting helped, good luck with your 5:2 focus on dispatching those oh so near 1.8Ibs.

    @arelkade – oh that’s wonderful, must be such a relief after difficult worrying times for you both, best wishes to you both.

    @gretta – well done.

    @shinything – sorry to hear things are tough, don’t panic, don’t be hard on yourself, one moment at a time, positive and calming thoughts heading your way form this end.

    Take care all.

    2nd post

    Day 27 Pocket List – please copy and paste, then add yourself if you are fasting today:


    Day 27 UK cd

    Slightly over 800 calories yesterday, and late night after unexpected call late evening. Bit disappointed to be back at 145lbs,where i starred September, but body shape is slowly changing.

    Tired today but hoping to get a reasonably balanced Start. Beginning to get chasers for the things I’m behind with, which never feels good. Most important to get my head into a good place and not become reactive. Holding on to that.

    Back to read posts later… Wishing you all a good day x

    Day 27, London, UK, FD

    Another FD as the other 2 were c.800cals so with this 800cal day, that averages out at 1CD + 2x 500cal FDs, I found myself indulging in Greek yoghurt, just to use it before it went off …………….. typical really, waste not want not, but I must remember …………………..”I AM NOT A BIN”. I feel ok with the choice I made though, it could have been a less healthy choice, like chocolate or crisps!!!

    Been there, done that @beedoo, I skipped straight over the size 16’s into a 14, now swinging between a 10/12/14 depending on the shop (French Connection size 10 is more like a 14!!!) I had to donate some beautiful clothes, maybe worn once or twice, I should have taken my own advice and worn the ballgown to the supermarket when I had the chance!!!!!!!

    Welcome back @lorky35, I’m usually a B2B2B kind of girl, recently I’ve moved back to 5:2, just to shake things up a bit, but B2B’s work for me because I get the whole fasting thing done & dusted (I agree with @Bedoo about being in the ‘zone’) and the ‘I can have it tomorrow’ mentality never attracted me that much …………………. I’m all about delayed gratification!! ………………… The problem comes in having 4 or 5 NFDs in a row, by the 3rd one I would be well and truly off of the wagon & indulging in all of the naughty things I should’ve avoided. If you’re aiming to push your limits, maybe ADF would work or 4:3 without B2Bs??

    @shinything, keep on keeping on, be kind to yourself & take it easy!!! I visited the red wine & chocolate dragon last week ………………………. I could blame TOM, but if it won’t work as a motive for murder, I can’t use it as an excuse of GORGING myself!!!! Now I’m back on the wagon and I didn’t beat myself up about it ………………. As they say, S*it happens!!!!!

    There was a safety meeting in the office this morning. We were asked “What steps would you take in the event of a fire”…………..

    ”Bloomin’ big ones” was the wrong answer.

    Onward & Downwards folks!!!!

    Day 27, Emden Germany, FD

    had breakfast yesterday and somehow lost my way and it became a EFS day, so @dingping the next 3 days I’ll join you. Since when can you buy Snickers and Mars bars in a 10-pack?

    @arelkade how happy you and your DH must be after such a stressful time, best wishes to both of you!

    @gretta well done!

    @fatfingers don’t give in now, you’re almost there1

    @shinything I’m so sorry to hear you’re struggling, stay with us so we can try to help you.

    @lorky35 just give it a try. For me B2B is easier to do, I’m in the less eating mode and just go on. But at the moment I’m having the same problem as @beedoo, I tend to overeat on the other days.

    @debster251 I’m with you on the planks, starting to let it slip so it’s good to know you will be doing them also.

    @beedoo and @dingping don’t worry, everything is fine. The “girls” came late and the first lump had to get at when I was 18 y.o, I stayed under close serveillance of the oncologists. At 25 they removed other ones. At 34 a gynaecologist diagnosed a lump as cancer, the oncologists thought he was wrong and he was. The oncologists adviced to take most of the tissue out and replace it with implants. It was a good advice, it made my life much calmer.

