September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,071 replies, has 74 voices, and was last updated by  FasterJo 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 551 through 600 (of 1,074 total)

  • Day 13 Belfast FD

    The scales are not my friend. Maybe food in transit. 😦. I would have liked to get my weight to the lowest of my range before going on holiday. Hey ho!

    @annemarilyn – it was on BBC radio 2 on a programme with a presenter called Jeremy Vine. He was promoting ‘Trust me I’m a doctor’ which was on BBC last night on exercise snacking. It will be on the iplayer. I haven’t seen it yet but it sounds interesting.
    @happymargo – if you haven’t seen them for a while, they’re sure to notice how well you look.
    Stay strong and safe@ Diana123
    Don’t rush your recovery @gretta. There’s nothing more annoying than training hard for an event and things go wrong.
    Drive safe @ Daffodil2010 and enjoy your holiday
    @skinnyminny57 – my OH is type one diabetic and he follows a 16:8 regime. He finds his blood sugars are more steady just eating two meals a day.

    Adding my name to today’s pocket list.


    Off to the dentist this morning. Have a good one!

    Day 13, London, UK, FD,

    My 2nd FD this week and I’m slowly getting back into the swing of doing 5:2 properly, I really overate last night because I had defrosted one of the batch cooked meals I keep in the freezer and felt I had to finish it, even though I had had my lunchtime soup. I’ll know for tomorrow NFD, that the day after a FD (DAFD) should be lighter because of tummy shrinkage!!! Perhaps OMAD on NFDs, still tweaking (after nearly 2 years!!!) to see what ‘fits’.

    @diana123, my heart really goes out to you. You’ve had the worst year imaginable, so much on your plate to deal with. I really hope thing settle down for you soon, you’re coping fabulously, whilst maintaining your dedication to improving your own health ……………………. Quite inspirational!!!! Stay strong!!!!

    @debster251 & @annemarilyn, I saw the programme ‘Trust me I’m a doctor’ last night, it was so informative, 6x 5min burst of medium intensity exercise throughout the day are equivalent to 30mins continuous med intensity exercise …………………… great for the time poor!!!! Also had a great piece on muscle mass loss after 50, I think we lose 1% strength per year and 2% muscle mass per year after 50 (might be the other way around?) and just by doing some simple exercises at home we can reverse this loss, Sit-to Stand, Knee-bends & rising onto the balls of your feet are some of the simple ones to do. I’ll be looking at the BBC website and getting the full list for my mum to practice, I can actually see the deterioration in her strength and stamina!!!!!

    Happy fasting folks ……………………………………….

    “It doesn’t matter how slow you go, just as long as you don’t stop!!!”

    Day 13 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Not had time to keep up with posts, hospital visiting is time consuming but dad is responding well to treatment. I seem to have the 5:2 habit now, regardless of life stuff happening I just do my Monday and Thursday FDs……however I still have a tendency to drink too much red wine on NFDs, especially when stressed!!! Controlling the wino dragon is an ongoing challenge.

    Hope everyone is feeling positive about working towards their September goals. We just have to keep on keeping on, one day at a time 😉

    Day 13 Lima, Peru – 16:8

    Productive work day yesterday. Good news and a bit of a Peruvian dessert to celebrate (I am weak!) So weight is holding well at 80.9 kg or 178.4. Feeling very positive and following two days of no cycling due to early morning calls I was able to get up at 4AM (my usual wake up time) for my bike ride. All well and a few personal records along the route.

    As others have said – everyone hang in there! Winter is almost over in Lima… so consider your Christmas vacation plans if you like to wear your Santa hat while lounging by the pool!

    Day 13, UK, NFD

    The scales decided to be friendly this morning 😉 , the weight showed 53.1kg. I’ll take it, definitely, but I do think its just a weight range and I’m still stuck in this plateau. Its fine, I’ll follow @flourbaby‘s mantra : “It doesn’t matter how slow you go, just as long as you don’t stop!!!” 🐢

    @daffodil2010 I love your holiday updates ❤ , I was so looking forward for every post from your Peru trip, and am looking forward to them now too :D. You saw murmurating starlings!?!? 😮 You lucky thing! 😀 I am so hoping I see that amazing site some time soon, working on it :). Safe drive 🤗

    @sparklyshoes I have the same problem with scales and I too sometimes think it might be broken haha 😂

    @missybear glad to hear your dad is responding well to treatment 🙂

    Have a great day everyone, we can do this 💪

    Day 13 NC USA NFD
    Decided to skip weighting myself this morning. Maybe will wait until after next FD. Though not sure if will do a FD on Friday like I planned with the hurricane coming then. Will see how it goes.

