Sauna, Steam, or Hot Tub use while fasting

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Sauna, Steam, or Hot Tub use while fasting

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  coldpizza 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • This happened a while back and I haven’t tried the Sauna or Steam Room since.

    After 30 hours of fasting I went to the pool for a short swim and then went into the sauna after about 10 minutes I was so dizzy I had to get assistance to leave. After a minute or two outside the dizziness passed though I was a bit shaky. A quick plunge back into the pool and I was ok.

    Anyone have issues with Sauna, Steam or hot tub usage while fasting? Is it a good idea or bad idea or ……

    I have used Saunas as part of cleansing rituals before fasting for spiritual purposes and have never encountered a problem.

    This was the first and only time I’ve been in the Sauna while on a fast.

    It seems that if you go into a sauna etc on an empty stomach, your increased metabolism, caused by the heat, can drop your blood pressure. On top of that, all your little blood vessels are opening in the heat. So it is no surprise that you might feel dizzy and ready to faint.

    I do 36 hours water fasting. I often feel cold during fasting days, so on evenings I love to take hot bath for about 15 min. It makes me warm, relaxed, and helps to sleep better. Also, some people saying that during hot bath the toxins go out of the body thru skin. I believe it is true, because the bath helps if I have a headache during fasting.
    I also love steam rooms, and I visit them once or twice per week. However, a faster needs to remember that during the fasts he could be dehydrated. During steam room visit, you will lose more water. This could create dizziness.

    We are all so different, what is good for one, might be not working well for another.
    For me, it is always good idea to take a hot bath, or visit steam room during the fasts.

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