    Pocket list day 27


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Can’t BELIEVE it!! Tescos has stopped selling my 85% dark chocolate…Nnoo! That comes on top of Waitrose’s recent bombshell when they said they’d decided to stop stocking Rachel’s delicious, creamy, organic, cherry yoghurts. Why do these shops tell us what we can eat?..SO annoying.
    @beedoo: I have the same trouble…I’m 5’2″ and always have to shorten trousers.

    Well, I’ve entered myself onto the October Challenge….let’s try to get off the sidelines now.

    Day 27 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    @ciren2 Sainsbury’s do a no added sugar 85% dark chocolate (own brand,red wrapper) which is good ….but Lindt 95% is my favourite 😋 so strong its difficult to eat more than one square!

    @flourbaby thanks for my morning smile……bloomin’ big steps 😀

    Happy Thursday!

    Day 27 – France – FD

    Probably my last FD of the month. Would love to go under the 60 kg bar (am 400 grams away), but if it doesn’t happen that’s ok too. Slowly, slowly i have faith that the weight will drop off.

    Pocket list day 27


    UK Day27 1st of B2B FD’s (eeeeeekkkkkk)

    I keep on reading and then loosing the thread (excuse the pun) of what is happening with whom. But by all accounts, nearly everyone’s lives sound quite complicated at present. So I will try to send feelgood vibes to everyone. After all, we can conquer food cravings on a shi…(umm complicated) day, so therefore, we can do anything.

    My first week of my 18 week challenge (lose 18kg’s in 18 weeks) has been fantastic, a loss of 2.4kg. I am counting this as a credit against the weeks that I may be losing slower, so I officially have 1.4kg in the bank, now, loosing 15.6kg in 17 weeks is feeling still quite tough, but slightly more do-able.

    Reading what other faster,s have learned has been very informative and empowering. I am learning the same lessons myself. Some people at work gave me a hard time yesterday for doing 500cals/day, so I asked them for thier research. I got the whole ‘slowing metabolism’ and ‘metabolising muscle’ arguments, and I said I was happy to give then the research that actually showed the opposite. And if they thought that me having less calories would slow my metabolism, when I have a lot more fat to snack on, then surely the reverse should be true, if I ate more my metabolism should speed up? Yet it isn’t, so I am taking corrective action, and can show them the research carried out that shows that muscle matabolism happens for a brief period of time, but resistance training can both increase your metabolism and build muscle, so as long as I take corrective action, I should even out.

    These are my fellow physios! men, as well as people stuck in long held beliefs that apparently I am going to become weak and faint. They both walked away mumbling (I think desperately trying to hold onto their beliefs), the fact that I was still bounding full of energy round the office, might have changed their views on my weakness setting in.

    Pocket list day 27

    @fasterjo b2b

    Have a happy day and enjoy ‘snacking on your fat’.


    Sorry @ Sparklyshoes, we cross posted

    Pocket list day 27

    @fasterjo B2B

    2nd post

    Ooops I think I missed @northerndawn off the P list when I copied earlier, sorry, hopefully correcting now!

    @flourbaby – ‘… blooming big ones’ proper belly laugh, thanks.

    @snowflake56 – Arrrgh EFS! Feel your pain, welcoming you unexpectedly on the FD train today.
    That’s quite a challenging and heartbreaking journey you have had to face and when so young, admire your strength and I’m sure your story will give comfort and hope to those facing something similar. x

    @ciren2 – Yay, good decision, glad you hung around here, maybe the chocolate frustration was the deciding factor!

    @fasterjo – way to go!

    Pocket list day 27

    @fasterjo B2B

    Day 27…..Florida…..NFD

    Well, I must say, that one of side effects of this WOL hit me hard last night. I mean I felt it during the day and it was manageable but gosh darn, it was not manageable at 3 am.
    So, the side effect energy hit me. I felt it at work, I felt like the energy bunny, then I came home cleaned my whole house and deep cleaned my fridge. I climbed into bed about 9:30 to watch big brother. About 11 pm, I turned the lights of and layed my head down. And there I layed…… I don’t have a clock in my room, but I watched and listened to the huge thunderstorm we had, listen to my oldest move around and go to his room. Got up for a glass of water and the clock in the kitchen read 3:30 am.
    Not sure what time, I finally dozed off but when my alarm went off at 6am and as I write this, I’m raring to go!
    Let’s just hope this lasts because I have a long day at work!