    May all your plans go well today.

    Day 13, UK, NFD

    Nothing relevant to report.

    Day 13 North canton OH FD!

    Be safe everyone!!!

    Day 13 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    The hurricane is fast approaching the Carolina’s, praying for all those in it’s path. Just a quick pop on for accountability on my CFD. Being this busy at work really helps me stay on track. We have hauled out 35 yachts so far. The hurricane has taken a turn away from us but we are still expecting high flooding do to the storm surge and higher tides than normal.

    “Sometimes you can’t see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others.” – Ellen DeGeneres Have a great Thursday everyone.

    Day 13 USA – NFD

    I’m doing well, eating quite smartly and getting in some exercise.

    Hugs to you @diana123 as you face Florence’s rain and wrath.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 13 – Florida
    FD today. feeling some hunger. Will eat a little for lunch and rest for dinner.
    Have a great day.

    Adding my name to today’s pocket list.


    USA Day 13 FD

    I love reading about everyone’s holidays! Here in the States we can’t jump from country to country to vacation, so it is always interesting to hear what you all are doing! I did make it to NYC Fashion Week but I am thinking that this would be the last time. I am really too old to dress like that. The clothes they show tend to be more a spectacle for publicity than anything most people would actually wear! LOL

    Anyway, we are waiting for the hurricane and we have had some water swells already from the advancing hurricane, which has caused some flooding downtown! I just hope we don’t lose our electricity!!! 🙁

    Today my plan is to fast with 452 calories. I am going to try with all my might not to deviate. Evenings are the most difficult for me, not because I am hungry but because all the stress of the day is built up by then!

    My prayers go out for all of you who are caring for aging family members!

    Have a great day, everyone! 🙂

    Debster251: I tried to watch the show but got a message that iPlayer only works in the UK. Maybe one day, it will be on youtube!

    Day 13 UK FD

    Right then. Struggled this week. Monday’s FD was good. But Tuesday and Wednesday were awful – like if ‘Attack of the killer carbs’ was an actual film, then it was filmed chez moi.
    Mrs R has been encouraging me not to fast, just to exercise more instead. Tuesday’s planned fast day collapsed into a heap as a result. So I have secretly fasted today, and she and I will eat a healthy low carb curry tonight.
    It’s beepin’ hard enough without having to do it in secret.

    Onwards and downwards folks. 🙂

    Day 13, Rocky Mountains, US, CNFD

    Off grocery shopping, then noon meeting with DH for a short hike with coffee and cake afterwards. 😊🚶‍♀️🌼

    Have a good Thursday everyone! 🌻🌸🥀

    Day 13 Canada FD

    This is the 4th FD of the 12 I have planned for my health improvement quest. I think I am on top of cutting down alcohol (aiming for 102 glasses of wine a week).
    So next habit to work on is a daily meditation!

    Adding myself to the pocket list!

    Have a fantastic day!

    UK day 13 FD

    Want to eat dinner for 2…. Staying strong…

    Day 13 USA CD

    Hey ya’ll! Good morning! I took a slight break but have continued to lose (just not as fast) but am back doing ADF and tracking again and will update on the September sheet. I’m 30 pounds down from where I started, so this WOE definitely works. It’s so nice to “see” you again. Now I’m off to catch up on all the September posts. 🙂

    Day 13 – FD; Dublin, Ireland

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Day 13 – Atlanta,GA,USA – FD
    Day 12 – NFD
    Day 11 – NFD

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Day 13, Gozo, Malta, fd

    I fasted at around 850 calories. I consider it a successful fd.

    Good evening/ night everyone.

    Day 13 – Eastern WA USA – LFD

    On my phone, if possible can someone add me to the pocket list?

