Seeking Mutually Supportive Online Friend

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  • Hello, I am starting to diet again, using a fasting diet, it would be great if there was an online friend where we supported each other regularly. Please contact me if you have the time and inclination and feel you would benefit from this too.
    Am early 60s and female Uk.

    Hi there wiserlady, I am also early 60’s, female, UK and just barely emerging from a frustrating 3 week plateau that I didn’t feel I deserved. So a bit disgruntled, but committed to this process. So, how is it going for you? I’m fairly early in my journey and it’s slow going – but I knew it would be. What’s your weekend looking like?

    Hi Ladies, am just starting the fast diet and also a few months off hitting the big 60!
    How are you both doing? Also live in the UK.

    Hello Ladies, I’m also in the UK and early 60s and am back on the 5:2 train again. I had great success with this when it first made the headlines following the Horizon programme and I have no idea why I ever stopped! I got complacent I think and although I’ve tried other intermittent fasting regimes nothing else works as well for me as the 5:2. So, this is week 2 and so far I’m finding not eating at all on my fasting days a blessed relief! I’m staying off the scales other than once a week as I know it’s going to be slower this time round and not seeing the scales move, or the figures going in the wrong direction, is bad for morale!

    Hi Nicky, it is easy to become complacent, this is my first time trying the 5:2, I know colleagues who have done it with great success. First fasting day, lots of water in the fridge especially as the weather is going to be warm again today. I agree with you about the scales, can be very demoralising if you keep going on them to often, I guess that’s why measurements are helpful.

    Hi Nicky & Nina
    I am a couple of months in now and I don’t find the FD’s too difficult, but man the weight comes off by the teaspoonful!! I think it is the age? That said, it is coming off and I really like this regime. It suits me well. I don’t feel like I am being deprived, because there’s always tomorrow when a slice of cake or a lovely meal out with your buddies can be enjoyed without guilt. I’m down by just over half a stone or 3.5kg and I have another 10kg to go. I know it will be a long haul, but I’m determined. I don’t get on the scales until I’m fairly sure they will show a loss. I refuse to plot a gain on my tracker. So the plots maybe spread out sometimes, but the gradient is ALWAYS DOWN. I had a lovely weekend. My kids were here. We rented a little boat on the Thames and took a brunch picnic. Had a bbq in the garden. All lovely. How was yours? Linda

    Good morning Ladies 😊
    I’m determined to start this week. This was the first post I saw! I’d love to join with you all on this adventure.
    I’m 61 and live in Australia, I was born in Scotland but left when I was 18.
    What days are you fasting? I’m thinking of Tuesday and Thursday? I’d like to lose at least 10kg. What about you?

    Hi Wiserlady. This is Mindy from the US. I would love to join all of you! I am hoping that something will work for me.

    Hi Mindy and @mergirl101 and welcome. I’m Aussie but have lived in UK for 36 years. Where do you live mergirl101? I have an apartment at Palm Beach on the Gold Coast. One of my sisters and Mum also live on the Gold Coast. I’m on an FD today and it’s not proving very easy as I have a raging hangover as well! Overdid it with my buddy who was visiting me yesterday. I usually try for the Monday Thursday FD format – it works best for me, but I’m always prepared to be flexible if social invitations come up and I need to move the day, which I did last week and ended up having a Saturday FD?
    Haven’t been on the scales for a couple of weeks. I lose the weight sooooo slowly I have to feel certain of a loss before I get on the scales because I hate the frustration if I haven’t lost anything.

    Hi all, FD here for me today. I try to stick to Mondays and Thursdays but do move days if I need to. This my third week; I am seeing changes in how my clothes fit already so even though I’m not weighing myself I know I’ve lost a few pounds at least. I don’t eat at all on FDs as I find it easier than trying to stick to 500 calories and drinking lots of water keeps the infrequent hunger pangs at bay. I found that after the first week I naturally don’t want to eat as much as before on non fast days so it’s as if an automatic appetite correction has happened as my body adjusts.

    Good morning from the Sunshine Coast🌞 First FD today, wish me luck 🤞 How much exercise are you all doing?

    hello there Wiselady,

    I will be starting my first fast day tomorrow and feel that a bit of mutual support might help. Like you I am in my early 60, still work 3 days week and not very active on my days off, this I will be changing as I will be taking the dog for really long walks instead of just round the block.

    How have you been finding it.

    Nanny Nita

    Hello to all you other ladies that have replied to wiselady post.

    Hello ladies, is it too late to join you? I’m 59, with almost 5st to lose (I’m 5ft tall hence the username!).

    I lost 4lbs in first week (having already lost a few pounds just doing low carb) on 800 cals per day and am on Day 2 of a 4 day zero calorie fast. This autopaghy thing intrigues me because I have a terrible memory and am hoping maybe I can grow some new brain cells 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    🙏🏻 for success for all of us!

    Did my first fast 500 day on Monday, stuck with it even though I had massive headache which I think may have been caused by the drop in sugar intake. Wed was my second fast day this was a better day. I made the day 2 chick stir fry for my evening meal, it was really tasty and I will be making it again soon.

    How’s things going for everyone else?

    Hi Nanny Nita, Congratulations on your first 500 day. Your headache may have been dehydration, we need to drink a lot more on fast days.
    Best wishes for your next fast day.

    Hi everyone, I’m starting my first FD on Monday. I lost over 1st on 5:2 when it was first introduced and I have no idea why I fell off the wagon! However, interestingly, regaining the weight was a much slower process than on any of the many other diets I have tried over the years. I’m in my late 60s now so I really need to keep healthy and active. I have ordered the shakes for my FDs and would be interested to know how others have found them… Keep up the good work everyone ☺️

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