    Yesterday’s FD was really good, work evenhad donuts and danishes in the break room and I managed to avoid them. True confession, they just didn’t look appealing.

    I did make the most wonderful veggies for dinner last night. Green beans no butter, no olive oil just Trader Joe’s everything but the bagel seasoning and McCormics Veggie seasoning. Soooo good!

    But true confession, if you’ve never tried Trader Joe’s Everything but the bagel seasoning, you must must find away to get a jar to try! This stuff is the bomb! You can literally use it on everything.
    We live about an hour from the closet store, so we only go maybe 6 times a year…. and I buy tons of this stuff….. Yum!

    @snowflake……I understand you thoughts on the dress. I just hate for you to miss an opportunity to wear your dress and show off your success! But, I get it! It just sucks that people judge others based on their likes and dislikes. I hope you have a great time at the wedding regardless of what you wear!

    Okay well……It’s that time again……. the time where I must leave the comfort of my home and pretend I’m an adult!

    It was me….. I admit it…..I let the dogs out!

    @missybear: Hey thanks! I’ll have a look at Sainsbury’s next time I go. Lindt has a funny taste (maybe the vanilla?) which I’m not keen on.

    Post 2

    @fasterjo oh my goodness, I did not realise you were aiming for 18 kgs in 18 weeks! Wow! And good luck. Don’t let the negative nellies get you down. I had a conversation with a colleague the other day about “famine” mode, fasting is bad, and all… ugh. Anyway this colleague is well chubbier than i am…

    @bert1802 incredible! but you do need your sleep so I hope you get a full night’s tonight. And wake up with plenty of energy.

    Day 27 UK NFD

    Day 26 FD

    I had a successful fast day yesterday and did loads of exercise but as a result I am super hungry today and undoing all my hard work by pretty much eating everything in sight. I’m even contemplating going to McDonald’s…..please somebody talk me out of it! ☹

    Day 27 USA – NFD

    Good yoga session followed by Silver Sneakers yesterday. Yeah for me. The yoga really does seem to be helping my sciatica from degenerated disc I have – the three at T 12, L 1 and L 2. Pain has been intermittent, so doing everything I can to keep it away.

    @bert1802 – Hope you are able to come down from your high easily enough! I just bought a Trader Joe’s “Everything but the bagel” spice. It really IS amazing indeed! I go to TD’s out at my daughter’s in Utah as my closest one here is over an hour away in Madison, Wisconsin.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27 Northern NSW – NFD

    I’m still around and fasting. I fasted last Friday and didn’t log into report! I also fasted yesterday and am planning another ‘Fasting Friday’ for tomorrow. Fasting days have been a blessing. It’s the NFDs that are always the challenge, as they were mostly this week. Cheers, for all who are joining ‘Fasting Friday’ with me tomorrow.

    Day 27 NC USA NFD
    Stayed at about TDEE, still avoiding the scale. Will try again to stay under TDEE today.

    2nd post,

    @sarahbob …………………. am I too late??????

    Head to Tescos or Sainsburys, pick up an extra large tub of Fage Greek yoghurt & a bag of clementines or apples, combine these in manageable portions and that will serve as a great satisfying snack for a week. McD’s will only make you hungrier ………..Don’t Do It!!!!! Think of what Jillian would say!!!!!

    Day 27, UK, FD

    Oof. Some days are hard. I nearly cracked and bought a Fajita for lunch to ruin my FD. But somehow managed to muster enough will-power to overcome it. Sept has been hard, I haven’t had the courage to weigh myself yet, as I fear/think the scales could actually have gone up! But, I need to think long-term. October might see a return to my 4 day midweek fasting regime that worked well in the past. Our I might try 4:3.

    Sometimes (like today) I think that eating might be better for me than fasting. If my body is telling me to eat something, perhaps the fasting isn’t helping me in some physical/mental way? It’s not like I’m craving carbs, sugar, chocolate, just a reasonably healthy meal. Any thoughts anyone?