    @snowflake56 – how wonderful you were able to have a few patients embrace 5:2.
    @dingping- not sure what OTT is.

    Still need to catch up on the rest of the posts. Off to an aptmt.

    Enjoy your day!

    Second post …

    Its lovely to “see” you too @onlyhermes , welcome back 🤗
    I sorted the names on our spreadsheet in alphabetical order, and added yours at the same time.

    For all who are in the way hurricane Florence, please take care and stay safe ❤

    Edit: @annemarilyn OTT = over the top

    Day 13 UK NFD

    So not the wisest decisions this last couple of days. Having got the week off to a good start with a WFD that became a 100 calories FD and a MFD of under 800 calories, I set off for my 2day conference.

    Yesterday was carbtastic and had some poor choices. Every break they presented me with v special GF vegetarian goodies which I somehow felt compelled to eat – flapjack & millionaire shortbread, vegan sandwiches and fruit. I ate more cake, flour, sugar in a day than I’d eaten in a couple of months but at least stayed away from gluten. Simple supper of tomatoes, salad & egg, & last night my abdomen was swollent to around the 2nd trimester mark.

    Today was at Lambeth Palace – v well known for its excellent catering! I avoided morning coffee time biscuits & cakes and saved myself for lunch- vegan mushroom & lentil bake with spicy rice salad and steamed green veg – followed by plum crumble with cream! (Someone else fetched it for me, and I was offered fruit salad then crumble without cream but auto brain said yes to the tempting stuff) By close of day I was exhausted – it was so full on inc over lunchtime – so stopped off for tea in the park on the way home. Somehow I found myself resisting all the things that came with chips but settled on scones with cream & jam plus peppermint tea. Abdomen now 3rd trimester prob bc gluten 🙁

    I have a feeling that my Friday weekly weigh day may be somewhat *ahem* disappointing. On the bright side it was a v successful couple of days – some great conversations, building relationships & creating connections. Well worth going, and on the whole I think I did pretty well tho rather tired & grumpy this morning.

    Sorry not to have read posts yet, but tired, wired and brain not taking things in any more. I’ll catch up tomorrow, but wishing you all well xx

    Day 13 – USA – NFD

    I realized I ate 870 cals. yesterday, and I will consider it a lame FD, the first this month! I will change the spreadsheet to reflect it. Yeah, I know it’s cheating, but I need some motivation right now. After that 10 lb. change, I also realize I am not fit enough to continue doing this particular p/t job. You have to constantly lift at least 50 lbs. and I just don’t have the upper body strength at 64. I wish it were not so, but they’ve gently told me they see me struggling and wonder if I would be safer pursuing other options within the company where I won’t hurt myself. I know it has to do with liability and my safety, but I was really into challenging myself. Alas, my poor back and neck are talking to me after 3 days of continuous lifting. I’m going to have to make a few changes.

    Day 14 (Day 13 here) Ohio, US FD (#10)

    One of those days that leaves me wondering, “Where did the day go?” The good thing about that was that there wasn’t time to think very much about eating, so it made a perfect FD. And now TGIF!

    Day 14, Emden Germany, FD

    just a quick check in this morning to start the pocket list, have a lot to do today.

    @dingping did you try to drink some broth when feeling light headed on your FD?

    Pocket list day 14

    @dingping 2nd of B2B2B

    Have a nice day everyone and stay safe!

    Day 11 – Japan – NFD
    Day 12 – Japan – NFD
    Day 13 – Japan – NFD
    Day 14 – Japan – FD

    Haven’t worked out much but my appetite naturally decreased too. That is good.

    Day 14, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Weekly weigh-in and 0.8kg down. Not bad for a tortoise!
    Down to 72.4kg, and just 1kg to go to healthy BMI. REALLY REALLY hoping to make it this month. It must surely be possible to drop 1kg in two weeks. Some focus and determination is needed here.

    I still fast 2 days a week, Monday and Thursday and have not cheated once on fast days in over a year. So I call that a new routine/way of life and feel very hopeful that I will stay with this in one form or another for a long time.