    @sparklyshoes Oops, I just realised I mistyped, must be the lack of nutrition (LOL).
    I meant 13 Kg in 13 weeks, so today I start on week 2. I am following a ‘Best Self’ diary that is for 13 weeks. You set a goal for a greater purpose. And I am listening to ALOT of Toni Robbins for inspiration.

    Maybe I should go for 18 weeks…that sorts out the Christmas crash and burn….
    I will put 5 weeks in reserve for a challenge addendum. Maybe psychologically my body really wants that (Pwahahahaha…)


    @flourbaby I lake that yog idea. Might try it 🙂

    Day 27 Canada FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list!

    @fasterjo B2B

    Day 27, Surrey (UK), FD

    Back in the groove today, after a restful ‘feeling fragile’ (aka sorry for myself) kind of day yesterday. Reset button has been well and truly pressed! So it’s an FD today, let’s see if I reach the magic 150lb number by the end of this month!

    @ccco @dingping @snowflake 56 – thanks for the sympathy! Yes I do feel better now, and even better still after a good weight training session this morning.

    @fasterjo – YOU know what you are doing makes sense! The evidence is all there – your energy levels, physique, muscle tone – no matter what your colleagues say, the facts speak for themselves. You show ’em girl!

    Adding myself to the pocket list!
    @fasterjo B2B

    Day 27 – Atlanta,GA,USA – FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list:-

    @fasterjo B2B

    Day 27 second post

    What you really, really need the day before your last Friday Weigh Day of the month, is a carb blow out. just saying.

    Suspect I might be fighting off a virus as back to burning nerve pain and v grumpy day. Made time for brief yoga this AM with a little meditation – phew! Got through big lunch/PM meeting in a V hot bright airless meeting room, not enough water. Difficult to breathe let alone concentrate – I did brilliantly to stay in the room tbh but not my finest hour.

    Luckily I was in charge of meeting’s biscuit buying so deliberately bought shortbread bc too sweet for me, plus clementines which I always find tempting. Last minute salad was lovely but left me hungry… ran out of water so ate 3 clementines, 2 more at home plus meeting doggy bag of c60g saltysweet popcorn and wasabi peas!

    My carb dragon has awoken & burning nerve pain in head/neck/ear/spine/joints – usually a sign of something autoimmune. I’m drinking as tho it’s going out of fashion and heading to bed. TONS to do tomorrow to catch up after faffing slow week – only 2 weeks til big event and people are wanting input. I don’t want to let people down or mess up the careful work of the last 10 months which has built up relationships and reputation. Time to step up and Get On, but In a balanced way – which starts with sleep.

    Sorry not to read posts today, hope everyone is OK x

    Day 27 London UK NFD

    I keep losing my post so will quickly check in. Little one kept me on my toes today so no opportunity to read posts.

    Yesterday’s FD ended well and I managed to stop eating once I’d had supper. Stayed away from anything sugary or sweet! Major accomplishment given my recent form!

    Today’s NFD was seriously tough. Ate loads in a very short space of time around mid afternoon but I stopped there. However as it’s the night before I go away for a couple of days without toddler and husband, we had a few drinks in the evening sun once little one went down at 7pm. By a few drinks I mean I had a whole bottle of wine. More than I’d planned but I enjoyed every bit of it so it was worth it.

    Flying to Denmark early tomorrow. My friend has plans for pizza tomorrow night so I think I’m going to do a partial FD until then so I don’t go too crazy! Won’t be seeing her until late afternoon. Saturday will be completely a feast day and possibly Sunday too. Will see how things pan out and balance if all out with FDs next week. In case I don’t get a chance to check in over the weekend, have a great one! X

    Day 27 Rostrevor NFD

    OS and his girl are joining us for a weekend which should involve a bit of hiking, lots of laughs and hopefully careful eating.
    @Arelcade – hope your OH is well on the road to recovery. A stressful time for you for sure.
    @shinything – take one day at a time and one Big deep breath. Sending you a big ((hug))
    Happy belated birthday @annemarilyn
    @snowflake – maybe a plank challenge in October?
    @ciren2 – they’re trying to keep you on the wagon!
    @fasterjo – fantastic!
    @beedoo – have a great weekend. Monday is a new month!
    I should have fasted today but forgot??! Ah well Monday is a new week and month.

    I shall copy the link to the new spreadsheet on Monday when I get back to my laptop.

    Day 26 – Japan – FD (water fast)

    I haven’t been reading the forum or keeping up. I’m just keeping up with my fasting, although my exercise has suffered. Work is driving my life right now.

    Day 27 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Thank you for birthday wishes! Had a lovely day including an evening out with my son – a tasty meal followed by a walk along the river on a warm Indian summer evening. I only ate until just full. Ended up taking home enough for another meal.

    Will join @minka, I believe, for a FD tomorrow.

    @dykask – so much work, hopefully you’ll get a chance to come up for air soon.

    Day 27 Minnesota, USA FD–>NFD

    Thanks for putting me back on the pocket list @dingping, but you were probably being psychic when you left me off. 😉 I really blew my FD today so it ended up a CD at about 1000 cals. Going out to dinner tomorrow so, realistically, I know a FD won’t happen. I’d like to try for one on Saturday, though. To get one more in this month. I’ve been up and then down by 3 lbs just this week. Down right now, and want to end the month at 5 lbs down total.
    Tomorrow morning I’ll try to catch up on the last couple days of posts and to comment.

    Stay strong and best of luck to everyone.

    Day 27 Ohio, US — FD(#14)

    Finally a “normal” day, but there still remains catch up work to do tomorrow. Fortunately, tomorrow is Friday and hopefully that will prevent the “catch up” from snowballing.

    @michelinme, I experience something the same: many times when something sends my immune system into reaction, a big carb craving develops. Often that’s the first time I actually notice that something has gone awry. I read once that there may be a sugar-adrenaline connection, so I’ve wondered if the carb craving is like a dietary epi-pen.

    Have fun on final Friday!

    Day 27, Guildford UK, MFD day 5

    The days are merging into chaos. Apologies for not posting.

    The boiler thermostat went and the water in the system boiled and my old cistern cracked and all the joints went. The tank flowed over, luckily to the overflow. The water had to be turned off and a plumber called. The system is wrecked, we have two power showers here so we need a special boiler. The old boiler was 30 years old but an extra special one as it has lasted so long. There was no flooding which is good, well better than good.

    It’s going to be very expensive and I am so tired of struggling since the divorce, back into austerity and hard work. Could really do without it at 64 years old. I have never found life so much as a struggle.

    I am still MFD but of course my mind is telling me that the cortisol is countering all my efforts not sure if there is any loss on HP moustache tummy. I am trying to change my mindset as of course I am holding which is much better than increasing weight.

    Onwards always.

    It’s small stuff compared to the things some of the posters here deal with, sickness of themselves and loved ones, pain and sad bereavement.

    Started second year of college and couldn’t get my iPad to work so couldn’t do my homework until the last minute as it has to link to the website, any way I pulled it from the brink at the last minute.

    My foot is healing well and I am pleased but I can’t stand on one foot yet very easily.

    I missed you all when I didn’t post.

    I am in for October.

    More later


    Day 27, Nairobi, Kenya – 16:8/OMAD

    Salutations all – almost at the end of a tough but great month thus far! I arrived in Nairobi on Monday and have been going non-stop for work in a major conference. After the long trip – Lima-Paris and Paris-Nairobi (~19 hours in planes please another 8-odd hours in Paris) things have gone well.

    I am succeeding in keeping to two meals a day, and a hectic work schedule has allowed me to do several OMAD days – not always easy when meals and socializing are important bits of my work.

    The goods news is I am now at 78.6, or 173.3 lbs – so an excellent weight loss for the month overall despite the ups and downs of life and work. Hang in there everyone – onwards and downwards!

    Day 28, Emden Germany, LFD

    @dingping with a good relationship you can overcome the harder times in life.

    @bert1802 I hope you had a better sleep last night. Thanks for your thoughts on the dress, the in-laws are fine, just conservative.