    Has anyone else noticed that your heart rate goes up at the end of a fast day? My average is under 60 beats per minute now, apparently in ‘Athlete’ range for a woman, although that is laughable for someone whose only exercise is yoga, a bit of walking and gardening. At the end of a fast day it is generally up to 70 beats per minute, and goes down again on non-fast days. Interesting. Perhaps follows the research findings on fasting, that metabolism goes up in the first few days, but then starts going down after 3 or more days – something like that – I’m not sure of the exact details. And I realise now that a slower metabolism that comes with weight loss is not necessarily a bad thing – it means I need to eat less, but it should extend my life span. I set out at first trying to increase my metabolism, but maybe I needed to change my assumptions about these things? My journey into fasting and plant-based eating has taken me into reading such a wide range of things and busting a lot of my personal beliefs about dieting, exercise, healthy foods, etc. I’d say I’m properly indoctrinated now!

    I have a plant-based doctor interested in writing up my case study (and my husband’s). Not sure it I should do it as I find the ‘before’ photos embarassing and I still want to lose a bit more weight. I guess the before photos are needed to make the story interesting for other people. Fortunately I did not have a lot of health issues to reveal, as that would feel intrusive. I wonder if any of you have done this?

    Day 14, London, UK, NFD,

    Again, aiming for control on this NFD ……………. Everything is crossed!!!!

    @johnnyr, I can’t imagine trying to live this WOL in secret, maybe a serious chat with Mrs. R is the way to go?

    I’m with you @bellyblast, 102 glasses of wine per week sounds about right!!!!!

    Welcome back @onlyhermes, it’s been a while, but you’re testament to ‘working’ this WOL!!!

    I usually post around the same time as @debster251, I hope the dentist hasn’t laid you out!!! Or has the holiday started??

    Also MIA – @at – I hope you’re recovering well, @bert1802 – don’t fall off of the wagon again!!! @dykask – I hope you find time to fit this challenge into what seems like a busy time for you.

    Off to Pilates soon, so a quick check-in……………………… Stay safe and fast-on!!!!!

    Day 14 – France – NFD

    Scale finally moved downwards by half a kilo after being seemingly stuck for a good couple of weeks despite lots of effort on my part. Yay!

    Today I will have a nice Chinese lunch with friends, and the good news is that this particular Chinese cook doesn’t make greasy or heavy food so no need to feel guilty.

    @michelinme reading about all the food at your conference was like… porn 🙂

    @cornish-jane I would totally do the case study if they promised not to show my face. It can be very motivating for other people. Congrats to you! You have worked hard, changed your life and had fantastic results!

    Day 14 UK FD

    Struggled yesterday. Hoping for better today.

    @formerly fat Pete – congrats in hanging in there and intrigued, what’s a typical Peruvian dessert? Are you a cyclist who thinks nothing of putting in 60 miles before breakfast?

    @johnnyr – that’s hard with out Mrs R not on board. Admire your determination.

    @onlyhermes – hiya.

    @annemarilyn – see @shinything explained, still struggling with it, constant vigilance!

    @michelinme – what exalted circles you mingle in! Maybe you’ll get that carb whoosh?!

    @metatauta – sorry to hear your disappointment re job, sounds challenging full stop.

    @cornish-jane – you and @rainbowsmile are a fountain of interesting and fascinating knowledge you’d both could write a book! Change comes from learning, you demonstrate that.
    Re: case study, I can understand your apprehension, but it says something of your success that your dr wants to use your stories. You have been inspiring to many here it would be wonderful to spread that inspiration further but a lot to consider personally.

    @snowflake56 – thanks for adding me to the FD list. Been sipping marmite tea and trying very hard with drinking +++ water. Hopefully back in the swing now. Ta

    Hoping everyone facing Florence stays safe.
    Positive healthy vibes to all needing it for themselves, friends and family. Have a good day all.
    Ta x

    Day 14, UK, FD

    Today is my 3rd FD and a final one for this week, 800cal though. It amazes me how easy it is to overeat, because only this week, while I’m monitoring what I’m eating in order to follow a new routine, I noticed that I was eating well over my TDEE! 😲
    Trying now to visually remember the sizes of portions, because I don’t want to count calories forever.

    @cornish-jane I noticed my heart beat going up on FDs as well, but someone mentioned here (sorry can’t remember who) that it might be the lack of hydration, and to drink more water on FDs. I tried and it seems to make a bit of a difference 🙂 . It might be other factors involved too, I’m eager to find out too 🙂

    Missed to say this: Dr asking for permission to make a case study based on you is a fantastic recognition of your success! You are an inspiration and your story would inspire so many people. But do it only if you feel comfortable with it 🙂

    Off to work in a while 🚗

    Have a great successful day everyone 🌻

    Day 14…..Florida……Hopefully, FD

    Whew…..I made it back. Sorry, I was MIA for a bit. True story, Matilda locked me in her cage, in a attempt to fatten me up, so she could eat me. When she asked me if I want to play a game, I had no idea she wanted to recreate the Hansel and Gretal story!

    I will catch up with posts later!

    It was me…..I admit it…..I let the dogs out!

    Day 14 Belfast NFD
    Back comfortably in the middle of my maintenance range today and can honestly say that my sweet tooth is getting less so. That still doesn’t stop wine gums etc slipping between the teeth, but I am getting better!

    @flourbaby – caught up with that programme and you’re right. It’s very interesting. Despite being pretty active, as a 63 yo I have noticed a big difference in my muscle tone. Something to work on for sure. I’m a little late this morning. Had a slower start to the day (read ‘lazy’ – slept in and missed my swim!) The holiday starts on Monday!
    @missybear – glad to hear your dad is responding well.
    You are certainly an early riser @Formerly Fat Pete! Well done on those personal records. The morning is a great time to exercise. Am curious about your Peruvian desert.
    @ccco – yes, we have a wealth of different cultures on our doorstep just a hop and skip away. We’re luck in that respect. However, the USA has some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, so you’re lucky too!
    @johnnyr – good luck on your covert fasting! Sounds like torture to me. Surely Mrs R could be convinced by your increasingly svelte form?
    @bellyblast 102 glasses a week lol?! You’d have no calories left for food!
    Welcome back @ OnlyHermes and well done on your 30 lb loss.
    @michelinme – I hope you get rid of your food baby soon! You’re certainly socialising in lofty places!
    @metatauta – 50 lbs is a lot to lift at any age. Something else will turn up around the corner.
    @CornishJane well done. You’re nearly there. Wow! You haven’t cheated in more than a year? I wish I could stay the same. You must have willpower of iron! Your journey would be a huge motivation to others.

    Thoughts and prayers for everyone In the path of the hurricane. Stay safe.

    To quote @fatrabbit – ‘thin feels better than anything tastes’

    You don’t get what you wish for … You get what you work for!

    Day 14 London UK FD

    Playing catch up on the posts. Lagging very far behind after not checking in for a day!

    @ccco my heart goes out to you. September 11 is a day none of us will ever forget. It feels like it was the day the world changed. But I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for you. I send you my love x

    @dingping my condolences to you x

    My thoughts are also with everyone affected by hurricane Florence. Stay safe and please check in when you can. We’re all rooting for it to pass quickly and with the least amount of damage possible.

    Thank you for those who commented after I mentioned the comments I’d received at work. Interesting to hear yours thoughts and also how you manage it with work colleagues. I hate that it’s bothered me as much as I’ve let it. On Wednesday afternoon another colleague very pointedly asked me what I’d had for lunch. Why does it matter to people so much? What struck me is that none of them would say a negative word if I say at my desk gorging on all the chocolates and cakes that are there all the time! Strange, isn’t it?!
    What I dislike even more is that it’s affected my enthusiasm for this WOE. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not stopping! I’ve come too far and achieved too much. But last night I ended up sabotaging an on track TDEE day and I’m sure it’s a result of all this. I just wish I wasn’t now so conscious of what others might be thinking. Anyway today I’m not at work and am determined to complete a solid FD. Weight is at lower end of maintenance range so it’ll set me up for a happy healthy weekend of NFDs.