    @fasterjo go for the 18 kg (if you want to lose that much)!

    @beedoo have a great weekend in Kopenhagen!

    @michelinme please slow down and take time to relax!

    @rainbowsmile sometimes everything just seems to go wrong, but you know there will be better times. At least your foot is getting better so in a short while you’ll be able to dance again. Hugs!

    @formerly-fat-pete gosh, Nairobi, it seems you come around. Are you able to see more of Kenya than just Nairobi or do you go strait back home after the conference? Well done on the weight loss!

    @debster251 oh yes, let’s do a plank challenge!

    Pocket list day 28, only 3 days left including this one!


    Have a nice day veryone!

    Day 28 UK FD

    Month nearly over, somehow this has crept up on me. Very odd month mostly filled with sad and stressful stuff but also filled with pure joyful days. A positive is I’ve managed a solid month of fasting despite the turbulence in my life, that’s to be acknowledged by me who’s good at beating myself up for everything else!

    Feeling good in mid run of my B2B2B.

    @sarahbob – I hope @flourbaby did enough?

    @michelinme – stay balanced and looking after future you and now you.

    @northerndawn – maybe I jinked it? Sorry it wasn’t such a great FD

    @rainbowsmile – that’s a lot of s….arrrgh on your behalf!
    Take a deep breath, whilst you swim against this particular tide, the beach is right there and you will lie back and sun bathe in all that you have accomplished.

    @snowflake56 – so true x

    It’s Friday, where did that come from?! So chasing my tail…

    Hang in there everybody.

    Ta x

    Day 28 Pocket List
    @rainbowsmile MFD (?day 6)

    Day 28, UK, FD

    Its supposed to be a FD, but I’m keeping my mind open about that 😂 . Seriously, I have a dodgy tummy and I’m off to work soon, so I’ll just have to follow how I feel and what my body is telling me 🙂

    @northerndawn, @dingping, @flourbaby, @snowflake56, @debster251 thank you for your support, encouraging words, calming thoughts and hugs, it means and helps a lot xx
    I’m so grateful to be here among kind, supportive people that you are ❤

    @rainbowsmile I’m sorry you are having such a rough time 🙁 , I think we’ve all been through similar when things break down and put us in a financial difficulties. People say we shouldn’t get too stressed about it but we do because its very stressful. But we have to remember that it always passes and things go back to normal, try and keep that in mind 🙂 . Sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes 🤗

    Have a great day everyone and stay strong 🌸

    Day 28 Pocket List
    @rainbowsmile MFD (?day 6)

    Day 28, London, UK, NFD.

    Quick post before Pilates, I’ve only managed to skim posts, but wishing everyone well today.

    I’m determined to start these 4 NFDs in a row with a CD and an aim to remain mindful until Tuesdays’ FD. I’m prepared with fruit, cheese, yoghurt, cashews and a plan!!!!

    Keep the faith folks!!!!!

    Day 28…..Florida……?

    So for not sleeping that much the night before, I surely did not run out of steam….. I did find myself a bit more sensitive as well as lowered brain function; However, my body still wanted to go. I tried going to bed about 8pm but nothing. Finally about 10, I broke down and took a sleeping pill. Normally, it will knock me out in 15 min.oh. But no……finally I would say about an hour and half later according to the hubby, I was finally asleep.
    Woke up fine but I feel like I could run a marathon as I type this…..
    I must have woken my energizer bunny……
    so, I’m hoping my brain function improves today.

    Not sure how food will go today. I know at least, it will be a controlled day.

    Well, it’s that time again……

    It was me…. I admit it….. I let the dogs out!

    Day 28, Surrey (UK), NFD

    Well, the end of the month is here, and here is my final weigh-in result for the month: 152.4lb, 2.4lb to lose to reach my 150lb target. At one point this month, I was only 1lb away, aaaaargh!

    Yes, it’s a small bounce back in the wrong direction, even after a successful FD yesterday. This could be due to a couple of factors: water retention; muscles bulking up (I hope!) after fairly intense weight training session yesterday; food in transit. Whatever, I’ve learned not to be discouraged by the number on the scale. The good news is that my waist measurement is down another half an inch this month. So it’s just a case of keeping on keeping on.