    Anyway, I had a lovely busy morning with my 2 year old! Thursdays and Fridays when I’m not at work and get him all to myself are so special. Today we went to the Imperial War Museum. It’s an hours walk so I got a great brisk march in! As for the museum. Wow. So much to see, so much food for thought, so much to be thankful for, and my goodness, so so many lives we are indebted to. My son was in awe of the tanks and Spitfires and equipment and machinery. We’re home now and he’s fast asleep napping so I’m putting my feet up for a bit! Feeling very peaceful and making the most of it before he wakes up, batteries recharged and off we’ll go again! Wishing you all a happy day!

    I spotted this on instagram the other day on one of the health/fitness profiles I follow:
    “The weekend is my weak end”
    Made me smile!

    Day 14 UK ?FD

    Friday weigh day showed me up again to 144.5 – unsurprisingly after this carbtastic couple of days & mini cake fest 🙂

    But the beauty of this WOL is that I can simply reset with a modified FD and enjoy a couple of NFDs this weekend, being mindful of TDEE and previous indulgence. It’s all about knowing what works for my body, making conscious choices & taking responsibility for the results. I’m not depriving myself but investing in better health!

    I didn’t drink enough at this conference even tho I drank loads more than everyone else – how do they do that?! My usual consumption of 2.5-4 litres wasn’t possible, despite drinking a couple of glasses of water at every opportunity plus zooming to the loo at every break & twice at lunchtime.

    On the upside – even tho it feels like a downside – this morning I put on one of my old between-the-seasons stalwart dresses today. Lovely deep blue, stretchy dress with pockets, fabulous to dress up or down. Last worn this time last year – before I was quite at my heaviest – when it felt rather small & unflattering. Today it was so big that the neck actually slipped off my shoulders!

    I loved that dress, but it’s not one that would work taken in. Reluctantly put it in the give away pile and resigned myself to a slow rebuild of my currently v restricted wardrobe, when capacity and resources allow. I guess I’m decluttering and letting go of old skins, ready to be my Current & Future Self.

    @matpi interesting re your body & quorn. Just a little mince in the freezer to use up & I’m off it now too. Great that we learn what works for our bodies – often by taking a break and having breathing space to notice what happens

    @shinything me too with 500 calorie days. I seem to be comfortable with a Monday WFD and a Thursday 800 calorie FD then bump to mindful 1500 for the other days. If I have a blow out it will show up somewhere & I’ll need to adjust, but 500 restriction simply isn’t sustainable for me x2 wk

    @diana123 thinking of you as you weather all the storms in your life xxx

    @skinnyminny57 you’ve made a great start to 5:2 – congratulations!

    @daffodil2010 loving hearing about your holiday – and murmurating starlings!! xx

    @missybear Hospital visiting uses a lot of capacity – glad your dad is responding to treatment x

    @johnnyr goodness, secret fasting doesn’t sound good or sustainable. Worth having an open conversation with MrsR and getting her support, if not encouragement?

    @bellyblast *only* 102 glasses of wine a week?! hope it’s 1 or 2 😀

    @onlyhermes hello again

    @metatauta good like finding the role that fits you within the company – like trying on new clothes, there’ll be on that’s comfortable and gives you a little room to grow 🙂

    @cornish-jane yay to tortoise progress. Maybe the headless option might work for you? There’s something about sharing your story publicly that feels very exposing – and of course you’re opening yourself up to others’ opinions. But if you do find a way to be comfortable with the idea it would definitely inspire others, and that might over-ride your embarrassment. It’s not about where you were, it’s about what you have done with it xx

    @sparklyshoes food porn 😀

    @bert1802 yay for escaping, missed you & your storytelling 🙂

    @debster251 thank you for the Trust Me link – and @flourbaby for details – definitely going to watch that this evening. Hard to keep going when holiday head arrives 🙂

    @beedoo your situation makes me think about collusion, and reminds me of my own behaviour among smokers when someone gives up the addiction. I think it’s generally how we behave when one of our number changes and we don’t want to think about changing. Staying the same is much more comfortable, change and growth is painful. Witnessing change can be an threat, reinforcing our own status quo as needing attention.