    I’m wondering if I should in fact stick to 5:2 when – IF! – I reach the golden goal weight? It’s hard to tell from my graph results of the past 2 months if I am in fact continuing to lose weight, or if I’m just maintaining – albeit in a zigzag pattern. I think I will just continue with it into October. Looking back, there have been a few blips recently – 2 holidays in August, and a few days out of routine (and some mindless eating – I confess) whilst babysitting for friends last week. But as we know, life happens, and we can’t always remain in control. That’s the great thing about this WOE. The re-set button is always there. There is always the flexibility to change things around or allow for lapses, and just get back on the wagon when the time is right.

    Thank you @daffodil10 for starting this thread.
    Keep on keeping on everyone, you know you’re worth it! See you over in October!

    DAY 28, FD, uk


    – Please don’t take any notice of what your office crew says!!

    All I can say is that 5:2 is the ONLY “diet” (I like to think of it as a WOL) that has worked for me and NORMALLY I am in maintenance, apart from post-holiday blips and pre-holiday ‘extra pushes!’

    – Also which other ‘diet’ can point to sooo many health benefits (leaving losing weight out of the picture entirely?)

    Benefits of fasting (especially B2B/B2B2B fasting) include:-

    • Increased longevity
    • More stable blood sugar and all the associated benefits
    • Reduced cancer risk
    • Reduced LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol)

    @beedoo – thanks for your comments on exercise. Yes, I hadn’t thought about the timing.
    It is sprinting and weights that makes me overly hungry the following day, but actually the only time I do these activities is weekday nights due to work commitments. So what you say about timing makes sense – thank you 🙂

    Adding myself to the Day 28 Pocket List 🙂

    @rainbowsmile MFD (?day 6)

    2nd post


    Give them this to read!!

    Does anyone know this website? I think Dr Jason Fung is a big contributor to it..

    Specifically see the below paragraph which I have cut and pasted from their site :-

    (Site Admin – I hope this is allowed, sorry if it is not!!)

    “But why does fasting work where regular diets fail? Simply put, during fasting, the body switches from burning sugar to burning fat for energy. Free fatty acids (FFA) are oxidized for energy and FFA synthesis is reduced (body is burning fat and not making it). The decrease in triacylglycerol synthesis results in a decrease in VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein) secretion from the liver which results in lowered LDL.

    The way to low ever LDL is to make your body burn it off.

    The mistake of the low fat diet is this – feeding your body sugar instead of fat does not make the body burn fat – it only makes it burn sugar.

    The mistake of the Low Carb High Fat diet is this – giving your body lots of fat makes it burn fat, but it will burn what’s coming into the system (dietary fat). It won’t pull the fat out of the body.

    Here’s the bottom line for those big-picture, spare-me-the-details kind of folks.

    Fasting has the following effects:

    Reduces weight
    Maintains lean mass
    Decreases waist size
    Minimal change in HDL
    Dramatic reductions in Triglycerides
    Dramatic reductions in LDL”

    Day 28 North Canton OH Healthy Eating Day

    TGIF everyone and have a great weekend.

    Day 28 NC USA FD

    Thanks @fivetwofan5252 for the article. Looks interesting. I got on the scale today was only .2 lbs up from my last post FD day! Yeah. I will used my weight after this last FD day of September as my weight for the end of this challenge. Should motivate me to stick to my FD goal of 500 to 800.

    Adding myself to the Day 28 Pocket List 🙂

    @rainbowsmile MFD (?day 6)

    Day 28 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Yesterday was a red wine and ice cream treat day…..and dinner out this evening so end of month weight may be up on 1st of September weight but I’m not worried because I know next weeks FDs will keep me in my happy maintenance range. By way of encouragement to anyone struggling…..this WOE really isn’t a challenge for me anymore, after 15 months it has become natural and enjoyable. I may not post daily now but I will continue to check in from time to time and keep the challenge spreadsheets updated to stay accountable….and I would miss you all anyway!

    Happy Friday everyone 😎 its a beautiful sunny autumn day here.

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