    I’d go with it, and don’t let your mindset be derailed. You are making healthy choices for you, how they respond is about them. Being in the minority doesn’t make you right or wrong, you’re only responsible for yourself xxx

    @at get well soon – we miss you 🙂

    Wow that’s 2 hours disappeared! Time for yoga & meditation, hanging laundry and then doing 3 hours or so of project work. Good to pick up loose ends and look after future me. Looking forward to an early night and a wonderfully restful Saturday.

    Amazingly we’re already almost at the halfway mark of this month’s challenge! Maybe worth reviewing what’s worked well, what’s not worked well and what we’re going to focus on for the rest of the month..?

    Day 14 USA – NFD

    Yesterday turned into about 1000 calories, rather unintentionally. But, I will take it. Keeping right at maintenance.

    @shinything and @cornish-jane —- Re: heart rate. Mine goes DOWN significantly on FD’s, and I decided it was because my body isn’t working very hard to digest food. When I check it, often it is at 55 or even less. Normal resting heart rate for me is about 65. At what I consider heavy exercise rate, it never is much over 100. I wonder if this has anything to do with my being 70 years old?

    Onward and downward.

    Day 14 North Canton OH Healthy Eating Day
    Happy to report huge whoosh, 4 pounds down! I was really worried because I transitioned from B2B2B fasts every week to basic 5:2 and I was wondering if the scale would reflect that (negatively) boy was I surprised this morning – happy dance!!!

    @cornishjane if you are able, I would encourage you to go for it – you could impact so many lives. But if it makes you too uncomfortable (especially with your image out there) then don’t feel pressured. @sparklyshoes has a great suggestion about not showing your face in the images; that may be a nice compromise.

    @metatauta my heart goes out to you. 50 pounds is a lot to lift, and you have to consider that your quality of life could be adversely impacted if you hurt your neck or back while trying to do your job. Hugs! I am sure opportunities will present themselves and you will make the right decision for you and your family

    Welcome back @onlyhermes, it’s good to see you again – although you were with us in spirit, as evidenced by your 30 pound loss

    @johnnyr I remember your struggles with Mrs R, I am sorry they are still ongoing. Has she shared why she is so against you fasting? It must be terrible to be doing this in secret. I remember having the same problem when I first started this WOL, OH felt I was being too extreme and after unsuccessfully trying to talk me out of it, would make my favorite meals on FD. I would calmly remind him that I am fasting and then I would save it to eat the next day. It was very annoying for me but I tried to see things from his POV and truly believe he missed the ritual of having dinner time together. Thankfully, when he noticed my results, he decided he wanted in – and now we fast and practice a LCHF diet together. I didn’t realize how much his opposition to the changes I was trying to make affected me, until he stopped opposing me. I hope she gets onboard; it would make such a difference for you.

    @michelinme yay for decluttering and letting go of old skins; so glad to see you embrace your Current and Future self!!

    Work calls unfortunately, and I gotta go. Please be safe wherever you are and my best to you all.

    Day 14, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Thanks for the feedback on the case study quandry @sparklyshoes, @dingping, @shinything and @debster251. You seen overwhelmingly positive about me doing this, which is encouraging. I think I’ll wait until I am under BMI25 (ie putting off the decision!).

    @shinything – Good suggestion about the increased heart rate when fasting and possible dehydration – will try more water on fast days.

    @Bedoo – I would get mad at work when people brought in doughnuts and cakes etc. Is it possible to suggest people bring in fruit most of the time – cherries, grapes etc are so much nicer than cake and loads of people would prefer it? Trouble is you could feel like a bit of a kill-joy, but it is a way of asking people to help rather than sabotage you. I ask people to help me now and if they know my story/struggle most are really positive. I read somewhere that obesity can be ‘socially infectious’ – if people in your work/social circle are big, it is more likely you will be as well. So it is in everyone’s interest to change what food people bring to work. You could have a quiet chat to your manager/HR and ask them to propose the change, then you don’t have to appear to be criticising your colleagues face-on – or is that passive-aggressive?!

    Day 14 London UK FD

    Second post

    @cornish-jane Funnily enough, we do have a fruit bowl. It was an initiative I introduced about a year ago when I returned from mat leave. Oh and I’m the HR manager! I even got a budget signed off so every Monday we have a delivery of fresh fruit arrive! They are a fit and healthy bunch on the whole despite all the “treats”! And they are a nice bunch of people aside from this. Makes me think I’m being sensitive? Oh I don’t know. I should add that the fruit bowl is a big hit with everyone!

    @michelinme I love this, thank you x “I’d go with it, and don’t let your mindset be derailed. You are making healthy choices for you, how they respond is about them. Being in the minority doesn’t make you right or wrong, you’re only responsible for yourself xxx”

    I’m going to try and take a different approach from Monday and remind myself of how I feel about 5:2/intermittent fasting, as well as all the comments here. I feel better than I have in years, both physically fitter and about the way I look, thanks to this WOE. I am back to my happy weight and maintaining without it feeling like a chore. I never thought that would be possible and had resigned myself to the extra weight and lumps and bumps! This is my WOL and my WOE.

    Day 14 NC USA FD
    Still have power and just getting some wind not much rain. Trying for FD after blowing through 300 calories for breakfast. Cereal then some banana bread I made with my daughter last night. Either I will skip lunch or do a 800 MFD. Not sure yet. Put on the tight jeans and it seems to be helping take away my appetite.

    May all your plans go well
    Pocket list

    Day 14, UK, NFD
    A very busy and awful day for me, should have made it a FD really, as I have just had “lunch” at 4 pm- coffee and some dry horrible tasteless slice of cake, with no breakfast and off to the theatre, so probably no time for supper either.

    Day 14. Paros. Greece. NFD. …. again…

    Been reading all the posts, in anticipation of getting back to fasting when I get home. If you ever mention fasting, you seem to get a lot of negative comments from people who don’t really know much about it. My friend, who massively resents my not sharing a bottle of wine with her anymore, is understandably fed up that I’m fasting as well. So I invent meals. When she wants to feed me cake, pasta, etc. I just say ‘ oh, I’ve got a MASSIVE meal waiting for me at home. That does the trick. And it seems to work for everybody. I’ve either just had a ‘massive’ meal or just about to have one. At least then they leave you alone….

    Day 14 Florida

    NFD. Doing pretty good. Nothing much is going on.

    Everyone have a great day.

    Day 14 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Getting close to finishing the 42 hr FD from yesterday. Have bacon thawing 🙂 Part of my 18:6 day. Will do a 3rd 42 hr FD for tomorrow. Happy the scale is moving downward getting rid of my extra pounds brought on by trying to clean out the fridge & freezer before I moved earlier in the summer. Crazy thinking, looking back on it.

    @beedoo – it is interesting how people’s comments and questions can affect us. One thing that was really freeing to me was when it came to me that I didn’t have to answer a question unless I wanted to do so. So for the colleague who asked you what you had for lunch, you could say, “Interesting question”. Maybe she’ll clarify why she’s asking. Sometimes we think something is a possible put down when it could be a simple information question. Either way it’s your choice if you answer. It is sad that nothing would be said if you were gorging on junk.

    @basyjames – what a wonderful whoosh you had!

    Missing you @at! hopefully you’re feeling better.

    @kaywesterman – so when you say nothing much is going on, hopefully Florence isn’t bothering you?

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 14, Gozo, Malta, cd

    Today I weighed at 67.5 kilos.

    For lunch I made a chicken avocado salad with red pepper and onion, lettuce, balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and seasoning. Calories 400.

    For dinner it’s chicken coconut curry. Made with chicken breasts, green and red peppers, potatoes, onion, light coconut milk, curry, cornflower and water. Recipe by Justine Pattinson Easy one pot book without the calories, calories 361 calories.

    I also had a nutty bar and five peaches. Total 1.200 calories.

    I’m happy as it’s below tdee.

    Onwards and downwards, have a great weekend dear friends of this wol.

    Day 14, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Thanks @basyjames for the encouragement. @beedoo – your fruit bowl at work sounds good.

    And @emma Taylor – your massive meal excuse is funny – I’m going to try it.

    Day 14 Canada NFD

    @michelinme yikes typo 😂tonight I’m going to have one glass of wine not 102!
    @bert1802 freedom is a wonderful experience
    @emmataylor I’m going to definitely use the massive meal line

    Have a great weekend!

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